Vanlife Camping on the Alaska Highway (Driving to Alaska)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] oh you want the stick okay go get it [Music] Millie did you make a friend is that your buddy hi little dude hey everyone my name is Trent and I live and travel out of my van all across North America and today I am in British Columbia in a small town called Dawson Creek on the way from the lower 48 of the United States up to Alaska and this little town here is a very special Landmark here on my adventure because this is where the Alaska Highway officially begins which if you don't know the Alaskan Highway is this long Barren stretch of highway that connects the lower 48 of the United States through Canada to Alaska and it's said that that stretch of road is quite the adventure because of how remote it can get and how slim the options for gas and food are along the way so last night I stayed at this cute little Campground here in town called mile zero campground to take a shower get rid of some trash and overall just rest before I step foot on this next leg of this crazy adventure and I've got to say I'm feeling nice and clean and rejuvenated and ready to continue trekking North and we're actually about a third of the way to the Alaskan border however we still have about 24 hours of straight driving before we get there so with that being said that's enough yapping for now we've got an Alaskan Highway to get to and we've got a lot of miles to cover today so let's hit the [Music] road okay before we officially get on the highway I want to do one last gas fill up because I don't know when the next gas station will be now the scenario of running out of gas on this drive is very real like it definitely could happen because gas stations are very few and far between there should be enough to get me through as long as I'm smart and as long as I fill up any chance that I get so we're starting the Habit right now [Music] all right here we are on the big leg of this adventure we are officially at the start of the Alaska highway I can't believe we're here I can't believe we're doing this but we made it this far we can't turn back now still got 21 more hours to go but I'm ready let's do this [Music] [Music] okay I have driven about 5 and 1/2 hours today already we made it to a small town here called Fort Nelson here in Norther BC and Millie and I are beat oh my gosh we've been driving so much lately trying to get up here to this highway however I realized before setting out on this adventure that I was going to be doing a lot of sitting a lot of driving and a lot of eating good food and if I stick to that routine for too long without implementing some sort of physical activity it's going to catch up with me sooner or later and you know conveniently enough trawell reached out to me before this adventure for a potential sponsorship on my channel and I immediately said yes because I had been wanting to figure out a way to implement being more physically active on my long days of travels like this and for those of you guys that don't know train well is a fitness app that prioritizes human connection from an expert that will help guide you through your workouts from wherever you are in the world when I signed up I was matched with my trainer Dante and he was so stoked about helping me meet my fitness goals and after we got on a call and he got to know more about me and my life lifestyle of living and traveling out of my van he started designing a workout specifically tailored to my lifestyle I told him I'm rarely near gym but I've got some dumbbells in the back of my van and he was like perfect and he started designing this workout that utilized those dumbbells and my body weight and I'm proud to say that I've been following his workout routine that he made for me for a couple of weeks now and I feel amazing both physically and mentally but the thing I love most about using train well is that I'm not on this fitness journey alone in a lot of aspects of my life I'm doing things by myself which can get kind of old sometimes cuz I find myself often wanting to share my excitement with somebody like I just want to look to someone and be like yo I just did this cool thing isn't that awesome and believe it or not that's what train well is for me anytime I complete a workout and it feels good I immediately get on the app and message my trainer Dante and he replies back with so much excitement and reassurance and it just makes me want to keep pushing towards my goals it's like he's my virtual workout buddy while I'm on the road traveling around and it's just been so easy to implement into my life which is crazy because I always felt like a fitness routine with this lifestyle doesn't always go well together but train well made it so easy for me and if you guys are looking to take control of your health too I highly recommend train well and if you want to try it out for yourself click the link in the description of this video and you'll get 14 days free with your own expert personal trainer shout out to trawell for sponsoring this video I really appreciate you however this rain is coming down and and I am so done with driving for the day so I'm going to try to find a place to camp for the night around this town here and make some good food and just chill for the rest of the night [Music] [Music] well I ended up having to drive an extra 40 minutes to find a campsite for the night because I couldn't find anything in town which ended up working out because it got us out of that crazy rain but also this spot is awesome just sitting right in this Forest right off the Alaskan Highway we got a picnic table a fire pit and I think there's a river over this way and there's some sort of Log Cabin structure right here that a guy is making a fire in right now I don't know what that is but we'll check it out later but I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm starving so I'm going to go ahead and start whipping up some dinner [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sit down okay go eat good girl [Music] all