Luke ~ 10:39 to 11:33

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are ready to get back in our father's word look of Luke 2 like giver in this 10th chapter of this great book of Luke many things have transpired Christ has given us power over all of our enemies but there's one thing I want you to remember he didn't he not only gave you power over all your enemies but he gave you power to tread on your enemies and that's exactly the part Satan left out in Psalms 91 when he was tempting Christ that we are supposed to tread on the serpent so we don't cut him any slack so don't ever read over that you not only have power over your enemies but you're supposed to do a little trumping on them and and we don't take any prisoners and be that as it may if they want to love the Lord that's wonderful but when it comes to serpents then we know how to deal with them and that's why he gives you that power the word in the Greek is Dunamis dynamite our word dynamite comes from that so and you have that authority to tread on what they do that is to say to uncover it reveal it make it known dislodge it interfere with it mess up Satan's plan that's what it has reference to so and continuing on then he would tell us how to who was your neighbor who's your brother and then he ends up in that thirty eighth verse as we closed in the last they went into a certain town we know that that town was Bethany and Bethany being the house of dates or the house of misery and they are serving there and Martha's received him into her house and we pick it up with verse 39 a word of wisdom from our Father let's go with it it reads and she had a sister speaking of Martha she had a sister named Mary which also said it Jesus and heard his word his word is wonderful that's what's important but Martha was cumbered about much as serving too much serving you might say so you get the real point okay and came to him and said Lord dust I'll not care that my sister had left me to serve alone and bid her therefore that she helped me now what it is instead of preparing a dish which would have been sufficient she's putting on a feed that won't quit it's not necessary too many dishes she's troubling herself encumbering herself cooking cooking cooking which will not be eating eating eating because it's too much instead of listening to the Word of God so you've got it you know the truth food and here's where the parable comes in you the Word of God is the best food you'll ever be able to receive because Christ is the bread of life and but and it's wonderful to have plenty of dishes but when when it comes to what is adequate and then listening to the word you're a lot better off because the food passes through the body and it's gone but the Word of God lodges in your mind and there it stays if you'll use it to fuel to approve it if you'll absorb it you'll have power over your enemies enough to even tread on serpents and scorpions when that time comes which is now verse 41 and jesus answered and said unto her Martha Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things you worry about too many things you worry about too many dishes 42 but one thing is needful only one dish was needful a translation and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her in other words the Word of God was sitting before her she was absorbing that word of god that became flesh and walked among us and and attentively was listening absorbing the very word itself whereby she would have that stream so this does not make Martha a bad person but at the same time always have your priorities straight father's word must always come first it is the food that will stay with you it is the food that will sustain you through some terrible times that are ahead it makes those terrible times quite easy to handle why because you have the Word of God it is a precious thing to possess and certainly that being the parable is the food that comes from the body of Christ is what stays with you chapter 11 verse 1 and it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased one of his disciples said unto Him Lord teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples let us know how to do this first to listen carefully and he said unto them when ye pray say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name or holy be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as in heaven so in earth now always remember that's not a prayer you want to repeat when repetition over and over but it gives you the example of how you are supposed to pray always pray in God's will and you will even have some so-called teachers that will tell you don't pray if it's God's will demand it well if you're truly a Christian if it's not God's will you wouldn't want it anyway because God loves you and he knows what's good for you and he knows what you have need of and he will provide it for you when you work for it but always pray that it's God's will your requests even and what are you praying also that God's kingdom comes to this earth and is set up here on earth just as it is in heaven because wherever God is that's where heaven is verse 3 give us this day give us day by day our daily bread and what is the bread the bread of life we just learned that in the parable preceding this concerning Marian Marian Martha verse 4 and forgive us our sins or our debts for we also forgive everyone that is indebted to us and lead us not into temptation Christ isn't going to tempt you but sometimes you tempt yourself and he'll always show you a way out though but deliver us from evil no that's that is an example of how you pray I I want to say quite plainly never many men said well I'm gonna type that out where I can just repeat it over and over no no don't do that God loves you and he loves to hear from you he wants