Vanlife Stealth Camping in Georgia's Abandoned City

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[Music] [Music] hey everyone my name is Trent and I live travel and game out of my van and along my travels I often stumble upon creepy weird or abandoned places and today is no different as I'm traveling off to my next destination today I will be driving through a very unique town here in Georgia and that town is named milleville and the reason why this place is so unique is because milleville has this whole campus of abandoned buildings just sitting in the middle of the city and you guys know me I love that sort of stuff and finding a place like that here on the Eastern side of the states is very few and far between so I'm going to start making my way there right now and explore the grounds a little bit and then later on find a place to sleep for the night nearby it should be pretty fun so follow [Music] along all right I've officially made it here and this place feels [Music] strange [Music] there are so many abandoned buildings one after the next and the weirdest part about it is like there's no one around I mean I guess it makes sense cuz these buildings are abandoned but it really does feel like an abandoned city good girl sit sit sit good job wow this place is hauntingly beautiful that's the best phrase I can come up with all these buildings their architecture is just really really pretty but the fact that they're abandoned decrepit and left to decay just has a very spooky vibe to it especially this building knowing its history this building here actually opened in 1842 as the Georgia Lunatic Asylum and when it opened it was at Max Capacity and they were way under staffed which led to a decline in quality treatment for the patients that lived here it was actually so bad that this place was Notorious for its mistreatment of patients there were rumors of children being confined to cages adults living in straight jackets forced shock therapy with electricity and even ice baths all in this building right here holy crap this is insane so we've got this giant white building that looks like the White House we've got this abandoned building over there that abandoned building over there there's the Asylum over there another building and then all these buildings over there are abandoned and even further down these roads are more abandoned buildings like this is so weird and cool it really does feel like a movie set here and I'd be real surprised if a movie hadn't been filmed here yet because this is like the perfect postapocalyptic City set ever [Music] dude I straight up feel like I am in a video game right now specifically of the horror genre oh wow it smells like a government building look at the size of these doors this is so insane wow this building is definitely newer than most of these buildings it's a lot more intact that's for sure but I think this is the hospital I don't know much history about it don't know why it's a and could be just lack of funding I don't know but I need answers looks like there's even abandoned houses here wow there's one two 3 4 five it really does feel like I just stepped into a post-apocalyptic world this is wild man what happened here feels a little bit like everybody just got up and left which is really strange because milleville is actually a really bumping town like there's a college here there's a great population so the fact that this whole abandoned compound exists here just blows my mind but it's so cool and I'm glad it does because people like me that enjoy this type of stuff can come out here and admire it and it's it's a great way to spend my Thursday afternoon oh hi Millie ah okay so I am doing some research on my phone as to why this place closed and apparently this whole campus is called Central State Hospital and all of these buildings were a part of the hospital but essentially in 1842 the Georgia Lunatic Asylum opened up and then the hospital was renamed to Georgia State sanitarium and then milleville state hospital and then in 1959 the Atlanta Constitution exposes horrific conditions at milleville the nation's largest psychiatric hospital with almost 13,000 patients and then in 2007 the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports on the suspicious deaths of 136 state hospital patients 42 being at Central State and then from there the US Department of Justice opens an investigation and then by 2010 they closed this whole place down that's freaking crazy that's sketchy how do you feel about all that Millie you think it's kind of crazy huh yeah me too give me that give me that give it to me give it to me it's mine now you got to run for it you ready you ready okay go all right it's starting to get dark here so I think I'm going to start packing up and try to find a place nearby to camp for the night come on Millie let's go good girl all right I think this is home for the night I found this open parking lot in the midst of this compound of abandoned buildings so tonight we truly are stealth camping and I think it's a good thing that I've got no obvious signs that I live out of my vehicle my van just looks like a work van and I've seen a ton of work vans all around here so I think we're golden but I'm getting hungry so I'm going to head inside and start making some dinner so I'm actually really excited for tonight's dinner because it's a factor meal and Factor happens to be today's video sponsor as well and believe it or not I actually really do love these meals like I've eaten them so many times but for those of you guys that don't know factor is a service that delivers fresh never Frozen ready to eat meals straight to your front doorstep there's no stressing about meal planning there's no recipe to follow all you got to do is heat up your chef-crafted dietitian approved delicious meals right in the microwave or in my case I'm going to heat mine up in my oven in my