Mother Angelica Live Classics - Why Did Lucifer Call God a Liar

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♪ ♪ Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We’re all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don’t miss the opportunity!</i> Well, thank you so much. Well, thank you so much. I’m a little late. I’m a little late. Well, I made it a Well, I made it a minute ahead. minute ahead. So that’s not too bad. So that’s not too bad. It could have been It could have been 30 seconds, or something 30 seconds, or something else--but anyway, here else--but anyway, here we are together. we are together. We have a wonderful crowd of We have a wonderful crowd of our family here tonight and our family here tonight and we want to welcome them. we want to welcome them. Do you know what I thought Do you know what I thought we would talk about tonight? we would talk about tonight? I’m going to tell you, I’m going to tell you, because there was a funny because there was a funny incident that happened. incident that happened. Last Friday, no, it was Last Friday, no, it was last Thursday--it was one last Thursday--it was one of my bad days. of my bad days. Do you ever have a bad day? Do you ever have a bad day? Anybody here never have Anybody here never have a bad day? a bad day? (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Nobody, Thank You, Jesus! Nobody, Thank You, Jesus! Everybody’s had a bad day. Everybody’s had a bad day. Well, last Thursday was one Well, last Thursday was one of my bad days and I got of my bad days and I got very angry with some very angry with some contractors over electric-- contractors over electric-- electricity and electric electricity and electric lights and why I couldn’t lights and why I couldn’t put up this light when I put up this light when I wanted that light and I wanted that light and I couldn’t put it up there. couldn’t put it up there. So they were telling me. So they were telling me. Anyway, I blew my 75 year Anyway, I blew my 75 year old stack. old stack. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) It was just as hot It was just as hot as it would’ve been as it would’ve been when it was 17. when it was 17. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) So, I did have a hard day. So, I did have a hard day. Well, that night Well, that night when I came home, there when I came home, there was a little note on my was a little note on my table at refectory. table at refectory. I was in a hurry and I just I was in a hurry and I just read--it was folded, see, and read--it was folded, see, and it said, "Lucifer called." it said, "Lucifer called." (group chuckles) (group chuckles) I looked at that paper I looked at that paper and I said, "What?!" and I said, "What?!" They said, "What’s the They said, "What’s the matter?" matter?" I said, "Who said I said, "Who said "Lucifer called?" (laughs) "Lucifer called?" (laughs) (coughs) (coughs) I forgot to turn it over, I forgot to turn it over, you see, and it said, you see, and it said, "Lucifer called God "Lucifer called God a liar." a liar." (all laugh) (all laugh) And I thought. (laughs) And I thought. (laughs) I knew I didn’t do the right I knew I didn’t do the right thing but I didn’t think thing but I didn’t think it was that bad (laughs) it was that bad (laughs) (group chuckles) (group chuckles) that Lucifer had to call. that Lucifer had to call. But I thought we’d talk But I thought we’d talk about that tonight, that about that tonight, that lucifer did call God a liar. lucifer did call God a liar. And why was it? And why was it? What really was the What really was the first sin? first sin? We’ll say pride. We’ll say pride. Good. Good. But I think the first sin But I think the first sin was jealousy, jealousy. was jealousy, jealousy. Lucifer--the highest, the Lucifer--the highest, the most beautiful, the most most beautiful, the most intelligent of all angels, intelligent of all angels, the leader of them all-- the leader of them all-- began to think he was began to think he was greater than God, that God greater than God, that God had no right to His throne, had no right to His throne, totally forgetting he was totally forgetting he was himself a creature, that himself a creature, that he was created by God. he was created by God. That was all for God. That was all for God. So he said, "I will So he said, "I will ascend to the throne ascend to the throne of the Most High!" of the Most High!" But why would he do it? But why would he do it? You say, "Well, that was You say, "Well, that was an act of pride." an act of pride." Yeah it is, but why would Yeah it is, but why would he want to do that? he want to do that? Because he thought he Because he thought he was greater than God. was greater than God. We come up what I call the We come up what I call the Luciferian Sin--"I will Luciferian Sin--"I will not serve." not serve." That’s what he said. That’s what he said. The great test came along The great test came along when they found out that the when they found out that the Eternal Word, the Second Eternal Word, the Second Person of the Most Blessed Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, would become Man. Trinity, would become Man. "Man? Oh, you’ve got "Man? Oh, you’ve got to be kidding! to be kidding! Man--part spiritual and Man--part spiritual and part animal--He’s going part animal--He’s going to become Man?" to become Man?" Well, then he went a Well, then he went a little further and realized little further and realized that not only would He that not only would He become Man, that inferior become Man, that inferior nature, but His Mother nature, but His Mother would be their Queen. would be their Queen. Oh, that was insult Oh, that was insult upon insult. upon insult. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. So what was the battle? So what was the battle? Was it a battle of swords? Was it a battle of swords? No. No. We’re talking about We’re talking about spiritual being. spiritual being. It was a battle of wits, It was a battle of wits, intellects. intellects. So one-third of the Kingdom So one-third of the Kingdom was influenced by Lucifer. was influenced by Lucifer. He convinced them it was He convinced them it was unjust of God for the Second unjust of God for the Second Person of the Blessed Person of the Blessed Trinity to become Man--and Trinity to become Man--and then His Mother be their then His Mother be their Queen?--oh, too much. Queen?