UNCHARTED: THE LOST LEGACY All Cutscenes (PS4 PRO) Full Game Movie 1080p 60FPS HD

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[Music] [Music] [Music] that's when it's my favorite it makes you guys doing good does it know half-price if you might - Wow you again is this your store hidden or may fathers how much intention of this place eight hundred rupees okay I'll care for you by fisted incredible so does your father usually leave you here alone no he's away fighting the Devils the Indian Army called him out today no he volunteered really well if it was my choice I wouldn't leave you here alone alright that's 300 bet the dil 400 noobest bless Ganesh you don't want this it's broken see you don't know the story goodness what Parashuram was any good at his father's to defend the honor of his father Shiva and got his tusks hacked off for his troubles hmm and sadistic anyway it's not for sale right on time okay look 600 rupees keep the change hey wait hey you need the guy oh and what do that cost me [Laughter] [Music] [Music] need to be on that truck before it goes so you've been this how much put it did not for sale let me go this way huh what don't get me wrong decent technique on the knife but I'd like my Ganesh back please a for effort kid people aren't allowed across the bridge is too dangerous doesn't kid it's been really fun to make yourself scarce I have a spare bed in the store 300 rupees best deal in all of India okay no thanks I need to get on this truck bad idea the Rebs they hurt people listen I need to help my friend okay tell you what when I get back pizzas on me deal dear Oh God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's poor bastards okay mental that's it better than nothing here we go it's just nothing you can't handle [Music] get out while you can hey hold on what's your rush how do I know you're not smuggling something in here arms up hey dangerous to be out so late hey where do you live what are you deaf untie him I said where do you live I'm in the middle of something prepared yes sir I'd understood you with me man the gun sir what about her just let it through you heard him get going okay for them I got somewhere to be [Music] [Music] [Music] the streets shift ends in an hour I need sleep you can sleep in the truck know that the last of them almost there's a couple more in the alley [Music] pink Lotus the hell does that mean [Music] a substitution on small tickets all over India to join the real safe [Music] the enemy's not messing around [Music] ya think notice not what I was picturing these two targets one was the warehouse the other you're in the wrong place girl [Music] you're late freighter I see you two wouldn't [ __ ] dick before the first one [Music] what the hell was that I thought you were a professional Oh you should relax you'll live longer relax it took me weeks to track down herself the man's as unpredictable as they come it's just another warmonger with no water fight now you don't know him like I do he changes location and routines by the hour we'd be foolish to take unnecessary risk we let's get one thing straight this is my gig you want your share we play by my rules what's it gonna be he's the one with a beard that's the spirit hmm handsome if you're into Psychopaths nobody's perfect where's Basecamp top floor balcony all right to do this hejdå street route or planned out but they'll be looking for us now what do you suggest I'll think of something come on I'll give you a boost up there you go thank you follow me that wasn't so bad no what patients up here really really [Music] first one more dollar I'll take him out no I got it I'll be that cooler one [ __ ] well where to now up [Applause] yeah sorry about that how about we avoid crates from now on okay good deal so just take it moment there's one well that works it's fine that disk very much watch our backs yeah yeah it's like walking through an antique shop he's been a busy boy how much you think is worth enough to keep his little insurrection going for quite some time hmm Indian Christian is that it no just looking it doesn't bother him he's wrong Indian octopus it's not eyesight Oh horrible lots of curious cats here speaking off good point I'll just borrow this Frasor mm-hmm now that looks promising it's locked not for long ones that make Western Ghats Horsell our territory no it's alright nothing we didn't already know [Applause] it's beautiful it's time to go Nadine Russ what a pleasant surprise uh-huh careful brothers this Tigers got claws myself oh these years and you haven't aged a day you two can't hmm are you looking for work I hear that shore lines under new management temporary setback nothing I can't handle of course of course pity though my men and I could use someone of your caliber [Music] why are you them and this this isn't your area of expertise it is a nice collection I must say Chloe Fraser collector of Antiquities a thief you're working for a thief sir we have a situation I'll be right there the disk oh right about that at first I mistook you for just an average rebel but you have managed to find the voice of our Empire that's not bad their greatest treasure the task of Ganesh now that's not an easy fight eating three Persian invasions three separate Wars and all these years later no one has found it we're close you're lost and the only chance you have of even narrowing down its location is to find someone who can help you crack this artifact someone with an extensive knowledge of Hoysala society exactly an expert in their culture and history my rates are reasonable a parasite who exploits our struggle in order to fatten her pockets so that's a no you've got bars I like that but I don't need anymore so call experts shoot them throw their bodies in the river no need we'll throw ourselves out Oh it's this way hit here quick the hell was that back there messy bit effective you were going to sell me out would you it's called improvisation God who's being unprofessional now what the hell is that supposed to mean it means you let us all get the jump on us I'm starting to wonder whether you're worth for 50 percent I knew it you were going to give me up his Olympic can't change his spots you know nothing about me fair warning last person you betrayed me wonderful dead there's a river yeah and your guy better be there I don't make this hard love it [Music] are