MADtv - Fearlessly Funny

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[Music] crazy i suppose we could ask darren to come down and pick the stuff up out of the garage but he's still gonna have to come down in the week jack are you playing with yourself huh uh no no no no i was just uh thinking about stuff definitely not playing with myself because you had the look that that playing with yourself look honey if i was i tell you i was just uh sitting here thinking about what a great meal that was and uh how much i love my family and how lucky we all are now that i don't play with myself so much anymore so you weren't playing with yourself i'm sorry it's hard i'm just so used to you playing but yeah i wasn't okay hey kids did you put the tape in yes now you press play and not record right right remember what happened last time hey mom dad's playing with himself again huh i was not honey i wasn't jack honestly honey i wasn't i was just thinking people think dad be a man i am jack i cannot go through this again you promised and i believed you i stood by you i mean i knew you had a problem but you were trying to work on it so i put aside my own pride my own pride even though all of my friends said that you were a freak and i should just walk jack i was listening i was just concentrating honey jack we're done kids go to the car go go honey this is insane i wasn't you're a weak man jack a weak weak man honey hello hey frank betty just walked out on me yeah yeah she took the kids yeah yeah yeah no no it wasn't the national council of neighbors and dao asbestos squares present your new neighbor who's for vanilla cake vanilla cake jeepers can i dab can i of course vanilla cake is chock full of nutritionally rich ingredients like butter sugar and lard don't forget love how could i oh gee meet the white heads a typical american family enjoying a typical saturday afternoon until one of you women get the door it's your job [Laughter] and what box are you two we're not from a box that's all we're real live negroes [Music] won't you come in [Music] here are some friendly facts about your new neighbor most negroes chose to travel to america on luxury liners and after severally causing the civil war negro straightened up and invented jazz baseball and legal dice i'd like to make you feel welcome but i have no liquor in the house here's a friendly tip it's not fair to make assumptions about negroes they don't only drink liquor they may also enjoy wine beer and moonshine please excuse my wife we've never had a negro neighbor before ah no need to worry friend we've never had white neighbors before no white neighbors are you from the moon sully moses your color is beautiful do all negroes look like you why nobody we negros come in five different shades caramel licorice cinnamon swirl and stay away from my daughter chart all black excuse me what the hell did you just say you heard me negro get him dad oh the races shall they never get along i'm the announcer in the house reminding you whether you're white or negro keep your family warm insulate your house with dow asbestos squares and keep your baby dry with new space age super absorbent dao asbestos diapers good night and good neighbors [Music] what's so funny oh nothing it's just that i'm terrified of flying and i tend to laugh when i'm nervous you know what i mean i take it flying doesn't scare you no no i actually uh think that it's the safest way to travel for example you're much more likely to die in a car so i guess so except that in a car you can't get sucked out and fall 35 000 feet to your death you know what i mean it could happen here and [Laughter] well you know maybe you should just put that out of your head yeah i'd like to but it's very it's very hard all right it's very difficult to get the thought out excuse me that's true sure what what well i was just noticing that directly outside this window is a jet engine burning at 2500 degrees kelvin directly underneath us are hundreds and hundreds of gallons of gasoline and we're both wearing cotton okay all right could you stop talking like that just stop talking it's like being a human wick yeah yeah just come on yeah stop talking about that i would appreciate it i'm sorry i'm certain i'm sorry i'm all right i'm just terrified you know i you know but if i do burn i want to burn all the way i do not want to i survive not want to be a crispy critter at the mall you know i don't want that at all what are you what are you looking for i'm looking for another seat oh um all right okay what what is it what is it now what is it now i was just noticing that we're in the back row which means that in the event of a water landing we are going to be the last ones to drown have you ever seen a drowned body it's all blue and bloated yeah i don't want anyone to see me like that no i don't want that at all you know what you know what unfortunately that won't be happening to anybody today because we're flying over the mountains all right okay good yeah i'm just gonna read oh no and i have to survive by eating your dead frozen body i mean if you're not dead i'm just gonna have to wait till you're tired or something and sneak up behind you don't do that okay hey save us me and my friend are down here in the snow my friend mr mctasty you will literally be brain all food stop it creepy man stop it great i'm sorry everybody i'm sorry making all this oh we should be through the roughness in just a few moments but then again you never know oh my god she's right stuart