your report that's why he wrote you this letter he doesn't want you to say some prayer that someone has written for you this love letter that he sent to you he wants an answer and he wants it to be from your heart but simply follow those guidelines ask it of course in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ giving credentials that you're a believer but always pray that it be his will your requests what it is when you talk to him and talking to him is prayerful in a prayerful way is a prayer it doesn't have to be some fancy ritual that you go through simply talk to him let him know just like you would do anyone else he's very intelligent but that's what he wants to hear from you your love for him and what does he can do for you verse 5 to continue and he said unto them which of you shall have a friend and shall go unto him at midnight and saying to him friend lend me three loaves no you no bread at this time you had to need it and the and it had to rise and after it rose you had to bake it and yeah it took hours to do bread now we come to the reason 6 for a friend of mine in his journey has come to me and I have nothing to set before him that being the purpose and it would take me hours to fix something verse 7 and he from within shall answer and say you know works from within this means to him own self he will think trouble me not the door is now shut and my children are with me in bed excuse me I cannot rise and give thee in other words at that time children were on pallets and in rooms and if you got up and went somewhere it disturbed and shook up the whole house and he says to himself I don't selfishly I don't want to be bothered with this but that's only what he was saying in himself as he's listening to his friend verse 8 I say unto you Christ continues though he will not rise and give him because he is his friend yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needed and because of the overcoming his selfishness and because he is a friend he's going to do it why well because he he appreciates his friendship though it is troublesome verse nine and I say unto you ask and it shall be given given you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you and many people say oh my well I've got it made then all I have to do just go for it you don't want to over read that every part of that required action on your part to ask that means you've got to ask question you've got to to research what it is you need and how to go about it you have to seek that means I mean hunting out work at it and knock that means to put all that together and let the Lord know that you've got it together that takes action on your part it isn't just just because it's written there it isn't given to you it takes action on your part to receive the bread of life verse 10 for every one that asketh receiveth i can't ask us asking that takes action and he that seeketh findeth know did you work at it you research you do your part and you'll find the answer and to him that knocketh it shall be opened and there you have it it it doesn't matter what time of the day or night it is the father is always there for you he doesn't he doesn't consider it being bothered in the middle of the night for you to need his hand to need his strings to need his power the power that he has even given you from the prior chapter to tread on serpents he's certainly he's not going to turn you down if you need some favor of a thing that has because of friendships that would further the Word of God verse 11 if a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father will he give him a stone or if he ask a fish will he give well it will will he poor he fish give him a serpent verse 12 or if he shall ask an egg will he offer him a scorpion now let let's analyze those a little bit if you ask for bread it's the bread of life not not a rock because Christ is our rock he is the bread of life not the false rock which is Satan Tyrus in the Hebrew tongue but the true rock but just to say the rock that the church is built to bone the Lord Jesus Christ the bread of life that stays with you or if you ask a fish will he give him a serpent in other words fish is a cipher for Jesus Christ savior of the world Israel and the world he's certainly not going to give you the old the old devil when you ask for the bread of life which is to say Christ not going to happen or if you ask for an egg that is to say of truth he's not going to give you a scorpion to read you especially one as it was priced in the ninth chapter of the great book of Revelation verse 13 if ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him and what is that that is God's Spirit in you with you that is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ with your father Emmanuel God with us if you ask and if you seek and if you knock it will begin freely it is a gift from God that he watches over in other words he's not certainly going to give you a bad gift if you tell him you love him that's this follows with how you pray our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done here on earth as it is in heaven and so it is that our Heavenly Father loves his children and he expects you to return that love why he's always fair and he's always ever so wise that he knows what you have need of so he's certainly not going to give you something that might harm you and for this reason you must always pray and ask in his will many times one might say well I'm just going to pray for me a new car oh no that's not the way you get a new car you get a new car by getting to work by earning the money and buying yourself a car okay if one is just given to you you may reckon it's not his will that that happen that you take something wishy-washy you have to work earn what you have but God will make it