we going out there on schedule should hit learned in about an hour great the tusks of Ganesh no wonder the Hoysala capital was ransacked look at this thing any luck I don't need luck I'd say we can use all the luck we can get are you still hung up on a serve so-called expert don't worry if it's ours not in the guess already he'll be right on our heels plus he's got weapons transports hundreds of men like I said don't worry looks like some kind of key maybe let's see the Trident was Ganesha's weapon the bow and arrow was Parrish Aramis and the axe was a gift from Shiva [Music] with the great battle what a battle in which Ganesh lost his tusks and I bet we find these symbols we find the tasks not bad Fraser yeah you like my dad for that Hindu myths were his thing might have rubbed off you must be proud Suns almost I'll go get ready nice work maybe there is a long way to go to settle an argument just for my peace of mind all right well nice view and look how weird I'm sorry I doubted you close this house Allah where Salah it's not a modern structure so we're definitely on the right track what I don't like it you don't like anything no we've gone nearly a hundred kilometers with no sign of a soft glass half full maybe we got the jump on them unlikely I'll find the Tusk ass ours on you understood meet you back at the car yep ah right where I left it amazing landscape [Music] [Music] my tree Reidsville can you make it boss working on it I'm fine by the way want me to drop nope I'll don't mind I do it's a control thing sure let's just enjoy the serenity shall we got a dumb question so much for that how do you know that task is still there it would have turned up in a museum or something by now right but I haven't seen any moisture exhibition I've never even heard of the hoist a lot before this job yeah well that's the fault of their last king really young reckless low entities Empire as well kill two new and then let the Persians right to their doors and nice refreshing could have warned me Oh where's the fun in that way from the city quiet if you come back here often no not really we sell our ruins and we get through that gate I'll check it out capitals what have we got Holabird ooh and velour I thought these were Ganesh and Shiva someone's been paying attention Ganesh was the guardian of halebidu the newer of the hoisin are Capitals Shiva was the guardian of the former capital below the stonework is beautiful but this isn't much of a defensive war mmm sculptors quarters by the look of it we're still on the outskirts it didn't take you for an archaeologist that would be my dad actually I'm just a thief remember okay the rental equipped with a winch looks that way great I'll make short work of these gates what you're just going to pull them down that's the plan unless you've got dynamite misses your kick take that as a No right that should do the trick okay we're clear right where were we you were about to fall down an ancient gate yeah I was there we go myself well well spotted it's brought a whole battalion with him what he would be more inside already hey I'm flattered that he's taking us so seriously I need to get through that gate all right well slow down got to take care of these jokers first you have a plan yeah sure any word from Pokemon patience trust himself [Music] heard one of them South Africa work with the boss won't happen before my time he talks about her they say she's a formidable fighter it's a lot of ground to cover true but unlike your boy SR we've got an advantage for three symbols let's have a look at the map okay let's see we are right about here I can mark it up as we go check out that Tower but you could get the lay of the land from up top maybe yeah okay I'll keep an eye out for a soft perfect not that I'm too worried about him that you should you don't have the advantage of surprise again I don't think he was expecting much from you wait does that a compliment that sounded like a compliment these guys are idiots but I saw this we just need to stay the hell away from [ __ ] this goes on over there never understood the appeal of people like us are easy he finds men who are weakened offers them power gives them purpose purpose sounds more like [ __ ] to me how'd you get tangled up with a sub anyway purpose rather not go into it you certainly seem to have a thing for you don't remind me proved useful at the time but do tell rather not maybe over drinks Norden of alcohol in the world where are you going want to climb it with me I really want to but someone to keep watch for sex forces good cool Shiva's axe let's see here aimed right at those Hoysala ruins it's an old fortress tucked into the mountainside I'll just mark that on the map with an axe let's see what's behind the Trident doors and another old fortress just beyond those waterfalls try to mark on the map figure last month I wonder what that could be for future reference whoa guess I should look for a call button before climbing up was it with a clan and then some found the three symbols really yeah each one was pointing towards a different fortress those will be the best places to look perfect right you're the military expert what's the serve strategy here he spread out his men hoping to stop us in our tracks not what I would do so what would you do if you were Assad besides to lose the beard hang back let you do the heavy lifting then swoop in and grab up the task once you've done all the hard work devious practically mitigates a lot of risks lucky you're on my team yeah you are I'm a little surprised Assad's not doing the same thing maybe it's expert knows more than we think right all the more reason to wrap this up quickly they're nice to be out of that [ __ ] finally I was starting to think the boss all thought I'd watch your mouth that's it wait clear probably allude to the others can't be helped come on okay we're all clear won't be the last of them it was a big truck parked out front we'll keep our eyes open would have preferred a head start over yourself not much we can do besides doesn't matter who starts only who finishes what is it a shrine don't think so don't see any day as he's hanging about let's find a way up waitis impressive Thanks come on well lookie here what are you willing to bet told you it's some kind of key gold star for you now let's see what it does what is it ancient ice large