Finally Worth The HYPE: The Owl House Season 2 Review

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this video was sponsored by atlas vpn also this video will contain spoilers so filthy casuals please leave all right i think it's been long enough that i can safely admit that y'all were gassing up season one way too much like yeah the world's cool the characters are fun and it's way more ambitious than most other disney shows but it's baby's first eight out of ten yeah it's got representation for days but if you ask me is it overhyped i'd say no in public move it to a private server and you have gotten a very different answer is while the first season is good brimming with potential insert positive line here it was always a bit janky the writers had a story they really wanted to tell but hadn't figured out fully how to tell it it was suffering through corporate demands like diet hogwarts and no matter how many badass anime fights they put in i could never shake that feeling that it hadn't hit its stride yet so while everyone that wasn't a contrarian dipshit was singing its praises i was kind of holding off hoping that owl house season 2 would be the one where they finally figured it out cut the jang hit the ground running and give us something truly special [Music] i'm it yeah they nailed it greetings peasants i'm sarcastic course the man who likes shipping and cartoons today's the day i finally stopped passing salt to give you my honest thoughts on the owl house season 2 and why it slaps and yes i am still pissed about season 3. and keeping me mad is all of these ads thankfully with apple's vpn not only will help you get rid of all those annoying ads but also help keep your information safe by effectively creating a protective barrier that look i know you guys know what vpns are like but you don't realize just how great this technology is see because it does create a protected barrier that the other ad companies can't get into third parties they can't get into it is a safe tunnel that you can do that lets you go about your business protecting your data and 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money-back guarantee just click on the link in the description and the world could be yours it's only for a limited time though so best get on there and go try it out now let's go back to talking about cartoons so i guess we should really start with some of the positives for people that skipped my 100th face reveal let's talk about that setup for season two but to understand that i also have to explain why a loose of being a giant anime nerd makes this show like seriously this is 70 of the reason why this show flows as well as it does and not enough people talk about it because back in the day when you made a show about a character getting sent to a magical world they would stand around asking stupid ass questions for the first 20 episodes which never didn't annoy me congrats you're an audience surrogate now shut up and let me actually enjoy the story it was always just the worst because we live in a society drenched in pop culture every world imaginable has been created consumed rebooted and ripped off we're not dorothy in bum fuck kansas anymore kids have the world at their fingertips and they treat it like candy meaning if you want to have a protagonist from our world then they have to be a little bit self-aware not that they're in a story but of the tropes that come with the storytelling which is why having someone who probably reads wookies for a living like lose is the perfect modern main character for a show like this she's naturally curious and asks all the questions we want to ask as rather than being trapped in another world luce chose to stay here indulging her personal power fantasy of learning magic flying and having friends she's perfectly content in the first season having fun one-off adventures every week while helping out those around her as she is finally living her best life luce isn't on a quest for anything she is on vacation which is why in this season she struggles with getting a palaceman as she has to confront the lack of depth to her choice to stay here she got to live in the dreamland she wanted but she wasn't thinking too deeply about it not until the finale and everything went to shit does she finally have to start questioning why am i here and is this really what i want as before then she could go home at any time plus her mentor ita is opie her villain sister's a joke just like the empire so all situations could get tense there was very little actual danger till everything came crashing down it got captured and lost her powers loose destroyed the portal lilith got replaced by a roster villains who aren't comedic relief and oh look there's kiki it's at this point that the fun kind of stops as luce realizes things just got real and it sucks suddenly she has to get a job start feeling guilty about ruining her mom's life and hormones it breaks the fantasy that lu so desperately wanted and everything is so much better for it also check out man of a thousand thoughts video on this exact topic it is divine this is how the season starts though with everyone just kind of being bummed out and in danger with it only getting better from here as a jank that was annoying the shit out of me finally being gone is the show finally found its focus the plot the owl house is a great lore heavy show with every episode building off of each other setting up or paying off multiple different plot threads even in its filler episodes like luminee got together in a hoodie episode a hooty episode for cry got loud everything this show sets up will be relevant later making it such a great show to watch week to week if this show was like getting binge like they dropped all the episodes all at once no one would be talking about this show but to watch this week tweak is so much fun because every little mystery is built up people think about they theorize they wonder what's going to happen next and hooks you into watching again and it's all thanks to that setup and payoff that this season really is something to watch from both becoming interested in history before becoming full-on museum lady from wild going to shy girl to sports queen even king is getting