--oh, too much. Well, what happens? Well, what happens? "I will not serve." "I will not serve." Michael comes along and Michael comes along and says, "Who is like God?" says, "Who is like God?" The perfect question. The perfect question. That was the end of That was the end of jealousy, because there is jealousy, because there is no one like God, no one. no one like God, no one. There’s no one before Him, There’s no one before Him, no one like Him, no one like Him, no one after Him. no one after Him. He always Was, Is and He always Was, Is and Always Will Be. Always Will Be. Well we’ve got a lot of that Well we’ve got a lot of that today, "I will not serve." today, "I will not serve." We don’t believe the We don’t believe the morals of the Church, morals of the Church, that the Church preaches. that the Church preaches. St. Paul speaks of it St. Paul speaks of it very, very plainly in very, very plainly in Galatians. Galatians. Do you ever read Galatians? Do you ever read Galatians? It’s a very interesting It’s a very interesting little book, only five little book, only five chapters. chapters. Here we go, I went past it. Here we go, I went past it. Anyway, in this fifth chapter, Anyway, in this fifth chapter, he called self-indulgence. he called self-indulgence. What does that mean? What does that mean? It means I’m going to do It means I’m going to do what I want, when I want, what I want, when I want, how I want. how I want. That’s a kind of That’s a kind of "I will not serve." "I will not serve." Today I read an article Today I read an article in the paper. in the paper. Well, it wasn’t really a Well, it wasn’t really a newspaper, newspaper. newspaper, newspaper. It was part of the garbage It was part of the garbage sisters were throwing out. sisters were throwing out. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) It’s strange how garbage It’s strange how garbage newspaper is always the newspaper is always the most interesting. most interesting. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Did you ever read Did you ever read garbage newspaper? garbage newspaper? You never did? You never did? You ought to try it. You ought to try it. The most interesting The most interesting articles are right there articles are right there before they wrap the before they wrap the garbage in it. garbage in it. This one said that now all This one said that now all organ donors really should organ donors really should give up their organs before give up their organs before brain death. brain death. What’s that say to you? What’s that say to you? Well, I’d tear up my Well, I’d tear up my little card. little card. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) You get the impression You get the impression they’re looking at you they’re looking at you and saying, "Oh, what and saying, "Oh, what a liver. a liver. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Wow, look at that brain, Wow, look at that brain, big forehead--ooh. big forehead--ooh. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) We can forget the bald head We can forget the bald head but I bet there’s something but I bet there’s something inside of there." inside of there." (group chuckles) (group chuckles) It scares you to death. It scares you to death. Now, they talk about Now, they talk about "before death". "before death". One time I was sitting One time I was sitting outside. outside. I was going to have some I was going to have some x-rays and I was sitting out x-rays and I was sitting out there waiting my turn and there waiting my turn and the one x-ray technician the one x-ray technician came out and said, "What do came out and said, "What do you got out there?" you got out there?" He said, "One kidney and He said, "One kidney and three livers." three livers." (group chuckles) (group chuckles) It made every human being It made every human being seem suddenly so small, seem suddenly so small, like it didn’t matter who like it didn’t matter who you were; it’s what you’ve you were; it’s what you’ve got and how healthy it is. got and how healthy it is. That’s where we are now, That’s where we are now, isn’t it, huh? isn’t it, huh? That’s where we are. That’s where we are. Pius--or Paul VI Pius--or Paul VI prophesied that, didn’t prophesied that, didn’t he, in "Humane Vitae"? he, in "Humane Vitae"? He said, "Once you begin He said, "Once you begin birth control, then you have birth control, then you have abortion and then you have abortion and then you have euthanasia, then you want euthanasia, then you want to kill off the young, to kill off the young, the old." the old." Now what? Now what? Now we only look at Now we only look at people to see what organ people to see what organ they might have that would they might have that would benefit my neighbor. benefit my neighbor. Now, that is a contradiction Now, that is a contradiction in terms. in terms. That’s a spirit of rebellion That’s a spirit of rebellion that kind of says, "Anything that kind of says, "Anything goes, anything goes." goes, anything goes." St. Paul guessed it real St. Paul guessed it real good in his day because good in his day because when I say, "I will not when I say, "I will not serve," that means you’re serve," that means you’re open to every kind of sin, open to every kind of sin, every kind of sin. every kind of sin. And since we’re in the time And since we’re in the time of the Holy Spirit, you have of the Holy Spirit, you have to know is your spirit the to know is your spirit the kind that says, "I will not kind that says, "I will not serve, I will not do this?" serve, I will not do this?" "The Church says this is "The Church says this is wrong." wrong." "Well, I’m going to "Well, I’m going to do it anyway. do it anyway. No one’s going to tell No one’s going to tell me what to do." me what to do." Well, that’s an act Well, that’s an act of will. of will. God gave you free will. God gave you free will. That’s not news. That’s not news. This free choice business This free choice business is... (sighs) is... (sighs) God gave us free choice. God gave us free choice. That’s not new either. That’s not new either. But there are many things But there are many things we cannot choose. we cannot choose. St. Paul says very well St. Paul says very well in the 5th Chapter of in the 5th Chapter of Galatians. Galatians. He called it self-indulgence He called it self-indulgence --it’s the opposite of the --it’s the opposite of the Spirit, opposite of the Spirit, opposite of the Spirit. Spirit. He says, "When He says, "When self-indulgence is at work, self-indulgence is at work, the results are obvious." the results are obvious." Fornication--you say, Fornication--you say, "Oh, what’s fornication?" "Oh, what’s fornication?" (laughs) I hate to have a (laughs) I hate to have a nun tell you what nun tell you what fornication is. fornication is. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Just doesn’t seem right. Just doesn’t seem right. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) It’s when you horse around It’s when you horse around before you’re married, before you’re married, (group chuckles) (group chuckles) that’s what it means. that’s what it means. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Now, if you don’t know the Now, if you don’t know the facts of life, I’m not facts of life, I’m not going to tell you. going to tell you. Ask your mother or your Ask your mother or your father or somebody. father or somebody. But that’s what he says, But that’s what he says, it’s fornication. it’s fornication. All you teenagers, oh, All you teenagers, oh, you’re wasting your life, you’re wasting your life, your time, your soul. your time, your soul. Now, teachers will come to Now, teachers will come to me and tell me the wildest me and tell me the wildest things and they’re all true things and they’re all true --13 year-olds having --13 year-olds having affairs in classrooms. affairs in classrooms. I mean, (sighs) it’s I mean, (sighs) it’s so bad, you know. so bad, you know. Well, we call that self- Well, we call that self- indulgence--you’re going indulgence--you’re going to do what you please. to do what you please. But he said, "When that’s at But he said, "When that’s at work, gross indecency." work, gross indecency." Well, nobody knows they’re Well, nobody knows they’re half naked anymore. half naked anymore. It always amazes me that It always amazes me that women walk around half women walk around half naked and men, they just naked and men, they just walk around natural. walk around natural. I mean, they’re always I mean, they’re always dressed. dressed. Well, it seems funny to me. Well, it seems funny to me. I’m glad you are, I’m glad you are, believe me. believe me. