Mother Angelica Live Classics - Losing Faith

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♪ ♪ <i>Man: "Mother Angelica Live!"</i> <i>brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios</i> <i>in Birmingham, Alabama.</i> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We’re all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don’t miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) (applause) Mother: Well, hi family. Mother: Well, hi family. We’ve got a great group here tonight, considering the tonight, considering the miserable weather. miserable weather. But then, weather really But then, weather really isn’t ever miserable because isn’t ever miserable because it’s designed by God--but it it’s designed by God--but it sure tries your patience, sure tries your patience, you know that? you know that? So first of all, I want to So first of all, I want to thank so many, many of you thank so many, many of you for giving us so much for giving us so much courage and saying how courage and saying how much you like the headwear, much you like the headwear, the new habits. the new habits. Some of you have asked for Some of you have asked for this. this. Well, I can’t give it to you Well, I can’t give it to you because I don’t have enough because I don’t have enough of them. of them. And if I had enough I And if I had enough I wouldn’t give it to you wouldn’t give it to you anyway anyway (all chuckle) (all chuckle) because it’s part of the because it’s part of the habit, see. habit, see. I wouldn’t want so many of I wouldn’t want so many of you looking like little nuns you looking like little nuns running around. running around. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) But we do have a monstrance. But we do have a monstrance. Oh, it’s about this big. Oh, it’s about this big. I forgot to bring it. I forgot to bring it. Tomorrow night I’ll Tomorrow night I’ll bring it. bring it. It’s about this big. It’s about this big. I think it’s $7.50. I think it’s $7.50. And if you want to wear And if you want to wear that, it’s a kind of pin. that, it’s a kind of pin. And I think what it would And I think what it would say is, "I believe in the say is, "I believe in the Eucharist." Eucharist." I think we need to do things I think we need to do things like that, you know. like that, you know. Today, you just can’t stand Today, you just can’t stand around and talk. around and talk. That’s what--tonight we’re That’s what--tonight we’re going to talk about Faith. going to talk about Faith. You can no longer be a You can no longer be a living room Catholic. living room Catholic. See, the liberal is a See, the liberal is a cafeteria Catholic--they cafeteria Catholic--they just pick what they want to just pick what they want to know and they just pick out know and they just pick out and then the rest they and then the rest they throw away. throw away. Most of you are living-room Most of you are living-room Catholics. Catholics. You would believe everything You would believe everything but you don’t do anything but you don’t do anything about it when it begins to about it when it begins to fall apart. fall apart. Well, those days are over. Well, those days are over. I have a nice, gentle little I have a nice, gentle little saying, "Put up or shut up." saying, "Put up or shut up." So that’s my gentle way of So that’s my gentle way of saying, "If you’re not happy saying, "If you’re not happy with the way things are with the way things are going, fight." going, fight." Now, tonight we’re going to Now, tonight we’re going to talk about faith--natural talk about faith--natural faith and supernatural faith and supernatural faith. faith. Now, you can call and ask Now, you can call and ask any question you want on any question you want on natural faith or natural faith or supernatural faith. supernatural faith. And we’ll talk a little bit And we’ll talk a little bit about natural faith. about natural faith. We have faith in people. We have faith in people. In fact, I think one of the In fact, I think one of the most distressing things, most distressing things, if you hear somebody say, if you hear somebody say, "I lost faith in you." "I lost faith in you." What does that mean? What does that mean? Well, it just means they Well, it just means they don’t trust you anymore or don’t trust you anymore or they don’t think you can they don’t think you can accomplish something or you accomplish something or you --how many marriages have --how many marriages have just gone on the rocks just gone on the rocks because people lose faith because people lose faith in each other, right? in each other, right? Maybe one is unfaithful and Maybe one is unfaithful and somebody else doesn’t do somebody else doesn’t do what they promise and so what they promise and so they lose faith in each they lose faith in each other. other. That means they don’t trust That means they don’t trust anymore. anymore. And many times when you lose And many times when you lose faith in somebody, we lose faith in somebody, we lose love. love. Did you ever notice that? Did you ever notice that? If you lose faith in If you lose faith in somebody what’s the first somebody what’s the first thing that goes? thing that goes? Love. Love. Once you lose faith, if Once you lose faith, if somebody does something to somebody does something to you and hurts you one time, you and hurts you one time, two times, three times, two times, three times, four times--St. Peter four times--St. Peter thought seven was a good thought seven was a good number. number. "How often should I forgive "How often should I forgive my brother, Lord? my brother, Lord? Seven times?" Seven times?" Pretty good, I think, Pretty good, I think, for him! for him! I would have said, "Three I would have said, "Three times, Lord, maybe four?" times, Lord, maybe four?" Our Lord said, "No, no, no, Our Lord said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, 70 times seven no, no, no, 70 times seven times a day." times a day." Whew! Whew! Do you ever read that word, Do you ever read that word, "a day?" "a day?" We like to put periods in We like to put periods in Scripture in the wrong Scripture in the wrong place. place. See, that’s your problem, See, that’s your problem, your punctuation problem. your punctuation problem. You put the punctuation mark You put the punctuation mark in the wrong place--a day! in the wrong place--a day! Well, I don’t think natural Well, I don’t think natural faith will go that long. faith will go that long. You hear people say, "He got You hear people say, "He got me once; he’s not going to me once; he’s not going to get me a second time." get me a second time." Well, that may be true. Well, that may be true. We lose faith in our We lose faith in our government sometimes, government sometimes, don’t we? don’t we? We say, "Whew! We say, "Whew! What did we do?" What did we do?" See, I haven’t heard many See, I haven’t heard many good things said about our good things said about our government recently. government recently. Everybody looks downcast, Everybody looks downcast, like, "Oh no, what’s going like, "Oh no, what’s going on?" on?" It’s in the hands of God. It’s in the hands of God. Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it. But we’ve lost faith. But we’ve lost faith. You look at crime and the You look at crime and the mayor emphatically says, mayor emphatically says, "We’re going to solve this "We’re going to solve this problem!" problem!" And you look at him and say, And you look at him and say, "Oh yeah? "Oh yeah? I heard that last year." I heard that last year." You lost faith. You lost faith. We even lose faith in We even lose faith in traffic jams. traffic jams. We spend all this money on We spend all this money on this new highway and now it this new highway and now it takes me two hours to get takes me two hours to get home instead of one. home instead of one. