1 Kings ~ 18:6 to 18:46

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us we're gonna pick it up today first Kings chapter 18 verse 6 and things are not going well in the ten tribes to the north which became known as Israel king after king after king and each one kept doing worse than all of the kings before as far as leading the people into idolatry leading the people away from God and our last lecture we came to a hab the husband to Jezebel and they have done well Elijah was introduced to us in our last lecture as well and Elijah had told the people of Israel it's not going to rain until I say so in other words until the Lord says so in that he was a prophet of the Lord three and a half years no rain not even a dress so much as a drop of dew on the land and I'll tell you what there's a famine sore famine in the land and you know a hab what did we find him doing is we ended our last lecture well he had a governor of his house Obadiah who was a man of God and he feared and revered the Lord in fact when Jezebel started killing prophets of the Lord true prophets a the Lord Obadiah hid a hundred of them in a cave and was making sure that they had something to eat and water but Ahab called Obadiah and he said well look we got to make a run for it and try and find some water and some pasture before we lose all of our animals and so he told Obadiah you go that way I'm gonna go this way and you see Ahab had been looking for Elijah for over three years they searched almost every nation in the world and then made the the leaders of the nation take an oath that they hadn't seen Elijah and if they did they would haste to let a have no but you see a haves running around looking for some water and a little bit of pasture so that he doesn't lose all of his animals what he should be looking for is the Lord and the kings of Israel just didn't get it it looks like they would have said you know what is causing all this trouble to come our way when did it start well it started when Jeroboam made the two golden calves and started appointing his own priests and made a holiday a festival feast day in the eighth month which wasn't appointed by God so just didn't get it and that's what God is trying to do is get their attention the people of Israel well will he have gotten their attention with three and a half years of no rain let's ask that word of wisdom in Yeshua's precious name Father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up first Kings chapter 18 verse 6 so they this is Ahab and Obadiah divided the land between them to pass throughout it they could cover more ground if one went one way and one went the other 1/2 went one way by himself and Obadiah went another way by himself verse seven and as Obadiah was in the way behold Elijah met him and he knew him he recognized Elijah and fell on his face and said art thou that my lord Elijah questioned and he knew it was Elijah he just he can't believe his own eyes and he's wanting to verify you are Elijah right verse eight and he answered him I am go tell the Lord referring to a hab note the small el behold Elijah is here now a hab will undoubtedly think that this is good news will Obadiah think that it's good news and he Obadiah said what have I sinned that thou wouldest deliver thy servant under the hand of Ahab to slay me here we see Obadiah is fearful and he's probably thinking you know we've been looking for Elijah for three and a half years a hab is probably going to be thinking that I'm hiding Elijah in a cave somewhere from him as well and if I go tell him behold Elijah is here and then Elijah the Spirit of the Lord tells you to go somewhere else and disappear for another three and a half years a Habs not gonna think it's funny in fact is my head will probably roll verse 10 as the LORD thy God liveth this is an oath the most serious oath you can take there is no nation or Kingdom whether my lord this is Ahab have not sent to seek thee in reference to Elijah and when they said he is not here are there he took an oath of the kingdom and nation that they found the not he made them swear that they hadn't seen you and likely made I swear if they did see you they would summons him first thing we've searched the whole world for you it's too bad that a hab didn't get it and searched for the Lord you seek him and he will be found of you forsake him and he will forsake you verse 11 now and now thou sayst go tell thy Lord behold Elijah is here are you sure that's what you want me to do and again I think you're trying to get me killed Elijah verse 12 and it shall come to pass as soon as I am gone from thee that the Spirit of the Lord shall carry thee whether I know not and so when I come until Ahab and he cannot find thee he shall slay me but I thy servant fear the Lord from my youth I have revered the Lord since my youth and you've been gone for three and a half years and now you want me to go tell Ahab Elijah's here verse 13 was it not told my lord was wasn't a hab told what I did when Jezebel slew the prophets of the Lord she was trying to exterminate the worship of Yahweh for bail worship how I hid an hundred men of the Lord's prophets by fifty in a cave and fed them with bread and water Jezebel doesn't know about it but Ahab knows that I hid a hundred of the Lord's prophets to save their life they have a certainly not going to feel like he owes me any great favors verse 14 and now thou sayst go tell thy Lord in reference to Ahab behold Elijah is here and he shall slay me again he might think that I've been hiding you in a cave like I've been hiding the hundred other hundred prophets of the Lord verse 15 and Elijah said as the Lord of Hosts liveth again this is an oath before whom I stand or I serve you could translate I will surely show myself unto Him two day and verse one that's what the Lord instructed Elijah go show thyself unto a hab so he's assuring doing the best he can to assure Obadiah that it is his full intent and God isn't going to change his mind and the Spirit of the Lord the Holy Spirit cause Elijah to disappear