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) I’m glad you’re not I’m glad you’re not following women around following women around and their way of dressing. and their way of dressing. I mean, it’s terrible. I mean, it’s terrible. We don’t any sense of We don’t any sense of modesty. modesty. I don’t know what makes some I don’t know what makes some of you think anybody wants of you think anybody wants to see it. to see it. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Anybody have legs like Anybody have legs like I saw this afternoon, I saw this afternoon, (group chuckles) (group chuckles) I’d put them in a box or I’d put them in a box or something. something. I mean, why-- I mean, why-- (group chuckles) (group chuckles) why do you want to walk why do you want to walk around half naked looking around half naked looking like that? like that? I don’t, I don’t get it. I don’t, I don’t get it. That’s what he’s saying. That’s what he’s saying. He didn’t get it either. He didn’t get it either. St. Paul says here, "gross St. Paul says here, "gross indecency." indecency." Well, it’s pretty gross. Well, it’s pretty gross. One side of your hair is One side of your hair is yellow, the other, green. yellow, the other, green. I think that’s gross. I think that’s gross. I mean, I wonder if you I mean, I wonder if you have a mirror. have a mirror. Maybe we need to buy mirrors Maybe we need to buy mirrors and put them on street and put them on street corners and say, "Here is corners and say, "Here is how you really look." how you really look." It might be good. It might be good. But it’s like I don’t want But it’s like I don’t want to look like God made me to look like God made me to look. to look. To destroy your human nature To destroy your human nature is so gross and that’s what is so gross and that’s what Paul says, "gross indecency." Paul says, "gross indecency." "Sexual irresponsibility, "Sexual irresponsibility, idolatry." idolatry." Oh, there’s a lot of that Oh, there’s a lot of that today, idolatry. today, idolatry. That’s the worship of That’s the worship of false gods. false gods. But there’s a lot of But there’s a lot of idolatry that’s not idolatry that’s not a false god. a false god. Some of you are so concerned Some of you are so concerned about making more and more about making more and more and more and more millions. and more and more millions. Well, what do you do with Well, what do you do with all of it? all of it? There has to come a point There has to come a point you can’t spend what you’ve you can’t spend what you’ve got, right? got, right? I could help you. I could help you. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) You just wonder about all You just wonder about all these people, they never these people, they never do anything for the Lord. do anything for the Lord. You wonder. You wonder. I read about this woman I read about this woman whose only desire was to be whose only desire was to be buried in a gold Cadillac. buried in a gold Cadillac. So they buried her in a So they buried her in a gold Cadillac. gold Cadillac. I thought, "Does she think I thought, "Does she think she’s going to drive up to she’s going to drive up to the gate?" the gate?" (group chuckles) (group chuckles) What? I mean, What? I mean, (group chuckles) (group chuckles) I bet that Cadillac isn’t I bet that Cadillac isn’t there anymore but I bet there anymore but I bet she is. she is. (all chuckles) (all chuckles) Can you imagine somebody Can you imagine somebody in Hell and they’d say, in Hell and they’d say, "What are you here for?" "What are you here for?" "I came in a gold "I came in a gold Cadillac," or "I dug up a Cadillac," or "I dug up a gold Cadillac." gold Cadillac." All this is so foolish. All this is so foolish. Isn’t that foolish? Isn’t that foolish? And it happens--it happens. And it happens--it happens. So now, that’s a form of So now, that’s a form of idolatry, see, to glorify idolatry, see, to glorify oneself is a form of oneself is a form of idolatry. idolatry. A scientist who is so A scientist who is so absorbed in his science that absorbed in his science that he forgets his family, his he forgets his family, his loved ones, his God, loved ones, his God, has idolatry--you worship has idolatry--you worship what you do. what you do. Anything that takes your Anything that takes your mind totally away from God, mind totally away from God, from family, from friends from family, from friends is a form of idolatry. is a form of idolatry. Drinking, I think, is a form Drinking, I think, is a form of idolatry. of idolatry. Now, watch me get the Now, watch me get the letters tomorrow, whoa! letters tomorrow, whoa! But a lot of things are But a lot of things are a form of idolatry. a form of idolatry. Lust is a form of idolatry. Lust is a form of idolatry. You worship pleasure. You worship pleasure. We don’t realize some times We don’t realize some times what we’re doing today. what we’re doing today. Now it says here, "Sorcery." Now it says here, "Sorcery." Oh, that’s so bad, and Oh, that’s so bad, and there’s so much evil, there’s so much evil, devil worship everywhere, devil worship everywhere, everywhere. everywhere. Watch your young children. Watch your young children. Watch what they read, watch Watch what they read, watch who they play with, watch who they play with, watch what they wear and watch what they wear and watch the music they listen to. the music they listen to. "Feuds," oh, how many wars "Feuds," oh, how many wars in this modern age, so cruel in this modern age, so cruel because of a feud--a feud because of a feud--a feud over religion, a feud over over religion, a feud over territory, a feud over territory, a feud over nationality or color. nationality or color. All of these are not of God. All of these are not of God. "Envy"--oh, envy of "Envy"--oh, envy of people’s talents or things, people’s talents or things, mostly things. mostly things. Jealousy is of people Jealousy is of people and envy of things. and envy of things. "I hate that person that "I hate that person that just bought a new house. just bought a new house. It’s bigger than mine." It’s bigger than mine." There’s more to clean. There’s more to clean. What’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you? (group chuckles) (group chuckles) I don’t understand I don’t understand that kind of thing. that kind of thing. They just bought a They just bought a Rolls Royce. Rolls Royce. Oh, so, you have a Ford. Oh, so, you have a