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what's up guys welcome to the underfill a score pacifist battle an undertale fan game that i'm pretty excited for because it's a score hell yeah it is underfill a score so of course things are gonna be a bit different but we will see how things are gonna play out right now there's only the normal difficulty insane is currently in development but this might still be difficult under fella usually doesn't play around and this is the long frisk look at this awesome sprite okay can we can we do the frisk dance not right here maybe against the wall but we will move upwards and it's all right buddy this is it the king lies just beyond this entrance hey what's that face for once you've dealt with him you can get out of here isn't that what you wanted you have the support of everyone in the underground now right because in the pacifist ending everyone is like not evil anymore I guess you won't be alone I will be coming with you to face a score you've helped me become someone I never thought I could be again I won't live that down not now not when you and I have come so far and even if we don't survive this I just wanna say I was glad I could help you you really did show me that anyone can change but a score I remember telling you only to fight and to never use mercy believing everyone in this place was dangerous and that it was kill or be killed and while I'm glad you never brought yourself to do it I have no idea how you're gonna go about sparing the king remember what he's done what everyone has told you about him because when you enter this next room the end of your journey will be at hand your fate his and those of humans and monsters will be decided tonight all right let's go okay flowey did look at me did I'm determined frisk even if you can't do the first glance but we can do our own first stance by spamming it do we have an inventory you decide now is probably not a good time for that I'm sorry I'm sorry oh and this is the throne room okay it's a new layout for the for this hello there dude you look so cool and flowey is with me at my side thank you friend you finally arrived human at long last oh dude okay that looks awesome it's funny very few of you humans actually make it here but how stadium in the end the final soul makes it here to my domain I suppose we shouldn't act like we don't know what's going to happen next I have waited this day for a very long time and yet I still don't understand you humans why you fall here is it curiosity or idiocy or is it just something darker no matter what that reason is it doesn't matter now nothing matters now you are the final soul that is needed the friendships you have formed the people you have saved and given hope to you none of it matters anymore Oh Oh creepy Oh what are we are we running or are we just going are we going to the barrier to have this awesome fight come childs or maybe we are running away I don't even prepare for what fate has granted you this is the beginning oh boy nightfall exudes over the room making it hard to make out the figure who towers above you in the face of desolation you stand ready trying to stare down the one who's caused all this big as your journey and draws to a close you face one final challenge you are filled with determination oh I'll do it decide a score the Reaper destroy my mercy I dare you ouch oh nice dude that was a smooth animation and the fanfare starts the king özgür attacks what's up do we actually have to fight even though it's pacifist we might have to fight just like in the original undertale but buddy we're gonna check your king as 485 attack and 90 defense the king of all monsters determined to take your soul the best character in the game I I alway agree with all of these statements ouch occasional stay in the middle already half dead great beginning I've got a pot I ate some junk food the spider doughnuts and cheese CT and a hot dog or we don't know if it's a hot dog some junk food is a good star it's perfect your HP was maxed out well how cool Allah oh that's a pretty pattern I think you had can you go into the spiral I'm not sure I think you have to like follow the colors which isn't too bad just refuse you refuse to find you want files compassion is admirable but very missing place not as where you deserve all of my compassion all of my respect like look at you it's so easy in so far you're you're showing mercy friend even though San Rafael they're going easy on the I night [Music] I've killed many units before you think about it oh I'm different I'm gonna no hit you okay maybe but right now I'm just gonna survive or tried to survive it I don't think we need to heal I'm gonna go with the refusing I'm gonna continue that I could have passed the barrier with just one then come back a God to shatter the barrier with several more in half but you didn't in under failed you even an under fell you didn't which is an interesting songs so the question becomes why did you not do it in under fell truth be told however I have a desire to free my people in ages with my finding of a greater alternative I had to keep the souls locked away and now that you are here I can finally do what I set out to do yous ago I should be thanking you you have it instead you're killing me fair enough so can i you i look cooler you can do the spiral oh but this is so much harder but it's a but it's almost more fun we're in one second timeout' okay I'm gonna eat too much junk food eat the burger or whatever what is this bombardment fire bombardment calm down goat okay 15 HP is another thing to continue your death will bring an end to an age that will never come about I will be able to stop what was created long ago this is oh hi almost got hit almost Karma but I think this is one of the easier attacks [Music] this endless cycle of malice and hatred and Wilson's I will even be able to stop people from dying okay interesting Oh interesting ambitions our goat King has here and no more that was it okay that wasn't too bad it is true my original plan was indeed to destroy the barrier until one day yeah what what are you doing a score you're not on dying it's the fish goat the legendary fish goat this is not okay whoa ah it's literally exactly like I'm dying that was cheap I'm gonna eat some chips right in front of you but only 13 HP is not that good I got you okay I love how it's no this battle fields maybe it's gonna get more difficult and faster but right now I'm just enjoying it I hope you can refuse though I don't know is that even words I'm sure you would have met someone named undying on your travels I did she's a desperate