Mafia 3 Documentary: The Legend of Lincoln Clay (Cinematic Documentary)

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[Music] new Bordeaux a modern city with traditional southern values underestimated how fire is gonna go what he was willing to do visit the historic French Ward and enjoy local cuisine at one of our five-star restaurant killing them wasn't enough linking clay was using them to send a message or spend the afternoon in Hawaii and take in its natural splendor Sal marcano had no idea what he was going to unleash see family all headed for me make it your next vacation destination this city survived war of 1812 the civil rule and God knows how many hurricanes but when Lincoln clay went after the mob he inflicted more damage than all the wars and hurricanes combined [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Lankans mother abandon him and no 1947 a couple of years after he was born his mother I heard she was Dominican I always figured his father was white maybe you've not Italian not that it mattered back then if you look black you black hey mr. BAE I suppose he stayed at the orphanage until 1958 after the city closed the orphanage he fell in with Sammy Robinson Sammy ran the black mob over in delray Holland I can't say I approve but often colored boys didn't have a lot of options back then boys like Lincoln ones who've been a fan they are always looking for home always looking for a place to belong bank he thought he'd find Nam dang is once that's lost you'd never get it back two Purple Hearts a Bronze Star and the Distinguished Service Cross he served his country with honor and distinction when he returned from the war Blanken and to back up over Sammy's now Sammy oh that Italian mama a lot of money and he needed a Lincoln's help said damn shame what happened it breaks my heart in 1966 the FBI recruited me out of college Chicago was my first assignment but I was transferred down south in 68 I stayed there until 86 when I was promoted to assistant director of the criminal enterprise branch I stayed with the bureau until my retirement in 1999 it's hard to explain what it's like coming home from war elation fear he'll [Music] imagine being trapped and a dark room and there's no way out and every fear you have a nightmare you ever had is in that room with you and there's no escape I'm Annie of it and then one day a door opens and you're free to go just like that the thing is you made your peace with jet era and you fear death and now patia is afraid to leave it bad but what choice do you have every soldier has to walk through that door one way or another [Music] oh I saw Langan a couple times once he was faced back he told me he wanted to leave town and out the California now he had a friend in the surface who could get him a job working at the Mare Island shipyard and the only reason he came back was to tell Sammy and Ellis goodbye but then he found out about the trouble Sammy was having with those Haitians so he decided to stay in him Oh Haitians a bad news no top-ranking out of it whatever else you might have become Lincoln was always Lord grant swap I popped out Duvalier I was elected president of Haiti in 1957 by 1959 he had created a secret police called tonton Macoutes and people started to flee most of them settled in the southern United States now mixed in with the good hard-working people were hardened criminals they formed the backbone of what became the Haitian gang the Lincoln found out they set up on the swamps and were led by a man named Baca the Fang Lincoln didn't understand or maybe won't understand is that for a man like Sammy there's always gonna be more Haitians now if there wasn't someone going after Sammy then there was someone else forcing him into a bad situation it was never going in Matthau man can end up working for Salman Khan Oh Sammy had men all over the place and one of them work at a cleaners and stole the uniforms Georgia marcano and Lincoln Clay wore on the day of the robbery another one was a janitor at the Federal Reserve and he provided a rough layout the robbery of the Federal Reserve was timed perfectly and none of it would have been possible without the involvement of Sammy Robinson Lincoln Clay and the rest of the black mob my father was a lot of things few of them good but he started out smuggling moonshine so he knew about the canals underneath the city and at one of them went rad under the Federal Reserve it was his idea to use a boat to move the drill into position he was a real son of a [ __ ] my father more than anyone else I blame him for what happened wanna stick your neck out fine but leave your son out of it it's his fault Danny died anyone who thinks Sammy Robinson was the Mardi Gras master mind as a [ __ ] and just because he was involved doesn't mean it was his idea and none of the evidence ever added up the money wasn't recovered and Sammy didn't shoot himself in the back of the head and then burned down his own bar the only reason people believe Sammy was behind it was his skin color but I got the salmon Oh place with bud I still don't know