Lunch Club Goes Shopping

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👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/BerryJamm_ 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/2011WhiteTextMeme 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/ZilchRealm 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

they got my crying crying in the club rn

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/soul32times 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is cool and all but this is sadly older footage, still really cool to see them all together again

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tallguyjeff 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Spilled_Milk_6969 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Where is variety streamer ConnorEatsPants? Mods? Unrelated post? modCheck

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/RooRoozz 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Please refrain from posting off topic information. This is the ConnorEatsPants subreddit

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Cool_cool019 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] yeah we've got to get you a him a bait hoodie who is babe ryan where are we going i have no idea what you're getting us into ryan there's so many things that could go wrong you could be bringing us to a stripper or a drunk bar if you don't even know where we are this is going to make such a good pause you're not the misfits i'm trying to thank you this is going to make such a good podcast story am i right ryan oh my gosh i don't even know where we are this is crazy so where the are we wherever we go it's this way oh this is a crazy store this is the supreme store oh this is filled up that eye is upside down because we're not yeah whoa we slept it's true we're in the other we're in the up the backwards the secrets we missed every bit no wonder it took so long to get here they missed it again it's time to dress you guys like youtubers you've been in the world for long enough i think it's time that you start dressing like us i'm afraid so i'm thinking although this is a look you like this i came up with the front storage kind of not too bad storage good place to put a water bottle let's start with uh my boy c scoop here clothes toby go work your magic i don't think he needs to be here he's in supreme already it's real clothes they made it in china do you like babe no i want to stand up really fast that's why it's so expensive iron deficiency and fall straight down you want to stand up really fast you pass out yeah [Music] and t-shirts yes okay what about a pants i work cargo shorts what size cargo shorts do you wear like medium just keep spinning faster you'll find it it's like if it's like a dog in his tail yeah i've got your supreme water shoot them is anyone there who's calling oh that's a stupid question it's a shoe it's a shoe are you really doing this to me are you really caution can i see a super soaker [Music] we need to get get the cargo shots as well [Music] shouldn't have given me a gun you shouldn't have given me a gun it's a towel all right i think we have to buy that millions dollars ryan's [Music] now it's an extra 200 bucks just for that yeah let's see so what is the what does the logo actually mean here but the arrows pointing it means it's not white no not the clothes that's pretty racist i don't know do i really want to wear a political statement you're a don't uh listen to rap oh do you know what you need to get you that they might have here what do you guys have travis got reese's puffs oh my god that actually happened i can message everybody on bump and tell them i don't need them anymore dude you understand i just this is all i've been doing the whole time sam i didn't even have to load that up i've been messaging people for weeks looking for the puffs how much for the travis scott puffs i i downloaded an app just for hypebeast because it's called bump bump we're gonna believe it i've been bumping people all day all week all vacation word about getting my hands on travis scott family size reese's puffs and here he is he's finally here why is nobody else like super pumped about this you grab that one we're getting another one come on [Laughter] anyone that's a anyone this is perfect for travis what is it it's a little bear yeah yeah yes i don't know who did that of course wait we missed that whole interaction okay can you stop all right thanks off-white is the most youtubery ever okay okay right then we just got some basic trap pants because you got to stay comfortable i've got holes in my pants i'm poor these might not be the pants for you then how you doing in there sweetie are you gay cut the camera i'm just sitting hey who's that guy next to you don't give that footage to toby are you guys ready oh drip drop splash why do i have a why do i have a tail just pretend you're wearing these okay wow look at that i respect ronald reagan you know what they call them what 40. why do they call it 40. the 40th president oh that makes sense [Music] you know what they call me why 46. you never take off the ronald reagan shirt no why would i number 40. god bless america i feel like we shouldn't question this guy double bed with him i'm double begging so does this one go over the shoulder yeah yeah flip it the other way this is the supreme logo yeah how could i be so sorry that bro all right guys can we get some opinions i think this is a this is a masterpiece he's looking fresh guys i really like the shoes you picked up we're gonna film in the video guys it looks like 500 by the way no we do that at the end don't we everyone's get everyone's changed i was not expecting that did you do the no oh do that one holy tick-tock that's tick-tock noise and let me go god he's so hot how do you grow we need more water more water oh gosh he's just gonna get the boat i'd like to buy this and the reese's puffs and puffs okay i got you how much is that all together that comes to 5 800. i'll put it big what are you going to get i don't know yet are you going to get wet are you no are you looking for pants or you're looking for i'm looking for a thing oh that's not what you like to see dude i peed all over i really did it hey schlatt this is my stepladder oh that's funny i don't know my real ladder you know what happened to him no not really i got a nice video for it [Music] [Laughter] who are you watching i'm watching the assassination of john f kennedy not entirely sure i want everything ikea that is like the funniest in the world i was like what the horse in my meatballs oh maybe dude he scares me have i ever even [Laughter] i don't have a pair of jeans or anything like that the only pants i hear are sweat well you wrapping a little cozy does it smell good don't really smell anything i'll take it i'll take three i want three of the same hoodie tell me this wouldn't be the the coziest fly we make today surely get traffic cream teddy [Music] how am i gonna wear this it's just a little supreme teddy bear hey me and my gang i'm not buying him a thousand dollar shoes what what it means me and my gang i love my gang my crew we're chilling cousins stop stop stop if someone's going to draw you at first sound because of that dude i'm going to send somebody down the escalators there's no up escalator there's just two down ones going very quick flat could we get a uh can we get a shot of you going down the escalators and then coming back up just kind of like go let's go down okay yeah that makes sense yeah this is a good shot you can come back up he's too fast at least we have a way of getting up now i'll put no on this this little bush cowboy fit with this yeah i gotta keep this one out of here it never comes off it never comes off okay hold on how can you guys see me i hate that that looks good how the can you see me all right come with me he went down 10 bucks well wait wait don't forget your blueberry bag close me your cargo shorts stay on you have red undertones in your skin which means we stay away from red tones because it will if you have black ones if you wear red tone clothes clothes it will make your skin look more red that's not what we want at all we don't want that to look pasty white exactly yeah try this song sorry with just the t-shirt and i guess keep your cargo shirts on if you have this doesn't matter i don't even know where my real shoes went like the ones yes okay yes okay yes i don't know what i'm wearing you know what they call me it's snoop dogg they call me money bag you like this yeah that fits you nicely yeah it's a large wait i'm in xl can give him a chain oh hey this is weird you're making a mess this is such a fit you think for my lighter for all um the fires i started did you get authority to drip like this dude ladies and gentlemen my finest creations guys costume put on the minions hoodie everyone clap [Applause] yo shout outs followers speech speech speech speech minion hoodie so talented he's so talented are you helped oh my god the horn say banana banana that was cute all right should we reveal [Music] one more one more come on do you want me to fall i could fall do it again [Applause] all right next [Applause] all right [Applause] this looks pretty hot the one the only carson king [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's never been done before it's dominion [Applause] okay uh we're gonna leave it zipped up we're gonna get everyone standing over here can you see me at all we're going to get you to line up one by one okay cast them there noah could you come here please sure travis here cooper here we ready for the group picture uh i'll put this here all right everyone smile smile you guys left your camera uh
Channel: Lunch Club
Views: 477,637
Rating: 4.9789257 out of 5
Id: dQMdsuMB6zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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