Ford. You’re both going to get You’re both going to get there the same time. there the same time. Well, what’s the difference? Well, what’s the difference? "Drunkenness"--that’s "Drunkenness"--that’s self-indulgence. self-indulgence. You say you can take You say you can take one drink. one drink. Well, everybody knows Well, everybody knows you can’t. you can’t. You’re flat on the floor You’re flat on the floor after five or six, see. after five or six, see. One woman told me one time One woman told me one time she really wished her she really wished her husband would get drunk. husband would get drunk. I said, "Why?" I said, "Why?" She said, "He’s so nice She said, "He’s so nice and sweet." and sweet." I said, "He is?" I said, "He is?" "Yep. As soon as he "Yep. As soon as he washes his feet, washes his feet, he’s sober again." he’s sober again." (group chuckles) (group chuckles) I thought somebody I thought somebody that gets drunk ought to that gets drunk ought to try that in ice water. try that in ice water. So there are a lot of So there are a lot of strange things happen strange things happen in the world. in the world. "Jealousy"--now, that’s. "Jealousy"--now, that’s. I think the first sin. I think the first sin. Lucifer was jealous of God. Lucifer was jealous of God. Do you know what’s so Do you know what’s so strange? strange? To this day, to this day, To this day, to this day, he still entertains the he still entertains the same thoughts. same thoughts. With all the pains of Hell With all the pains of Hell he has not changed his mind he has not changed his mind that he is better than God that he is better than God and that God has his place. and that God has his place. How you like that for a How you like that for a strong will? strong will? Watch your will and what Watch your will and what you’re doing with it. you’re doing with it. "Bad temper," "Bad temper," (group chuckles) (group chuckles) and that really has a lot and that really has a lot to do with nationality. to do with nationality. (all laugh) (all laugh) Oh dear. Oh dear. I don’t know if any of you I don’t know if any of you have had the privilege of have had the privilege of eating at an Italian dinner. eating at an Italian dinner. I was at an Italian house, I was at an Italian house, oh, some years ago when I oh, some years ago when I brought one of my sisters brought one of my sisters and the food was absolutely and the food was absolutely phenomenal. phenomenal. But when Italians eat, But when Italians eat, they’re family. they’re family. They, they don’t feel they They, they don’t feel they have to be polite. have to be polite. They, they don’t think of They, they don’t think of saying, "Would you pass the saying, "Would you pass the chicken, dear?" chicken, dear?" "Hey, what’s the matter "Hey, what’s the matter with you? with you? "Are you, crazy? "Are you, crazy? "What do you mean, ’Pass "What do you mean, ’Pass the chicken, dear?’ the chicken, dear?’ "What do you have with "What do you have with this ’dear’ business? this ’dear’ business? (group chuckles) (group chuckles) What do you want?" What do you want?" (group chuckles) (group chuckles) That’s Italian. That’s Italian. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Anyway, they were doing Anyway, they were doing that and I enjoyed it. that and I enjoyed it. I mean, I hadn’t been at a I mean, I hadn’t been at a good Italian fussing dinner good Italian fussing dinner in years. in years. Somebody would say, Somebody would say, "Hey, what, are you going to "Hey, what, are you going to eat all those potatoes? eat all those potatoes? "Pass them over here. "Pass them over here. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) What, are you a glutton What, are you a glutton or something? or something? (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Give me those potatoes." Give me those potatoes." (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Well poor Sister was Well poor Sister was over there like.... over there like.... (group chuckles) (group chuckles) She couldn’t’ eat a thing, She couldn’t’ eat a thing, not a thing. not a thing. So I said to her, "What’s So I said to her, "What’s the matter, are you sick?" the matter, are you sick?" She said, "Well, do they She said, "Well, do they always talk like that?" always talk like that?" I said, "Like what?" I said, "Like what?" (group chuckles) (group chuckles) I didn’t get it. I didn’t get it. She said, "Do they always She said, "Do they always fight at dinner?" fight at dinner?" I said, "Who’s fighting? I said, "Who’s fighting? " (group chuckles) " (group chuckles) She said, "They were She said, "They were fighting." fighting." I said, "They’re just I said, "They’re just having dinner. having dinner. That’s Italian." That’s Italian." "Do they do that all "Do they do that all the time?" the time?" I said, "Well, if you have I said, "Well, if you have a nice big dinner, you’re a nice big dinner, you’re sitting there for two sitting there for two or three hours, what are or three hours, what are you going to do? you going to do? (group chuckles) (group chuckles) You’ve got to make You’ve got to make it interesting." it interesting." (group chuckles) (group chuckles) So bad temper kind of So bad temper kind of goes with nationality and goes with nationality and you’ve just got to you’ve just got to control it. control it. "Quarrels"--oh, do you know "Quarrels"--oh, do you know one of the sad things today? one of the sad things today? I talked to a psychiatrist I talked to a psychiatrist some years ago, lived up the some years ago, lived up the road from us and he said to road from us and he said to me something I heard today. me something I heard today. He said, "If people learn to He said, "If people learn to forgive and allow themselves forgive and allow themselves to be forgiven or forgive to be forgiven or forgive themselves, psychiatrists themselves, psychiatrists would be out of business." would be out of business." Now, isn’t that Now, isn’t that interesting? interesting? Isn’t it interesting that if Isn’t it interesting that if we learn to forgive, really we learn to forgive, really forgive from our hearts and forgive from our hearts and allow ourselves to be allow ourselves to be forgiven by others or forgiven by others or forgive ourself--how many forgive ourself--how many of you out there listening of you out there listening tonight, isn’t that your tonight, isn’t that your biggest problem? biggest problem? You’ve gone to Confession, You’ve gone to Confession, you know God has forgiven you know God has forgiven you but you can’t believe you but you can’t believe you did what you did and you you did what you did and you don’t forgive yourself. don’t forgive yourself. I’ll tell you, you could I’ll tell you, you could take all the pills you want take all the pills you want but it’s not going to go but it’s not going to go away until you forgive away until you forgive yourself. yourself. To forgive somebody who may To forgive somebody who may have offended you and has have offended you and has not asked for forgiveness not asked for forgiveness and doesn’t want to - but and doesn’t want to - but that’s their problem. that’s their problem. That’s not your