Luz X Amity: The Ship We Needed

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this video is sponsored by atlas vpn more on that in a bit you know i've always preferred lamity as a ship name it's more accurate to how people talk about them a little bit loose and a whole lot of amity i'm right yes the landmark relationship the first and let's be real here only gay couple in disney's catalog has gone all the praise in the world but does it really deserve it or has a hype surrounding disney actually being out and proud for once consumed a couple that is just okay well that's what we're here to find out as today i take a look back at the power couple that has set the internet ablaze is it bad is it good has all the focus has gotten a detriment to any other parts in the show well i'm sarcast of course and i regret nothing except having to constantly tell you guys to like share and subscribe every time i know i'm annoyed too i also regret not using atlas vpn sooner you see back in the day i used to hop from website to website thinking i was safe well shocker i wasn't 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back to the witches the owl house karina by dana terence and her amazing team is a story about a human girl who avoids conforming by traveling to a different world where her isakai fantasies are cruelly crushed as she realizes not only is she not the chosen one but the whole place runs on nightmare fuel hello little fairy are you going to tell me this is all a fantastical dream give me your skin yeah this isn't your regular fantasy world it's got guilts so after being adopted by eda the foxy owl lady and a vibing alex hershoe i'm pretty sure since graudy falls has just locked himself in a recording booth we lose his adventures on the boiling isles being railroaded into high school because disney said so no seriously the resident hogwarts only exists because the higher-ups are loose need a place to meet the other kids could be wrong on that but i very much have heard that rumor multiple times and i think it tracks especially with as soon as they're in season two they just drop this shit hard but it did give us an excuse to bring amni and luce together so i guess it can't be that bad besides them though the rest of the show is about magic and softboy fascists but that's not what we're really here to talk about it never is well time for my actual slightly roasted opinions yo my only weakness dying now i like loose she's fun but she's the diet nutella of main characters super sweet makes everything better but doesn't leave as much of an impact as you would like like i love this girl i'm not ignoring her there's a reason though that everyone became obsessed with her beta version she's just missing that edge that the target audience for this is craving she's a good character as it takes a certain kind of compelling to watch a girl be a public nuisance and you still pick her side what really makes loose work for me personality wise is that she feels like a protagonist that was raised by tv when people get trapped in another world they lose their minds over it yet they still don't act like people they just stand around say obvious questions or say nothing at all luce has seen enough anime to know she's the protagonist and the disappointment to find out everything she learned was bullshit loose likes amvs fan fiction is probably a mod on reddit she's doing for disney what scream did for slasher movies being aware of the type of story she's in allowing her to come off as more in the loop instead of getting lapped every episode in so many shows a lot of time gets wasted by characters standing around saying stupid questions or not asking the obvious ones luce is always on top of this and she's definitely starting a wiki if she gets back home from the boiling aisles it's just super refreshing to see and allows for great moments where the story undercuts her expectations or plays in the tropes you are very familiar with loose wishes that she was the chosen one with a special destiny and eye candy instead she's gotta work for everything that natural curiosity or obsession with magic allows her to figure out glyphs without feeling like the answers are just getting handed to her being the jaded and anxiety ring shell pretending to be a person that i am overly optimistic characters are pretty much the bane of my existence they always have just fuck them for being so happy loose though has never really gone on my nerves which is an achievement she's peppy but the story doesn't hand her w's or bend over backwards to make her right she screws up she screws everything up she never feels stagnant though or makes the same mistake twice it's subtle with her having a great sense of progression throughout the show going from a tourist who is just living out her power fantasy to an actual hero who is just trying not to go hungry she's not the cool down earth every man who's hip american ways and lying this fuel society luce is just an inspiring person who brings out the best and her friends because she'll give them the chance everyone else has to hide them geeky fun and a little bit all over the place but her heart isn't the right one her mom may have sent her away but loose landed in all of our hearts also lucy's mom she's great she's not abusive she's a single mob doing her best it's that pure clumsy energy that makes luce the perfect match for the queen of melodrama and inks amity who are you i want cancer huh the only exercise owl house fans get is dick riding amny and no i'm not debating this well loose remains the cinnamon roll we all need in our lives but for some reason most of you have committed to the sour punch which look i get it if i met a girl who was willing to take her first l to date me i'd be crushing too amni stands though have crossed the line catcher fans toad