Warrior DPS Guide for Season of Discovery Phase 2

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hey everybody today I'm going to teach you how to do as much damage as possible as a warrior in phase two of season of Discovery Warriors are a bit weaker in phase two compared to casters right now but you can actually kind of compete with them if you play it right in this video I'll go over talents gearing consumables important raid Buffs and debuffs the rotation and how to do some specific fights uh with fight by fight commentary and ner if you have any questions feel free to hit me up on Twitch the link will be in the description uh I stream basically daily and it's mostly classic wild content so the first thing up is the spec right now I'm playing two-handed arms with an axe uh two-handed arms really shines and cleave because of sing strikes being extremely powerful and on high armor bosses because of deep wounds deep wounds will ignore boss armor so it's really strong against the high armor bosses of neron later on when bosses are a lot faster um there could be a switch to Fury and do Fury specifically because of Death Wish You know the shorter the fight is the the longer you have Death Wish up the higher up time you have the 20% damage buff but right now uh this is performing the best out of all the specs it's really important to have an axe because ax spec is extremely powerful because of deons scaling off of crits there is an alternative spec you can play to this where you don't take mortal strike um and instead you opt for quick strike and blood surge uh my train of thought is that the bosses have high armor and you're not going to have the rage to just Spam quick strikes and you're kind of is going to be sitting there doing nothing uh you miss out on Mortal strike also which isn't incredibly good but you know it's still something to press you know you can go an entire fight a 30 40 second fight spamming these quick strikes and having no blood Surge procs and you're just hitting this 150 damage quick strike before the quick Strike Nerf I suppose this to be the best spec but since quick strike got nerfed I'm just going to stick to the arms moral strike spe uh for the gearing this this is going to be your period B you really want to have an axe if you can't get warwind axe you can get ravager there's no reason not to be able to get warwind axe though if you're Alliance you should opt for bone biter but I'm an orc so I use warino bone biter is a quest axe from Scarlet Monastery the helmet is from Scarlet Monastery the NEC is from BFD if you can't get this you can get a tiger green or let's just check I guess this if you're hoard and you're questing for the crown of Wills if you have War song rep you can get the um agility neck from war song the shoulders are from a quest and feralis the cloak is from the STV event chest is from another Quest if you have the blacksmithing chest from Phase 1 BFD I wouldn't bother getting this they're about the same and this Quest is from a level 50 Elite um the bracers are War song exalted a lot of people don't have that so some alternatives are let's see um I just got the green braces from SC Monastery these they drop from Cathedral the boss to the side we talked about the weapon the gloves are also from aest and feros belt is from a rare and RFD you have another skull Monastery item short Quest War song rep a lot of this stuff comes from Phase One Like War song rep and some um BFD loot but it's not a huge deal like the upgrades aren't it's not that big a deal you can get some pretty decent altern uh for Rings let's see what we have here if you're hoarde you can get this ring it's still really good and I don't know any of these for the B setup here's what you're going to use you really want to be blacksmithing and Engineering for the helm and the belt these are both extremely good there's no really there's not really any alternatives for these I mean there's the weapon skill belt for the belt but it's whatever and uh one important thing is that you go for the leather set so if you get a tier item you want to trade it in for the leather the leather just has more stats on it the plate is itemized for tanking this is item for DPS you're going to go with the Epic axe obviously these gloves against Mechanicals if you're not fighting Mechanicals you can use the other gloves uh these right here I guess one thing is if you're not orc you can probably just use the power lifting belt for the weapon skill but since we're orc the weapon skill isn't as strong for enchants we just have these are really the only enchants you can take dismantle is being like buffed and nerfed constantly so I don't really know how strong it is right now I'm switching to weapon damage because not every boss is mechanical that about rounds up the gear I'll have Links of these in the description probably a little more about runes uh the only viable chest Rune right now is flagellation it is by far the best Rune you can use it's just going to give you a massive damage increase for the leg run since we're using a two we're going to take