making sushi is really easy

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something weird happened in this kitchen recently trying to figure out what it was I feel like it has something to do with corn well it was probably nothing but the important thing is that we are back here we are ready to do it to him every episode in the summer is gonna have my glasses fogging up but but that's fine because if you can't handle the heat then don't wear glasses and also get out of the kitchen get out of the kitchen anyway this is my kitchen actually come back you can you can stay just don't make so much noise first of all welcome back to the kitchen me thank me I'm welcome it's been a couple of weeks since I made a cooking video it is our infamous dog birthday month where all of June we just celebrate our dog's birthdays because all four of our dogs are somehow Gemini's and they get that month we have 11 months of the year to ourselves they give the 12th month Who am I kidding all 12 months are for them it was a good little change of pace but now we were back in the kitchen ready to do it to him and I'm very excited I'm like very very excited today on Twitter I asked you guys what you wanted me to cook and I got a lot of really great ideas some were like barbecue and America themed and then a couple suggestions were telling me to deep-fry ice cream which really speaks to my soul somehow I ended up on sushi so we're gonna be cooking a really easy plant-based delicious sushi recipe today for all my people out there who like sushi and never learned how to make it a thing about sushi and I've made vlogs where I've showed you like how I make it sort of but I figured I would do a whole episode on it because it's a lot simpler than a lot of people think to make a roll of sushi at your house you don't need any crazy equipment you could honestly do everything I'm doing without the rice cooker you could cook rice in a pot or in the microwave I'm gonna be using just normal seaweed nori you can also use soy paper which I can do a variant of today as well so if you prefer to eye paper the best part is you don't even need to buy or know how to buy expensive fish because we're not using fish this soy boy it's gonna be using high-protein tofu this is actually some really really good tofu I've been using it a lot lately for a lot of different recipes it comes already like kind of pressed so you don't need to press it which is really nice we have some fresh vegetables like cucumber and green onion and then we're gonna have not vegetables like oil and spicy mayo things like that I have the rice cooking right now so at any moment it might chime in and tell me okay I'm ready for you to eat me so get you chopsticks and if you don't like using chopsticks and you just prefer to turn off the lights and use your hands so no one sees get your light switch ready we're about to eat some sushi one of the things that made me want to make this a video is because of the amount of people asking me for easy everyday plant-based recipes that are not complicated and not deep-fried ice cream which I'm going to do but like things that are practical and you can count on to be staples in your diet if you really love sushi you can make this every day a few so we're gonna start simple maybe another time we can get crazy with what we're putting in the sushi but today it's just gonna be simple so step one is we got to prepare our tofu so you're gonna get your tofu whether it's this kind which is kind of like pre pressed you're gonna take your induction cooker that is actually the brand that you ordered not a ripoff and amazon sent you that's seventy dollars less and you're gonna put it to the side because we got to get our cutting board out and get our trusty knife one of my favorite things about making sushi is that you get to use a knife before we start cutting those we're gonna need Sichuan peppercorns so we're gonna take a handful of Szechuan peppercorns I'm gonna put it in our mortar and pestle and we are just gonna grind this baby up this is gonna be used to kind of give the tofu a little nice Asian spice and heat to it this peppercorn has really good flavor and I use it for a lot of dishes kind of doing it like a caveman here you could get like a grinder for it the faster you do it the more messy it is that's what she said oh wow that was so inappropriate peach no jokes like that in this kitchen in Afghan hope you understand that we can't be making jokes like that in this kitchen this is a family-friendly video in channel here okay so we're gonna get our peppercorn and we're going to set it off to the side because we don't need it right and we're gonna cut open our tofu package and I'm actually gonna cut it into thirds lengthwise hot dog style actually is this hamburger style just a camera garage I don't even know and we were gonna just place them next to each other and get a little press get all the last bit of moisture out this high-protein tofu does a really good job of like mimicking the texture of some sort of meat I don't know exactly what and I am just going to cut it into like long strips like this and this is what we're gonna use as sort of the meat and the main ingredient of our sushi so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna coat all of the tofu in cornstarch and sprinkle in the peppercorn with a little bit of salt and so this is going to sort of just serve as our seasoning this is for the texture and this is for the flavor it appears we have made a mistake I just did a bad thing I regret the thing that I did so we're gonna put a little bit of cornstarch at the bottom