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) So when you get home, do So when you get home, do you praise the highway you praise the highway department? department? No way! No way! You’ve lost faith. You’ve lost faith. Now, when they come up and Now, when they come up and say, "Now we need a little say, "Now we need a little bit more money, everybody. bit more money, everybody. We’re going to build a We’re going to build a highway," you say, highway," you say, "Forget it!" "Forget it!" Why? Why? You lost faith. You lost faith. You could faith, human faith You could faith, human faith at anybody--your dentist, at anybody--your dentist, who promises you if won’t who promises you if won’t hurt hurt (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) but he always promises you but he always promises you when your mouth is full. when your mouth is full. Did you ever notice that? Did you ever notice that? "I promise it won’t hurt." "I promise it won’t hurt." "Oh yeah, it hurts! "Oh yeah, it hurts! "Oh, it hurts!" "Oh, it hurts!" "No, it doesn’t hurt a bit." "No, it doesn’t hurt a bit." What happens? What happens? See, you lose faith. See, you lose faith. Are you going to go to him Are you going to go to him anymore? anymore? You’ll think twice. You’ll think twice. Did you ever see a doctor when he gives you a shot? when he gives you a shot? "It won’t hurt." "It won’t hurt." Phew! Phew! If they would just say, If they would just say, "This is going to hurt," see, "This is going to hurt," see, you’d brace yourself and you’d brace yourself and then it wouldn’t hurt as then it wouldn’t hurt as bad. bad. But when they say, "This is But when they say, "This is not going to hurt," you lose not going to hurt," you lose faith. faith. You say, "Oh no, that’s not You say, "Oh no, that’s not right." right." You can lose human faith in You can lose human faith in everything and everybody. everything and everybody. And I think that’s what’s And I think that’s what’s happened today. happened today. You don’t even have faith in You don’t even have faith in the weatherman, did you the weatherman, did you notice that? notice that? He comes out and he says, He comes out and he says, "Tomorrow it’s going to be "Tomorrow it’s going to be zero." zero." So you get all bundled up So you get all bundled up in the morning, tomorrow in the morning, tomorrow morning you get all bundled morning you get all bundled up and you put your long up and you put your long johns on and your long johns on and your long sleeve and you go out and sleeve and you go out and it’s 75. it’s 75. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) So what happens? So what happens? You don’t even read the You don’t even read the weather report. weather report. You lose faith. You lose faith. And that’s human faith. And that’s human faith. Oh, there’s a lot more to it Oh, there’s a lot more to it that we could go into, but that we could go into, but at least we understand that at least we understand that aspect of our life. aspect of our life. It’s very easy in our human It’s very easy in our human life to lose faith. life to lose faith. Now, let’s go to Now, let’s go to supernatural faith. supernatural faith. Some people clamp all kind Some people clamp all kind of faith together. of faith together. Oh no! Oh no! It’s a vast difference. It’s a vast difference. Supernatural faith, let’s Supernatural faith, let’s see what St. Paul says see what St. Paul says about that. about that. He says, "Only faith can He says, "Only faith can guarantee." guarantee." We’re always looking for We’re always looking for guarantees, did you ever guarantees, did you ever notice that? notice that? "If you don’t like this "If you don’t like this product, you know, take the product, you know, take the label off, send it to us and label off, send it to us and we’ll give you your money we’ll give you your money back." back." Guarantees, we want Guarantees, we want guarantees for everything. guarantees for everything. 50,000 miles or 3 years-- 50,000 miles or 3 years-- you must not be driving you must not be driving anywhere, you know. anywhere, you know. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) They know it’s not going to They know it’s not going to take you 3 years to drive take you 3 years to drive 50,000 miles but that’s 50,000 miles but that’s your guarantee. your guarantee. Everything is guaranteed. Everything is guaranteed. You write out little slips You write out little slips and you send them in. and you send them in. When the thing breaks down When the thing breaks down they can’t find your they can’t find your records. records. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) They look and say, "Oh, we They look and say, "Oh, we don’t have a record, don’t have a record, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. When did you buy this?" When did you buy this?" "I bought it 11 months and "I bought it 11 months and two days ago. two days ago. It’s guaranteed for one It’s guaranteed for one year." year." "Oh, I’m sorry but we don’t "Oh, I’m sorry but we don’t have those parts anymore." have those parts anymore." "You what?" "You what?" "We don’t have those parts "We don’t have those parts anymore." anymore." "But I just bought it a "But I just bought it a year ago!" year ago!" "Oh, I’m sorry, it’s out "Oh, I’m sorry, it’s out of date." of date." Ah! Ah! Did they ever do that? Did they ever do that? Isn’t that awful? Isn’t that awful? See, so that’s so much for a See, so that’s so much for a human guarantee. human guarantee. Now, real faith, though, Now, real faith, though, see, guarantees--"only, see, guarantees--"only, supernatural faith supernatural faith guarantees the blessings guarantees the blessings we hope for." we hope for." See, everything in this book See, everything in this book we can believe--that’s what we can believe--that’s what hope says. hope says. Hope says, I believe what Hope says, I believe what Jesus said, "Unless you eat Jesus said, "Unless you eat My Flesh and drink My Blood My Flesh and drink My Blood you shall not have life in you shall not have life in you." you." I believe that promise. I believe that promise. I believe that doctrine. I believe that doctrine. It says doctrine. It says doctrine. This doctrine, it says, This doctrine, it says, was taught at Capernaum, was taught at Capernaum, I think. I think. See, it’s a doctrine. See, it’s a doctrine. Well, my hope in that, that Well, my hope in that, that it is, I believe, hope tells it is, I believe, hope tells me it’s true and faith acts me it’s true and faith acts upon that. upon that. My faith, I believe then My faith, I believe then what Jesus said, that that what Jesus said, that that is truly, really and truly is truly, really and truly the Body, Blood, Soul and the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus. Divinity of Jesus. You know, a man, a very You know, a man, a very sweet man called and he sweet man called and he said, "You know, I like your said, "You know, I like your new habit but I miss Mother new habit but I miss Mother holding on to her crucifix." holding on to her crucifix." Well, I miss it, too. Well, I miss it, too. He’s on my dresser and I He’s on my dresser and I give him a smooch at least give him a smooch at least three times a day, so I’m three times a day, so I’m sure His nose will continue sure His nose will continue wearing down. wearing down. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) But I miss Him too, but I But I miss Him too, but I have to be a witness see. have to be a witness see. I have to be a witness that I have to be a witness that I believe in the Real I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus, see. Presence of Jesus, see. That’s my faith, that’s That’s my faith, that’s my hope. my hope. And that’s why faith is the And that’s why faith is the only thing that can only thing that can guarantee what I hope for. guarantee what I hope for. Because my hope says I can Because my hope says I can believe. believe. I can believe everything He I can believe everything He promised. promised. Because I can believe it, Because I can believe it, my faith is sure. my faith is sure. It’s assured. It’s assured. See, I don’t have to wonder. See, I don’t have to wonder. I can’t, you know, that I can’t, you know, that bothers me? bothers me? Well, a lot of things Well, a lot of things bother me. bother me. It bothers me when priests It bothers me when priests and religious have lost and religious have lost their faith--that’s what their faith--that’s what they lost, but they also they lost, but they also lost their hope. lost their hope. See, they really don’t See, they really don’t believe what Jesus said and believe what Jesus said and so their faith goes out the so their faith goes out the window and their love. window and their love. It all goes together many It all goes together many times. times. And it says here, "or," And it says here, "or," see, "prove." see, "prove." Oh, this is a great one. Oh, this is a great one. What does faith do? What does faith do? See, "it assures me of See, "it assures me of everything I hope for and it everything I hope for and it proves the existence of the proves the existence of the realities that at the realities that at the present time are unseen." present time are unseen." See, there is a Heaven. See, there is a Heaven. Our Lord promised that He is Our Lord promised that He