Lying Lips (1939) | w/ Edna Mae Harris / dir. Oscar Micheaux

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[Music] beautiful baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Elizabeth what's on your mind heavens what do you been doing a hijacking somebody may I sit down by all means no well who from how come and what for Tony guida and Nick Cavelli hmm I smell trouble their gang just pulled a big job the peacock robbery smells like one of their jobs they keep me on the actress seat all right well what do they want a little party in the private apartment upstairs after the joint closes tonight that's easy it's for rent for such purposes with a half-dozen of our girls to entertain them including Elsie that's what I was expecting and what I feared there goes the big goal with 300 more on the line on delivery of Elsie 500 bucks Gone with the Wind you know she won't go so I because I want the place to make money what'd you let her kid you well you want us to kid ourselves nonsense you're paying a handsome manager to look after such things aren't you it's 200 without her 500 withher $300 to be enough to get you to make that manager do his duty 500 is almost enough to make me it was a gun but I don't think they could persuade that girl to go up to that apartment if they offered a ten times as much it's amazing to me how you let that pair play you if you had the right kind of manager you'd soon see how quickly I'll see be persuaded to sit in on these parties darn it why rub it in the girl is a hundred percent for the joint for what she's been hired for no I just can't tell any girl will do what I know isn't just right or get out my gangster but I still haven't sunk that low rats if you make my brother manager I'll guarantee that Elsie bellwood will be doing just what the joint wants her to do in 10 days or nothing doing Elizabeth I beat up men I'll never win for getting rough with a woman Oh mr. Farina yes step here a minute please get a load of that specialty [Music] [Music] Hagen my kisses gonna miss me baby when I'm gone away just funny only but you know baby take your head and leave it you know you're gonna breed me if you got a missional get choked up mama some of these are you gonna miss it you're gonna miss me you're gonna miss me oh you gonna miss your little bounce can't talk about mama summit [Music] [Applause] a manager should be able to entertain in case you come up short of an act some night you saw that think it over mr. Farina as I started to say else he's a good performer and they like she's too high hat what do you mean - high hat well I mean that she should sit in on some of these parties many of our customers are always asking her - you understand they had not man but is that just right you know that novella would she's a good performer please and everybody with her singing and dancing so don't you think that's quite enough course but the other girls go in for so why not her that's her business I hired her to do just what she's doing if she was I couldn't stop her but if she doesn't I understand all that but if we could promise some other a date with Elsie day then he'd be willing to spend more dough as I said that's up to Elsie but you mustn't expect me to try to persuade her and I hope to that the poodle dog cafe had its own solo until a decent girl can work here I don't be so off it's very hard not many of the people who come here call himself slumming if they want to date up a few other girls for a little party afterwards it means more dough for their journey you understand of course I do Farina they don't ride alone but you were speaking about miss bellever and I'm really said that if she doesn't want to go out on any I'm not going to argue and abuse her about it clearly mr. Grotti what's the matter oh nothing much are we just trying to show had not that if L see what consent is sitting at some of these parties it would help the business of course it would what did happen that say about he said it was up to her well he should make it who is she if she can't help us make more money the other girls are always willing that's what I try to show him but all I could get his it's up to her I'll talk to happen it myself Oh mr. head not yeah will you please step in here a moment ever see cigarette no thanks mr. hatten my cousin tells me you don't like the way we run our place had enough don't think that we ought to try to persuade I'll see the quadrant parties if she don't want it I said that I wouldn't try to know this Elsie she's very attractive some of our customers what sit in a little party now on them you understand after the place closes we like to apply to our customers so we think that you should listen mr. Grotti your partner not have just party it's up to her but I hired her to sing and dance here in the place not to go out on private parties now if you want to try to persuade her to that's your business but I won't oh you won't any well what do you think we got you hired for besides managing the place we can do the managing we you know the girls better than we do you talk the same language we've been after this girl to help us out a long time now we say you get