Henry Tomasino All Cutscenes Mafia 2 - All Scenes With Henry Tomasino

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hey where are you been I came right over as soon as you called what's going on remember the wiseguys we used to see when we was kids yeah why the guy we're meeting here was one of them his name's Henry Thomas II know I think he's got something big for us yeah no [ __ ] yeah we done with the small-time jobs it's time to make some real shuttle yeah he's coming don't say nothing stupid hey hey Joe mr. guy yeah this is veno an old friend oh good to meet you Amy you vouch for him absolutely Harry trust them with my life okay listen I got a job for you the money is good I need gas stamps got what the fortune not because of the gas shortage where can we get him any office of Price Administration that's a federal government agency isn't that a little risky why'd too much for you no no no just trying to think of how we can pull it off I can't be that hard the stamps are kept in the safe at night but the keys are probably around here somewhere you got somebody inside yeah one of our guys this sister works there can she help us out rescue yourself my name's Maria and yellow is the address tell our Savior all right what about safe what if the keys aren't there that's your problem what's the job pay I'll give you 600 bucks for ten thousand gallons worth the stamps okay we're in now any video to do this alone I got another job for you Joe so what do you say Bo yeah sure hey you don't forget to take a piece with you you never know what's gonna happen better to be safe than sorry wait wait wait this isn't some liquor store stick-up I want this to be a clean job if you kill anybody you cut drops to a third Bobby [ __ ] I got it no problem okay when you're done you come back and we'll settle up all right I see good luck Vito well how'd you break up things got out of hand there's nothing I could do about it we had an agreement remember you only get 1/3 of the money if there's any shootin huh let's see we got here ah [ __ ] something wrong you bet your ass there's something wrong these stamps you took have an expiration date and that date is tomorrow so uh what exactly does that mean it means they're gonna be [ __ ] worthless but wait if you can get them to the gas station attendants by midnight they'll be able to stamp them and redeem them you'd better bring them to every gas station in town they got to get there by midnight or we're screwed you don't sell them in time you get nothing wait a minute that wasn't our deal you didn't say anything about any expiration dates well [ __ ] happens doesn't it look you pulled this off I won't forget it trust me now get going the faster you unload them the more money you get [Music] without you bit laying around in bed all day I'm entitled to a little rest after that last job don't you think what can I get you sir when Alberto hears about this the [ __ ] is gonna hit the fan they leave you mate so uh heard you didn't score too big less that wasn't exactly my fault [ __ ] happen ice come on relax fellas there's a high risk business you don't like it can always go break your back working for peanuts down at the docks sorry area was just breaking balls you know how about tonight we still on for what we talked about yesterday in a minute already here do it who was that somebody you don't need to know right now I've I listen up does it I was the boss somebody the bar the top with some big jewellery store is not paying it back fast enough we're gonna collect this payment tonight in jewels but a little extra for our trouble Joe filament the jewelry stores in the shape of wall in the middle of town there's no guards at night so all we got to do is pick the lock and waltz right it sounds a little too simple because it is simple why is everything got to be so [ __ ] complicated would you says the guy who can barely change a light don't worry I thought of everything I got these phone company uniform so we can pretend to be fixing something there enough let's go all right we're gonna Rob this [ __ ] blind all we gotta do is wait until dark hey fellas right hey Beto this is Lucca Guarino he'd like to talk to you and Joe Luka this is Vito good to meet you mr. green oh no need to be so formal call me Luca legacy below [Music] what can I get you Saint Bing I'm married and I Rita I heard about you running with the mix quick [ __ ] story and I want to congratulate you through a job well done Salo a salute you guys did a hell of a job not too many guys got the stomach for this line of work so now I'm wondering if he was ready to take the next step yeah sure uh what next step I'm talking about taking somebody out just cuz someone points his finger at him and tells you to do it I was in the war mr. green oh all I did was kill people I was told to kill people the president pointed his finger at the president yeah but you're you're talking about the Krauts hey you know they're bad guys that's not what I mean I understand yeah I understand good we need guys like