of the bowl so just kind of coat it so the tofu does not stick so this is actually kind of a magical technique you can and I think I've done this before on the channel but you can use cornstarch to make tofu really really crispy and it's like takes two seconds so sprinkle in some of our Sichuan peppercorn make sure it's all ground up so you're not getting bites of like peppercorn well that was easy I'm alright anyone okay so we're gonna fry bit we're gonna take your vegetable oil that's one more ingredient I didn't include you're gonna need vegetable oil and you're gonna put about like a half quarter inch layer of oil in the pan it's like more like a quarter not even something even a little lighter this is how we make delicious tasting tofu right here this is actually a super dub recipe to cook for other people you know if you're hosting and you want to say hey I'm gonna make sushi I mean that's like brownie points I think I think people will get impressed by people who can make sushi so become the person who can make sushi and then you'll become the favorite friend Stacy won't be up your ass anymore about that one time that you didn't feed her at your party when you didn't know she was coming okay looks hot enough here we go and so now we're gonna let this tofu turn beautiful and then we'll be ready to move on to the next step so be beautiful and go be beautiful now go [Music] all right baby tofu is almost ready I will say the thinner the little strips the the more crispy they're gonna get so err on the side of making them little skinny legend pieces of tofu I think there's some sort of stain on this outfit I don't know where it came from like see see how this completely holds its shape this is what you want here I will also say that I've shown a way of making this before but if you don't like tofu or if tofu is not your thing you can get mushrooms actually and cut the ends off of shitake largest otaku mushrooms you cut the ends so it's a long strip and that works well with the tempura batter the tofu is done that is honestly the hardest part you can do that part like your style yeah I mean I like your stop we have our tofu ready now it's time to prep the rest of the ingredients and we have rice this is beautiful you're gonna let it cool for a sec and then we're gonna add what we need to add to this to make it actual sushi rice while that cools off I'm gonna cut the end off of this cucumber and cut through the wonderful packaging your knife is gonna need to be sharp and beautiful and a good knife or it can be a bad knife I'm not here to judge you and we're gonna just cut lengthwise or as we like to call it in this household hotdog style down the center and you're just gonna cut long strips that can go the length of a sushi roll the cucumber adds like a really nice refreshing flavor profile to the sushi and I'm gonna cut these in half so now we have our cucumber done easy easy peasy now we're gonna make our spicy mayo literally pretty much this requires mayo and chili oil then we're gonna take our tiny little whisk that some people like to make fun of us for we're gonna turn this into a little spicy mayo [Music] every innocence I'm pitiful spicy male to the side with our cucumber we are getting there guys it is almost sushi time okay next is a super important part that I think might be the biggest takeaway from this video and it is how to make sushi rice tastes like sushi rice so we're gonna do is you're gonna take a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar and you're gonna toss it in the rice and then a couple swings of rice vinegar this is the key ingredient right here this is what is gonna make it taste like that distinctive sushi rice that you know and love so well you don't want to overwork it you just want to make sure everything is evenly coated little more rice vinegar since we can't make sushi with hot ass rice you're gonna need a flat vessel to place our rice we're gonna do in a really Aries way like this and then you're just gonna spread it out and this is literally just so the rice can cool if you put this in a sushi roll right now it would make everything fall apart so you need you can have the rice be warm like a little warm but anything like hot like this would ruin the whole the whole roll so we're gonna let this chill and when it's a good temperature we're gonna make our sushi and we are gonna do this what we're done eating this thing you know because it's that good my peach I don't think you're so you're authorized to be here miss hey can't eat while you're on the job okay not your rice this is for the customer okay okay that's enough back in your bed sous chef well you're just gonna cut Hey drop it oh my god she just stole a piece hey drop it he just stole the entire piece hold up all right you're getting you have security cam on you now peach no don't try anything don't try anything I'm watching you I set up the camera okay so we're gonna take our green onion and this is just a really small kind of garnish type of ingredient and you're gonna cut that lengthwise and you're only going to need like one little liver of this parole but it's just to give it that like nice little touch sous chef hey drop it drop it oh I think you're fired I think you're I think we have to fire you okay y'all now it's the moment of truth here so before we get to rollin you are going to need your spicy mayo a bowl of water tell you later why we need that your cucumber green onion your tofu and lastly your nori or soy paper whatever you prefer to roll sushi in because that's just how we roll okay so I believe and I could be wrong here but I