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[Music] you hungry because I just ate then I guess I'm good I could go for some ice cream later on yeah sure I'll keep that in mind what's this all about we're meeting a friend at a Cuban restaurant in the French War Bo place called Villar I'll fill you in on the way let's go this friend with me is someone I know no ex company pal Robert Marshall has a line on an [ __ ] we worked with before your time man by the name of Connor Aldridge I remember the name two of you had some kind of falling out to fall out would suggest there was a time when we were in you're dragging my ass around town because of them something had to go down look all you need to know is that Aldridge is a Trader's [ __ ] who got good men killed and if he's in new bordeau I promise you it's not for the booze and cheap [ __ ] never [Applause] is you ever get a chance to meet up with that gal you kept going on about the one with the ass well they all got asses but I assume you mean reine reine yeah that's the one so how about man I mean I saw her around but [ __ ] went off the rails what about that girl who kept writing you you seemed cool yeah real cool right up until she went and got hit to an accountant from New York City [ __ ] it's sorry man I had some friends of mine uh run a report on him pulled everything seems like a decent you sir no too us out [ __ ] him and [ __ ] her too thanks buddy where the [ __ ] is [Music] Marshall sorry to keep you ladies waiting Robert Marshall Johnny Boy and I work together at the company excuse me you know I gave you a shot to sit in the back seat and you didn't take [Music] it ungrateful [ __ ] sorry about that Marshall here is one of new bordo's finest bounty hunters is that a cattle works every time although it does create a hell of a mess when my skip [ __ ] themselves I keep that in mind so what did you learn about Aldridge little birdie told me he's been sniffing around our favorite Cuban bartender Horatio Balman balmana are you sure afraid so if Aldridge is such a big deal why is he exposing himself over a bartender therein lies the question my darkskinned compadre let's go looks like someone was intent on keeping folks inside let's get in there Jee God damn no more plantains for me hello anyone here that is not Balman what kind of sick [ __ ] shoots up a birthday party Aldridge doesn't see the world the way we do there is no order and there are no rules that he won't break why I had to get away from him and that life hey you sure about Marshall man seems kind of tilted tilted now he's good hey this uh fell down here is still alive oh wait no that's uh bra false alarm he's dead okay yeah so maybe he's a little off [ __ ] Aldridge over there God damn meet Horatio balmana [ __ ] really what it's an up Balman was a pilot in the Cuban revolutionary Armed Forces back in November 62 the Navy found him and a couple his Pals floating in the gulf and they brought him in which is where you come in I suppose I was already a n but I heard about it Alman spilled everything he knew about Castro we planted a news story about the crew being found dead and that poor bastard ended up here tending bar way this hands got up Aldridge knows what he's doing he was trying to get bman to talk you all right huh yeah I'm fine yeah I got [Music] him try not to kill this one Lincoln [Applause] don't let that [ __ ] Tucker get away not a [Music] [Applause] [Music] chance [Applause] Lincoln what's the goddamn hold up [ __ ] Wy doing the best I can here we got some questions for you as long as you don't use it why the hell did you make me Chase you like that out of the stupid [ __ ] come here this don't kill me man don't kill me why the [ __ ] you running have you seen you Fair Point come on I got someone who wants to talk to you it's damn good bourbon huh is that an upman you're smoking godamn right it is moving up in the world who the [ __ ] are you guys uh uh uh uh uh what's your name Fernando huh people call me CH you let people call you Chucky why would you you don't forget it there's a dead man upstairs Nam is Balman just so so the man we're after is the one who shot the living [ __ ] out of this place what's that got to do with me you're not too bright are you Chucky oh [ __ ] you're the sole survivor of a goddamn Massacre that's what it's got to do with you so tell us what you heard all right all right Dy the man who came in here he was asking about a how a how what house I I don't know B Mana refused to say anything and then he started screaming then he gave him a name Pedro Pedro P say it again so I can hear it Pedro Pedro Pang Jesus Christ and that was it he he told another man he used with that they need to get the crew to the plane as quickly as possible that's everything I hear all my mother that mean anything to you Pedro Pond's a code name for a CIA safe house here in the city can you keep our pal here on ice back at your place sure thing all right let's go check out your new digs princess two of you find yourselves in need of sniper support hit me up on the radio adios Chucky stand up the Pedro pan safe house is located in an old