RYSE: SON OF ROME All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K HDR

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thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] major emperor I zero Augustus germanicus come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] oh yeah that much longer The Barbarians are closing in on the Palisades we need to get to them first and hold them back [Applause] somewhere [Applause] down defend the rear defend the rear [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] status of the defenses Soldier yes sir most of the 18th Legion is still combat effective we have three auxiliary units in your command Scorpios archers and a catapult nest former Line North barricade foreign we held them back only a handful managed to slip by us into the palace he's here help me I command you my Emperor the palace defenses have been breached I'm not worried about the barbarians I'm worried about him we need to get you somewhere secure secure though we're secure for this we need to get you to a safe place uh your Chambers my Chambers no no the Vault this way come on that door closed there's someone in there I think perhaps you should open here comes a general what's up now you burn bro man God here quickly oh come on come on quickly 's Frozen from the dead I swear it damn it please Damocles is a myth only men kill men the gods May guide us never interfere with the Affairs of Mortals oh and what great Oracle told you this General my father we will be safe We believe We will be safe well I pray to the gods that we will be safe and we will be safe here as safe as we can be safe yes safe thank God but you what family what's your name Soldier Marius but my name is of no input my story however is my father taught me that we are fated by the gods but that we alone choose our path you were fated to be an emperor and I a soldier my father's sense of Honor drove him to follow a path that served the people but what drove us to take the paths we did what made us the men that we are today My Story begins some 10 years past father marry us it's good to see you again how do I look every inch the Roman soldier you look fine my son welcome home welcome home do you know where you're to be posted Alexandria ah Alexandria that's a quiet Province your mother will be pleased I didn't join the Army to bask in the sun father I want to fight like you did for the Empire all in good time my son all in good time remember not all your enemies will be found on the battlefield brother Marius let me look at you so handsome mother please your sister is eager to see you will see her soon enough for now I wish to speak with our son alone fine I shall go and find your sister is there something troubling you father we will talk in good time for now let's see what you've learned it's a sad but proud day the day a son first beats his father you may have mastered the sword but never rush to meet the world with it drawn always come open handed first walk with me sir I've heard rumors there is great unrest in Rome yes these are dangerous times this election could change everything I'm giving this to you as your grandfather once gave it to me when your time comes to command men of your own think back on what I'm about to tell you Legend says that Damocles was a great warrior a revered leader in a vast Army during a massive battle his cowardly commanders abandoned him wow when the slain Dollar Trees arrived in the Underworld Nemesis the goddess of Revenge was enraged at how the brave hero had been treated she allowed Damocles to return to the world as a vengeful Spirit a ghostly black armored Centurion who would hunt down and kill each of the generals who had wronged him foreign dagger with the image of Damocles on the Scabbard this dagger reminds them to always look after their men or risk the black Centurion returning from the dead avenge their selfish mistakes barbarians follow me ah check them out they had set them up mother no no no no every last one of you speak to me kill him [Music] what's going on are you all right [Music] you're down [Music] [Music] [Music] all of you God father listen they mean to kill us Marius we must get to the Senate house to save my people uh just you and me [Music] foreign [Music] there lies your destiny run foreign I must be to my people here Marius you must get places in the amphitheater bring him to the Forum we'll protects your father now go Rome belongs to the people a city for the people an Empire [Applause] foreign [Music] there it is this way father the Cameron married another one of you [Music] come on help leontius [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I will do as you bid fund I will save room from them spill their blood I'm command of Italian of the 14th I fought with your father it's blood you want I promise I will give you as much as you can handle you were the second aren't you yes sir not anymore [Music] welcome to the 14th lad the Italian oversaw the completion of my training and made good on his promise as part of the 14th I'd soon have all the blood I could ever want the island of Britannia that fitted Lair at the edge of our Empire was home to the bastards that had slaughtered my family and led the very Rebellion which had spewed onto the streets of Rome my posting with the 14th would take us to