frenzy to Salt consumed by rage has been nerfed so we're probably never going to take that with the twoand this is just flat out better I talked a little bit about endless rage and quick strike but right now inless R seems to be the play as you get better gear you might be able to switch to Quick strike on the lower armor bosses just so you have something like to press when you don't have Whirlwind blood thirst sorry mortal strike and slam so you can just press quick strikes instead of hamstring and the waist room is precise timing just for slams since we're arms we don't really get that much use out of blood surge because we're not going to be using blood thirst and Mortal strike doesn't proc blood surge we're also not heroic striking much because we're using a two Ender so we just take precise timing and for the foot room you just take ring cry because it's I mean it's just the best in a raid now for the consumables we want to have Elixir vagility which is just going to be plus 15 agility uh we want a scroll of strength three instead of this Elixir this is an elixir of ogre strength which is plus eight strength it's worse but it's a lot cheaper scrolls are kind of rare and they're pretty expensive so I'm not using them right now I don't have any gold I don't even my professions of hold so uh we have dragon breath chili which is your food buff it'll just have a chance to proc fire damage you can see at some point it's going to proc like 100 something damage 138 137 here and there Warriors have rage potions you really want to have these and a pinch sometimes you just have no rage and you need something to press to get your rage back and you have rage PO for that oil of emulation can also be very very good the problem with oil of emulation though is it resets your swing timer so you want to use it at the right after you finish a swing or you'll lose out on damage using these over the course of a fight can add like actually a lot of DPS but they're very expensive and as you can see I'm I'm not bothering to use them right now cuz it's just too much for me um then for raid Buffs there's a couple of extremely important raid Buffs that you basically cannot do damage without first being homunculus if you don't have a preor group using homunculus and you have to suer you're basically just going to just do significantly less damage homunculus is one of the best abilities in the game but unfortunately a lot of priests don't take it because they have to compete with prayer of mending and prayer mending is also just like a really strong heal for them next up is wind Fury totem or wild strikes which is from a shaman or a feral J if you're Alliance you have to take a feral J uh Warrior is completely unplayable with that wind Fury and you'll never do damage without it um next up we have leader of the pack this is kind of something extra that ferals ring if they're spect to it not as important as wind Fury or homunculus and then we have more armor debuffs in fairy fire and C of recklessness the unfortunate truth is that not every raid is going to have these debuffs so like like you're not going to be able to do as much damage if you don't have these debuffs that's just how it is that's how 10- men rating is it's hard to fit all these classes in the raid without you know scuffing some other person like right now we don't have cursive elements for the fire Mage and the El Shaman it's just the unfortunate reality I mean there's really nothing you can do about it unless you're making the group yourself uh since we're hoard we have a shaman for strength of Earth in our group Alliance are going to want probably two paladins one for might and one for salvation maybe you don't need salvation and you can just take Kings instead but for Kings we have a hunter using aspect of the Lions 10% stat buff it's extremely extremely good not as big as wind Fury but it's very good uh and last but not least we have mangle well it might be least actually which is 30% bleed damage from a feral Druid there's some other Buffs you can get too but they're not really I mean you have trador from a Marksmanship Hunter but right now that Speck is pretty dead because melee Hunter is extremely overtuned and then we have World Buffs which is right now just the neron buff and Dark Moon fair you can get dark moon fair in mulgore or el1 Forest depending where it is that week and then it's not always up and the world buff drops in orar and Iron Forge I'm going to do just a quick overview of the rotation it's not going to be very accurate because the mobs have Zero armor and I have no raid buff so the rage will be different but just have some like General things to do before I jump into the commentary so first and foremost you always want to have battle shell up you should have this up before the boss fight and if it falls off mid boss fight you should reapply it pretty straightforward second up you should be running into the bosses with full rage yeah if you can't do that then I guess you'll just have to rage PO on pull but um really try to pull before bosses sometimes you're going to be