possible and bless you with the truth and common sense and also his blessings which makes things fall in your favor even in a troubled world by issuing the power and authority that it takes to get it done but that's because the Holy Spirit is within you and you within him verse 14 and he was casting out a devil and it was dumb that the person this lad was he couldn't speak and it came to pass when the devil was gone out the dumb spake the oh boy that couldn't speak he could talk and that people wondered I mean this is a miracle a magnificent miracle of healing and casting out an evil spirit done by the Lord Jesus Christ himself 15 but some of them said he casteth out Devils through Beelzebub the chief of the Devils and 16 and others tempted him sought of him a sign from heaven no I want you to analyze that a moment they are asking for a sign from heaven and here this lad that couldn't speak and had an evil spirit has been cleansed with the spirit gone and the boy can talk they want to see a sign from heaven I mean what would it take to wake one up certainly they had witnessed it so what they're saying is they're mocking him saying he he does this in the power of Satan that's that's how he does this the Lord of the dunghill builds you Bob let's go to the next verse 1917 rather every and but he knowing their thoughts I mean he could tell what they were thinking said unto them every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation you can't stand and a house divided against the house fall off there's no way it can make it pull this way pull that way won't work 18 if Satan also be divided against himself how shall his kingdom stand because you say that I cast out Devils through builder Bob 19 I mean it was the devil I cast out if I was of the devil why would I cast out one of my own that's what he's saying okay implying 19 and if I by Beelzebub cast out Devils by whom do Suns cast them out therefore shall they be your judges whoa now hold on a minute their sons can't cast out anything I mean I mean the boy was done and possessed there's their boys couldn't do it they couldn't turn the tap couldn't couldn't do a thing they were not able to they couldn't cast them out in anybody's name so he kind of nails them to the wall got it in other words you you let them be your judge they couldn't do anything what kind of judge is that twenty but on the other hand but if I with the finger of God that's to say this holy spirit we've mentioned in the prior verse the Holy Spirit of God cast out devils no doubt the kingdom of God has come upon you you want a sign from heaven you've had it 21 when a strong man armed keepeth his palace his goods are in peace they're safe because he has the horse to protect them he can just any evil that comes along he can thump its gourd and send it on its way 22 but when a stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him he taken from him all his armor wherein he trusted and divided the spoils in other words he takes him down why because he's stronger than he is the point being if those demons were stronger than me they would have taken me down instead what happened I cleansed the house I overcame that demon cleaned the house that he was in and I took it all over I reclaimed that child of God and he can speak I took back my property in other words a child of God verse 23 to continue he that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth and that's the way it is anybody that works against the ministry and scattering God will thump their gourd big time and and it's just that way God with the finger of God manipulates organizes and brings success brings blessings helps people touches people 24 when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man listen carefully now he walketh through Dry places seeking rest and finding none he said I will return unto my house whence I came out No there was somebody there strong enough to throw him out what did he not what is he telling you that you must do to follow that up you let's go one more verse 25 but when he cometh he find it that swept and garnished it's clean there's nothing in it the boy could talk and we'll use him as an example but you see it was empty what is the thing that you always do number one there are evil spirits in the world there's not one behind every bush but believe me they exist and when you cast them out you always send them back where they came from that's that way they can harm no one else and in sending them back where they come from you've emptied the house and cleansed it but you had better than well put Christ into it you had better convert them into Christianity and let them know what the demon had done and put that finger of God the Holy Spirit in that house whereby it is no longer empty and clean but is filled with the love of God and the power from on high of Almighty God what happens if you leave it empty simply clean out the spirit and don't talk don't console and bring Christ into that person's life 26 then goeth he the old demon and take it to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first in other words you must complete the job you can't leave a person after you cleanse them without instilling the Holy Spirit within them that being the subject if you ask for it if you knock if you ask knock and seek and knock the Spirit will come to you it's a gift from God and so it is when one is cleansed you know it is a beautiful thing to see the eyes of possessed when it they're clear made clear by the dispelling of that that is evil and taking back over that house and instilling Christ within it there is no way that the evil spirit can enter therein nor would they want to because they would be afraid of this person so naturally what do you do then you pray for the holy spirit to enter verse 