problem. That’s not your problem. That’s their problem. That’s their problem. You must forgive. You must forgive. I bet St. Peter and all I bet St. Peter and all the Apostles’ mouths the Apostles’ mouths fell right open when fell right open when Our Lord said, "You must Our Lord said, "You must forgive." forgive." Peter thought he was Peter thought he was doing a big thing. doing a big thing. He said, "Lord, shall I He said, "Lord, shall I forgive seven times?" forgive seven times?" Oh, that’s pretty good. Oh, that’s pretty good. Peter thought it was great, Peter thought it was great, Our Lord said, "No 70 times Our Lord said, "No 70 times seven a day." seven a day." Oh, there’s nobody here Oh, there’s nobody here who has forgiven anybody who has forgiven anybody 70 times seven a day. 70 times seven a day. You say, "Once, twice, You say, "Once, twice, three times?" three times?" Well, we don’t even go Well, we don’t even go as high as Peter. as high as Peter. "You got me three times. "You got me three times. You’re not going to You’re not going to get me again!" get me again!" Isn’t that what we Isn’t that what we always say? always say? But really what’s wrong But really what’s wrong with us? with us? Why is it we have that inner Why is it we have that inner vacuum, vacuum? vacuum, vacuum? We say, "I can’t get close We say, "I can’t get close to the Lord." to the Lord." Maybe it’s because we Maybe it’s because we have not forgiven. have not forgiven. Do you have to feel it Do you have to feel it has to be justified? has to be justified? Well, Our Dear Lord was Well, Our Dear Lord was crucified and He was crucified and He was a Just Man. a Just Man. This poor priest that was This poor priest that was killed, where was it? killed, where was it? Tortured and murdered. Tortured and murdered. There are many priest There are many priest martyrs today and bishops martyrs today and bishops and religious. and religious. Why? Why? Just because they Just because they believe in Jesus. believe in Jesus. That’s a hatred, see, racial That’s a hatred, see, racial hatred, religion hatred. hatred, religion hatred. We just are not; we don’t We just are not; we don’t want to be like Jesus. want to be like Jesus. We don’t want to be. We don’t want to be. We’re doing all of these We’re doing all of these things today, so much that things today, so much that it’s awesome. it’s awesome. Now, "disagreements," Now, "disagreements," oh wow. oh wow. I don’t know anybody that I don’t know anybody that doesn’t disagree with doesn’t disagree with somebody. somebody. Well, like my new boots, Well, like my new boots, (group chuckles) (group chuckles) I think they’re great. I think they’re great. The reason I think they’re The reason I think they’re great that after 44 years great that after 44 years not having shoes, I think not having shoes, I think they’re wonderful. they’re wonderful. But some people think But some people think "Boots? "Boots? Can’t you find Can’t you find something else?" something else?" Well, I suppose I could Well, I suppose I could if I looked, but I’m if I looked, but I’m not looking. not looking. I think they’re comfortable. I think they’re comfortable. You say, "Well, you don’t You say, "Well, you don’t look like a Mother Abbess look like a Mother Abbess with boots." with boots." (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Well, if I put my habit on Well, if I put my habit on the tip of them, now you the tip of them, now you don’t know what I’m wearing. don’t know what I’m wearing. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Right? Right? So you don’t have any ideas So you don’t have any ideas whether I’ve got slippers whether I’ve got slippers on or boots. on or boots. So my solution is wear a So my solution is wear a longer habit and you won’t longer habit and you won’t know what I’ve got. know what I’ve got. (group laughs) (group laughs) Now anyway, he goes on Now anyway, he goes on to say, "orgies and to say, "orgies and similar things," I always similar things," I always wondered what the similar wondered what the similar things were. things were. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Now when he says, "The Now when he says, "The Spirit brings," now look Spirit brings," now look at the difference; I want at the difference; I want you to, I want to paint you to, I want to paint a picture for you tonight. a picture for you tonight. Who is calling you? Who is calling you? Is Lucifer calling you? Is Lucifer calling you? That’s what I just read. That’s what I just read. He called God a liar. He called God a liar. "Well, what do you mean he "Well, what do you mean he called God a liar?" called God a liar?" Well, to say to God, "You Well, to say to God, "You have no right to have the have no right to have the Second Person of the Blessed Second Person of the Blessed Trinity to become Man" and Trinity to become Man" and the Lord said, "Yes, I do." the Lord said, "Yes, I do." If he says, "No, You If he says, "No, You don’t," then he’s calling don’t," then he’s calling God a liar. God a liar. St. John says in his gospel, St. John says in his gospel, "If you say you have no "If you say you have no sin, you call God a liar." sin, you call God a liar." We do that today. We do that today. You say, "No, we don’t." You say, "No, we don’t." Well, sure you do. Well, sure you do. You accuse the Church You accuse the Church of judging. of judging. They’re not judging. They’re not judging. They’re telling you in the They’re telling you in the Name of God that this or Name of God that this or this or that is wrong, this or that is wrong, sinful and very dangerous sinful and very dangerous for your eternal salvation. for your eternal salvation. That’s not judging, that’s That’s not judging, that’s telling you the truth. telling you the truth. That’s why Our Dear Lord That’s why Our Dear Lord said to the Pharisees one said to the Pharisees one day, He said, "You’re like day, He said, "You’re like your father, who was a liar your father, who was a liar from the beginning." from the beginning." What was he talking about? What was he talking about? Lucifer. Lucifer. Our Lord doesn’t say, Our Lord doesn’t say, "this proud angel." "this proud angel." He called him a liar He called him a liar because his jealousy because his jealousy was a lie. was a lie. The Father has every right The Father has every right to design that His Son to design that His Son would become Man. would become Man. He has every right, He has every right, He’s God. He’s God. To say He doesn’t is to lie. To say He doesn’t is to lie. That’s what jealousy does. That’s what jealousy does. If you have jealousy and you If you have jealousy and you suffer a lot from jealousy, suffer a lot from jealousy, ask Our Lady to help ask Our Lady to help you, huh. you, huh. It’s all a lie. It’s all a lie. You say, "This person has You say, "This person has offended me and they have offended me and they have no right to be forgiven." no right to be forgiven." That’s a lie. That’s a lie. They have a right They have a right to be forgiven. to be forgiven. You have a right You have a right to be forgiven. to be forgiven. We have to be very careful. We have to be very careful. Now, this is the