in a pug where they're just going slowly and you can't do that it's whatever so the main thing you want to do as a warrior is manage your rage um your abilities have different like ra damage per rage values so for example slam and Mortal strike do about the same damage but slam cost half as much rage so in Rage star scenarios you're going to want to PR slam over mortal strike but other than that you're going to Mortal strike slam Whirlwind you want to use as many uses of Berserker rage and blood rage as possible throughout a fight you don't want to be losing out on these usages or you're going to be losing damage same with blood Fury and other stuff um basically you're going to run a run in full rage uh if you have full rage you're going to run with Rog strike and hit a probably a slam and then you're gonna well you're going run with blood rage and then do all this and you're just going to use this on cool down it's pretty simple the thing that gets most Warriors is they will overuse heroic strike and it's going to completely gut your damage especially on the higher armor bosses when you have lower rage if you're using hero strike a lot you will not have rage to use your other much more efficient buttons that do more damage uh one more thing is overpower overpower is probably your best button to press but it's kind of scary to lose all your rage to go over overpower so you want to dump as much rage as possible on Berserker sense before you go battle sense to overpower and that would involve using hero strike using hamstring if you don't have mortal strik SL we one up and then once you get to execute you're just going to press execute if you're really low rage you can use slam because slam is actually more rage efficient than execute otherwise you're just going to press execute and you can overpower during execute it's actually pretty easy to do it because execute will dump all your rage and you'll switch to battle and then you'll overpower and switch back to Berserker sent and begin get again you want to a little bit in Max I guess you want to prioritize like if you're going to press blood rage you want to have like all your buttons close to being up and for example if you're like on a CLE fight and you press uh blood rage you can get two whirl ons inside your flagellation if you do it right before but uh let's just get into some commentary now I'm just going to walk you through some of these fights and kind of walk you through my thought process on grabus you want to pull rage before the boss spawns you don't actually need to kill these you move them to the cloud and the cloud will kill them after the third wave on this side you can spawn Camp the boss for maximum up time as soon as he's up provided your casters press their buttons don't mind the fat finger here on the rage pot you want to run in with a Berserker rage prepped and a hero strike this fight's going to be around 30 seconds most I guess most raids will kill him in about 40 40 plus seconds which means if you Berserker rage on pull blood rage after you can Berserker rage again before the fight ends meaning you'll get like really high flation of time I'm going to run in with a mortal strike I actually didn't hero strike him I meant to but I didn't cuz I guess I didn't uh I don't know I should have because I don't want to overcap rage uh since I have full rage I proba mortal strike if I was in a lower rage situation I would proba slam because slam does a lot more damage for rage than mortal strike when you have limited rage I'm going to press uh Berserker rage here and blood Fury uh you can throw this dynamite whenever it doesn't really matter it doesn't interrupt your swing time or anything I actually fat finger battle sense and try to overpower CU I can't really see which mob I got dodged on after the Berserker rage I blood rage try to fit in as many globals as possible during the blood rage as you can see here I'm a little bit overcapped on Rage or not overa but um risking capping and since I have endless rage I don't really have anything to press so I press hamstring to fish for a wind Fury or deepoon sprock and since I figured I would overcap r with that auto attack also throw hero strike get dodged here luckily switch to battle s overpower switch back immediately before you Auto attack so you get rage in Berserker stance and then just execute he's about to die and I'm spamming Berserker ra somewhere last execute gets buff with filation and yeah that's about it ideally you want to rage pot when you need rage and not fat finger un pull that' be really good if you're really in maxing you can emulation Ora too but you need to or oil of emulation but you need to be careful because this resets your swing timer here we have viscus Fallout he's pretty similar to grubas and that he has low armor and dies really fast you're going to go in Berserker rage per strike on pull so you don't overcap rage um the important thing for this boss is like about 10 seconds in he's going to spawn ads and you really want to have Berserker rage or you really want to have filation and sleeping strikes