I am going to show myself to Ahab I would the Lord instructed me to do it and that's what I will do 4:16 so Obadiah went to meet a hab and told him and Ahab went to meet Elijah got a Habs attention and again he may have likely thinking this is very good news that the rains will finally come I mean it's dry three and a half years can you imagine with not even so much as a drop of dew verse 17 and it came to pass when Ahab saw Elijah that Ahab said unto Him art thou he that troubleth Israel I bet that went all over Elijah it wasn't Elijah who was troubling Israel it was Ahab and Jezebel building a house for bail in Samaria the capital of the ten tribes to the north Jezebel killing the prophets the true prophets of the Lord and promoting 450 prophets of bail and four hundred prophets of the Groves as we'll see in the next few verses Elijah knew full well who was the cause of the trouble that had come upon Israel and it wasn't just a hab it was the entire nation yeah a hab was not setting a good example Jezebel was not setting a good example but the people were following the people were practicing idolatry they brought the trouble upon themselves verse 18 and he answered I have not troubled Israel Elijah speaking to Ahab but thou and thy father's house and that ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and thou has followed Balaam and that is the truth that's the reason that there has been no rain you see Elijah was fully aware of what Leviticus chapter 26 verse 19 states that if you don't do things God's Way which Israel had not been doing things God's Way he's God said I'll make your heaven as iron and your earth as brass that means I'll make your ground as hard as brass have you ever tried to plow brass or ground that's that hard you're not going to get very far and if you do get a seed managed to get a seed in the ground it's certainly not going to germinate because there's no water no moisture to cause the seed to germinate verse 19 now therefore sinned and gather me all Israel unto Mount Carmel and the prophets of bale 450 and the prophets of the groves 400 which eat at Jezebel's table eating at the Queen's table means that she is maintaining them providing them with food shelter 450 prophets of bail and 400 prophets of the Groves or vice versa and my goodness you know they've been busy Jezebel and Ahab by the way Carmel means Pleasant or fruitful place it sits on an elevation above the area around it some 1,800 feet above water level and it had a cistern on top of it that was basically fed by underground Springs and the reason I'm explaining that is because there's going to be a lot of water available here - hey excuse me Elijah when he calls for it and with the drought that had been there I didn't want that to sound funny or confuse you verse 20 so Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel and gathered the prophets together unto Mount Carmel eight hundred and fifty prophets of bail and the groves now Elijah is calling all the people of Israel representatives at least of all the people of Israel because he wants them to witness what is about to happen you see this the spirit of Elijah is to return the hearts of the children back to the father's as it states in Malachi chapter 4 along about verses 5 & 6 God promised there that before the great and terrible day of the Lord that's the second Advent when Christ returns I will send Elijah to return the hearts of the children back to the father's Elijah is about to see if the people of Israel can be talked any sense into them or if they want to continue worshiping BHEL verse 21 and Elijah to all the people and said how long halt ye between two opinions as halt she is to leap or limp in opinions you could think of thoughts and now it's how long are you gonna jump from one thought and then back to another if the Lord be God follow him worship the Lord if he is God but if bail then follow him and the people answered him not a word they didn't have anything to say and you know these double thinkers he's telling them make up your mind if yaha they is the God worship him but don't think that you can worship Him one day and then the next day you're worshiping bail and people say well we know we wouldn't do that today oh well on what's supposed to be the high Sabbath of the year the Passover they're following religions that have them being quick like the rabbit the Easter Bunny Easter Bunny I'll say the Phoenician Phoenician goddess of love and fertility out rolling eggs in the Groves James chapter one verse eight it states that in the New Testament that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways you can't count on them you know when one day they're thinking this way the next day they're thinking another way that's called double minded God sure can't use somebody like that why because you can't count on them verse 22 then said Elisha unto the people I even I only remain a prophet of the Lord but bales profits are 450 men Elisha is about to propose a little contest to see whose God is real verse 23 let them referring to the 450 bail profits therefore give us two Bullock's and let them choose one bullet for themselves and cut it in pieces and lay it on the wood let them prepare the one bullet for the sacrifice and put no fire under and I will dress the other bullet and lay it on wood and put no fire under it again Elijah's proposing a little contest and the the conditions that he's laying down are making it to where it's so fair that there's no way that the bale profits the 450 can refuse without losing face 24 and call ye on the name of your God small G and I will call on the name of the Lord Yahweh and the God that answereth by fire let him be God and all the people answered and said it is well spoken again he had him if they refused the people of Israel there as witness would be going I think I'm going with Elijah's God Yahweh's way of accepting sacrifices has always been to accept them by fire Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 our God is a consuming fire verse 25 and Elijah