MAFIA 2 Definitive Edition All Cutscenes Full Movie HD

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[Music] my name is Vito Scaletta I was born in Sicily in 1925 that little guys me understand him there with my parents and my sister Francesca in front of our old house I don't really remember too much about the old country except that we are pretty hot up and then one day my father decided it was time to move away [Music] [Music] away from sicily across the ocean to start a new life in America [Music] [Applause] [Music] my life that I seen anything as fantastic as Empire Bay it was beautiful [Music] on the other hand I've never seen anything filthy a more disgusting than our new [ __ ] of an apartment the American dream was more like a nightmare my father started working at the port for the guy who arranged our immigration there was back-breaking work and with little money he made mostly went towards booze eventually my parents sent me to school I had to learn English sure as hell was gonna do that a neighborhood full of kites that's where I met Joe over time Joe and I got to be best friends and since we were both poor and it wasn't much work around [ __ ] you started a little business of our own freeze police stop you know this right Tory to bed [Music] [ __ ] okay you bastard spread your legs [ __ ] put the hands on her I'm sorry well that one time it didn't work out so good the year was 1943 America was at war and the army was looking for guys who spoke the language to help with the invasion of Sicily I was 18 and anything seemed better than Jail who says he can't go home again you operation husky 504th Parachute Infantry on the 11th of July we was supposed to be dropped over the southern coast the system but we got hit by flack Nash way behind that inclines only three of us made if it wasn't for the local resistance we would have had a chance so most of them soldiers came into town and start around than everybody else decided to put on faith sinister no bad luck whisper memoria all right Scylla hello daddy Tory Misurata the potential character no II D a servant disable Mamiko disarray attempt for a great energy for attention in my chocolate distant Odette Oh [Applause] cashy boon check for no Samara Tommy Khushi no Aragon Carlos unit on todo es escultura consider yesterday poor so trendy on don't color the header is to say him up an entire garrison troops surrendered that day why because he told them you [Music] a few years later the Nazis put a bullet in me I was in hospital for a bit then I got a month's leave so I could go home at least for a little while [Music] fino over here Joe hey welcome home buddy how'd you know I got my sources come on let's take a ride nice car comes with the territory I know you're itching to get home before H let's get a beer yeah sure [Music] salut salut Chindi not coming you back they let you out early for good behavior I took a bullet a couple months back spent some time in the hospital and Nam only wait you mean you gotta go back would you think the worrying over yet you don't want to go back do you I course not what can I do one minute wait right here Vito Scaletta - is Eppie all right that's silly okay listen up it appears that your injury is much more serious than it first appeared and the doctors say you can't fight no more what oh did you just like I said I know people you get all the official paperwork tomorrow when it comes to the right stamps of signatures it's just a question of money you're kidding me right in that a bit risky it's me that getting up in the slammer you know and how am I gonna pay for I got it covered think of it as a welcome home present and don't worry the documents will be clean trust me well thanks you're welcome come on a Friday you're like a brother to me now you can start thinking about what you're gonna do next sure but first I gotta go home alright you want a ride no thanks I want to walk around a little see what's changed since I've been gone no problem say hello to your sister for me come see me tomorrow we got a lot to talk about can't believe you just got me out of the service thanks again no prob I'll catch up with you tomorrow my mama I'm back my boys at home I just I never see you again Francesca me we wait for you you must be hungry beetle Francesca made you a special dinner soup at the Polo it's good for you Wow looks good Frankie it's a shame you Papa didn't live to see this he would be so proud yeah sure Vito you know better sorry mom I'm sorry [Music] this ain't gonna cut it I gotta find a place to stay so you have to go back soon actually uh looks like I won't Joe Staton gave it for me Joe you want to get into trouble again mama would you rather me go back and get shot again no exactly now Joe probably saved my life promise that you won't get in any more trouble with that Joe you know you papa used to work for this man at the waterfront named Pappalardo he's in the Union you could talk to him work hard like you were your Papa talk to him please promise me you go talk to him today okay mom okay I promise you I don't give a sorry I don't what the hell's going on here you mind your business oh yeah [ __ ] yeah that's right get the [ __ ] out here you're gonna be sorry the bow thing is what the hell was that all about I'm sorry Vito we didn't want to bother you with this bother me bother me with what come on tell me what's going on here Frankie right before he died Papa borrowed money a lot of money from a loan shark thinking he'd get a better job and paying back we found out right after you left for the war how much $2,000 what [ __ ] the worst thing is this guy wants it all back by the end of this week otherwise that that goes up again ain't gonna make that kind of money working at the port who is this guy I don't know mama won't tell me it's okay Vito we'll manage somehow don't worry I'll take Garrity's I promise thanks Vito take care of yourself I gotta get my hands on two grand fast I bet Joe could help me out you a straight job you're gonna look for one I don't know but I sure as hell ain't gonna make the same mistake my old man do I got to pay off his debts then get back on my feet and get my own place I need to make some real money and punching a clock ain't gonna cut it hey you could stay with me as long as you need to when we'll find you a job where you can make good money without killing yourself all right music to my ears right now I'm living off the 20 bucks the state gives me every week I know lots of people who pay well for risky jobs so to speak I'm sure I can line something up for my oldest friend the working man's a sucker that's for damn sure you said it okay step one I gotta introduce you to Giuseppe so we could pick up them discharge papers let's go you made enough cash for all this in the last three years more like the last three months I'd barely had time to furnish the place three months holy [ __ ] you just gotta know the right people and you're all set cuz you know me lucky that you drop whoo get a load of that baby nice that's a 42 Jefferson beautiful cow like that'd be a shame to smash the window you should grab yourself some lockpicks overages Eppie's welcome to Giuseppe's general store a thief's paradise you name it he's got it even sells phony gun permits and discharge papers for guys tired of getting their asses shot off hey Giuseppe approaches no customer he's a straight-up right yes sir all the way this is Vito my oldest friend this is Giuseppe the best safecracker in a blue canary place how are you Pepper's for you yeah they are you got a finished already it was a pain in the ass but sure they done well thanks it's really gonna work nobody from the army would bother you again trust me you see what I take here's the money take your papers Vito Hey look who's here Mikey boy what's going on [ __ ] Mike Ditka wash your [ __ ] hands once in a while now I need to [ __ ] bed hey I've been working working people occasionally get dirty you know besides I just wiped them off but what the same [ __ ] the rag you used to clean the toilet you filthy [ __ ] put a lid on them why won't you from the health department oh you want to do some business business of course this is my friend Vito Vito this is Mike brewski but don't shake his head ain't got that much soap at home nice to meet you Vito Vito go way back he just come back from overseas and they need some cash so I figure can help with your supply problem I can vouch for him uh-huh okay Joe told you about our side business right yeah well they won't regular cars nothing fancy you get a cut of every car I take as many as I can handle and don't bring no cops around okay they follow you here I don't know your ass from Jesus you get me got it god damn it Mike you put your grubby mitts on my [ __ ] coat I paid a fortune for this thing all right calm down or I'll stick them up your ass yes [ __ ] you know drycleaner course she's right and who knows if they can even get this fool shut up ready to listen to me I need a Walther coupe today I got a few people looking for parts but I can't find a car because you don't know where to look every time I Drive down hunters I see one part buy a body I think the place is called the Lone Star he's not a moving y'all neighborhood I'll stick out like a sore thumb all right look I'll give you 350 bucks free it's worth the risk right 400 all right deal Vito come on let's go Andiamo meantime I'll be sending you the cleaning bill for my coat yeah I'll change my address your rat prick okay listen up this is your maiden voyage so to speak so try not to [ __ ] it up here Vito take this just in case nice it's that cream-colored baby over there be careful it will quick and get the [ __ ] out of it break a window if you have to go I'll wait for you back at Mike's what if I run into problems then you deal with him look consider this a test if you fail I he did a hiring down at the factory right just asking good luck pal I see you back at Mike's hey hey what you doing [ __ ] [Music] hey hey mission accomplished how'd it go yeah piece of cake except for the fact that the call belonged to a bunch of moolies who immediately tried to kill me right after you left yeah probably the Bombers hunters their neighborhood guys like that you don't have to worry about them I just hang out on the street talk shared steal [ __ ] and smoke dope yeah see we got here mmm nice no stains clean the lowlife get the money for this probably stole it himself it's nice though how much did I say give you forward again 600 oh I like your buddy Joe here's your four hundred bucks stop by again okay we can do some more business yeah you bet Mike I see you Mike I stopped by again real soon you boys see you later hey see 300 bananas I'm taking my cut as the middleman next time you run you're wrong all right thanks Joe all right let's go home I'm exhausted is there a safe place to park around here I want to leave this thing on the street yeah that's why you're parking your car next to mine and a garage the streets are full of criminals these days here neighborhood ain't what it used to be huh [Music] you josè pleasure palace Vito speaking hey why didn't you come home last night I was worried sick mama I didn't know you had Joe's number and whose phone is this Joe have you spoken to mr. Pappalardo to find yourself a job yeah I told me to come by and see him today hopefully he's got some work for me okay Vito good luck mio Bambino all right bye mama our reports of heavy casualties on both sides [Music] Oh [Music] close the door windy what do you want yeah I'm looking for a mr. Pappalardo oh yeah why my name is Vito Scaletta my old meetings the work for him and I'm looking for a job so I came here well you're in the right spot Sonny Boy for the Ricoh papa yato at your service you could call me Derek I think I remember your dad look guy but drank like a fish what's he up to these days he's dead Oh y'all gotta go sometime right Steve sure Derek so you need a job man oh you in luck we just got a new shipment download Steve will show you around now scram Mike stakes getting cold oh yeah this is gonna be a lot of fun [ __ ] wants to move boxes around all goddamn day hey you done yeah I'm done and you can keep the tech box when I said I needed a job I didn't mean slave labor whatever get the [ __ ] out of here then don't show your face around here again they don't worry if I make a hundred times more working for Barbaro incorporated wait you said barber Oh Joe Barbaro yeah so what [ __ ] nobody who works with Joe would Gary crates for ten bucks what the hell are you doing come with me what now well this one don't like manual labor what the [ __ ] said he works with Joe Barbaro [ __ ] what allo crates if he works with Joe you'll have to explain this one to me Sonny Boy what's your story well my mother wanted me to come talk to you about an honest