examples [Music] varnish aroma know what now I guess we turn this crank and see what happens next I think it's safe you know that treasure hunting is not a good gig for the risk of us right neither is being a mercenary difference is when I pull the pin on good night I know what's going to happen next my way is much more fun did you hear that you feel that look at that holy hell there's a massive relief carved into the side of that mountain and you were worried we were gonna turn that crank and die guess it's good I've got an archaeologist daughter with me it must have been fun growing up hey it had its moments I learned to live boy Salar Empire was kind of his thing took up a lot of his time though me if I go digging for treasure I better make a buck or two no sure I don't take big risks without a good bird eh I imagine so like running an army huh that's a big responsibility second nature it's my father's company you retired I took over family business hmm made a real mess of it not you should know her gee when those Drake brothers are close yeah well conversation for another time so where to next there's the fort above the waterfalls with the Trident and there's the fort in the mountain sporting the axe suppose I should have asked about the drakes before I took the job not much to tell I know Nate pretty well Sam less so he seemed to just appear out of thin air let's find a way to get back down to the car sounds good hey just so you know Nathan Drake is no longer in the picture you don't have to worry about I had my concerns why do you accept my offer I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth especially with everyone wanting to see me fall I hear that but on the plus side oh there's a plus on O when people have low expectations it's much easier to take them by surprise as far as I'm concerned this business is tough enough on your own you have to take any advantage you can you always good to know firstly how old were you when you started young learn quickly enough I needed to let people think they were getting their way and then I could get the upper hand to settle for me I always preferred the direct approach yeah whatever works I say mm-hmm you credible you got that right want a closer look sure magnificent how long you're supposed to text to call something like this yes decades even nicer last certainly could have a knack for stonework and the ward seems that do they must have made these to commemorate their victories against the Persians looks like they put up a good fight they did pity it didn't last but their loss is our gain right that carving looks familiar that carving is an exact match for the disk so what does that mean I don't know but it looks as though we have two more symbols to find copy that salar versus the tiger salar one actually he was protecting his guru and killed the animal in one blow it's where the name Hoysala comes from koi meaning strike in their language okay yep come on in word is fine hey don't drink it you okay it slightly dick but I'm good good let's keep moving oh my what the hell is this okay let's see what this does that statue moved Wow let's see how this goes oh hell no [ __ ] said you moved again careful all right I think that do this come on over nice to see you Shiva what mr. turn the water on voila what's to say it's not different this time what if it's fire or something you're messing with me I'm totally messing with you here we go another waterfall yeah two out of three now Ross and I went to an absurd amount of trouble to hide the tusks well the tusks was the symbol of Hoysala dominance representing their wealth and their might nice trophy for the Persians yeah my dad always thought that the Tusk was something even greater though what you're dead was after the tusks my dad was obsessed with it he spent every day and night researching it all our money wasted on fruitless expeditions that wonderful uh so what came of it I don't know well he sent me in my mama way he said it was no longer safe and off to Australia we went and now here I stand on the outskirts of Halle Badu pretty funny and the last four it's nestled above the falls the one with the trident Australia nor accent makes sense now yeah phrase is not exactly an Indian surname mother it was my mum's let's head back to the car makes more sense wire solves after the Tuscan are you can he just wanted the money like us he'll use it to rally people to as poor wavered in the government's face just like all the other times this happened before oh yeah ever since the young king lost to the Persians everyone's wanted to lay claim to it to this land here I thought we were just going on a treasure hunt we are let men like us our fight over it's not about themselves parting wards was my concern for a time good point but you did it for the cash pulled up over there in that clip ward see that archway looks intact right where were we oh right usually what about when you worked for a star definitely a cash drip hardly worth the trouble out why do it then needed to establish my rep they figured I'd stop with the worst of the bunch nowhere to go but up after that beautiful art here this your first visit to India yeah not a lot of perks in this line of work but travel is definitely one of them where have you been where haven't I been which ever question words be well I haven't been to the States really yeah well the stuff I'm looking for is usually old right the US was only found at a couple of hundred years ago true what about you where do you want to go Iceland nice choice well it's quite unspoiled and I want to see those Northern Lights okay yeah that's on the bucket list too you should go when we're done here someday might be more guys over there yeah think that's a lot of them you all right well thinking of all the ways that could have gone better see I'm thinking about how it could have gone worse much more positive outlook sort of okay let's go find out John water faucet sounds good hmm okay that's not it no this what's the trick here what look like a button yeah I just wanted you to have a go at something what's this that's a good sound one of the spokes on the wheel just turned around last but not least that should do it okay back to the big wheel thing big wheel thing we do archeological zoom big wheel thing works [Music] right out did oh come on looks like we're going under I