right dinner is served and what's on the menu tonight is some butter chicken with some basmati rice and some n on if you guys have been following my videos here through Canada you guys would know that I'm currently going through this Indian food kick right now had quite a few really good Indian food experiences here on my travels through Canada and I've just been wanting to eat all the Indian food lately so I got this butter chicken simmer sauce from a grocery store in Dawson Creek last night and I figured I'd give this a shot cuz making butter chicken from scratch is a lot of work wow [Music] M wow I'm really impressed right now dude and this naan is amazing it's like I'm at an Indian restaurant right now Millie it's crazy [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] yo what's up it's your friend Millie I was thinking about camping down by the bridge yeah we looked at that one too and it was like it was just too muddy and it was just said don't do it because the the water rises so fast there yeah the alc can was closed it was closed right there for like 2 or 3 weeks oh wow I did not know that opened up like last week when we were starting off and they're like so that couple that I was just talking to I met them at the campground that I left this morning which was 5 and 1/2 hours back behind me I found out they were driving the Alaskan Highway too and I was like hey maybe we'll cross paths along the way and then what are the chances we end up at the same place again the next that's so cool and it's great cuz now Millie's got a friend which is awesome yo dude I'm Trent man Nathan nice to meet you Nathan as well did you drive up here in your uh motorcycle yeah dang that's awesome I got here when it was downpouring oh this is sick this is cool so you're just going to camp in here yes nice then you got a clothes line going and everything drying off your clothes yeah I had them on the back of my bike and I don't know if you were on the road when it was absolutely downpouring oh I was dude I bet you were soed that's that's clutch that you got that then so this dude got soaked by that rainstorm that we went through on the way up here because he was riding on a motorcycle so I'm going to make him some tea to hopefully warm him up a little bit [Applause] [Music] oh yeah she is ready some nice hot tea to warm us up as it's starting to get cold outside dude have you looked at the time um it is 10 16 isn't that crazy when I was in bam when I just exited the water I was right next to a river blue yeah like yeah blue blue I just like so I had to drink it oh you drank it yeah dang you're brave I mean it's glacier water so you're fine yeah camera does not do it just it never does man whatsoever yeah like the mountains envelop you make you feel like nothing and then on the picture it's just like oh they're like kind of over there right yeah like that's a little [Music] Hill okay so this guy Nathan right here just met him he is traveling up to Alaska on his motorcycle which I think is really cool and he's about to set up his tent and sleep here in this little log shelter at the campground that we're at tonight he's also got a YouTube channel what is it Modo and mo Moto and mo that's actually a really cool YouTube channel name yeah so if if you want to see Nathan go up to Alaska on his motorcycle go give him a follow cuz that's a pretty gnarly feat honestly I was thinking I was cool going up in my van but dude got chased by Buffalo today on his motorcycle so he's doing it on a whole another [Music] level all right man you have a good night thanks d as well don't let any bears get you [Applause] good job mil good job good morning good morning so do you have to use that bear spray last night no good how'd you sleep not bad it's St like all day it never got fully dark n whoa this is really goodu you like jack cheese this is crackers here any cheese you want I want to try this goat cheese go for it that's like my new favorite thing I've been found out let see M mhm right go for it go for it with the Mary's Gone Crackers M I feel like we're a little family on a camping trip that's how we should be that's what life's about man so I'm here with some friends that I met yesterday at the campground in Dawson Creek this is Liz and Jim and Nathan you guys met last night but we're starting our day off by having basically a Sherie board we got some cheese some apples what is on this toast here this is um marinated goat and sheep cheese and it came from Meredith dairy in Australia yeah it's really freaking good but what's cool is we're all headed to Alaska we met along this journey and we met at the campground yesterday and we're like you know what we'll see you on the road probably and then here we are miles away from that Campground and we just so happened to meet up here at this little spot it was just wild how we all came together yeah yeah relaxing looks like there's a storm rolling in R going to just jump on us in a second temperature just dropped like crazy beautiful all right that was a great way to start the day hanging out with some good people eating some good food but uh it's about noon now so I think I'm going to start packing up and continuing my trick along the Alaskan Highway and find a new spot to camp for the night guys I think I'm going to head out all right if you guys go to muncho Lake or whatever I'll see you there yeah we'll probably be around definitely see you on the road all right man see you guys be safe you too [Music] oh all right so I ended up driving about 2 and 1/2 hours and these roads are definitely starting to feel a lot more Barren the people in cars are getting few and far between and so are the options for gas and food however I made it to this little area called muncho Lake which is this beautiful Blue Lake that's right over here but there's this Lodge here that has a little gas pump and and looks like they offer food inside so I think I'm going to grab me a quick bite to eat fill up on gas and then try and find a place to Camp around here for the night because this area is gorgeous [Music] yeah I I think would be okay so unfortunately the restaurant here in the lodge is by reservation only so I guess I'm not eating there which is probably a good thing I need to cook some food anyway so I'm just going to grab some gas and then try and find a little pool off over here to camp at tonight all right so this is home for the night right on this beautiful Blue Lake this is muncho Lake here in BC and this spot is pretty great we're right up on the lake here and the views are just spectacular however the one big downside is that we are right off the Alaska Highway which is right here but honestly this site is freaking awesome so I'm not complaining [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so before I decid decided to drive to Alaska I bought this book here called the mile poost which is basically a mile by mile Highway log of the Alaska trip from the lower 48 up to Alaska and it's actually really really cool it's literally got information about each mile on the drive up to Alaska and right here you can see the lodge that we were at today and over here it talks about muncho Lake which is where we're at right now and it's just a really informative book full of so much information so if you're looking to do an Alaska trip yourself I highly recommend getting the smile post book this isn't sponsored it's just a genuine recommendation because this is super useful and I'll leave a link to where you can buy one of these in the description of this video if you're interested [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow this place is incredible the way the sun is raking across these mountains here this is so beautiful and this little Peninsula that comes out into the lake providing this nice little Trail is is really cool yep just as suspected that is ice cold but when I was hanging out in my van uh some other RVs pulled up next to me so we've got some neighbors for the night which I'm totally okay with and I was talking to them and they're they're pretty nice everyone here obviously is going to Alaska and it's just kind of neat everyone you meet along this highway it's like where you going Alaska and I love that that sort of camaraderie you know no matter who you meet along this road you automatically have one thing in common it's that you're going to Alaska and weirdly enough it's quite comforting knowing that you know even though I am driving to Alaska alone in my van I'm not actually doing it alone because there's so many other people doing it right now too and it's just awesome man like I don't know how to explain it it's just cool it's a very very cool feeling [Applause] well bad news they're kicking me out so apparently this is a park I didn't know that I found the spot on my app that I use all the time called eye Overlander which is how I find all my campsites on my travels however sometimes they're very hit or miss and it's not always updated with the new rules and laws that come and go sometimes and it turns out this whole lake you're not allowed to camp overnight here unless you're in a established Campground which is unfortunate but they were super nice about it and they're actually letting the other RVs that are camped next to me know the same thing so I need to start packing up and heading out to try and find a different place to Camp which is unfortunate but it is what it is okay so looking at my app here it looks like the nearest place I can camp for the night is 40 minutes away so let's hit the road all right folks after a 40-minute drive this is camp for the night and this place is quite strange it's right off the Alaska Highway however there's a couple of like abandoned structures along this dirt road here and there's a bunch of like just trash and abandoned vehicles right here also right down the road here as I was coming in I saw a bear just chilling so I've got Millie tied up but despite how bright it is outside it is 10:30 p.m. and I I am tired so I'm going to get the Van Camp ready and then I'm off to bed all right everyone it's time for me to get some sleep it's been a fun couple of days hanging out with you guys and having you guys Along on this adventure and hopefully you guys had just as much fun watching this video as I did filming it and if you did make sure to let me know by commenting down below and if this is your first time here I'm Trent and I'm currently traveling up from the lower 48 of the United States up to Alaska and if you want to catch up on all the fun that we've had so far and even on future videos that we're going to release I'll have a playlist that you can click right here and watch all of those videos of my Alaskan Adventure but of course if you're all caught up on my content and you want to support me further than just a like or a comment here on YouTube consider subscribing to me on patreon where you can unlock bonus content I have 30 plus videos that you have not seen yet over on my patreon and you'll also get your name and the credits of all my videos just like these lovely folks right here but don't forget to check out train well by clicking the link in the description so you can get 14 days free with your own expert personal trainer thank you guys so much for watching this video and following me along on the series while I do this crazy adventure it's a pleasure having you guys along but I'm going to get some sleep and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Trent The Traveler
Views: 227,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanlife, vanlife travel, van life, ttthefineprinttt, vanlife vlogger, vanlife tips, living in a van alone, van living, Vanlife gamer, Vanlife gaming, camping in a van, van camping, gaming van, van life videos, van life camping, vanlife camping, camping in the woods, TrentTheTraveler, Camping, stealth camping, travel videos, camping videos, luxury camping, alaska, alaska highway, driving to alaska, vanlife videos, alaska camping, camping in alaska, alaska videos
Id: 8MFfC2Z1WO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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