what brought me there that night the divine providence something else I spent the last forty eight years pursuing the Lincoln clay because he's a criminal it's horrible what happened to him but there's something I think that Sammy Ellis and Danny Burke were killed it revealed who Lincoln clay really was a monster that's why I agreed to do this documentary I want to shine a light on the real Lincoln clay [Music] [Music] I was in the third Platoon company see you know 614 tank destroyer battalion during World War two I trained as a medic but I still carried a gun every man now company was black army didn't know what to do with us other than they didn't want us fighting with the white men Limbach was a little French town up there near the border with Germany and we were ordered to take it now the crowds took out three out of four anti-tank guns we had but there were no way in hell we were letting him get the better of us we were determined to show we was just as good if not better than every other soldier in the service Appling I don't like talking about metals I got over there only way a man survives something like that is through the grace of God doesn't seem right celebrate the little piece of 10 I had I become a priest [Music] every bad thing you experience every trauma they they never leave you sure you might forget about them for a while but when the next one comes along about a house light it brings everything back it reminds you of the weight you've been lugging around I knew I couldn't carry all that up home after I was discharged I wondered around for a couple three months did some odd jobs got arrested once or twice for fighting now it's kind of new I was going into seminary just took a while for the sankeien I suppose once I was done with seminary at Bishop Jenkins sent me them the st. Michelle's home for Colored boys that often is worth a pile of [ __ ] from the day I got there till the day I left I loved it I loved helping those boys when I was pulling Lincoln out of the fire woke up long enough to tell me to call John Donovan so that's what I did most days I wish I'd never made that call no one knows I helped Lincoln set for you John Donovan not that I'm keeping the secret behind you just that nobody ever came around asked about it please state your name for the record Donovan John mr. Donovan you understand that by appearing before this committee you have explicitly waived your constitutional rights in regards to counsel and self-incrimination sure and you further acknowledge that by appearing before this committee you agree to disclose all information pertaining to the events that occurred in new Bordeaux during the summer and fall of 1968 I wouldn't be sitting here if I didn't you were an operative in the Central Intelligence Agency from 1953 to 1969 is that correct that's right when did you arrive in Vietnam August of 1961 I spent a couple months in Saigon and then I was transferred to a base in Laos I was operated by the special Activities Division we trained and equipped the Hmong and then turned them loose on the NVA we're running arms and supplies via the Ho Chi Minh Trail and who worked with Lincoln Clay in what eventually became the Phoenix program within a year or so Lincoln was heading up his own Pru we'd cross over into Vietnam and locate enemy targets and either kill them or bring them back for interrogation just thinking about it Jesus Christ you wouldn't believe the [ __ ] we did to those [ __ ] well when did you meet Lincoln click 1966 I was running black ops out of Laos on behalf of the CIA he was loaned out to me be a joint CIA DoD task force what do you really want to hear and we kidnap and torture anyone suspected of working with the VC I'm trying to ascertain the level of training that Lincoln clay received during his time in Vietnam someone like that you don't need to train you point them in the right direction and get the [ __ ] out of their way [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know this individual sure Sal marcano and how about this man that sells worthless piece of [ __ ] brother Lu look enough for the dog-and-pony [ __ ] what's your real question did you help Lincoln clay murder Salman Khan oh and all prominent members of his crime family you goddamn right I did the investigation was a mess from the very start the locals did everything they could to keep us out of it but that wasn't the worst of it someone actually broke into our offices and not only stole all of our files but they also took most of our surveillance equipment [Music] there are so many stories about Cassandra as a girl she was kidnapped killed and brought back to life by a voodoo priest she watched two swamp rats rape and murder her sister she shot her own father and dumped his body in the swamps it's impossible to know what's true when I saw Richie de set hanging from that ferris wheel I felt a profound sense of disbelief nothing like this had ever happened before the mobsters killed each other all the time but it was generally a small contained event some [ __ ] is eating spaghetti and meatballs