do there's our faucet one Trident coming up both the middle and inside pieces you can move the outside Ganesh hello sir come on let's get this over and done with yep [Music] see I told you it was dangerous you hurt just my dignity here we go baby water and now that's three you know you're pretty good at this whole treasure hunting thing I'm a quick study hmm one question though I reckon that you could pretty much do anything you want why you so keen to get your line back seriously My partner tends my own many hands to me my lieutenant makes off with a bounty Nathan and Samuel Drake get off scot-free and you ask me what I want Shawn I'm thinking yeah was on my watch I lost it on my watch all right what the hell is that thing you keep playing with it's my stress toy it showed up in the mail a few weeks after we got to Australia all right I better get a move on we don't want to stop to get ahead of us you know I've had my fair share of screw-ups you just pick yourself up and move on I don't like to fail no one does No all right that's my day I last went back to the car buys dinner I've brought a Maurice no no fun what things it is run around a maniac need to learn what short intro not very rich in the jungle combat slugger if you want to look anywhere else out there the time to do it right here we go coming behind you so we dance Paul not to break it this time sassy [Music] that's what I'm talking about boats I was expecting that you ready yeah just um taking it all in welcome to downtown halebidu last known resting place task of Ganesh spectacular huh what doesn't it look like there's a dam or something between the two Ganesh statues must have been eroded by the false so how do we get in yeah look at the crown it's not wear and tear you're right maybe it was a watchtower but that's how the patient's got him I have heard about this place for so long don't believe I'm actually looking at it should take a picture send it to your dad great idea what you're one of those cultures who can't work a computer just take the picture show it to him in person then no it's a just a few decades too late for that no come oh god please no that's fine shall we head over to hell of a do [Music] hard to believe it's real imagine what it took to make this postman engine yes I am work still stands but they're gone maybe their King should have used their wealth to protect his people and not make such an inviting target yeah I've got you all right I can manage come on up only because we've said please I didn't expect you would you say knish was the removal of obstacles he's more than happy to place him in your way if he thinks he'll benefit that why witness my chosen Paraburdoo he's also the Lord of good fortune when he prayed to for prosperity and success good that's cool that's really the only way across well yep have you point out that you know it they're doing great China was doing better when you get you can't surprise me between table yes the Aqua scheme up here like that he doesn't have the stones to come on this high I think I see a place we can swing over to the crown just a little farther to go thank you hurry up and climb I'm slipping [Music] [Music] was it No how do I get off this thing okay easy does it really when are you gonna be back here Wow no sure versions must have had a trebuchet rubbish eh can't you just say catapult like a normal person the trebuchet is a type of catapult it can handle heavier projectiles like this one you fling them longer distances right you learn that in your military training I looked it up on Wikipedia like a normal person after you incredible it's our old friends Parasurama I'm Ganesh well when the Hindu gods aren't off fighting demons they're sometimes fighting each other in their shoes since I've been armed I guess it's not really his style through here Hey look armaments you were writing it in I have my moments it's not Persian looks to be a mix of Persian and horses ah now we're getting somewhere Hey another one of these doors now let's see yeah nice to get some light crypts and burials aren't really a Hindu thing they generally favor cremation it's a beautiful ceremony on tht Sanskrit for last sacrifice sacrifice the idea is our bodies are merely borrowed vehicles and you're returning it so that others might benefit it's not very sentiment tonight for these poor bastards hey up here hell this was it good fine instead well wasn't enough to save their empire but their loss is our gain here's our way in Nadine can you lend a hand with this chap sure excuse me we must be getting close hopefully closer than these guys mr. vice familiar well that's different what does all this if I had a guess I'd say it's some kind of lock mechanism to open that door okay on the Left we have Shiva gifting Parasurama the axe and on the right we have parasurama chopping off Ganesha's tusks wait with the X yeah the one that Shiva Ganesh is father gave to perish Rama yeah it's messed up that's family come on let's see about opening that door so how does all this work let's see what it does all right there's the piece away from me it's shadow move - that's right over you go I see one right so let's see if I can line them all up this actually looks like fun I think that's it [Music] Salah and the tiger here we go fingers crossed that's supposed to happen no no just don't get us killed you're no fun ready amazing what Shiva my thoughts exactly [Music] oh no no it's okay I think we're gonna be okay okay where the hell's the tusks I don't know none of this makes any sense yeah it does the horse Allah sent us on a fool's errand I think you're right terrific no hear me out Ganesha's dissemble off halebidu and shiva was the symbol of the law which was the old the Old Capitol exactly what if the King had built this spectacular city and it was a wonderful target for the Persians and the Old Capitol was forgotten so this whole city was a decoy what if they let it get plundered to protect below in their treasure I'm willing to bet the Tusk was never here at all so where's Bato it's definitely not supposed to happen [Music] [Music] enemy still my raw talent a little bit of luck oh hey nice white partner nice what are their Jesus flow is that I'm really embarrassed with you right now correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a huge waterfall here there was what the hell is that aqueducts