and it feels like they street have decided no one else in this show matters i mean i get it she's a vibe we all gotta at least pretend there are other people in this show see the thing about amy is she's been a bully a friend an icon and a five head all within the first season and a half and she can brag about having that kind of range because she never misses from her first moment as the mean girl to becoming a love struck dork amity is the gift that keeps on giving if what you were given was trauma as being born into one of the noblest families in the boiling isles lesbian draco here has been raised to believe that she always has to be the best her parents forced her to get rid of her longtime friend willow but rather than explaining that my parents hate you amity decided to kick willow's self-esteem off a cliff to spare her feelings then over the years she forgot why she did and just kept on kicking because clout growing up into a generic mean girl who picks on anyone that isn't her a certain man-made disaster blew into her life knocking her off of that lying shame-filled pedestal that she put herself on helping her to get out that snob mentality and recognize that she was wrong to bully her friend which amity then apologizes for before she and the show go back to ignoring her existence amni from this point on is lucy's biggest sim i don't use that word lightly but in this case i think it fits whether it's freaks monsters or the government she's willing to do anything to help her girlfriend out i still mourn the green hair it's great in fan art i think it looks occasionally fine the show it is just it's still a downgrade i know it's metaphorical amni is a good character that basically speed ran through tropes to win the popularity contest and hasn't stopped running since because if there's anything people love more than villains it's a redemption story allowing you to have that edgy role model you've been obsessing over while removing the problematic elements people would call you out on is when suffering isn't enough to redeem a character just give them bad parents or as the audience calls it a free pass ambi and loose are both struggling with a lot of serious subject matter but you put them together they can do anything while devolving into lovable dorks let's talk about that journey because unlike other shows this isn't five seasons of desperate potting but an actual relationship we see form and blossom with loose and amnes whole thing going through multiple stages before they finally get together now they kind of like to break this into three parts you got the rival period where everyone hated amity yeah when amy and luce chilled out and became friends before grom happened then finally they got together which is just the last episode of season 2 at the time of this recording now we got to take this ship back to the beginning where there was no ship to be found or the only thing people wanted to see happen to amni was violence oh it's like mine but much smaller and meaningless yeah amni is kind of the worst in the beginning and what she does to willow is bad it really only gets worse with context but loose doesn't need to hear any of it to be on widow's side with them working together to cheat willow into getting an a which sets off amity who is very protective of her good noodle status but they're going out of her way to reveal loose as a fraud because grades are worth more than people to her see technically amity is in the right tier that willow didn't deserve that but it's hard to agree or care about the person who treats tearing people down like it's a hobby but it is important to remember that amni is being set up to be just a little bit justified in hating loose the show doesn't want you just think oh she is just the mean girl there's some rationale here to justify her actions the dislike of loose only gets worse when the next time they see each other they're throwing hands after some out of pocket meanness from amity again only for both of them to fall victim to the maladjusted teenagers are pretending to be grown-ups eda and lilith who tricked both of them into cheating humiliating amity causing her to have a pity party in the corner as she just got caught cheating in front of the whole town loose being made of cinnamon spice and way too much nice is the one to try and comfort her owning up that she isn't a real witch and while amity isn't immediately friends with her she holds her hand to break the no takes back oath they made earlier they're not friends but they're getting to a place where they're not enemies either and this reveals to us that amity has her own issues to deal with with both of them realizing that the other is more than meets the eye good first impressions are important but they're non-existent in this show now this was about the time when people started to smell a little something something in the air wasn't anything too strong as people were still riding that amd hate train pretty hard any suggestion of loose dating willow's bully was a one-way ticket to getting jumped online as viewers you can tell that the show was going to do something with amni because while everyone loves a villain giving them a redemption arc lets you do it without getting questions and lets people rant about how this character is the next zuko for the 400th million fucking time then the library episode happened and people kind of stopped caring about willow and gus and just going all in on amity the library is where luc finds out amni has a soft side as she works there and reads the children this is immediately treated as a good thing ignoring the fact that every librarian i've ever met has rage issues but things of course go poorly with loose ending up having a buy panic attack when she meets amni's older siblings who drag her into trouble when they decide