a tour yeah that's okay by me now now I have not you don't have to do that let's talk it over you see I try to go major positions very clear there's no alternative but to do what you want me to all resign I'm resigning you'll get plenty of men in my rate to do anything you ask them to so why waste your time on me as far as miss Belle was concerned she's the late I'm too much respect for her for myself to try to persuade her to do but you know and I know is wrong as to you too if you had any respect for the unfortunate members of my race especially the girls are forced to work here you wouldn't try to make them do ugly things but since you haven't I don't like your attitude I am quitting good day I was coming in to see mr. Farina and I couldn't help overhearing what was going on inside what does he mean it means that I'm leaving this bill would you leaving but by if you overheard much of the conversation you ought to know it's because of you I'm sorry but you mustn't you can't I won't let you give up your job on account of me no the only way I could get it back and keep it would be for you to do what they wanted me to make you do and if you did I would hate both you and myself oh you are so fine and Noble and jobs are scarce I could never feel comfortable or happy knowing that you gave up yours because you wanted me to stay decent why oh let's not take it so seriously I don't belong in that place anyhow neither do i if you just must quit then I will - you'll do nothing of the kind there's nothing wrong with your job and you don't have to change your ways just to call some drunk and depraved customers to go flying around with you meantime the customers like you and you're making more money now then it is possible for you to make anywhere else said about me in the chief job I had don't you understand that I I understand all about what you want to say but the fact is I've been appointed to a job on the checkers voice I was going to click the first month in out the prosecuting attorney is thank you to break up the Cabaret array and that happens to force you to be bad whether you want to or lap should be a part of it anyway I've got a better job so go in there do you work and keep on being nice I like you that thing [Music] there's certain something in this world and I like this I depend on what is in money no it is insane you may think it's funny [Music] [Music] [Music] - my name and everything I find my way by seeing it not know that so small [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] be very happy when I think of you being without your job on account of me I tell you LC and they call you there oh thanks that makes it easier hitting Becca's hope we were talking about it I was trying to tell you that I didn't care you see I've been studying for detective work for two years it comes under civil service I took the examination thing is all right that's worried about a job for me any longer with a better job I can do more good naturally I'm glad that I can not be more independent and stand up when the kitchen rises for a decent girl like you I sure like you for that and I shall always respect you I hated to think that you had to suffer any inconvenience or embarrassment on my account however I like to think that the new rates have such a terrible time if we had a few more girls like you maybe it wouldn't be as hard as it seems by the way did you happen to notice anyone hanging around to take my place yes those Landry boys incidentally distant relatives of mine they made order for dirty work it hardly stopped and murder so I may have to quit after all no the customers like you too L just you stand pat this we've been trying to persuade you I hope you're right it was bad enough for the help on you were there but outfit like my relatives in charge why shudder when I think what those poor girls will have to put up with now oh you don't need to I'm on the getting outside I can be out in a jiffy and up there before you can get around on this side I want to thank you for a fine evening but if I find out that you're lying about that detective job I'm gonna make you let me do something that I never thought I'd ever do take care of a man [Music] i wanti wanti are you asleep you're playing possum on me tonight auntie but why all the light it'll hurt your eyes [Music] [Music] well sending my men I saw you give up your job tonight to defend the girls on it a girl almost a stranger to you but she's a good girl Benny and you stood up for and believed in her what's the price of your job that's what I call a man do all right mister head nah I'd like to see some other colored man give up his job on the counters any girl why here throw at anybody that was showing 50 cents and then take off back you write up a job Benny you've got to give them get along until you find another one now you may have this job that you mentioned and you may have just said it to console me but I'll find out I've seen plenty of women taking care of men worthless trifling goofing up in men and I've hated them for it funny want to take care of one that you Benny but you're such a good man Benny you've just got to be all right I've