MAFIA 3 FASTER BABY! DLC All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD

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oh you sure see him oh God damn it okay get your ass home in one piece MJ you all right far [ __ ] from it Sinclair Paris that mean anything to you nothing good for black folks anyway shff department down there still think thinks Jim Crow is a law of land so we building a civil rights case against him been working with an attorney out of Washington DC knows people in the FBI that what that call was about one of my men namiel dangers was down there meeting with folks getting him to gree to testify against the sheriff's department he was compiling evidence testimony getting folks names we're going to turn it over to that attorney then he ran into a [ __ ] named Sheriff Walter slim Bowman I was on the phone with him when it happened I'm getting ready to leave now I know yeah okay kind of laid out ain't it are you having car trouble no sir everything's fine why don't you come on out here and let me get a look at you what you doing around St Clair this time and night passing through sir passing through that's nice it's beautiful night for passing through ain't it who's that on the phone my mama y mama she worries just letting her know what to expec me That's mighty nice I bet she appreciates that yes sir it is a beautiful [Music] night don't let me keep it especially what with your mama waiting and all yeah Jesus and another brother Falls Lincoln this is my daughter Roxy she grew up in Atlanta with the mother pleasure to meet you I'm Lincoln Lincoln clay I know Daddy I already told you I can handle this on my own there's too much at stake the case people's lives can't take any chances heard you ripped Dixie Mafia a new [ __ ] left one of them hanging from a feris wheel he killed someone close to me seemed like a good way to pay him back sliming them [ __ ] who work for him Dixie Mafia ain't nothing compared to them we do this you do what I say when I say it yes ma'am uh the two of you need to get on down to Sinclair parish and get that folder when you got it bring it here meet me outside when you ready to go your ass is driving she was supposed to be with zekiel blames herself for what happened blame's an easy thing to put on hell of a lot harder to take off we'll get this done of that I have no doubt Sinclair Parish yeah I remember Sinclair Parish you need to understand back then uh local police sheriff departments they operated with absolute impunity and no one operated with more impunity than Sheriff Walter bont bont used his power to keep Sinclair Parish white places like that were called Sundown counties if you were black and caught around there after dark well that would be the last time anyone ever saw you well let's go my pops gave me to rund down on how you two [ __ ] up those Dicky [ __ ] what you did do set that was St cold did what had to be done yeah I'm sure you did but listen if one of these Sinclair deputies ever tried to pull you over don't stop they'll kill you and me without a thought boo police don't exactly walk around giving black folks hugs now ain't no disrespect my brother but take out slim like you did Richie du set and in their minds that's just going to justify everything they be doing that's going to make [ __ ] even worse but you you ready to just go out and kill them all huh no just the ones that [Music] matter 222 on County Road fous driver identified back up p over you kidding me move man move [ __ ] let me [Applause] try t the back up thought you wanted to keep a low profile yeah well he on our ass now so a low profile UNC coming gone now get us the [ __ ] out of here yes [Applause] [Music] ma'am oh unit Pursuit is called off abandon search and return to patrols purs let's get on them and return to Jesus Christ Roxy I've dealt with [ __ ] cops before but God damn they rather ice your black ass as soon as look at you now I get what you've been saying those [ __ ] are a whole new brand of intense and keep your eyes open for more kigs as we he through town MJ Farm is up ahead what's MJ like Sinclair born and raised he a white boy looking to make a difference you trust him of course I trust him although I think he got more balls than S sounds like my kind of people this it up here yeah [Music] they need a place lay low send them my way look after yourself ain't you twoo shot to [Music] behold yeah we just a regular old Beauty and the Beast Lincoln here is beauty name's MIT but most folks call me MJ how's the drive in got a warm welcome from the Sinclair Sheriff's Department God damn [ __ ] since the thing was Ezekiel Slims had them high alert when'd you get back a few months ago this is my ticket home lost part of my stomach it's about about a year ago shra he would got hit by an RPG and next thing I know I'm on the ground with part of the Tail Road is sticking out of me this helps with the pain God damn so my best work that c friend of yours got us a line on our missing folder Mickey yeah Tomy Slims got it locked up down at the station don't suppose there's an easy way in and out of there no not unless you invisible the [ __ ] don't leave much a chance so I should probably wait until it's dark try to get in when most of those [ __ ] have gone home for the day that's what I was thank you Slim's a slippery bastard unpredictable so I'm going tag along and help you B things I'm going be waiting for you outside appreciate it and MJ might want to get in touch with that cop friend of yours tell him to call in sick oh that [ __ ] long [Laughter] [Music] gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the sheriff station usually is Skilling cre this time night surprised you didn't go in and snatch the files yourself I thought about it but I suppose you deserve to have a little fun ay you gous don't FR I'll be keeping a bird out you on things from nearby give you heads up any