they need to take their sister down a peg for being so serious and more importantly being a snitch with the twins wanting to publish amnes diary to everyone at school but here loose has to draw the line and of course amity has to misread it that's okay they bond over the time-honored tradition of not dying together this being the episode they really just become friends over the course of a couple episodes we watched the two of them meet instantly hate each other and realize they have more in common than they first thought and while loose did embarrass her it was all unintentional which is the thing amy need to realize to grow more accepting of her which bled into the rest of amni's life as she stopped taking everyone at face value and questions why the hell am i friends with basha this is where more the low-key shipping started with that trickle turning into one hell of a flood but there was just one problem one itsy bitsy thing that people just kept them from committing all the way and it's not the winter episode that i will be skipping over but from the very beginning amnes treatment of willow has been amity's worst trait we have seen her begin to distance herself from her mean friends but amy has still never apologized for all the abuse she's given willow all these years no matter how much people were warming up to the idea of loose naming being a couple this was the elephant in the character development room that needed to be resolved as loose dating willow's bully without that closure would have just been a very bad look would loose be looking unsympathetic and willow looking like a prop meant to introduce the two of them together so in understanding willow the last of amity's worst status over well-being behavior comes out when she tries to burn a photo of willow and amity together when they were kids not knowing that these photos were magical and damaging them would also damage willow's mind so yes so it's the return of pg drunk people amazing what you can do when you don't call it alcohol this forces amne and luce to adventure into willow's mind to repair the damage but here ami still doesn't want to face her greatest shame in spite of lucy's attempts to comfort her with this also being where we get the first of the blush storm there will be more and it will be very soon amin's main color we also kind of get why amne wouldn't want loose of all people to see her trash willow thankfully the inner manifestation of willow's rage appears forcing amy to confront what she did nami finally telling her how it was initially a lie and how amity was the one who was too weak to be willow's friends great line nice sentiment ignores years of abuse but willow gaining closure and self-confidence is more important than punishing andy right now also we need it to happen for the ship i also don't think we're completely done with this though there's got to be at least a little bit more drama between these like i want at least one willow and amity episode just one while for the moment amy and willow have had their drama shell for the moment but the show mining amne and luce for drama has only just begun as we've seen them become good friends we've seen the subtle hints that amne might be thinking about being more than friends but the real shift comes in grom which as the flintstones would say the main crux of this episode is that it's about a magical school prom that thing teenagers pretend to go to when they're really going to house parties where the grom king or queen is forced to fight a shape-shifting monster that can turn into your worst fears amity is selected to be queen this year and is terrified of it revealing her deepest darkest secrets as for her it's embarrassing which as we'll find out amity's biggest fear was neither her abusive parents academic failure or any of the nightmare fuel that lives in the boiling isles no amn's biggest fear was putting herself out there only to be rejected by her crush being rejected by loose so this episode was pretty much everything everyone could have hoped for from loose being an oblivious lady killer to amd's insecurity and fears they are really playing to their strengths his loose doesn't need to be the deepest character or have some grand arc she was an outcast in the human world and only amongst the demons and weirdos of the boeing isles has she found a place to really belong the drama in her life is her relationship with her mom all the rest of the time she just needs to be her positive upbeat self making that real world drama hit all the harder amni on the other hand is just casual angst most of the time yes in spite of being the top witch for years she's been pretty much forced into all of it by her parents she's just not used to being free or questioning what she wants to do as most of it has just been planned out for her from who she can be friends with to even the color of her hair amy has only been really able to explore what she wants since luce stumbled into her life with that freedom comes indecision as she is not sure what she wants to or how she should express herself as loose is her first crush and she isn't sure what to do with that or these feelings but the second she sees loose in trouble she stops overthinking it and everything just kind of falls into place from there moose just is immediately the supportive person amnes angst factory needs and without missing a beat luce just volunteers to be amity's date she's just that nice of a person and hasn't put it together that it's her between the hallway banter the stylish battle dance that i know you replayed to death it all culminates in them just being their best slightly confused selves together and that's something that i always love to see in my ships it's not just that they have chemistry or that they're cute together is that they make each other better that they