water's channeling they're from the Falls amazing did we do this just not well technically I did cocky okay sorry if I cut too close to the bone back there you know YouTube would have got on like a house on fire he was also a really stubborn [ __ ] you know none of this could have possibly gone unnoticed we should probably get out of here good point follow me right the water is being channeled toward the gate so let's follow the aqueduct copy that I'll take point nothing so they flooded their city to protect their secrets you think the soldiers knew they were being used as decoys maybe to pick from that old man happy I take a dumb bastard thanks but I'll had it under control yeah [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] Wow no idea but at least we're not in the line of fire that thing carved on the floor what do you suppose it is nothing good see those channels don't they were meant for water poor bastards no no I'd prefer being left to rot in a Cell to getting tortured duly noted now here that I do yep as the aqueduct up here there's a breach [Music] [Music] the eye of Shiva it's impressive my man worked for a week and turned up nothing they probably hide the wrong expert [Music] you know the Hoysala poet once wrote of a young king who showed mercy and thus ended our rituals but the old kings they understood that progress demands sacrifice is that what you tell your men [Music] in times of war these are equi ducts they would run we head through the capital those who would not fight had to be used to inspire doll so would let's make this creature out of yourself a little yeah come on co2 ruler people you must first so chaos why I will incite my civil war stamp out the weak bloodline of the young king you go Thanks hmm hey take it easy we've been out for almost half an hour half an hour yeah oh [ __ ] but sobs got the disc just hang on little X all right think you can manage yeah I've had worse nights believe me I won't ask oh it's good to have you back there's there's two of you know right yeah okay let's go get our disc and some guns and some guns ah can I just say you were not joking about a serve I mean wow he looks so unassuming right sounds exactly what he wants pretty sure his glasses are an affectation to make him look harmless or smart both huh but he is smart was the doctor before he took up his course so he left behind a lucrative career I'm sure at one point he thought it was the right thing to do hey you sure you're good to go good as ever they just need to take it easy for a bit let's get that thing open actually that's a holy cow that's a Nandi Shiva's gate keeper that's got to be the entrance to the Old Capitol it had to be triggered by the aqueducts yep [ __ ] assaults already hitting inside okay well better get down there come on no what do you mean no same track it's a goddamn brakes but it's same strike yeah peace you know what this is a good thing I can kill two birds with one stone Nadine what what sounds kind of the reason why we're here in the first place you better be joking this was my deal Sam went ahead to do recon for me on the disc but then he went missing and I couldn't leave you know Sam and then you dragged me into this anyway our history with the SOB made you the obvious choice don't hold back or anything I want it you know what Nadine it doesn't change anything you'll still get your share yeah well maybe you and Sam I'll cut me out of soon as you get the tusks come on man that's not how I open that's exactly how your type operates and to think I trusted you listen I was going to tell you about Sam I swear I was just waiting for the right time it's fine I could use the exercise I better go after her any sign of them nothing yet must be hiding somewhere on foot [Music] [Music] you need a head [Music] there we go you're welcome you lied to my face I didn't lie I just left out the part about Sam hey look Asaf is getting a head start and we need to hurry we I spit it out okay cards on the table I need your help should have thought of that before and if you want the tusks you need mine look I screwed up okay this is your idea of an apology a little helps to keep your head in the game then sure listen we both have something to lose here am i right just so we're clear my priorities are tusk not Sam Drake and certainly not you fair enough what are you doing [Music] Oh exactly what it sounded like I'll be there Wow the Kings are should their people into these tunnels what we didn't find the entrance we found the back door okay she stripped but I don't think she's wounded those explosions we heard must have triggered the collapse easy girl okay sorry girl we're gonna get you out we need to get done stay calm talking to me or the elephant both easy easy okay then where's it taking us wherever at once look I am I'm not very good at the whole people thing you're a selfish decayed yeah you're right I'm a selfish dick head yeah it's good to hear you say - well he that dad did get something from you after all what happened with your father he was the guy that couldn't walk away the Ministry of Culture offered to finance one more of his expeditions because this time he said he was on to something big he was always on to something big / hurt bandits raided his camp and local authorities found in weeks later and this stupid thing is all I have left of you I'm sorry oh hey he certainly made his choice so huh no wonder she was so distressed hey about all Sam look I get it alright I've got mine she just sawed out as well let's not have that stand in the way anymore hey okay deal well if we accomplish nothing else today at least we reunited a family just keep your distance we've got a copy right [Music] yeah I'll take this one oh okay thanks move over a little that's good no reach that way and hold out your hand what much second way to carry millipedes much hey it's been a while but elephants are smaller than I remember you'll probably used to see African elephants these are Indian elephants Wow I know vanilla now it's not every day you get to see a totally hidden city that nobody else has seen for centuries apart from us off apart from myself and a few of his men and a few of his men you ready you just totally crushed that moment you know that right yeah what do we get in tonight looks like dwellings along the side so let's go up never thought I'd see