Hunter X Willow Is AMAZING But Weirdly Controversial

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this video is sponsored by rage Shadow Legends you mean a lot to me too cool oh I am loving this welcome friends and non-subscribers to the Glorious new world we live in because Hunter and Willow are basically together and as someone who is basic I am winning yes the Owl House gave us Liberty Dana be praised hunt low though has been that crack ship that at the start no one saw coming but though their time together has been brief they've been a brilliant master class and writing complimentary characters who uplift and strengthen each other without reducing either party so really it's no surprise that everyone adores them hello what do you mean it's controversial [Music] you've got in my diary okay so this ship is weirdly controversial is kind of in a bizarre situation to be honest but not gonna let that ruin the fuzzies for me but just like the couple themselves it's worth being discussed as I love these two so I need to talk about them who they are how they got together why they work so well and some of the complaints people have leveled against them almost as much fun as I had becoming a real YouTuber with my sponsor raid Shadow Legends now look I know you know what rage all legends is they're basically a meme at this point and I bet you all know what can possibly make this game even better well buckle up because rages announced it's new faction the Elusive and mysterious Sylvan Watchers hailing from the field jungles of mist would the Sylvan hunt attack Annie who would dare trespass in their lands dangerous and feared yet fast friends to their Shadow kin and dwarf allies these three have formed the niresa union alliance with tons of great nature themed Warriors who are ready to deal death on all of their foes my personal favorites are Elva Autumn Born King gal kabar and the green war in ruark and shout out to all my new raid Shadow Legend players Rey is also running a special contest just for you vote for your favorite Champion between January 16th and February 10th and you could be entered for a chance to win awesome in-game prizes in and real-life ones as well including epic and Legendary Champions in-game items and even Amazon gift cards worth up to a thousand dollars head to and vote on your favorite Champion only new players in the US can win a prize also if you play raid for seven days between now and the 20th you can win the new legendary champion pro wrestling Legend Ronda Rousey check the codes available to new and old players in the description then final announcement to kick off the New Year raid has a new update a new season of Forge pass with polarium points with which you can buy in-game goodies and new Champions I can't wait for you to try all of them in preparation for raid's four year anniversary they are doing a humongous Titan event or an anniversary points by being in special themed events earn amazing Awards and More in Marathon events so I hope you don't miss out and if you haven't started ready yet click the link in my description or scan my QR code here on my screen you'll get unique bonuses worth thirty dollars we're talking a free epic Champion kronoro 200k silver 1xp bonus one energy refill and one Epic skill Tome all these Treasures are waiting for you available for 30 days to new players only so go click it go check it out let's get back to the video I can do this right I love Willow she's someone who could have been so easily forced into the background as the story shifted gears to focus on other things she almost is yet in a strangely poetic and Meadow Way just like how a willow refused to let her haters win this Wallflower fought for her chance in the Sun and grew to become one of the series highlights proving once and for all that she was way more than just someone else's friend when we first met Willow she was not in a good place as she was kind of having a hard time at school due to being a late bloomer in a society where magic determines your career and how much the other children respect you getting thrown under the bus by her foreign best friend Amity who would spend the next five plus years doing donuts over what little self-worth Willow had left having did sure to hang out with the other Rich Kids the bitches dog pound Willow for her apparent lack of talent mocking her as halfway which Willow not helping any of this is her dads who pressured her into the Abomination track for better job opportunities later in life the only problem she sucks at it not to mention this put her in the same class as Amity who excelled at the subject Willow got put in a hole that someone else dug for her yet everyone else was making fun of her when she unsurprisingly came up short giving Willow some major confidence issues because no shit thankfully for her this was just Rock Bottom as meaning loose the human would lead to her life not sucking as much after loose helped her cheat on her homework and amni snitched the littlest horse to use plant match to keep her new best friend from becoming an old one oblitering the school's defenses making the principal realize that Willow's talents are being wasted on Abominations transferring her to the plant tracks so fast she doesn't even have time to leave the building Willow non-shockingly