Princess Bubblegum X Marceline: The Best SHIP in Adventure Time

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folks this came out of nowhere if you were blind well folks i've wasted three weeks on finn's double-decker train wreck of a life so what better way to cap off this look back on shipping and adventure time than by talking about the finale hookup that was actually planned out cause while everyone can debate the finale to measure time into oblivion it was the piece of gum kissing a vampire after 10 seasons of subtle foreshadowing that produced a flood of delight amongst fans and a long sigh of relief as we could finally say they aren't just good friends i'm sarcastic course and today we'll be tracking the evolution of bubbling why i love it why i love her her and basically why i love everything about these walking disasters let's start this love fest with the queen of vampires herself marceline now i'll go way more in depth on marcy than bubblegum already did a video where i talked about pb and i only repeat myself when it's an editing editing mistake so marceline the vampire queen was always great standing atop a long tradition of that older cool cartoon girl every kid had a crush on with even the show agreeing and fought that sexy vampire lady marceline was hot mischievous and not like oh small prank haha no she would actively go out of her way to with people her first episode she shows up just to flex kill jake and kick the boys out of their house twice before giving finn a peck on the cheek twice and giving them back their house after a good brawl in this intro pretty much cemented her as a fan favorite immediately it was from the voice the style the chaotic personality she was a badass guitar playing rock star and we were into that and just from the aesthetic she was the coolest character in the show by a mile look the first season of adventure time was basically every episode felt like it was on drugs but as a show went on it had that bad breakup got so and started thinking about its life and got depressed the main characters though played on very well established tropes the evil wizard who kidnaps princesses the damsel in distress the one you hate marceline in contrast didn't have that same fantasy story counterpart which really let her be more of her own person with an interesting personality right out of the gate she seemed like an at first but as we got to know her we realized she just gets a kick out of screwing with people it isn't always actively malicious she may have kicked finn and jake out of their house but she was going to give it back probably the more time we spend with marceline the more her devil may care attitude is revealed to be a mask for the girl who went through hell on earth that's right she's got daddy issues twice with her biological father hudson abbadir being a eldritch demon in command of the knighto spear which is just hell the man hid it quit it he only popped into marceline's life to steal her before bouncing again he does care for his daughter but he's basically an elder god with a very limited grasp on human interactions like parents can be embarrassing yeah but they don't burn holes into your house and go off to eat souls kind of embarrassing he hurts his daughter unintentionally even when he doesn't mean to hudson goes from negligent to overbearing at the drop of a hat and didn't even meet her till she was like a teenager trapped in the apocalypse so to say her feelings towards him are complicated would be an understatement but it doesn't hold a candle to her adopted father and protector simon petrikov aka the ice king after the earth was destroyed in nuclear war the planet was changed forever as in horrific moons and monsters were everywhere with marceline being alone amidst it all that was until she was discovered by simon a kind man who would protect them with his cursed magical crown the more he used it the more it affected his personality growing irrational not even recognizing who marceline was and even himself marcy not only grew up in the midst of all this horror but had to watch simon go insane this kind loving man the closest thing she ever had to a father would change into the deranged ice king who was just as dangerous to her as he was to himself and watching this gutting descent into madness was a horrific experience not helped by him in one of his more lucid moments leaving her and they're both still alive in the modern day the man marsley knew is dead not like that so obviously the girl's got issues and i ate that up because yes the cool girl who plays guitar you got me give her a tragic backstory and make that carefree lifestyle facade even better marceline is amazing because just like her outfits the girls got layers we figured out early on that she was just a kid during the apocalypse and that primes us to want to know more about her how she survived how did she become a vampire her relationship with the ice king unlike finn jake who formed new relationships as the story goes marceline already knows pretty much everyone i knew but all those relationships have kind of fallen apart so mining the intrigue of who really is marceline and how she relates to these other characters plus again aesthetic just made her a highlight of every episode that she was in he's in a show filled with princesses marceline was the one and only queen no i'd be remiss to not point out the obvious shipping nonsense that was finn and marceline just met the kid and she's already slapping his ass very quickly we just established them to be just friends they're wild together marceline is more of a