said unto the prophets of bale choose you one bullet for yourselves and dress it first you take your pick of the Bullock's so that somebody doesn't think nobody can say that I picked the best one you take your choice for year many 450 I'll say and call on the name of your God small G but put no fire under verse 26 and they took the Bullock which was given them and they dressed and called on the name of bail from morning even until noon saying old bail hear us but there was no voice nor any that answered and they leaped upon the altar which was made this is better stated they leaped up and down before the altar if they jumped up on the altar they certainly weren't expecting any fire obviously but from morning until noon half of the day they're calling on bail but nobody heard they I don't think there's anybody home verse 27 and it came to pass at noon that he lies you mocked them and said cry aloud for he is a God small G according to you he is a God either he is talking meditating to himself or he is pursuing or he is on a journey or peradventure he sleepeth and must be awaked now if you ever have a doubt that God has a sense of humor this verse proves that our Father does have a sense of humor they took out this word pursuing it means that he has a pursuit which is a figure of speech meaning that it's potty break time he's either on the head or he's looking for a head to use the restroom and of course our Heavenly Father never sleeps but this is this is rich verse 28 there they're not done yet and they cried aloud maybe we need to cry a little maybe Elijah is right we don't seem to be getting in a response maybe we need to cry a little louder and cut themselves after their manner their heathenistic ways with knives in Lancet still the blood doubt upon them maybe that Elijah is right maybe we need to shout louder and do more like cut ourselves until we bleed with knives and lancets verse 29 and it came to pass when midday was passed and they prophesied until the time of the offering this would be the the normal evening sacrifice of the evening sacrifice that there was neither voice nor any to answer nor any that regarded no one paying attention again I don't think anybody was home now you see the people the representatives of Israel have been there since early morning taking all this in and so far I'm sure it was first at first a little bit entertaining watching the bail prophets jump up and down in front of the altar and then pricking themselves with knives until they bled but all in all it's been a pretty boring day I mean from morning until evening and nothing as no fire has certainly come down verse 30 and Elijah said unto all the people people of Israel come near unto me and all the people came near and to him and he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down you come close and you watch carefully you're about to witness the power of God and this altar that was there carmel was probably someone's private or personal altar and the BHEL worshippers had torn it down and Elijah took 12 stones one for each of the tribes of Israel according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob unto whom the word of the Lord came saying Israel shall be thy name Genesis chapter 32 verse twenty-eight when Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord and prevailed over him God changed his name to Israel if you translate it rather than transliterated means prince that prevails with God 32 and with the stones he built an altar in the name of the Lord and he made a trench about the altar as great as would contain two measures of seed this would be a trench about three feet wide and he put the wood in order and cut the Bullock in pieces and laid him on the wood and said fill four barrels with water no doubt these came from that cistern on Mount Carmel and pour it on the burnt sacrifice and on the wood and wet it down real good and the fire they're about to see will consume even the water verse 34 and he said do it the second time and they did it the second time and he said do it a third time and they did it a third time twelve barrels of water in all I think Eli's is showing Israel water is about to become abundant once again the water shortage is about over and the water ran or went round about the altar and he filled that in he filled the trench also with water and it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice the daily sacrifice there was one in the morning one an evening that Elijah the prophet came near and said Lord God of Abraham Isaac and of Israel I think that deliberate because of what was said in verse 31 rather than Jacob let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel and that I am thy servant and that I have done all these at thy word I'm not doing this of my own mind or my own heart I'm following your instructions father 37 hear me O Lord hear me that this people may know that thou art the Lord God and that thou has turned their heart back again the purpose of Elijah to turn the hearts of the children back to the father with the capital F the purpose of this and all other miracles to let people know that our Heavenly Father is the God of heaven and earth verse 38 then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones even the stones were consumed and the dust and licked up the water that was in the trench all of it verse 39 and when all the people saw it they fell on their faces and they said the Lord that's yaver in the Hebrew he is the God the Lord Jehovah again he is God they fell on their faces before the altar yeah Elijah did turn the hearts of the children back to the father and Elijah said unto them take the prophets of bail let not one of them escape and they took them and he lies you brought them down to the brook Keshawn and slew them there and I can just hear it now some bleeding-heart Christians saying well that doesn't sound like a very good man of God yes he was a very good man of God he was taking care of business God's law says that you will take false prophets and kill them Deuteronomy chapter 