at his favorite restaurant gets popped in the head but this was different even then even before I knew who killed him I knew that Richie had been put on display Lincoln was trained in psychological warfare by the CIA he wanted to terrify the mob wanted them to know he was gonna kill every last one of them and that none of them would be able to stop him [Music] [Applause] Thomas Berke came to the States as a boy when his father fled Ireland likely because of his involvement in the Irish Civil War after his father died of a heart attack Burke started running booze to support himself I mean he turned bootlegging into an entire industry and Sal McConnell took notice Burke worked his way up the ranks but could never be made because he was an Italian no one really knows why Sal marcano turned on Thomas Burke but he took point four done from him and gave it to an enforcer named Roman the butcher Barbieri he promptly busted up on the Burke's legs now Danny Burke was part of the heist crew I mean he was a gearhead had never done anything like this before but Thomas Burke insisted he figured if the heist was a success Sal would forgive him and return point four done [Music] [Music] well today I'm sure the file on Vito Scaletta is about three feet thick but that wasn't always the case the Hoover didn't even acknowledge the Mafia existed until 1957 so we weren't really keeping tabs on guys like vittorio Scaletta till after that now we know he served in world war ii and at a six year stint in prison for theft and illegal distribution of federal rations it's it's generally believed he was a made member of the Falcone family and Empire Bay though he's also a suspect in the death of Don Carlo Falcone now if he did kill the Don Vito must have had friends in high places because he was allowed to live he was exiled though and forced to relocate down here and the Commission convinced Sal marcano to make Vito a lieutenant and give him some rackets we were never able to reconstruct precisely what happened to Barbieri primarily because his body wasn't found into the mid-1980s the Army Corps of Engineers was dredging the bottom of the Mississippi River and his remains were found in the trunk of an old car both legs were broken so many times there was barely any bone left at what point did you become aware that Sal marcano wanted to build a casino north of the city pretty early on michael greco told lincoln about it and Lincoln Clay's plan was to specifically target various entities related to marcado's casino plan between the bribes he was paying out to get gambling legalized and the money needed to pay off the Commission Sal was stretched pretty thin so Lincoln used that to his advantage for sound making some extremely hard decisions decisions that would limit his options and how did Lincoln clay convince Thomas Berke Vito Scaletta and the woman known as Cassandra to work together he called a sit-down he told them to meet him at an old plantation house in the bayou when he had him all in the same room he laid out how they were gonna take down Marco no link it could be very persuasive and the systematic killing of mark ah knows Capo's in lieutenants that was part of the plan oh you're implying [ __ ] pattycake Christ look you want to bring somebody down you destroy the foundation they're standing on it's the same basic off here an over Nam at the time I I understood the pain Lincoln was in come home from war expecting peace by Lincoln's case all he found was pain hot break ain't no way that doesn't drive you down into the muck and mire anyways I was uh I was thinking open really that I could help him find a little closure maybe we shift his focus away from the McConnell's see he was in a coma when we laid Sammy Ellis to rest so he ain't never had a chance to say his goodbyes thought maybe if he did he might see that he had a chance at a normal life there ever was a soul more wrong than I I do not know him asks where Sammy's used to be someone wanted to live there so they paved it over every now and then something not just the hell out of this country rattles it so hard isn't much left but the foundation as painful as it is we hope that this time things are going to be different and that when it's time to rebuild we won't just repeat what we've done in the past and that may be justice and peace will finally prevail justice and peace Harding [Music] sometimes too hard so we take the easy way how did you manage to get to Tony de Rossi oh I had bugs and wiretaps all over the damn place when that weirdo left the royal hotel to deal with one of his men I was listening war on the streets of our fair city is a gunman stormed the Royal Hotel killing an untold number of men there was a loud crash like a bomb going off I looked up and there was a man falling from the top of the building and all these men showed up and every one of them had a gun they ran into the Royal and that's when the shooting started Tommy marcano brought in a counterfeiter from Cuba right Sal spent a couple of months trying to print the money himself but none of it was worth a