Arch Linux Install - ISO 02.2021

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hey guys welcome back to the channel again so in today's video we're going to install arch linux from scratch using the february 2021 iso this is going to be done on a dell xps 15 9500 with double graphic cards so we have there an intel and and videographic card and i'm going to do the base install and then quickly install a desktop environment because i want to show you some other options on how you can manage your graphic cards on such a laptop this is probably going to work on other laptops as well but without too much talking let's jump into the terminal [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome back again to my desktop so today's video is gonna be slightly different than the usual monthly install of arch the scenario is the following so i got actually uh xps 15 the 9500 series which is the 2020 series it's the one which was which is actually still famous for the you know for the wobbly trackpad and so i could manage to get my hands on one of these defect devices and i fixed the trackpad the fix is fairly simple you shouldn't have that in the first place of course but it was a lot cheaper so i i just got it and um and it's a great laptop you know besides that that problem that it's easily fixed but it shouldn't come with it's a it's a new laptop and uh it's a shame that actually uh it was shipping with that sort of defect uh for many months so what i thought actually since i wanted to do the monthly install of arch i thought i'm gonna do it on this laptop because i want to show you something else about power management if you have an nvidia card and an intel cart so they're so called nvidia optimals so this laptop here that you see behind my shoulders has a nvidia geforce 1060 ti and of course an intel 630 uhd card so it's a hybrid laptop and i did already a video on the channel where i showed you how you can actually install optimus manager if you wanna switch between graphic cards and it takes care of also power management in this video though we're gonna do it a little different so what i'm gonna do here i'm gonna install arch from scratch via ssh because i cannot show it directly on the laptop itself i'm going to switch on the laptop once i install the desktop environment so that you can see what i will do with the power management there and i'm going to install the basis the base system and also very quickly a desktop environment and it's basically gonna be my laptop uh for the next month so it's basically a setup that i'm gonna use um every single day so without further ado let's get started here so we have my terminal which is on my main machine here i'm gonna connect to my laptop here via ssh and to do this i have already ssh running on the laptop which comes already pre-installed on the arch iso and it's already active so the only thing you need to do on the laptop here what i did is to give a password to the root user so that i can enter the issh here so i'm going to do this so i'm going to type in here ssh and then root at and then i just need to look over my ip which is 192.168.17 and hit enter so i need to enter my fingerprint here and enter the password for the youth user i have on the laptop and as you can see now i am logged in via ssh through my laptop here and we can begin our installation so i could do this because i already also activated internet or i mean wi-fi on the laptop so how i did that i just typed in iwctl which is the utility coming in the iso and then i know the wi-fi adapter name is uh wlan0 so i just typed in station wlan0 and then connect and i know the name of my network so i just enter the name there and when i pressed enter i just inserted my password and i was connected immediately so it's a very quickly it's a fairly quick procedure and once you're done you can just type in exit here and go back to the normal root user so the next step would be to actually refresh the packages because we want to have the fastest servers for installing actually the packages so i'm going to use reflector which now comes installed in the iso so i'm just going to type in reflector c for country i'm gonna do this a little quicker because i've done this already many times and on the channel as well so switzerland is my country and then dash a for the age six hours since the server have been refreshed dashed our sort and we're going to sort it by speed and don't save and we're going to save them under etsy pacman.d and then mirrorless there you go so it's going to take a second or two here to refresh the mirror list and on some of these mirrors i get sometimes some errors which is fine some of the mirrors might not be available for now which is okay so now we can refresh that by typing in pacman dash sy and there you go so next i'm going to synchronize the network time protocol so time date ctl and then set dash ntp and then true and hit enter there you go and then we can proceed by formatting our disk so lsb okay so we have here two disks here but the one i'm looking for is my nvme zero and one drive this is the ssd inside of the xps it's a one terabyte ssd so i need to format this again so let's type in g disk and then slash dev slash nvme 0 and 1. so i'm using the gds utility because it's a ufo machine and gdisk is useful to create gpt labels so here i'm going just to hit enter and i'm going to create a new partition table here just to make sure and i'm going to now create the partitions i need so i'm going to type in here nand for new and partition number one default is fine the first sector is fine the last sector defines the size so this is going to be the efi partition so i'm just going to do it plus 300 mb bytes and then the file system type for this is ef00 because it's a efi partition and then i'm going to create also small swap partitions