is going to leave this place going to leave this place and He’s going to send the and He’s going to send the Paraclete, which He did, and Paraclete, which He did, and prepare a place just for me. prepare a place just for me. How do you like that? How do you like that? He’s going to prepare a He’s going to prepare a place just for me. place just for me. So I believe that. So I believe that. It proves a reality that at It proves a reality that at the present time remains the present time remains unseen. unseen. What are some of those What are some of those realities? realities? The presence of God in you. The presence of God in you. If I gave you a cup of cold If I gave you a cup of cold water, I get a gigantic water, I get a gigantic reward. reward. Wasn’t that nice Our Lord Wasn’t that nice Our Lord said "cold," huh, He could said "cold," huh, He could have said, a cup of water. have said, a cup of water. What would we have known? What would we have known? And listen, getting a cup of And listen, getting a cup of cold water in those days was cold water in those days was not too easy a trick. not too easy a trick. You had to let a pail go all You had to let a pail go all the way down into a well and the way down into a well and bring it all the way up. bring it all the way up. They didn’t have They didn’t have refrigeration, you know. refrigeration, you know. A cup of cold water, another A cup of cold water, another room in my mansion. room in my mansion. For what? For what? A cup of cold water. A cup of cold water. Everything we do for the Everything we do for the love of Jesus. love of Jesus. The Little Flower said, The Little Flower said, "If I pick up a pin." "If I pick up a pin." What is a pin? What is a pin? A little pin on the floor. A little pin on the floor. You pick it up for the love You pick it up for the love of Jesus--that’s the hitch, of Jesus--that’s the hitch, for the love of Jesus-- for the love of Jesus-- I get a big reward! I get a big reward! But we don’t want to do But we don’t want to do things for a reward. things for a reward. We want to do things to We want to do things to please the Lord. please the Lord. Well, that’s faith! Well, that’s faith! See, I believe that. See, I believe that. I believe in the Eucharist. I believe in the Eucharist. I believe in the Immaculate I believe in the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. Conception of Our Lady. That scene makes so much That scene makes so much sense. sense. Our Dear Lord could never be Our Dear Lord could never be born in a corrupt vessel. born in a corrupt vessel. He can’t. He can’t. He can’t. He can’t. And then Her, "Mother of And then Her, "Mother of God," oh, what a title. God," oh, what a title. I believe that, see. I believe that, see. I believe in the reality I believe in the reality of Heaven. of Heaven. I believe in the reality I believe in the reality of Purgatory. of Purgatory. I’d like to see some of your I’d like to see some of your faces, all of you now faces, all of you now teaching there is no teaching there is no Purgatory, I’d like to see Purgatory, I’d like to see your faces when you find your faces when you find yourself there. yourself there. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) I hope you’re not surprised I hope you’re not surprised of that other place, of that other place, you know. you know. There is a Hell. There is a Hell. You can’t... You can’t... You can’t... You can’t... And some of you are going And some of you are going to go there if you don’t to go there if you don’t shape up. shape up. See, if I told you there’s See, if I told you there’s no Purgatory, no Hell and no Purgatory, no Hell and you could just love your you could just love your neighbor and do as you neighbor and do as you please, I would not love please, I would not love you. you. I really wouldn’t care what I really wouldn’t care what happened to you, see. happened to you, see. That’s not love. That’s not love. If somebody tells you, If somebody tells you, "There’s no Hell," he "There’s no Hell," he doesn’t love you. doesn’t love you. He’s just trying to make you He’s just trying to make you feel good. feel good. You know there’s a Hell. You know there’s a Hell. Some of you live in Hell Some of you live in Hell right now. right now. Yeah. Yeah. A drug addict knows what A drug addict knows what Hell’s all about. Hell’s all about. If you’ve any kind of If you’ve any kind of addiction that you can’t addiction that you can’t overcome, you know what overcome, you know what Hell’s all about. Hell’s all about. Nobody can tell you, there Nobody can tell you, there is no Hell and Purgatory. is no Hell and Purgatory. We’re all in Purgatory. We’re all in Purgatory. My golly, as you get older My golly, as you get older you know it even more! you know it even more! I love this gimp; it hides I love this gimp; it hides all my double chins. all my double chins. It’s not a matter of vanity. It’s not a matter of vanity. And by the way, it’s not tight, see, it’s very soft. tight, see, it’s very soft. I enjoy it from the time I I enjoy it from the time I get up in the morning from get up in the morning from the time I go to bed. the time I go to bed. Sometimes I hate to take Sometimes I hate to take it off. it off. But see, everything we do, everything we are, every way everything we are, every way we act is going to depend we act is going to depend upon my faith level--not upon my faith level--not that kind of presumptuous that kind of presumptuous faith that I’m going to ask faith that I’m going to ask for something and I’m going for something and I’m going to claim it. to claim it. The fact that I believe The fact that I believe everything here and I everything here and I believe all the councils of believe all the councils of the Church and the precepts the Church and the precepts of the Church, I believe in of the Church, I believe in the Magisterium. the Magisterium. I believe, to the point I believe, to the point where then it affects where then it affects my life. my life. See, that’s what you call See, that’s what you call faith. faith. Unseen realities, the Unseen realities, the presence of the Lord in presence of the Lord in this, this, studio and the this, this, studio and the people that are listening people that are listening here and you in your living here and you in your living room and apartment houses room and apartment houses and prisons and on Navy and prisons and on Navy ships, down in Venezuela, up ships, down in Venezuela, up in Canada and all the places in Canada and all the places our Shortwave Network goes-- our Shortwave Network goes-- everybody here, everybody everybody here, everybody there, everybody everywhere there, everybody everywhere is kept up by that wondrous is kept up by that wondrous power of God, a power so power of God, a power so wonderful that He keeps you wonderful that He keeps you and I and everything in and I and everything in existence, unseen power. existence, unseen power. Did you ever see a wind? Did you ever see a wind? You see the effects of a You see the effects of a wind--you see a leaf blow wind--you see a leaf blow or you see a shrub move one or you see a shrub move one way or another--but you way or another--but you don’t see the wind, huh. don’t see the wind, huh. Well, that’s unfortunate. Well, that’s unfortunate. And if I don’t blow my nose, And if I don’t blow my nose, you’re going to see you’re going to see something else. something else. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) Isn’t this awful? Isn’t this awful? Always before this camera Always before this camera my nose runs. my nose runs. Okay, we got a call. Okay, we got a call. Hello? Caller #1 (male): Hello, Caller #1 (male): Hello, Sister. Sister. Mother: Hey. Mother: Hey. Where are you from? Where are you from? Caller #1: Superior, Caller #1: Superior, Wisconsin. Wisconsin. Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your question? question? Caller #1: I just lost my Caller #1: I just lost my brother about a week ago brother about a week ago and I’m having a problem and I’m having a problem dealing with it. dealing with it. Mother: Yeah, I bet. Mother: Yeah, I bet. How old was he, honey? How old was he, honey? Caller #1: He was 46. Caller #1: He was 46. Mother: Was it something Mother: Was it something sudden? sudden? Caller #1: Yes, Sister. Caller #1: Yes, Sister. Mother: How did he die? Mother: How did he die? Caller #1: He died of Caller #1: He died of pneumonia. pneumonia. Mother: Ah, I’m sorry. Mother: Ah, I’m sorry. You know, here’s where faith You know, here’s where faith comes in, too. comes in, too. There are many things in life you and I cannot figure life you and I cannot figure out because it goes beyond out because it goes beyond our capability of reason. our capability of reason. There’s just so much we can There’s just so much we can reason. reason. And when someone we love And when someone we love suddenly dies, there’s where suddenly dies, there’s where faith comes in, supernatural faith comes in, supernatural faith that believes from the faith that believes from the depths of the heart that depths of the heart that now, this is the Will of God now, this is the Will of God and that Will of God is for and that Will of God is for the very best of my brother, the very best of my brother, see. see. Now, is the time to exercise Now, is the time to exercise faith. faith. Many of us possess faith but Many of us possess faith but there are many times in life there are many times in life we’re called to exercise we’re called to exercise faith in a high degree, faith in a high degree, heroic degree. heroic degree. You lose someone you love You lose someone you love and you lose them suddenly. and you lose them suddenly. We have to say, "Lord, I We have to say, "Lord, I don’t understand." don’t understand." That’s okay. That’s okay. "But I accept Your Will." "But I accept Your Will." And know that your brother And know that your brother has seen the Face of God. has seen the Face of God. Oh! Oh! You know, I said to the Lord You know, I said to the Lord one day, "You know, Lord, I one day, "You know, Lord, I don’t want to go to don’t want to go to Purgatory but I suppose I’m Purgatory but I suppose I’m heading in that direction. heading in that direction. "But if I just see Your Face, "But if I just see Your Face, you see, that Purgatory you see, that Purgatory would be easier, just to would be easier, just to have seen You Face-to-face." have seen You Face-to-face." See, and your brother has See, and your brother has done that now. done that now. So take your grief and bear So take your grief and bear it with courage. it with courage. That’s a part of your That’s a part of your sanctification, too. sanctification, too. Everything that happens to Everything that happens to you and to me builds up that you and to me builds up that wondrous state we are aiming wondrous state we are aiming for, and that’s holiness-- for, and that’s holiness-- that point in our life when that point in our life when you and I can accept the you and I can accept the will of God as readily as will of God as readily as Our Lady did, oh, like that! Our Lady did, oh, like that! (snaps her fingers) (snaps her fingers) It was hard for Her to see It was hard for Her to see Her Son die and He didn’t Her Son die and He didn’t do anything wrong. do anything wrong. All the martyrs in the All the martyrs in the Church, you know, hard--the Church, you know, hard--the mother the Maccabees that mother the Maccabees that had to see every one of them had to see every one of them die one at a time. die one at a time. Every one of us has a cross Every one of us has a cross that’s difficult to explain. that’s difficult to explain. And how can you explain some And how can you explain some crosses? crosses? You can’t. You can’t. But if I say, "Lord, it is But if I say, "Lord, it is Your Will and I accept it," Your Will and I accept it," that’s what faith is and that’s what faith is and that’s what you have. that’s what you have. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Caller #2 (female): Hello? Caller #2 (female): Hello? Mother: Where are you Mother: Where are you from? from? Caller #2: Apple, Wisconsin. Caller #2: Apple, Wisconsin. Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your question? question? Caller #2: (crying) Oh, I Caller #2: (crying) Oh, I was, first of all, I want was, first of all, I want to say that God bless you to say that God bless you because your program is because your program is bringing me close to God bringing me close to God because I have a lot of because I have a lot of disappointments about the disappointments about the Church. Church. (crying) For instance, when (crying) For instance, when my son tried to get First my son tried to get First Communion, he had nobody pay Communion, he had nobody pay attention to him and they attention to him and they kept putting all the kept putting all the appointments away. appointments away. (crying) And my son now is (crying) And my son now is on drugs and almost lost on drugs and almost lost because he lost faith in because he lost faith in this religion. this religion. (crying) I know he still (crying) I know he still loves God because he puts loves God because he puts his cross on. his cross on. (crying) I have a lot of (crying) I have a lot of pain in my heart, Mother. pain in my heart, Mother. Mother Angelica: I know. Mother Angelica: I know. Caller #1: (crying) And Caller #1: (crying) And second, I try to pray and second, I try to pray and we don’t have no monastery we don’t have no monastery here, and I know He’s in here, and I know He’s in there in front of us. there in front of us. (crying) But I cannot (crying) But I cannot find him. find him. (crying) So, I pray all the (crying) So, I pray all the time with you, with you time with you, with you program on television. program on television. (crying) I pray the rosary (crying) I pray the rosary and everything with you and and everything with you and the television. the television. (crying) I leave on in the (crying) I leave on in the daytime the one in the daytime the one in the living room and in the living room and in the nighttime in my bedroom and nighttime in my bedroom and I listen to you all the time I listen to you all the time and the fathers. and the fathers. God bless the fathers God bless the fathers because they grow my faith, because they grow my faith, no matter what, when I have no matter what, when I have my pain in my heart. my pain in my heart. (crying) I still believe in (crying) I still believe in God and I know He’s God and I know He’s listening to my prayers. listening to my prayers. (crying) And God bless you (crying) And God bless you for your program, Mother. for your program, Mother. Mother: Well, (heavy sigh) Mother: Well, (heavy sigh) I know many people like I know many people like you in this country, all you in this country, all over the world, disappointed over the world, disappointed in the Church. in the Church. But don’t be disappointed But don’t be disappointed in the Church. in the Church. The Church is wounded The Church is wounded perhaps, but She’s beautiful perhaps, but She’s beautiful --filled with truth, --filled with truth, the whole deposit of truth. the whole deposit of truth. What you’re disappointed in What you’re disappointed in is the people in the Church. is the people in the Church. I can understand that. I can understand that. It’s a heartache when you It’s a heartache when you see the Church you love so see the Church you love so much totally, very slowly much totally, very slowly destroyed--in Her doctrine, destroyed--in Her doctrine, in Her exegesis, Her in Her exegesis, Her Scripture, in the miracles Scripture, in the miracles of Jesus, in the beauties of Jesus, in the beauties of Her devotion, in the of Her devotion, in the structure of Her churches structure of Her churches and the destruction of Her and the destruction of Her churches--it’s so much, so churches--it’s so much, so much, so much. much, so much. I think it’s one of the I think it’s one of the greatest heartaches of greatest heartaches of this day. this day. But you’ve got to separate But you’ve got to separate the schisms and the people the schisms and the people there that are trying to there that are trying to destroy what we love so destroy what we love so dearly--and you have to dearly--and you have to pray for them because their pray for them because their souls are in grave, grave, souls are in grave, grave, grave danger and Jesus died grave danger and Jesus died for them, too. for them, too. But you must always keep But you must always keep your faith in the doctrines your faith in the doctrines and the faith and morals and the faith and morals of the Church. of the Church. That part of the Church that That part of the Church that has not changed one iota; has not changed one iota; that part of the Church that that part of the Church that is the Bride of Christ and is the Bride of Christ and you belong to that. you belong to that. And we can’t lose faith. And we can’t lose faith. If we have faith in the If we have faith in the people in the Church, then people in the Church, then our faith will waver, you our faith will waver, you see, because people come and see, because people come and go, the priest scandals; go, the priest scandals; they do terrible things. they do terrible things. And we have to leave that to And we have to leave that to the Lord. the Lord. "Woe to the man," He said, "Woe to the man," He said, "by whom scandal comes. "by whom scandal comes. "It would be better for him "It would be better for him if he had a millstone around if he had a millstone around his neck and drown in the his neck and drown in the sea." sea." Sometimes I’ve thought of Sometimes I’ve thought of having a millstone award having a millstone award every week. every week. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) The most stupid heresy, the The most stupid heresy, the most asinine schism that I most asinine schism that I can think of or that came can think of or that came my way this week and I was my way this week and I was going to say, "So and so going to say, "So and so gets the Millstone of gets the Millstone of the Week!" the Week!" I’ve thought about it very I’ve thought about it very seriously. seriously. Somehow I didn’t think I’d Somehow I didn’t think I’d have enough millstones. have enough millstones. However, Jesus does hear However, Jesus does hear you. you. You may be destitute now, You may be destitute now, you may think your prayers you may think your prayers are not answered, you may be are not answered, you may be so filled with fear and so filled with fear and anguish but one day all of anguish but one day all of that messy-looking puzzle, that messy-looking puzzle, the puzzle that pieces never the puzzle that pieces never fit together, one day when fit together, one day when you meet the Lord, you’ll you meet the Lord, you’ll understand. understand. And on that day it’ll all And on that day it’ll all make sense. make sense. On that day, you’ll look at On that day, you’ll look at the mansion in His Kingdom the mansion in His Kingdom and you’ll say, "Ah! and you’ll say, "Ah! "I never knew it all mattered "I never knew it all mattered that much!" that much!" And see, that’s what faith And see, that’s what faith is. is. Right now you have to have Right now you have to have that deep faith that that deep faith that everything that happens everything that happens to you. to you. Even if your Church should Even if your Church should fall apart, the Church, the fall apart, the Church, the Bride of Christ will be here Bride of Christ will be here when Gabriel blows that horn when Gabriel blows that horn and that may not be too far and that may not be too far off. off. Hang in there, sweetheart. Hang in there, sweetheart. There is a Kingdom waiting There is a Kingdom waiting for you. for you. Your Father is preparing for Your Father is preparing for you a wondrous mansion. you a wondrous mansion. It’s so wonderful to know It’s so wonderful to know that even though we don’t that even though we don’t see an answer to our see an answer to our prayers, even though we do prayers, even though we do not feel Our Lord answers not feel Our Lord answers our prayers, it’s all our prayers, it’s all turning to good. turning to good. You know, some people want You know, some people want to know why I say that all to know why I say that all these schismatics are wrong, these schismatics are wrong, just because they disagree just because they disagree with the Church. with the Church. You’re not disagreeing You’re not disagreeing with me! with me! We’re voicing in this We’re voicing in this network what the Church network what the Church teaches. teaches. Who wants, who cares about Who wants, who cares about my opinion? my opinion? I’m not giving you my I’m not giving you my opinion. opinion. And the Church is not a And the Church is not a democratic society that you democratic society that you can choose party, you know. can choose party, you know. We can’t choose doctrines. We can’t choose doctrines. You’ve got to accept them You’ve got to accept them all. all. You know, St. John has You know, St. John has something very nice--well, something very nice--well, it’s kind of rough to say. it’s kind of rough to say. He said, "He who says there He said, "He who says there is no sin calls God a liar." is no sin calls God a liar." Oh wow, not too nice for Oh wow, not too nice for that beloved disciple. that beloved disciple. Well, I’m going to say, Well, I’m going to say, "If you say there is no sin, "If you say there is no sin, then you call God a liar. then you call God a liar. "If you say there’s no "If you say there’s no Commandments and there’s no Commandments and there’s no truth,"--it’s not a matter of truth,"--it’s not a matter of disagreeing--it’s a matter disagreeing--it’s a matter of accepting or not of accepting or not accepting a truth. accepting a truth. But there has to be a truth But there has to be a truth to accept or not accept and to accept or not accept and the Church is only giving us the Church is only giving us the truth. the truth. If you don’t accept that If you don’t accept that truth, fine, but if you truth, fine, but if you encourage others not to encourage others not to accept that truth, millstone accept that truth, millstone for, you sweetheart. for, you sweetheart. Because you draw people Because you draw people away from, from God, see. away from, from God, see. That’s not too good. That’s not too good. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hello? Caller #3 (female): Hi, Mother Caller #3 (female): Hi, Mother Angelica. Angelica. Mother: Where are you from? Mother: Where are you from? Caller #3: I’m from Caller #3: I’m from Alsip, Illinois. Alsip, Illinois. Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your question? question? Caller #3: We watched Caller #3: We watched World Youth Day and we’re World Youth Day and we’re very enthusiastic about very enthusiastic about evangelization. evangelization. My husband doesn’t work My husband doesn’t work and I work. and I work. And at my job there are a And at my job there are a lot of different lot of different denominations there. denominations there. Now, I have a picture of Now, I have a picture of Jesus of Mercy and Our Lady Jesus of Mercy and Our Lady of Perpetual Help up on my of Perpetual Help up on my computer and I wear a cross computer and I wear a cross and a lot of medals on my and a lot of medals on my chain. chain. (Mother chuckles) (Mother chuckles) And I just, I’m finding it And I just, I’m finding it very hard to get the courage very hard to get the courage to evangelize further. to evangelize further. I can talk about Jesus to I can talk about Jesus to certain people but they certain people but they don’t understand Mary. don’t understand Mary. They don’t understand They don’t understand Catholicism. Catholicism. Some of them even look down Some of them even look down on it. on it. And it’s very hard and I’m And it’s very hard and I’m not losing faith but, you not losing faith but, you know, in today’s world it’s know, in today’s world it’s very hard to talk about very hard to talk about Jesus and the doctrines and Jesus and the doctrines and especially with the way jobs especially with the way jobs are. are. Bosses don’t understand. Bosses don’t understand. Bosses do things their way. Bosses do things their way. They don’t care. They don’t care. You know, I work for a You know, I work for a billing service for a billing service for a hospital and they are the hospital and they are the least compassionate people least compassionate people there are! there are! And I find it real hard to And I find it real hard to talk about compassion and talk about compassion and we’re a compassion ministry. we’re a compassion ministry. But they don’t have that But they don’t have that compassion for their compassion for their employee. employee. How do I...? How do I...? Mother Angelica: Well, let Mother Angelica: Well, let me, let me tell you me, let me tell you something. something. If you’re doing all the things you just told me, things you just told me, you’re already evangelizing, you’re already evangelizing, what you’re looking for is what you’re looking for is some fruit. some fruit. See, you cannot wear a See, you cannot wear a medal, have a crucifix, have medal, have a crucifix, have a picture of Our Lord and a picture of Our Lord and Our Lady on her desk or near Our Lady on her desk or near your computer and not your computer and not evangelize. evangelize. See, maybe a day will come See, maybe a day will come and they will move away or and they will move away or you’ll move away but that you’ll move away but that picture, that medal will picture, that medal will stick up here because the stick up here because the Holy Spirit will make it! Holy Spirit will make it! I