if Nathan was spectacular the Colorado it's a shame in a way but below is hidden from the world [Music] just keeps getting more and more and in case there was any doubt this was below Lord Shiva Nandi fish at least before he got a skeleton's head could be might also be Karthikeya Shiva's elder son he's the Hindu god of war damn it they've blown the entrance gotta be another way in in here Nadine good tastes great it's big city there must be another way through what does this place a bar or a well what a devotee it's deeper here huh look there the Queen and her handmaidens maybe these were the Royal baths some statues of women for a change women actually played a big role in hoist in our society particularly the Queen's not surprised with the Kings and Men going off to fight all the time they were also involved in the fine arts poetry music that sort of thing the lure was their city in a way whoa Fraser over here look at this it's incredible it's an altar of some kind looks like the king suffered dearly for that people they weren't just protecting the tusks [Music] historians believe that it was a symbol of power and dominance but I reckon they misunderstood it was a symbol of their people their culture it was a simple of them words order these [Music] my dad's here something big all right why did that stupid bastard tell me I said it yourself he wants to keep you safe [Music] I can't let us off get that tusk no no it got thank you thank me after we get out of this alive fair points don't forget Ganesh Oh glad I brought this hi you all rot sorry I just get my head back in the game hey hey Dane Ross oh my god okay easy does it now what got water in my ears I hate that I wouldn't give her at all my god are you seeing this you know at this point I've run out of words really god damn [ __ ] that's what what on earth is this place a throne room place to hide a magnificent bejeweled tusk let's hope sir I see stairs going up I'll have to find another way up oh [ __ ] I just realized something I think I'll know what it is that we're gonna need that disk soon not much we can do until we find a sub to find us over here Nadine copy that ah now we're getting somewhere I see a few more of those and is moving be more specific no maybe it's because this ditch is enormous but I just now noticed Shiva's got a king cobra for a necklace okay know what well there's got to be more to this just need to figure out what it is I was standing right here I know we going back now oh no no no no oh good suggestion ah that was a close one I did I'll be right down yeah got it we'll find out in a moment yeah I have Shiva the light is shining on that statue across the way oh I guess we're not done well noise still I want to protect something they don't do it halfway come on okay okay that did something walking foot this time no wait for it hold still for just a sec all this water it's a cleansing ritual oh you could put down the beer now [Music] [Music] well now that is quite the fall you had me worried come it's time for reunion you wouldn't give you up despite my efforts to persuade him dude it's all right yes like a girl right how about we get these cuffs off and I'll show you how girls [Music] help ya I must admit you are quite the schemer first you steal my desk then you have your expert running me around in circles huh that was clever perhaps is a little Indian blood in you after all [Music] sure I'll take the credit well let's finish what we started all right all right nadine hoss don't talk to me I was gonna say you look good was I not clear what's that smell oh I'm sorry I haven't exactly had access to running water and soap recently all the people you could've brought with you she saved my ass more than once yeah you do remember that she also tried to kill Nathan and I many many times and to be fair you two try to do the same to her yeah but if that's not the point the point is that the second we turn our backs there will be a knife in there I can hear every word you saying I know I touched her you know what fine I guess I'm just a little bit irked that we are walking away with nothing but I guess you know what that's like right okay Oh real classy thank you time and place children more that came from bike racks after school just hurry up that's almonds it appears the Kings have one final test looks like you won't be needing us though so we'll just be on the contrary surely you know the story you see Shiva gave Bertram a mighty axe that struck garnish in the face bringing Shiva's son one of the greatest of the Gods to his knees another casualty of war don't seriously Khloe he's just gonna come he's right but if you refuse you watch them die inch by inch all right [Music] Chloe don't don't try anything stupid Shiva in parasurama I remember in this what now Chloe don't you give this schmuck what he wants quiet wait a minute he's yielding it's going to fall right Ganesh quite an obstacle you've placed in my path [Music] yielded [Music] are you alright yeah that was unexpected holy [ __ ] she's got balls out I don't understand it's an idiom that's cuz you've got it all twisted my friend Ganesh allowed himself to be struck by the axe there's no sense not to her selfish prick no see Ganesh could have defeated Parasurama easily but if he had that would have made Shiva's accident weak powerless gonna sacrifice himself to preserve his father's honour see even she gets it not a drop of Indian blood in her [Music] magnificent isn't it ohad nothing to say now oh if you like I can tell you where to stick it well my friends I would love to kill you myself but we must not anger the gods for you have brought me a great fortune okay then what are you doing you're going to flood the chamber I will miss you come on is this really necessary you know nothing has ever truly destroyed only purified and reborn just shoot us and get it over with right if the water fills your lungs you will have time to reflect on the choices that brought you here perhaps in your next lives you will fare better [Music] I don't know about you guys but I got a lot of regrets swimming around my head right now tell me about it I was really looking forward to kicking your ass again hey you know I'm not exactly thrilled about drowning next to you either caught you give it a rest guys I'm trying to concentrate what are you doing a little preparation goes a