make each other more interesting and this show was only in its first season and they were already laying the shipping on pretty thick but something that i love about it is that unlike other shows where they're just emilian love and then nothing happens till the end the fact that they've already gone through the i hate you phase the i like you a little bit so they're already crushing hard tells us that we didn't have to wait long that this was inevitable and even promising us that we would see an actual relationship develop and not five seasons of a redundant game of cat and bug from here we moved from the ship being hinted at the only hinting that amne has other thoughts in her head what about you amity me on a team with you running around the cute uniforms sweating i gotta go the girl is gushing about loose at every opportunity constantly finding new ways to express her love to everyone that isn't her crush with who knows eda knows who he knows the show spent the rest of the season teasing them getting together for pretending that the show had other things going on with the show needing to break amity's leg to get her out of the plot and make loose hang out with other people for a change which is as good of a segue as i need to talk about one of the few minor issues very minor the show has as it's gone all in on loosity which is the lack of focus the other characters in the show get with the biggest offense being willow and the token male in season 2 the main plot is going at full blast the new antagonist hunter basically becomes the third main character and lambny finally becomes official there really hasn't been enough time for lucy's other friends this might change in the next half of season 2 a willow episode is promised but if we're going by the gus episode it'll probably be fun but feel disposable plus you throw in the fact that the third season got gutted to three specials because it doesn't gel with the disney brand i get the feeling that these two are going to get a lot more screen time but only as members of the team they put them in the credits and it's too late to back out now like the show really put a lot of time and effort into making the money happen knowing how important this representation is especially based on who their boss is it just has that unintended side effect of making other characters feel like they're getting shafted they're basically the edas of the owl house they seemed really important early on only for a completely different trio to take over which i'm kind of fine with like honestly i would have been happy if this show was just about loose eda and mommy looming isn't the entire reason these characters are not getting enough screen time they got the mystery with king they got hunter they have eda getting laid there's just so many plates spinning right now that wheel and gus just being the friends and not having that engaging mystery behind them has really just made them just the one thing that's like okay it should be fine if we give them less so let's ignore them to go talk about luminy again see from here we jump back on that amity hype train with the show introducing us to her parents haley from american dad and the airheaded dad who everyone forgets is just as bad as her without any blight's one loose brain cutting into the part where she does what her mom tells her to karen blight decides to complain to the principal and blackmails him into banning loose and the extras from heck's side unable to stand up to her mom amni stays silent so loose tries to solve the situation by talking with the mom who uses her as a punching bag to show off their weapons of mass destruction before the karen gives up on making the murder look like an accident amni having to step in to save the day stay away from my loot amity the other two are here everyone forgets that but they were here and these red spells are finally spreading to loose with her realizing this isn't just friends feelings future in-laws are dealt with and yeah crush mode has been engaged time to finally bring this one home any of those working for you you need my library card to visit amity don't you i haven't been doing a good job of hiding that huh yeah no literally everyone knows now loose is constantly visiting amni in the library as they look for more information about humans and just the casual longing interspersed with lots of blushing these two can barely function together and it's hilarious ami puts her job on the line to get loose into the forbidden section only for them to get caught and she loses it everything's changed since you came here being around you it makes me do stupid things and i wish it didn't it's okay i i do stupid things around you too amity at home amy has a talk with her sister who encourages her to not shy away from her feelings how her fear of how chaotic and confusing her life has become thanks to loose is actually an improvement over how miserable she was before now what she's feeling isn't wrong causing her to step away from the control she's felt her entire life dying her hair in a symbolic gesture i still mourn and starting a new chapter in her life you always have a way of sneaking into people's hearts [Music] oh move sister no they're not together but they're about to be and i find this whole build up period to be super cute and not super aggravating this is a medium to slow burn they want to be together but neither of them are really used to dating making taking that next step feel huge and intimidating makes them feel more like real kids than the authors just dragging it out thankfully all that confusion all that awkwardness is rendered irrelevant thanks to hootie yes hootie the demon house who people hate way too much decided he was going to give back to his friends taking king to school drugging eda and forcing loose and amni on a date in a