difference. Now, this is the difference. I have painted a very dark I have painted a very dark picture. picture. This is the way of Lucifer This is the way of Lucifer who was a liar from the who was a liar from the beginning. beginning. Now, here is the way Now, here is the way of the Spirit. of the Spirit. Paul says, "What the Spirit Paul says, "What the Spirit brings is very different-- brings is very different-- love, joy, peace, patience, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, kindness, goodness, trustfulness." trustfulness." Do you trust everybody? Do you trust everybody? You say, "Oh, I can’t trust." You say, "Oh, I can’t trust." Sometimes that’s true but Sometimes that’s true but what is human trust? what is human trust? Human trust is very faulty. Human trust is very faulty. The trust you must have The trust you must have is in God. is in God. He’s always there, always He’s always there, always ready to forgive, to have ready to forgive, to have compassion. compassion. Now, trustfulness, Now, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control. gentleness and self-control. He said, "There is no law He said, "There is no law against these kind of against these kind of things." things." Now, here’s the clincher-- Now, here’s the clincher-- it says, "You cannot belong it says, "You cannot belong to Jesus unless you crucify to Jesus unless you crucify all self-indulgent passions all self-indulgent passions and desires." and desires." Ooh! Ooh! You want to read this? You want to read this? Well, just go to Chapter 5 Well, just go to Chapter 5 of Galatians. of Galatians. I’d read from 16-26 I’d read from 16-26 --wake you up. --wake you up. It won’t give you a good It won’t give you a good night’s sleep but it will night’s sleep but it will wake you up, because we wake you up, because we need this. need this. What in your life is not What in your life is not like God? like God? Ask yourself that question Ask yourself that question and now we’re going to and now we’re going to go for calls. go for calls. Hello. Hello. Male Caller #1: Yes, Mother. Male Caller #1: Yes, Mother. Mother: Yeah, where Mother: Yeah, where are you from? are you from? Caller 1: This is Michael Caller 1: This is Michael and I’m calling from and I’m calling from Bay City, Michigan. Bay City, Michigan. Mother: Good. Mother: Good. What is your question? What is your question? Caller 1: It’s not Caller 1: It’s not Lucifer calling. Lucifer calling. Mother: (laughs) I’m very Mother: (laughs) I’m very glad. glad. Caller 1: Although my Caller 1: Although my mother may take mother may take exception at this. exception at this. Mother: (laughs) Okay. Mother: (laughs) Okay. Caller 1: Sister, a few Caller 1: Sister, a few weeks ago you were talking weeks ago you were talking about Purgatory. about Purgatory. Mother: Yeah, a nice place. Mother: Yeah, a nice place. Caller 1: And you related Caller 1: And you related about the three little about the three little children, you mentioned children, you mentioned that one of their friends that one of their friends found out that she. found out that she. Mother: Fatima. Mother: Fatima. Caller 1: .has to be there Caller 1: .has to be there until the end time. until the end time. Mother: Yeah. Mother: Yeah. Caller 1: And so my Caller 1: And so my question is, "Is there question is, "Is there not degrees of punishment not degrees of punishment in Purgatory?" in Purgatory?" Mother: Yes, because Mother: Yes, because God is Just. God is Just. That’s the children of That’s the children of Fatima, and a lot of people Fatima, and a lot of people knock that out of the book. knock that out of the book. But I think if Our Lady But I think if Our Lady said it, we ought to read it. said it, we ought to read it. You’ve got to have the You’ve got to have the courage to read whatever courage to read whatever it is She said. it is She said. So, you ask yourself, "What So, you ask yourself, "What could that poor kid do?" could that poor kid do?" Well, I don’t know. Well, I don’t know. Don’t ask me but whatever Don’t ask me but whatever it was, it must have been a it was, it must have been a terrible hardness of heart, terrible hardness of heart, hardness of heart, hardness of heart, something. something. But there will have to But there will have to be degrees, degrees of be degrees, degrees of Purgatory because not Purgatory because not everybody dies with the everybody dies with the same degree of sin. same degree of sin. Some may not have any mortal Some may not have any mortal sin at all, or maybe they’ve sin at all, or maybe they’ve gone to Confession often and gone to Confession often and the sins are imperfections, the sins are imperfections, but they’re still not like but they’re still not like the Lord. the Lord. They still don’t have that They still don’t have that purity of heart and mind to purity of heart and mind to be able to face God. be able to face God. That’s what we don’t That’s what we don’t understand. understand. It takes a special grace It takes a special grace to be able to face God. to be able to face God. It’s called "the light of It’s called "the light of glory." glory." When you die and you’re When you die and you’re purified, only then are you purified, only then are you able, are you capable of able, are you capable of seeing God face-to-face seeing God face-to-face because He’s so Awesome, see. because He’s so Awesome, see. I think we can understand I think we can understand that a little bit. that a little bit. It’s like looking at It’s like looking at the sun. the sun. You cannot look at the sun You cannot look at the sun without going blind. without going blind. Your eyes were not made to Your eyes were not made to look at the sun. look at the sun. Now, an eagle can but you Now, an eagle can but you cannot do that. cannot do that. You would have to have You would have to have something very special to be something very special to be able to look at the sun. able to look at the sun. Well, then it should not be Well, then it should not be hard for us to know that I hard for us to know that I need something very special need something very special before I can see God before I can see God face-to-face. face-to-face. My human nature, my human My human nature, my human soul has to be ready, ready, soul has to be ready, ready, able, capable of seeing able, capable of seeing God face-to-face. God face-to-face. That’s the reason for That’s the reason for Purgatory. Purgatory. So I would think there are So I would think there are as many degrees as there are as many degrees as there are people because everybody people because everybody doesn’t suffer the same-- doesn’t suffer the same-- no more than in Heaven. no more than in Heaven. We’re not all on the same We’re not all on the same level, see. level, see. We’re in different levels We’re in different levels because our heart, the because our heart, the amount of love I have at amount of love I have at death is the amount of death is the amount of love I will love for all love I will love for all eternity. eternity. So even in Heaven, So even in Heaven, there are degrees. there are degrees. St. Paul has a nice way of St. Paul has a nice way of putting it. putting it. He said, "Well, some