these aisles where I would wreak my revenge crushing this insurrection [Music] [Music] foreign dry land and a warm meal awaits us Marines prepare for docking it's a rising our entry will be blocked and the tree will be crushed to splinters foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] don't come on oh guys fall back and regroup at the chain Tower Embrace yours Marius thank the gods come on let's gather what's left of the 14th to take down that train Tower get them what's up got one no no I can't we can't stay here Parks there's lots The Archers are dead now move out with me there are still men left to say [Music] men listen to me our Fleet is destroyed the beach is an enemy hands are mainly dying in the water we must fall back now dead dead he must be dead should we fall back can we have a running Point anyone expect things yes yeah with me that's to the tower listen to him if it wasn't for Marius we'd all be dead fall back forward man we're almost at the tower formation on me let's go Shields oh let's go pick it up Shields go back we are going to take out that Tower then let's move raise the counterweight I'll go up and release the chain lock thank you stop that [ __ ] hey oh you're ready [Applause] get both switches raise the counterweight release [Music] foreign [Applause] thank you attention lads the brave man Chase is dead once cowards a thousand times over now we have already spilled Barbarian blood and we know they bleed as we do honey [Applause] gods what's up foreign our fleece being destroyed we must take out that power formation of me soldiers oh nice Grace [Music] all right we've got to hold this barricade until our archers get here [Music] come on latch let's take this fort move move move foreign [Music] [Applause] on the bridge [Music] follow me come on honored to serve with his kid up the stairs go this way myself foreign well oh the bastards back [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] lay down [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] Italian [Music] Commander battalion many good officers and men were lost today Marius you have proved that you can lead you have earned the respect of the men so take this helmet and put it on legendaries Salute Your new Centurion [Applause] foreign [Applause] now you know what you can expect from these barbarians they're in a race of rabid bastards who will fight as tooth and nail but they don't know what they are up against foreign Rome is power and out here we are wrong [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign King Oswald's Barbarian Army is advancing on York General Communists and the sixth covert engaged the enemy but thy fate is unknown secure the remaining boats and get them unloaded and prepare the men we March for York [Applause] how much north towards the rebel Heartland was brutal progress was slowed by battle after bloody battle against these embittered tribes Rome had brought peace Rich trade and prosperity to these Isles this peace had been Shattered by open Rebellion now finally closing in on the very birth place of this revolt where King Oswald and his Warrior daughter ruled [Music] Scouts informed me that a large Barbarian Army is fast approaching now if they manage to meet up with this Army we don't send a chance York will fall by their guards the hairy ass bastards Mr Numbers 20 to 1. in a straight fight will suffer heavy losses we're not going to attack their leader King Oswald and his daughter boudica are down there amongst them if we capture him the tribal Chiefs will have to sue for peace to secure his safe release then Oswald will be forced to Bow his knee and swear an oath of the Rome these britons they are Honorable in their own way they have no honor these Vermin dare to stand against the might of Rome they deserve to suffer our retribution our retribution or yours sir enough we will end this Rebellion my way and not put the lives of good men at unnecessary risk is that understood Centurion understood Commander very well a small Detachment will infiltrate the enemy camp and capture Oswald and Boudicca I will lead our main force and cut off their reinforcements what are my orders sir I promised you blood didn't I you will capture Oswald and boudica before you can get your menstrual safely you will need to deal with the archers posted on the aqueduct so you'll be starting out alone understood sir it's an honor foreign Legion [Music] foreign you think someone's coming the legion would have heard them by now just relax hello you died [Applause] this way the legions approach position your archers on the roadside and prepare yourself to fire on my command yes Mom should be a way up here Romans down there open fire foreign your steps come on it's clear [Music] get ready foreign [Music] you should never have come here foreign [Music] [Music] come on come out [Music] to the mound s thank you get in there legionaries make way formation spider by the road man check your chills [Music] up foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign attack on my command I must move quickly the line can't hold for long hmm ons let's go foreign Pizza come on foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign ERS will never commit the peace if this is how we treat them this must be the work the praetorians hold on friends of Rome may I