way I [Applause] can all right just me up here cool I'll grab the files where should we meet I'll can make my way back to the and Lincoln keep your head down all right since the day I was [Music] born God knows what kind of action's going on under the hood you touch that car you've been in it I thought so all your shift's done I want you to take a rag and wipe it down any place you might have touch and anywhere else for that matter you're a whole lot less trouble for [Music] everybody I got it you having some trouble over there nothing I can't handle meet you back at MJS all right and keep the cops off your ass a m of deputies coming through the back gate watch your [Music] [Applause] [Music] ass that's [Applause] boys be on the look out for a cullet mail in the vicinity of the station suspects potentially armed Sarah says don't worry about going J just get his propy back I was wondering when you was going to show up you doubt this boy from the hollow let's just say I'm still surprised you ain't [ __ ] it up give me time sure I find a way let made some notes inside highlighted a few names [ __ ] slim already gone to work some of these people done go missing which means they're probably dead he knows the names of the people we've been talking to God damn it we've been working at this for almost a year putting everything together piece by piece for to all fall apart now ain't nothing falling apart we always knew the [ __ ] hit back these folks gave their life thinking we was going to see this through we still got the pictures the written testimony we ain't going to let slim worm his way out of this so what's our next move I'm going call the folks on this listen and tell them get the [ __ ] out of s Clair after that we going to see about slim and his [ __ ] [Music] friends [Music] thank you you got a minute I need some help getting some fertilizer in here no problem like it any old [ __ ] can grow some skunk weed in their backyard takes an artist to get in there stop mixing strains and [ __ ] got to respect a man with a passion been growing long since I got back VA shring said I was suffering from intrusive thoughts couldn't get down with the meds he gave me so I started growing shared my first crop with some friends and we travels fast good weed does that cops cops are so focused on keeping St Clair white they haven't noticed the new shade of green popping up lucky you plus I kind of got a referral system so I don't have to worry about any old [ __ ] talking to the cops so you got a pipeline in the new Bordeaux nah you know someone who might be interested I might we'll talk more once things settle down around here thank you for the help want to take a hit you shouldn't have [ __ ] you put your foot in this boy God damn right well let me see if Roxy needs help dig into through the files that could take a minute enjoy that we should talk business later [Music] [Music] spe hope you pack the coat man cuz there's a goddamn [ __ ] blizzard headed our way got in touch with everybody in there except three people Andy life Gina pson Eddie Hanahan slim cornered them cut him off only a matter of time for he move in and that's just the start of it whole parish is lock down no one gets in or out without slim say so like I said it's a [ __ ] blizzard the [ __ ] we going to do those three you know where they at yeah we got somebody watching them if you charge in guns blazing it's just going to get them killed but if Roxy and I pick up a ride Bust Around Sinclair kicking up dust [ __ ] ain't going to be able to resist a chance to hook a couple [ __ ] On The Run exactly and while all eyes are on us MJ steals around town grabs those three and brings them back here you think you can handle that [ __ ] yeah I can got something else that'll help my night cop zekiel was driving her when he got gu we seal her back ain't no way she ain't going to turn heads what's the impound lot like about what you expect man cops alarms big ass fence Ain like we trying to bust into the Federal Reserve or something yeah right I got to go call my old man tell him what's going on you come find me when you ready to head out all right [ __ ] [ __ ] blizzard get the witnesses keep your head down MJ 10 Sant no yep blank here pop I'll call you when we done you ready come on well come on let's go get my car get T talk for me Dad you can say that he wanted to remind me of the self-sufficiency of a revolutionary black woman his black ass way of saying don't get shot well you ain't wrong so what's the plan for getting your car it start on a dead man switch I do who needs a dead man switching their car Lincoln I'm partial to my wheels point is is I'm the only one that can get my bab started so you and me need to get into that lot I'll get a running and we'll get moving probably going to set off some alarms yeah well that'll be our cute H ass out of there you know what we should keep our heads low while we inside let's sneak in get my car and try not to get shot well I didn't get to finish it what let's get my baby and go call all units reports of an intruder at the impound lot suspect is a c male approximately 6 fet tall you should be considered armed and dangerous they got us [ __ ] in use the ramp yes theight crawl is back baby go left guess that's all look all right we about to do our thing Mr MJ you ready St ready good we're fixing the raise a little hell give you time to get the first Witness let us know where you got temp I'll be in touch let's tear up clct MJ do your thing time to see what kind of damage your car can do Rox Sheriff slim B reaching out to our new Dan don't even know if y'all can hear me we ain't used to our C being this rambunctious inin CL I'm looking forward to giving y'all an education lay out FL order Che bont out oh red neck rolling [Applause] in now you can make it char sh fin stay on our asses that ain't going to last long it's all need an assist with the