cruel and mercenary who's supposedly roams about in water fun and you just used her attack so so we'll asgore talk about all of the monsters sorry but what I gotta do is I gotta try fighting it so little damage oh boy you don't get dialogue when you fight so maybe refusing is the way to go I'm sorry big guy I probably just hit you with a stick like maybe a little dent in your arm earlier in your shoulder plates or something not a big deal right we're Center refused hopefully get some more dialogue okay oh so you do know about her you must know it she was the former captain of my Royal Guard did you save her - I think I did I saved everybody as decor and I'm gonna save you as well ouch damn it finally I'm still gonna save you though because I can assure you she is far from innocent and I am certain she didn't tell you everything about her past while the golden fire laws though immediately starting with the kind of tricky patterns the hardest one is like their lower ones because your health bar kinda whoo nice your health bar kind of blocks your view like her discharge from the god it was not something I ever wanted that's what she asked for okay yo no I'm good my mind is fried orange means movin Geir will need to heal but it was 30 HP right so the chips should be good what was it the put paper chips the potato chips but thank ya this is pretty nice I don't know I like this pattern with the spiral it's almost more fun it's I think it's more difficult but it feels more satisfying I brought her up I helped her train I treated her like my own child and what did I get in return another assassination attempt on my life [Music] I don't remember if I am Hal you know much of undying under fella especial especially with dialog so honey diamond is interesting to see why she would assassinate you know either form or power were because to actually put an end to all of these horrible things could everything everything could be able while I have had to deal with attempts of assassination and rebellion before no one was ever as difficult to defeat as her what okay I do remember kind of that undying is some non unique in under fella I mean sans is also unique some people it's not just like cruel everyone wants to kill you that's like that's the best thing about under Fela the monsters do we have a subtle like side to them which is always cool we both fought with all our strengths impressively ahead she managed to hold her own even injuring me but yeah okay it's obviously getting harder now this is like Phase two already [Music] in the end however I plunged my side into her eye and raked it out she conceded i imprisoned her without trial as painful as that was not even a month into her imprisonment she found a way of escape I didn't see a point in tracking her down I haven't seen her since oh so this is the backstory right it's not like Undine already had an eyepatch that's probably the that's probably the backstory of the eyepatch and under fel otherwise she would literally be blind only then I truly learned how unfair and cruel life was in this timeline I secluded myself even further and realized what had to be done dead oh my got the music so we're rural and awesome I love it oh no do it every time I forget I decided to read up on alternate timelines along with anything I could find on the power of human souls with the help of the Royal scientist endeavors were successful oh this is still tricky because yeah yeah if you are like up there or something you're gonna get hit by the hand it was here I came to a realization the souls had to be used for something better than just freedom and that's something is to change the past okay so now we are getting some more information about the ultimate goal I would koala okay now what's getting really tricky him but it might already be like getting close to the ending I didn't forget it this time I'm gonna heal though I don't want to die now I guess some spiders you ate the spider donut nice [Music] and now just don't mess up yeah the colors look at how fast it is compared to the beginning which is of course accurate I like it the ask worth fights does get harder and harder as time goes on which brings me to the Royal scientist her experiments word of any use after I knew what had to be done it no doubt brokers soul being forced to work on countless innocents but so you wanna stay in the middle while dodging okay it still hurts knowing that I ruined the lives of innocent people that day knowing full well their families wouldn't be the same again as well as forcing the doctor to carry out the experiment that we went there what is this doing oh it's a lot of orange attacks by a score is actually like feels total remorse and I mean I don't I don't expect like a ha ha ha just kidding mine after that I undoubtedly think they all hate me for what I put them through they rightfully should it's just one of many mistakes I plan to rectify the end justifies the means right if a scorer wants to change the past it doesn't matter what he does now that's his mindset right now I see I see I hoped for an army an army fueled by determination to help eradicate your kind where I would have a the monsters to rule the surface in peace but what's gonna be like the the end game for us of under FL just convince asgore differently even now I still think about how much of a cursor tide is being take great pleasure their spirits all before I reset I'll make them understand the when they owe under fellas real I don't think I ever actually have ever seen and Rafael has real or what's happening are we are we getting through are we starting to are we starting to do something they took him from me and an old monster this cursing place cared enough and not when Cara were when my son left for the surface they I I don't I don't care anymore I want my children back I want my wife back don't care for the lives for these pathetic ungrateful creatures I will put an end to this suffering I will save my children are we gonna get a special attack or what's happening ask or I will reset everything I care now if you refuse to fight me your life ends now don't you do it ask where so stand still and meet the might of my blade no way what is it what no way wait what is received is Richard dude I did not expect this awesome [Music] oh this is the coolest thing I did not expect this yummy yummy pasta Oh a score you're so cool [Music] look at as goroh look up Oh what no my items okay it's all going crazy now this is the final final fight [Music] he'll be souls the termination really please yes it's there oh my god the godlike music right there in the background I