damn the colour was wrong printing was cockeyed you name it he needed someone who knew what the [ __ ] they were doing so he used his connections and found a man named Alvarez and this alvarez was also counterfeiting money for Castro most of our enemies counterfeit American money hell some of our allies due to a horrific scene here for school fields is one of the city's most prominent citizens Renny Duvall was savagely murdered witnesses report he was bound to a cross and set on fire let's see if we can get a statement from the police chief Wilson you care to make a comment it's those goddamn shot that's quite a statement chief you don't wipe that [ __ ] out of your eyes son take a look around I tried to reconcile the part of me that helped Lincoln with the part of me that about to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ but I can't [Music] you know what I remember I remember watching the news and learning they had gunned down dr. King I remember watching people lash out riot because that's all they had left all the while Mankins in the other room barely clinging to life [Music] maybe that's why I did what I did hello mark Connor was bribing a district judge named Cornelius Holden is that correct Stella marcano spent a lot of money getting Holden in this pocket a lot of money judges like that don't come cheap and with Holden out of the picture Sal had to find someone else to legalize gambling and that person was state senator Walter Jacobs that's right I don't understand why Olivia marcano was involved in any of this by all accounts she had two or three times the money that Sal marcano had money didn't mean [ __ ] to her from what I was able to piece together she hired someone to kill Lucho wanted to run things herself bottom line I think she got off on all that mob [ __ ] now mr. clay entered the country club disguised as a waiter everyone in attendance was a rich [ __ ] or part of the Southern Union so getting Lincoln in there was easy to put a black man in a uniform and he's damn near invisible hell I drove in through the front gate and dropped them off no one even gave us a second look now surely his uniform wasn't enough to get him past mrs. mikanos personal security detail I mixed up a vial of fast-acting LSD you know same basic formula that we used as part of MKULTRA and I gave it to Lincoln he used a syringe and put a couple of drops into every drink he served within a couple minutes anyone who drank that concoction was whacked out of the goddamn line what happened to Stephen DeGarmo Lincoln left him with me and I got on the hell out of there and you still know DeGarmo whereabouts like I tell any of you [ __ ] are you telling me Lincoln clay did not murder Olivia marcano he didn't kill women unless you had no other choice I find that very hard to believe back in 67 we were in a bar in Saigon and this [ __ ] [ __ ] comes strolling in skirt barely covering her ass and she starts offering everybody [ __ ] GI one sucky [ __ ] ji wants a boom boom then she pulls out a grenade and she kills three guys couple Marines in the bar want to cut that bitch's head off but Lincoln stops them keeps him off her until the MPS show up if he was gonna kill that slag he sure as [ __ ] was gonna kill Libya marcano Liu marcano knew everyone in politicians merchants lawyers bankers he insisted on being called uncle Liu and was basically the Santa Claus of the French Ward according to the police reports mr. marcado and mr. Jacobs were killed during a fundraiser on a riverboat thinking about the bayous it's a very big place you could blow the living [ __ ] out of everything in sight and no one would even notice Louis Malle Cano also lost his life along with dozens of other wealthy donors there to attend a political fundraiser when Lincoln left his gutted body on a statue commemorating Andrew Jackson people were horrified I mean how could that be anything but a political statement [Music] it was lankans I did leianna to rest with his family grief they can overwhelm you if you let it it can suffocate you reduce you down to nothing so the key is still look for the light inside those around us to grab hold of it even a slightest flicker can give us hope a bit of peace I think in Ana they can found that slight flicker problem was he didn't understand the impact he had on him until she was gone [Music] now I Anna's death was certainly tragic but I know in death she found that piece that escaped her in life [Music] banking on the other hand I think what happened with Anna only reaffirm what he already believe sometimes really [Music] can be worse than dying [Music] I can do that better than anyone [Music] banking once told me he couldn't tell him the other cheek that the world doesn't work that way I spent the better part of 40 years trying to prove him wrong but I was just lying myself look at how we treat each other compassion is a sign of weakness but greed is a virtue the poor is considered morally corrupt while every excess of the powerful is celebrated we sent kids off to die but what so someone can make a few bucks banking was