13 verses one through five and why would God want to kill all 450 of these profit let not one of them escape you see God knows and that a little bit 11 can spread through the whole loaf the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament what that means is and he wasn't talking about the leaven that you put in bread he's talking about the doctrine and a false doctrine a little bit can spread through your whole church if you're not careful that's why God wanted it eliminated and stamped out completely verse 41 and Elijah said unto Ahab get the up eat and drink for there is a sound of abundance of rain Adem evidently they probably hadn't eaten all day three and a half years had been without rain and now Elijah says there is a sound of abundance of rain so Ahab went up to eat and to drink and Elijah went up to the top of Carmel he cast himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees he totally humbled himself kneeling down and then placing his forehead on the ground forty three Elijah speaking and said to his servant go up now look toward the sea this would be the Mediterranean Sea and he went up and looked and said there is nothing and he said go again seven times there's not one cloud in the sky Elijah servant said after the first time Elijah said go look seven times you know the person that took over for Elijah Elijah told Naaman a general of the Syrian army to go dunk himself seven times in the River Jordan and Neyman said the waters of the rivers of my homeland in Assyria are not as good as the Jordan and then he went and he was healed of his leprosy spiritual perfection in the number-7 in biblical numerix verse 44 and it came to pass at the seventh time the seventh time that he went to look for the clouds that he is being Elisha's servant said behold there arise that the little cloud out of the sea like a man's hand and he said go up saying to ahab prepare thy chariot and get thee down that the rain stopped the not it's going to rain for sure and what this means like a man's hand if you were looking off into the horizon and you saw a cloud and you held your hand up and it was about the size of your hand at that distance is what that's talking about of course the chariot could become you know stuck in the mud easily is what elisha is instructing Ahab to get down from Mount Carmel before you that starts raining verse 45 and it came to pass in the meanwhile that the heaven was black with clouds and wind and there was a great rain and Ahab Road and went to Jezreel verse 46 to conclude the chapter and the hand of the Lord was on Elijah boy was it on Elijah and he girded up his loins and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel some 18 miles from Carmel to Jezreel the hand of the Lord was on Elijah to perform these miracles the Spirit of God was on Elijah and he lies accomplished a lot there turning the hearts of the children back to the Lord well when Jezebel finds out Elijah killed her profits of bail she's not going to be happy about it don't miss our next lecture we got a short message listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel bucks 416 graphin Arkansas 7 2 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to possibly be answered on the air feel free to call that 800 number and leave your question don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive format throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it if you're listening by shortwave radio or studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions and being the point got a prayer request we can do away with the telephone number you don't need a telephone you don't need them mailing address your heavenly father is there for you continuously I encourage you to talk to him you know you can talk to him anywhere anytime you don't have to be in a special place or take a certain posture you can talk to your Heavenly Father and approach him at any time I encourage you to do it make time each day to talk with your Heavenly Father let him know that you love him you know he is the closest relative that you have let him know you love him and when you have major decisions in your life it doesn't hurt to seek his counsel you know he does have your best interest at heart if specially if your loving and serving him so take his counsel we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs sickness illness problem marriages father you know if it is your will a special blessing on each of these watch over a guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions see what's on the mind of folks first up today we have Judy in Pennsylvania since it takes each member of any relationship to make it meaningful and successful please explain what you mean when you say our relationship with God depends solely on us well it's because we change and our Heavenly Father never changes he's the same yesterday he's the same today he will be the same tomorrow so it is us who change and if we and our actions we seek Him then we find him that's not biblical if we forsake him then he will forsake us 1st chronicles chapter 28 verse 9 will document that Janus and we don't know where Janus is from is there anything wrong or ungodly about wearing makeup and dressing nice well you know everything in moderation in the Old Testament prostitutes painted their face in a certain way and it was a heavy makeup if you would and that actually it was paint at that time but what they were doing by wearing such paint was advertising their wares it was like putting a red light out in front of their tent so to speak so wearing makeup and you know you say dressing nice I guess that's kind of a subjective decision as far as whether or a dress is nice or not but everything in moderation let's just leave it at that Marion in Oklahoma where in the Bible are we given permission to ask the ark angels to do anything we aren't in fact is if you pray to the Archangels or worship Archangels your way in the wrong revelation chapter 22 verses 8 and 9 came to my mind with your question and that's