so n for new partition number two is fine first sector is fine the size is going to be two gigabytes and the file system type is gonna be eight two zero zero which is the code for the swap and then i'm gonna create my root partition i'm not gonna create any home partition here uh i don't need this so i'm just gonna create a new partition and accept and accept here all the defaults and also the code because it's a linux file system and now we can apply the changes to disk so w and confirm by hitting y so i'm doing this a little quicker than usual because i think if you are following me since some time you know already what i do here i have tons of videos that are going to walk you through this so let's clean up the terminal so the next step here would be to format the partitions so let's type in mkfs we begin with the efi partition which has to be a f80 file system and of uh dash f32 file system and then the partition path which is actually nvme 0n1p1 to be honest actually i should have also showed you this lsplk you can see our partition here so we need to format nvme0n1p1 with efi with the fat file systems so mkfs.fat f32 so a fat file system 32 fat file system and then the partition path which is slash dev slash nvme 0n1 p1 and hit enter there you go now let's work on the swap so we need to make the swap first so mk swap and then the p2 partition so slash dev slash nvme 0n1 p2 and then we can activate the swap by typing in swap on and then slash dev slash nvme 0 and 1 p2 there you go now let's format the third partition and i'm going to format it with the ext4 file system so mkfs dot ext4 and then slash dev slash nvme zero and one p three and hit enter now because it was already a system installed here i need to remove the signature so i'm just gonna hit y here you might not see this if you're doing that on your machine and that's now formatted so we can clean up the terminal again and now we can proceed mounting these partitions so let's begin with the root partition because that's where the system is going to be installed so mount slash dev slash nvme 0n1 p3 this is our root partition and we're going to mount it under slash mnt because it's the installation directory and hit enter now we don't need to do anything for the swap but we need to mount the boot partition for that we need to create a directory in the new system so let's do this by typing in mkeder dash p i'm using end hp option because i want to create two partitions so slash mnt is already existing i want to create slash boot and slash efi because that's where i'm going to mount then our efi partition and hit enter here and now i can mount nvme 0 and 1 p1 in here so mount slash dev slash nvme 0n1p1 and i'm going to mount this under slash m t slash boot efi and then i can hit enter there you go so if i type in lsblk you can see the mount points there so we are good to go with the base install so let's type in packstrap slash mnt so we want to put the base packages into the mnt directory that's the installation of the new system and the packages we want to install that i want to install it's base and then linux the latest linux kernel and then linux dash firmware i'm going to install also vim my editor and also intel dash u code because i have here a intel processor on this laptop if you have an amd processor you can also replace this with amd dash your code and for now that's gonna be it for me so i'm just gonna hit enter here and this is gonna take some time now to download basically and install the packages so i will take a small break here guys and i'll be back with you when it's done so there you go it took a little over in 20 seconds to do that actually it wasn't too long so now we install the base packages we need to generate the file system table which is the fstab file where all the mount points of the system are stored so to do this we can type in gen fstab dash capital u because we want to use the uuids of the partitions and then we're going to take the information which is now under mnt those are the mount points i showed you before and we're going to put this information under slash mnt slash etc slash fstab so we are moving this information into the fstab file in our new system there you go so if i type in cat slash m t slash etc fstab you can see the mount points i showed you before so our root partition our efi partition and our swap partition very simple so now we can move into the installation by typing in arch dash to root and then slash m t and now we are working directly in our new system so first thing first we should actually work on the time zone now if you don't know which time zone you should put into your system you can always use the locale ctl command to find that out you can just type in locale ctl list time zones and grab that out to the city that you are in and you will get the results so once you have that you can type in ln sf and then slash user slash share slash zone info slash europe slash zurich so this is actually the time zone where i'm in right now usr share zone info and then you put in basically the time zone that you found out and we're gonna link this to slash etc slash local time and then hit enter okay now we can synchronize the hardware clock and the system clock and to do this we can type in hw clock dash dash c2hc and hit enter and there you go so now we can work on the locales so we need to edit one file so let's type in a vim slash etc locale.js and here you basically have to look for the locale you want to use in your system so in my case i'm going to use english us and we need to pick up actually the one with the connotation utf-8 so we are just going to uncomment this line and then save this file and exit the editor whether it's vim or nano or any other editor it will work anyway and now we can generate the locales by typing in locale dash gen and hit