present to you basilius son of the emperor command of Italian congratulations on your safe arrival had it been any later you might have missed out on all the fun I do trust your journey was not too arduous so I would like to Tori and God will take over now God's seize the Britain scum the highness I must be unaware my brother Commodus still missing find out what these Savages have done with him we britons lived in peace under the rule of the old Roman Chieftain but his new Chieftain Commodus son of your king is evil he deserves the Fate that he is suffering I have nothing more to say then it is clear to me that you britons do not love as we Romans do your girl she is beautiful vlogger until he talks or she dies dare you how dare you I am son of the emperor and I do whatever I choose please no please I'll tell you everything Chieftain Commodus was traded to the horn King in the northern lands Beyond the Wall please at least my daughter I beg of you [Music] see there's really only one language these people understand the language of force you will find your chieftain in darkness Beyond the Wall when allowing Barren mountains Tower over the black bottomless locks horned men from ancient times roam this land and of those who Venture there few return [Music] I have a new mission for you you will lead your men North to the lowering mountains and bring back my brother cards [ __ ] up the prisoners ready the name Centurion we March North yes sir the Italian let our forces further north beyond the borders of our Empire to the edge of the world we fought against Warriors more Beast than men so fearsome that even Rome's Elite Legions have failed to conquer them Oswald's foreboding words haunted us as we marched ever deeper into the unforgiving darkness horned men from ancient times roam these lands and of those who Venture there few return this fought glottshop it's rumored to be the gateway to Hades a place of fire and death I worry that what happens here on the edge of the world could soon befall the Empire itself those highs Antonius check the cables Otto secure the beams we move out at the tent yes sir the rescue Commodus they build weaker men only for their most valuable sacrifices he's sure to be there we begin our attack at the dead of night I don't like this what's that you hear that it's nothing over there just a deer something's watching us if they want to fight why don't they come out and fight come on be quiet why are you so scared of the Romans of the 14th movement ahead he ran into the Mist I saw it some kind of animal some kind of animal with two legs quiet legs which were able to they would have attacked us by now no they have sent enough to fear rope double time lapse hot I'll Scout the head foreign come on that must be God [Music] [Music] [Music] but foreign rise thank you I must find my men God's have mercy on us [Music] thank you good Ness Centurion sir thank you sir we must save them all come on yes sir Frank you meant take the Left Flank with me the rest the right and await my signal yes sir this one let's our brothers depend on us follow me [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] sir sir I saw Vitality they took him to the wickleback [Music] former lineman hold the gate I'll find vitalian [Music] s foreign [Music] foreign [Music] ouch come on [Applause] size products [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you man grab the ram bring down the Wicker man [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] sometimes a man must look past what he thinks he sees well done Marius well don't just stand there you useless get me out of here get me out of here now suppose that would be our glorious leader General Commodus yes the empress son your Victory your honors Centurion at once come on you [ __ ] idiot [Music] can you give me okay give me your cape we marched to York Commodus was safe and Oswald ready to accept peace I pray to the gods that an end to this horrific Bloodshed was within our grasp that I could finally return with my mentor Rome I began to realize the commander vitalian had every reason to question the wisdom of this campaign how many soldiers have given their lives to achieve this so-called victory for me I had spilled all the blood I could handle [Music] governor I bring before you Oswald King of the britons he has renounced this Rebellion he will submit to the rule of Rome and henceforth he will only fight to secure peace between our two great peoples Ernest Commodus all we ask is that my people are treated with fairness treated as equals so that all may live in peace so that we all may live in peace peace the peace treaty from Rome the empress will the empress peace all he needs is the King's mark on that scrolling and we can all leave this God forsaken Island your Emperor my father he is indeed wise and fair this is the emperor's seal it is a direct extension of his will and the power of Rome rise embrace me [Music] King Oswald here is your peace [Applause] [Applause] you feel these thinking God how dare you [Applause] see you see what happens when you define me it's never [Music] [Music] mind [Applause] his will done our bearings didn't kill my father the emperor did sorry wrong from them [Music] what are you waiting for I said now [Music] my father is a God I am a god obey me as you obey the Gods [Music] get