where when John was taken to the third heaven and in in spirit and after he had been shown all these things chapter 22 of Revelation is the last chapter if you're not familiar but John fell down at the feet of the angel and started worshiping him and the angel said see thou do it not and then raised him up said I'm your fellow servant so angels our fellow servants they're not to be worshipped angel worship is is a big taboo Terry in California explained the first Earth Day what kind of bodies did we have in the first Earth Age well humans were only had spiritual bodies in the first Earth Age there was no room for man at that period of time there was no flesh man in the first Earth Age that's what the Second Earth Age was for one third of God's children rebelled against him and followed Satan in the first Earth Age and that's the reason that we have a second earth age was God didn't want to destroy a third of his children so he's given them a chance to follow him or follow Satan you know that's understanding the three world ages is critical for your studies in God's Word if you don't understand the three world ages there's much of God's word that you won't understand Paul referred to it as the mysteries of God on page three of every monthly newsletter that we send out you'll find a list of suggested studies for new students either cassette tape or CD being the format and one of those on there is called three world ages and CD number three zero five zero six and if you don't understand the three world ages I'd really recommend that you order that study again it's critical for your understanding of God's Word in its entirety Elizabeth in Kentucky as we are studying first kings Solomon kept all the feast days offering days what did when did they stop having the offerings and all the feast days did they have it as long as the Ark of the Covenant was on earth well you see it wasn't the Ark the Covenant that that caused people to have feasts God gave instructions for his children to celebrate these feast days in Leviticus chapter 23 and what caused them to cease the sacrifices in particular well what caused that to happen the event was the the significance was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ you see he's called Jesus is referred to often as the Lamb of God part of the reason he's referred to as the Lamb of God is he was the Passover lamb that year he was the sacrifice but it would be an insult to God for us to offer animal sacrifice now give Hebrews chapter 9 a reading and you'll learn there that the blood of Jesus Christ covers our sins much more than the blood of an ox or the ashes of a red heifer but we do continue to celebrate one feast day here at the chapel but we don't do it with burnt offerings obviously the feast day that we keep the Passover well why do you keep Passover and your Christian 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verses 6 & 7 we learned there that Jesus Christ became our Passover good question Charles and Texas I don't have anything to do with Easter the eggs etc but we have a barbecue is it all right to participate in the barbecue knowing in my heart that Easter is not of our Father when nothing wrong with having a barbecue at any time you know and there's nothing wrong with having a big meal on Easter just don't participate in the hedonistic practices such as rolling the Easter eggs etc Debra from Oklahoma I have RA a rheumatoid arthritis those of you that didn't know so excuse my writing you write quite well actually compared to what some other folks send in my question is I know the Bible says honor your father and mother my dad died when I was 13 I'm 62 now my mom moved every few months she would leave me with a man and travel with oh no she would leave with a man and travel with him because of his job she left us on a doorstep with a note and didn't come back for months I do not love her I have no bond with her whatsoever she gets mad over anything I say and not and doesn't speak to me for years she's evil and backstabbing and hides behind the Bible will God punish me for not loving her well honoring your mother and father isn't exactly the same as loving your mother and father you know if it weren't for your mother and father though Deborah we wouldn't have you so honor her for bringing you into the world now you know it sounds like she she did you wrong if what you know and I have no reason to doubt what you said is true that she left you for months on in and you know it's hard to trust somebody that that does that to you and you know but do the best you can to respecter that again realize that if it wasn't for her you wouldn't be born Alan in Ohio is there any connection between first Kings chapter 7 verse 14 and Genesis chapter 4 verse 22 and then you put in quotes worker with knowledge in brass and yes I think you could make that connection and rightly so you know in Genesis chapter 4 verse 22 it's referring to the descendants of Cain which of course the descendant of Cain is known as a kin ight and in first Kings chapter 7 verse 14 we were talking about Hiram who was the son of a man of Tyre and you seek tyre was a trading center there was a lot of money that changed hands on tyre and if you know Kenites you know that any place that money is changing hands you're going to find Kenites there so yeah I think you know that would probably be a pretty safe connection to make that that Hiram was likely a descendant of Cain it's not written but if you put the pieces of the puzzle together I think it fits Jeff in South Carolina is shrimp unclean and our catfish unclean both are unclean and that's probably the the unclean food that I have the biggest weakness for is shrimp I don't eat it all that often but when I go down to the Gulf Coast to get away for a little R&R those old Gulf shrimps or called me then both are unclean though and in Leviticus chapter 11 verse 9 we learned that of what you take from the waters what is clean the determining factor of what is clean and unclean to be clean whatever comes from the