of you He said, "Well, some of you put up a straw and wood and put up a straw and wood and jewels and silver and gold." jewels and silver and gold." Well, that was his way of Well, that was his way of saying, "We’re not all going saying, "We’re not all going to be the same in Heaven." to be the same in Heaven." Sorry folks, but that’s Sorry folks, but that’s the way it is, see. the way it is, see. You’re not all the You’re not all the same here. same here. You don’t all like the same You don’t all like the same food; you don’t all like food; you don’t all like the same weather. the same weather. Some people think it’s Some people think it’s terribly hot, hot here. terribly hot, hot here. It’s only 101. It’s only 101. If you’re a Southerner, If you’re a Southerner, you don’t mind. you don’t mind. If you’re a Northerner, oh, If you’re a Northerner, oh, the air you breathe is hot. the air you breathe is hot. But if you’re a Southerner, But if you’re a Southerner, it’s just part of your life it’s just part of your life and you take it, see. and you take it, see. So there are degrees of So there are degrees of everything. everything. I don’t like cold weather, I don’t like cold weather, I mean really cold and some I mean really cold and some of my sisters love it, of my sisters love it, you know. you know. "Oh, it’s 10 below! "Oh, it’s 10 below! Wonderful!" Wonderful!" (group chuckles) (group chuckles) So we’re not the same, So we’re not the same, Thank God. Thank God. We’re all different. We’re all different. So it is in Purgatory. So it is in Purgatory. We have another call. We have another call. Hello. Hello. Hi. Hi. Yoo hoo. Yoo hoo. (dial tone) (dial tone) Are you there? Are you there? You’re not. You’re not. You are. You are. Does somebody know what Does somebody know what they wanted to ask? they wanted to ask? "Hold, please." "Hold, please." Okay, we’ll hold. Okay, we’ll hold. But, no, what? But, no, what? () () (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Doesn’t he look funny Doesn’t he look funny when he says that? when he says that? (group chuckles) (group chuckles) This is a signal for a call. This is a signal for a call. There is one? There is one? Thank you. Thank you. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) You’re more entertaining You’re more entertaining than the little guy. than the little guy. (all laugh) (all laugh) We have another call. We have another call. Hello. Hello. Female Caller #1: Hello. Female Caller #1: Hello. Mother: Hello. Mother: Hello. Where are you from? Where are you from? Caller: Hi, Mother, my Caller: Hi, Mother, my name is Marie and I’m name is Marie and I’m calling locally. calling locally. I’m here from Birmingham. I’m here from Birmingham. First of all, I’d like to First of all, I’d like to tell you that your money tell you that your money is in the mail, as it is is in the mail, as it is every single month. every single month. Mother: Thank you! Mother: Thank you! Thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you. Caller: I would like to Caller: I would like to talk to you tonight talk to you tonight about neighbors. about neighbors. You guys have been a great You guys have been a great neighbor to this whole neighbor to this whole community. community. Mother: Thank you! Mother: Thank you! Thank you. Thank you. Caller: I was in a Caller: I was in a discussion with my neighbor discussion with my neighbor this past Sunday and this past Sunday and I’m a Catholic and she’s a I’m a Catholic and she’s a Presbyterian and we’ve never Presbyterian and we’ve never had any problems until we had any problems until we started discussing religion. started discussing religion. She more or less told me She more or less told me that I was kind of stupid that I was kind of stupid and a fool for believing and a fool for believing in the Eucharist. in the Eucharist. She said I could not She said I could not possibly believe that possibly believe that that was really the Body that was really the Body and Blood of Jesus. and Blood of Jesus. I said, "I’m sorry, I do I said, "I’m sorry, I do believe that with all believe that with all my heart." my heart." She proceeded to tell me She proceeded to tell me after that that I was after that that I was terribly wrong and I needed terribly wrong and I needed to be straightened out to be straightened out on my beliefs. on my beliefs. I told her, I said, "Well I told her, I said, "Well you know, if I did not you know, if I did not believe that this was the believe that this was the Body and Blood of My Lord Body and Blood of My Lord and Savior, there would be and Savior, there would be no point to my faith." no point to my faith." She said, "Well, there She said, "Well, there isn’t any point to your isn’t any point to your faith because it’s just faith because it’s just a symbol." a symbol." We ended up with a heated We ended up with a heated debate and, as you said debate and, as you said earlier, I almost lost earlier, I almost lost my 40 year-old temper. my 40 year-old temper. Mother: (laughs) Well, tell Mother: (laughs) Well, tell her if she doesn’t mind her if she doesn’t mind reading Chapter 6 of reading Chapter 6 of St. John’s Gospel, St. John’s Gospel, Our Lord is very. Our Lord is very. You see, the problem a You see, the problem a lot of people find is lot of people find is they make it a symbol. they make it a symbol. But do you realize everybody But do you realize everybody listening to Jesus at that listening to Jesus at that moment walked away? moment walked away? Now, Jesus is God, Now, Jesus is God, Son of God. Son of God. So He was God, is God, So He was God, is God, always will be God, and He always will be God, and He took on our human nature but took on our human nature but He never ceased to be God. He never ceased to be God. Now, as God, when you have Now, as God, when you have everybody turn around and everybody turn around and walk away--as she does or walk away--as she does or did--then you’d be obliged did--then you’d be obliged in justice, Jesus is obliged in justice, Jesus is obliged in justice not to allow all in justice not to allow all those people to walk away those people to walk away because they misunderstood. because they misunderstood. He’s obliged in justice to He’s obliged in justice to say, "Now, wait a minute! say, "Now, wait a minute! I’m speaking symbolically." I’m speaking symbolically." But He didn’t do that. But He didn’t do that. Let’s see what He did. Let’s see what He did. "I tell you solemnly..." "I tell you solemnly..." Now, when the Lord says Now, when the Lord says "solemnly", you better "solemnly", you better listen--"if you do not eat listen--"if you do not eat My Flesh, the Flesh of the My Flesh, the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have Blood, you will not have life in you." life in you." Now, He says that three Now, He says that three times--three times! times--three times! "Anyone who does eat My "Anyone who does eat My Flesh and drink My Blood Flesh and drink My Blood has eternal life and I will has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day raise him up on the last day but he who eats My Flesh and but he who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood"--it’s