right it was always right ain't never gonna be another dr. king or Bobby Kennedy but they're always gonna be another Selma kind of another Sammy Robinson another Lincoln Clay we are cruel and wicked people after summer Connors death the leaking clay disappeared the bureau deprioritized the investigation after a few months bada I keep an active file after Lincoln vanished Vito Scaletta took over the city I Spit on Sal Marco knows grape one last time by actually doing what marcano couldn't finishing the casino now two years later Scaletta opened another casino and then it was just an avalanche of developments for hotels arenas the new Convention Center today everyone knows this place as the Las Vegas of the south but the whole damn thing was built on bodies linking clay left behind with blood money he and his lieutenants stole from the mob Vito he still lives in that penthouse at the top of Marco knows casino looking out of the city he owns but he wasn't content just to run the city he expanded out across the south into Florida and even the Carolinas he's so much money coming in and he's been smart with it and spreads it around make sure the right people get paid and stay paid the city's favorite son hmm yeah rebuilding the hollow buying up Frisco field reopening the theme park all that money and goodwill he thinks it's made him untouchable but no one he's untouchable he might have plastered his name across a few schools and hospitals made donations to a charity here and there but nothing absolves him of his crimes and has made it out to California worked at the shipyards for a few years Adam a woman seemed like he was gonna get married but in it it all came apart don't know why he started moving around he went to Alaska New York South America even went back to Vietnam I'll still get postcards from dad Matt damn in 1971 I tracked them to a California shipyard where he was working under an assumed name by the time we got there though he was gone the trail went cold and by 7778 I figured he was dead but then I got a report of someone matching his description working with the Colombians since then there's a new sighting of him every couple of years someday he's going to get tired of running or make a mistake and I'll be waiting I promise you that [Music] no I think Rankin wasn't able to accept the world for what it is or his place in it some nights when I'm down here going over it all again I swear I hear footsteps upstairs it sounds like combat boots iiiiii I know it's just this old house creaking and moaning [Music] when it happens food help but wonder if it's Lincoln clay coming to take what's left of my life I think he should have died if it's a Miss but all the rest there'd be kind of a peace [Music] darn it Oh to see about you to ask you something senator where were you and John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated I don't remember at home I believe I don't remember at home right let me tell you where I was a muddy hut in Vietnam slowly dismembering an old woman cutting her apart bit by bit and do you know why because her son was an NVA officer and hurting her was the only way to make him talk I don't understand what this has to do what he told us saved the lives of an entire platoon that's 42 men men that lived another day because I was willing to take a saw to that old woman Thank You mr. Donovan I believe he shut the [ __ ] up I did a lot of terrible [ __ ] over there in the name of this country [ __ ] that will haunt me for the rest of my life but I did it because I believed in the fight I believed what this nation stood for so to be sitting there ass deep in mud with that old woman scattered all around me and hearing that the President of the United States had just been [ __ ] murdered well I knew right then and there that I couldn't let that stand then I would find a way to make it right no matter how long it took what are you saying I'm saying that cell marcano and a group of conspirators murder Jack Kennedy oh that is the most absurd thing I have ever heard [Music] this you're out of your mind oh I don't hold anyone's ambitions against them senator and you certainly were ambitious weren't you you went to law school and then he became a district attorney and then the United States Senate after Cellmark on have died I went through his files imagine my surprise when I saw your name over and over again the mob wanted Jack Kennedy dead and you were more than willing to help there were cameras everywhere there's witness I'm stupid alcohol because then they will know that I am NOT finishing with you I'm starting with you [Laughter] gentlemen [Music] baby down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GamePlay
Views: 25,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mafia 3, Lincoln Legacy, Lincoln Clay, Hangar 13, 2K, Documentary, Cinematic Machinima Studios, Vito Scaletta, New Bordeaux, Vietnam War, Organized Crime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 41sec (3161 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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