waters must have fins and scales shrimp do not have scales nor fins and catfish don't have scales so they don't fit what is clean from the water catfish are bottom feeders whatever is on the bottom of the the lake or pond or the river that's what they eat and what happens when other fish and creatures of the waters die they go to the bottom so they're scavengers basically and that's another reason that they eat garbage and if you eat them you're basically eating garbage mark in California the two rainbows in Revelation please explain in Revelation chapter 6 verse 2 we have on the back up to verse 1 you've got one who arrives riding on a white horse and then in verse 2 it states that he has a bow I want you to check out that word bow in your Strong's Concordance and you'll find that it's the Greek word tock song and it means that it is a imitation it's a cheap fabric imitation of the rainbow that you find in Revelation chapter 10 verse 1 which is the actual Shekinah glory of our Lord so you've got two bows one is fake one is real in Revelation I did a message of Sunday message not to off the long-ago entitled the bow and it's interesting study the the rainbow was chosen by our Heavenly Father as a sign that he would never flood the earth again after the flood of Noah's time Theresa and Oklahoma are the Irish people one of the ten tribes that came across the mountains yes most people that are of Irish descent are descendants of those who the ten tribes of Israel that were in bondage to the Assyrian and then after two hundred years they were released and they went north over the Caucasus Mountains settling into Europe and many migrating on into the United States and Canada the lost ten tribes of Israel and why are they lost most of them haven't a clue who they are Curtis in California why isn't Christmas in the Book of Leviticus well I mentioned earlier that were given the feast days of the Lord in Leviticus chapter 23 of course Christmas is not listed there yet because Christ hadn't been conceived or crucified at that point in time Leviticus 23 was the Old Covenant meaning the we were in the dispensation at that point in time where they were controlled by they were under the law and of course now we fortunately live in the dispensation of grace and under the New Covenant and Jesus Christ is the New Covenant Imogene and Kentucky can you please explain the serpent seed well 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 explains it pretty well it states and of course 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 Paul states you know I don't want you I'm jealous over you and I don't want you to be beguiled like mother Eve was beguiled by the serpent in the and I want you to take your Strong's Concordance and check out that word beguiled you'll find that it's expat Dale and it means wholly seduced that's the only meaning for it is its wholly seduced so what happened in the Garden of Eden if you studied in the Hebrew that you can learn it in Genesis but if you if you studying in the Hebrew we know that the serpent seduced Eve and they had relations and a child was conceived his name was Cain that's the beginning of the serpent seed Kurt from Kansas if every soul on earth turned in for one half hour lecture to your program what book and chapter would you choose for your lesson thank you for your teaching truth from God's Word and you're welcome Kurt you know I used to say that this book or that chapter or this verse or that verse was my favorite in the whole Bible I can't say that anymore the whole word is so rich and full if you understand it and if you study it with understanding I just I can't choose Larry from Illinois my sister and I were talking Bible she said the devil was on earth now revelation 12:9 I said all of Revelation is for the end of time meaning all of Revelation is prophecy still to come well I don't agree with you that revelation is all prophecy still to come some of it has already transpired you're right though some of it is prophecy to come but if your sister says Satan is here now where is he you know oh yeah his spirit is here but I'm talking Satan deserve in other words Satan himself here on earth he's going to be here on earth when Michel boots him out and that's where you read about it Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and the following verses but and you know what's he going to be doing when he is here well you agreed about that in God's Word as well he's going to be pretending to be Jesus Christ and as it states in in Revelation chapter 13 the whole world is going to be deceived except those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life that's his election Rebecca and Alabama people around the world are saying they hear trumps any scriptures pertaining to that fact question does it mean we are moving into a new age or our good Lord Jesus Christ is returning god bless you thank you all that shepherd's chapel for your assistance it's greatly appreciated and you're welcome you know the labor pangs of a new age are growing closer and closer together I'll just say watch Watchmen watch at a time I love you all a great deal why because you enjoy studying our fathers word in depth it makes his day we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings help us keep coming to you and reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing that's most important though beloved and it's this you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why it's because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that's shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,407
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Arnold Murray, Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherds, Book of, Book of 1 Kings, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, 1 Kings, Chapel, Arnold, Pastor, Book of I Kings, I Kings, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray
Id: ZX38YF5ofR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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