up for this you can't sweeping strikes early because if you sweeping strikes and you hit them you will lose a charge and not sweep onto anything so you need to wait for the ads to come up so what I want to what I should do here is blood rage sweeping strikes switch to Berserker stance rage pot and Whirlwind but I m all that up so I'm going to rage pot supering strikes Berserker stance and I don't press blood rage here what I should have done is press blood rage flagellation will double dip souping strikes meaning that you're going to hit harder and your supering strike is going to hit harder and your supering strikes duplicates your auto attack or your attack I guess so that's what I should have done I miss out on a lot of damage by not having flation up here it was just misplay I don't know I guess I was panicking because I don't want the ads to spread out throwing a grenade here is also really good a solid Dynamite or dense D whatever's the highest right now you see did extra 11100 damage it's just literally free damage right now I'm focusing on you know just pressing my buttons and positioning myself to Cle I see this one's going to get in way I want to walk over and cleave this then hopefully I just berserk rage here for another flatulation just execute away execute at level 40 is actually pretty efficient I think it's more rage efficient than mortal strike at 30 rage it is less rage efficient than slam so if you have time to slam and you're low rage you can slam if you don't you can just Spam execute yeah important takeaways for that fight just make sure you have supering strikes up with with PL relation for the ad spawn here's CR pumer this fight's not really much different there's nothing special just PR pressing your buttons on cool down it's a high armor boss so the rage is kind of bad so you have to be really careful not to her strike too much or hamstring too much I'm going to chain flagellation during my blood Fury one thing to note is like when you get these overpowers off you have a 5-sec window to overpower so in that 5 Seconds you want to dump as much rage as possible before switching stances so right here I actually misplayed I should have mortal strike before I went to uh Battle Stance to overpower but I Whirlwind did it's not that much of a difference but just a little minor thing and as you can see I'm probably going to swing in Battle Stance so I swing in Battle Stance here I have full rage I want to dump this rage before I go back to Berserker I'm just getting chain procs I tried to HRI to DP my rage I can't sitting in Battle Stance you would rather sit in battle St and overpower than get a few globals off in Berserker stance his overpower is just incredibly strong it has plus 50% chance to crit and with the spec having so much damage based on deep wounds is just like a really really good button to press finally I dump as much rage as I can Dr to about 35 before I go back to Berserker s which is fine remember if you're ever like star for rage you can rage I should probably rage plot now I do end up rage plotting I actually didn't need to rage PL there because I don't have any buttons to press up so I could have saved it for execute but it's it's fine to just R like that cuz I don't have a mortal strike or a warl one coming up anytime soon I would have had another Auto te before then here we go again I get an overpower proc spend all my rage I actually don't go to battle I didn't think I would make it and he was close enough to execute where I didn't risk it and hind side I probably should have overpowered there here I just get destroyed on rage so I'm hitting slams otherwise it' be spamming execute and done goes C electrocutioner is just another single Target boss it's the same as the other ones except he has lower armor than Crow pumer I believe so you can like spend more rage on hero strikes and hamstrings if you can here I actually pop the battle chicken before combat you don't need to do this obviously if you don't have it but it's just free damage run it with full Rage of course I'm going to run with Berserker rage because it fits the I mean you should just always try to have Max up time on this if you're missing out on casts of blood rage and Berserker rage you're really screwing yourself starting off the fight with a huge overpower back to berser stance you see I'm I'm at 98 rage all my buttons are up I want to dump rage to overpower so I'm her striking here I don't want to miss this overpower i' would rather overpower than press any other button another overpower go back to battle go back to Berserker before my swing finishes because I want to have rage and zerker stance now I have nothing's up and I feel like I can safely spend some extra rage on hamstring for wind fury procs because I have a rage pot as a backup so I just hamstring here I think I do end up getting a wind Fury proc same thing here flag relation comes back up as you can see like Warrior on these like moderate armor fights is actually perfectly fine it's only the high armor fights where it gets really rough another overpower it's really