job but I get some real money so this ain't gonna cut it damn women they were all the same right Steve sure Derrick she doesn't want you hanging around with Joe right my mother was the same way a look will become a me Union boss I got the whole [ __ ] waterfront under Mike dumb so how's Joe pretty good I guess how'd you meet up with him oh we go way back to the old neighborhood I just come back from overseas and he's putting me up until I can get back on my feet listen no you got to understand a person of my positions gotta be careful certainly so you won't mind if I give Joe a call right now go ahead now where'd I put his number hey everything [Music] he might not be home that woman be good hi Joey this is Derrick listen I got this guy here would you say your name was Vito Vito he's looking for a job he says he's a friend of yours a good friend I just wanted to check with you first uh-huh sure will hero and all that [ __ ] all right all right thanks Stan I talk to you later sorry pal out of check you out Joe says you just come back from Italy you must be able to handle yourself you want to make a little more money I got just the day the guys here at the port is supposed to pay a monthly fee to the bar but but half of them never cough it up I need someone to give mo much 10 bucks a man what if they don't need a haircut well then you'll have to convince them otherwise I see well if somebody makes a fuss then you kick the [ __ ] out of them well let's say you teach them a lesson that doesn't require that they miss work you got it which is why Steve ain't doing the job right Steve right boss collect the least arm 50 bucks I give you 50 just for walking around they get into Ciera meeting new people easy [ __ ] money huh what do you say a pal there it needs you to pay the fee for the barber look [ __ ] I'm not in the mood why don't you get out of my face before you get hurt I know can do pal Derek wants his money Darren can kiss my ass what's that that [ __ ] gonna do had me killed and you said it not me why don't you people to try they're an [ __ ] okay anybody else got a [ __ ] problem with paying for the [ __ ] barber here's the money boss man good job is she shared I watched you to take care of Bill you were good Steve damn they got his ass kicked when he tried that right Steve right Derrick here's a bonus for sorting him out Thanks the guy's been a real [ __ ] pain now get out of here kid I gotta be getting back to business hello to your mother for me tell me you got yourself a job as my new assistant yeah will do I'll see you later Vito I almost forgot Joe called he wants you to meet him at Freddy's hey where are you been I came right over as soon as you called what's going on you remember the wise guys we used to see when we was kids yeah why the guy we're meeting here was one of them his name's Henry Thomas II know I think he's got something big for us yeah no [ __ ] yeah we're done with the small-time jobs it's time to make some real shuttle yeah he's coming don't say nothing stupid hey hey Joe mr. guy yeah this is Vito an old friend um good to meet you Amy you vouch for him absolutely Harry trust them with my life okay listen I got a job for you the money is good let me guess stamps what the fortune not because it'll get shortage where can we get him any office of Price Administration that's a federal government agency isn't that a little risky why too much for you no no I'm just trying to think of how we can pull it off I can't be that hard the stamps are kept in the safe at night but the keys are probably around here somewhere you got somebody in sight yeah one of our guys his sister works there can she help us out rescue yourself my name's Maria and yellow is the address tell her I say you all right what about the safe what if the keys aren't there that's your problem what's the job pay I'll give you 600 bucks for 10,000 gallons what the stamps okay we're in no no I need video to do this alone I got another job for you Joe so what do you say view yeah sure hey you don't forget to take a piece with you you never know what's gonna happen better to be safe than sorry Abby wait wait wait this isn't some liquor store stick-up I want this to be a clean job if you kill anybody you cut drops to a third Gabby I got it no problem okay when you're done you come back and we'll settle up all right it's luck Vito yeah can I help you yeah hello ma'am every time I see no sent me he said you might be able to help me with a little problem down at the office of Price Administration yeah I heard about that what do you need from me uh I need to get in there tonight all right tell you what my sisters in the hospital right now if you give me a lift over there I'll tell you everything you need to know it's right across the street from the OPA so it ain't like you're gonna be going out of your way sure no problem keep the back door open at night no but the basement window usually is so that's how you can get in [Music] [Music] [Music] one hard to break up things got out of hand there's nothing I could do about it we had an agreement remember you only get 1/3 of the money if there's any shootin let's see we got here ah [ __ ] something wrong you bet your ass there's something wrong these stamps you took have an expiration date and that date is tomorrow so uh what exactly does that mean it means they're gonna be [ __ ] worthless but wait if you can get them to the gas station attendants by midnight they'll be able to stamp them and redeem them you better bring them to every gas station in town they gotta get there by midnight or we're screwed you don't sell them in time you get nothing wait a minute that wasn't our deal you didn't say anything about any expiration dates well [ __ ] happens doesn't it look you pulled this off I won't forget it trust me now get going the faster you unload them the more money you get [Music] interested in buy some guests sure just keep this between you and me all right no bra just make sure you do the same sure sounds good to me you [Music] geez look at this didn't know Joe could even write we got another job something really big stopped by Freddy's tonight bring a piece and some lockpicks the winner you've been laying around his bed all day I'm entitled to a little rest after that last job don't you think both can I get you sir coffee when Alberto hears about this the [ __ ] is gonna hit the fan they leave you me so uh heard even scored two big lists that wasn't exactly my fault [ __ ] hat come on relax fellas there's a high risk business if you don't like it can always go break your back work for peanuts down at the back sorry area was just breaking balls you know so how about tonight we still on for what we talked about yesterday in the movie already here Joey now who was that somebody you don't need to know right now all right listen up does it I was the boss somebody he bothered talking some big jewellery store he's not paying it back fast enough we're gonna collect this payment tonight in jewels plus little extra for our trouble Joe philomon the jewelry stores in the shopping mall in the middle of town there's no guards at night so all we got to do is pick the lock and waltz right in sounds a little too simple because it is simple why is everything gotta be so [ __ ] complicated which you says the guy who can barely change I'm like don't worry I thought of everything I got these phone company uniform so we can pretend to be fixes so enough let's go all right we're gonna Rob this [ __ ] blind all we gotta do is wait until dark Vito open this door [Music] what the hell is this come on boys the cops will be here any minute Pervis [ __ ] O'Neill [ __ ] is this the crazy blacks what the [ __ ] are you doing what the hell are you towing hair your fork yeah you were a little late chief there's not left ear buds so this is our heist you'll want to get out of here in one piece you better hide well the sign outside didn't say Brian O'Neill's place if it did I wouldn't have robbed it he said I would have set it on fire the Westside mall repeat 10:30 154 we're on it when I suggest you get lost before the cops show up [Applause] get your ass over here you waiting for a formal [ __ ] invitation over there shoot [ __ ] Jesus careful what's lost in it yeah I think I just [ __ ] myself where'd they go they must have gone this way Sarge Bob [ __ ] dad I don't get paid enough for this Andrew he's never gonna believe this stupid bastards let's go Brian O'Neill crazy big bastard not too bright usually works his hired muscle yeah I didn't think he was the brains of the operation [ __ ] the cops come on get out of the light let's go come on mama don't worry give me a bed I'll go ditch the goods all right pal meet you back home try not to get pinched on the way there you hey there handsome hi there Joanne here right now he said for you to meet him for lunch at Freddy's I see too bad you have passed out when I came in we could a potty hmm maybe next time doll die huh that was something stupid broad Ted tried you should stay home will you belong hazing that Jose girl over there well one of them anyway you smacked up my car I'm gonna smack up yours look at my [ __ ] car a pal knock it off and who the [ __ ] are you somebody who doesn't like hearing you talk to a lady like that so why don't you shut the [ __ ] up and leave while I'm still in a good mood huh what is she a girlfriend or something well she's not gonna pay for it you will one more word and you're gonna need a new set of teeth now get the [ __ ] out of my that was the word thanks handsome I owe you one do you want to come over to my place for a piece of pie yeah thanks but look I I really gotta get going mmm you'll like it I promise I gotta get going now I'll see you around hey fellas hey Obito this is Luka Guarino they'd like to talk to you and Joe Luka this is Vito good to meet you mr. green oh no need to be so formal call me Luca that gazebo though what can I get you same thing I'm having and hurry it up I heard about your run-in with the mix great [ __ ] story and I want to congratulate you through on a job well done Sal oh that's a lute you guys did a hell of a job now too many guys got the stomach for this line of work so now I'm wondering if yous are ready to take the next step yeah sure what next step I'm talking about taking somebody out just cuz someone points his finger at him and tells you to do it I was in the war mr. green oh all I did was kill people I was told to kill people the president pointed his finger at the president yeah but you're red you're talking about the Krauts right you know they're bad guys that's not what I mean I understand yeah I understand good we need guys like you guys you can follow orders without asking questions you handle this next job like you went on the last one and there's a good chance you'll be accepted into the family after you pay the initiation fee of course and how much is that five grand a piece it's a [ __ ] fortune hey nobody said it was cheap huh but trust me the benefits far outweigh the cost I'll leave it up to you to decide Henry's gonna fill you in on the rest I'll see yous guys lay you are hey boss take care of that thing we talked about yet yeah yeah it's all under control X what you said the last time don't disappoint me again what's Joe oh yeah now come with me we got some other business to discuss [Music] so I mean what kind of job we're talking about you I gotta take a guy out it's my contract but I need some help that's where you two come in who's the lucky guy some fat [ __ ] from across the river the guy's been warned but he thinks he's untouchable and is he well somebody tried to take him out once before and let's just say they slightly underestimated him how much is slightly fatally that's a fancy way of saying they're dead right hey they [ __ ] up we won't I went in an apartment across the street from his business we'll sit there and we'll wait till that fat box shows up and then born we blessed us s now we're gonna do that with an mg42 where we gettin an mg42 from Harry yeah he's a vet like you he's got a private little gun shop over in Kingston you can get yanking from a pea shooter to a bazooka and you don't need no [ __ ] gun license neither okay Joe and me we'll go to the apartment you go pick up the Machine got an Irish shop in Kingston it's all paid for just tell them I say yeah after that meet us at the apartment it's in Sand Island the building across from the distillery apartment 233 okay awesome 233 got it I'll meet you fellas there in a bit I gotta see you later good luck Henry Tomasino sent me to pick up the stuff he ordered come on in hello so Wow you're the guy Henry was telling me about huh yeah you got his merchandise well here it is mg42 made in Germany it was buzzsaw we call them she's a beauty 25 pounds 7.92 caliber 1200 rounds per minute fastest