you guys you can follow orders without asking questions you anal this next job like you went on the last one and there's a good chance you'll be accepted into the family after you pay the initiation fee of course and how much is that five grand a piece it's a [ __ ] fortune hey nobody said it was cheap huh but trust me the benefits far outweigh the cost I leave it up to you to decide Henry's gonna fill you in on the rest I'll see his guy there you are they're your boss whatever that thing we talked about yet yeah yeah it's all under control that's what you said the last time don't disappoint me again boss Joe now come with me with us some other business to discuss climene what kind of job we're talking about you I gotta take a guy out it's my contract but I need some help that's where you two come in who's the lucky guy some fat [ __ ] from across the river the guy's been warned but it thinks he's untouchable and is he somebody try to take them out once before and let's just say they slightly underestimated how much is slightly fatally that's a fancy way of saying they're dead right hey they [ __ ] up we won't I went in an apartment across the street from his business we'll sit there and we'll wait till that fat box shows up and then boom he blessed us ass now we're gonna do that with an mg42 will we getting an mg42 from Harry yeah he's a vet like you he's got a private little gun shop over in Kingston we could get yanking from a pea shooter to a bazooka and you don't need no [ __ ] gun license needed ok Joe and me will go to the apartment you go pick up the machine or an Irish shop in Kingston it's all paid for just tell him I said yeah after that meet us at the apartment it's in Sand Island the building across from the distillery apartment 233 okay pawn to 233 god I'll meet you fellas there in a bit I got a seal [Music] way from Sicily what brought it to the States Mussolini don't be a smartass Joe my father was a a man of honor that things got pretty bad for us after Mussolini came into power my old man figured I need to get drafted or locked up so he sent me to America and got me a job working for committee [Music] [Music] so what happened to you father he said he was the wall to make the trip Mussolini Adam arrested and they died in jail they won't even turn his body over for a proper burial that's rough so how's the English so good Oh [Music] okay witty hit course on my [ __ ] okay he shot me no get me to El Greco the [ __ ] painter no the [ __ ] doc he's gonna get you here in a minute a Greek guy lives up with your Greco - doctor no I'm the [ __ ] painter a friend needs help he's gonna blue thanks doc God handed owe you one get him inside another wait I got money for you till the job take you know this could have waited but that because I thanks for everything hope you'll be okay yeah me too meet me at my place all right what the hell is that hey Beto long time no see sure long time what do you want him a drink let's take my car [Music] hey hey Vito you got that money for me I always keep my word don't I here you go don't spend it all in one place Thanks where's Joe he was here before but then he left looked pissed off though lately he always looks pissed off yeah can you blame him listen I need to talk to you about something well what is important I'm busy with Vinci right now he's planning to make a move on us and we don't know how or why I I gotta sort this [ __ ] out and well I think it's worth hearing me out all right go ahead but make it quick all right a guy I know who worked for calm and he called me he's worried he's not sure if we'll be going after the rest of Clemente these guys and I that's good as far as I know the boss a plan and nothing at this point unless they try something stupid okay well this guy also asked me if he could come work for us there who is it why is he a friendly honest I did a few jobs with him for Clemente he really knows his [ __ ] hmm okay tell him to stop by well uh he's here right now he is all right go get him then Eddie Mrs Henry Thomas II know Henry this is Eddie Scapa pleased to meet you mr. Scarborough don't call me mr. Scapa my friends call me Eddie and take a seat in me so Vito tells me you want to join up with us yeah I'm not a work right now and I don't want to make a big deal out of what happened now that's good thinkin tell me something first Henry well Clemente the adventure planning anything against our organization okay I usually keep my nose out of things like that but I was with Luka Garino once that Leo gonna auntie's place Luka was going on and on about Falcone being involved is some dirty business and that something should be done about it I think he was trying to turn Vinci against your dad bastard I bet he was talking about drugs all the while he's dealing him himself he knows that Vinci is totally against us yeah probably fooled the old man good so that's why he's playing at the move on us well we gotta hit him first again hey if we don't act Frank will first we got to get rid of Galante without him Frank's [ __ ] all