27 and it came to pass as he spake these things a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice and said unto Him blessed is the womb that bare thee and the paps which thou hath son 28 and he said yeh rather blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it not just part of it all of it that you keep the Word of God now many might say well was he was he talking down his mother no of course not he was building her up climb brother very promise coming out of the gate in the garden what did God say to Eve you're the mother of all living why because from her womb umbilical cord to umbilical cord would come the birth of this one the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God walking on this earth and the word that he says puts the Holy Spirit within you and arms you and prepares you for anything that might confront you in this world using common sense and and absorbing the very word of God the word became flesh and walked among us and is teaching these people how precious it is 29 and when the people were gathered thick together he began to say I mean it's a crowd this is an evil generation this word generation is offspring and he's talking to certain groups of people here that seek a sign and there shall no sign be given it but the sign of Jonas the prophet well though I wonder what that is well let's find out 34 as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites so shall also the Son of Man be to this generation now many people believe that Jonas was a coward but he was trying every way in the world not to run from the Assyrians to run from the Ninevites but it's quite the opposite he knew and prophecy that the Assyrian would take captive the ten northern tribes of Israel and why would he want to go down and save a city the capital of a city the Ninevites that are going to harm his people he rather would sacrifice himself just as Christ sac allowed himself to be sacrificed so Jonas then asking the sailors throw me overboard you'll drown than they did throw him over and God Prevert prepared a fish it was a prepared thing three days and three nights in the whales belly and wherever the Ninevites were on the coast where that whale came up not it wouldn't be the city of Nineveh and regurgitated old Jonah's right out on the beach and as much as the Ninevites worshipped to fish God they fell on their knees praise God God Himself has sent us a man to teach us right from our the whom he worshiped the fish but this is why Christ would sin spend that time in the tomb but that he also would resurrect and now all of the Ninevites listen to Jonas and converted in it upset Jonas I mean he got so put out and God told him that it's good for you to be mad you know angry you know because he had done what God wanting to do but here was the sign he was talking about Christ was going to sacrifice himself to save the people continuing on verse 31 the Queen of the South this is Sheba shall rise up in judgment in the judgment with the men of this generation its offspring and condemned them for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here the Lord Jesus Christ Himself was there they wanted a sign from heaven they had it the only thing is they needed their eyes open whereby they could recognize it 32 the men of Nineveh shall rise up in judgment with this generation is offspring and shall condemn it for they repented at the teaching of Jonas and behold a greater than Jonah is here they wouldn't repent though at his word many did but many did not and of course in part the generation he's speaking of is the reason thereof and he'll identify it before this chapter is over with but there the Lord God Himself Emmanuel born of a virgin God with us talking to these people showing them and reasoning with them and they're asking for a sign from heaven boy did they have it they had that sign right with them and how precious the teaching thirty-three know men when he hath lighted a candle put it in a secret place now they're under a bushel but on a candlestick but they which come in may see the light and that light of course it's that's the word with the meaning of Luke this teacher the light Giver and naturally when God gives you a truth you let that truth shine you rain it down upon the people whereby they have hope and whereby they know with the finger of God Almighty God Himself the presence the Living Word gives you a food a substance manna that will carry you through this trouble world and you be in top shape wonderful shape knowing that God loves you you know how to pray now and you know how to to ask and to seek and to knock requires action on your part in believing and loving him let him know you love him once you do that all right bless your hearts don't miss the next lecture this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting light in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor onal Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravette Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves you got a question you share it won't you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination we don't judge people God is judged he doesn't need our help in that but you do have the right to spiritually discern truth from fiction and how do you do that while you wait in God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby it's God speaking not a bunch of traditions of man that can certainly misguide you if you're not very careful but God will never miss guide you when he's your father and he does love you and those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure got a prayer request you don't need the number and you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking I mean he loves you he made you different than anyone else your DNA is different