in the world 250 round belt 3/4 of a mile effective range and extremely reliable I don't know what the hell you're huntin but unless it's in a [ __ ] tank sayonara baby hey you need me to show you how to use it no thanks I'm familiar with him I was in the service don't know [ __ ] lady you kidding me where was it Normandy huh no Africa all right let me guess operation husky yeah what unit we're in 504th Parachute no [ __ ] you're a paratrooper and that was kind of hairy I heard yeah well it wouldn't no picnic I tell you I got hit said he sent me home yeah any medals yeah Purple Heart in a DSC oh well you gotta cross let me tell you they don't give those babies out for nothing I was in Normandy we hit Utah Beach and I wasn't no picnic neither bus I was crawling over the fence on the way back I had poked my eye out in a [ __ ] tree branch oh it was good enough for this Joe look guy I really got to get going all right hey by the way hey Vito hey good to meet you you know real good if you ever need some hardware you know where to find me there you go I hope you drove here she's a big girl good luck hey thanks nice to meet you Harry [Music] way from Sicily what brought it to the States Mussolini don't be a smartass Joel my father was a a man of honor I things got pretty bad for us after Mussolini came into power my old man figured I need to get drafted or locked up so he sent me to America and got me a job working for committee so what happened to you Father he said he was too old to make the trip Mussolini Adam arrested and they died in jail they won't even turn his body over for a proper burial that's rough so how's your English so good they're common those black cause Vito ain't for the fat bastard we got an ailing before it gets in the building get ready all right come on all right Showtime they got bones oh my [ __ ] okay you shot me in the [ __ ] get me to El Greco the [ __ ] painter no the [ __ ] doc you easy gonna get you there in a minute a Greek guy lives up in hide you're heavier than you look all right [ __ ] your greco doctor no I'm the [ __ ] painter a friend needs help he's gonna bleed enough I start with God handed oh you want give them inside hello though wait I got money for you for the job take it you know it's gonna waited well thanks hey thanks for everything hope you'll be okay yeah me too okay here whatever meet me in my place all right Vito hey hey no no I just wanted to give you the money to pay off his debt Oh Vito that's great I was gonna try and see if we could pay it back in installments I got a little money he wouldn't have hurt us don't be so sure but it doesn't matter now yeah did you get all this money Vito you haven't done nothing you'll be sorry for have you don't worry everything's fine thank you Vito I think I better be going I don't want ma to see me she'll be asking where I got the money - don't worry I'll make something out all right give her a big kiss for you take care of yourself eat Oh you [Music] Vito Scaletta yeah what's it to you you're under arrest for the illegal distribution of federal ration stamps you're coming with us one of the gas station attendants ratted me out the guy fingered me and they strung our mama to telling him where I was staying they had no idea what I was working for and I wasn't about to tell them [Music] and he was able to get me a lawyer courtesy of his boss Clemente I was up shits Creek or at least I had a paddle could have been a hell of a lot worse if the feds knew by denying other efforts considering the fact that you stole national resources at a time when our country needs them the most enact the gravity of which you missed the skeleton the guy was good but even he couldn't get me out of this one it was a lost cause from day one three months later they handed down the verdict Vittorio Antonio Scaletta for your crimes against the people of this city and of this great country this court hereby sentences you to ten years in a federal penitentiary [Music] [Applause] the favor pan thieves murderers child molesters and all here for worse than almost all right get in line gentlemen follow me single file and no monkey business or else [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] let's go [ __ ] you want to make problems you son of a [ __ ] I'm sorry matter can't begin to English here let me teach you what do you enjoy this you sick [ __ ] now get your ass up and go back it's mine No hey smartass don't make me repeat myself back in line move it stop right there turn to your right how the right listen up [ __ ] my name is Captain Terrence stone and this is my prison you're here on the inside because you can't behave like normal human beings on the outside make no mistake your ass belongs to me now and you'll do what I say or you'll be sorry that you didn't [ __ ] with me and I'll [ __ ] with your sorry ass all day long you were sent here to be rehabilitated and rehabilitate you we will okay you [ __ ] we're gonna cut you loose just long enough to get you cleaned up now get in line and follow me welcome to the salon ladies you're gonna look just [ __ ] beautiful hey me too ain't got nothing on my hair to cut shut your face q-ball okay let's go Hey shit-for-brains do what you [ __ ] told listen look at sticky wallowing [Applause] you smell you live fish [Applause] this was gonna be my new home for the next ten years look like [ __ ] and smell like piss I would have prefered dodging bullets in Europe to this if the three action-packed days is staring at the wall I got a message from Joe to contact a guy named Leo Galante who could supposedly help me out in here this wasn't the kind of place where you could survive on your own I know you you're not [ __ ] Guinea Elizabeth Palmer in a jewelry store I mean it's [ __ ] hell hell cuz you you got locked up because you're a stupid crazy [ __ ] you know follows my mom was right there is a God and he sent you here you get a bastard soon I could pay you back this looks interesting wanna make a small bed [Applause] we're gonna give you a little time to think about what you've done close it up soneul almost took my head off but I made a stand let me tell you something when you're inside counts for a lot more than you might think how long you planning on keeping them in here long enough to learn his lesson that's gonna have to change yeah any shape to fight should be boys didn't knock him around too bad after the brawl in a yard all right open it up rise and shine Scaletta you got yourself a visitor my name is Leo Galante I heard you wanted to speak to me yeah I want to Clemente these guys said I should contact you said maybe you could help me out a [ __ ] Clementi I don't provide protection for his guys in here but I saw how you handled that Mick who's after you O'Neill you could prove useful come with me boy now listen up fellows this is Vito he's gonna be helping us out Pepe here's got a big fight coming up against O'Neill he needs a sparring partner when I saw of you out there in the yard you're just the man for the job you're gonna help us out kid in return you'll be under my protection who knows maybe you'll even learn a thing or two along the way I guess I can't say no to that offer huh I don't remember asking all right fellas let's get this show on the road so how close did you get to Clement DeVito actually I never met him I always dealt with you the Henry Tommasino a Lucca Guarino huh I can't believe that [ __ ] Guarino still breathing what would you deal with him uh-huh you know we did a couple jobs for him and Lucas said he'd bring us into the family for five grand what typical [ __ ] Alberto he's always been a crooked bastard so what is that like more than usual yeah like five grand more than usual you don't gotta pay to get in Vito you're brought into the family once you prove that you're loyal a good earner and you can handle you know the life in any case this is an interesting piece of news when this gets out Berto and Luca are gonna have a lot of explaining to do though geez don't worry about that we'll talk about it some other time what will you walk quite long maybe if your eyes are all the way open you were to see me coming a so gallant a crook it white devil nice to see you too mr. crooked you bet on your own guy and he lost that's the way it works in this country then whoa offer you a rematch I think I can arrange that you up to it Vito [ __ ] huh yeah get him a stepladder and send them over all right whoa looks like you got yourself a rematch and none of that chop suey crap this time morning kid morning mr. Galante why no training today not exactly we got a challenge from the spooks and I don't want to risk Pepe getting all banged up before his big fight with O'Neal so I want you to take this one it'll be good practice for you come on Oh looky here imma take this skinny ass white boy to school gonna hit him so hard as Mama's mama gonna feel it oh she can't kick knock you into this hell of a job kid hell of a job here's your cut Vito you earned it yo one of the hacks is coming what the hell is this some kind of circle jerk all right come on Scaletta you got a visitor [Music] hi Vito hey Frankie how you doing I'm doing good real good Thanks so how's things well I got something to tell you I'm getting married Vito home uh Don that's great I mean it would've been nice if he has my permission first but hey I'm happy for you Vito you're in jail look at yourself how'd you let this happen hey I already got a lecture from the judge huh I don't need another one just just drop it all right Vito there's something else it's mama what do you mean what about it she's sick Vito she's been like this for weeks and she's not getting any better look Frankie go to Jos he's holding onto my money for me you get her the best doc that you can find and you keep the rest as a wedding gift Lidl no no I mean it looks like I'm not gonna need it for a while all right looks like I got to go look you take care of MA tell her I love her I will and thanks Vito bye what's the holdup here move your asses hey Frankie we got a little business to take care of here huh why don't you go have a smoke have you fun you sick bastards I like your scars pretty boy where'd you get him sorry [ __ ] you picked the wrong ass to drill we can do this the easy way or the hard way your choice I got a better idea why don't you go [ __ ] your buddies instead well better yet go [ __ ] yourself okay I guess you want it rough Hey whoa whoa the hell's going on where's Frank john-boy you know the drill oh and this came today might want to read it looks important [Music] no no no no mama died while Francesca was visiting me instead of going toward a good dog during a wedding gift every penny I had went to the funeral mr. Galante wants to talk to you come with me good to have you back kid what the hell happened it looks like the mix weren't up for a fair fight a couple of them jumped pepe yesterday was a lot more than a couple yeah well we sure as hell ain't gonna let this go what do you got in mind Pepe's got it all worked out took a little persuading but O'Neill's all by himself right now in a gym because won't be back for a while you're just gonna give him a good beating break a couple of bones same as they did to me got it yeah I got it all right come with me break a leg kid I'll wait out here if the guards get back early I'll warn you okay all right go for it hey O'Neil I got a little business to settle with you just the man I wanted to see sure Jesus the [ __ ] you made of you'll have to do better than that little girl shut the [ __ ] up you it all worked out just fine they never found out who did it Leo arranged for me to relocate to his cell laughs she was more like a sweet life was getting better by the minute so Vito are you plan on doing when you get out of this [ __ ] I don't know I sure as hell ain't gonna go back to work I'm [ __ ] lemon tea I can tell you that yeah you're better off just forgetting about that old bastard trust me Alberto's a real [ __ ] and you can bet that lawyer he's hired was just there to make sure you didn't write but don't worry you'll get his button guys in your family for money like he offered you is against the rules he's gonna have a lot of explaining to do to who I thought Clemente was the boss you obviously don't know how things work around here you see there is more than one family in Empire Bay there's three each family controls their own neighborhoods there's a system of rules and if there's any disagreements the bosses of all the families meet to work things out that's the Commission great so what do I do now my in trouble too no no no nothing like that you're young you're smart and you're proven you can keep your mouth shut you're exactly the type of guy everybody wants working for him yeah but I don't even know who these other guys are there's two other bosses besides