Winter Camping in the $1.1 Million EarthRoamer SX

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how epic is this we are currently in the Rocky Mountains in Central Colorado and tonight we are going to be winter camping in the earth RoR SX which retails for over $1 million we made our first video with Earth RoR back in 2021 and thankfully this has kind of become a yearly tradition the first year we were in Boulder Colorado and their LTI model everyone who drives by is like and last year we went on an epic adventure in Moab in the first ever SX in existence that was the scaredest I've been yet for sure the LTI is the smaller one and the SX is the monster this year we're back in the SX but in a completely different environment yesterday we met up with Zach and Ryan from the earth RoR team and we spent the afternoon trying to find the perfect camping spot no way a moose just crossed the road right in front of us there's two of them oh they're so cute well there's another one there's three no way as it turns out a lot lot of the side roads here in Colorado actually Clos in the winter so it took us a little while to find a spot this bridge is skinny what is that saying about you break it what bu it now it's not a good job as it was getting dark really once it was completely dark we found the perfect camping spot I think that's camp this is going to be sweet we're surrounded by The Majestic mountains we're parked right next to a beautiful stream and this is going to be our home for the next 36 hours so before we go out and explore this beautiful nature let us show you around our new home yes this is going to be [Music] amazing life is good I kid you not 24 hours ago I was waking up in a snow cave on the side of a mountain that we built with our hands and then slept in so it goes without saying last night was a bit Cozier than that we always love adventures in the earth RoR but I'm extra grateful for all of the little luxuries today it's going to be a good day so last year when we were in Moab we were in the blue sx1 that means it was the first SX ever built and at that time it was the only one in existence today we're in the SX4 so these are very similar vehicles but in case you missed last year's video we're going to give you a quick overview of the outside and inside of this one starting at the front working our way to the back the cool factor of the front of the earth RoR is just through the roof and the light bar not only looks cool but whether you want 180° view at night in the desert or if you're driving through the snow in the mountains trying to find the perfect spot this thing looks like the sun even the color it's yellow and it was magnifying the snow last night as we were driving it was so cool also in the front we have a 16,500 lb winch we used that to pull a 4Runner out of a ditch in a canyon last year and if I'm being honest I kind of hope one of these gets stuck this year so that we can try it out in the snow all right working our way back we've got the good year military grade tires these are rated up to 82 mph so you can take these things four-wheeling through the back country or you can be going 80 M an hour on the highway which is amazing this is a pretty tall truck to get into and one thing that I really appreciated last night was this little step that opens up as you get out of the earth RoR so you've actually got two steps to get up into this well I could have sworn the number was on the side I think it's just Chevy 650 I'm just confirming thank you it's a Chevy 6500 Zach and Ryan are staying in the red LTI they still don't trust us to take one of these out on our own but one day so you actually have two steps to get up into the cab but last night when there was all the snow on the ground and I didn't want to get snow in my boots climb out this door work your way over open the door to the back of the earth RoR and you can make it all the way around without ever stepping in the snow or you can just crawl through the back seat like I did oh gosh I just scraped a spine bone off between the cab and the camper we have our on board air compressor if we get stuck in the snow or if we hit some really deep snow we can air down our tires that'll give us more traction and then when we get back on the road we'll need to air them back up and we can do that all from the earth Ro you don't have to go to a gas station and sit there forever and so probably the most unique and special thing about the Earth RoR is that the camper part of it is made out of carbon fiber the entire thing is molded together to be this super strong structure last night we invited Zach and Ryan over for dinner and they were explaining to us that there is actually a military grade rating and the cab of the earth roor could be dropped out of the back of a military airplane hit the ground and it would still be in one functional piece so maybe if we can get this video to a million likes maybe Earth RoR will let us make a video dropping this thing out of an airplane what do you think guys this is a shower that I fumbled with many times before may your way to the back of the earth RoR that sound is our heater our lovely beautiful warm heater I think we may survive mhm inside this box we have just forgot how to use this for 3 years now I have shown you this Grill but we have never put it to use and even though it is completely freezing outside this afternoon when we get back we are going to grill out because why not we've got our Max tracks in case we get stuck a spare tire in case we get a flat up top we've got our cameras and two huge light it was so amazing last night sitting inside warm and cozy eating dinner we had all the lights on outside and we were just watching it snow another 16,500 lb winch on the back this is the pass through gear Locker goes all the way to the other side and this year we actually have some cool stuff in here we've got our back Country Skis we're going to be doing a little bit of that later we've got both of our suitcases we unloaded all that inside you'll see that in a minute I just discovered one other thing that I'm super excited about there is a 120 Outlet in the gear garage this is a little bougie but uh we do have heated ski boots and so now we can actually plug our boots in