just got to do this I want to give you everything that I make and let you give me what you want me to have will you promise me you'll do this bill it'll make me so happy the phone that's strange the one who could be calling at such an hour this what do you say we stop the session with a little drink yes okay boss boss what can you want to talk to my aunt about at this hour please give me the message she's offended but if you say that it's a matter of life and death I guess I'll have to call [Music] i wanti aunty someone wants you over the phone do you hear me poor auntie you're tired I just won't do it whoever it is it's got to give me the message or wait until you wake up hello hello hello hello hello hello that's strange [Music] I'm auntie auntie wake up please wake up [Music] [Music] Oh quick say you arrived home about 3 a.m. well if I'm seeing you around laying as we discover there that she was asleep I thought you wouldn't sleep when did you discover that she was dead had been murdered as I was finishing my bath the phone rang yes I left the bath and one to answer it you answered the phone the person calling wanted to speak to my own they insisted upon speaking to her I asked them to give me the message so finally when they insisted that it was a matter of life and death I I told them the whole of phone and I would go and call her mm-hmm I went to my aunts roaming called her she didn't awaken she didn't awaken get your shaker we usually do so when someone is hard to awaken no I didn't shake her she was sleeping so peacefully but I decided that I would go back to the phone and insist upon them giving me the message so you went back to the telephone and I didn't get any response the present calling and hello hello I tried and tried but I couldn't get any answer you're quite sure that no one man to not arouse my curiosity how big she under feel suspicious so finally I went back to my aunt's room and called it and shook her and it was been did I discover it that she'd been shot but that she was dead well what do you think of a story sounds truthful it doesn't it may be but in cases like these one can never tell it always paid to reserve decision until you learn more that's true who is the girl her name is Elsa Bellwood do you know her in a general way I've talked with her she's considered a very good singer in dancing works at the food law cabaret I see do you know anything about her reputation or character she's in the show business you know this case seems to all for something it is unusual for instance someone calls over the telephone and insist upon talking to a woman you can see it who has been dead for hours and times a call when he knew the girl would have returned from a work and at such a late hour if the girl is innocent in this murder and someone who called knew something about who did it if they did not kill her themselves now if the girl killed her on she would have had to leave the Cabaret I guess Sayre between the 10:30 p.m. and midnight go home shoot her aunt while she was asleep go back to the Cabaret go on with her work and then come back here in an hour and call the police station it's too complicated for the arresting officer there's only one thing to do we'll have to take her downtown and holder I'm sorry she seems like a very nice girl and truthful but somebody killed that woman now where's the girl was the only one here there's only one thing to do take her downtown and book come on does this mean that that I'm under arrest I'm awful sorry but you are and and it means it that you're gonna lock me up put me in jail yes I'm awful sorry I'm not blaming you there's been a murder and the laws got to find out who did it well there's no one else to hold it this time what me so if you have an idea who did it why I can't imagine anyone wanting to kill my own eye I was thinking of myself all right I've never been arrested before and and now they're holding me for something that said I don't know anything about I'm under arrest they're gonna put me in jail well ones if you're sure I'm not sure of anything I mail a feel that the girl is innocent we should go easy on until we get some more evidence well I'll speak to the matron but you understand she cannot leave but at least the room isn't a cell thank you I'll talk to the matron has a room here with a bed in it so we're from the lecture habits we can get some sleep then when you're brought before the DA this afternoon you'll be more rested and composed and thanked more clearly you must be awful tired after such a night in all of this thanks you're very kind I am tired very tired I feel oh I guess I just don't feel anything anymore I'll call the matron now do you know a lawyer have you some friends I have no lawyer I know a lot of people but I'm afraid they won't understand this I I just don't know what to tell him do you have a boyfriend no one a girl like you you must have somebody you liked or who looked well I didn't say that I I didn't know anybody I know a man but I don't you would come closer to under than anybody else if you have a pencil I'll give you his name and address hello one thing nomads not come in have a seat yeah