started to thrive when she was given the space to do so thanks to hangout loose and her longtime best friend Gus Willow was able to detach herself from the negative self-image her bullies tried to force on honor slowly coming to realize that she's actually a badass Willa's biggest problem besides her haters was that she was never given a chance to succeed on her own terms she is forced to play to her weaknesses rather than cultivating her strengths this sense of failure that she wasn't measuring up to her peers or her own expectations whittled away with little self-confidence that her vultures hadn't picked at however it's important to remember that she was not just some woe is me wave waiting for someone else's approval to start succeeding well it was always a kind person who despite believing that she wasn't good enough always looked out for those around her she went out of her way to help Gus despite being a project illusion magic and skipping a couple grades was still mistreed by his classmates and struggle with anxiety Willow despite all the crap going on in her life reached out to him teaching us to breathe through his panic attacks and befriending him when no one else would despite always being made to feel like she was never good enough she never took those feelings out on those around her he is yes Willow is a synonym role but she's also got her edge too as she Loki resents Amity for how she bullied her being Meek and bawling of those feelings was just how she taught herself to react to those situations until she was alone and it all would come pouring out even then as soon as she saw someone else might be in danger because of her she stopped and tried to help Willow in spite of everything was an incredibly kind person who placed others before herself she just didn't really know how to get out of her downward spiral which is where loose comes in loose is human she hasn't had magic she can go to the same school she wasn't even from this Dimension so she didn't have any of the history or baggage that Willow was dealing with seeing her only for who she was now what the others thought loose encouraged will and Gus to not let themselves be trapped by the popular crowd or being labeled the weird kids if they had something they wanted to do they should do it like that time Willow proved she was a Powerhouse when she Howard I just got that loose is able to finally give Willow some positive reinforcement for a change and to help her stop doubting herself her life doesn't change all at once but she Staley finds herself on the upswing she's mastering her magic beating up poachers not forgiving amni but making peace with her as we discovered that things weren't exactly what they seen as Amity in a continual pattern of unintentionally hurting Willow reaches its extreme conclusion when she nearly kills her to protect her own reputation forcing amni and loose to her journey into Willow's mind where we see that they were former childhood friends and we get to see just how much Willow resents Amity for all those years she spent bullying her with Amy revealing that the reason she gave Willow a complex was because her parents are dicks who forced Anthony to stop being friends although as they considered her not respectable enough amni caved to her parents and latched on to the first excuse that came up well yes is why because you're a weakling will already blame yourself for not being able to do magic yet Amity takes that excuse runs with it and would then proceed to be a dick or turn a blind eye to people bullying Willow for the next couple years but they're just gonna move past that to Fast Track loose an Amity hooking up seriously though Willow getting that closure that she was never the problem is way more important than punishing Amity from here though Willow is kind of killing it standing up for herself to her bullies and to even her friends when they go too far such as when loose was trying to help but end up betting their lives on a sports game Will loves loose but also isn't gonna let loose ignore her wishes either though she will come back to bail her friend out of trouble as if she's not gonna let Basha get the win Willow is finally allowing herself to pursue her passions like starting her own flyer derby team she fully transitions from seeing herself as the weak link to the MVB she's become a leader the person others can rely on and she loves that so it has a bit of a dark side to it as being relied upon fee feels great but she uses it as an excuse to distance herself from the person she thinks she used to be but we'll get to one of those lingering trauma first we gotta talk about The Walking embodiment of it what you if you ask Hunter what are you gonna do today the answer will always be suffer it's almost comical just the gauntlet of issues this kid has gone through from being raised as a Child Soldier and being manipulated by his uncle brother dealing with the crushing expectations of being replaceable finding out that he literally is then having to hide the fact that he's a clone also not knowing a single person his age having no social skills plus he's also died being Hunter is just kind of rough getting his first proper introduction in season two as the golden guard he initially serves as a replacement for Lilith taking her job as a leader