Clemente one is Carlo Falcone the other is Franco Vinci Carlo is young and ambitious the guy's a freakin nut job he's new blood but his don't think she is a man of honor he respects the old ways you know these guys you could say that and Frank Vinci is constantly you think being just a regular old man get you all this what listen Vito I'm getting out in a few months when I do you'll see what we can do about adjusting your sentence Pepe come here ever taste you [Music] delante wasn't lying he called in a few favors and arranged for me to get out her not almost four years of my sentence now Joe used to come visit me and you know kind of fill me in on what was happening on the outside I tell you as soon as I walked out of that prison gate was like a whole new world Peto hey you break out of jail haha she's good to see your regular clothes and on the right side of the bars again welcome home come on in come in come in man Italia lots changed since I want to where yeah I guess it has and hey that ain't much but I hooked you up with a nice little apartment just like thanks now I got a surprise for you we're going out tonight to celebrate I'm gonna introduce you to somebody yeah sounds good to me you're gonna need a little cash stick and get things going again I got a piece for you too if you want it ah here always comes in here so what do you want to do now - you're a free man hey what do you think I want to go back to working with you again alright I was worried they might have turned you straight there I actually met a lot of people and learned a lot was on the inside a much better idea about things working good thing cuz I wasn't exactly sitting around on my ass while he was in there don't worry though I'll show you the ropes like always all right what are we waiting for let's go Jesus I didn't expect you to be raring to go like this but what hell come on let's go see you new place what happened you know so what you've been up there we couldn't really talk about much when you visited me well after the [ __ ] Clemente and I little [ __ ] Luka tried to pull on us I got hooked up with the Falcone family and I started working for them really yeah you'll see tonight I told you I got a nice surprise playful don't bother asking cuz I ain't gonna tell you cowboy don't worry I've been planning this for weeks that's what I'm afraid of cheese-like thought you was gonna be a no-show not bad nice material Thanks so uh what's the plan for tonight you'll find out a friend of Mines coming to pick this up I met him when you was on your little vacation and shown some respect he's kind of an important guy oh yeah you'll see in a minute here we come hey not too bad not too bad well it's your buddy yeah this is my pal Vito Vito this here's a good friend of mine Eddie Scott nice to meet you Eddie same here Vito okay fellas I'm dying for a drink let's go hey Vito you want to drive I had a couple of drinks already so uh you tell him where we're headed Joey nope all he knows is that it's a surprise he's gonna love it I [ __ ] hope so unless he got into the funny business in the can hey what are you two talking about don't worry about it you'll see hey come on we might as well tell him now hey you waited this long will tell him in a cop you you so I talked to Leo Galati about your theory he said you were a real stand-up guy and he told me all about the [ __ ] that Clemente tried to pull on you guys but between you and me why'd you get into that line of work I mean we all got well yeah because no I don't wanna end up like my old man I figure nobody's gonna help me so I got so beat oh listen I work for Carlo Falcone and we're looking to expand our operation Joe's been working for us for a while now and since you were friend days we'd like to extend that off of dealing as well what are you saying yeah sure interesting all right let's drink to it there's to you guys and to a bright future together touching that can't be drinking too much tonight I got some business to take care of you Carlos who's into astrology you mean astronomy [ __ ] you you [ __ ] calm dumpsters [Music] sorry ladies looks like you wanna use your mother you fellas ready to go yeah let's go hey get up Joe you I'm gone goodnight you [ __ ] hey where the hell is my car why somebody stole it Hey Hey call a [ __ ] cops man you're staring at it you lush uh oh yeah good hey where's my keys Vito's gonna drive he's the least [ __ ] up at all us yeah next time for us Joe more [ __ ] less poop so how'd you like to place Vito hell is that smelled it yeah I'm smelling it too must be Frankie pots what that is so puked in your car nice in a trunk what what hey it's all your fault Joey I told you I had some [ __ ] business to take care of and you went got me drunk hey since when does business that they care of mean dead guy in the trunk all right where he veto go pop the trunk that a joke that's great that's just great yeah christ almighty how long this guy been in here ready just a couple days you're gonna have to get him out of there feet oh that's just great I can't handle this about I'm [ __ ] welcome home this is hey hey ease a hole right he dumped them in finally gone oh okay now who's gonna bury him why I could be a better to get a hold of myself can you just do it every time I get a wolf or the guy makes me have to puke and Eddie's not gonna be any happier whatever hey fellas I'll buy a little music and you've got to be kidding me good night sweetheart well it's time to this was supposed to be part of your homecoming party but it's nice out here don't be liking it so damn much after I smack you with this shovel sorry feet are not exactly the best way to end the night half but thanks I owe you one big time leave Eddie's car here so you're a good man Vito I'll settle up with you tomorrow hey you come live with some drinks according to morrow Vito good night you [Music] what the [ __ ] Jesus Barney stop [ __ ] yelling with me sorry Joey stop calling me [ __ ] Joey that was wrong Jesus Christ who the hell was that guy's got a voice like what he [ __ ] what Becca that was Marty remember the little kid you slip down the street from me I had to pick up the truck here so he gave me a lift what's going on the truck it's gonna make you some nice cash hop it I'll explain on the way you drive what the Riverside all right Riverside it is some night huh yeah you could say that why ain't still mad are you nah burying stiff that's the first thing I wanted to do when I got out hey come on you had fun at the cathouse right yeah yeah I did thank you for that but uh everything between then and now not so much all right all right but listen today's gonna be a lot better I promise I sure as hell hope so what now now we take care of our customers these guys here buying bulk from us come with me okay climb up and hand me the goods it's going great today we're making some serious dough here hey cop the blues if you please give me a carton of Blues bingo yeah bye I'll take a box of Reds cotton the Reds veto oh hey end it over here would you sell it Mac you buy-in or just window-shopping maybe we're selling smokes two bucks at cotton hundred bucks at great I'll make you a deal you fork over 10 cartons and maybe we'll let you and your buddy get out of here in one piece Hey look pal how about you get back in your cute little car with your little friends there and I'll pretend I never seen you sound good you don't get it do you you fat [ __ ] this is our turf and it's gonna cost you to operate here now pay up you're the one who doesn't get it you have any idea who you're talking to one way it's changed you walk away now and I'll tell you who I'm talkin to a fat two-bit [ __ ] [ __ ] door-to-door salesman pockets stolen cigarettes on my turf and it's time to close up shop [ __ ] okay boys I think it's time for a fire sale [ __ ] don't [ __ ] it what do you say now boy what do I gotta say let's go ready it's me Vito listen we got a problem we were moving the smokes and then his his greases came out of nowhere and set the [ __ ] truck I'm fine what you [ __ ] kidding me you couldn't handle a bunch of grease balls what the [ __ ] happened look look Eddie Eddie listen it's not a fork okay [ __ ] the truck and finally what's happening everything burned up guys bring me my money stay we'll meet you at the Crazy Horse crazy yeah I know where this Steve's gonna have a few guys with him showing that nobody [ __ ] with us no shootin though so it looks like just another gang fight I don't want to read about a bloodbath in the papers tomorrow all right sure don't worry we'll take care of it all right we gotta meet Steve in front of the Crazy Horse good news is he's gonna help us out bad news is Eddie once it's running back all 2 grand of it [ __ ] really think we're gonna get two G's out of these guys I don't know we'll see what Steve's got Mike you know we ain't doing this out of the kindness of his heart let's go hey Steve hey hey guys aw D what are you doing here hey Joe I'm going with you on this one Steve needed help he said I could come along steve is in this kid's gotta learn sometime okay why are we here Steve huh the guys were looking for all headed to the foundry this is where they usually meet so we'll start here then head over to the foundry to finish the job and why'd you volunteer to help us those bastards trashed my cousin's car they robbed him and knocked out three of his teeth yeah those [ __ ] [ __ ] they make problems all over the city what you shut up kid I'm talking here so like the Bible says an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth and well we'll just start with this joint so what's the plan first we're gonna trash this place and how are we gonna do that [Music] with this go ahead boys hey come on guys now you can either help us or stay out of our way let's go teach these [ __ ] a lesson what the [ __ ] was that yeah all right now we go to the foundry Hey how'd you get in here follow the [ __ ] yellow brick road next nice one you [ __ ] are dead Joe what's out thanks good [ __ ] they got guns let him have it listen he's got way out of hand and he's not gonna be too happy that he'll be fine what we gonna do just let him kill us these [ __ ] dirtbags won't be botherin nobody no more what now Steve now I'm gonna go home and see if that castor oil is working I've been blocked up for weeks I'll see you later Joey Joe and I still got a lot of work that though we'll catch you later [ __ ] where we're gonna get the two g's for ready you got any idea how much a car like this goes for damn feet oh you're a genius these babies ain't cheap right I bet Derek will give us at least a grand for that one all right I'm gonna try this baby open Ares the family sounds like a plan I see at the bar so is the money well that's a [ __ ] relief stupid [ __ ] junkies now they know that place good work boys here's your cut thanks Eddie so you need anything else from us today or is that it I got something I gotta take care of no no no that's all for today I'll call you if I need anything you hello yeah Vito we got a situation here grab a gun and meet me at the bar and make sure you drive in a decent set of wheels all right I'll be right there morning Eddie hey Vito I'd like to introduce you to somebody Vito this is Carlo Falcone pleasure to meet you mr. Falcone Vito so Vito how do you feel about Alberto Clemente in local Bernina well honestly mr. Falcone the way I see it those [ __ ] tried to steal 5,000 bucks from me and then left me to rot in jail that's good because the two of them are planning to make a move on us so it looks like we're going to have to do something before they do something Eddie will tell you the rest I'm sure you won't let me down goodbye mr. Falcone nice to meet you Vito so what the hell's going up a car with three of our guys and it disappeared last night and word around town is that Luka might have had something to do with it was missing javi beans and the two guys who was supposed to be protecting him Tony boss and Frankie to Mick baines's Carlos accountant if he talks were all [ __ ] what do you need me to do I need you to wait for him in front of Freddy's and follow him to find out if he's involved and then if you find out that he had anything to do with this you whacked the best and if any of our guys is still alive try and rescue him hopefully you can find him before they spill the beans about our operation where do you think I'll go I got no idea so go prepared make sure you've got a fast car and some firepower all right no problem okay stop by here when you're done and Vito don't tell nobody about this got it this is Lucas car now where are you Luca there you are okay here we go in the slaughterhouse of course looks like Eddie was right okay I gotta get in there without being seen looks like I can pry this off Jesus Christ that reeks what [ __ ] that