if Miss Bellwood didn't want to go on these private parties you know what that means I wouldn't make her go say if I had my way I'd clean up every cabaret like the food lock in this town I stay so annoyed when I have to look upon how the girls forced to put up with all they have to that it just makes my blood boil well that was a trouble and while I lost my job miss Bellwood is a good girl she's a good performer and the people liked it so I was thumbs down on making her do anything other than the work she had been hired to do for her to hold a job so that's why I'm out of the poodle dog that's too bad had enough but what about your appointment to the detective force that's gone through and I'm starting to work the first of the month good I'll be glad to welcome you Thanks but getting back to the girl can you imagine her committing a murder couldn't even force her to go on a private party I'm positive that she doesn't know anything about it but this is the law so you see what we are up against sure I understand well get to things only come on down the station with me and we'll see what we can do of course all the red in a few minutes come in Oh Elsie Benny I mean can you imagine such a travel happening and to you mr. Lanza brought me the news I'm so sorry for you oh yes mr. Wanda has been very kind let me thank you again mr. Warren sir I'm glad to been of little help imagine you and the young lady would prefer to discuss this between yourself so you will please excuse me Thanks now let's have a seat and you can tell me all about it as I understand it she had been dead several hours when you found it after your arrival home oh it was too terrible for words well I walked about the house talking to her at intervals for about 15 minutes after aunt and cold maybe had called to see if I had returned home and when they found that I had and didn't know that she was dead then that's the way it all ends I can't even imagine beyond that she was shot between eleven and twelve o'clock last night now what time were you called between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. she must have been dead at least three hours before the girl according to her story discovered the body just about you know this case offers something here are two colored women living alone together one finds the other mysteriously murdered now what I have detailed wanzer to investigate it that sensible being a colored man he might be able to find out things that one of our other officers could not and I expect him to uncover something by this afternoon come in now tell miss Dekker to District Attorney how you're related to miss Bellwood and what you know about her honor well I don't know that I ought to go ahead sister tell them all about well all we know about the murder is what we read in the morning papers of course we know um that is we knew the victim Josephine Hawkins in fact she was a cousin of ours oh you're a cousin so you were related all right go on and this miss Belle would was her niece and lived with her that we have already found out miss Belle would told us that one went to her house this morning of course I merely mentioned the fact so that you'd understand now what did this mrs. Hawkins do how did she live you mean miss Hoffman she wasn't married had never been married oh no she owned a beauty parlor that she ran downstairs in the same building have you any knowledge or idea how the expenses of the apartment were shared no I don't know but I do remember once talking to her and of her saying that she had an awful lot of insurance for a woman but the elsie her niece had taken it out on her and was paying the premium mmm so she was heavily insured and her niece whom we are wholly here paid the premiums even had the insurance taken out that's what she told me just when did she tell you that Oh three or four months ago I'd say that of course could be a motive for the murder but we want to know more mrs. green the whole story all you know it's all rattling god tell them all you know well I know just a minute come here you keep telling her to talk how about you doing some talking yourself what are you ordering her to tell what do you know where you see you see I just got a job to manage the food of cafe last night oh I see you've got a job to manage the pootie dog cafe and you got it last night so what yes you must tell all he knows a murder has been committed and the law must find the guilty persons so tell all you know if anything about it well we don't know anything much mister but you said the murder was committed between 11 and 12 o'clock last night we went the poodle dog cafe from 9 o'clock last night waiting to see mr. Farina and mr. Perrotti about this job at around level of truck I [Music] gee whiz I wonder whether those guys gonna get around to me we've been waiting here for two hours I'm getting tired well go on outside and catch some air but we're gonna keep on waiting until they send for you if it takes all night all right I'm going outside I'll go along with you what time is it anyhow eight minutes to eleven now how long you gonna stay out there in case they send for you oh I don't know five or ten