important to switch back to berser sense as fast as possible if you if you're under 25 rage when you overpower so like I'm going to overpower here and immediately switch back so when I auto attack I get the rage and Berserker sent so I don't lose it another overpower I do have a rage pot up coming up and I do have flagellation for the entire execute phase at this point I'm pretty sure you should not be mortal striking in execute phase I think a 30 rage execute is going to do more damage than mortal strike so you should just execute I think fill it up with a end it up with a blood rage and he's dead mechanical manager is another fight where War you can really shine because there's targets to cleave and Whirlwind sleeping stri is really really strong on pull it can be a little bit sketchy to run in in Whirlwind cuz because of threat but ideally you would run in Whirlwind in Berserker sense dump your rage switch to battle and blood rage after your sleeping strikes you always want to pair sing strikes with flation cuz once again like you want to fit as much damage in when you're doing more damage right and supering Strikes is an extra five Auto attacks it's nice that Berserker R lines up with supering strikes so I try to always just use these at the same time and use blood rage in the downtime ideally uh I blood rage to fit in two whirlwinds but I don't I don't really know if I'm in Max that in the future you should blood rage right before a whirlwind so you can fit two whirlwinds in per flatulation on this fight I try to step over here to hit this with oral one I think I end up getting a four Target hit important thing is not to overs spam cleave cleave might seem like it's a good ability to use and it is if you have extra rage but it's never going to be better than mortal Striker slam it's just not um cleave makes it so that you're not generating rage from your auto attack unless you get a wind Fury proc whereas the other two don't so there's a big opportunity to cost with it right here obviously every time supering strik comes up you're looking to press sweeping strikes so I end up not having enough rage I actually rage pot for one Rage which is probably a mistake I should have just waited Berserker rage Whirlwind one nice thing to have is the overpower on name plates we or I'll probably link it in the description it makes it so that say you Whirlwind and the off Target gets dodged you know that you can switch to it and overpower it for free damage like I do right here perfect example I Whirlwind it gets dodged I Target it and overpowered for free I don't know probably a thousand damage supering strike comes back up supering strike zerker rage you don't really need to pry anything during sing strikes uh one thing you don't want to do during sing strikes is hamstring or Pummel if you can avoid it everything else is fine should probably looking to throw a grenade here actually do and hits three targets cuz the X spawns one more important thing is to always be hitting the target with homunculus if you can and try to have the casters pry other targets right here I end up having to switch because the target is too low because I'm on it with debuffs and hamulus actually ends up switching so it's kind of cool clear these all down and yeah that's 520 DPS with no world Buffs no one in the raid had World Buffs because we had an unfortunate wipe it shows like the warrior is just really really good at CLE situations like that oh one thing extra you can do in managerie is actually use oil ulation after every swing if you have enough gold for it it's going to be an extra like hundreds of damage every time you press it but that's like an extra like you know try hard thing to do and now mecher I mean it's going to be the same thing just fit as many blood rage berserk rages in as possible use your buttons as often as possible try not to waste your rage always get really excited when you see an overpower prob oh one one little Max you could do is you can walk towards the bombs to hit them with your Whirlwind it's just free damage and it kills the bomb so your range don't have to deal with it now he phases try to I shouldn't have slamed it I should have just Auto attacked it because the Slime is overkill and the overkill won't count on logs and I just could have gotten raage from it a lot of people have you fat face too but you can just PVP trink get the slow and rage poot instead which is what I did yeah nothing special here just same old button presses throughout the whole fight yeah that's about it um in the coming weeks if I end up getting weapons I'll probably try to play dual wield and make a dual with video but at the moment I think I think arms is just the best right now as the fights get shorter and your gear gets better Death Wish is going to just become better by default relative to Arms CU Death Wish is just such an incredible cool down and yeah that's all
Channel: Ahlaundoh
Views: 86,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oqLinrXM6Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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