van and then eat and for tonight's meal I'm actually eating one of my favorites which is artichoke and spinach chicken it is so flavorful so delicious I wish I could eat this every day Factor has 35 meals to choose from per week including keto calorie smart vegan and veggie and more they even have options for people that want breakfast smoothies juices and other snacks ooh this looks so good and it smells amazing it's time to Feast now all the factor meals are freaking delicious but the artichoke and spinach chicken is on another level folks and if you want to try it for yourself head to or click the link in the description of this video and make sure to use my code fineprint 50 at checkout to get 50% off your first Factor box and you'll get free wellness shots for life which are really good too shout out to factor for sponsoring this video and providing me with this delicious meal tonight I'm going to continue to Feast upon this and then I don't know what I'm going to get into but we'll figure it out [Music] we [Music] [Music] so because I'm stealth camping tonight I'm actually not going to set up my starlink dish this dish on top of my roof just attracts too much attention so I'm not even going to bother setting it up if I need to use internet I'll just use my phone hotspot since I'm in town it'll be more than enough speed for me so we're just going to put this up here for now so I don't know why but Millie loves laying in the driver's seat which is so freaking cute oh I love you look at those little puppy dog eyes why are you so cute Millie huh [Music] and I am just so cozy right now despite being in a spooky abandoned com pound of buildings the inside of my van and the therapeutic rain sounds on my van it's making it nice and cozy oh there was a big gust of wind I wonder if a storm is coming through but I've got my candle lit over there Milli still laying in the driver's seat I asked her if she wanted to come up on the bed but she refused to so I guess she's laying there tonight and I'm about to watch the show alone on my laptop here and then play some games on my Rog Ally and I was going to go go out and try to explore a little bit more tonight but with it raining and the Cozy Vibes just being real nice right here in the van I guess I'll just stay inside and play video games and watch my favorite show you know and my teeth are turning black let me try see if I can get some C powder out of this dead horse ta [Applause] come on good morning folks last night was a successful night of sleep that rain was coming down all night long and honestly that may have been one of the best sleeps I've had in a long time but I didn't receive a knock last night had no problems staying in this parking lot thankfully and I think that's because my van just looks like a work van like it looks like it fits here in this industrial parking lot I think when people see this as they're driving by they just don't think much of it which I'm really thankful for and that's definitely something to think about if you're going to be living and traveling out of a [Music] van well folks I couldn't figure out where to go today so I just drove 4 hours south and we made it to the coast and tonight I'm staying at this boat ramp and believe it or not but boat ramps are actually really good options for overnight places to sleep because a lot of people who have boats take their boats out on the water for days at a time and they leave their vehicles parked here so boat ramps usually allow overnight parking and this one specifically does so we're going to post up here for the night and what I'm thinking tomorrow is supposed to be a nice sunny warm day so I think we're going to go hit the beach get some vitamin D feel the sand beneath our toes I am so stoked because it's been a long time since I've been to the beach folks [Music] man it feels so good to finally lay down after driving all day and I don't know if there's a storm rolling in or not but it's really windy outside and that wind against these palm trees it's a very therapeutic sound I might actually lay here for a bit before I make some dinner this is so nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all man it turned out to be a really beautiful day today and currently Millie and I are hiking through this jungle here to get to this really pretty secluded beach I used to come to this beach as a kid with my family many years ago and I'm just so excited to spend my day there today I packed some snacks for me and Millie including a nice big juicy watermelon so we're going to spend a good portion of our afternoon here at this beach and then afterwards I'm thinking about going to check out this abandoned Naval Base that's tucked in these Woods here it should be pretty fun now as you guys can tell what I think makes this beach so unique is all of these dead washed up trees on the beach so about it is just so cool to me you can climb on them you can hang out buy them in the shade and it just adds so much character to the beach in my opinion this beach just feels the most natural out of all the beaches that I've ever been to which by the way this is a part of Hunting Island State Park in Buford South Carolina if you're [Music] curious oh this seems like the perfect spot to set up camp I think we can hang our hammock in between these two palm trees right here we got some nice shade good view of the beach and the best part about it is we've got it all to ourselves Millie whoa watch your KN girl there you go drink up this is freaking awesome and it's like the perfect temperature for me today it's warm while you're in the Sun but a little chilly while you're in the shade I think the high today is like 65 oh hi Millie you want to get up jump jump oh my God okay Millie she's going crazy oh no oh no she's so excited to be at the beach right now good girl let's go go in the water let's go in the water Millie I got your