focing more deputies follow me to the scrapyard I got a little Exit Plan head up [Applause] this better work him Jak keep's going [Applause] straight MJ you Wy [ __ ] didn't I tell you more balls than since we ought to RP at the farm you driving your baby godamn right look like you half knew how to drive thanks Roxy I'll see you back at the farm they go Jesus [ __ ] no idea where they're going [Music] though to get to as yesterday tell Roxy we're ready when she is you got it hey hey Andy going to be okay okay well lucky for him Yours Truly has a bit of field medicine training can thank my old man for that going to ride with MJ do my best to keep them comfortable well y'all better haul ass only a matter of time before slim and his boys sniff this place out let's roll Roxy [ __ ] the folder can you grab it from the house sure thing I'll meet you back at Lavo with it watch your ass Mr Clay cuz I won't be there to watch it for you that rock so stings don't it boy I spent long hours thinking about putting a bullet in your head but then it can't why I hand you over to my friends here let them take the time with you looks like your crack ass friends decided to bust out the Halloween costumes they slim didn't I tell y'all this something was special your people split boy sure they might have gotten a few Witnesses out of St Clair but this this is what's really important without it just going to be the word of some goddamn [ __ ] against the word of a God-fearing white man after it's all said and done hell I'll probably get elected governor glad to see you haven't lost your ambition you know what the problem with you people is you still think you can win that you got something to win but it ain't never going to come to pass wants a filthy [ __ ] always a filthy [ __ ] go on have your fun oh still [ __ ] God damn where' that come from [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] don't worry about me baby I got The High Ground you get slam remember we need him alive run that [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] got to reload somebody get fire on that sharp shooter R you cockro [ __ ] what of y'all do talk about that [ __ ] St your days are done you way out of L boy sh [ __ ] trying to split cut through the field you got nine lives or something your ass to talk you lucky we saw that fire when we was driving [Applause] [Music] out [Applause] relo get the fire on that [ __ ] sucker I [Music] feel we got most that son of a [ __ ] is getting too too far ahead of us don't you let them [ __ ] trash my [Music] carop FL don't let slim get [Applause] away let's run while you have the [Applause] chance it ain't like that Jimmy's a small Target tag him that's right while you have the chance it ain't like that jimy is a small Target tag him son of a watch the paint watch the [Applause] paint don't let this corn pole con [ __ ] out drive you [Music] baby you know who you [ __ ] with [Applause] boy got company on our ass you know who you [ __ ] with [Applause] boy you ain't leaving St CL parents alive boy son of a [ __ ] is getting too far ahead of [Applause] us get close enough for me to take the [Applause] [Applause] shot ain't no more running [Applause] [Music] Slim come on boy I got something for you oh yeah I got something for you boy you hear me boy you hear you [ __ ] is funny I thought I'd die on my front porch rocking chair well go on finish it no killing you won't accomplish anything but letting you live making you answer for the [ __ ] you done that's where the change begins besides besides you got a figure being a wi racist cops going to make you real popular on the cell block I know people I know powerful people I ain't going [Music] no come on I think it's about time we get the hell out of sincl [Applause] [Music] Parish individual let's go and get slim back to my dad please slim boys is coming up P [Applause] up we got both [Applause] [Music] dep [Applause] [Music] don't you let them [ __ ] CR my [Applause] PO got company on our [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ass wo [Applause] dang [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jaob don't you let them [ __ ] trash my [Applause] car you got this baby bye bye [Applause] [Music] baby [Applause] here got company on our [Applause] [Applause] ass ready toil here he is d't [ __ ] [Applause] sh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all unit Pursuit is called offand search and return to patrols repeat Pursuit is let's go and get slim back by dad pleas hey you m Roxy H be a hell of a lot better when we get slam bman under lock and keepy you did real good linoln [Applause] clay [Applause] just park us up [Applause] ahead where do you want slim I'm going to take it from here go and check in with my dad he need to know what's going on son sooner or later you going to have to learn how to duck B mind he's still breathing his ass is out in the garage Roxy handle herself all right [ __ ] she was better than all right that girl is bad lvo uhhuh well you did your part so you going to stick around we could use your help just saying you always got a place with a slinking it was nice seeing you again lvo sooner or later you going to have to live your life again don't forget that come in hey heading now just wanted to say you okay yeah so actually no I ain't okay part of me wonders if any of this going to even matter we take out that [ __ ] slim and all I see is pain ugliness in the world someone once told me that if all you look for in the world is evil it's all you're ever going to see truth is Roxy Lavo you are one of the brightest lights I have ever never known don't let the world take that away from you on for
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 411,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima
Id: adndk3xNauw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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