can walk all the way I can walk all the way through downtown Birmingham through downtown Birmingham without saying a word but without saying a word but I’ve spoken, haven’t I? I’ve spoken, haven’t I? You see, that’s the whole You see, that’s the whole thing. thing. This habit speaks very loud This habit speaks very loud and clear today! See, first of all, the Holy See, first of all, the Holy Father said, "Go back to the Father said, "Go back to the habit." habit." Okay, we’re back to the Okay, we’re back to the habit! habit! And we got a few little And we got a few little nasty calls but that’s okay. nasty calls but that’s okay. That’s good! That’s good! That means I bother That means I bother somebody. somebody. See, as a Christian if See, as a Christian if you’re not a thorn in you’re not a thorn in somebody’s side, I question somebody’s side, I question your Christianity. your Christianity. You know, you got to be a You know, you got to be a thorn in people’s side! thorn in people’s side! You can’t just go around You can’t just go around namby-pamby. namby-pamby. See, we’re wearing this See, we’re wearing this habit, first of all, because habit, first of all, because the Holy See said so, the the Holy See said so, the canon law says so, #3. canon law says so, #3. I want to witness to a I want to witness to a Church that still exists, Church that still exists, to a Church no one will to a Church no one will ever destroy, to a Church ever destroy, to a Church that is here, is solid that is here, is solid and we’re going back to and we’re going back to one way or another. one way or another. We have begun, I hope, We have begun, I hope, by this fall. by this fall. Not to an old Church but the Not to an old Church but the Church that is forever Church that is forever young, forever beautiful, young, forever beautiful, forever strong. forever strong. And one day She will rise And one day She will rise again more beautiful, again more beautiful, stronger, filled with stronger, filled with saints. saints. So you are evangelizing. So you are evangelizing. One time Holy Father Francis One time Holy Father Francis told Brother Leo, "Brother, told Brother Leo, "Brother, we’re going to the village we’re going to the village to preach." to preach." And they walked through the And they walked through the village, turned around and village, turned around and walked all the way back to walked all the way back to the monastery. the monastery. And Brother Leo said, And Brother Leo said, "Father, I thought we were "Father, I thought we were going to preach." going to preach." He said, "We did, Brother. He said, "We did, Brother. We did." We did." So don’t worry about it. So don’t worry about it. If the Lord wants you to, If the Lord wants you to, He’ll open up a door. He’ll open up a door. You can always say, "God You can always say, "God bless you." bless you." Who’s going to get angry Who’s going to get angry with that? with that? And if they get angry, bless And if they get angry, bless them twice them twice (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) because obviously they because obviously they need it. need it. Don’t be timid. Don’t be timid. This is no, we don’t live in This is no, we don’t live in a world you can be timid a world you can be timid cause they’ll just walk all cause they’ll just walk all over you. over you. Come on, bowl for Jesus when Come on, bowl for Jesus when the opportunity presents the opportunity presents itself. itself. In the meantime, you’re a In the meantime, you’re a great witness. great witness. Just keep on. Just keep on. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hello? Caller #4(female): Hello, Caller #4(female): Hello, Mother. Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Mother: Where are you from? Caller #4: Mississippi. Caller #4: Mississippi. We love you. We love you. We love your new habit. We love your new habit. Mother: Thank you. Mother: Thank you. Caller #4: My question Caller #4: My question is about suffering. is about suffering. Why does God value suffering Why does God value suffering so much? so much? Mother: Suffering is Mother: Suffering is valued by God in this day valued by God in this day and age, especially in the and age, especially in the New Testament because His New Testament because His Son, of Jesus, the Father Son, of Jesus, the Father looked upon Jesus. looked upon Jesus. There are many reasons why There are many reasons why the Lord came down and not the Lord came down and not only suffered Himself, shared our suffering, but shared our suffering, but paved a way for us to suffer. paved a way for us to suffer. Why? Why? It is very purifying, It is very purifying, very purifying. very purifying. If it wasn’t for suffering, If it wasn’t for suffering, we’d be a bunch of bad kids. we’d be a bunch of bad kids. That’s all. That’s all. We would never, most of you We would never, most of you wouldn’t even pray if you wouldn’t even pray if you weren’t in trouble. weren’t in trouble. And a lot of suffering is And a lot of suffering is not physical. not physical. I have a lot of physical I have a lot of physical suffering. suffering. But suffering always teaches But suffering always teaches you a lesson, it makes you you a lesson, it makes you grow in virtue, it grow in virtue, it participates in the growth participates in the growth of your soul, you know, it of your soul, you know, it participates in the grace participates in the grace the Spirit gives you to mold the Spirit gives you to mold your soul in the image of your soul in the image of Jesus. Jesus. It forces you, sometimes, It forces you, sometimes, to say "yes" to God when to say "yes" to God when probably you wouldn’t-- probably you wouldn’t-- probably you wouldn’t. probably you wouldn’t. I’ll give you a little... I’ll give you a little... I’ll tell you something of I’ll tell you something of myself. myself. I’m Italian--that should I’m Italian--that should say it all. say it all. I am impatient. I am impatient. I like everything done I like everything done yesterday. yesterday. And I’m accustomed to doing And I’m accustomed to doing at least two things and at least two things and sometimes three things at sometimes three things at one time. one time. Well, now, I have three braces and two crutches. braces and two crutches. I am forced to take smaller I am forced to take smaller steps. steps. Oh, it takes me longer to Oh, it takes me longer to get anywhere. get anywhere. I cross the street and all I cross the street and all the cars stop and I get me a the cars stop and I get me a chance to wave to everybody chance to wave to everybody and say thank you. and say thank you. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) They wouldn’t have done They wouldn’t have done that if I was normal. that if I was normal. It’s just wonderful! It’s just wonderful! I go starting across the I go starting across the street, this car stopped, street, this car stopped, that car stopped and they that car stopped and they just very patient, you know just very patient, you know and I say, "Thank you! and I say, "Thank you! God bless you." God bless you." That’s a wonderful thing, That’s a wonderful thing, wonderful for them to stop wonderful for them to stop and wonderful for me to say and wonderful for me to say "thank you." "thank you." But you know it’s done But you know it’s done something for me. something for me. I was telling the sisters I was telling the sisters the other day, I’m not the other day, I’m not saying I feel patient--I saying I feel patient--I don’t think I’ll do that don’t think I’ll do that till I get in the Kingdom. till I get in the Kingdom. But it has done a couple of But it has done a couple of things for me. things for me. It’s made me realize that It’s made me realize that what’s the hurry? what’s the hurry? Much of my impatience in the Much of my impatience in the past has been because I’m in past has been because I’m in a hurry. a hurry. It takes me a little longer It takes me a little longer to get where I want to go, to get where I want to go, but what’s the difference? but what’s the difference? It suddenly puts everything It suddenly puts everything in focus. in focus. It made me realize that It made me realize that there’s more to life than there’s more to life than just doing things. just doing things. There’s time, time to love There’s time, time to love God, time to talk to God and God, time to talk to God and time to know that He does it time to know that He does it all and it’s all okay. all and it’s all okay. Every bit of suffering-- Every bit of suffering-- whether you have a headache whether you have a headache or