distillery in the southwest corner of the Bayou all right let's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go hey so from the looks of that Resturant Aldridge has some wellt trained men working with no tries [ __ ] was always partial to Freelancers never could see the appeal of using mercenaries myself didn't see you complaining when that no msf Battalion saved our asses last year those are some mean [ __ ] lucky they were on our side Merks aren't exactly known for being cuddly wouldn't last long if they were God damn it I left my cigarettes back at the restaurant you need to get yourself some love your ass is wound F Well that may be true the only thing unwinding my ass is a bullet in that motherfucker's head all right talk to you why the [ __ ] you got such a heart on for this cat and don't give me any of that traitorous [ __ ] [ __ ] cuz while all that may be true there's something else here you and me we've been through a lot of [ __ ] together [ __ ] no one else knows about all the things we've had to do for our country oh [ __ ] you man don't give me the God and Country speech save that for the goddamn grunt my point Lincoln is is that we share a lot of secrets between us but we also have a lot to keep to ourselves never ask the other this one stays with me at least for now [ __ ] all right [ __ ] it but I ain't promising to let this go for good fine we're here [Applause] [ __ ] there's the weon back here it's usually guarded but under the circumstances we should be what the layout of this place primary offices are outfitted with the main PR computer system whatever Al is here for is likely to be located there God damn it you see what I did to your friend here you yes and are you going to be the same defiant mother a [ __ ] whose brains are going to rain down on the earth no good now let's go God damn it they're going to kill every last agent if we don't do something then let's go stop get your guns out looks like they called their friends get this [ __ ] off me down [Music] those assh to Hell shoot him from the [Music] side moment of miserable looks like all right we're [Music] was that a mail room back there inspection station we review every piece of mail leaving and entering the country how else would we keep an eye on all those commi sympathizers yeah how else you hang on to it I'll slide on the and open free from the other side you got it you got it but make it snappy mind telling me why the CIA needs a compound like this in new Bordeaux data sorting signal traffic decoding all for the southeast United States and the Caribbean so snooping on our enemies and our friends it's the friends who [ __ ] you the worst where's the [ __ ] save there is there's no safe Al welcome to the show Johnny you got one last chance what's it going to be don't tell that cocksuck or anything you got to stand strong it's easy for him to say when he's out there right show me where the safe is before I blow your [ __ ] all right all right all right all right oh you [ __ ] coward he's going to kill you regardless out of [Music] boy how's the hand how's the face tell me who's your colorful friend I'm the [ __ ] who's going to shove his colorful foot up your ass oh I like him Johnny he's a keeper just take what you want go jackpot [ __ ] now what I'll tell you now what come here what oh get up so long Johnny you [ __ ] bastard I'm gonna [ __ ] kill you Aldridge maybe maybe not [ __ ] we got company none of you are getting out of here alive motherfucker's over here Fu Moone of you are getting out of here you're going to pay for that getting out of here live all right we we need to get in there and find out what Aldridge was after there's got to be a key card around here somewhere check the desks the bodies everywhere God damn it come on open godamn it mother the got your ass now on you [ __ ] over here sh down this none of you get out of here Al wa get over here and get this door open God damn it what' he take surveillance photos satellite imagery an asset files from anyone who's com into the country from Cuba over the last 10 years [ __ ] [ __ ] what the hell's this guy after you know something I've had my suspicions ever since Chucky said he overheard Aldridge talking about a plane Balman and his crew were piloting a plane out of Havana but they weren't looking to defect they were returning something that didn't belong to them the CIA codenamed the incident dka which in Russian means little girl or Kami princess some goddamn thing anyway the plane's cargo was part of a Russian R12 theater ballistic missile which part are we talking about the thermonuclear Warhead part well this [ __ ] just got a hell of a lot more interesting a storm took the plane down mid-flight Balman and his crew bailed after 12 months of searching the CIA considered dka lost at se nothing to be done about it unless it wasn't lost at se un unless right unless it wasn't if alers gets his hands on this there's no telling what he'll do all right so if Aldridge took the files and surveillance photos to track this thing down then we need another way to find it what about bal's crew if we could track down and another