time to wake up surprise oh oh we got dina hey there wildcat wow what a night yeah well i guess this means we're lesbians huh that was great wasn't it i feel so free now yeah i feel so uh hungover you want a cigarette no thanks love her well everything looks the same why wouldn't i look the same i don't know i just thought that now that i'm a lesbian things might look different you know listen dina i'm not sure we're full-fledged lesbians now you know i think we're just out having a couple drinks and we danced with sweet sappho all night long without having to worry about birth control oh i'm gonna get one of those cute spiky haircuts or do you want to be the butch oh no it took me three years to grow this out you're right you make a better femme yeah hey you can be my little lipstick lesbian huh we're sisters hey come on we're hipper than hip yeah let's cuddle woman to women no no um actually i i don't want to i you know dean i think i was really drunk last night and i i think it was kind of like a a one-time thing um i like penises they make me smile well we can always get a male dog oh well that wasn't necessary hey let's call your parents no you're right let's surprise them and march in a parade no dina i am pretty sure that um i'm a straight woman you're talking like a breeder now i am a breeder i think so does this mean i don't have the softest skin you've ever felt oh no no you do of course i've always said that about you it's just that i think i like rough skin you know katie you can't hide behind this denial i mean lesbianism you and me will get a cottage grow vegetables make pottery and wear granny's shut up i am not gay don't tell me what we did last night wasn't gay it wasn't okay maybe the the the thing with the the thing and the leg and the that was pretty gay but um i love my boyfriend stewart yeah ah i'm gonna settle this right now what are you doing dina what are you doing hi stuart this is dina no no katie's a lesbian she doesn't need your pole depression anymore we're queer we're here get used to it stuart stewart i'm sorry just ah what no you can't come over and watch [Applause] dina dina i i'm sorry i just things got a little crazy last night but i don't have those kinds of feelings about you i mean i think we should just be friends okay okay so what do you want to do now i taped ellen last night i'll get the [Applause] batteries there's margaret hey margaret oh hi felicia oh good someone i know i'm dying to show off my new baby that must be the new baby she adopted from korea well who's this this is our beautiful baby boy congratulations he's adorable you are so sweet what's his name levi we wanted something all-american but with an asian ring oh how old is he we don't know he was abandoned he was being raised by goats but the adoption agency thinks he's about a year old he's gonna be a talker oh alan must be so proud oh alan is beaming no throw levi [Music] [Music] oh come on felicity party of five beverly hills 90210 safe harbor buffy the vampire slayer angel roswell popular jack and jill freaks and geeks and wasteland comes another totally original new wb nighttime team drama that's already the number one show in the country and it hasn't even aired yet i found a whole bunch of these razor blades you should really throw these out someone might think you're a cutter yeah right hey you're tad the new guy aren't you hey i better not catch you looking at my girlfriend que pasa don't you mean comprende i i i i i can't kiss you ted i can't i can't [Applause] i'm much prettier than you [Music] cause it's hard being pretty pretty pretty kids [Music] pretty pretty pretty white kids with problems and they've all got problems too [Music] oh hey mr zippin is this week's test gonna be multiple choice well actually it's gonna be stay away from my girl [Music] i'm nolan the rich kid with the porsche you know the one who's divorced parents give them expensive gifts instead of the hugs they so desperately craves i'm tad i'm the new kid it's good to have a friend this 15 can be a difficult age and that's how old i am me too hey destiny what are you doing with that razor blade cutting my split ends what do you want chase are you seeing tad behind my back no you're the only one you know that yeah well then who's that you no it's not no it's you it's not it's you no it's not no it's you no that's not i swear it's you no it isn't i swear okay well then it's a really bad picture of me remind me to get you a new one what are you looking at hey jeez okay i found in destiny's locker oh yeah i saw this that's a real bad picture of me no it's not you chase that's ted what do you think i'm stupid don't you think i know what i look like no look look at the mirror hey that's not me ah see when dustin is not busy cutting herself she's making eyes a tad [Music] [Laughter] [Music] stay away from her or your dad or you're dead well there are a lot of misspellings yeah we'll misspell this b-hole i think you mean a-hole a nice backpack pretty white kids with problems if you don't like it you're probably not a pretty white kid morning everybody we can all find our seats we've got a lot to cover this morning um everybody can i have your attention please i just want to let you know that just because i walked in with dean this morning doesn't mean there's anything going on i mean we certainly didn't sleep together last night if that's what you're thinking judy oh and uh the reason dean gave me right into work this morning is because my car blew up but um