what--molds, it’s a or what--molds, it’s a molding power. molding power. Oh, it can make you bitter Oh, it can make you bitter and sour and angry with God, and sour and angry with God, but that’s because you’re but that’s because you’re not using it right. not using it right. It’s always destined by God It’s always destined by God to make you more humble, to make you more humble, compassionate, loving, kinder, more grateful kinder, more grateful because people have to help because people have to help you and people give you your you and people give you your medicine and nurses wait on medicine and nurses wait on you, time for you to be you, time for you to be grateful. grateful. Padre Pio said, "If people Padre Pio said, "If people realize the value of realize the value of suffering of any kind-- suffering of any kind-- spiritual, mental, physical spiritual, mental, physical --that it is so precious --that it is so precious we would covet it." we would covet it." Most of us spend all our Most of us spend all our time getting rid if it. time getting rid if it. I take my Tylenol and I take my Tylenol and aspirin and everything else aspirin and everything else and I wear braces that are and I wear braces that are comfortable. You know, I’m not going to You know, I’m not going to hobble along. hobble along. I’ve got enough problems. I’ve got enough problems. I don’t believe in putting I don’t believe in putting beans in my shoes see for a beans in my shoes see for a penance. penance. I got enough shoes and I got I got enough shoes and I got enough braces for beans. enough braces for beans. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) But it’s all for my good. But it’s all for my good. Next to my vocation I value Next to my vocation I value --oh, I’d be glad to get rid --oh, I’d be glad to get rid of it--but I value it as of it--but I value it as long as God permits it long as God permits it because it’s done me more because it’s done me more good than anything. good than anything. I know me and with all the I know me and with all the success that God has given success that God has given us and blessed us with you us and blessed us with you and this network, this radio and this network, this radio and my wonderful sisters and and my wonderful sisters and brothers, if I didn’t have brothers, if I didn’t have this, I could be hell on this, I could be hell on wheels. wheels. I mean, whew! I mean, whew! Oh, I could make more people Oh, I could make more people miserable--more than I make miserable--more than I make now, you know. now, you know. Now I make you miserable Now I make you miserable cause I really love it and I cause I really love it and I hate to see you go in the hate to see you go in the wrong direction. wrong direction. So it’s been good for me. So it’s been good for me. I think it’s good for you. I think it’s good for you. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hello? Caller #5 (female): Hello, Caller #5 (female): Hello, Mother. Mother. Mother: And where are you Mother: And where are you from? from? Caller #5: I’m from Caller #5: I’m from Ashburnham, Massachusetts. Ashburnham, Massachusetts. Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your question? question? Caller #5: My question is Caller #5: My question is about the value of about the value of suffering. suffering. I was just reading in Mark I was just reading in Mark 11--I read my Bible 11--I read my Bible every day--that Jesus said, every day--that Jesus said, "Listen to Me. "Listen to Me. "You can pray for anything "You can pray for anything and if you believe it, you and if you believe it, you have it, it’s yours." have it, it’s yours." Now, how does this relate, Now, how does this relate, Mother, do you feel to the Mother, do you feel to the value of suffering? value of suffering? Reading through the New Reading through the New Testament, I see Jesus’ Testament, I see Jesus’ ministry as one of healing ministry as one of healing and salvation and and salvation and redemption, as though God’s redemption, as though God’s will for us was a will here will for us was a will here as well as in hereafter. as well as in hereafter. And how does this relate to And how does this relate to the Church’s teaching on-- the Church’s teaching on-- not just physical healing, not just physical healing, Mother--but on prosperity, Mother--but on prosperity, on living life to the on living life to the fullest as we have it now. fullest as we have it now. I also read--I don’t mean I also read--I don’t mean to take your time. to take your time. Mother: That’s all right. Mother: That’s all right. I’ve got it. I’ve got it. Caller #5: Romans Caller #5: Romans that we’re more than conquers that we’re more than conquers here on this earth through here on this earth through Christ that strengthens us. Christ that strengthens us. And should we lay down for And should we lay down for these things? these things? Should we accept this as Should we accept this as God’s will or is God’s will God’s will or is God’s will really for us to be more really for us to be more than conquerors and to rise than conquerors and to rise above what we are saddled above what we are saddled with? with? Are we already the healed Are we already the healed and the evil forces of this and the evil forces of this world are trying to make us world are trying to make us the unhealed and the the unhealed and the unvictorious? unvictorious? And how does the Church’s And how does the Church’s teaching relate to this? teaching relate to this? Should the Church be more Should the Church be more adamant about it rather adamant about it rather than, rather than comforting than, rather than comforting people that are suffering? people that are suffering? Should they be teaching Should they be teaching people how to rise above the people how to rise above the suffering? suffering? Mother: Well, you got about Mother: Well, you got about 25 questions there and I 25 questions there and I hope I can answer them all with God’s grace. all with God’s grace. Number 1, whatever I ask the Number 1, whatever I ask the Lord is for my good, I can Lord is for my good, I can be sure I will get. be sure I will get. No question in my mind. No question in my mind. If I ask for virtue, for an If I ask for virtue, for an increase of faith, hope, increase of faith, hope, love--I can believe that I love--I can believe that I will get it. will get it. Many things we ask for, Many things we ask for, including health, are not including health, are not for our good. for our good. Did it ever dawn on you that Did it ever dawn on you that how many times Our Dear Lord how many times Our Dear Lord went through the Gate went through the Gate Beautiful and that man was Beautiful and that man was sitting there for his whole sitting there for his whole lifetime and the Lord didn’t lifetime and the Lord didn’t heal him. heal him. Now, I had a minister tell Now, I had a minister tell me one time, He kept it for me one time, He kept it for the apostles. the apostles. Oh, come on! Oh, come on! He’s leaving one for Peter, He’s leaving one for Peter, you know. you know. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) See, there’s a time for See, there’s a time for everything and we cannot say everything and we cannot say that what God bestows or that what God bestows or permits in my life is all evil. permits in my life is all evil. I don’t know a life of a I don’t know a life of a saint that didn’t have saint that didn’t have physical, mental, spiritual physical, mental, spiritual problems. problems. I have to be like Jesus. I have to be like Jesus. I am not like Jesus in the I am not like Jesus in the abundant life. abundant life. Jesus didn’t have the Jesus didn’t have the abundant life--He had abundant life--He had nowhere to lay His Head. nowhere to lay His Head. He was born in a stable. He was born in a stable. All His Life, 30 years of All His Life, 30 years of His Life was hidden! His Life was hidden! And then He went out and He And then He went out and He was treated like a heretic. was treated like a heretic. He had to run in the desert He had to run in the desert to flee. to flee. Even as a child He had to Even as a child He had to flee into Egypt. flee into Egypt. All that is suffering. All that is suffering. The desert is freezing The desert is freezing at night and terribly, at night and terribly, terribly, terribly hot terribly, terribly hot in the daytime. in the daytime. All that was suffering. All that was suffering. We have to imitate Jesus! We have to imitate Jesus! And there are some And there are some sufferings that come sufferings that come from sin. from sin. If you