of the emperor's coven not to mention becoming the primary antagonist that loose and her friends have to deal with built up as an intimidating presence it becomes very obvious very quickly that he isn't just some random Thug or joke villain he's a kid while being a bit of a dick in a junior fascist has a much softer side to him one of the first scenes we ever get is him admiring how adorable King and by the rules of Television if you like animals it can't be all bad if you did try to force someone to stab a baby seal in the face this veneer of villainy is steadily Stripped Away along with his mask as being desperate to please his uncle Hunter kidnaps some cute Pokemon so that Bellows can kill and huff them that is a completely accurate sentence and I love and hate that but before Hunter can give the abused animals over loose interferes and the two are forced to work together we discover that Hunter can't actually do magic everything he does is thanks to his staff making it very obvious that the golden guard isn't as powerful or confident as he pretends to be as after losing his staff Hunter is left vulnerable he's still got a stick up his ass but he's clearly not just another antagonist he lets loose go with the palismans he even gets one of his own but more importantly we find out how Bello treats him like we knew Bellows was the bad guy if being that the emperor wasn't a big enough giveaway me watching him snort juice kind of confirmed it and how he treats Hunter solidified him as the show's main Baddie as while he has already proven to be an untrustworthy dictator going back on his word to undo eda's curse betraying Lilith one of his most loyal Believers and at first you think okay this is just some run-of-the-mill villainy of course he's gonna mistreat his subordinates except Hunter isn't just another Minion he's family Hunter is raised to believe that bellus is his uncle that he is the only family he had left after losing the rest to Wild magic yet my apologies Hunter is very much an abuse victim else being a manipulative psychopath doesn't treat Hunter like a son he barely even treats him like a person he raises Hunter to be a loyal servant who would do his bidding without question to believe that Bellis word was law and therefore must be good so even when Hunter had doubts that what he was doing was wrong he refused to believe it refused to believe that his uncle could ever be wrong or cruel that his rule was unjust and that all he had done in his service was anything less than necessary Hal's been killing and all Bella's tidehunters entire sense of being to him leaving Hunter to flip-flop between smug superiority that he was the golden guard to crushing anxiety that he wasn't living up to his uncle's expectations Hunter only failed once he didn't get the palismans yet that one failure and Bell selecting not to send Hunter on an important mission is enough to send Hunter spiraling with the mere idea that he would fail a second time leaving him on the edge of a mental breakdown he doesn't just want to be useful he has to be useful or he'll be replaced everyone has a use and if you don't bye-bye despite us never seeing Bellows say it you can see how Hunter never feels safe or secure in his relationship with his uncle he raised him to believe that he had to earn his love that his life only had value because Bellows deemed it so and if he ever failed to meet those expectations he'd be replaced just like how Bells replaced Lilith just like the last golden guard Hunter desperately wanted to be great at this to live up to his predecessor's Legend but this all feeds into the baggage of living up to other people's standards something Willow Amity and pretty much everyone else here deals with in one way or the other but while Willow and Amity had people they could count on Hunter had no one all he had was an abusive uncle in the military being never given a chance to be a kid always just another Soldier we start the series thinking Hunter is a smug prick but everything we learn about him afterwards shows us that he never really chose to be bad he was just never given the chance to be good Hunter was isolated he could never have his own thoughts or interest which is why so much of his art is about him meeting other kids and learning that The World Isn't So black and white breaking out of the world view that his uncle tried to impress upon him and figuring out that Bellows could be wrong and even worse that he is in fact the monster everyone claims him to be that he doesn't and never has cared about his nephew and Hunter doesn't really know how to handle any of that as Hunter slowly deteriorates as The Show Goes On which is in contrast to Willow who's building herself up with the two of them meeting in the middle which yes it's finally time to talk about them Just Go With It hunt low is adorable lumini is the obvious centerpiece of the series but Holland despite being given comparatively little to work with still shines because for me at least it really elevates what already made these characters great when they first meet Hunter is at hexide pretending to be a student trying to recruit his fellow teens into the military what if I told you all your dreams could come true and you just have to leave your home friends and family forever he sucks at it as B