stick I got your stick okay hold on sit Millie sit good sit go get it you're so fast Millie that's my stick okay now I'm chasing her I'm going to get that stick Millie I'm going to get it give it to me give it to me Millie give it to me oh man I'm worn out woo but I feel amazing [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you know a nice juicy watermelon hits so different on the beach growing up every time we went to the beach my dad would always bring a watermelon so now anytime I eat a watermelon I think of this beach right here really you want some watermelon it's good for you watermelon is good for you take a bite or just lick it that's okay too what if I give it to you like this there you go good girl now something I didn't think about when bringing this watermelon out is there ain't no way I'm eating this watermelon all by myself so uh I'm going to have to carry some of this back and how I'm going to do it I have no idea but that's for future Trent to figure out right now we're just enjoying the views [Music] oh hi hi Millie whoo you ready for this Millie check this out dang wasn't that sick now if you guys are wondering why these Fallen trees exist here on this beach it's actually because of erosion believe it or not but the ocean is washing this beach away more and more every day oh shoot oh freak I almost fell in the water that would have been bad but it's actually gotten so bad that they had to start pumping sand from the ocean onto the beach to fight the erosion it's kind of sad but it's still really beautiful to me I love it well we've been here for about 4 hours now long enough to see the tide go out it's going so far out and it's leaving Behind these beautiful little pools of water here and I think if you keep walking you could probably get to the Sand Bar that's right here here which is really cool but I don't think I'm up for that Trek today because we only have a few more hours of sunlight left and we've been here all day and I still want to go check out that abandoned Naval Base so I think we're going to go ahead and pack up hike back to the van and hit the road f okay so here we are at the abandoned for that I have been wanting to come to for a very long time I've actually been here once or twice as a kid but I was always way too afraid to go inside but now that I'm a grown man it's time to conquer my fears but these abandoned structures here are actually called batteries and they were a part of Fort Fremont which was a fort here in Buford South Carolina that was built in 1898 in response to the Spanish American war in this whole area used to be a whole military base there was a hospital there were barracks and just on the other side of this is the ocean all right let's go explore the inside of this thing whoa this is a big iron door I guess that was a part of that doorway over there but this is really cool I mean there's not really much to the inside of this battery is what this place is called I wonder what they did on the underside here maybe they just stored ammo I don't know okay so that has like a little entrance up there there I wonder if this area was some sort of elevator system to bring ammo from the underside to up there to the guns freak I don't know I'm just making stuff up here what the freak was that oh okay so there's some other people here that's what it was I'm a little on edge for no reason at all so to my understanding this area right here is where a 22t long turret gun would sit and it would point out into the ocean which is just on the other side of this battery and it would fire missiles out at enemy ships as they approached the shore wow this sun raking through the trees in the Moss right now is so beautiful oh I can hear the ocean Milly it's been a good day hanging out at the beach exploring abandoned cool stuff and we're about to get a gnarly Sunset it's been a really good day well this is home for the night it's actually a pretty gnarly spot there's a boat ramp right here and if you go past those porta potties right there you can actually drive right onto the beach however that area closes at Sunset and this is the only area that allows overnight parking so this is home for the night folks [Music] [Music] well folks I think I'm all settled in for the night sun has set and this spot actually seems like a really nice spot there's porta potties there's a nice light out here and it feels really safe which I'm really stoked about but I just made some dinner and I've got the whole work station set up so I think for the rest of the night I'm going to Chow Down on this bad boy and catch up on some work it's been a really good day and I just just want to say thank you guys for following Along on this adventure it's been a weird one I've been all over the place in this video but it's been so much fun to have you guys along and if you guys enjoyed watching this video as much as I enjoyed making it make sure to let me know by liking commenting and subscribing and if you want to support me further and get access to additional content consider subscribing to me on patreon which shout out to all of my patreon subscribers it's crazy we've got so many now which I'm super thankful for but with that being said thank you guys for watching this video and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Trent The Traveler
Views: 917,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanlife, van life, stealth camping, camping, abandoned, exploring abandoned, urbex, urban exploring, camping alone, van life camping, ttthefineprinttt, abandoned insane asylum, creepy videos, abandoned videos, van life videos, ghost town, insane asylum, steve wallis, urban camping, van life city, city camping, georgia insane asylum, van camping, van conversion, van, vanlife gamer, van life gamer, van life routine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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