I got now I got a skinny little prick think I don't know about that don't I know where you got the money Falcone thinks he's got a good racket going but he ain't gonna get away with it come on how'd you get it I don't know anything I'm just an accountant with me you egghead bastard you want to end up just like your buddy here come on take a good look you think you're tougher than him after we're done with cheese we're gonna grind you up in one of these machines here it's it's just a question who are there gonna be nice enough to [ __ ] kill you first what's that [ __ ] stench hey hey somebody's on there hey where the [ __ ] are you supposed to be Jesus Christ what what is tucked in [ __ ] back here to save the day shut the [ __ ] up Luca hey I know you you're the jumper was hanging around with that [ __ ] Bagram I thought you were still wrapped in a cane what the [ __ ] you think you're doing here Falcone sent me he isn't too fond the skinny little [ __ ] trying to turn his guys into mincemeat so you joined up with Falcone huh well I'll tell you what if you knew what was really going on you'd realize that you was better off in jail but that don't matter now anyway hmm boys take care of them [ __ ] with the wrong guys [ __ ] will you get me decorate sneeze we owe you one Eddie send you yeah you noticed he was a couple of guys shy at roll call [ __ ] poor Frankie I want to kill that son of a [ __ ] thinks he's so [ __ ] someone thank you so [ __ ] smart I gotta try I'm gonna have a little fun welcome so I grind them up want to join me thanks I think I'll bases no just take the site of Luka yeah Eddie wanted me to take care of him personally don't worry about that it'll just take a little longer this way this [ __ ] don't deserve a quick death that I can't argue with that okay I'm gonna go I stink like an outhouse I gotta get cleaned up hey tell lady you don't got to worry about Luka yo [ __ ] open the door it's all over you you're still alive yeah what did you expect look before we go home you want to give me a hand with Sleeping Beauty here you know that's not such a bad idea hey Vito you made it hey Eddie whoa nice threads Thanks so what's the plan fellas what's with the suits Vito mr. Falcone is gonna bring us into the family tonight you will be we're gonna be made no [ __ ] tonight yeah really why didn't you tell me before what do we got a dope you'll find out but first there's somebody would like to have a little word with you hey y'all good to see you what you doing here hey kiddo I want to talk to you about what's gonna happen today let me have a seat all right sure hey thanks again for doing whatever you did to get me out of it can't early now I make good on my second promise to you second promise yeah I told you the next time we open the books we'd recommend you didn't I know it's done you had someone do with this but you work for Frank Vinci yeah I would have liked to have had you in our family but I figured Joe there is your best friend you guys grew up together just like me and Frank since Joe is working for Carlo the whole time you were inside I recommended they take you with too when he got made thanks Leo I I don't know what to say you know gotta say nothing not to me or anybody else it's kind of the way this whole thing works feet oh yeah now come on we don't want to keep them waiting all right I'll see you fellas upstairs what was that all about man nothing just you know talking about old times like that time when Oh Leo drop the soap [ __ ] you all right all right all right that's enough let's go use alike to school kids I just want a guy alright wait here now listen to me fellas it's one at a time once you're inside just do as you're told okay Joe come on in hey good luck [Music] all right your turn Vito gentlemen this is Vito Scaletta Vito know that this family of ours is a secret you are entering the Society of the chosen a society which does not exist to the rest of the world our family means more to you from now on in your own family or God or your country if I ask you to kill your own brother you must do it show me which finger would pull the trigger [Music] repeat after me veto if I were to betray the secret of our way of life if I were to betray the secret of our way of life may my soul burn in hell just like this sect may my soul burn in hell just like this saint Aamir Khan lost ah gentlemen I give you our new friend Vito Scaletta I am very pleased to have these two talented and honest men join us and I'm happy this has happened in the presence of our esteemed guests especially don't Frank vinci and it's gone I wonder why I take this risk again have to spend that almost seven years in a can you see where I grew up the only guys who mattered what a guys who had the balls to take what they wanted you will receive payment for your services from Eddie would you like to add anything Frank whatever you do gentlemen stay away from the door no dope that's our policy you can make plenty of money and if the years of doing everybody else's dirty work too many risks I was willing to risk anything to finally be somebody you [Music] hello hey teddy hey what's up I need you to come over to Joe's right now yeah okay all right what's happening I can't tell you over the phone all right I'll be right there yeah I went on with a baseball bat and they look like they was scared to yesterday's oh hey good morning Vito Marty what are you doing here Joe said you needed help and since I did good with the greece's he said he'd take me along again thank you along again for what exactly they're waiting for you yeah well uh I'll talk to you later Hey yeah that's my man Vito morning mr. Falcone hi every toe take a seat hey guys so what's happening I heard how you got rid of Luca Vito good job thanks to you we now have proof that Clemente was behind the attack on our guys we couldn't do anything to him openly till now he just cut his own throat he kidnapped and tortured our guys and that means war anything we do now I'm gonna be able to justify before the Commission Alberto knows this so he's gonna act quickly and try and come after us first so we're gonna take out Clemente exactly there's a Clemente called a big meeting in the empire Arms Hotel today this is our best chance to get rid of him and his top guys oh sure yeah we'll just waltz right in there to kill a few dozen heavily armed men and broad daylight and the nicest hotel in town that about right don't worry I got a plan [ __ ] Joe put that thing away Eddie don't worry it's safe I just gotta put this put it away now oh okay you're such a chicken [ __ ] okay okay so now we're gonna waltz right in and blow up the nicest hotel in town isn't that overkill don't worry this thing ain't that powerful it won't blow up the whole building but everybody in a room where it goes off is dead meat how we gonna know when to detonate it we'll use a window washing platform will almost be able to watch it explode since when are you in a smart one okay fellas I'm counting on you if all goes well I'll have something nice for you when it's over call Eddie at this number oh by the way I closed the bar today just in case Alberto tried something hey good luck fellas hey what about that kid in the hallway you mean Marty Lee a part of the organization so you had to wait outside I mean why is he here at all why do you think he's going with us because we need a getaway driver somebody to cover our asses what do you got against them anyway I known him since he was a little kid and he saved my ass with them grease yes when I fighting a bunch of drunk dirtbags this time we're about to take out the most powerful family in this city and you're bringing a kid and how old were you when you started doing this [ __ ] you took I like you some old fart look Vito he's gonna wait in the car outside and drive us away that's it he ain't even gonna know what we're doing there he's a great driver and that's exactly what we need on this one okay Joe whatever but I'm telling you right now this is a bad idea hey hey Joe so what what kind of job is it the kind you don't need to know about yeah be sure okay but hey if you need it I got my piece right here all right slow down Billy the Kid all right it's not gonna be necessary let's just go just don't go bustin it up on the way there this is our getaway car plus I'm pretty sure that explosives and car crashes don't go together to put explosives oh yeah for a little firework show forget you heard that we're going to the Empire Arms Hotel parking the underground parking lot and you the back entrance alright feet on me you'll go in and do it needs to be done you wait for us here and you hear a big boom start the car up because we're gonna need to get the hell out of here front though and you won't need that gun unless somebody follows us but that shouldn't happen okay okay I got you Joe Clemente rented the entire eighteenth floor the third one from the top there's a couple of Suites and conference rooms up there and gods so how're we gonna get up there round the back through the laundry room why you want to wash your shorts before we do this wiseass the meeting hasn't started yet we'll grab some hotel worker uniforms then we'll go do a little cleaning upstairs seriously when did you become the smart one there supposed to be a guy waiting for us inside with the uniforms let's go and we don't want to make a ruckus before Clemente gets here so don't go doing nothing stupid shouldn't I be telling you that stay here always a [ __ ] bridesmaid look I really sorry I couldn't get here sooner another minute you would have been late to your own damn funeral sorry I was alright enough just get the hell out of here see I got it all under control come on let's go pick up buy uniforms Vito one more thing here put this on are you [ __ ] serious so nobody recognizes us just put it on great let's go move it oh hey you two you got some more work upstairs waiting for you get moving hey Ritchie come with us that was [ __ ] Henry yeah so you got to get this [ __ ] cleaned up and you got to make it snappy [ __ ] tricks hey calm down will ya they're not gonna be around to bother you much longer hey yeah give me a hand here the [ __ ] the yellow the blue the plus in the flush cross perfect okay the hard part is almost over the Magna lazy [ __ ] hurry it up yeah looks like you've done all right you can get out of it Vito Vito hold on I forgot something yeah this for you just in case something goes wrong this is nice some piece of work 1911 coal with a modified well did you uh host:20 three bullets so the ammo goes quick and don't go losing it did you the only tool in the whole world Thanks never mind we got to go to the window washing platform come on takes care of that I hope nobody hurt us again buildings like this guy soundproof windows and we're so high up nobody on the street could I hurt is needed come on let's get to the window washing platform Hey how much wire you got enough how much is enough we'll reach up to the roof course not just go up one or two floors of blow so much for you being a smart what this is crazy what if the explosion takes us out - if won't we'll barely feel better night we fall off this thing you're gonna be dead before we hit the ground okay this is the right floor if you don't grab the squeegee and start washing windows so we don't look suspicious I gotta connect the wives [Music] [Music] that's it okay got it take this up a bit [Music] payback's a [ __ ] yeah just like clockwork [Music] these [ __ ] they know was that I don't know the dangers bloom will barely feel it alright alright let's go take a look I don't know why [ __ ] listen Eve I swear you're like a half of we thought sometimes [Music] [ __ ] a [ __ ] mess [ __ ] oh [ __ ] lucky bastard you [ __ ] shadow he's dead frito choke knob got to get ass you can't help him now Clemente's getting away let's go I'm gonna kill that [ __ ] [Music] you [Music] yeah you think it's over wrong you [ __ ] that's the end of him can't be sure less Richard [Music] this is for Marty now it's let's go to my place you want a beer give me Eddie's number I'll call huh hello this is Joe it's done everything much smoke no it didn't why Marty's dead what they got Marty we left them there okay what about Clemente done all right don't worry about the kids small price to pay small price that's my [ __ ] friend you're talking about yeah whatever the [ __ ] you're sorry take it easy now all right calm down I'm sorry too what do you think you knew the risks you too hey this was a dangerous job you took him along he died what you think the war was any different and Eddie didn't even know the kid so don't blame him you should go home okay whoa just give me a minute to get changed I'm sorry kid I am so sorry [Music] hello yeah is this Vito who's askin names Leon I'm the bartender at the Lone Star I'm ringing