smoke a pack, I mean, If you smoke a pack, I mean, a carton of cigarettes every a carton of cigarettes every day, you’re going to get day, you’re going to get lung cancer. lung cancer. But we can make it But we can make it redemptive. redemptive. And St. Paul says, "This is And St. Paul says, "This is a wicked generation and your a wicked generation and your lives should redeem it. lives should redeem it. "Your example should redeem "Your example should redeem it." it." No one suffered as much as No one suffered as much as Paul. Paul. He asked three times to be He asked three times to be delivered as something, and delivered as something, and he had a disgusting disease. he had a disgusting disease. The healer was not healed! The healer was not healed! And he says, "The things I And he says, "The things I want to do, I don’t; the want to do, I don’t; the thing I don’t want to do, thing I don’t want to do, I do." I do." What a terrible interior What a terrible interior pain that was. pain that was. And Peter, hunted down, And Peter, hunted down, crucified upside down cause crucified upside down cause he didn’t feel worthy to.... he didn’t feel worthy to.... 300 years every Pope knew, 300 years every Pope knew, every bishop knew when he every bishop knew when he was ordained he would be was ordained he would be martyred. martyred. For 300 years people were For 300 years people were burned at the stake and burned at the stake and eaten by, by lions. eaten by, by lions. And today, this century And today, this century has been more martyrs has been more martyrs than all the centuries than all the centuries in the past put together. in the past put together. Maxmilian Kolbe--put him in Maxmilian Kolbe--put him in a concentration camp--oh a concentration camp--oh sure, we wish it hadn’t sure, we wish it hadn’t happened, but when it did happened, but when it did these people took it as these people took it as something valuable. something valuable. Should we pray for healing? Should we pray for healing? Absolutely! Absolutely! Should we go to doctors and Should we go to doctors and take medicine? take medicine? Absolutely! Absolutely! But when all that fails, But when all that fails, we have to humble ourself we have to humble ourself before the Lord. before the Lord. I don’t think we can have a I don’t think we can have a Lord of abundance with Lord of abundance with health, wealth. health, wealth. I don’t think that’s the I don’t think that’s the Lord of this Gospel. Lord of this Gospel. My Master and all this My Master and all this Gospel. Gospel. I’m trying to find here a I’m trying to find here a little passage I’d like to little passage I’d like to read to you. read to you. I think I passed it up. I think I passed it up. St. John, First Epistle. St. John, First Epistle. "We are quite confident that "We are quite confident that if we ask Him for anything," if we ask Him for anything," the last chapter, Chapter 5: the last chapter, Chapter 5: 14, "and it is in accordance 14, "and it is in accordance with His Will, He will hear with His Will, He will hear us." us." You want to look it up? You want to look it up? 1 John 5: 14. 1 John 5: 14. "I can be confident that I "I can be confident that I can ask Him for anything and can ask Him for anything and if it is in accordance with if it is in accordance with His Will, He will hear it His Will, He will hear it and knowing that whatever we and knowing that whatever we may ask He hears us, we know may ask He hears us, we know we have been granted it." we have been granted it." You see, we can’t always You see, we can’t always say, would you say to say, would you say to somebody in a room dying of somebody in a room dying of cancer that he shouldn’t cancer that he shouldn’t have it, that if he had have it, that if he had faith he’d be healed? faith he’d be healed? Faith is not a, a magic Faith is not a, a magic formula. formula. Faith is not a quarter in a Faith is not a quarter in a slot machine hoping you get slot machine hoping you get all strawberries or whatever all strawberries or whatever you’re suppose to get. you’re suppose to get. You tell that person that You tell that person that God loves them, that they God loves them, that they are being sanctified and are being sanctified and made holy and made new for made holy and made new for His Kingdom. His Kingdom. I want to follow Jesus. I want to follow Jesus. You want to follow Jesus. You want to follow Jesus. But I am not ready to enter But I am not ready to enter into His Heaven because I am into His Heaven because I am not like Him enough. not like Him enough. I want to be. I want to be. I try but there’s still I try but there’s still those rusty spots and those those rusty spots and those little rebellions and little little rebellions and little impatience and I’m still not impatience and I’m still not like Him. like Him. I want to be. I want to be. So I must take whatever the So I must take whatever the present moment gives me. present moment gives me. The Church teaches that The Church teaches that there’s a great value to there’s a great value to suffering, that there are suffering, that there are miracles. miracles. I’ve had a miracle. I’ve had a miracle. I’m here because of a I’m here because of a miracle! miracle! (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) And I’m not stoic but I And I’m not stoic but I believe what the Church believe what the Church teaches--that I can ask teaches--that I can ask but if He says "no," but if He says "no," then I must bow my head then I must bow my head and say exactly what His and say exactly what His Son said in the Garden of Son said in the Garden of Gethsemane, "Not my will but Gethsemane, "Not my will but Thine be done." Thine be done." Our Lord asked. Our Lord asked. He said, "Lord, if this is He said, "Lord, if this is possible, let this chalice possible, let this chalice pass from Me." pass from Me." It’s fine to ask but let’s It’s fine to ask but let’s not be presumptuous and not be presumptuous and think that every think that every suffering... suffering... What would you tell someone What would you tell someone who had AIDS? who had AIDS? Would you give him hope? Would you give him hope? Would you give him that hope Would you give him that hope that with all of this, that that with all of this, that even though his life was not even though his life was not good and even though it was good and even though it was not within the Will of God, not within the Will of God, would you tell him it’s all would you tell him it’s all lost because he’s not lost because he’s not healed? healed? Would you take away that Would you take away that last opportunity to grasp last opportunity to grasp the Hand of God in perfect the Hand of God in perfect trust and say, "Lord, I have trust and say, "Lord, I have sinned and I give You this sinned and I give You this pain, this awesome pain in pain, this awesome pain in reparation for my sin." reparation for my sin." Would you steal that away Would you steal that away from him and make him feel from him and make him feel he’s only that way cause he he’s only that way cause he doesn’t have faith? doesn’t have faith? No. No. Faith would say to Him, Faith would say to Him, "Yes, I have sinned and I am "Yes, I have sinned and I am in this condition of my own in this condition of my own fault. fault. "But I give it to You, "But I give it to You, Lord God. Lord God. "I give it to You with all my "I give it to You with all my heart. heart. "I am repentant; I am sorry "I am repentant; I am sorry for my sins and I wish to for my sins and I wish to enter into Thy Kingdom." enter into Thy Kingdom." That, my dear friend, is That, my dear friend, is faith. faith. That is the Will of God. That is the Will of God. That is victory over the That is victory over the demon who tempted that demon who tempted that young man to grave sin. young man to grave sin. That is holiness. That is holiness. And let’s not forget, And let’s not forget, we must follow Jesus. we must follow Jesus. And sometimes we are healed And sometimes we are healed by our stripes, by our pain by our stripes, by our pain and sometimes we heal others and sometimes we heal others by giving them the benefit by giving them the benefit of our pain. of our pain. God love you and bless you. God love you and bless you. See you tomorrow. (applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
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Keywords: ma902663, ytsync-en, ma9
Id: shEfxzCUQaw
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Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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