your fingerprints are different you're unique he wanted someone just like you but he doesn't want you to love him and he wants to be able to use you to be able to depend on you because you can certainly depend on him for comfort and for blessings and because why he's your father and he does on your soul as it's written in Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 he owns all souls you don't get around to giving him your soul it's his and he's gonna do with it as you deserve so let him know you love him it pays great dividends father around the globe we come we ask that you need guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and question time Eddie from I'm gonna say that is Georgia my friend watches you on TV a lot he can't read or write but he listens to you all the time I've watched your program and it taught me some things but my friend thinks that he is not going to be that there is not going to be a rapture but a seven-year tribulation and then Satan will come at the sixth Trump and the seal and veil then Christ will come please explain to him on air that there will be a rapture then the seven years tribulation Eddie you're all wet your partner is has got it right and you see what's going to happen to you if you think the rapture happens before the seventh Trump you're taking in by Satan I mean he that's Satan's message I've come to fly you away that's what ezekiel chapter 13 verses 20 through 25 when god says i'm against those that teach my children to fly to save their souls when my out reached arms of salvation are there he doesn't like it you see we don't gather back to christ till the seventh trump no your friend knows that it'd be a good idea if you listened a little better and you learned it so that you're not in bed with the antichrist when the true christ returns and you wonder what who did you listen to anyway did you read the word you know a child can count from one to seven the Antichrist comes on the sixth Trump the true Christ doesn't return until the seventh a child can understand that that's the book of Revelation pastor Murray who is my name here I don't see a name oh here we go Harrell from Florida are we in the sixth trunk now and is the tribulation five months three and a half years plus five mine it's only five months Revelation chapter nine but naturally we're not in the sixth Trump yet why well because it's the sixth Trump Satan is kicked out of heaven by Michael and he is de facto upon this earth in person not in spirit only but in person and spirit to deceive this world into thinking he is Christ that's what Antichrist means in the Greek anti means instead of he comes instead of Christ but you know what people that are biblically illiterate that haven't studied God's Word are going to think he is Christ come to rapture him away and they're ready to load up that's called the mark of the beast in their forehead what's in their forehead their brain they're supposed to use it HW from North Carolina where is the scripture located in the Bible that Satan misquoted Matthew chapter 4 verse 6 it's any strange because we were using that today in today's lecture Psalms 91 verses 11 through 12 Satan in misquoting it in Matthew chapter 4 he said that God would keep you at any time help you at any time that's not what God said God said he would keep you in all your ways and any time means you can put on a show go ahead and jump but this is also if you go on down to I think it's the fourteenth verse it says I give you power to tread on serpents that's the part Satan didn't want to get true okay because he's the serpent and we're gonna tread on him but that was the one he changed instead of keep you in all your ways he said at any time you can put on a show God doesn't put on a circus okay and he doesn't deal with foolishness Trish from Texas when Jesus returns and all of us change to our spiritual bodies will the animals be changed also I am thinking about my loving pet they're all all flesh has changed Isaiah chapter 11 documents this that there there are no more carnivores that's flesh eaters why because there's no more flesh but even they also are changed all God's animals were created for a purpose and they fulfilled their purpose real well okay Roy from Colorado I am wondering if pastor Murray puts any significance on the fact that 2011 is the 400th anniversary of the translation of the King James Bible absolutely for hundred years our people were in captivity before they were freed for always stands for creation in the earth but it also also stands for freedom of finding that freedom and of being released and naturally it is also 8 times 15 is 450 Jubilees 50 Pentecost of years and making it 400 and certainly we're in a very interesting time Gloria from New York I heard a man on TV say no one knows when Christ was born nowhere in the bible does it document it I wanted to yell back I do what do you think I heard you read those scriptures thank you all at the chapel for teaching the true Word of well you are so welcome any any pastor or scholar that understands the 24 courses that a Levitical priest is supposed to fulfill and especially if he takes the course of Abia that's a date and naturally in as much as we know from the 24th course of a which is abaya the birth of John the Baptist was which was six months before Christ then certainly which was six months in the womb before Christ was conceived certainly we know pretty well the date okay it's written Wayne from North Carolina okay the children of Israel after 400 years were free and delivered by the lawgiver God at the hands of Moses is it true that the King James 1611 is now four hundred years old yes that's true and looking for another deliverance from the lawgiver at Moses hands as one of the two witnesses may be in