it's in the shop and it'll be fixed tomorrow judy and the reason i'm wearing the same clothes that i wore yesterday is because i my clothes all burned in a fire baby they don't suspect a thing um excuse me i don't think so okay if we're all settled in uh i wanted to talk to you all this morning about the new policy for processing consumer complaints which i'm sure thrills you all is he adorable i assume you're somewhat familiar with it from the memos that do you have a question judy oh no honey i mean mr honey i mean dean dean dean [Music] all right okay these are the forms that i'd like you to use to [Music] aftershocks from the earthquake last night well i guess i won't be keeping this on for very long you are so mad she is so bad attention everyone attention i think that now is a good time to say a few words on behalf of the bride to be my little sister emmy you know a lot of people have come up to me and said emmy's three years younger than you does it bother you that she's getting married first well of course not but honestly i couldn't be more surprised myself i mean who'd have thought that emmy would beat me to the altar for god's sakes as a child she used to eat her own i'm feces well i'm not but who cares oh look at her now didn't she just turn out adorable and she's going to be marrying a great guy who i actually met first and when i brought him home he met emmy and it was love at first sight and i'm sure it was no coincidence that she was dressed in a negligee and dropped a fork and had to bend over to pick it up i mean how many times do people drop their forks huh you tell me emmy huh tell me tell me i mean what were you doing carrying a fork around huh i love to get around not a lot of people know that about me oh but this isn't about me this is about annie this is her special day and i couldn't be happier for her oh tell me you made it everybody this is my best friend cammy hi you are not going to believe what just happened to me william asked me to marry him [Music] [Applause] no wonder he stopped calling me [Music] [Applause] i'm so happy for you thank god i don't need a man to make me happy because i love myself here here i don't need a man i don't have a man and i have my sister emmy to thank for that so ladies let's raise our glasses high and a toast to my sister emily and remember on your wedding night i taught him that thing that he does with his tongue [Applause] oh and i have a gift for you emmy [Music] here open the box thank you [Music] oh my god it's a box of barbs no knives or spoons what's the matter suddenly you don't like forks no i do i do i [Music] [Applause] wait are you i dropped my fork hey alex you're not even dressed aren't you going to the big mad tv holiday party i don't think so i don't even know where what about your leather pants i wore them last year besides they're so tight i can hardly breathe hmm i must have something you can borrow oh what about this this would look adorable on you [Music] just forgot about it okay okay leather pants and mini skirts they're just not me i think i was born in the wrong era i wish i was born in another era i'd go to that party and show them all up back in the 40s full figured women were not only accepted they were desired if only i could go back go back go back go back go back wow i made it you sure did beautiful may i take your wrap why certainly thank you whoa nelly look at the size of that trailer that's what i call a double y right this way please have a seat or two hey doll face you got a light why sure you sure are pretty oh not sure it's sweetie to say yikes pretty fat that is that waistline or the equator thanks fatty pigs scotch make it a double sure say can't you read the sign says no fats allowed don't make the clubber back get that fat candy cantilevers out of that store and hit the road who let the heifer in she's as big as a house with an addition salon chubby she's so fat her middle name is [Music] i was wrong please take me back to 2000. at least that was cute then please take me back alex alex wake up oh wow you're just having a bad dream is all oh now come on get dressed and come with me to that party you know what i think i will hey great do you know where my leather pants are maybe i can still get those wow what is that a lesson well-learned [Music] hot dogs what can i say about my dear friend jimmy burke except for to say that i will miss him and i will cherish all the great times that we spent together you know jimmy loved to fish and i always look forward to going up to lake winnipesaukee and fishing for those elusive trout sometimes the only fish we caught with the ones in the supermarket but we always managed to have a great time and jimmy loved a great time and now well no one really knows what happened or how this tragedy took place all we do know is that it happened much too soon you know as i look around the room i can tell that everyone without exception loved jimmy burke he surrounded himself with his friends and he would be so pleased to see all of you right here right now and i know that if you could he would tell you not to mourn the loss of jimmy burke but rather to look around and see how many people loved him and to find the joy in that yes we all knew and loved jimmy in our own way we may never have the answers as to what happened but we know that he is in a better place and that in a way he will always be with us i know that i'll never forget him how he loved to laugh the priceless expression he would have on his face as he