one of the [ __ ] that was on that flight they may be able to tell us what we need to know the main frames connected to a network that should allow us to pass hatch in and access bal's files okay we got [Music] it it was a fourman crew on the plane uh-huh two of them managed to make it back to Alana but Bal mana and a man by the name of Ruben pz came to the states where's pz now looks like the CIA got him a job as a janitor ated apartment store in Frisco Fields there's no way Aldridge leaves a loose end like that kicking around the poor bastards on his way out he doesn't even know it then I guess we better get to Pas before Aldridge does this man Connor Aldridge when did you first meet him June 1954 we went into Guatemala as part of PB success and then we went our separate ways and ran into each other again in Vietnam well according to these reports uh Mr aldrid was very successful in infiltrating the NBAA so successful in fact he cultivated several contacts that became double agents that's one way of putting it and how would you put it let's just say you shouldn't believe everything you read I can type up some [ __ ] on fancy letterhead doesn't change the fact that it's [ __ ] Mr Donovan did you or did you not have contact with Connor Aldridge in the summer of 1968 in new Bordeaux that [ __ ] died in an Alleyway in Saigon I'm done talking about him I need to call this in the langely meet me in the French Ward and we'll track down [Music] p one of my guys picked up chatter on the wire a crew of Al's men are moving towards pasz as we speak think you can get us there ahead of them I'm up for trying good let's go the department store P works out of his up in Frisco Fields watch the road watch it anyway an apartment store PES works out of his up in Frisco Fields place called wash Rose yeah I've heard of you'll be there before you know it how exactly does an Old Money Shop like Westrose end up employing a Cuban Exile working for the CIA old money comes with a lot of old secrets and 10,000 taxpayer dollars each month the [ __ ] call me a criminal come on come on my grandmother can drive faster than this well let's go get the old bag and see what you can do [Music] there's wash Ro no sign of Aldridge's mer this hour ha should be on duty with the rest of the janitorial staff let's get in there and find him we're closed [ __ ] do we look like we're here to buy a goddamn blender HIZ where where is he look last time I saw him he was on the third floor thanks buddy oh and you and your crew who want to keep breathing should clear out there are some real [ __ ] on their way here you bu it depends who the [ __ ] is asking two [ __ ] who are trying to keep your ass alive we need to move now [Music] [Applause] letting go for right there behind you over what the [ __ ] this this about it's about you a bunch of your I can assume that they want me dead you want me a lot certain you can they're killing our people [Music] bloody tag cover me up [ __ ] [ __ ] lincol high as a shot can you move I'll be okay come on the bullet got to reload ride this train all the way to the end fre P you let us handle the shooting from here on out no argument for me gentlemen I think we found our right out of here Pas you're riding shot Lincoln I'm on it you read my mind donov we got C I see that lay down some fire ha is looking worse do those first so we can get him to Mar don't job now it has be fun fellas but I think I'm going to need a doctor now on the right they're coming from the right hell yeah that's the last of them P how you feel it uh anybody else cold hold tight we'll get you psed up we need to get him inside hold on Buddy we brought you a live one yeah I can see that Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] happened to you guys one of Aldridge's men clipped him oh God I don't want to die you're not going to die tell me your name Reuben all right Reuben well lucky for you I've had my fair share of Battlefield met do you know what that means no means you're going to be just fine looks like the bullet went clean through all right move your hand this is going to hurt hey your plane where is it there was a storm yeah we know about the storm where'd you go down last readings was uh 22.5 Dee latitude and a 87 87.9 de longitude why the [ __ ] were you heading west after that [ __ ] with with Kennedy kusf told Fidel to return the Warhead he didn't want to send with the disassembled missiles so we arranged to meet the Russians at an air Street outside of Mexico City perfect thanks pasz huh sure look I'm going to get us a boat you meet me when you're ready you got this yeah go on get your boy here patched up and out of town hey hey oh you bastard that [ __ ] better still be there he will be has to be all right man enough we've were running all over the goddamn place it's about time you tell me what went down between you and Aldridge it's 1963 I'd been in country a little under 2 years on joh CH Shin sh stay out of this Johnny that's not exactly my style Chong's not coming what did you do let's just say trong had a little accident fell down a very deep well but not before he spilled all your dirty little