order we're coming up on that time that that's that is two different people from way across the country of each other from Colorado to North Carolina that's a that's a long ways apart it's are the Holy Spirit works in many wondrous ways them and that's precious Donald from Arkansas pastor Murray was teaching in the book of Isaiah chapter 23 verse 8 could you please tell me what the crowning city means I thought pastor Murray said that it meant the kingmaker could you also please tell me where you got the kingmaker well what do you think crowning somebody means it was the place where they made Kings it was where they crowned people it's just like the Carnation stone that's where kings today or crowned that's the crown maker that's where it happens okay geographically speaking Carla Karla is from California my question in second Corinthians chapter 3 verses 10 through 18 where it says that the old law written on stones was taken away it surely does not mean the Ten Commandments also does it we are in enough trouble that seems to me with our laws already based on the Ten Commandments that our courts are originally trying to undercut and dispose those I can't and do not want to imagine the country without them so it doesn't mean that at all it means what doesn't mean casting down anywhere it means fulfillment and you can read Colossians chapter 2 where Christ became all those things Christ became our Passover Christ became our Sabbath Sabbath means rest and you either have Christ in you or you're never going to have any rest you'll be one troubled individual so he became our holy day he became our everything in fulfilling but he did not change the law not one jot of it as far as the commandments are concerned other than he did become our Sabbath Fred Smith from Tennessee question would you explain Hebrews 10:26 I believe this verse applies to Christians not only does it apply to Christians it applies to God's elect Christians because they are it's talking of the unpardonable sin that once you know who the Antichrist is which is to say when you know the full truth and you do not allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you we're going to get to this in the twelfth chapter of Luke very soon on the tenth verse of the twelfth chapter to deny the Holy Spirit an opportunity to speak through you is unpardonable it is the unforgivable sin and it does apply to Christians but only God's elect can do that could commit that and they are not going to they are loaded locked saddled and ready to ride and they're going to do their job and they're going to do it real good prairie from Pennsylvania my question is this some years ago my brother a believer committed suicide I would like to know if there are verses stating that this can be forgiven and the person can still go to heaven we have all been greatly troubled thank you for your help and may God continue to bless you and yours happy holidays well thank you you know I never judge and you shouldn't judge and your family shouldn't judge you see when someone commits something of this nature you don't know if there was a toxic imbalance if they were in their proper mind that they're held accountable and in many cases they're not and but needless to say as one of God's elect you is certainly not the unpardonable sin but at the same time you as one of God's elect as it is written in Ezekiel chapter 44 verses 20 through 25 can help a brother even in the Millennium time that was not clear on some things a little penalty there but that's alright sometimes it's worth it in a brother but don't don't judge you don't know you didn't never know what the situation is god I do know one thing I know God doesn't wake up every day wondering who he can zap he's in the business of saving people and that doesn't mean that everyone is going to be saved but it does mean that many will be amenda from Alabama pastor Murray I'm 10 years old I enjoy watching your preaching I have a question is it true when the Sun turns to blood-red it's the end of the world well in Joel chapter 2 verse 31 it gives that as one of the signs but let me give you just something to think about blood on the moon we have had blood on the moon several times with Americans going to the moon ah dumb man showing blood in the face and as a a prophecy that with blood on the moon being man having made a trip to the moon would put us in the generation of the fig tree which is the final generation but it is true also that the brightness of Christ's coming overshadows and would had caused certain things but it is definitely and of course it was repeated once in the New Testament from that second chapter of Joel but I want you to do me a favor I want you to read that entire second chapter of Joel which talks of that locust army which we will defeat and how God's sons and daughters including you will stand up and God will speak through you to bring that truth forward boys from Georgia Leviticus 19:28 you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor porn print any mark upon you I am the Lord when they're dead where are they they're with the Father so yeah you don't go and that's what basically everybody wants to be with him so it isn't something you you degrade yourself or harm yourself because somebody dies there with the father and in a sense that's something to celebrate because God loves all of his children you may not love what some of them do but he does love his children and basically that's that's what it means you you have to trust the father more than then to think he is the god of the dead he isn't as it's written in the eighth chapter of st. John he's not the god of the dead but of the living there living with him waiting judgment and paradise yes many but at the same time they're with him and and that's a