being around other kids his own age highlights just how socially he is woefully out of his depth well though having embraced herself has decided to create her own flyer derby team unfortunately for her her old Professor is being a petty dick not believing Willow is good enough to lead the club since this is the guy who's Clash he flannered in for years and blaming her personally for that not the fact that this just wasn't her skill set so he took her quitting personally and is now threatening to cancel the club unless she either steps down or grabs a team and beats his by lunch so needing more players who can help her fly circles around the teacher bullying her she spots Hunter and Willow snatches him out of the sky immediately and because we love Chuck's position nicely asks him to join her team nope okay then he reads a pamphlet and realizes he can use this to recruit the best and brightest to the emperor's coven and he's back in till he meets them and it's God this is where Willow breaks down the first of Hunter's walls as Hunter is a bundle of issues and self-loathing consumed by the idea of being the best while also not feeling like he can live up to it as Hunter can't do magic yet he's also expected to lead the emperor's coven he is desperate to be a success so he makes quick assumptions and is immediately dismissive of Willow's team just like how people used to dismiss Willow when she was struggling at school yeah well it doesn't Emilia ride off Hunter as a lost cause she's annoyed when she hears Hunter call himself half a witch Willow makes it her Mission today to show haunt her that he's wrong and to break him out at mindset so she buries him alive popping back up on the field he sees that everyone here is actually pretty good at this game and will gets to make her sales pitch everyone on this team has been ran off by someone else at some point at the school but in spite of that in spite of what other people say they are flourishing Willow is trying to show hunter that not only is he wrong he's wrong about them he's wrong about himself and that just because people used to call him half a witch doesn't mean that that defines him this is Willow's ethos this is why she started this team and is what she does every day she tries to lift other people up which is something Hunter desperately needs in his life even though he doesn't realize it then he betrays them trying to force his friends to become part of the emperor's coven it's not great puts in that jail cell where we see that despite how far will has come she hasn't fully gone around that corner blaming herself for inviting Hunter and starting to think of herself as half a witch again despite all the great things that she's done all the Newfound confidence part of her still doubts so when things go wrong she starts tearing yourself down again just like she used to she's not out for the count and the second she sees a chance to lead her friends to escape she takes it it's made very clear that Willow is still dealing with some issues but hunter isn't one of them as having finally seen that his actions have consequences then not everyone wants what he wants he's forced to reconcile the fact that he may have a massive Nostalgia filter for his training days and his childhood might have actually sucked he sees how he hurt Willow and that drives him to save them and to stand up to Darius letting them all go free and saving his friendship with them as even after what he did they all still joke that there's still gonna be a spot waiting for him Hunter has friends now and he's even getting an actually healthy Father Figure in Darius who approves of Hunter making friends and even gives him a phone to talk with them Hunter is finally starting to peel himself off of the Bella's hype train though it's not until his faith embellishes shattered completely does he truly start to grow in the right direction as Hunter courtesy of lose and a secret cabal again spellos is sent into the emperor's mind where still drinking that Kool-Aid he makes excuses for all of Bella's actions until he finds out the truth that Bellows isn't his uncle and he does what he's told unlike the previous attempt yeah Bellows has never seen him as anything more than a tool Hunter is a grimlocker a clone of someone else that Bellis has been making and killing for centuries Hunter's fears of being replaceable were literally true and then Bellas tries to kill him barely escaping with his life Hunter Retreats the only place he feels marginally safe heck side once there he learns how to deal with his anxiety and the sheer Panic at below's fighting him again thanks to Gus in a bromance that deserves its own video as ships aside these two might be my actual favorite friendship in the show as I do think it's important that Hunter doesn't go from blindly following one person to having someone else as a life coach Willow doesn't need to be his everything and teach him all the lessons in her being that Mel's the message of Hunter Breaking Free and developing his own identity plus this also gave Willow a chance to set the record straight with amni as their friends now banamony is still treating her like she's defenseless and it is super patronizing forcing Willow to show off that they are now equally badass and this is also the episode that set off