enter so it's going to take a second to do that there you go now we need to put this string this en us.utf-8 into the file now there are many ways to do this one one of these ways is to use the echo command so we can type in echo double quotes then lang equal the string we just found so en underscore us dot utf-8 and we're going to append this information to slash etc locale dot conf and then hit enter now if you changed also the keyboard layout uh because you don't have maybe a us keyboard as i did uh you need to put this also into the file so to do this we can use again the echo command so let's type in echo equal and then keymap equal the string for my keyboard is d e underscore ch dash latin one double quote and then we're gonna append this information to slash etc slash vconsole.conf and hit enter now again if you don't know the keymap of your system of your keyboard you can use the locale ctl command and you can use it with locale ctm list key maps and then use the grab function to filter down the search basically and you will get your string and you can put it in the system like this so the next step is to work on the host name i'm going to use again the echo command for that so we need to basically give a name to our laptop so let's type in echo and i'm going to call mine arch xps and we are going to output this info to slash etc slash host's name and hit enter next we need to work on the hosts file for that i'm going to use vim so i'm going to type in vim slash etc hosts and i'm going to move down here to the end of the line and create a new line here with the ipv4 address a tab and then local host and then colon column one dab dab and then localhost again and in the last line another ip127.0.1.1 our hostname that we just chose so arch xps in my case dot local domain and then a tab again and then again arch xps so that's gonna do it for the hosts file and now we can give a password to the root user so pass wd and enter our new password and retype it there you go so now comes an important part because we need to install a lot of packages that we will need for our system beside others also the grub bootloader and many others so let's go ahead and do that so let's type in pac-man dash s so the first package is grub i'm going to install also efi boot mgr i'm going to install network manager for managing networks i'm going to install also network dash manager applet i'm going to install also wpa underscore supplicant and dialog these are all networking tools then i'm going to install also m tools and dos fs tools in case i need to work with some windows file system and we can install also base dash devo and linux dash headers to development packages i'm going to also get and reflector to have them available in the system i'm going to install blues and blues utils for the bluetooth adapter if i can type this correctly there you go i'm going to install cups for the printing system and also hp lip because i have an hp printer i'm going to install also xdg-utils and also xdg-user-deers for having home directories and i'm going to install also inet utils which contains utilities like hostname ctl command and others and also dns utils because sometimes i need some of these utilities to configure my dns and what else we can install here we can install also bash dash completion i'm going to install also tlp for my laptop here and also power top which is a utility from intel that lets you see static statistics for your laptop power management some audio utilities so alsa dash utils is one and then also pulse audio and when i saw also pulse audio dash bluetooth am i gonna need that anyway so some power utilities so one is acpi and i'm going to install also acpi underscore call and i think for now it's enough so i'm just going to hit enter here and proceed with the installation so again this is going to take a couple of seconds uh because it's not too much to download and i'll be back with you guys in a second so there you go the installation is done now let me clean up the terminal and install an extra package that i forgot so pacman.s and then open ssh because i'm gonna need this afterwards when i reboot my laptop and there you go so let's install now our grub bootloader so let's type in grub dash install now the first parameter dash target so this is a ufi machine so x86 underscore 64-efi efi directory that's the second parameter and if you remember at the beginning we mounted this under slash boot slash efi and then the last parameter dash dash boot loader id equal crop and then hit enter so there you go installation finished no error reported now we need to generate the configuration file for grub so let's type in grub dash mk config oh so the output of this command is gonna go under slash boot slash grab slash grab dot cfg and hit enter it's gonna take a second to do this there you go now we need to enable some of the services that we just installed that will be available once we reboot the laptop so the first one is network manager otherwise we won't have internet available so let me type in system ctl enable network manager and hit enter i'm going to do the same for the bluetooth service so i pull up the last command here and replace network manager with bluetooth and i'm going to do the same for the cups printing system so i'm going to replace this with cups i'm going to do the same also for open ssh with sshd and hit enter now i'm going to also enable the tlp service because it's for the power management of the laptop so i'm gonna pull up the last command here and also type in tlp and i think for now the services are good so we can actually create a user for the system so let's type in user add dash m capital g and then wheel and then the user name hermano now this is going to create a user with my name the m switch is for the home directory and the capital g it's