The Dumbest Disney Controversy

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this video is sponsored by omaze wanna win tesla better listen to the ad [Music] hi i'm sarcastic chorus and some people really need to pull their heads out of their asses so if you're not on the internet much first off good for you but for the rest of the unfortunate souls like myself you may have noticed a certain backlash brewing this anger at companies like disney not for any of the millions of deserving reasons though no people are angry because gay which equals sex which equals disney is shoving sex at my kids and i'm too uninvolved in their lives to stop them now i could pretend to give this argument the benefit of a doubt but seeing as people only seem to really care about sex and fiction when it's non-straight couples let's just cut to the chase shipping isn't inherently sexual sexuality doesn't equal sex and having lgbtq characters in a show can't make your kids gay because they already are hi again i'm sarcastic chorus please subscribe because i am out of fucks to give originally i want to make this a turning red video because talking about disney equals big money like all the other view hungry youtubers but because of a cavalcade of setbacks poor decisions and enough rewrites to make a documentary i've decided to discuss this pushback we've seen against lbc representation in media most of this footage will be turning red i finished the whole video twice and then restart it twice and i'm just i'm too burnt out to try and fully replace all of it there's the real reason now versus the people that were waiting i did like turning red it was the most i've enjoyed a disney film in a while easily better than the pixar film we all forgot about the disappointingly straight one and the one with a soundtrack as in spite of the nonsensical often racist backlash against a film that hadn't even come out yet turning red poop to be a really fun romp that continued the new age of disney where the main villains are generational trauma as the kids who use disney as an escape are finally the ones making movies people start shipping main mirror because of course they did they had emotional moments so of course it happened but because of that happening it culminated in people complaining and repeating all the same arguments we've seen since homophobes needed things to complain about and protecting the children is a better excuse than i hate this so i'll be taking a look at this idea and just giving my non-horrific take speaking of horrific imagine living without clean drinking water it is a tragedy it is a honest-to-god human failure but thankfully omas is partnered with give power and 501c3 to help build a cleaner more sustainable and more hopeful future and for this event to help raise money we're giving away a tesla yes a tesla not just saying tesla their top-of-line flagship suv model forget being put on a six-month long wait list instead with omaze go to sarcastic course for a chance to win a tesla model x plaid with the new tesla model x versatility has never been more stylish or powerful than all new interior and next steer model styling go wherever you want to be the first to get there with their 10 020 horsepower engines just waiting at your fingertips taking you a quarter mile in 9.9 seconds in 313 mile range wanna watch a movie after a long day of travel and you can style with their 17-inch cinematic display and panoramic roof allowing you to chill out and enjoy your favorite shows in comfort for your chance to win a tesla molex plaid and support a great cause like give power and 501c3 go to sarcastic chorus this is a win-win situation go check out omaze and do your part in helping the world back to the video so shipping can be weird what should be a dumb fun pastime for fandoms often turns into a bloody flame war for no fucking reason some people just take it too far and others it's just not enough to like the same thing you have to actively hate all the others there's an actual human psychology reason for this we as a species are social animals naturally forming in groups that we identify as the groups we perceive as threats and those we just view as others it's been shown that even babies will display this behavior we just like it when good things happen to our team and love it when bad things happen to everyone else it's who we are as a species and we are working on it what makes this a bit of a nightmare is how what gets judged to be the in-group is then labeled normal so all their behaviors is then described as either being weird at best and other things at worst this other camp is where lgbt people have been trapped in for roughly 2021 years give or take when christianity took over replacing the roman attitude of so long as you're not a bottom it's cool which replaced the greek attitude of mandatory teacher-student relationships this is all a massive oversimplification of course but the idea is that for the mainstream culture in western society it wasn't until basically now that we've seen wider acceptance of lgbtq people as previously it was seen as a mistake or a mental disorder that needed to be corrected instead we kind of know better now that it is in fact normal as despite what the angry people in florida want you to believe these people exist they will continue to exist regardless of the media they consume and it's cruel to ask them to be anything other than themselves because you don't personally understand it in spite of this general increase of live and let live the pushback against any attempt to increase the visibility of lgbt media or shows that just depict it has gone a lot of backlash as they are quote forcing the topic of sex onto children now this is dumb for a number of reasons for starters sexuality doesn't equal sex yes some men like having sex with other men it's a thing but just because a cartoon movie depicts two boys who might be gay doesn't automatically mean we'll see them have sex or will even be about that i mean take a look at every other disney princess film they never go farther than kissing because these films are designed to be for kids and adults so they have to limit it like that to not piss off the parents so as far as they'll go is kissing you know that common display of physical affection that you see everywhere and in spite of prince eric pounding that tuna just the idea of two guppies potentially holding hands was enough to spark outrage in the more conservative communities because they hold lgbt couples to a widely different standard than the heteronorm as to them the idea that some boys like other boys and that some girls like other girls and everything else in the spectrum is an inherently sexual topic when really when discussing it it could be as banal as just holding hands when really just hypothetically when putting it in shows it can be as banal as kissing or i don't know who you hold hands with to the homophobe groups they merely jump to sex because that's the part they have always hyper focused on as the