the shipping bells for hunt low as previously well great in how Hunter and Willow bounced off each other and dealt with similar issues there wasn't anything romantic here there's no indication that this was nothing more than just friendship here though we get Hunter blushing when Hill pulls him in for a group hug and it's very cute until you remember this is probably the first time he's ever been hugged then it's just sad but this is the moment that turned what was basically a crack ship into an oh my God it might actually be happening with the rest of the season not doing anything to make that hype go away as Hunter officially joins the owl gang or eat his orphanage if you prefer and we kept getting small modes of extra tension being given to Hunter and Willow such as when he was disguised as loose Hunter used his quick set powers to get Willow out of danger and in that same fight Willow holds off on giving the fishing blow to not hit Hunter it's like she would have done for any of her friends but thrown the fact that when he seemingly gets kidnapped she is the first one out the door to try and start the rescue mission there is just this emphasis being put on these two as she is his Guardian Angel as she saves him yet again snatching him out of the sky which really says something about his future as a male wife and something that I do think people latch onto aesthetically is that Willow is absolutely going to wear the pants in this relationship she started as a Wildflower now she's taking charge meanwhile Hunter started off as the inhibiting mass villain only for him to turn out to be a tragic soft boy they invert the stereotypes that you should be associated with their characters and that makes them way more fun hell the fact that Willow is a plus-sized woman with a love interest is also depressingly groundbreaking animation especially it's kind of rare for that even to be an option when usually they're just trapped as someone else's best friend and off the top ahead the only other examples I can think of are spinarella and Glimmer from Shira but despite all that good we still gotta talk about the bad and more specifically white people took issue with the ship to begin with as again this was a cracked ship for the longest time and once it's hard to get more prominent certain takes kept getting brought up let's just burn through them real quick am I the only one who knows how to do their job so context of how this all got started all this drama was primarily centered around tick tock yes of course it was it thankfully died down as the ship kept going they were very much won over but here's a couple of key complaints that I found the first being the age Gap yep a whole two years disgusting yeah that's nothing I've come down on some age gaps in the past though mainly over just the mechanics of how it happened and when it did 14 and 16 though like no that's fine that's knowledgeable this isn't a different Wendy situation where one looks like they're in elementary school and the other is hanging out with dudes and cats age just isn't a factor in any part of huntleo there's no power Dynamic at play here and if we're being honest Willow is way more mature than Hunter Caleb Caleb Jasper blood Williams some people have also complained that hunt low as a concept reduces Willow's role in the story leaving her as just Hunter's love interest that's the only time people care about her in season 2 their relationship gets maybe just a little bit more screen time than will and Amity but just like the people complain that it feels rushed you can blame that lack of independent Willow time on Disney's decision to reduce the 20 episode third season into three specials it's kind of just like what the fuck were they supposed to do though I do understand the concerns about the show reducing Willow's role due to hunt low and Hunter as it's kind of true but also like who isn't losing time to Hunter between Lumi Eda and Rain King's backs are a hunter pulling azuko Bello's backstory The Collector amnest family loses mom V if you haven't lived at the owl house at least once you're pretty much screwed for screen time Gus gets this the worst but this show just suffers from the fact that it has a ton of great characters and not enough time to give everyone equal turns so we have instead in season 2 is a lot of time just being dedicated to the rivals and everyone else kind of losing out because of it and that is more of an issue with the show overall then selling hanlow is specifically guilty of another big one that I picked up was that people don't think Hunter is emotionally ready to be in a relationship as he was abused by Bellis for years and he needs time which yeah take time for yourself after going through some shit but again swallow isn't his entire world and season three started with a month's long time skip he's acclimating to normal my life I think it's fine he's not doing well but he is fine enough for this also we can quietly ignore the tiny number of people complaining about the ship because it's straight and finally this is always fun to talk about head cannons sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset but that's just a video people had different ideas about the characters they are on confirmed sexuality who they should be dating and for some reason