punk rock sister friend of finn in all their interactions people shipped them of course they did but mainly that was because if you want to date marceline but not brave enough to commission your own self slash marceline fan fiction you use finn as a self-insert and though these two were never on my plate fiona and marshall lee that's top tier that's just the general overview of marceline without getting into more specifics she dated an named ash and in spite of living for a thousand years she's never really allowed herself to change with lots of acquaintances a very few friends and even fewer that actually understand who she is which brings us to the massive can of worms princess bubblegum be prepared to make him howl with pain now somewhat controversial statements as i've done no research princess bubblegum was never a top-tier character in the early parts of the series a scientifically-minded princess who functioned as a boss friend and a love interest we found her bouncing a lot of different plates and in the reverse of marceline who is introduced in a way that makes us question if she's a good guy or not before revealing the heart of gold bubblegum is unconditionally loving and one we are meant to trust implicitly only for the show to reveal her to be one of the more morally ambiguous characters in the show the initial characterization of pb was always a bit janky jerking from a fun friend to responsible leader to vengeful it's not that pbe wasn't all of these things we just never really got that bounce to feel like this is the definitive character not helping the matter was finn's simping for bb which kept her from developing an actual relationship with him that would reveal more about her character but that said while i am apathetic to her early on it's in the later seasons and the exploration of her true nature that really grabbed my attention yes she's a dictator no like an actual dictator creating and running the candy kingdom almost single-handedly her life has been avoiding one disaster after another becoming perfectly willing to take morally questionable actions if it means protecting her people whether it was torturing the ice king for screams setting up a surveillance state or keeping failed experiments out of sight out of mind if gas like gatekeep and girlboss is the phrase pb's the picture and funny enough finding out all the messed up pb has pulled is what got me to like her as it finally saw that weird jankiness of the early series establishing what pb is capable of but also showing her kindness to be genuine she's just a bit of a psychopath sometimes and doesn't really register to her how her actions affect others as in her mind it's all for the greater good she's analytical and scientifically minded to a fault detesting things like magic that she can't explain that focus on quantifiable results is what caused her to neglect the emotional needs of those around her if pb only became interesting after they dropped the finn once a dater plot it's her relationship to marceline that elevates her to my levels yes enough about their sad single lives let's talk about them getting together now bear in mind that adventure time came out in the early 2010s or lgbt representation in kids cartoons were locked in a glass box labeled implied like there were gay characters a lot of them were stereotypes meant to be jokes or you had actually great examples like rey and archer no you're a little will you remember this conversation probably not no well then off but if you wanted examples that the general masses will watch and complain about then you're left with strong maybes or situations where it's all but stated but it's never stated so you actually write those scenes yourself which is very much the headspace rabid fans aka me were trapped in is from the first time they meet in the show you can tell they have a history we have no idea what they were to each other like it's an episode where marceline is trying to help finn score a date with pb which isn't really ex-girlfriend behavior she's probably asleep [Music] this was a really good idea never mind this is hilarious in hindsight because marceline doesn't care what phoebe is doing with her love life if gum wants to date a 13 year old marcy's given the okay because marceline likes hanging with finn she thinks he's a cool dude that's like the side benefits 99.9 of the reason she's here is just a screw with princess bubblegum hey marceline hello bonnabelle yeah yeah only person in the show to dare call pb by her real name that's a power move in that one scene though you have this nugget of why people gravitated more towards bubbling than finn with gum bubble gum is the control princess she's responsible but always ready to hang but the second she sees marcy that happy attitude just goes out the window as she realizes the hot vampires at the door oh here we go again with the rest of the episode just highlighting those personality differences marceline runs with wolves and craves adrenaline while pb likes to sit home and practice whistling rock versus classical oil versus water they're opposites and people are always attracted to that this was a blip people thought okay something's up we didn't know just how well fed we were about to be and like all the gay and cartoon network it's thanks to rebecca sugar not made of sugar and i'm not sweet enough for you all right a magical has stolen people's most important items and locked himself behind a door we got finn jake pb and marceline playing music to get that thing open then pb tells marceline to keep it pg so the vampire queen goes off sorry i