and charge them here in the back without even having to take them inside luxury couple years ago we winterized our Sprinter van or at least tried to and turned our entire shower into a ski locker let's just say this is a lot better than that the bottom of the Pea funnel froze I felt it running down my leg diesel tank number one diesel tank number two we've got 100 gallons of diesel on board and that's really important in Winter settings like this because our solar panels up top are completely covered in snow today but the amazing thing about the Earth RoR is that it can charge itself off the alternator of the Chevy so even though we're not getting power from the solar panels we're still completely self-sufficient out here not only are we self-sufficient but it's also automatic I can't count how many times we've woken up in our Sprinter van in the middle of the night to the batteries going beep beep beep be we literally just left the shop waking us up we have to get up get the keys turn on the car so the alternator can charge the batteries Earth RoR just turns itself on this is my arch nemesis there is still a cassette toilet in the earth RoR I was told that this toilet is never used otherwise I would be worried that this liquid leaking onto my arm right now was not water I used it earlier no you didn't we have been using this on this trip so I will not open it and I think that does it for a quick overview of the outside let's head in look at this I need bigger boots all right I'm going up since we're actually getting a little Sun I'm going to attempt to clean off the solar panels and save a little diesel that definitely do not think I'd be opening the sunroof in this video please be careful you're also sweeping some snow in here it's like an ice skating rink up here pretty cool that you can stand on the solar panels even if they're slippery please be careful so by cleaning off the solar panels on the top which turned out to be a little bit dangerous we went from getting 2 amps of solar to almost 30 and the alternator charger is even shut off want some popcorn please excuse me for interrupting the Earth rmer Adventure but our friends at ag1 have given us a sweet deal for yall better than usual trying to hit all of our nutritional bases through our diet alone while traveling fulltime can be tricky to say the least which is why we have loved AG wine from the moment we discovered it almost 4 years ago and we take it everywhere we go from the North Pole to deep in the jungle of Indonesia with m i triy those guys loved it by the way it's it's good it is so deeply ingrained in my daily routine that I just don't feel complete without it just in case you haven't heard one serving of ag1 which is just one scoop of the powder mixed with some water contains 75 vitamins minerals and Whole Food sourced ingredients pretty much anything you've ever heard of that's good for you and more is and this stuff all the amazing things in one serving aasi one not only supports your energy immune system gut health and digestion liver function hormone function brain and neural function the list goes on and on and not to mention it's vegan paleo keto friendly all the things in conclusion it could not be any easier to get so many good things in your body in such a short amount of time Nate and our friend Rick actually raced to see how quickly they could make it and drink it recently holy cow yeah pretty quick now for the sweet deal if you use our Link in the description below not only will you get the jar and the Shaker with your first purchase but you'll also get a whole year supply of these vitamin D3 K2 drops but you'll also get drum roll please 10 of these travel packs for free usually the deal is only five travel packs but for a short time only it's 10 this deal is only available for the next month and I think it's a no-brainer so click the link in the description or scan the QR code on the screen to try A1 today so every single Earth RoR is custom built for the owner who's buying it so they're all just a little bit different this one being the SX4 it has quite a few similarities but also some pretty cool upgrades that we're very excited about I'll do a quick overview of the whole inside starting here in the dining room/ spare bedroom SL best office ever look at these views 180° I love the windows pretty sure this wasn't in the sx1 this is one of three control panels that you have in the earth RoR so with this you can check your levels of your water or your tanks or the temperature or you can turn all the lights on and off we have a television hiding up here in the ceiling and with the Press of a button it just Boop comes down also for the TV and for working there is starlink Internet on the roof and we also learned that starlink actually has a feature where it automatically melts the snow off of the satellite so it continues to work even in a snowstorm so this morning I put the Drone up above the Earth RoR all the solar panels were completely covered in snow and there was one little white spot with no snow on it and that was Starling like I said this is also the spare bedroom so if you have guessed this table just lowers the cushions come in and you have a California King in our van there's pieces of plywood that you have to mess with it's a whole thing to put the table up and down this table goes up and down with the push of a button oh yeah this also moves which is just nice here is the drawer that I everything is stuck in currently maybe cuz I'm sitting on it I bet the cushion is here's where we're keeping a bunch of our Electronics now welcome to the galley as they say do they say that is that only on boat it might be on a boat hey Siri what is a galley here's what I found I think it's a lamb boats I don't even know where to start because kid are my favorite I love to eat I love to cook and they have nailed it microwave this is something that we didn't have have in our van and I learned to live without a microwave but there is one thing that I miss so badly and that is reheating my coffee life is too short for cold coffee we have this lovely freezer fridge combo continuing on this side we've pretty much used this drawer as just our pantry so all of our little snacks are in here and then these next two we've