it always being Team Rocket now personally I think that's cool have your headcans go crazy if you like the idea of Hunter being trans I mean fellows is literally forcing my daddy onto Hunter I do see the parallels I think all those headcans are awesome but I also think that you can't be mad when it doesn't happen or the show does something that contradicts it their head cannons we as an audience are bringing something that the show hasn't specifically told us that's not bad writing it's a show revealing more information about who its characters are and we sadly can't dictate the story it can be a bitter pill to swallow but you kind of just have to let it go and from what I've been able to gather this whole drama was most excelled around here and people become more loving and accepting of it but apparently back in the day it used to be a shit show to me though the reason there's kind of nothing Bill the thanks Hunter what is this just go with it I feel like the thing to me that solidifies Hotmail is Peak shipping is just how natural it feels so many couples you can feel the story jumping through hoops to make it happen but Hunter and Willow they just kind of end up naturally leaning on one another Hunter despite standing up to his father uncle brother is still going through a bit of an identity crisis he knows he's a clone of someone else and that disturbs him terrifies him even he needs help while Willow is supportive of everyone she's the Teen Mom who'd always lend a hand if Hunter is falling apart Willow is there trying to build him up even without knowing what he's going through or needing to be told she's there they're something personal I can help him cut his Bellows hair or telling him to ignore Amy and to cosplay in public Willow validates Hunter when he puts himself out there and he really needs that he appreciates that he loves that just like how she likes Hunter for being the cute dork that he is she sees how far he's come and how he's trying and she's been there too adding the extra spice for us as an audience that we know about hunter's identity crisis taking a toll on his self-worth making the parallels between him and Willow even more obvious plus you have willow cradling his dead body always a mood and it solidifies that when it comes to Hunter Willow is always the first one to react even when she knows the least as well as the only one here besides amni that doesn't know Hunter is a grim Walker in spite of not having that information which could imply a distance between them they're always in each other's Corner always having a gut reaction where they prioritize one another even over the people they supposedly know better even if it hasn't given the time it needs to be the deepest relationship I don't even get the people say this ship came out of nowhere or that isn't built up enough the show consistently shows just how much they care about each other and making time for little moments between the Clutter of everything else going on this is something the show has been building towards even if it doesn't have all the time in the world to flesh it out especially without cutting into Gus and Hunter Bromance as Gus really needs a screen time since Willow and Amy are hanging out again but Hunter and Willow are solid together and everything between them shines in for the future C for the future has everyone returned to the boiling Isles and Willow finally gets time to angst instead of dealing with everyone else's the child God The Collector has turned the entire population of the Boeing aisles into puppets with Will seeing one of her dads trapped in this state it's enough to disturb anyone Willow though refuses to give herself a chance to worry about it she feels like she can't vent and let the others know just how scared and worried she is as well as a person everyone else tells their problems too Gus and Willow are both scared for their parents but Gus is the only one who gets to say it unknowingly making Willow hold her tongue when he calls her stuff like the reliable Willow he feeds into this trap that Willow has fallen into where she has never been kind to her past self she spent years being mistreated being called half a witch and after a while she started to believe it so for her to meet loose being able to focus on planet magic all of it allowed her to lift herself up to not feel like half a witch anymore but with that Newfound confidence came the new fear of falling back into being that same person again this cause will to get down and beat herself up when she main mistakes even when they're not her fault Willow has spent the series trying to redefine herself but this has come to the cost of balling up a lot of her own worries as the part of herself likes it she likes being the person others can rely on and trust it feels good especially after years of being ignored or bullied it's not that everyone is just trauma dumping on her constantly though in a meta sort of way they really are what's happening is that Willow refused to allow herself to show just how anxious she really is feeling ashamed of it and that it would be a sign that she's slipping back into her old self who she hates even when loose's Mom Camila gives her an out asking her one-on-one if she's okay she brushes it off and buries her feelings even deeper but her emotions