don't treat you like a goddess is that what you want me to do and god i wish i could play all this but you know monetization but this song dumped pretty much everything you could possibly ask for from the initial acts of pettiness between them and the hints of them being very salty about something only for this episode to then go ahead and confirm that they do have a history ah i shouldn't have to be the one that makes up with you so and something that i love is how marceline for all the mayhem and grief she causes pb can't take it when bubblegum criticizes her like she said that song's distasteful and marceline responds by going off on a power ballad hooking fun on how everyone treats pb as being perfect and how marceline won't it's about how marceline doesn't feel like pb even treats her like a person instead just a problem to be avoided or managed which is just so raw and besides her dad this is the realest we ever see marceline go at this point the biggest thing is how marceline feels like she shouldn't have to apologize for something but then let slip that she wants to she wants them to hang out she doesn't just want to be a problem in pb's life which you know not explicitly romantic sugar wrote this about her own broken relationship with a roommate wasn't intended to be a giant gay sign reading we used to but that's how we took it [Music] just kiss your fruitcakes this episode threw fin x bubblegum or fin marceline into the dumpster this was the only thing people wanted people got fired over this no i'm not kidding and like people would have shipped these two together regardless opposites attract they're both attractive you know the drill but the fact that this episode painted them as x's that got people's attention is rather than trying to rationalize how two characters were definitely going to get together it gave us a couple who may have been together in the past and we're just watching the fallout clearly they had some intense feelings between them romantic or otherwise but that intrigue of them being exes allowed people to buy into this ship as either just wanting to know what happened or being here just to see them get together again which was so easy to do because of the legal options they complement each other the best no one was really going to be shipping marceline with lsp bubblegum the flame princess i'm sure that abusive fanfic exists somewhere marceline and bubblegum though were the best of both worlds pb was shown to be oh so perfect throughout the series phoebe always had a plan or gadget to save the day but marceline was having none of that attitude she doesn't believe in any of it she fights the power the etiquette and all the rules pb pretty much embodies pb is just technical in everything well marceline wings it her and marceline's approach are just so completely different but in that difference they make each other better now i love kate and bi and they highlight each other's strengths but outside of shipping i don't think that they make each other's character more interesting well with bubbling we learn more about who pb is and she becomes more genuine and less in control when she's with marceline marceline who is pretty much trauma porn incarnate is at her best when she's exploring those issues so to have her deal with those complicated feelings for pb is way better than her around with finn so i guess the things that i most like about them are just way more prevalent when they're together and that sense of conflict that we're getting in this early stage makes the times when they're finally happy all the sweeter yeah they'd be acting terrible towards each other mostly marceline but pb be judgey like that marceline is crying after this and honestly i could not ask for any more i was full but after finn saves the day because of course he does we get the reveal that marceline didn't lose anything she was just using the situation as an excuse to hang out with them while pb her most precious thing is a shirt that marceline gave her that she always wears as pajamas no seriously who watched this show and didn't see them coming moving on to the next example of the inevitable we have pb waking up in the aforementioned shirt taking a big old whiff with a picture of the two of them in the background fond sweaty memories are attached to this shirt um phrasing sky witch is where we see pb and marceline not really fully deal with their issues but having them let sleeping dogs lie marceline bursts into the candy kingdom asking for pb's help which is all the explanation bubblegum needs musics do still care about each other they break into a witch's domain and we get to see how pb's more calm practical side can be more effective than marceline's russian and kill everything approach which serves to balance out the devil may care propaganda that says having a plan is for squares but even when they help each other out they're still in trouble as the fact that this whole mission is about marceline getting back her old doll hambo doesn't really seem to register with pb she's kind of like your mom saying just get a new one not realizing how much you care about it because to marceline this was the doll that she got from simon that helped her get through the entire apocalypse but she lost it when her douche ex-boyfriend sold it without her permission pb is still wanting to help but kinda thinks it's dumb and marceline is overreacting this girl is a genius but has a d in emotional intelligence using the smartset she has pbe is able to find the skywitch and get back hambo while marceline fights a naked crow bunnyman thing and all it costs is