very cringy tunnel of love he sees had enough of this will they won't they crap we lulu's trashing the entire place before she explodes from embarrassment with amni yeah again misreading what's happening thinking that lucy is saying she would hate to date her and i think at this point my brain decided if this goes on for another episode i'm done but because drama is drama hootie has a meltdown and forces loose to bite the bullet brian help me out oh whoa do you wanna let's do it do you to go out with me i know people would complain that they had to do this because of hootie a tv is full of drama and shenanigans they finally fucking said it why is this still so scary i don't know dang you really are something this was a good thing it took a while to get there and there was a lot of blushing but this wasn't the culmination of their entire relationship this isn't meant to be the holy shit moment this was just the beginning if season 3 hadn't gotten ripped to shreds they would have spent half the show together we could have seen more of the drama of loose and amy trying to make this work what we've gotten so far though is just loose being sick while ambi thinks she needs to do everything to keep loose happy applying the negative life lessons she learned from her parents to being a girlfriend but honestly all this is just a great foundation i really like luminy i like how they complement each other appealing to both sides of the fan base making for a relationship that pleases most people loose is happy and bubbly going on about tropes and magic while amni has the drama and angst every teen who has ever been mildly sassed by their mom can relate to when people talk about the owl house they talk about the world the characters and luminy these two have become one of the main driving forces of the show and honestly i don't think it would be as popular without them it's a good feeling watching these two idiots figure out that they like each other and how both their previous romantic history bleeds into how they experience it loose is used to crushing on a lot of people but for her it all seems to be in that theoretical fanfic stage so it's hard for her to make this more than just a crush well amni is a bit of a disaster with so much to work on but falling for loose falling for another girl was a completely new feeling for her and she said herself she's never felt this way about anyone before i usually prefer a bit more melodrama in my ships but for all of owl house's crazy world it tells a pretty simple love story which kind of just begs the question why did luminy get so popular like seriously why is this the thing why did this shit blow up when so many other couples didn't get close to this amount of attention after going through the show again i think i figured it out which yeah this is being made by disney yeah that is huge that is absolutely a factor that the mouse with a string hold on pop culture is making this what really makes looney stand apart is that it really does feel like a normal relationship look i love cat dora i love watching the sexual tension between a hero and a cat it's just always fun but their high mellow drama conclude with the two of them getting together and kissing only at the end of the story leaving the rest of story to still be good but people are stuck huffing subtext while pumping out an insane amount of fan works all this good but it's kind of pattern we've always been trapped in shows offering only a hint a smidgen of gay praying that the finale will confirm it depriving us of seeing the couple actually beat together plus you know the insanely high stakes of katrin adora childhood friends turned enemies on opposite sides of the intergalactic conflict great for drama but none of us are actually going to live through that in contrast loony after surviving the are you a good person or are you just hot phase the owl house goes out of its way to depict them as just two girls realizing they're in love and the teen awkwardness and fear that comes with it coupled with the couple doing their best to make the relationship work as they are so unfamiliar with the experience this is a story about the struggles of a first love and coming to grits with your sexuality that we pretty much have never gone in a major animated show for kids not to this level of exploration it pretty much took the crack created by korosami the door steven universe died opening up and the owl house ran through it to give us a charming story made exceptional by it being about two girls with people going absolutely insane for it as after years of censorship to finally be allowed to see this kind of story being told on the silver screen to everybody to not even mention all the kids who will watch this and realize it's okay to say gay people will watch this show and finally have the context for their own feelings instead of just wondering for years why chris prine does something to them this level of casual representation has been denied to the lgbt community for let's be honest centuries literal centuries so to have these two idiots get together and be happy is a cause for celebration and if you're one of those people who hate it for being gay please go fuck yourself and if you're someone who thinks it's overhyped because it's about lesbians you're not entirely wrong again loses by but it is historic and i think the passion is warranted people have been injured in violent shipping wars over bad or boring straight couples for years if a good one like lumi is getting overhyped i don't see that as a problem in fact i think it's an achievement [Music] you
Channel: Sarcastic Chorus
Views: 628,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theowlhouse, amity, lumity
Id: mU8HGJK4tNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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