I wanted to keep you out of it but they didn't have anybody else who could pull off a job like this now I'm thinking this could be the perfect opportunity for Henry here to prove himself what are you saying me you up for it if it means I'm mailing the job's done sure exactly take care of Leo now what about you feet oh I'd feel a lot better if you want with Henry to make sure everything goes smooth and I don't mean you got to whack the guy just drive there wait until it's done and drive back but if it don't feel right I can ask somebody else instead what do you say sorry Eddie I can't do this Leo was like a father to me back at you can yeah I understand that looks like you got to take care of this yourself and me you can hire some help if you want but you better do this so nobody suspects it was us Leo lives in hi Brooke got it don't worry it'll be done today okay you better get going in see you later daddy it's a good thing you brought him here even if he screws up nobody will know it was us I don't think Henry's gonna screw it up that's good well Vito I got nothing else for you today but drop by tomorrow okay yeah I'll see you later see you Leo Leo you're here how the hell did you get in get out of here Oh Leo Leo I put it away it's me Vito you know what the hell are you doing here you could have called here there's no time to talk you gotta get out of here quick they're after you huh come upstairs Vito my feet are getting cold you want a drink I want a drink what the [ __ ] is wrong okay oh what's happening look Falcone wants you dead the guys are on their way you got to get at him look Falcone heard vinci's planted to make a move on him because Clemente lied and said he was in a dope business I'd vito carlo Falcone is in the dope business everybody knows that I meant they tried to muscle his way into the business so Falcone got rid of him now he wants to get rid of us too before we make a move on anymore all this I got my sources why did you come here again why what what are you getting senile on me because they're gonna kill you stop talking for Christ's sake it's right then let's go why don't we just get rid of whoever Carlos sent to whack me we got the advantage they don't know we're expecting I can't do that I know the guy I'm actually the one who got him the job you hired your friend to whack me no not exactly look I don't have time to explain he's gonna be here any minute okay wait here I'll get dressed [ __ ] too late they're here oh [ __ ] Henry can't see me here we gotta hide quick before it comes up me I ain't no quitter I ain't gonna lock myself in a cab home and just get in there leo we don't have time hey don't stand so close you move over now you move up shop hey better be a gust hop what the hell AME Vito this your friend no he just wants to hang up his jacket hi come on come on get out of here it's about damn time you come out of the closet take a seat what the hell is going on here look Henry Lee was a friend of mine all right he helped me out when I was in prison he pretty much saved my life and he's the reason I got made look I didn't know what he was gonna put a contract out on him I had a warn him you gotta understand yeah but you got to understand that I can't afford to screw this up if I let Leo go Falcone won't think I [ __ ] them on purpose and I'll have me killed I'm your friend here I do the same thing for you and you know it this has nothing to do with friendship Vito this is business and if I screw up I'm done I can't let him go I took a contract and I got to finish the job if you don't want to watch you can leave and don't worry about me I won't tell anybody you were here look Leo told me that all it is is because Falcone's into drugs he's breaking the rules and he wants to get rid of anybody who knows about it so why the only people who aren't breaking those rules of Frank Vinci and Leo here and those aren't the people who pay me you know thanks for everything but leave us now I've had a long good life and it's not worth risking your neck to buy an old man a few more years there's got to be a way we go go sorry Vito I won't tell anybody you were here just make sure nobody sees you leave [Music] you want me beg for this one pal what a kid leo you want a drink what the hell happened your friend and I made a deal I'm gonna disappear there's nothing left for me in this town anyway since my wife passed and I was planning to retire someplace warm anyway hey here he comes hey what's up hey you know take a seat all right listen I've been doing some research at the kalos business so so the only reason he had Clemente killed was because he was selling dope too and he was still his customers now he just needs to get rid of one last obstacle the one guy who could [ __ ] things up and ruined his plan to become the main supplier for the whole city Frank Vinci where'd you get all this I talked to a few people I trust okay so what does this have to do with us cause if he can do it why can't we a kilo of heroin costs 2500 bucks over in France then it's another