minutes all right I'll expect you back in ten minutes be sure you're back in ten minutes however and I hope you get back before they send for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glad to get out that's stupid please cigarette Oh taxi [Music] drive me to 1415 nd Street please quick I sent my brother back inside and asked him to call me if I was sent birth but is Pleasant outside now her around half now it was perhaps 25 or 30 minutes later when [Music] if they DC now okay when I entered mr. Quran in fariñas office I happen to look up at the clock and remember that it was 11:35 bring miss Bellwood to my office at once I thank you people for the information you have given me I'll take your address and if and when we need you we'll send for you you may go now I sure hope you don't send for me oh why didn't leave the cab away from the time I went to work until mr. had not picked me up and drove me home shortly after 2 o'clock that morning what if the man chose to lie like that perhaps he's trying to shield a real murder what do you have any motives for killing her himself oh I don't know the whole thing has become so confused until I can't think clearly anymore but I can't see where he would had any motive and why are they trying to put it on me these cousins of your arms seem to have hated her or you both and you prove that you didn't leave the place at the time he said you did I'll try to now let me think I remember after the first show or I should say between shows we always do two shows I went to my dressing room and had a nap I always do if someone saw you go to your dressing room and could swear you stayed there until the second show that was counted as evidence which ladder will no doubt repeat when it's paid to understand at the trial that's it mr. bell would you took the words out of my mouth I see no because I always locked myself in and I don't recall seeing anybody when I went in or when I came out that will make a statement about seeing you leave the place part to this fool but we've got to produce evidence to prove that he's lying [Music] done there's no you study why give me false hope just leave me here the slowly succumb to the Living Dead I want to forget that I was ever born and that I ever had any hope of free person once happier I can both understand and appreciate your hopelessness parallel thinking but I want to tell you you but I love you have loved you long before you even knew it and then I've dedicated my life to writing this great wrong and setting you free since you didn't kill your auntie somebody else did so you see I must ultimately succeed and I will succeed Oh what you think sounds so beautiful betting but I'm only a convict now and I shall always be pointed out of the cosmic eye you're a victim of circumstances Elsie you're not the first person to suffer this misfortune and the guilty persons are brought to justice he'll be a martyr and no person in front of finger of guilt respond answer I'm going to help you here but you must help me to label me to help you help you Benny how can i he's being sent I believe mrs. green and her brothers either killed your or hired somebody to do it at least know who did either way the truth is not before very long some nickel mixed up in this is going to talk they always talk and they can never keep a secret especially when it's so important it's a murder don't you kiss my dear you had to be convicted first they've kept so busy telling lies to put you here but they could start talking up to now but with you convicted and here in prison we'll assume relax they'll think they've been smart and putting you here and don't know enough to realize that you can be got now their first move now would be to try to get the interest money I'll bet I'll be able to write you in less than a week application for I love you dear you're my great incentive Wow mister wants it would you have a chance to Dahlia you told me once that mrs. Green's husband had been in love with your heart many years before back in the south and he loved her dearly and he was still in love with her when she was killed and would come to see her often but he's disappeared I haven't seen or heard of him since the night she was murdered that's strange I'm sorry you didn't tell me that before I didn't think it was that important maybe he just went away and we'll come back some time he may and he may not meantime this might prove a connection it might turn out to be the link that's missing maybe you'll find out something when you go to the city from Reverend Bryson he knew us all before we came from the south maybe you'll find out something from him about mrs. Green's husband although it has been a long time since we came north this looks like a lead I'm going to follow it I've a feeling we'll get somewhere now that the cells of Bellwood has been convicted of murder and since the prison for life what will the company pay the money to oh that will be decided by the court in the meantime this green family Elizabeth Jean and Clyde have a flight hood of next-of-kin oh they have so soon yes I have the application papers either you won't be paying them the money not