put all of our clothes in they're Dr antic and they all fit now let me introduce you to the most beautiful kitchen of any camper that's ever existed I say this every year but wow did they nail the dish organization we don't dare to have glass in our van but we only have glass glass plates glass bowls they've custom built this structure so that nothing moves if you're in an earth RoR you better be off-roading going cool places on rugged roads and they make it so that nothing breaks and then the sink is shiny and beautiful but this is very special this side filtered water but this side is instant hot water which is one of those things that doesn't really sound like a big deal until you've experienced it and then you don't know how you've ever lived without it then I'm pretty sure this was not in the sx1 but they have custom built these inserts for the sink so that it is so functional no matter what you're doing and you have so so much more counter space which is always a big deal when you're living in a vehicle even one is big and great as Earth and then this big mixing bow that we filled with snow because Zach used to be a bartender and he made us some really fun snow cocktails in the winter you still have 100% functionality in the earth RoR which is not something that a lot of campers can say normally you have to shut off water to certain places or if you're like us you have to build a completely different gray water system and bring it inside so it doesn't freeze also on that same trip I had to buy insulated Crocs because the floor of our van was getting so cold that's actually one of my ideas or threr if you're watching I think heated floors would just really make it next level they're not cold though like even not standing no you're right they're not cold continuing along this side of the kitchen we have the classic Earth RoR Cutlery drawer each piece has its own perfect slot so nothing Jiggles around and that brings us to our next upgrade I do feel responsible this because last year we were in the sx1 and unfortunately the moment I started driving over the sand dunes shoot oh no so they've installed this Nifty little latch so that no matter what road you're on all your wine stays nice and sa this is another upgrade that we did not have last year it just looks like a nice permanent cutting board but actually boom it's an induction stove which you can't really set anything on it you want to protect it so they built this cutting board that is somehow perfectly still like no matter what you can't move it and you got all this counter space p and then lastly this is definitely one of the highlights we have a washer dryer combo machine so obviously it's very convenient to not have to drive your million dooll vehicle to a laundry mat on your trip but here in the winter time like when our socks get wet from walking around in the snow or if I want a warm jacket or a towel after my shower I can give it a little dry and get it all nice and cozy I just gave myself CH BTS just talking about it this door is to the bathroom full length mirror this is pretty much identical to the SX one we have toilet with this Nifty little bench if you feel like sitting down and hanging out in the bathroom you can do that sink shower fan that's actually a great touch because you know it's a small space do you want to what are you trying to say Cara is currently trying to talk all of us into doing a cold Plunge in the river behind the Earth RoR so if we do that I'll definitely be taking a hot shower in this thing it's happening above the door we have a control center just like the one over there where you can do all the things and then here we have the security cameras which we've showed in the past and had some fun with that but most importantly this is the thermostat last night we put it on 70° we stayed nice and warm just so much better than a snow cave this is also an upgrade from last year these are doors to the truck that slide and disappear so obviously this is a great way to get in and out of the truck without having to go outside if you don't want to but also imagine how cold your car is or how hot it is in the summer that is what is happening right here when you open this door all of a sudden there's this cold breeze that comes in here last but not least that leads us to the bedroom I've just been climbing up these but technically there's a ladder that you're supposed to use when it's time for bed or if you want to go relax you just climb up here you have a nice warm bed once again so much better than the ice cold ground I don't know if I've mentioned that yet theow is one what this is also a California kingside bed we have another TV right here if that one is too far away also another control panel so you don't have to get up storage Wireless charg charging USB and USBC on both sides we also have not one but five windows in the bedroom all right I think that about does it for our quick tour now we're going to cook some lunch and then we're going to go out and explore keeping it simple doing a salad kit where they put all the toppings and dressing and everything in there for you but I'm making it a little Fancy by toasting some Tempe to put on top my arch nemesis somehow they figured out how to fit like 20 pans stacked in a perfect puzzle to fit in one drawer and every single time I can't get them back the way they were and I can't get the drawer to shut so we're just going to use the one on top I know it looks really gross but it's really [Music] yummy it's the pepp okay got what did you put in there it's just black pepper oh my goodness that's all it is Lunch is ready all this is going to be the weirdest salad ever no no no not to go on your salad no thought was like a Mexican it's like an Asian salad oh gross cheers lunch is served not that I didn't love my instant meals in the ice cave but I think this is a little better check out where we're camping oh I broke my elbow but it's okay you can still see the beautiful River we didn't even know that was there when we got here last night that's the best part is we woke up and we were like I wish that more time oh sorry that's sorry how many layers are you wearing I think I'm just going to wear this be bold start cold did you forget that we slept in an ice