developed this show really decided that in season 2 everyone was going to be important even if they're not important to the plot allowing the show to have this constant sense of momentum as the story keeps going suck you in to the next to the finale which everything happens they do an amphibian gravity falls and i can't believe we only have three specials left but while we're talking at the finale i just wanna be on record when i say that the last half of this season isn't being rushed i honestly think that this was always the ending we were going to get regardless of what happened in season three kings tied is the climax for bellows as the main villain he tries to kill everyone the kids stop him but unwittingly release an even bigger threat in the collector who is just a god there was nothing set up before that could have worked as a finale better than this so it's very tantalizing to look at the jabs at disney and the fast pacing the season and call it rushed i think this was always the plan it is just fast pacing it is not rushed pacing as having everything set up right can afford them the chance to just sprint to the finish line because of how it builds tension for the finale by bringing back rain the second best new character in the show by finally having hunter be on the hero's side everything in this season built up to the day of uni and stopping bellows so while it's very fatalistic to say like oh my god they're rushing this so much that's not the case this is exactly what i think they were going for but not to sound like a complete shill i do have to admit this season is a bit lacking in fight scenes the actual animation of this show it's good one of the things though that made the show stand out so much in the first season was just how hard this show would go in some of its fight scenes with a ton of grey moments that i could immediately call out to while with this season the only real standout was amity vs hunter there's a ton of fantastic little moments where the budget kicks in but it's missing those big set pieces that have kind of just become a staple of the show for me so i'm disappointed that they're not here but it doesn't really take away too much but while i'm also here i might as well be humble for a second and admit i was wrong about this show i 100 thought willow and gus were gonna become irrelevant season one had a bit of a tunnel vision problem where the second after loose met willow she got ignored so we can have more room for luminy gus was bailey in the show to begin with and they decided to introduce hunter so i thought we had a my hero situation going on where the best friend squad was going to get replaced by the fan favorites and i wasn't about that not because i cared about them it's just kind of bad form to put someone in the opening than sideline them for angst your pastures but in spite of my misgivings in the 20 i lost on this bet gus and willow did come back and honestly they did so in a big way with the crew deciding to stop the muggle club no one cared about to focus on gus's insecurity i gotta become my best self [Music] you're always your best self taking the singular joke line and flushing him out into someone who struggles with anxiety and self-worth my bread and butter with him questioning everything about himself wondering if he picked the worst cup coven only to realize its value isn't in its direct power but in how he uses it illusions can't break rocks or melt your enemies but gus realizes he's the real magic and that's what makes it special with him falling back into being willow's best friend and being the only one she can really confide in now that loose is dating her trauma so he gets more screen time to nudge willow set her new boundaries with amni which is an episode i was begging for because it is a little bit fucked up lou started dating willow's bully the second she got the chance and we never get a moment from willow to hear her thoughts on the whole situation rather than having any conflict though the story keeps the focus where it should be on willow's newfound self-confidence she's happy to be friends with amnegan but she struggles with asserting herself to amity it's so easy for them to fall into the old roles of willow being the weak one that amni has to protect so willow then had to step up and show off no she's the powerhouse now it's not combative or aggressive it's a natural progression of willow's arc of living her best life having finally changed her major to something she's actually good at willow's making moves now finding out what sport she likes becoming a leader and just being the best willow that she can be the thing that i find brilliant about how they use gus and willow is how they give them episodes while making them relevant to the story as if we're being honest they have the least interesting stuff going on loose has her hero angst eda has rain you could give amnes family its own show and hunter who outside of luz has the most going on has arguably become the second main character from his redemption arc and his connection with bellows he is the perfect homeschool kid for willow and gus to take under their wing hunter has no social skills he's been raised his whole life by his creepy uncle who literally named him after his job he doesn't know what it's like to have friends and loose enemies have too much beef to get the ball rolling so when he sneaks into school willow gets to be the one to help him pull that stick out of his ass and to empathize with other people's situation then later when hunter is having a breakdown they connect with gus's anxiety as he helps work hunter through his it's not groundbreaking but since the show chose to be more serialized building their connection with hunter is the best thing they could have done to get everyone involved as before it really did feel like the show was just ida's extended family and hunter while everyone else was just fighting for scraps so making hunter willow and gus their own character development b team is just an inspired choice as it keeps everyone relevant while the show squeezes itself to death over lumity now i made a video about this a video longer than this entire one so if you want something a little bit more in depth