us to the harbor battalion I want you to take control of these rebellious scum hold the city spend no one you'll all pray dearly for this we will say every man every woman and every child is checked on your brain [Music] ran across the walls push them back and back now close the gates we must keep their army out at all costs I'll take control here you man the walls Paris we need time you need to keep his enemies out as long as possible we need to get all our civilians down to the dogs do whatever you can stand at the courthouse now go [Music] God save us oh just positions now A Reign of arrows on my signal s I've never seen anything like it soldiers a great battle awaits us they are coming for us to take everything we have everything we love they are determined to take it all from us let them come just commence so this time Target their Siege engines to the battle that's [Music] down here they come this is [Music] let out [Music] guys keeps up thank you foreign foreign everybody that's my order of Commander battalion the south gate Has Fallen the city will be overwhelmed get these people to the boats yes sir I need to get to the docks is there another way yes sir you can cut through the slums there friends are coming we're gonna fight these Bastards of myself to the boat yeah yeah I don't know Roman beliefs alive foreign my Italian is selling the retreat we must fall back to the courthouse been here for the hour they have embedded arches and barbarians just won't fall come on then let's show them the strength of our Shields without AIDS home sales thank you man round up whoever's left and fall back the rest of you keep this bridge open for the retreat I'll meet with my Italian at the courthouse we must ready ourselves the next assault foreign [Applause] anything that barbarians can throw at it no they will have to go on the other boats Commodus and his guard escaped on the warship they were the first to run the first home of the harbor kicking aside women and children as they fled foreign defensive Soldier we're cut off from all districts and trying to hold the bridges but most of our men have been evacuated good when all our men are safe we will evacuate on the last boat out are you clear yes sir Marius this way we must get word out tell the senate what communist has done would have to be paid for agreed Jay come on marriage reach our men on the bridge and bring them back I'll oversee the evacuation from here go back we're getting you out of here I'll take the Scorpio and remind you man hold me back to the left side [Applause] going anywhere foreign [Applause] the Senate will listen to you you're a commander they have to [Applause] now go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] something academicles was a great warrior a revered leader in a vast Army cowardly commanders abandoned him Nemesis the goddess of Revenge allowed Damocles to return to the world as a vengeful Spirit a ghostly black armored Centurion who would hunt down and kill each of the generals who had wronged him [Music] true various Titus you are a general of Rome I brought you here to protect me from Damocles but you are directly God's protected you are damn it please indeed I am and my story is almost at an end I became driven by one thought one solitary desire the desire for vengeance Vengeance against the emperor Nero who had my family butchered Vengeance against his despicable sons who betrayed my Legion foreign in order to exact my vengeance I'd have to return to where my journey began turn to my home danger surrounded me on my journey back to Rome the evil which had plagued Britain had now infected this city carving refugees from our once free Rome line the roads telling Tales of deprivation and torture the rule of law they shattered my life's solitary purpose was to return to Rome and end the evil that you created nearer to prevent you from destroying the Rome that I love and to return it to its people [Music] victorians what's this then Valiant Hero Battle scarred veteran of the campaigns drop your swords or I will kill you where you stand get him don't let him talk to you like that [Music] [Music] I'll get reinforcements sir a legendary murdered Atticus and James YouTube take a look nothing get back to your post yes sir I'm gonna have to stay off the streets if I want to avoid trouble 59 how many more about 100 or so up on Fear or Gusty someone drew Nero's face and I forced his ass not a good idea talk about Collective punishment we're burying the whole street foreign who will help us there's no clean water no sanitation no bedding and food what food I have to beg for it are you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign it's not always in distant lands that our greatest enemies lurk who are you why did this happen my father was a hero of Rome your father was a great General and a popular senator too popular perhaps the emperor is a jealous man a petty man your father lived to serve Rome emperor Nero serves only himself he seeks power for the sake of power he believes himself a god a cold wind from the north whispered poisonous words in the emperor's ear your father and other like-minded men wanted to return Rome to its people so the emperor had them murdered after all that is what Emperors do The Spoils of his greed were divided between his sons basilius