believe you're gonna take the shiny side of the nori and have that be down okay so the purpose of the water is so the rice doesn't stick to your paws okay so we're gonna bring the rice right here and we're gonna roll our first roll here we go so you're gonna dip your tips of your fingers into the water a little bit of moisture on there then you're gonna take a bit of rice not too much and you're gonna flatten it out across the bottom like third of the nori sheet you're gonna take a little scoop of spicy mayo and you're gonna kind of distribute it evenly take a couple pieces of cucumber and two pieces of tofu with some sesame seeds and just a little tiny sliver of the green onion and then we're gonna roll this up so you're gonna just go from the bottom and you're just like rolling it like a burrito keep it tight and then at the very end you dip your finger in water and you're gonna layer that last bit it's sort of like sealing an envelope and that's what's gonna keep it shut then you're gonna take this little bamboo sheet if you have one if you use it and you're gonna make it sort of square here this is just to shape it a little bit your roll it over one more time and do it again this just makes it cleaner tighter easier to cut and now it's cutting time I'm gonna quickly sharpen my knife okay I should have done that before starting this video we're gonna disregard those pieces my wet stones are my favorite thing I've ever bought and this is why I guess you can't call it Ares kitchen for nothing as quick as I cut myself I band-aided myself too got to keep those knuckles out fingers in so this is our role here trying to like lay it out so it's beautiful but the reality is it's not beautiful it just does the job this is at least how I do it you're gonna take some wasabi mix it with some soy sauce and you're just gonna mix that around so it becomes sort of spicy soy sauce which is what I like if you're a wasabi person you know what I'm feeling here and this is how we do it here dip it in ya'll we just made sushi and it is damn good it is damn good so that is like probably one of my favorite foods to make and eat this whole entire thing took just over an hour you could probably do it quicker with a little bit of prep but the reality is like sushi is not hard you can make this if cut rolls are not your jam we can do hand rolls you can do it one-handed if you just cut your finger like myself yes peach you had your chance to be up here and then you stole the food on camera and got caught and so there's two ways to make a hand roll you can roll it up completely even just like you would a long roll this is sort of one way to make the and roll which is just kind of like a mini burrito which is totally fine but if you want to get fancy you're gonna go from the back corner and you're gonna roll at an angle what you're doing is you're closing off one corner and opening up the other corner and you do the same thing with the water at the end and then you're gonna put the whole thing on a cutting board shaped like a surf port so make sure you have a sharp knife make sure you don't cut yourself and make sure you impress your friends with sushi that you made with your bare hands and without fish it's actually really delicious so this is it this is your little surfboard of sushi I really hope that you guys can make some use out of this recipe because I feel like people are scared and intimidated by making sushi when in reality it's a really easy process and you do it a couple times you get good at it then that's that you know how to make sushi well I figured we have soy paper so let's let's make a roll with soy paper I also didn't mention yet but huge shout out to my wonderful mother for raising me number one thanks for raising me appreciate you also teaching me how to make sushi when I was a kid this is like a really cool pastime of mine and I'm really like happy to have learned this skill at such a young age by the way my mom is the most Aries person in the world if you think I'm an Aries you're you're in for it when I was thinking it would be fun to have a mother-son episode of Aries kitchen so let me know if you think that would be fun on Iran also if you came here looking for a role with rice on the outside you can probably find that somewhere else [Music] you ready to try some sushi all right Johnny you got to try this you're in the middle of a game yeah with a family yeah it's not okay we'll have a bite of sushi of your choosing it's good right you're not a sushi fan and this is good to you I think dude she stole a whole piece of tofu and I caught it on camera you're guilty all right good luck in your dungeon Oh [Music] Oh bye there's sushi I made it and now you can too so make this tweet pictures of it at me and next week sorry that was really aggressive next week is the fourth of July I want to do barbecue themed recipe I might finally try my hand at some jackford we'll see stay tuned [Music] you [Music]
Channel: julien solomita
Views: 2,015,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, julien solomita, vlogs, vlogs by julien, how to, how to vlog, clouds, cermet, paesh, peach jenna julien, jenna and julien, girlfriend, video blog, challenge, italian greyhound, cinematic vlog, bunny, greyhound, vegan, vegan recipe, vegan cooking, diy vegan, diy, julien cooking, gluten free, aries, aries kitchen, chef, julen, julien, best, meals, sushi, making sushi, easy sushi, diy sushi, vegan sushi, easy vegan, easy vegan diy sushi, tofu sushi, julien sushi
Id: x07P0L8ocbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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