thousand bucks to get it here and and we pick up 11 grand for just driving the stuff to the dealers that's 75 hundred bucks profit a kilo yeah but what about Falcone hello won't find out and even if he does he'll just threaten us and Amanda cut all right but if Carlos the only big supplier in the city were you gonna buy this stuff from I'm way out of here what are you to law about the tongs the change some kind of organization for Chinese immigrants right that's what I said the change right but it's also a front for their other operations they run the Chinese quarter and then they keep to themselves but some of them are interested in doing business with outsiders and they need middlemen since most people are afraid to deal with them and weird a middleman yep they'll give us ten kilos to start for how much 35 grand then we can sell it for a hundred and ten nice okay well where the hell are we gonna get our hands on 35 grand I know what loan shark the it over on palisade I think alone is 35 we give him 45 back now that means out takers over 20 grand apiece not bad for just moving this from one place to another but you know who's gonna end up using his crap what do you care as long as it is in another clause and she was right drugs are bad news they kill bloke only eighty two drunks deadbeats and losses if they want to kill themselves so badly I gladly help them out especially for 20 grand I got buys in the ghetto they'll take care of the distribution so we don't need to worry about that are you guys in or not I'm in come on don't be stupid Vito twenty [ __ ] grand and one afternoon when right now if we don't take the offer the times would just find somebody else my veto it'll be a piece of cake let's go see Bruno then Vito how about you want us all down there he's on palisade Street okay let's go hi fellas we're here to see Brunel are you angry if you got guns on use put them down there I got a searches [Music] hey Bruno hello Henry so to what do I owe the pleasure of your company I need 35 grand to $20 bills oh that's a lot of money Henry a lot of money tell me why should I give that much to a small-time guy like you huh convince me I got a short thing you'll have 45 by the end of the week what kind of sure thing sorry Bruno that's a trade secret then 45 is not enough I'd be more comfortable with 65 it's steep even for you 50 so I can don't angry an area I have no guarantee I'll get my money back and you have nowhere else to go so how about 60 don't think of it as interest it's small like my cut of the profits 55 final offer anything more than that it's not worth my time deal I'll give you $35,000 today and you'll give me 55,000 by Friday if you don't pay it back by then that that goes up by 10,000 every week you'll get it by Friday okay Isaac prepare $35,000 and $20 bills now you know I trust you Henry but if you screw me remember these wise words from the Bible and my wrath shall wax hot and I will kill you with the sword and your wife shall be widows and your children fatherless Exodus chapter 22 I'm impressed you don't seem like the church-going type but just remember the money isn't mine so even if you get rid of me that doesn't get rid of your debt so no funny business okay boy short woman Thank You Isaac you want to count it Henry I'll take your word for it and I'll bring it back on Friday along where you are cut I hope so good luck boys [Music] welcome Henry along mr. one let us get straight to business is your suitcase heavy enough see for yourself yeah top this depends on the Orion missions hope y'all you go somewhat right take it away and bring the goods you're a good man Henry here is your merchandise each bag contains one kilo each kilo weighs a little more than two pounds which one do you want to test [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're good I'm glad next time we can give you twice the amount it was a pleasure doing business with you mr. Wong the pleasure was all mine knock it off see how easy that was to get back in the car [Music] hello gentlemen [ __ ] it said you have something for us drop the suitcases my shoes wait a minute these guys ain't cops hey guys how you doing hey man come on it we did it we hit the jackpot hey hey hey take it easy when I've done you lighten up will you Henry what's the matter all of a sudden money don't make you happy after we pay back you know and you get your cut then you could be a right [Music] [Music] [Laughter] Henri's different these days guys got a real doctor [ __ ] going on [ __ ] that's Henry [ __ ] hit him with [ __ ] [ __ ] does something like this Vito then people are [ __ ] sick [ __ ] what do you think look at his feet oh you [ __ ] believe this money's gone - come on we got to get out of here cops will take care of it hey that's the old guy who stole this adult WOM
Channel: Hasan--97
Views: 34,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mafia 2, Mafia, 2K, 2KCzech, Hangar 13
Id: 2DuY85ohzl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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