and Commodus he lavished upon them great powers and responsibilities for which they were unworthy Rome is failing its children marriage you are vital peace in the game of man and you like all of us have a role to play damnities spirit of Vengeance fate of the Empire is in your hands save Rome save Rome from them [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] to the emperor's tournament this could be granted by just one man so I paid him a visit family please I come for the tournament ah for a gladiator oh the uh the mythical armor is fine touch indeed you gave me quite [Music] only the most skilled Fighters can enter the tournament let me see if you fight as well as you dress [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] okay [Applause] [Applause] I think my brother Commodus may have a contender brother [Applause] this just keeps getting better bring on the next ACT champion of the Arena [Applause] you know [Applause] sir having the potential you're wondering now let's spice it up a bit for our next ACT we welcome two Champions Romulus and Remus The Killers of Carthage kill them Thunder mans [Applause] scramble that was scandalously fun ventilating come meet me in my quarters you want to fight for your emperor and you shall hmm here is your Scroll of Entry and lose it you've transformed killing into an art form I however express myself in different ways here is some of my more recent work I've just completed final Embellishments it's a gift for my father the emperor it's an amazing piece of work when I say to myself containing a hidden surprise small compartment inside the head that will make it cry the finest white wine to symbolize his great love for the empire but I suppose it could be made to quite anything really anything [Music] lads so much blood gray mountains dragged down the Senate the street the streets of Rome will run rent with blood I've seen you in my dreams put me loose if you wish to know your future Fallen Hero of Rome Spirit the vengeance [Music] summer please Emma please shall be slain by the great General Mary's that General shall be slain by Damocles that emperor Nero you can only die by his own sword you cannot kill him foreign ERS was next here at the Coliseum he would show all Rome his great victories and claim our Deeds as his own now I would earn the right to fight him and cut this poison from the heart of Rome I would have my vengeance can't wait to get away together you'll be slaughtered in the first I fought in every Arena no man's put me down yet this is the Coliseum you aren't meant to fight You Are Meant To Die [Applause] Here Comes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] will meet the inevitable [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] captain by himself [Applause] [Music] I've never seen [Applause] [Applause] Damocles has been brilliant hasn't he so brilliant that I want his head a thousand Denarius to whoever brings it to me that rewards mine sorry damage please it's a thousand Denari yeah I'm making quick chemicals [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] against us I am the greatest General ever to lead world and her people today you have had the honor yes the honor of witnessing the slaughter of every Gladiator setting against me laying by me your general [Applause] little worried why so my emperor Damocles be fighting like a lion all day he still looks alarmingly strong Pinot for your son's life I fear not for that because shit's life you fooled my fear for my purse I've wasted a fortune on him to win they will shorten the odds your purse is safe oh that serves the little [ __ ] your general your savior [Applause] you're gone [Applause] foreign who will protect you from me [Applause] oh yeah [Applause] read your last breath you stinking putrid filth costume [Applause] not the greatest come on Damocles take your Vengeance over here I'm coming as you fool I'm Commodus I'm Commodus the show's over for you Damocles is it him come on foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] but thank you get him [Applause] come on finish him [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign can't take any chances Damocles you understand I know I'm Immortal but the Plex so fatal one lucky Blow from you and my reputation [Applause] Commodus [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign I've only ever known one man who can fight like that foreign let us finish what your father started Marius we need to get out of here the Senate is nothing but frightened old men they no longer listen to truth no reason I warned them about Britannia to no avail Commodus has held the legions back doing nothing or some massive Barbarian Army has swarmed across the Empire wreaking havoc as it closes in on Rome britons yes and their army has grown tenfold everyone who opposes Rome has allied with them try it from far away lands have sent them massive beasts of War the emperor and communism made enemies across the Empire these barbarians have seen how weakened we have become under Nero's rule mean to destroy us destroy the empire with Commodus gone they'll ask me to assume command and I'll need my best men if we're going to hold Rome when I suspected it was you in the arena I readied this the emperor must die and he will but we must save Rome first I Need You Now Marius