long way yes ladies first how dare not trust you but take a deep breath [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone cook okay so awesome let's hope not how the hell that it's not got that helicopter maybe it's the bias what do you mean just over to South talking about heading to the old rail yard something about it arms deal he's selling the tusks it's not much for preserving his culture hey just the second listen that back there thanks for professional courtesy of course its are we good no I figured if we hurry we can intercept them before they make the sale huh there's our ride [Music] these are nice yeah railroad tracks stop here let's all have lookouts throughout the area mister on the side of caution right right right and then we lose the tusks you're welcome to stay behind you say less talking more walking so all that time in a sobs can you couldn't get any Intel on the bias well I tried to solve the kg one almost never talk shop in front of me hey he trusted me enough to believe I was an expert in all this Hoysala crap what's the law yeah that's him by the way thanks for keeping him busy for us yeah yeah I wanted to buy you some time in case you were coming to get me of course we were seriously Thanks I only thought I was a goner I wouldn't let that happen your brother would never let me hear the end of it sound the k-pax sort of kind of shock seeing all these modern structures are wasted Islands British Portuguese hundreds are not quite exactly let's try to keep no Nadine we are not on a 13-page fine yep this way should have packed my machete it'll help no problem go ahead you guys much obliged Wow [Music] it's okay I'm okay where are you one a detour you coming hey this might do the trick the Holy Mother [ __ ] this is heavy [Music] that was close you have one piece yeah go team come on we're exposed up here you know I feel so much safer with her alone what is this all right well there's only a few and we can probably wait sure how are they doing that we got way to bother saying hey you caught yuck cuz I need you to be cool I'm cool all right ladies here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna take the guy on the right you don't go ahead and just see what the hole [Music] okay I think it's the last of them Nadeem another word what just following your example yeah but come on no way I'm letting anyone from shoreline get the Tusk at RPG trashed the exit maybe maybe not let's go see all right yeah hmm I think we can squeeze through here give me a hand coming [Music] you go first Thanks good we nearly to the rail yard should be long now that trip really necessary okay now they're really to the rail yard yeah well she's alive ladies she's over here well you all right down there yeah it's fine little sir maybe picture God's balls where are you by the radio tower you can hook your rope - ah sounds like a plan got something for you the bracelet against that strut I'm doing it yeah okay come on up that doesn't sound good [Music] oh [ __ ] well it looks sturdy enough thank you sir well done considering it was her idea so you never heard a self talk about Shawn I swear to God all I heard from this man was the Indian army I cut off his supply chain and they were looking for outside help the sulfa must be desperate [ __ ] yeah I mean shorelines women take money from anyway you know this might actually work yeah you know you could help if you wanted [Music] that's coming everyone all right maybe there's a way through that right stop now little high Sam but you're tall enough to get that letter come on I'll boost you up I'll give you a hand more the merrier yeah I'm okay with this sure ready when you are any spare ladders up there by any chance Sam been a crazy couple of days hasn't it y'all right can't say I was expecting Sam direct to come back into my life you know I wasn't sure if I could trust you either had to test you a little bit hmm that included making me wait two hours in a war zone for you certainly tested my patience see in that instance I was just straight-up late there was this little girl in the market who sold me a scarf she wouldn't take no for an answer knightly story hey you two head back to the tracks I felt something here that'll work yep coming okay Sam we got I found a crate you did yeah I'll push it down wait it won't be high enough on its own oh right good point clear come on yeah I got you wrong Thanks well this just keeps getting better and better between a sobs man in shoreline there must be at least a couple dozen guys in that hey wasn't that great guns ammo maybe maybe I thought so I didn't do was didn't we they didn't nevermind the crate where's the task well there's a solve oh my former lieutenant this guy is when all of his mullet glory right yeah she gets it okay all the deals done your boy Walker has the task let's go relieve him of it Baba Booey you got a playin guys like I said there's over a couple dozen guys in there relax you'll live longer I am so proud what just happened Safety's off Chevy's no words I look at so we run clean up there gets to care with Miss run oh great choppers airborne [Music] they're sticking between us let's bring that sucker down [Music] you think that's safe it goes nothing Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] well what the hell have you done with my company made it profitable for starters I think that was a rhetorical question love I should've shot you back on that God for second island was you dead well spare us a sight of watching you turn tail and run all right it's just hash it out on your wrong time okay tusk please you two partners either you've got a piss-poor memory oh you're even more desperate than I thought he is I'm just getting it from all sizes I heard hey I'm not the one reduced to hustling weapons to reg tag insurgents there it is any there it is always thinking too small you really think I would have traded this in exchange for munitions I don't give a [ __ ] hands over the tusks the horse bells you gotta miss the fireworks I won't ask to us [Music] cats gone they should thanks patterns a little why you get the hell off me yeah alright [Music] see that first high third of that is mine as well yes pretty close yeah okay I know you new to this but that's not exactly how we considered a service George it's a bomb what sob trade it the tusks for a bomb fireworks did