secrets like how you've been feeding Intel to the NVA the US government executes Traders you know that right [ __ ] you I'm hoping they'll hang you but I will settle for a firing squad let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] I'm going to need something juicy to shoot things over with the the NVA so why don't you tell me where those saw Recon teams are heading you really think that I didn't pass on what trun told me right now every morning and your little circle jerk is being rounded up I always thought the company was halfway decent at screaming out dumb asses guess I was wrong that's funny that's real [Music] funny before he could go to work on me a couple MPS showed up they heard the shot and came running and alridge escaped he's a slippery little [ __ ] I'll give him that much come on let's go find that goddamn piss ant let's move to High Ground get eyes on the situation got Intel on this place used to have a decent fishing industry but that died off a while ago residents relocated to the mainland Island's been abandoned ever since your on the to ofz or what remains over there looks like Al J's M set up camp by that old church someone must be in charge down there just what we can get out of them looks like they got some high power Weaponry over there one [ __ ] Manning it try not to piss him off no I'm just going to go give him a [Music] hug switching to something louder clearing up ahead two maybe three [Music] clicks so what happens if Aldridge gets out in the wild with this nuk according to the Mad Doctrine the only thing keeping us from full scale nuclear Annihilation is knowing there's enough nukes between us and the Soviets to wipe out the planet mutually assured destruction mad it's our fail safe but if a single nuke falls into the wrong hands some Rogue actor that's where the boat starts tipping and all bets are off what you're saying is you have no idea not a goddamn clue this area is crawling with MKS you got a plan if I can get up on that Ridge and catch those [ __ ] off guard and they say us in trouble all right guess that lead a low ground for me that'll help out oh hey watch the personal space God damn from here that plane looks like it's barely holding together oh come on you scared [ __ ] you know how I feel about planes yeah but this one's already crashed [ __ ] you for even saying that got one taking him out he's not making it off the island I think you was all you really need to say just making it easy for you down there hey what oh man there's a turret here resist brother resist [ __ ] okay fine I'll cover you from now let's hit these [ __ ] suckers with all we got [Music] grenade [Music] last after you [Music] pansy God damn it he beat us here well he couldn't have gone far with that thing don't [ __ ] move the two of you turn around slowly where's the Warhead Mr aldrid is going to be real happy to see the two of you hey [ __ ] for brains I asked you a goddamn question where's the nuke ask me again boy who the [ __ ] you call it boy boy please don't kill [Music] me so what's Aldridge doing with the war he's got a contact in the N some general he's very big bud for it [ __ ] I swear it's the truth sh quiet a go go go go we got to take that [ __ ] out your ass out of there [ __ ] off me get this dck [ __ ] off me Fire free making my exit no can do grenade all the way to the end probably got your ass now they're in the wind don't let me die it like this how the [ __ ] is Aldridge down with selling a nuke to the NBA well if you remove a man's moral compass loyalty to his home country and then fill it up with angry and resentment you'd be surprised what you can get him to do [Music] use the 50 cal light them up don't stop now need to find a different route hang on that's it [Music] i' had some good [Music] training we'll go the rest of the way on foot L to the NBA Al just really crazy enough to do that crazy enough no Angry enough maybe there goes a nuke is that a those commi [ __ ] did it they built a goddamn base missile silo and all right off our own Coast we need to get down there hard to tell what we might run into so stay close so none of your spook poers knew about this base no idea chatter about plans for it sure but no confirmation that they'd ever started let alone gotten this far along hold up listen how we looking be a lot faster if we could ditch the gear blow the sight negative doesn't want to leave a bigger footprint than we already have rer that we'll get it done over and out that one's mine cover me need to secure the on it God damn this place is a [ __ ] hole feels like I ought to get a tchis shot once we out of here the Warhead must have gone into this elevator P [ __ ] which goes straight down to a submarine Bay that must be how he's getting a nuke off the island how do we get down looks like the red service line on the ground will lead there red of course it's red what do we do now can't exactly knock and ask him to give the nuke back no but I can Hotwire those doors probably get them open 30 40 seconds tops all right I'll cover you Christ M was that you uh maybe mother I ought to let him shoot your ass I said maybe