until authorised by the court and that will take considerable time I'm glad to hear you say that did they give an impression when they filed applications that they understood it would be some time before the matter would be settled Oh since you come to speak to it I think that would be such a very shortly thank you that is all I wanted to know why that you can see that they're counting on the money might sooner than it is even possible for the claims to be paid this case isn't going to be long before something cracks when this outfit finds that they can't lay hands on the money this crook is they'd planned some of them you're going to get impatient and drop some and I'll be johnny-on-the-spot to pick it up and and all three of in jail right quick well I'm depending on you to keep checked up on them and help me get somewhere I've been feeding it to the store yet to tell you meantime let's get over this Reverend Bisons and see what we can find out you said something brother we see the gentleman you're nothing but a whiskey head and no good we have liquor here to sell their customers not to be soaked by the manager you stay drunk nobody likes you play through now get out yes I know everybody that's involved in this unfortunate affair I knew Josephine Hawkins and she was just a pretty young girl having bows for the first time I knew Elizabeth Landry when she pulled a trick on Ned green that made them man and wife she says that she's gonna have a baby and that I'm his father who are you I well up big I am and maybe I hate you know I hate the only one that's been running around with her that's the chance you take young men she has you're charged with the Fatherhood there's no alternative Oh what do you mean is no alternative well I mean if you must marry the girl but I don't love her never did and never will you know who my girl is you know who I've been going around with and I ain't afraid to tell you that I love Josephine Hawkins she wouldn't come up with no tail like this why should she want me to marry her when she knows that I'm in love with her cousin well then I don't know young man now you admit that you've been having clandestino affairs with that girl she charges you with being the father of her unborn child if you do not marry the girl she'll have you arrested put you in jail you have a very good reputation and you shouldn't permit either yourself or the girl to be scandalized when you get ready for ceremony bring the girl here to me well I married the couple three months later she lied she's no more to become a mother than you are she tricked me into marrying her the dirtiest trick a woman could pull on a man that's why I came to you to find out what could be bad bite well you might ask for a doctor's examination and if the examination proves what'd you say well I think the court would grant you an annulment I don't want to wait that long I can't be bought with no news I'm a killer I ain't got time to be bored I am leaving town tonight goodbye heartbroken Josephine Hawkins had left town gone north and Elizabeth after Green had left her she left shortly afterward also for the north and feeling that Green had followed Josephine which perhaps he had Elizabeth took her brother's whose reputation was rather unsavory North with her 10 years later I was transferred to my present charge and when I came here I learned that under the threat of death Elizabeth's brothers had virtually forced Greene to live with her and in the meantime Greene's love for Josephine had never died and he insisted one seeing her whenever you had a chance I think you have given us a key doctor to the missing link in this tragedy and we'll start from here and run this thing down you can bet here we are well what do you expect you planned this whole thing but 20 years I've been a slave to your design ever since the time you kicked Ned green into man you everything has been sub automated - yo convenience only way I've been able to keep keep pulling a lot of rotten licking and I couldn't quit drinking no because I had that cheap job at the frugal dog cafe and just as soon as you get this money I'll go out of your life forever and you won't never need be bothered me again sick and tired of the whole thing now be bad when it's through it all over with [Music] Darren's elders who are getting somewhere very soon the case will be cracked wide open and you'll be free in the meantime now and over there one that I love love you Benjamin [Music] we'll wait right here - somebody comes out or goes in I have a feeling we won't have to wait long hey son I'm here live around here right across the street in that house with the yellow cheese how about the house next door mrs. green lives there and it's green yes sir no two brothers John and Clyde nobody else why my husband used to stay there but he don't know more it doesn't anymore why I don't know you just don't he'd been there a long time I think you wanna win it anyway oh yes sir one of them there now he always in there gonna be coming wrong soon they eat about this time and they're gonna be coming along soon for his dinner which ones there now yeah up until about this time then he get