go check that out link will be in the description but in short i love all of this i love how great the representation is here and how it shows to depict them not as an over-the-top love mess but the more down-to-earth kind with amy coming into her sexuality while lou struggles with making a move and all the dumb stuff they get into because of it these dorks are adorable and for all the new shipping moments i didn't cover in season 2a i think it's more of the same in the best kind of way with them leaning on each other in their lowest moments like loose struggling on the anniversary of her dad's death to amni getting ready to beat her mom's ass for looking down on loose it's also cute it's all perfect some would say too perfect okay fine i do get we're trying to build a better more healthy ship here something kids would be semi-safe and emulating now whatever mental nightmare thing adoring catcher have going on there comes a point where i'm waiting for some misstep from either of them that can't be smoothed over with clear and open communication loose lies about seeing her mom through her bootleg portal and he picks up on it and rather than going through her phone to find out she just asks loose later loose gets overzealous to cover for her dead dab vibes they grow flowers and cuddle these two are emotionally bulletproof now and after the third sweet potato i needed an insulin shot because they are just too sweet i'm kind of a drama horse so this is just a little bit too healthy for me moving back to something a little bit more my speed let's talk about the local angst magnet hunter hunter is a great addition to the cast that i didn't care for in the first two thirds of it we had just gotten a rival turned friend and to have it happen again at what seemed like the expense of other characters in desperate need of the spotlight just kind of rubbed me the wrong way but as soon as the show was able to strike a balance in giving everyone a chance to shine i warmed up to his sad boy nonsense introduced as the golden guard his intimidation factor gets thrown out the window pretty much immediately as hunter isn't an intimidating replacement for lilith he's an rotc kid that's never had any friends and from pretty much minute one you know he's gonna switch teams as the sheer amount of time he spent reluctantly being with the heroes plus spells clearly treating him like a pawn more than a nephew i was always just kind of waiting for hunter's arc to click i want him to be more different from amity as i do feel like there's just so much overlap in their character arcs and i finally got that with the reveal of the grim walker that hunter isn't a person but one in a series of clones that bellows has been creating for years hunter's character is based around his desperate need for his uncle's approval he's been raised to believe that he is replaceable and needs to constantly be proving himself desperately going above and beyond to be bellows lap dog only for him to slowly grow as a person as he finds out there's more to life than the emperor's coven in serving bellows well it really destroys him and what makes him interesting is when he discovers the truth about the golden guards that his fear of being replaced isn't just a feeling he was made to be replaceable with the literal closets worth of skeletons being proof of just how little bells really cares about him lean to him breaking down and finally having to accept that his creepy uncle is the bad guy and there in the comfort he finds in his friends i think i truly find the value in hunter also huntlow as it builds to a way more convincing turn than most softboy fascists where it's less about him asking himself we the baddies but keeps the focus where it belongs his personal relationship with bellows hunter has already seen his uncle huff talismans like paint he was already an active participant in some of the more morally questionable parts of the empire but was always underlined by the sense of desperation and a belief that this is the greater good because bellows told himself so for him to realize his relationship was a lie it's easier to accept him turning against bellows as he isn't loyal to the empire it was to his uncle and watching him be challenged doubling down before finally breaking down in his ultimate recovery is probably the strongest arc this season alongside it is maybe i shouldn't have burned this bridge down world tour as she can't fall back on her magic anymore forcing her to fight smarter and safer and worry more about loose but also having to ruminate on her past failed relationships the ones where she did nothing wrong like her anti-vaxx mom reconnecting with the father that she maimed while finally realizing that the owl demon is as much trapped as she is and reconnecting with rayne was just great not too many things i can say about them but they are just a perfect partner for eda i just really gotta hand it to them there so just a bunch of stray thoughts then i'm just gonna end this on the question bellows being philip is as perfect as it is predictable all the foreshadowing made it pretty obvious that boss was going to be human and with only one other named human in the boiling isles it was pretty much a given that it was going to be him it may not have been the shocking twist a lot of people wanted but if they had gone with any other answer it would have been shocking but nothing else it will fall into the game of thrones trap of show writing where they're so desperate to beat reddit that they lose track of the show they're writing the plot would just stop making sense my only issue with the philip reveal is that i don't think that luce having this breakdown is fully earned she's acting like she's having a darth vader moment here when the connection between philip and her has already pretty much been severed she's barely a fan girl till the episode where they meet and she just finds out he's a lying piece of shit ruining her image of him so for her to be shattered like she is in this scene doesn't fully work for me she would be shocked of course horrified yes but even watching hunter supposedly die here wouldn't leave her so shaken that she would be unable to say his name i love the scene on its own