something with even more emotional value than a doll that helped a little girl through a thousand years of hell oh the psychic resonance on hambo is nothing compared to this baby again who didn't see this coming not only does pb give up the shirt to make marceline happy she doesn't even bring it up phoebe doesn't brag or looks sad she made marceline happy and that was enough for her because clearly they're still in love now from here we kind of get a break in content that is bubbling focused apparently the show isn't about them but now on we see that their relationship has moved more towards friendship they're talking they're texting when marceline wants to leave a boring meeting she asked bubblegum to dip with her you can feel those baby steps growing into something more healthy because growing up and realizing which behaviors are healthy and giving up the ones that aren't is a recurring theme in adventure time finn learned how to be in a relationship marceline learns to stop running away and to hold on to what's important to her while bubblegum has a whole ass arc where she realizes that keeping people safe doesn't make her a good person that's sabotaging other nations keeping the candy people dumb because they're more manageable doesn't make what she does right pb doesn't have the same tear-jerker backstory that marceline does but she does have her own up to deal with as she built the entire candy kingdom on her own while taking care of her root-suckling brother at the center of it when she starts wanting a family she made her own only for them to inherit her narcissism as they tried to kill her with her uncle even going so far as to try and lobotomize her and the rest of his family with her only escaping by the skin of her teeth and once the dust was settled she realized she could just tell her family what to do and they would do it and they would do it with a smile and bubblegum internalized that she thought ignorance was bliss and when we first meet her she's never all that interested in fixing what's broken only managing it keeping it out of sight when she had failed experiments like lemongrab go wrong she doesn't deal with it the guy's got serious issues she doesn't help him work through those she sends him off to a different castle where all of his problems just go to fester being either too busy or just not interested in helping out her candy son leading him to be a maladjusted ass who tortures people or worse it's only in season 4 where she tries to help him and that's only after everyone found out that he's been watching people in their sleep she knew he had a problem but it wasn't until it started affecting her and her other candy subjects that she steps in it's that kind of neglect that ultimately leads her to losing her kingdom with the candy people falling for the first guy who will pretend to listen to them and call him special realizing that everything she's built everything that she did for them and they still would vote her out of office and after that she gives up dropping everything to go live in a cabin take up gardening and this is just my head can drop a lot of f-bombs between glasses of wine and marceline doesn't even find out about all this until she strolls into pb's bedroom only to find a complete stranger [Music] two months marceline finds out two months later all she won was a midnight walk in slush but got this guy instead meeting up with everything is fine pb who plays off like oh yeah my life work just imploded and texting you kind of just slipped through the cracks marceline though is trying to be supportive just tells her like hey you could have hit me up we could have talked enforces how close they are again they're not dating at this point because the world hates me but their friendship is back to that point where they can talk to each other about their problems he's like who else are they gonna talk to finn lsp they are all they've got so they shoot the go on an adventure hunting varmints and hear old stories about how they used to hang out where marceline was tagging tunnels and pb cotter but marceline likes to think of this as her getting pb out of work classic teen romance stuff pb got consumed with managing the candy kingdom which just came to dominate her personality which is that hint to what broke them up in the first place it goes to show that these two have had this dynamic their entire lives marceline pushes pb to have fun while bub gum is the one that makes sure they don't die and when they get trapped in a cave with the graffiti that pb drew this is where pb finally has that breakdown she's been rescheduling for months and she just finally admits she lost everything and it was kind of her fault years of being the dictator to keep her people safe the constant pressure of doing more for the kingdom and managing it and how only focusing on work pushed everyone in her life oh hey now focusing on results wasn't the answer and didn't make everyone happy this scene is really great though as it is the final collapse of the great ruler persona pb has been putting up throughout the entire show where she finally admits that she made mistakes and that even if her subjects are idiots they were her idiots and they wanted her gone and of course she would be bitter about all those centuries of work just disappearing all i managed to do was push everyone away i pushed you away i'm sorry marceline i've been a real dinger to you and that's kind of when bubbling finally stops being just two characters having fun together they care about each other and yeah baby did give up the shirt but until now it's been two