something eat and then they go down to the maple you social club make-believe social club a get back never begged before I go to bed so I guess he gets that kind of lead and this brother John that you mentioned does he work he does thank you son there's something for you oh thank you sir what time you go to bed about 9 o'clock sir about 9 o'clock I see how would you like to meet us say right here at 8 o'clock we want you to carry a note right here at 8 o'clock right there at 8 o'clock but remember don't tell anybody we won't be able to meet you and give you that other quarter well I know how to keep my mouth shut I'm studying to be a g-man I won't tell nobody you sure that you don't go now he's back at 8 o'clock 8 o'clock don't tell nobody I get you mr. goodbye what's that Danielle I want to have a little tapas brother John a little private talk and I need the border help me to arrange it let's go down to Morrison not with NASA beer and I'll tell you the rest when they get there now that's the way we work sir that's a clever plan oh shut up all by yourself why do you think of it before and what in the port you think please and how is this he coulda really conquered your offense you gonna love the man into two cars on top in the next block they don't need to know what we're doing until we're doing it I got to Steve now when I Drive up you shouldn't have your hand on your gun and be ready to get in the car and cover understand I got you twice okay I'm going so I see johnny-on-the-spot always be on time and you'll get somewhere but it I did become a man yes say it you know what the maple leaf club is sure to show me this sure you drive up to the next corner then you turn right and there yeah yeah well good now and see this man John and tell him that his brother wants to see him down there right away understand yes when you bring him here I'll give you the other Porter now when you sitting here by me you come out on this side of the car and I'll show it to you easy life yes now if you do just as I say and keep your mouth shut it may be two corners I'll have a table that I'll be giving you yes you can go now hello John well head nah ain't seen your hometown been kind of bitter so they let the poodle dog say where's my brother you'll soon see you contemptible liar how did an excuse to get you out here I wanted to see what's the meat of this we got em covered hey what's the meat of this fellas I ain't done nothin what y'all go do with me we're taking you fall on the ride and you won't be coming back I ain't coming back how come ever heard of Colston Manor you mean a handy hospitality on toast point yeah what's that dude me taking you there for a little ciothes with the ghosts of the manor knows anything about it oh no my good fellow not only are we taking you there we are going to tie you up and leave you there to starve to death and die you've been telling lies and they've done an innocent person upgrade wrong so we're going to take you up to meet the goats of Tolson Manor and always in ghost after with you die [Music] hide one make a life goes working borrow control [Music] I hear that the only living thing to visit here are huge buzzards with thick necks and white gills who fly down through the chimney and pick the bones of liars like John here whose lips have caused great suffering they tie them to that post over there was its lie down and about our bodies all toastin turned their soul into amp ghosts every night at it well great goodness good night know when that hand reaches 12 the ghost I've heard appear at the stroke of 12 now watch well that settles it the part of her for a while the real tired John up and leave him here and oh please miss please don't of course if you care to do a little talking tell us who killed Josephine Hawkins we might decide the wait a while if you promise them hands won't come back I tell you anything anything just don't leave me here you're such a rotten dirty liar until I hesitate to believe anything you say you swore in court under oath so how do you expect us to believe you out here but I'll tell you why we brought you here and why we're gonna leave you here with these goals you who killed Jones is being Hawkins Ike you who Josephine Hawkins and you're lied about Miss Bellwood when you swore she left the Cabaret went home and shot her on I did not didn't what do you mean I means I did you lie about miss Barrett so did my brother but I didn't kill her hey it's my brother I don't believe you if we're going to tie you up and leave you here for the dirty lies you told on that poor innocent girl we didn't kill her I swear we didn't but we didn't lie about seeing Miss Beverly and if you won't leave me here I'll tell you all about it well what do you think about it oh I wouldn't believe this guy on a stack of Bibles I don't see any use in wasting more time listen to this dirty liar or if it lie enough to put an innocent girl into the penitentiary we certainly can't afford to listen to him now please men won't you give me a chance I didn't kill my cousin but I did lie but I admit that and if you promise you won't leave me here I'll tell you all about how it was done shut