going to give the supplementary wheel group to this user which we are going to configure in a second for the pseudo privileges then i'm going to give a password for this user so pass wd and then the user name and enter the password and retype it and you can also type in user mod dash c so the c stands for comment you are modifying this user because if you notice when you install arch normally you would install this and you would see your name your username on the login prompt if you put in this comment basically with my full name in this case it's going to basically give the full information about the user to the system so if you want you can do this is optional and then let's work on the pseudo privileges so editor equal vim and then vice sudo scroll down here and we need to basically enable the wheel group which has the line all equal whole all so we just delete the hashtag here and then we can save the file and exit film so let's clean up the terminal and the base installer here is done so what i need to do now i need to type in exit to go back to the iso and then you mount a to unmount all the disks and now we can reboot the machine so i'm going to lose connection to the laptop here but i'm going to do this live with you so there you go and you can see here maybe you don't see it well i cannot hang it i cannot put it in front of you but now i can remove my iso here and you can see we have grub it's very tiny because the resolution here is a 4k display so i'm just going to hit enter here and it's going to take a second to boot up and as you can see i have a login prompt here i don't know maybe you cannot see it but i'm going to type in here my name and my password for the user that i just created and what i'm going to do here i'm going to type in an empty ui because i need to connect the network to the wireless network otherwise i can't connect the ssh so let me do this and then i'll show you on the terminal here how how it's actually done because it's much better to do it on a big monitor so enter my password here for the wi-fi it's going to take a moment to connect and there you go this is done so i can go back here and type in ipspace a and i can see my ip so i can connect back via ssh here so let me do this and just i need to change the last ip number because it's not the same one so it's 168. so enter my fingerprint again and enter my password for the user on my laptop oh i forgot actually this is not anymore root is actually me so let me correct this there you go and enter my password and there you go now we are in my laptop so what i did there for the wi-fi so that you can see better i typed in an empty ui and then you can go to activate a connection i mean if you have ethernet cable you should be already working but if not you have wi-fi you go to activate a connection you can choose the wi-fi you have here then you hit enter select enter the password and you will be having an ip as well so this is how it's working now first some maintenance i want to actually again enable some things before proceeding installing the rest of the system the first one is to actually enable the time the network time protocol also on my laptop so i'll type in sudo time date ctl and then set ntp through and hit enter i need to enter my sudo password and that's done next i'm going to synchronize also the two clocks so sudo hw clock dash dash c2hc there you go and there is one package that we need to install still that i forgot before if we want to use reflector so this is actually quite new because this package was used to come with the base install but it's not anymore so sudo pacman dash s and the package is rsync and then hit enter so proceed with the installation here and there you go now i can use reflector so i'll type in sudo reflector you can see the bash completion is now working dash c and then again my country switzerland dash a again six hours dash sort so we're gonna sort them by speed save we are gonna save this under slash etc pacman dot d slash mirror list now it's gonna give me probably again an error for one meter or two meters depending on the configuration of the mirrors in the last couple of days some of the mirrors in my country have been not upgraded at all but this time actually it's working fine so now we can refresh the server so sudo pacman s y-y there you go and i want to activate the reflector timer because i want to have my mirrors updated every week so i'm going to type in sudo system ctl enable dash dash now and then reflector dot timer there you go the next thing is to enable also the fs stream timer for my ssd so i'm going to pull up the last command here and replace reflector with fstream.timer so we have the best performance out of my ssd now before proceeding installing the desktop environment here i want to install also the yay helper this is optional completely optional you don't have to do that i'm going to use paro in this in this video but you can use yay or you can just use the git command to clone the repositories and install manually it's really up to you so but for those of you who want to use the helper i'm going to show you how you can install paro on on the system so we're going to type in git clone https colon slash and then and hit enter so it's going to take a second there you go now we can move into the parallel directory which was just created so cd parallel and then we can type in make pkg dash si and proceed it's going to probably ask again for the password so first we need to select the repository number one is fine here and proceed with the installation of rust which is the dependency it's downloading and installing and now it's pulling down the package and it will compile it so it's going to take maybe 30 seconds to do that so i'll take a very small break and i'll be back with you soon so here now we are at the installation