people who care about each other it was casual they still had other friends that they would call up and have the same amount of fun it's here in the caves surrounded by all these reminders of what they used to have they realize why the other is so important to them understanding finn knows pb is 800 years old but he's only really seen the in-charge princess and mathematical friend but marceline knows better she saw bubblegum build the candy kingdom it's the reason marceline lost pb as she was giving it her everything so she understands how much this means to bubblegum and how much it must hurt to lose more than them balancing each other out more than them being fun together it's understanding that gives them the ability to support one another in a way no one else in the land of you can which is why when they get out marceline just lets pb rest sleeping on her shoulder as marceline washes the garden that pb puts so much work into not running away not telling her to go do something else but letting her rest and caring about the things pb cares about now i want to say that these two get together right here but no we still have three seasons and two mini-series to go through before that happens which of relevance stakes marceline decided being immortal and flamble isn't for her anymore so she uses one of pb's machines to turn herself human which could have led to a somber ending to the ship but pb is into some dark fantasies and someday when you die i'll be the one who puts you in the ground we also get the first i love you between them i love you vonnefell yeah me too bonnabel jake says a joke marceline was a hundred percent serious and marceline does become a vampire again she has to defeat the former vampires of old and absorb their souls and has to absorb an evil cloud it's adventure time don't worry about it but it also means the immortal power couple is still good to go on a dinner date to the ice king's palace bonnie there's something really wrong with simon there's something wrong with wait you just called him simon yeah marceline is introducing pb to one of her dads they hate each other but she's trying skipping dessert to dive into the crown where marceline finally gets some closure with simon and flecks on not having a boyfriend anymore to bubblegum's approval later on in the mini-series elementals thanks to crazy elsa the girls are turned into candy versions of themselves or a giant version of themselves nothing happens but even when they're being turned into completely different people they still stick by one another and in a later episode we find out marceline unable to cure pb chose to get candified rather than save herself so at least they could still stick together and history will still say they were just good friends which finally brings us to the finale princess bubblegum is in charge of the candy kingdom again with her uncle son gumbald also being here with his own candy kingdom and a bunch of other villains to let us down with marceline having lived through the last major conflict in earth's history is not ecstatic about going to war with bubblegum understanding her partner's distress but can't see another way out of this which is shenanigans dream sequence uncle gumbald fails a spot check and big auntie is now in charge then the god of chaos drops in to extend the run time oh no unleashing all the monsters finn is basically out of the picture and pb is seemingly getting smashed causing marceline to unleash her vampire essence to curb stop the beast and then it finally happens back when we weren't talking i was so afraid something bad would happen to you and i wouldn't be there to protect you and i don't want to lose you again after all the build up all the drama it finally happened and the fans went wild because while we got left on red for finn's love life we got everything here this was something people had wanted for over 8 years and this being the 2010s we weren't sure it was even gonna happen this was a good day it was even better than korrasami which landmark moment that it was feels like it kinda just happens and that fandom was so thoroughly exhausted with romance and most people were just happy she didn't end up with mako or tenzin in that one weird ass moment korrasami they're great the couple is fine but what makes bubbling worthwhile is the journey it wasn't just people trying to do their best with scraps and headcanon you had actual tension and attention being given to both characters creating an actual sense of payoff when it happened we slowly unraveled the mystery of their past watch them grow closer in the present and while we knew they were in love we didn't know if it was going to get confirmed so for it to actually happen was just so satisfying to watch when all is said and done we can epilogue with pb and marceline cuddling up as they watch a puppet show it's small it's intimate and it makes me beyond happy as after everything they've been through after everything we've been through watching them to get that sweet sweet closure as it finally happens and while i usually talk a lot of about shows waiting to the finale to have characters kiss and get together this one was well worth the wait oh i still have to talk about obsidian all right adventure time distant lands the hbo miniseries that wasn't planned consisting of four episodes two of them kind of just feel like regular adventure time then the other two were everything we could ever want with the true series finale of together again being the emotional send-off to finn and jake was an ending that absolutely made you cry an obsidian which is pure gay