love it [Music] what ultimate s core you're a cheater you're using muffets powers undines powers all of the powers on no way act are damaged kill me I'm good and then I'm actually gonna die [Music] oh my god oh my god oh god this is gonna be so tight what is the slow attack [Music] yeah [Music] orange orange oh wait I got a move I'm so dumb I thought orange I'd like to look my me and my ass Cora have mercy are you crazy is it joke okay thank god I think I did it özgür my determination is strong as we're stopping through your being in Azrael you're diggin Azrael stop buddy I'm dodging half of your attacks dodging half of your attacks that was awesome but we did it I possibly had the strength to annihilate your kind but haven't you killed a bunch before so you know this is what you were waiting for wasn't it Janice to finally strike me down now is your chance be done with it already human kill me let me die and you do get the final chance to fight or to show mercy but dude I mean it's a square it's as greats the gold King I do have to show mercy to a square [Music] yes what are you doing showing mercy and stop it no I said stopped never what are you trying to accomplish what if I fight now that would be terrible I don't understand can't understand now we're getting like a flower zina why are you being so nice to me I can't oh are you crying no why are you saving me even after everything I have done to you you still refuse to deliver that final blow my two children were the light of my life they were the two kindest individuals in this whole damned place after my adopted child died everything went to hell went to the surface my wife no child deserved to go through what he went through I just want to see him again I miss my family so much and if you won't finish me off then I will do it myself no is that the neutral ending is there a troop a service is that the neutral ending or can I stop and square no flowey Oh oh my god enough whoa oh listen I know it was hard for you after what happened but if you don't move on these are only gonna get worse these people need a leader not an idiot I realize killing you wouldn't just be pointless but it would leave the underground in a state fire worse do you really think this is what they would've wanted I don't know you could have brought up the hopes of your people instead you are so set in brief that everyone had to pay the price move on already so are you gonna remain a coward or are you gonna take some responsibility as court right about everything anime the day the underground fell into despair and I could have brought their hopes up but I did not and instead I started blaming everyone in it for what happened my people my guards my wife and I blamed my whole kingdom being too pathetic to blame myself my wife became disgusted with my actions she led never to be seen again it is true I ruined the lives of those under the guise of my protection and power I neglected my responsibilities in hopes of finding an easy way out oh what the and justify everything in between with nonsense I'm so sorry I just wanted to see my family again oh okay now we've had another choice pair or actually hug it out I mean come on dude come on dude I'm in the flowey like I come on group hug okay group hug oh yes frisk but come on flowey don't leave flour out oh my god bad face I don't want to let it go thank you both of you responsibility it may not be easy but I really completely and fix my mistakes well a score you know you killed a lot of people so you might be pretty much screwed but good luck nonetheless yeah yeah the best start fixing your issues is to acknowledge them right even though it took us to highest ages and a child's defiance of the universe point is that you did I'm sure that the rest of the underground will forgive you in time maybe this is what my children would have wanted my little it has real Cara I'll do the music or what is this let us leave this place together I'll meet you two out there okay goodbye flowy [Music] fade to black ending credits what's gonna happen under fellow özgür the pacifist battle dude that was pretty nice Mottola the director composer writer artists concept artist writer assistant beta tester looks andreia sprite artist artist animator beta tester render stood sprite artist concept artist beta tester toady box spread artist animator and tester cool pics the composer Ethan Harper the composer and fell leader sprite artist beta tester and Mike Leiter programmer for programmer ok jkn infinity and sprite artist x daniel AF sprite artist animator tester and contributor credit pixel buster and soup tales special thanks to every member of the team for contributing their time and energy into bringing this to life and you the player without you this wouldn't have been possible and here we are nonprofit game of course property of toby fox undertale we hope you enjoy that's the beginning message and honestly that was pretty awesome the question that I always have to ask myself at the end of the ISM is if I go back now what what happens if I do well like I said I can see three choices here right you can either like refuse the Empire fight we're actually attack as Guara it might still get to the same ending but I'm a bit worried about attacking because it didn't seem like you got any dialog and that would be really sad if you only fought without dialog but I'm not sure about that and then of course we have like two more choices you can either kill or spear and then afterwards you can also a hug or spare which I assume is going to give you a slight difference but I think it's still definitely worth it to explore those differences but for now guys that was underfill a score a super a super cool fan game very nice attacks started off slow and museum got more difficult as time went on and them that I'll do that last attack that special attack was too epic I did not expect something like that I don't know why it's like the sands type you know a special attack for everything at once with the healing that was that was actually legendarium super nice fan game I hope you guys liked the video and until next time take care [Music] do the music what is this music the many music is godlike [Music]
Channel: Merg
Views: 1,357,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Underfell, Underfell Asgore, UF, Pacifist, Ending, Pacifist Ending, Underfell Boss Fight, Boss, Flowey, Underfell Flowey, Animated, Full Game, Merg, Game, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Funny, Asgore
Id: oYRqHkAkifI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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