of paru so the compiling is done so we just hit enter and baru is installed so let's go back to the home directory here and clean up the terminal now let's install the packages we need for this laptop so here comes the part where we need to configure a lot of things so let's type in sudo pacman dash s so the first package i want to install is the graphic drivers so i'm gonna install both intel and nvidia graphic card drivers and then i'm gonna configure them afterwards so the first one is xf86 video dash intel then i'm gonna install nvidia for the nvidia card this is the latest driver for the card and also nvidia utils and also nvidia settings and i'm going to install also xorg i'm going to install the whole group here for this video i'm going to install gnomes so you can install of course any desktop environment if you like or window manager so the display manager is gdm and then i want to store gnome and also gnome extra i'm going to install firefox as a browser and i'm going to install also chrome dash because it's needed for some extensions and the last package i want to install is gnome tweaks and that's going to do it for now so i'm just going to hit enter here and accept all the defaults and proceed with installation so this is going to take a little longer probably to install because it's uh quite a weird package so i'll be back with you guys in a second so there you go it's installed now we can clean up the terminal and there are two things that we need to configure before i can boot into the laptop with the graphical environment one we need to change the mk file so this is important because i noticed that my laptop and also my main machine without this configuration will not boot graphically so i'm going to type in sudo vim etc slash and what i need to do here i need to go under the modules and type in here the intel module first which is i-915 and also the nvidia module which is nvidia and save this file and exit beam and now i need to recreate the image by typing in sudo mk init cpio dash p and then linux if you install the linux kernel if you installed linux lts this is gonna be linux lts and it's going to rebuild the image with those two modules in mind without this the laptop this laptop specifically but also my main machine here since the last two couple of months wouldn't boots graphically if i don't put those into the modules in the in this configuration file so if you are having the same issue you can try this out so the last thing i want to do before i boot up is actually to change something in gdm and for do this i'm going to type in sudo fim slash etc slash gdm and then and the line that i want to uncomment here it's this one wayland enable false because i don't want to have actually wayland in the choice because by default gnome is going to boot in weyland and because i'm planning to install on this laptop the pop shell the pop shell doesn't work really well with weyland so i want to disable it just to make sure that i'm not logging in there by mistake and then we need to enable gdm so sudo system ctl enable gdm and hit enter there you go so the last thing actually before rebooting i want to install the simple screen recorder on the laptop so that i can actually record the screen there because the next time i see you guys it's going to be on the laptop so i'm going to type in sudo pacman s and then simple screen recorder there you go that's enough and then proceed with the install so this is it and what we can do now we can type in reboot so i'm gonna type in reboot here and i'll see you guys back on my laptop once it's rebooted so guys i thought i'd meet you back on the laptop but the laptop has a different screen resolution it's a 4k display and i try to record there but when i put it in the editor to mix and match both resolution 1080p and 4k it's not a good idea so i decided to redo the laptop part here via ssh because what i want to show you is anyway available on the terminal so basically i did now reboot the laptop and everything is working fine on the laptop i have gnome now the thing that i would normally do because it's an optimus laptop i would go to the arch wiki and manage basically the drivers for nvidia and intel the way i want to now in this video i'm going to do it a little differently and let me show you how i have a website here prepared for you this is the system 76 power package that you find also on github and this is the one actually that you would normally find when you install pop os now this is a great utility because it basically helps you to use integrated nvidia or hybrid and when you use for example integrated then the nvidia card will be basically disabled and because you cannot anyway disable the integrated graphic card you can have the choice to work with the hybrid mode or then nvidia now unfortunately we have this also in the aur if i type in in here system 76 dash power aur and hit enter we have you can see here the package in the aur so i installed this i tested it out on this laptop and it works really well so let me close here the window i will leave a link to it in the video description below as usual let me clean up the terminal here and type in ls pci and i'll decrease the font size here slightly so you can see in this laptop we have the inter uhd graphics this is the integrated graphic card and we have also the 3d controller this is the nvidia geforce gtx 1650 ti graphic card so now let's go ahead and install the system 76 power utility so i'll increase the font size here and i have paro here on the system so i'm going to use that to install that so i'll type in parallel dash s and then system 76 dash power and hit enter now it's going to ask me for the repository i'm going to choose the number one default here and i'm going to accept here the dependencies we need to install a couple of those so nothing