told his many stories those are the things that i will remember about jimmy and those are the things i hope all of you will take with you as you leave here today yes a terrible act took place and we may never have the answers we can find peace but he is finally addressed thanks a lot for coming out today i know jimmy appreciates it we'll miss you jimmy we'll miss you a lot oh thank you oh ladies did you hear that marjorie wallace got her purse snatched at the mall the other day i did and it happened in broad daylight it's getting to where i'm afraid to go anywhere alone no you don't have to be afraid there are ways that we can empower ourselves i just took the most amazing self-defense class at the women's annex it was so liberating our instructor jill she is just this tiny little woman i think she might be a lesbian and she says that pound for pound women are the strongest creatures on the face of this earth we just haven't learned how to claim our power i believe that i believe it too oh i know it to be true mom do we have any ice cream or meat name is ramshaw hey miss weaver hi thomas thomas honey i'm so glad you're here come here i want to show the ladies some of the techniques i learned in my self-defense class let's just move this table here all right honey you be a thief i want you to try to snatch my purse out of my hand okay i'm gonna do a move called the flutter i'm gonna block his hand and thrust my palm into his face bringing the attack to a halt okay now don't worry honey because i'm gonna stop short i won't hurt you okay okay all right but really go for my purse all right okay i'm in the mall parking lot and i got it that was good that was good yeah that was good that was good that was very good jill says no purse is ever worth the price of your life so you just let them have it like i did absolutely but if an attacker is coming after you here's what you do now jill calls this one two three all right now you come at me thomas really try to hurt me okay and i'm gonna go one two three and you're gonna stumble honey so be ready to catch yourself all right okay okay i'm walking down a dark alley you jump out from behind jumpstart and one two three are you all right i feel like i'm doing something wrong oh honey you're not doing anything wrong i think i'm just holding back cause i don't want to hurt my baby are you sure cause it feels like i'm kind of kicking your ass well thomas i wouldn't worry about hurting your mother women have a very high threshold for pain yes they do and don't forget your mother had seven children in three years [Music] you know what the problem is this isn't an authentic scene okay if you were really being attacked on a street your attacker would have a running start so honey back up a little bit really get a running start plow into me okay like in one of your football games mom remember i've killed four people this season alone i mean i killed they're dead i know honey i was right there cheering on they didn't have self-defense techniques and i'm telling you these are lethal weapons jill said that i should have registered my hands with the board of alcohol tobacco and firearms jill likes me sweetie now you be careful because i'm gonna hunker down and i'm gonna flip you so watch the coffee table all right okay here i am i'm in the ghetto i don't know why i'm looking for fabrics there are crack cores everywhere but that's okay i'm the only white in town i got jill in my mind she knows where i'm at i'm strong and i'm powerful hey ghetto slime lord [Music] you might want to think about getting your money back from this little lesbian joe no no no no no see there's one other move that i want to show you and this is surefire no mom yes honey now honey i want you to try to steal my purse and try and punch me in the head all right take it take my did you purse that did you see how that works can i try this so empowering smith the lady smith [Music] [Music] [Music] is a felony [Music] [Applause] our north korean government is releasing to the media footage of our nuclear test as well as footage of our scientists at work they will use these clips on american news and we will drive fear into the hearts of the world showing we are capable of very much so just uh be at work at the controls and action no no no joe no but pretend the camera isn't here okay just act natural do not look at the camera okay just just just push the buttons what are you doing joe you are a scientist this is what you do you never push the buttons like that sometimes i do no you don't i see you at work i'll be tired just forget the buttons all right just walk out of the room and enter like you're at work [Applause] hello no no cut when do you ever say hello when you enter your own empty lab sometimes i do no you do not now do it again and do not say anything no this is not the funniest sitcom entrance joe we are releasing this to show how advanced and powerful we are okay now you quietly consult with han about work okay under action i'm a scientist you're a scientist science no no no no no that is not how you talk to han sometimes i do okay just get out of the shot and uh excellent [Music] [Laughter] action [Applause] what's happening now what are you doing the defendant threw grass and leaves onto her property because she was too lazy to bag it herself she's suing for ten thousand dollars now entering the courtroom is the defendant eleanor sorg she claims she raked the leaves into a pile and the wind blew them into the plaintiff's yard this is