cave are you alive over there [Music] ooh they're nice and toasty from being back there all right so if you grew up around the mountain you're probably very familiar with these they're called skins but being from Tennessee this is the first year that I've gotten the pleasure of backcountry skiing the way these work is they're sticky one side and that sticks to the bottom of your skis and then this other side it's like Smooth if you rub it in One Direction it feels kind of like petting a horse like if you pet a horse One Direction a horse feels smooth if you pet a horse the opposite direction feels really rough and by putting these on the bottom of your skis it actually allows you to walk up the mountain even though I'm super new to it I think Backcountry skiing may be my new favorite hobby being able to put on skis that allow you to walk up a mountain through a snowy forest and then getting to avoid the worst part of any hike which is the way back down and instead you get to turn it into the most fun part which is skiing back down and you just end up in places that few other people go you're avoiding the big crowd at ski slopes so nice and peaceful out here here's a sign just reminding us that Avalanche danger exists in our backpacks we both have our Avalanche probe and our shovels that we use to build the snow cave a couple nights go and then we're wearing a beacon on our chest and I also have a walkie-talkie to call the Earth RoR guys if we need to my new favorite hobby that could possibly kill you there are a few times that I see Nate smiling this big and this genuinely he loves playing in the snow I had such high expectations for this I was so looking forward to Winter camping in the earth RoR and this is living up to everything I hoped it would be listen to how peaceful it is out here the only thing I can hear is my skis against the the snow and the birds [Music] chirping all right we made it about an hour and a half up the mountain the snow's starting to move in so it's getting dark a little faster than we expected but now it's time for the best part we get to rip the skins off ski right down to the Earth RoR and then have a KCK out woo my mouth is Frozen now for the fun part oh it's so soft ye who and I thought I was having fun hiking up oh my gosh that was the best run of my entire life and we just ski right out of our Earth RoR all right tomorrow we're waking up before the sun and we're doing it again n don't push it oh don't be over hit the jump so fast so fast it's so fun the Earth RoR is officially ski in ski out now that was the trail head and we'll be home in 30 seconds so [Music] epic so good [Music] watch what I'm about to do with the push of a single button extend I am putting the awning out how cool is that and now I have an awning I think we're the first ones to ever use this Grill I am so happy right now well the has been outside trying to figure out the grill and the fire but I get a head start on dinner one of our sides is sweet potato fries and this microwave doubles as a conventional oven and an air fryer oh you can even broil man I love it here all right I don't usually do this but I'm going to try my best with the toe furky sausage pretty much everything in the earth RoR is branded including the knives oo baby look at that what it going to be good I've just created my own honey mustard apparently to make honey mustard you just mix honey and mustard homemade Mak feel really fancy little olive oil cut some French baguettes in half oh I'm burning everything that's going to be good feel like a Mory and a Habachi up shot wait for the onion right let's eat before it gets cold because that's happening quick here you are sir thank you very much that is the finished product turned out better than if I do say so myself cheers hard to beat today a good day I love The Toasted BN do it enjoy it go all [Music] in [Music] [Music] I didn't think it was possible but the mountains look even more beautiful today the very top is just completely white all the trees are covered I would just like it to be known that what you are about to witness was my idea Nate is not forcing me to do this in fact it was the opposite for once I convinced him you got this maybe pass that to go okay I can't think about it anymore I just have to go oh no oh it's already in my feet there is no fiber in my body that want to do this this was all Cara's idea and she does things that I don't want to do all the time so I'm doing it oh no it's a lot further than I thought it was going to be all right 60 seconds once we get in no yeah oh man oh gosh oh gosh she's doing it I'm sliding I'm sliding [Music] oh I can't feel anything that was worse than Antarctica and the North Pole because you have to slowly lower yourself down oh my gosh it's all worth it for this feeling right now okay the tips of my toes and the tips of my fingers kind of feel like they've been run over by a truck woo turn the warm shower off I can't my hand is too Frozen straight to the shower oh my hands 100 I can't even turn the it's so hot come in here quick wow that was the best shower of my life and I don't think there's any hot water left and I'm sorry okay that's what it's here for why is it doing that thank you guys for another epic trip we're super grateful to the Earth rer team for trusting us to take these massive machines out we had a good time it's always good to see the trucks out in the extreme conditions it's what we build them for let's do it again soon sounds good to me all right comment down below where you want us to take the Earth gr next it's become a bit of a yearly [Music] tradition
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 2,643,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earthroamer 2023, earth roamer, earthroamer tour, earthroamer sx, truck camper, earthroamer lti, off road, earthroamer review, earthroamer off road, 2023 earthroamer, kara and nate, tiny house, earthroamer sx 2023, earthroamer camper van, van life, off grid, winter camping, earthroamer, earthroamer camping, earthroamer 2024, snow camping, built to order, earthroamer truck, earthroamer lti interior, colorado van life
Id: -HUYGx9Qqmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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