fan service for anyone who has ever loved bubbling making me the absolute target demographic because yeah they did just end the relationship off on kiss and cuddles well the fan art was great seeing them do it in canon is a joy my vindictive heart can never say no to as i could hear the homophobes sob in the corner and from the get-go this episode is cute with it showing the domestic bliss that was bubbling building furniture together relaxing and are just being a happy couple going about their day-to-day lives it's like they took the fan art and they animated it and that's perfect that's pretty much all i wanted with the added plus of the fact that pb is still the princess of the candy kingdom but lives with marceline which yes get that work life balance sadly the everything is awesome bit ends when marceline gets called by a glass amethyst to save their kingdom from a dragon which fine cool they have to do hero i guess one problem though this glass kingdom fighting this dragon is where their relationship imploded last time so you know what that means also marceline has to deal with her mommy issues and pb has to get an ego check they make it to the kingdom and you can already feel those lingering issues bubbling up marceline is being extra aggro while pb is trying so hard to get the glass people to like her which fine every relationship has problems totally normal then they play the song that why you always avoid me that must be such an inconvenience to you no no the breakup song [Music] yeah marceline rage quit their last relationship in a punk rock rant well yeah very much her deciding pb is stuck up self-obsessed and a bit of a dictator which the rebel without a cause resented her for giving the candy kingdom all of her attention but this is marceline the abandonment issue queen so take everything she says with a grain of salt [Music] i'm so over it and if i'm being honest i didn't need to see them break up yeah like it's cool but we already knew all the facts of how it happened i didn't really need to see it the song is a banger though so points of that way you're to blame you're a constant source of misery and pain we also get to see how this isn't totally pb's fault as before this she was just trying to be responsible by not letting the glass people die while the immortal teen could care less as she was trying to stay as far from self-care as possible not helping their situation is the fact that marceline thinks she needs an angry news song to beat the dragon monster back but is finally in a happy place in her life so she decides to mind the last nugget of trauma in her life her mother plus pb figured out her girlfriend would fail the first time and is trying to play the hero this apparent lack of trust pushes marceline to do the stupid thing which is just classic them now the backstory of the neverending tragedy that is marceline's life was that her mother was dying so she sent her daughter away someplace safe to spare her the pain of watching her die not realizing that's what happened because she never hit play marceline internalized the view that her mother abandoned her because she saw her as a monster inside to become the thing that scares people away then open up hold on i have something for this mother thought i was a monster again didn't need this but i like it marceline struggling with her past and seeing how she went from a cute child to an angry vampire slayer i think that definitely tracks though this being young marceline before she meets simon and deciding to play the monster does kind of clash with the timeline that's hardly an issue it works in the story also watching marmara realize she solves her issues better with pb was yes more of that please eve of acceptance has washed over me no i love dramatic pb but then we go back to dealing with the monster who is now out and now in prison with pb marceline and the other guy and finally we get some sweet catharsis as marceline breaks from her angry punk rock to play a soft love song showing her feelings for pb and just how happy she makes her cheeks and i love that it means i'm a little bit soft perfect even better and because symbolism is for cowards we find out that the angry monster was hurt when it was little covering up and ignoring its scars caused it to grow into a rampaging monster but listening to the music caused it to accept those scars and allowing it to transform into something new is this a metaphor for marceline look it's got a mushy center just like me yeah we can totally kill it no it's clearly about communism and just like that the day is saved bubbling is stronger than ever we get to see them slow dance and flirt while pb reminisces as one day she went to one of marceline's concerts watching the vampire queen throw her shirt to a cute girl in the audience and that cute girl was her and giving us the origin of the t-shirt that pb loved so much these was from the first night that they met and the first time she fell in love the special doesn't need to exist but i'm happy that it does i'm happy that bubbling exists and it will never get old to me overall it's probably the best love story in adventure time most people would agree and i'm kind of just a for any content about them okay so my actual conclusion was earlier so just like obsidian all this was extra thank you all for watching like share and subscribe and new finn isn't dating his grandniece
Channel: Sarcastic Chorus
Views: 2,137,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: edz6ndp-Wfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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