the case of lovesome and piles of leaves on all rise the honorable judge marilyn milian presiding please be seated you've been sworn in and i've read your complaints miss criddle you claim that the defendant purposely left leaves on your lawn uh yes joanna but she uh did you do this it happened one time your honor i raked the leaves into a pile and the wind blew them into her yard so i went over there i raked the leaves and i apologized but that wasn't good enough for her so she called social services and lied about me abusing my children and they came and took them away wait what ms criddle is this true did you call social services and lie about her abusing her children yes i did your honor [Music] she threw grass in my yard no no no uh hold on hold on all right you admit you lied to social services yes your honor but those leaves were all over you know what you know well you forget about the leaves all right her children were taken from her yes i know that but there were a lot of leaves [Music] you know what miss critter you are a horrible person do you understand that yes i'll do your arm but i have allergies oh and those leaves came in like you are you're you're despicable you are just people i don't think i've ever had a person in this courtroom who is as horrible as as you do you understand that yes i do y'all did those leaves killed my grass no no no stop stop now here's what i want you to say now okay what will she call my no no don't you hey don't interrupt don't interrupt me [Music] i want you to say these words repeat after me i uh okay but was she no no no no no repeat after me i am i am but your honor they only say what i'm saying do you do you understand that yes i do but her boy told me this credit this critter i want you to say i am an evil person say it right now i am an evil person but she ain't a hug [Music] i'm throwing your case out and i am giving the defendant ten thousand dollars okay you're on about um them leaves i'm counting i'm sorry mr there's nothing more i can do i can't give you any more but i'm telling you them leaves blue on my lawn that's my final decision yeah a judge came down on you pretty hard in there the judge said you were a evil person do you think you're an evil person yes i do but then all right well we have some documents for you to sign down the hall and so the judge ruled in favor of the defendant even going so far as awarding her ten thousand dollars do you think that's fair sir yes i do but when them leaves came up on her lawn like that that was uh that's not yeah but you do realize that she maliciously called social services and had that woman's children take it away from her yes i do but then them leaves that come up somebody get me a shotgun so i can blow my head off on syndicated television this has been the people's court yeah yes it has but that still don't mean to believe what nothing because them leaves is on your lawn man that will when that lady threw them leaves over there but what i'm saying to you though is that the leaves came do you want a beer no i'm cool thanks i got to meet susan out later we're going to dinner with her parents ooh dinner with the parents i did that last week with kelly good luck dude we'll check it out keep going keep going come on hey what was that what just happened the the buck scored no the other part the part about my tongue in your mouth yeah yeah yeah that part it was it was nothing right it was just a thing yeah it's a football thing it happens all the time you think so no way yeah no way so uh are we gay no no i don't know were you excited no yes a little bit i was a little bit excited oh does that make me gay no yeah a little a little bit a little bit gay so we're a little bit gay yeah well no no we're just two guys who got excited and made out that still sounds a little gay to me man yeah look at this special teams hey guys what the hell what the hell is going on i think we're gay you think so big time so what do we do i don't know i'm new i'm a new gay should we go to a to a gay bar i don't know can you go when you're new should we light some scented candles right right no no they're not candles man we're not gay look cheerleaders like that's what we're all about short shorts and bouncing hooters we are not gay leaders shake that yeah look i don't know what's going on here okay but just cause a couple guys kiss and dance a little and grope each other and one of them whispers to the other i know you're a man but i'm gonna treat you like a lady that doesn't make him dead look i got to get over to susan's you're not going to be weird about this are you no are you no all right go on go go i get a gay i got to go go sweetheart it's all set up this is so exciting i never even knew we had hopes me either yeah dad why haven't we seen these before well well it's it's my fault you kids haven't seen them i hid them from you all your lives but this week when i almost died of cancer what are you talking about it's okay it's okay i'm fine it was a false alarm it was a pimple i realized then i'm depriving my children of their god-given right to resent me while i'm still alive what you have been a wonderful mother please look there's her mom oh isn't she gorgeous mom you're amazing are you drinking oh my god she is that's hilarious i've never seen you drink mom [Music] i know i know i know did you smoke when you were pregnant with me it was it was sexy and there's nothing on the package that said don't i we didn't know i always thought your mom looked like kate