up you lying stunk I don't think just say wait a minute after all we can listen to his story and we still don't believe it we can tie him up and leave him here oh well if you insist all right you rascal but the moment I'm convinced that you're lying we're gonna tie you up and leave you here I think you missed it I ain't gonna lie you can keep me until you prove everything I said all right we're going to listen to your story but we warned you that the moment it begins to sound fishy it ends and right here you stay I'm gonna tell you the whole story and then one will grab Eli all right Dawkins beginning way back in the south before any of you came north yes sir I sure will well it stopped like this my sister Elizabeth took Negri meet a man at her he was going with my cousin Joseph II and was planned to marry her but when Greene learned it too he hauled off a letter and came north josie found out somehow he was mad so she hauled off and left to my sister then partnered up north and brought me my brother long wither and lo and behold she found never fear children after Josie that made a map so she had us go get him and scare him into living it again he tried to pose fella but just couldn't get along somehow you see Ned was still in love with Josie and was always slipping out who Sina then just before the murder you've made a slave out of me all of my life why don't you let me be and give me 80 votes so I can go and marry Joseph you know I love Joseph and have left our always we would have been happy if it had to bid for yo line lips I'll not let you alone and I dare you to try to get a divorce if you even as much as doctor try I'll have my brother's break your ugly neck same thing yeah after year the same thing well you ain't never made me love you and I'm gonna try no longer I'm leaving you for good and I'm going to Joseph and if she won't run away and live with me I'll steal into the house some night and kill her shooter in the hand then killed myself that's what I'm going to do no dumb Negro like you ever had nerve enough to shoot anybody and as for killing yourself you make me laugh but my sister was mistook in that time for the van next night that was the night of the murder when we returned home from the cavalry where we testified we saw a thief then come back with found a note thanks where's the bun what about a little drink Oh go chase yourself you got enough liquor 219 so what's this another do you mind why I have done it there is nothing to live for so tonight I went to Josie's house and shot her through the head while she slept and turned on the light so her soul could find the way to heaven with Josie dead when you find this note I will be dead too I am going to tie a rock around my neck and jump off Kendal's bridge if you care to bury me you will find my body at the bottom of the river under the bridge unhappily dead my sister then sat down and planned the rest we knew exactly what time as he would come home so she called up cousin Joseph Pease house every 10 minutes starting at 12 she finally got se she could tell them that a girl didn't know her and was dead when she said I'll go and call her and when she did Lizzy hung up on her she knew then that as she would find out how ed was dead had been killed Lizzi stayed up all night long making up that lie about Miss Essen leaving the Cabaret and coming back sauce to make it look like s she did it then she rehearse me and Clyde on how to tell it we were scared they would mix us up all the time he was at the district attorney's office Liz he kept on pushing me aside to make us tell it like she reversed it you see she was after that Shawn's money and she figured if she could get as he convicted why she did it well what do you think of it well I guess we'll put him under arrest probably check on his story and we find Greene's body without a reopen a case and set miss Bellwood free alright fella for calling the party off taking you back to town and locking you up until being see if your story is true just get going [Music] they're using I'm giving them to you giving them to me now what do you mean just what I said they're yours but oh well Alex Lee to begin with I wouldn't have had him at all if you had a dedicated job light to the solution of the crime would set me free for some strange reason when I thought that you had lost your job on my account I developed a main to give you my money to take care of your needs until you got another job very suddenly all I had been to begin to happen you say to me you love me and you know and I love you now after all this if you want to make me happy please take these two fifteen thousand dollars way and do whatever you want to do with when you promised me be such a peculiar request such a strange desire but since you insist on making me a sort of gaudiya I'll take the texts and establish a trust fund or our children do love you alright [Music]
Channel: reelblack
Views: 16,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kFZ0bgGn66k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 19sec (4099 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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