to review and i'll type in my password here and proceed with the installation of rust and dk ms which is needed for this utility now this is gonna take some time because it needs to install the dependencies and also compile the package so i'll be back with you guys in a second there you go the package is now installed now we need to pay attention here to the information on the screen it says the system 76 power package provides the following system services so this is basically running as a daemon we have the system 76 power service that we need to activate and we have the system 76 power cli the command line interface now there is also a gnome extension for this utility but it's not working with the version of gnome in arch i tried it out but it just won't load the extension now probably this is going to be updated sometime in the future to support also the latest version of gnome but at the moment the gnome extension is not working that's the one you get usually in pop os where you can switch basically the profiles of your graphic card under the power menu now in arch if you use this utility we'll have to do it via the command line it's also saying here if you're using a nvidia graphics card you might need to add additional x11 config to make the gpu switching work now in my case it works fine without any additional modifications but if you incur in this problem there is the wiki article which is referred here in this line so you can go ahead and explore this if you have problems using only the nvidia card now what we need to do we need to first enable the daemon so let's type in sudo system ctl enable dash dash now and then system 76-power dot service and hit enter now if we check the status by typing in system ctl status system 76-power service you can see it's up and running so now how we can use this utility well first of all the system 76 power utility has to be used as a pseudo user so to see the options available we could type in actually system 76 dash power help for that we don't need sudo privileges and you can see what we can do here so the one that i'm very interesting on is this graphics options so with this one we can switch graphic cards now again pay attention if i type in ls pci and i decrease a bit the font size here you can see we have the nvidia card here displaying correctly now i want to switch to my integrated graphic card because i don't need to work with nvidia card right now so i'm going to type in sudo system 76-power and then graphics and i'm going to switch to the intel card by typing in integrated and then hit enter now it's going to take a moment here to do this because it needs to change the settings for the nvidia graphic card and then when the process is done we will need to reboot the laptop for the settings to take effect and this has to be done every time you switch the graphic card now it's a little inconvenient but it's worth it if you want to save power if you don't need the nvidia graphic card so this is now done so let me type in here exit and i'm going to reboot my machine and i'll meet you back here on ssh once it's done so here we are back on the laptop now let me actually decrease the font size slightly here and now we put it up with the integrated graphic card so let's type in again less pci because i want to check if i can see still my nvidia card and as you can see it's gone from the system i mean it's still in the system of course but it has been deactivated by the system 76 power utility now if i want to use the hybrid mode i can type in sudo system 76-power graphics and then hybrid now once that is done i need to reboot the machine to be able to use this and if i want to use only the nvidia card i can replace hybrid with nvidia and hit enter and then once it's done you need to reboot the machine so it's very simple and also very powerful now as i said before there is like no extension but is not working on this version of gnome but again hopefully it's going to be updated in the future so that we can use it also on this version of gnome so this is basically it for the installation of arch linux with the february iso 2021 on the dell xps 159500 using the system 76 power utility if you try this out or if you try this out on another laptop let me know in the comments below how it's working for you and if you have any question about this video let me also know in the comments below i will try to answer you as usual as soon as i can so there you go guys this is the installation of arch linux with the ferrari 2021 iso and the system 76-power command utility on the laptop now it's a great way to manage your graphic cards on the laptop it's the same included in popos which is definitely a great linux distribution and it's nice actually that we have the opportunity on the aur to install this utility on this xps 15 it works really well for me and if you try it out on another laptop let me know in the comments below how it's working for you if you have also any other question let me also know in the comments below and i will try to answer you as soon as i can i hope also that you like this video guys if you did please hit the thumbs up and subs to the channel if you haven't already subs always help me out and if you want to support the channel you can do so by visiting the patreon website or you can donate via paypal to my website as well thank you so much for watching the video guys and i'll see you very soon in the next one
Channel: EF - Linux Made Simple
Views: 14,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, Arch Linux, Software, Training, how to install, install arch linux, install linux, tech tips, it tips, linux tips, UEFI, linux help, linux uefi, base install, 02, 2021, ISO, system76, xps 15
Id: tyAdPZuLdb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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