hepburn when she smoked hey it's well you know that me me i have an a.a meeting tonight i'm sorry honey we thought it was cute we didn't know this is hard to watch [Music] um oh i remember this that's cooper park oh look at that your mom's getting you kids ready for a fun day in the sun wait okay is that baby oil and bacon grease we never heard of spf nobody had [Music] a solar eclipse you only see a few of those in your lifetime thanks a lot mom i didn't want you to miss it here we are killing some time waiting for you to get born regina of course no helmets yeah honey back then only people on hogan's heroes wore helmets nobody else did oh no oh no no i know i'm sorry common sense would have told you that that wasn't safe i know honey you were three weeks late i was lightheaded from smoking and sun and i was strong i didn't know any better i'm sorry i didn't know honey honey they're there come on calm down calm down you are a wonderful mother and i won't hear any different no you're you're great you're both great you guys are great besides when all is said and done everything's just turned out fine look at our kids here everything's fine here let's watch some more you have a tail that's why you're the tail [Music] yo yo this is mace from harlem world hey yo take the bass out why y'all got the track so fast y'all know i rhyme [Music] [Applause] slow [Music] [Music] ice on my watch i'm chilling in all of the real hot spots that's when i seen her come in this drop top yo who is this girl she's the top of the crop she's a blonde chick with the pink high heels i gotta find out if she real what the deal i got a feeling this ain't kansas noble i got a question mace why you always rhyme so slow it takes a half an hour for you to get started are you mentally ill or just you got no skill jay had a lot of luck when i look at your face i think what a dump i know what you're thinking get out of here before these two mug me huh i'm just kidding kids relax man look at me i'm a white person pretending to be a black rapper i feel just like will smith just quick with a phrase that turns sharp as a knight shine or white it's a beyonce [Music] these hoes on the stand poster girls for welfare shaking it all with your big bubble butt you think you are that child [Music] your little ass should be home with a book [Music] okay well thanks for letting me ramp with you bloesha ladies good luck finding your babies daddies and gentlemen enjoy prison take care sorry i'm late i had to defuse a bomb threatening a crowded shopping mall that was acting all right welcome to the keanu reeves school of oscar caliber acting i'm your teacher keanu reeves for those of you that are unfamiliar with my work my first major break was in the 1987 hit bill and ted's excellent adventure dear princesses we've traveled through time to meet you will you go to the prom with us in san dimas we will have a most triumphant time waiting after that i moved on to more serious work in point break you trying to tell me the fbi is going to pay me to learn to surf [Laughter] course after my success in that i moved on to my most accomplished performance playing an englishman in francis ford coppola's dracula a month do you wish me to stay so long i will take no refusal dear mina i'm stuck here at count dracula's castle i do not know how much longer i'll be here but i miss you and i hope to see you soon thank you thank you okay let's begin i'm going to need two volunteers you and you why don't you guys try this scene how can you treat your father so badly hey i treated him as bad as he treated me you bastard leave my house [Applause] way off now what were you thinking during that scene well i was thinking about my relationship with my real father it's a common mistake this is where my technique can help you see when you're acting you want to make your mind a complete blank i mean just don't think at all exactly do what i do get in touch with that big empty space in your head like this [Applause] okay now you guys try my technique [Applause] now do the scene how can you treat your father so badly i treated him as bad as he treated me oh you pastored leave my house yeah excellent work you guys are going to advance very quickly in this course no that's all right for modern stuff but what about shakespeare yeah good question i'm somewhat of an expert in that the bard as i call him can be intimidating but i do have a special technique you see there'll always be a few words that you know say those words louder than the other ones like this oh what a rogue and peasant slave am i in this though i cannot be said to be a flattering honest man it must not be denied but i am a plain dealing villain okay now you guys try some shakespeare ah romeo get up against the wall move one move he blows her head off lifeless don't kill me okay cool everybody be cool here i'm freaked pop quiz you got a hair trigger aimed at your head what do you do what do you do well tense what are you doing man the guy's got a gun oh it's just a demonstration demonstration yeah i'd like to end each of our sessions with a little surprise these are two of my students from last year's course good work guys my arms are broken man i think i peed my pants okay great well that's all for this week uh but remember empty space excellent [Music] you
Channel: Eric Thigpen
Views: 1,058,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Td4ovggFbkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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