either way it's probably going to get real popular around here [ __ ] just get the goddamn dwart no can do taking [Music] cover shoot him from the side got him you shut the hell up we need back up [Applause] now clear walk away from Miss Johnny you and your friend are skill I respect that we take that protect that from the world and your precious United States government man that guy's you don't know the half of it I know the things you've done the things we've done thinly Val in are so-called patriotic Duty the people we call our enemies the Russians the NVA they're no different than the American government just like you are no different than me CIA you know he's full of [ __ ] right yeah of sneaky we've been spotted stop something you won't let me move grenade [ __ ] I [ __ ] cont me [Applause] Jesus Christ they never got it done this thing couldn't launch Fidel into Cru Chip's [ __ ] that's where we'll find Aldridge God damn it you come in here kill my men trying to take what I've worked so hard for but you don't see the truth shut everything I'm doing here was in the motion 5 years ago you [ __ ] up deal with TR johnan this is the last moment of your miserable got any more buddies they're in the Wind the tunnel's up ahead submarine Bay should be through there I don't know man you sure this will take us to the submarine Bay are you doubting I hell yeah I'm absolutely doubting it I see [ __ ] was that you baby God damn I said maybe you never were able to see the big picture Johnny that's ald on the turret big mistake Johnny [ __ ] I'm right here the I'm right here come me Johnny St TR that [ __ ] on me oh that's [ __ ] lincol watch your ass get those mother down like that the submarin like the go ahead finish finish this I'll be outside you're like you're like a goddamn cockroach you know that what the [ __ ] were you thinking aiding a sworn enemy of the United States in Wartime no less NVA are no enemies of mine same with the VC and that's why he decided to murder thousands of American soldiers with that goddamn nuke how many soldiers we got scattered around all over there most of them are scared shitless they could give two [ __ ] about any of it they just want to make it home alive the problem is they get home and their heads are all scrambled or maybe they find their girl humping on some [ __ ] [ __ ] who got a deferment for heel spurs so you were doing this for the soldiers is that it and what about the money you were hoping to make what was that for to ease your conscience we both so off a talk it never happened it's a bunch of [ __ ] dmed up by the NSA you talk to me about killing American soldiers brother the [ __ ] us government's been doing that and for what God I used to admire you thought you represented everything great about this country you are just as greedy and selfish as everyone else there are no dominoes Johnny Vietnam Falls who gives the [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] Backwater everybody's living in goddamn huts and half of them don't even have shoes on their [ __ ] feet for Christ's sake at least my way had a chance of ending things are you finished it appears so come on let's get that Warhead out of here get in the truck move what the hell are we going to do with this thing just trust me oh afraid you were going to say that hey we're ready bring the bird around rotor head one moving into position so that's your bird didn't I say trust me God damn it clear the head house I'm [Music] out these [Music] brother I don't swing this way get rid of those [ __ ] oh all right Mr slick you and your partner don't [ __ ] around not often rhead one not give me a hand we can get this baby on it way I don't mean to fry will you mind telling me who just flew off with the nuke oh it's Gary he's a great guy you'd love him oh Gary who the [ __ ] is Gary he's a man who knows people he'll probably even manage to squeeze a reward out of the Pentagon well don't worry I'll cut you in oh God damn I'm famished hey how about we stop for some shrimp po boys I'll pass what's the matter your weak ass Constitution can't handle some stick to your ribs grub that shit's practically a culinary dismal okay how about we stop for some ice cream before I go talk to Marshall oh ice cream and who the [ __ ] am I your girlfriend hey man dress bit [ __ ] you yeah sure now he's got a sense of [Music] humor [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 7,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, full, gameplay, no commentary, full gameplay, MAFIA 3 DEFINITIVE EDITION Stones Unturned DLC All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K Ultra HD, full gameplay walkthrough, mafia 3, mafia 3 stones unturned, mafia 3 movie, mafia 3 all cutscenes, mafia 3 definitive edition, full game, stones unturned, mafia 3 stones unturned movie, mafia 3 stones unturned all cutscenes, mafia iii: definitive edition, mafia 3 full game, mafia 3 ending, lincoln clay, mafia 3 gameplay
Id: qY8mdu5i7i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 36sec (3276 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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