you cuz Joe Barbaro gave me your number says he's a friend of yours yeah what about him we're Oh Joe and cousin my top-shelf hooch all night long true but on about some cat named Marty and now he done just gone playing salty on me what the hell you talking about your friend is out of control me he always with his gun around his [ __ ] it was here top no sense to him great now look I ain't looking for no trouble with you fellas could you please come pick his junk ass up before he shoots somebody or somebody calls the police Vito you got to come on down here pick his ass up you come on all right I'll be right there honey don't give him any more booze till I get there i'ma try but your friend ain't gonna be down with that you dig hey if you don't cut him off right now I'm gonna cut you off when I get there got it aye me and I just hurry all right how many people are in the bar right now just me now the joint was jumpin about how ago but now everybody don't gonna split listen lock the place up till I get there I'll be there in a minute okay gadget Oh Vito you hey where is he over in the corner there now look I tried to cut him off but the [ __ ] was gonna air my ass out if I be okay knock that door just give me a minute put out a couple huh how you feelin Vito about time you showed up everybody went home gee Joe I wonder why Yeah right you drive here my courage all right you should drinking let's go you fellas about to leave I'll let ya here's to you kid you without like of me [ __ ] now where'd I put my keys you've gotta be kidding me what the [ __ ] is wrong with you Joe just what shut your [ __ ] mouth and get your drunk ass outside all right all right all right we're here try not to shoot anybody on the way to the front door thanks Vito and hey I'm sorry look just call me tomorrow okay you what the hell is that hey Vito long time no see sure long time what do you want Henry a drink let's take my car well I guess you know Clemente's dead along with everybody else listen Vito I know Falcone had something to do with this and I'm worried that he's gonna want to take out what's left of the family and I should care about this why well yeah look are you going away I'm sorry for what Clementi did tear but he got what was coming to him right I don't give a rat's ass about that old bastard matter of fact I work for Falcone just the same you saying you want to join up with us yeah and since you work for him I thought maybe you think you could put in a good word for me yeah sure me and Joe can vouch for you thanks Pete all I owe you one so how's life you mean before after half the guys I know got coke that business at the hotel you wouldn't know anything about that would you got no idea what you're talking about that's funny cuz a buddy of Joe's got popped in a parking lot that day so I just figured you two in on it are you Joe's are you talking about that [ __ ] kid used to come at the Freddy's which all the time what's his name Mikey Mickey whatever the [ __ ] his name was you mean Marty yeah yeah that's the kid get her voice like [ __ ] Minnie Mouse yeah yeah I heard about that so you sure you weren't there that day you're positive let's put it this way me and Joe were out taking care of something for our boss that day that's all I'm going to say you know I don't matter anyway but do me a favor would you yeah sure next time get a better disguise than a phony [ __ ] mustache I saw you two pricks from a mile away now what can we please not talk about this right now wherever again don't worry about it you do we you had a dull you ever get the feeling you'd be better off in a different line of work to be honest with you not really this is what I am what I'm good at yeah I guess it pays a hell of a lot better than being a [ __ ] taxi driver I was thinking about skipping town after that business at the hotel but where am I gonna go what am I gonna do that's why I came to see you so I was your last resort huh Thanks ain't not for nothing how come you came to see me and not Joe look Joe solid but I wouldn't exactly want him speaking on my behalf you know what I mean yeah can't argue with you there hey hey Vito you got that money for me I always keep my word don't I and you go don't spend it all in one place Thanks where's Joe uh he was here before but then he left looked pissed off though lately he always looks pissed off yeah can you blame him listen I need to talk to you about something well what is it important I'm busy with Betsy right now he's planning to make a move on us and we don't know how or why I I gotta sort this [ __ ] out and well I think it's worth hearing me out all right go ahead but make it quick all right a guy I know who work for Clemente called me he's worried he's not sure if we'll be going after the rest of Clemente these guys are not that's good as far as I know to boss a plan and nothing at this point unless they try something stupid okay well this guy also asked me if he could come work for us yeah who is it what is he a friendly illness I did a few jobs with him for Clemente he really knows his [ __ ] okay tell him to stop by well uh he's here right now he is alright go get him Eddie mrs. Henry Thomas II know Henry this is Eddie Scapa pleased to meet you mr. scalper don't call me mr. Scapa my friends call me Eddie that they could see them so Vito tells me you want to join up with us yeah I'm out of work right now and I don't want to make a big deal out of what happened no that's good thinking tell me something first Henry well Clemente had been she planning anything against the organization okay I usually keep my nose out of things like that but I was with Luka Guarino once that Leo gonna at this place and local was going on and on about Falcone being Bob did some dirty business and that something should be done about it I think he was trying to turn Vinci against your dad bastard I'll bet he was talking about drugs all the while he's dealing him himself he knows that Vinci is totally against us I probably fooled the old man good so that's why he's playing at the move on us and we're gonna eat him first again hey if we don't act Frank will first we gotta get rid of Galante without him Frank's [ __ ] deal I wanted to keep you out of it but I didn't have anybody else who could pull off a job like this now I'm thinking this could be the perfect opportunity for Henry to prove himself what are you saying me you up for it if it means I'm in when the job's done sure exactly take care of Leo now what about you Vito I'd feel a lot better if you want with Henry to make sure everything goes smooth and I don't mean you got a whack the guy just drive there wait until it's done and drive back but if it don't feel right I can ask somebody else instead what do you say sorry Eddie I can't do this Leo was like a father to me back if you can yeah I understand that looks like you got to take care of this yourself you can hire some help if you want but you got to do this so nobody suspects it was us Leo lives in hi book daddy don't worry it'll be done today okay you better get going in see you later daddy it's a good thing you brought him here even if he screws up nobody will know it was us I don't think Henry's gonna screw it up that's good well Vito I got nothing else for you today but drop by tomorrow okay yeah I'll see you later I see you [Music] Leo leo you're here how the hell did you get in here get out of here Oh something a little put it away it's me Vito you know what the hell are you doing here you could have called me on there's no time to talk you gotta get out of here quick they're after you huh come upstairs Vito my feet are getting cold you want a drink I want a drink what the [ __ ] is wrong okay Oh what's happening look Falcone wants you dead the guys are on their way you gotta get out hell would I do that look Falcone heard Vince she's planning to make a move on him because Clemente lied and said he was in a dope business I'd read Oh Carlo Falcone is in the dope business everybody knows that but I meant they tried to muscle his way into the business so Falcone got rid of him now he wants to get rid of us too before we make a move on anymore all this I got my sources why did you come here again why what are you getting senile on me because they're gonna kill you stop talking for Christ's sake it's right then let's go why don't we just get rid of whoever Carlos sent to whack me we got the advantage they don't know we're expecting I can't do that I know the guy I'm actually the one who got him the job you hired your friend to whack me no not exactly look I don't have time to explain he's gonna be here any minute okay wait here I'll get dressed [ __ ] too late they're here [ __ ] enemy can't see me here we got a hide quick before it comes up me Vito what the hell you doing here all right take it easy Henry - gun down and send the guys away I'm gonna explain everything boys wait for me outside if I don't come out a few minutes come looking for me take a seat what the hell is going on here look Henry Leo's a friend of mine all right he helped me out when I was in prison he pretty much saved my life and he's the reason I got made look I didn't know what he was gonna put a contract out on him I had a warned them you gotta understand yeah but you got to understand that I can't afford to screw this up the final utley Oh golf Falcone will think I [ __ ] them on purpose and I let me kill me I'm your friend here I'd do the same thing for you and you know it this has nothing to do with friendship Vito this is business and if I screw up I'm done I can't let him go I took a contract and I got to finish the job if you don't want to watch you can leave and don't worry about me I won't tell anybody you were here look Leo told me that all it is is because Falcone's into drugs he's breaking the rules and he wants to get rid of anybody who knows about it so why the only people who aren't breaking those rules of Frank Vinci and Leo here and those aren't the people who pay me you know thanks for everything but leave us now I've had a long good life and it's not worth risking your neck to buy an old man a few more years there's got to be a way you know go sorry Vito I won't tell anybody you were here just make sure nobody sees you leave [Music] you won't meet big for this one pal what a kid leo you want a drink what the hell happened your friend and I made a deal I'm gonna disappear there's nothing left for me in this town anyway since my wife passed and I was planning to retire someplace warm anyway well first let's get out of here before your friend changes his mind just promise me that you're never gonna be as stupid as you were today risking your neck like this just to buy an old man in a few more years enjoy your vacation oh man Frankie what are you doing here you know I don't know what to do I can't go back home I don't want to see him ever again what happened see who Eric husband watch it drinks any parties all the time is he hit you know but he's seeing somebody I know he is does he hit you sometimes [ __ ] action no veto please don't hurt him I just thought you could talk to him he'll listen where is he I don't know he has a friend who lives on on River Street it's gonna be all right all right listen hey when you feel better you go on home I'll talk to Eric that Bears that doesn't come back today and apologize you call me but don't worry I have a feeling he woke a veto but please don't hurt him please don't worry I'll go talk some sense into him okay Eric Eric the [ __ ] you think you're doing I'm busy here okay get lost I think you should be busy taking care of your wife and salt I'll teach you to hit a woman [Music] consider this a warning you touch my sister again I will [ __ ] kill you alright yeah from now on you're gonna stay home stay off the dope stop the drinking and make sure she's [ __ ] happy if I ever ever hear she's not happy I'll find you and finish the [ __ ] job you got it yeah okay everybody party's over and there won't be any more partying with this guy again ever unless you want me to come back and do the same to arrestees got it you know it's Francesca Eric came home and he's all beat up you said you probably got in a fight you know he's been hanging out with a very bad crowd he apologized for everything Vito he promised he'll be good to me it's all okay now so you leave him alone won't you hey whatever you want what if he hurts you again I'll kill him listen to yourself Vito I don't know you anymore look you you stay away from us you understand just just stay away torch the place dude now for you table cut born [Laughter] come on Joe don't tell me you're not home let's go you better not be pissed out come on [Music] movie barbecuing and you're under ways yeah can I come in oh yeah yeah of course I'll fix you a drink what [ __ ] I save it what the hell happened to this