this this is big yeah those trucks run right through the city through the market so find the nearest town notify their thought it'll be too late that goes off it'll kill thousands and that is a terrible shame we they get what we came for I'm you are not seriously going after that train okay fine fine you have a plan doesn't seem to be much of a requirement in this organization are you really going to let her do this no I'm I mean she's got a valid point [ __ ] I don't know okay this is not our fight you said so yourself even if you catch that train what happens disarming the bomb is impossible you're right good good so we'll call the authorities in this an alpha it's my fight that bomb detonates in the city it'll spark civil war I can't walk away you'll die I can live with that Hey hmm save my share of the task okay just in case right well you're not gonna leave me back there with her Oh No I call Shotgun [Music] all right I'll sit in the back but [Music] right follow the bridge and it would see a road anywhere I make my own roads well keep your eyes on your road this hey Sam did you want to drive I mean time to back buckle up buttercup [Music] [Music] the Train there's a train take care of the tongue don't you worry yeah [Music] good luck mate I think he'll be alright didn't know you cared he's got the tusks hey did you catch where they put that giant crate near the engine right that's our next stop then let's try the other side whoa easy now okay good making progress out here oh [ __ ] happen EP a-- the sob Scott when we still have the element of surprise love began okay any votes on how to get on that truck get close enough and we can grapple to it are you talking do I ever Oh but I want to shake that big gun maybe next time [Music] this talks on its last legs we need to bail now my dear ones yours trading the tusks for a bomb commandeering a train must have taken us on months to plan this making it all the sweeter when we bollocks it all up I think well much there why but let me help is really heavy okay oh it's way bigger in person that's miniature great alright yeah help me it's too heavy you can't disarm it Peter detonate I tried all right Plan B then let's get to the engine you coming okay you go that's definitely the engine we can slide this way come on no-no-no well that a shot [ __ ] hey bro pet let's think about what you're doing it just do it come on and Enoch God once welded shut to the way if you've got any ideas I'm all in the switch what okay sweetheart if we can get to it we can divert the Train buy some time [Music] by difficult shape today dad where's they date back on the train okay uh all right back to the switch [Music] I'll gotta get to her where we have to I mean she seems pretty kids am go [Music] [Music] okay there's the Train but how the hell do I get on phone can't see any bridges or crossings well [ __ ] that worked oh my god the bridge [ __ ] you so long had to catch a train love now I've always considered myself a patient man when you two are a special breed of mongrel rude I'm really going to enjoy this come show me how it's done you'd risk your lives and for what a city of peasants Christ you're insufferable the blood of the old kings runs through my veins my people shall rise again nothing but a disappointment arrogant to us don't you is must be cortisol this is my land what could you possibly stand to gain oh it's all about what you have to lose the bum I'll just buy another I'll burn your city thief your people with let's finish this tell me how it started come back you'd risk your lives and for what a city of peasants Christ you're insufferable the blood of the old kings runs through my veins my people shall rise again fight me take a shot this is my land what could you possibly stand to gain oh it's all about what you have to lose the bum I'll just buy another I'll burn your city thief your people don't fight Oh I know no no my war would destabilize the government the Sheep will need their Shepherd and you would have died in vain I will die a thousand deaths to foil it you win oh [ __ ] suddenly remind us the bridge shut up and fight let's finish this go be subject ruined everything everything my cleansing would have been built upon why didn't I down here you think you won more will rise up [ __ ] up James you'll achieve nothing it's like you said progress demands sacrifice traitor we need to go oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] you possibly stop climbing please Jesus oh my god oh hell did you guys get out of that you know I'm just still figuring that out myself and I saw I went down with a strain well couldn't have happened to a nicer guy you look at that [Music] Wow [Music] hmm yeah we just did a thing we did so what's next for Nadine or us take back shoreline conquer the weapons trade I'm done we're short on really really anything I was thinking I might give this treasure hunting right get another girl know of any selfish [ __ ] who might be in need of a partner not you okay oh sorry I only work with professionals what and where's the tusks you get oh my god what's out I'm just joking there you go you're ow okay Jesus my cigarette man that's a beauty yeah how much what you think that we're gonna give for that baby well surely the Ministry of Culture will give us a generous yeah find us be right partner elbow oh you guys are hilarious ministry of culture oh my god you're serious you huh just hear me out first can I understand taking the moral high ground and that's great it really is I am completely on board for that but if we could just don't ruin the moment you you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 929,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, uncharted lost legacy all cutscenes, uncharted lost legacy game movie, uncharted lost legacy full movie, uncharted lost legacy full walkthrough, uncharted lost legacy final boss, UNCHARTED: THE LOST LEGACY All Cutscenes (PS4 PRO) Full Game Movie 1080p 60FPS HD, uncharted lost legacy, uncharted the lost legacy, uncharted lost legacy cutscenes, uncharted 5, uncharted lost legacy movie, uncharted 4, uncharted the lost legacy cutscenes, uncharted the lost legacy movie
Id: gQeS3lrW53o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 0sec (9240 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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