it's the best kind of drama but i always come back thinking that lucy's reaction here wasn't fully right like this isn't how i think she should be reacting for it to affect her on such a deep level i feel like they would need to build up her idolization of philip a bit more to make this betrayal really carry through you have the pain of realizing you got played just like everyone else but doesn't fully translate over to the character and feels like this is done more for the audience's benefit speaking of benefits andy's parents were pretty much perfect i loved alador odalia is that bitch and she is perfect at it though i do think for as cathartic as it was seeing amy reach out to her dad for him to be kind of absolved of all blame for amnesty's shitty child is a little too easy for my taste with all the negatives being put on the mom i feel like it just downplays a lot of how aldor's neglect and his own status-seeking nature is presented earlier in the season when aldor calms down his wife and convinces her to let amity keep hanging out with loosen the extras he's not saying it because it makes their daughter happy he explicitly frames it as a benefit for the family as amnes skills are improving thanks to their influence i can forgive the willow flashback where he makes amnes stop being friends with willow but in this season the man is pushing his daughter to be the best the pressure is there but the real difference is that he's willing to listen to his daughter when she talks to him while dahlia's sin is being a fucking narcissist who thinks of her kids as an extension of herself you can have aladdor be the nice parent but just feels a bit hand-wavy to just lump every dysfunctional thing in the family on her darius though was peak character design and the strong father figure hunter actually needs in his life i'm slightly disappointed he's a good guy though i missed my classic camp disney villains and the man was just dripping with that energy seeing him be exasperate team dad is still a good fit but fuck he was so cool as the bat guy what i am struggling to call a good fit though is king be a shocker i've never really cared for him his backstory being a titan is interesting eat illegally adopting him as her son is cute but i'm tapped out of the team pet trope i've never fully connected with him and every good moment that he has could have been given to any other characters and hit just as hard and listen to me on this i want you to hear me this is just personal preference he's fine as a character i just don't give a shit to me he's just the plus one of the owl house he could do everything right and i still wouldn't care either way i already have hootie i didn't need another alex hirsch character [Music] i'm it oh look it's bill cipher's love child all right this is a pretty big development the collector an all-powerful eldritch abom nation with the personality of a child is here to drive everyone insane and i am here for it the collector is chaos incarnate in season 3 or not they're going to make for a great antagonist they already have a great theme they're all powerful and you can't just punch this villain in the face being the source of the owl curse king's past there's so many great reveals waiting to be revealed this character then i can't wait to see what they do next yet i do think that the finale and their reveal is a bit marred in how many aspects of it we've seen in other disney shows the collector is bill cipher with zen osama's personality the ending of season 2 is way too close to true colors just having both the parallels back to back makes it just a bit distracting i wouldn't change anything i think it is great i just can't feel like it's weird timing having all these similar things going on at once it's kind of like we had three penguin movies just back to back to back it happened it was weird but they're all still good and to leave you with my final season 3 prediction i don't think loose will stay in the human world this show has been so good about showing how loose has blossomed in the boiling isles finally finding friends and people where she fits in and this show spends a lot of time breaking down the fun veneer of being in another world drawing attention to the fact that luce doesn't really have anything tying her to the human world besides her mom camila is shattered when she thinks her daughter abandoned her and the that the underwhelming reveal of v not being her daughter this show has an interest in exploring the more tragic parts of their world that you usually don't see in other shows it has a self-awareness that it knows the tropes that it's playing with making it so that it would feel cheap for them to connect the worlds like star vs and the show isn't going to break up luminy so it makes me think that if luca's mom were to come to the boeing isles loose would just stay there yes they could have a portal have the best of both but the show is so fucking good that i don't want them to take the easy way out of this the house was a show that i appreciated but i thought people were giving it just a bit too much credit ignoring some of the actual flaws that the story had going on but in season two they fixed it it figured out what it wanted to be and how to tell its own story it's episodic but its strengths lie in overarching plots developing the characters watching the changes and how they affect one another i honestly thought that the first season was just an 8 out of 10 at best but after all this seeing how much it's changed it's finally gone up to a nine love it to death expect great things but arcane has set the bar way too high let me know what you all thought about this season of owl house yes i know this was a bit of a scatter shot video deal with it i was sick all week you should absolutely check out the show if you haven't already get atlas vpn using the link in the description thank you all for watching and putting up with me peace out have a good one and give me all your owl house hot takes
Channel: Sarcastic Chorus
Views: 272,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theowlhouse, lumity, owlhouse
Id: RK6dVVxnHDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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