actual people involved are ignored luca is a great example of this hyper fixation as people lost their minds over a possible gay love story between a 13 and a 14 year old luca and bruno and just to bring this up thirteen fourteen everyone says they're too young take a look at avatar between a 12 year old and a 14 year old and oh no one complains because different standard in spite of luca having the very obvious metaphor for the queer experience lock behind the fish people allegory that could be applied to anything because why say it when you can make money in china lucas still drew visceral reactions from people who just really don't like gay people in their shows despite being perfectly okay with lgbt groups being forced to subsist on straight media and subtext the main argument against luca and bruno are that they're too young for any kind of relationship because they're too young to think about oh my god i think i wanna make this clear the only ones talking about sex here are the groups that don't want this representation in the first place in the subsection of not safe for work that i shouldn't even have to say that i denounce besides them there is just this general unawareness that people come into their sexuality at different ages some people it takes a while to figure themselves out others basically realize it from minute one gay kids being gay doesn't dip into the topic of sex unless you want it to if you want you can dumb it down to who they like to hold hands with but no the conversation always has to get dragged to these extremes because that's the only way they can make themselves sound sane to make it sound like it's propaganda that's altering the youth and not at all providing new information and providing alternatives that kids didn't know that they could take and possibly allowing them to better understand their own feelings but no no we need to make this about sex you and have this idea thrown about that parents want to discuss lgbt people with their kids a real tease in the bees type conversation so absolutely no one else can even touch it but yeah okay sure here's the thing what about the kids that have already realized their queerness are they supposed to shut up and pretend to get along with all the other kids sit through the constant references to mommies and daddies every straight couple that has ever been in a cartoon ever like how they can just have young kids be couples in amphibia and just no one will complain about it no that's ridiculous as parents can't expect to be the only reciprocal of information that kids will learn from that isn't the case now and has never been the case ever just like people complaining about racism being discussed in schools racism happens kids experience it and some people having the luxury to ignore it because it doesn't affect their children only leaves them ignorant of what other people are going through and prevents them from understanding and developing empathy for them you're effectively teaching them to ignore the existence of others because it's not your problem so what they want is for their kids to grow up to be assholes and another argument you hear a lot is that it's just too much that lgbt media is it's fine i'm cool with it personally we just wish it stopped getting rubbed in our faces all the time you know nice reasonable sounding requests am i right no no it isn't see this idea has always been so funny to me like it's actually hilarious as you have a remote in your hand you literally get to choose what media you shove your face into but it's possible inclusion of something you potentially may watch but that caused you to snot watch it plus throw in the fact that how little queer representation there are on tv yeah that does kind of sound a little bit homophobic let's give them the benefit doubt and say that yes they did want to watch something only for it to slap one whole gay character in the show and hyper focus on them i don't know if you've heard this before but not every piece of media has to be for you shocking i know but let's just use a less controversial topic to use as an example star wars now no one hates star wars more than star wars fans and part of the problem is that star wars is different for everyone some people love magic space samurai stories other people like space cowboys the phantom is growing more and more territorial over which direction the franchise should take making every new show they introduce a referendum on what is star wars is it terrible now or is it amazing everyone is so focused on what do i like instead of wondering is this for me some shows aren't made for older audiences some shows aren't about the jedi but what so many people get in their heads is that this show isn't for me therefore it must be bad like personally i don't care for rebels does that mean it's shit it depends but personally i know i am not the right age demographic so i just move on because just because i don't really like rebels doesn't mean that shows for me aren't being made which is the exact same thing people who complain about too much gay in their shows need to hear sometimes a show just isn't for you other times it's for everyone but the elements of lgbt representation causes people to turn away that is not the show's faults it's your preference i'm allegedly straight but gay media doesn't bother me it's the same cliches different couples but i still can appreciate the landmark representation in the differing world view that the creators bring i love learning about different perspectives and worldviews as i believe those can enrich my own i just find this idea that people trying to shut out all lgbt shows all these characters just because no they're talking teaching sex to her i'm like no fuck no get a hold of yourself that is a blatant lie and you guys just need to admit it these people exist and for people to complain about acknowledging or even criticizing the amount of lgbt representation that we get that's why bring back to those babies developing in and out group mentalities that's the reason we need more representation in our children shows we need shows to be gayer to be more diverse so that when these kids grow up they treat non-heterocouples and people as just a different thing rather than just focus on it being different this whole fucking idea has just been so annoying to me like it was really bad in luca this main miriam thing is just as dumb and every time gets brought up i'm like no who the fuck is talking about sex why do people need to take this to such extremes and you realize no they just try and do that so they sound sane the thing is these people exist and they will continue to exist no matter the show that's on tv no matter the law that gets passed they exist they are here and you can't stop them and remember to check out omaze
Channel: Sarcastic Chorus
Views: 356,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney
Id: 3RHwaStIeHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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