place I supposed to join up a little what do you think yeah it's really uh different yeah I decorated it myself so what the hell happened here take this those crazy [ __ ] Mick's what about it what'd they do they tried to [ __ ] kill me why and they burned my [ __ ] house down son of a [ __ ] so what are you gonna do you want to go deal with the mix right now damn right I do all right relax have a drink let me make a few phone calls and take a look at my closet unless you want to go on a rampage in your skivvies Thanks thought you'd never ask I told you I chased him but I lost the coward run away but I'll find him and when I do you were the one who ran away [ __ ] [ __ ] you you've got some balls yes I do all right come on you drive what a [ __ ] dump god I wish I had the cash for a hotel thought this is creepy you my house burned to the ground along with almost every penny I had there was even some trouble with the cops but Eddie took care of that and since I didn't have any insurance I had to live in this [ __ ] of an apartment till I could get back on my feet at least I managed to save Leo he disappeared without a trace I doubt Franck Vinci even knew where he went and even though Henry failed to deliver on the contract Eddie still brought him in when he heard Leo would skip town me and Jo and a new partner if you don't tell me hey listen I'm setting up something big and way to come in on it if you're interested in here more come with me at Lincoln Park and bring a piece okay I'll see you there yeah hey here he comes hey what's up hey if you don't take a seat all right listen I've been doing some research the Carlos business so so the only reason he had Clemente killed was because he was selling dope too and he was still as customers now he just needs to get rid of one last obstacle the one guy who [ __ ] things up and rolled on his plan to become the main supplier for the whole city Frank Vinci where'd you get all this I talked to a few people I trust okay so what does this have to do with us of course if he can do it why can't we a kilo of heroin costs 2500 bucks over and France then it's another thousand bucks to get it here and and we pick up 11 grand for just driving the stuff to the dealers that's 75 hundred bucks profit or kiowa yeah but what about Falcone my love won't find out and even if he does he'll just threaten us and Amanda cut all right but if Carlos the only big supplier in this city were you gonna buy this stuff from I'm Way out of you what do you two know about the tongs the change some kind of organization for Chinese immigrants right that's what I said the change right but it's also a front for their other operations they run the Chinese quarter then they keep to themselves but some of them are interested in doing business with outsiders and they need middlemen since most people are afraid to deal with them and weird yep they'll give us 10 kilos to start for how much 35 grand then we can sell it for 110 nice okay well where the hell are we gonna get our hands on 35 grand I know a loan shark theodore von palisade i think along his 35 we give him 45 back now that means out takers over 20 grand apiece not bad for just moving the [ __ ] from one place to another well you know who's gonna end up using his crap what do you care as long as it isn't an island cause and she was right drugs are bad news they kill bloke only idiots do drugs deadbeats and losses if they want to kill themselves so badly I'd gladly help them out especially for 20 grand I got buyers in the ghetto they'll take care of the distribution so we don't need to worry about that are you guys in or not I'm in come on don't be stupid Vito twenty [ __ ] grand and one afternoon when right now if we don't take the offer the times we'll just find somebody else Vito it'll be a piece of cake let's go see Bruno then Vito how about you want us all down there he's on palisade Street okay let's go hi fellas we're here to see Bruno [Music] how you angry if you got guns on use put them down there I got a searches [Music] hey Bruno hello Henry so to what do I owe the pleasure of your company I need 35 grand in $20 bills oh that's a lot of money Henry a lot of money tell me why should I give that much to a small-time guy like you huh convince me I got a short thing you'll have 45 by the end of the week what kind of schewe thing sorry Bruno that's a trade secret then 45 is not enough I'd be more comfortable with 65 it's steep even for you fifties all I can do Annmarie Henry I have no guarantee I'll get my money back and you have nowhere else to go so how about 60 don't think of it as interest it's small like my cut of the profit fifty five final offer anything more than that it's not worth my time deal I'll give you $35,000 today and you'll give me fifty five thousand by Friday if you don't pay it back by then the debt goes up by ten thousand every week you'll get it by Friday okay Isaac prepare $35,000 and twenty dollar bills now you know I trust you Henry but if you screw me remember these wise words from the Bible and my wrath shall wax hot and I will kill you with the sword and your wife shall be widows and your children fatherless Exodus chapter 22 verse 28 I'm impressed you don't seem like the church-going type but just remember the money isn't mine so even if you get rid of me that doesn't get rid of your debt so no funny business okay boy short winner Thank You Isaac you want to count it Henry I'll take your word for it and I'll bring it back on Friday alone what you are cut I hope so good luck boys [Music] welcome Henry a1 mr. Wang let us get straight to business is your suitcase heavy enough see for yourself hello dusty pounds on the Orion missions help y'all even somewhat trim quite alright take it away and bring the goods you're a good man Henry here is your merchandise each bag contains one kilo each kilo weighs a little more than two pounds which one do you want to test [Music] [Music] okay well good I'm glad next time we can give you twice the amount it was a pleasure doing business with you mr. Wong the pleasure was all mine [Music] knock it off see how easy that was get back in the car [Music] I fell asleep odds over now we just got to make the exchange and with done it sounds good to me well we had it hunters I got it all lined up hello gentlemen [ __ ] its said you have something for us drop the suitcases hmm my shoes wait a minute these guys ain't cops kill the bastard Schofield hey guys how you doing hey man come on it did it we hit the jackpot hey hey hey take it easy when I've done yet lighten up will you Henry what's the matter all of a sudden money don't make you happy after we pay back you know and you get your cut then you could be a writer right you you ain't even gonna give me a tip you want a tip I'll give you a tip don't let the toy in the ass on the way out always the gentleman Joey just get the [ __ ] out here Rick wanna come join me hey I hope there's room for three in there Barbaro's bordello you got the money we got the honey's Peter tell me we got a problem what kind of problem me a visit Carlo knows about the deal and he sent Betty to pick up his car how much 60 grand [ __ ] how much we gonna do okay I'll be right there Joe we got to go now Joe I'll tell you on the way Henry's different these days you guys got a real doctor [ __ ] going on Henry [ __ ] [ __ ] us up like this Vito them people are [ __ ] sick [ __ ] what do you think look at his feet oh you [ __ ] believe this money's got to [Music] come on we got to get out of here cops will take care of me hey that's the old guy who sold us adult WOM now we know what fun let's get in there and take him out before he disappears with the money oh no I'm gonna need some serious firepower first we can either go to Harry so we can kill these [ __ ] right now just say the word [Music] so gentlemen this place for member-only here's your [ __ ] membership if joke is you listen to me for once no I can't you've seen what they done to Henry you're dead you slanty-eyed [ __ ] what is it that you want what the [ __ ] do you think we want we want to know why you had our friend killed we also want the money you took four men I had no choice your friend was a government Informer what [ __ ] are you talking about a contact inside the Federal Bureau of Narcotics told me that Henry Thomas you know passed them information about our deal that's a [ __ ] lie whoa whoa you say it Henry was a rat yes but not anymore that's [ __ ] makes no sense and I suppose you are nothing to do with a little stick up after we close the deal what you either write you think we would take such a stupid risk and destroy our own factory that was just another reason to get rid of you we had problems with you from the very beginning err well all your problems are just about over pal so where's our money it's not here anymore what where the hell is it then I cannot tell you if you don't tell us I'm gonna splatter your yellow brains all over this [ __ ] room if I told you I did dead anyway fine your choice are you crazy what you wanna do let him go or something we could have gotten more out of him [ __ ] dad he wouldn't have said nothing he's bested some tough let's just get the hell out of here before the cops come [Music] [Applause] this deal was a total [ __ ] disaster tell me about Henry's dead we don't have Bruno's money we killed half the Tom's and if they think call us at us it'll mean war we're [ __ ] yeah and if Carlo finds out we got him into this mess what if Henry really wasn't rat no [ __ ] way don't even say that look first let's get the money for Bruno that'll fix at least one problem but I'm done for today I need a drink call you in the morning we'll figure this [ __ ] out all right okay I'll see you later and Vito be careful you Vito you ready does it sound like I'm ready you just woke me up so get the [ __ ] up we don't get the money for Bruno today we're [ __ ] where the hell are we gonna get our hands on 55 grand that I don't know we sure as hell ain't gonna find a later random bed I got something for starters the job from Eddie with a big payout oh [ __ ] yeah pick up in a few minutes so get dressed we have a gun away from me outside I'll tell you more in the car this better not be one of your brilliant ideas Joe hey sorry sorry I didn't mean to snap at you I'm still half-asleep over here yeah yeah whatever so you're not sure why not how long till you get it I'm calling from the gun shop around the corner i beeped you place in a minute all right I'll wait for you out back I'll see you soon hey what's with the fancy wheels Eddie gave it to was just for this job nice that you drive my head still pound them from last night we're going to greenfield guess you hit the sauce pretty hard too huh yeah I couldn't sleep either a bottle of scotch couldn't fix them [Music] [Music] mr. Angelo yes mr. celli ere he sends his regards [Music] hey Vito hey thanks for coming by I knew I could count on you before Frank's organizing a sit-down with the other bosses and it took almost all my guys's bodyguards so I won't have nobody around the handle this a job for me Derek these guys still don't want to work why why cuz of that deadbeat you're fired hey [ __ ] well Vito that other thing I left the wait can you help us out here with this foist what's happening well this deadbeat didn't come to work for whole week pretended he was sick total [ __ ] so I fired his ass anyway some of his buddies are upset and they threatened to strike all I got to do is show up but a few guys who look like they mean business that'll scare them and they'll forget all about it I'd give you a thousand bucks or you win all right I ain't gonna say no to that kind of money all right all you need to do is stand behind me look tough right Steve we'll see these [ __ ] guys really think all the [ __ ] they are this ain't the first time I have problems with them you know no how many of them there is three four ten how the [ __ ] should I know does it matter no it's just that what are we gonna do it'll all depends on how do your labor negotiations go just let me the wallet talk I don't need you opening your mouths of proven astana jeez ah so what's the problem here fellas who want you to give Big John his job back it's me that decides who gets hired and fired around here and I say he fired all we're asking is for you to hire him back he's got a family he needs a job I've made my decision see I told you easy doesn't Vinnie you want to do this easily we bust our asses day in and day out for this fat [ __ ] and if anything ever happens to us he'll screw us over just like now young man I don't want to hear another word about that [ __ ] dead who you calling a deadbeat a crate fell on the poor guy while he was working for you broke both his damn hands well that's his [ __ ] problem not mine and I suggest you get back