is a precious precious thing Gary from Colorado what is the SPN number and publisher of the Bible you teach from on broadcast it's it's out of out of print there's no way you could you have one but it's just a standard King James okay 1611 what is your opinion of the Smith Goodspeed Bible printed in 1939 I have one and I really like it my brother found two of them in a used bookstore and gave me one well he was very very fortunate and so are you that you each have one they're a fantastic work as a matter of fact the Apocrypha which we keep in our library is a good speed Apocrypha it's one of the only apocryphal is you can buy today purchase all others they're a little bit short but the good speed Apocrypha is complete good speed was a fantastic scholar and I recognize his work is there any other decent study Bibles out there well that's why I recommend the companion Bible Bullinger was an excellent teacher and mentor and and much of much of my ministry follows the companion Bible why because it outlines the Word of God and it was done by one of the greatest Greek Hebrew and Aramaic scholars that ever walked this earth and he tells us how to enjoy studying the Bible but most of all he outlines it that's what the companion column is and why it's called a companion Bible the companion column outlines let you know who the Vaes and them's and so forth are or you're not confused and and it's it's just a pretty good Study Bible not to mention that it has 198 Appendix in the back that gives one quite a look into things that not everyone today has the opportunity to study under such a scholar naturally we all study under God Almighty and certainly Bullinger did bullinger was the only Christian this won't mean a lot to some people but it's gigantic to someone that is a scholar of God's Word bullinger was the only Christian that Christian Ginsberg allowed to proofread the Messiah and that's saying that that gives you a set of credentials that's pretty hard to be and I think our Father for that work but Goodspeed is a fantastic work it's good ok Nicholas from Ohio I know Satan knows the word very well doesn't he know that someday he will be brought it out being the son of perdition as it is written he thinks he's better than that he thinks because you've got most of the world following him that he's going to win and do you know something if you went by numbers he probably would because most of the world in his traditions they would rather follow him than they would the real true Word of God well it's in ignorance of course but they don't want to take the time to ask to seek and to knock to really analyze the Living Word that came to this earth and gave us truths in which we can follow and and overcome him and they simply will believe whatever some man might say if he's got the right kind of whatever traditions I'll say and and they never questioned it but who in Satan stands in the holy place claiming to be God himself and they believe it they're gonna be were Satan worshippers and he knows that he knows they're going to do that and by the fact that as it is written in the great book of Revelation all the world after him that's a lot and boy is he going to play it to the last rung thinking he had well over power by the god force but our Father can speak nothing becomes something and he can speak and something becomes nothing why then does he bug us well he's a he's he's because people listen to him they'd love to hear him they'd love to hear his traditions they love an easy way out you don't have to study God's Word you have a safety blanket like the little guy that carries the little blanket around it's called the rapture though the words not in the Bible the word rapture is not in the Word of God why because it's not a part of it it's Satan's teachings you don't you you just you're gonna be you're such a good person you're going to zip right out of here that's not biblical okay that's traditions of man and many people will be sucked in by he thinks he's that good and I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse but you know what most of all God loves you for it makes his day and when you I do mean you make his day boy is he gonna make yours why he loves you let him know you love him in return won't you do that we're brought to you by your Tyson offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that stay in this word it's pays such good dividends bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me isn't good now you stay in his word every day in his word even with trouble it's still a good day you know why Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Marie if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 graph in Arkansas 7 to 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan Arielle or Ariel in the Hebrew name is a Hebrew name and it has it has more than one translation Hara in the Egyptian manuscripts as well as the Hebrew manuscripts means the altar hearth of God and of course a rush a is lion so it can be the Lion of God which actually are also can be City so today as we utilize it from the 29th chapter of Isaiah it means the City of God Jerusalem but it also means the hearth of God and I think we let's think on that a moment what is a hearth well in many of you've got a fireplace it's got a hearth a hearth in a furnace which God's altar is in his sense for he's a
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,722
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Murray, Shepherds, Murray, Bible, Shepherd's, Book of Luke, Book of, Pastor, Shepherd's Chapel, Luke, Shepherds Chapel, Holy Bible, Pastor Arnold Murray, KJV, Arnold Murray, Arnold, Chapel
Id: 42O8waZ3TuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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