manifest through her powers and they are literally bursting through the cracks instead of dealing with that she keeps trying to help others like Hunter we just got used like a sock puppet by Bellows massive set of new scars and lost Flapjack Hunter is just like Willow in this episode the man is refused choosing to deal with his problems trying to bury his feelings treeing stopping the collector like a mission one that demands all of his attention leaving no room for him to grieve for his friend the man spends the entire first half of the episode agitated constantly trying to get the group to focus on the task in hand he's inadvertently making everyone else feel bad as they're happy to be back home but then feel bad that they're happy while he is still so obviously hurting Hunter doesn't mean to bum his friends out or take his frustrations out on them but he's never been great at talking so he's left feeling stuck unable to really Express himself in both how sad he is and how grateful he is to have everyone else looking out for him Hunter are you okay okay girl no his best friend died like three hours ago and someone just showed him a picture there was no situation where he looked at that and wasn't going to get choked up but that's okay because that would be healthy you'll be Hunter having to process his feelings while also getting the love and support of his friends who don't care that he's a clone Willow despite meaning well seeing Hunter choke up makes her jump to thinking that she did something wrong that not having that immediate Epiphany that she'd so desperately wants since her running out of the room gotta level when two idiots make the same mistakes everyone else ends up getting jumped by joke villains who shouldn't be here so on top of what Willow is already dealing with she's now trapped and she's panicking while refusing to admit it causing her powers to go completely out of control Vines are growing all around her covering the walls physically holding her down as she can't move forward without dealing with her issues even Gus and Hunter are trapped by The Vines it's all just too much for Willow to deal with on her own this I can't control my own magic I can't help my friends oh why have I been trying to be someone different and this is gut wrenching this is every one of those fears come to life being seen as a failure being unable to control her magic again failing her friends it's all of those issues coming out at once and she is not ready for it being herself up calling herself half a witch and it's here that Hunter comes in for the save you didn't make anything worse you didn't do anything wrong you guys mean the world to me and I I didn't know how to say that yet it's important that this comes from Hunter as he is the one who knows what it's like to not feel good enough feeling like you're a worse version of someone else he's been through all of that which is why it is so impactful when he gets to return the favor after all the help will has given him that he gets a chance to be there for her please don't call yourself that ever again Hunter is so sweet it's not eloquent but he's able to get his feelings out there with Gus also getting his moment to spelled out to Willow reliable people need someone to rely on too just let it out we'll be fine and so will finally gets that good crying laying all of her emotions and fears come out with Hunter carrying her in Gus to safety I love it and I love it even more that they didn't exclude Gus that this isn't exclusively a hunt low thing as everyone cares about Widow they all want what's best for each other let's think about watching these two being adorable starting out so different while still having the same problems finding each other reaching out to one another as they understand what the other is going through it's why they feel so comfortable leaning on one another and saving each other fundamentally hunt low is about two people who are dealing with massive self-worth issues and through their shared group of friends are able to lift each other up they're still nagged by doubts that this is all temporary that they can't really do it yet in their Darkest Hour they all always turn to each other so despite it being briefed despite the connection not being as fleshed out as it could have been I love Hot low and if it's just a pinky seeing these two hold hands gives me all the feels as these two need a cozy Comfort ship at the end of the day and I'm happy to say that I ship it however if the show pulls a suture in the finale and they don't end up together I am going to laugh so hard as this is nice watching a fan of go nuclear it's Priceless thank you all for watching tell me what you all think of hunt low is everything you want in your life do you not let me know everything in the comments along with suggestions for other ships I should talk about be sure to check out my sponsor rage Shadow Legends and don't forget to subscribe like and all that other algorithm stuff love you all love on low peace out
Channel: Sarcastic Chorus
Views: 679,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: huntlow, Owlhouse
Id: oDjCcrJjT5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 12sec (2052 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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