fight for your father fight for your legion fight for Rome Boudicca once her fate was in my hands now she's spearheaded the army of a thousand tribes that giant beasts of War bore down on our gates the evils of a rotten Empire visited upon its capital we must all answer for our choices Nero but it's the people of Rome that now pay for yours so but with Nero who had our fathers murdered and we will be Avenged but if Rome Falls then our world will descend into darkness chaos will lay waste of civilization I will never let that happen [Music] steady marries our city defenses will funnel the bastards down into this one square they could have numbers by a thousand to one here but find Space will take away that advantage and willing Rome will see another Dawn here they come foreign [Applause] [Music] steady oh steady [Applause] Mary's I need you on the storm here over there thank you my God there's no end to the filthy bastards we have to hold them here fire at will I'll leave the counter charge I need every man we can spend no I will lead the charge you'll never make it back hardly let you have all the glory now can I foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign but our lines are broken we have raid in parties operating throughout the city understood [Applause] fourth cohort yes sir come on this way we need to clear our way through Battalion is on the other side you there get to work yes sir reading party legendaries take over defense point on our left archers take the left platform [Music] good work human do in this area I will make haste to our commander Rome shall not fall keep moving [Music] Marius son of Rome rise there is still time for Destiny awaits you look around you how will I prevent the fall of Rome is lost don't waste time pulling off the petals [Music] foreign we can't hold them back for much longer sir I don't know but how much longer we can the gods do not favor us we must fall back flea is that where you left your post to tell me is that why you left your men we have been summoned by the Gods and you want to flee I should kill you myself you bring dishonor to your men you bring Dishonored to me you bring dishonor to Rome I swear to you Centurion Rome will not fall not today today and we fight even whatever's left of the sixth Legion to come about and reinforce the West flank pull the fifth out of the old quarter to do the same whatever's left of the 14th and take on the enemy in front of the palace go understood [Music] even if I have to hold it myself [Music] there's way General boudicca's forces have overrun The Forum what are your orders we tear a hole in boudicca's inner guard and eliminate her on the war elephant she's trying to breach the palace defenses what artillery do we have there's a Scorpio up on the ridge there sir elephants [Music] foreign foreign [Music] time yield or pay the price and let you destroy Rome never we can't both win and I've come too far to let you stand in my way [Music] ah oh hey I say yield do it now boudica huh [Music] [Applause] huh [Music] thank you huh [Music] Marius son of Rome we're not much different you and I Fate has made us enemies but in another life in another life perhaps not in this one no not in this one [Music] do it Roman do it [Music] [Music] Centurion Shivers to me display this in the highest place you can find when the Barbarian scene they'll run the battle will be ours since you're clearly not here to protect me what now you had my family murdered you have left Rome in Ruins everything that has happened all this needless death your jealousy your vanity and your arrogance has caused it all have you forgotten the oracle's prophecy empanero can only die by his own sword you can't kill me only I can he said so yourself had me you died for General then I could at least die as an emperor even if I never lived this one to be defeated so it's not them pounding up that door those are my praetoriums God God damn it please is here he's here to kill me protect me now married my good man I have any idea how much trouble you've caused me to me how hard I work to tease all foreign [Music] this is time boutica run why simple to destroy Rome and end this foolish notion of civilization Marius watch out the Immortals play your games we can't play ours the game has rules foreign [Music] foreign laughs yes [Music] come on [Music] [Music] oh foreign Rome healed and her civilization once more grew and the city saved by an unsung hero would go on to stand for thousands of years Rome would endure from then until the last days of man [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 112,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, full, gameplay, no commentary, full gameplay, RYSE: SON OF ROME All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K HDR, ryse son of rome, ryse son of rome walkthrough, ryse son of rome gameplay, full game, full movie, ryse all cutscenes, ryse son of rome full game, all cutscenes, game movie, ryse son of rome movie, ryse son of rome 4k, ryse son of rome game movie, ryse son of rome movie hdr, ryse son of rome all cutscenes hdr, ryse son of rome hdr gameplay, ending, story, movie
Id: 5eZlReY2efw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 51sec (9471 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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