to work before somebody else's hands get goddamn bastard you fellas are really starting to piss me off there's no need for violence please put it down you don't want no trouble don't look that way to me right now looks like you got big trouble don't you now if y'all don't want to start looking for new jobs you'd be back to work in the next ten minutes Sarita well a duel with your mom veto your status boy ain't ya Oh your dad used to talk about you all the time you look just like him what are you doing working for this bastard after what he did to your old man [ __ ] mouth right now don't listen to what Vito he's full of [ __ ] come on let's go foolish [ __ ] huh that bastard killed your father Vito what they just trying to get under your skin Derek hey stop pointing that don't you ask him how your dad dragged that night we seen him take a walk with Steve and then Steve come back alone and all wet stop pointing that thing it what the hell happen with my father Derek are you not so what were you gonna trust me or these now unemployed losses we known each other for a long time Vito Vic of all they were wet Steve you dive in to try to save him because he wouldn't stay underwater shut we don't you swore a note I was there a loyalty to the family is greater than to our own families tell that to my mother yeah should I kill him and a lot he will settle things with him later you disappoint me Vito you really do I'm gonna do a hell of a lot more than disappoint you Derek your dad's know right now get that [ __ ] before he runs away time to teach that fat [ __ ] a lesson hey where'd you get that doesn't matter okay the odds are even now let's teach that fat [ __ ] a lesson all right follow me guys wouldn't be doing this please no can handle himself I need Joe checked in with Eddie at the fountain Vito good you're here you uh you hear what happened Wow what's going on Henry's dead why the [ __ ] chinks hacked him to death in broad daylight well why so you don't know anything about it well Henry wanted to bring me in on some deal but I guess what happened yeah well Henry is well was stupid he was dealing dope with the tongs he noticed was off-limits and he got caught Carlo let him off with a small fine he told him he'd forget about it but the chinks double-crossed Henry and hacked into pieces in the middle at a posh [ __ ] ain't no doing business with the yellow man but there's worse Henry wasn't working alone yesterday some guys massacred a shitload of the chinks over at Chinatown now they figure must either been aa Vinci they already started threatening Vinci if this don't get settled fast we're all in deep [ __ ] you sure you don't know nothing about it not a thing Eddie I swear yeah how about Joe Joe Joe's with me last couple days well you're lucky then Kahlo's out of town right now but when he gets back it ain't gonna be pretty no [ __ ] you better not be [ __ ] me Vito let's try to zip it next he keeps his ear to the ground H is a P I'm looking for Joe Barbaro who's here today elevator yeah joking but today great I've been looking from the whole day did he say where he was heading well no he didn't I don't think you know himself how come well he was looking for a job but before we managed to finish a conversation a few guys came and took him away what oh it was vinci's people they said mr. bean she wanted a word with him you know what it would have went non-law so maybe to the bar the Mona Lisa [ __ ] this is something wrong not sure let's just say we're not on the best of terms with mr. Vinci these days yeah Joe didn't look too happy I got a bad feeling about this I better go find out what's going on I hope it's nothing serious whatever tuna eat them fries and maybe I won't kill you Maya fellas look at the balls on this guy nice to see you too don't move a muscle come on listen to the friendly bartender and stop [ __ ] around Vito now first of all I gotta ask you to slowly toss your guns on the floor no funny business needed the bartender's got the itchy trigger finger in town huh I'm not armed okay so what are you doing here Vito we wasn't expecting you I'm looking for Joe Barbaro I heard some of your guys picked him up yeah maybe what are you trying to pull me and Joe didn't do nothing to you mr. Vinci doesn't seem to think so he wanted a few things explained to him so that's what Joe is doing and since you stopped by why don't we go and join them and what if I don't want to these guns say you do but don't worry it's got a hell of a view [ __ ] ah hey what's up Joe the [ __ ] went to take a leak great what can you explain to me why the [ __ ] we're here that old [ __ ] Vinci can't see what's going on right in front of his face and he thinks I can explain it to him idiot oh the happy couple is here already welcome frito what's going on you got no reason to treat us like this no reason no reason first the business with Leo and then all hell breaks out in the city the cheeks they're going nuts everybody's fighting like lunatics no those yellow bastards are threatening to kill me it's out of [ __ ] control now I'm too old for this [ __ ] so you're gonna tell me what the hell's going on here come on I'm all ears mr. Vincey look I don't know what the hell's going on here believe me me and Joe ain't got nothing to do with it that ain't what I wanna hear yeah well that's your problem because we don't know [ __ ] about any of this that's too bad finally we don't got much time we got to do something all right I'll try to break the pipe god help me out I can't do it by myself okay one two three one two three again one two three [Music] Vito they [ __ ] me up pretty good I think I need a doctor okay let's get you over to El Greco need a hand I can make it what do you want me to do with the money take it to Bruno all right at least that'll be out of the way [Music] leading gentlemen whoa what happened to you hey Doc I got my ass kicked at a corner what's happening today one of your guys is already here Oh his name is Antonio but some tawny balls what happened - somebody messed him up pretty good I don't think he's ever going to walk again what this surprises you well the blood or the death oh this is the lifestyle you choose one day your luck is about to run out alright time it could blow up and off with the sermon doc you have time to treat Joe yes but you'll have to wait a minute while I fix Antonio up that's ok doc alright come in make sure you settle things with Bruno okay and Vito Thanks sure thing feel better good evening you have the money for me oh do you wish to extend the debt here it is hey I have to admit this is somewhat of a surprise I heard you boys had some complications yeah we did I heard that Henry is dead I'm very sorry to hear that Isaac counted say a little business venture was a success you got your money right right right it's just that the whole city has been turned upside down the Chinese think the Italians attack them so they're going after Vinci that's not good not good would that have anything to do with the reason you borrowed this money sorry Bruno that's none of your business ah Thank You Isaac it looks like the debt is settled I don't even know your name Vito Vito who Vito Scaletta yeah Scaletta I know his Scaletta once but I must say you're much better at paying back you that's that he was his poor wife had to do it for him so was you who let my father the money your father I like father like son I see you don't approve I didn't make him borrow the money now did I just like I didn't make you if you ever need alone you know where to find me sure you you you I couldn't sleep things were bad and they were only gonna get worse the truth was gonna come out sooner or later and then we were gonna have Falcone after us along with the Chinese and Vinci this wasn't how I imagined it when we were starting out I dreamed the money cars women respect freedom I guess I ended up getting all that more or less a long way that came prison living in constant fear and the blood of my friends I ducked that as long as I could but it was finally catching up with me I'm small just a matter of time yeah hello Vito yeah it's Eddie I'll listen I need you there yes you need me to come by right away and I should bring the gun for once I don't and a caller wants to see you over at the planetarium he say what it was about no don't want to keep the man waiting yes see a beetle mr. Scaletta can you get in please me hey old man what are you doing back just get in the damn car now and you are this is our friend mr. Chu alright so what the hell is going on what is this this is about you [ __ ] up good didn't get started a [ __ ] war got no idea what you're talking about don't [ __ ] with me boy I probably forgotten more about this business and you'll ever learn half our guys are dead have a mr. Jews guys are dead and now the feds are breathing down everybody's necks because of you Leo this ulis if it wasn't for me you would have already been taken care of so you're gonna listen to what I have to say and you're gonna listen good what you did in Chinatown that was because of that [ __ ] Henry right you know who he was working for when he died you mean when he was butchered he was working for the feds he was a [ __ ] rat that's why mr. Jews people did what they did that's why the feds are going after Carlo now but I don't forget my friends you did for me so I did for you I called in a few favors got you one chance to make this right okay I'm listenin you're gonna get rid of Carlo do us all a favor and if I refuse you die Frank and the rest at the Commission what you did so does mr. Chiu and to top it all off you vouched for a rat you think Carlos gonna let that slide you're a dead man walking when now every minute we wait is that not a minute we give to the feds he's holed up at that observatory is you know something's up Carlo Falcone is a lot of things but stupid in one of them all right stop the car remember kid this is your last chance hey fellas hey Vito the boss wants to see you good I want to see him too what uh one thing don't beat oh I gotta take your gun yeah all right here you go Wow look who it is this is where they said this is an insult what'd they tell you Vito take care of me and all's forgiven you really think they're just gonna let you walk after everything you did then again chumps like you never do think about the big picture but your buddy Joe understands don't you Joe what the [ __ ] is this I could ask you the same question no T's a funny thing huh Vito no such thing as friendship in this business in your old pal Leo teach you that while you're sucking his [ __ ] back in the can you're just a [ __ ] pawn Vito it's all you have a word when are you gonna realize Joe you just gotta trust me you think I give a [ __ ] about the feds all those tired old [ __ ] on the commission they using your veto just like Clemente just like I used you just like that ref [ __ ] Henry used you you vouch for them brought him into my house and now you dumb [ __ ] you're gonna pay for it now Joe hey you're gonna pull that trigger do it already what are you waiting for Vito let's shoot this [ __ ] - you know something Carlo for the last ten years all I done was kill I killed from my country Wow I killed it for my family I killed anybody that got in my way but this one this one's for me [ __ ] [ __ ] prick I sure as hell hope you know what you're doing here don't worry I took care of it you'll see so uh what was he talking about back there not that he made me an offer that's all yeah I figured out that much what kind of offer he wanted me to whack it said he'd make me a capo give me my own crew you know pretty much everything I ever wanted yeah so why the hell didn't you do it remember that five bucks you owe me what the hell is this it's alright job is it done it's done alright then looks like a celebration is in order come on let's head to the cathouse sounds good to me come with me yes more we need to talk about all right we'll see you over there all right so what's the big secret hey hey what the hell's going on where they take a joke sorry kid Joe wasn't part of our deal [Music] [Music] when you're smiling you're smiling you
Channel: Hoddys Guides
Views: 85,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mafia, Mafia II Definitive Edition, play through, stream, chapter, guide, lets play, remaster, PC, no commentary, walkthrough, mafia 2, Mafia II, Let's play, gameplay, The Old Country, Home Sweet Home, Enemy of the State, Murphy's Law, The Buzzsaw, Time Well Spent, Cinematic, movie, story, storyline, ending, cutscenes, beginning, complete, hd, definitive, edition, remake, film, mafia game, 8bit mafia live, mafia song
Id: sdeEO5KDYC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 22sec (10762 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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