drinks My Blood"--it’s repetition, over and over repetition, over and over and over--"lives in Me and and over--"lives in Me and I live in him. I live in him. So whoever eats Me will So whoever eats Me will draw life from Me." draw life from Me." Now, "He taught this Now, "He taught this doctrine." doctrine." There’s only two times in There’s only two times in the whole Scripture where the whole Scripture where the use of "doctrine" the use of "doctrine" is used. is used. "He taught this doctrine at "He taught this doctrine at Capernaum in the synagogue." Capernaum in the synagogue." Our Lord would not lie. Our Lord would not lie. You cannot ever say Jesus You cannot ever say Jesus lied without being satan. lied without being satan. "After hearing this many of "After hearing this many of His followers said, ’This is His followers said, ’This is intolerable language.’" intolerable language.’" Whoa, now, Your friends Whoa, now, Your friends said that, huh? said that, huh? "How could anyone accept it?" "How could anyone accept it?" Is that what she said? Is that what she said? "And Jesus was aware that "And Jesus was aware that His followers were His followers were complaining about it complaining about it and He said, ’Does this and He said, ’Does this upset you? upset you? What if you should see the What if you should see the Son of Man ascend where He Son of Man ascend where He was before?’" was before?’" Now, you tell her to Now, you tell her to read that. read that. He said, "There are some of He said, "There are some of you who do not believe"-- you who do not believe"-- ah, you’ve got a friend ah, you’ve got a friend who does not believe--"for who does not believe--"for Jesus knew from the outset Jesus knew from the outset who did not believe. who did not believe. He went on and He He went on and He said, ’What about you? said, ’What about you? Do you also want to Do you also want to go away?’" go away?’" Do you realize our Dear Do you realize our Dear Lord was willing to put Lord was willing to put aside His entire 33 years, aside His entire 33 years, all of His ministry of three all of His ministry of three years, He was willing to years, He was willing to lose all of His disciples? lose all of His disciples? He turns around; the only He turns around; the only ones He has left were ones He has left were 12 men. 12 men. He’s willing to put aside He’s willing to put aside His entire ministry and all His entire ministry and all of His chosen ones, of His chosen ones, "Will you also go away?" "Will you also go away?" And Peter said, "Lord, And Peter said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal You have the words of eternal life, and we believe You life, and we believe You are the Holy One." are the Holy One." Ah, do you see? Ah, do you see? Well, my friend, you go on Well, my friend, you go on believing, because you have believing, because you have the truth. the truth. Now, we have another call. Now, we have another call. Hello. Hello. Female Caller #2: Hi, Female Caller #2: Hi, Mother. Mother. Mother: And where are Mother: And where are you from? you from? Caller: I’m from Caller: I’m from Ports, New Hampshire. Ports, New Hampshire. Mother: Oh, wonderful. Mother: Oh, wonderful. Caller: My name is Denise. Caller: My name is Denise. Mother: What is your Mother: What is your question? question? Caller: I was calling... Caller: I was calling... When you talked about When you talked about forgiveness, it really forgiveness, it really bothers me that people bothers me that people don’t know how to forgive don’t know how to forgive and sometimes they judge and sometimes they judge you and believe what you and believe what other people say. other people say. Then you call to say, Then you call to say, "I’m sorry if I’ve hurt "I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you or anyone else," and you or anyone else," and they can’t forgive you. they can’t forgive you. I don’t understand what to I don’t understand what to do with people like that, do with people like that, because I just recently because I just recently tried--I’m going to make tried--I’m going to make this brief--tried to help this brief--tried to help someone and I thought I was someone and I thought I was doing what that person doing what that person wanted me to do, what wanted me to do, what we had discussed. we had discussed. Mother: Yeah, well... Mother: Yeah, well... Caller: And it turned into Caller: And it turned into something horrible. something horrible. Mother: Well, if you’ve Mother: Well, if you’ve asked for forgiveness and asked for forgiveness and they refuse to forgive, they refuse to forgive, then you have nothing then you have nothing else you can do. else you can do. Our Lord said we should Our Lord said we should go back three times. go back three times. Well, sometimes even Well, sometimes even after three times, you get after three times, you get someone else to go for you, someone else to go for you, you go back again. you go back again. After that, you have to After that, you have to drop it and just leave it drop it and just leave it to the Lord. to the Lord. The important thing is that The important thing is that you forgive--you forgive you forgive--you forgive their non-acceptance of their non-acceptance of forgiveness, of repentance. forgiveness, of repentance. There’s just nothing There’s just nothing you can do. you can do. I would just go my way I would just go my way and pray for them. and pray for them. Misunderstandings are Misunderstandings are difficult things because difficult things because both sides think they’re both sides think they’re right. right. That’s what causes That’s what causes a feud, a feud. a feud, a feud. Many times there’s Many times there’s no reason for it. no reason for it. They go on from generation They go on from generation to generation and nobody to generation and nobody just sits down and just sits down and investigates, "Now, what investigates, "Now, what is this all about?" is this all about?" I remember one time in our I remember one time in our order, we used to say a order, we used to say a very long psalm at night and very long psalm at night and finally I thought to myself, finally I thought to myself, "I wonder why we say this?" "I wonder why we say this?" And I kind of went back And I kind of went back and back and back and back and back and back and back and found out that at a and found out that at a certain time in one certain time in one monastery, they had an monastery, they had an orchard and a very high wall orchard and a very high wall and some of the kids were and some of the kids were coming over and stealing coming over and stealing apples. apples. The Mother Abbess was very The Mother Abbess was very concerned that they’d fall concerned that they’d fall off the wall and kill off the wall and kill themselves see. themselves see. So she started saying this So she started saying this long prayer at night. long prayer at night. It was supposed to be It was supposed to be for nine days. for nine days. In the middle of it she In the middle of it she dies, and we said it dies, and we said it for 50 years I think, for 50 years I think, (group chuckles) (group chuckles) and it just went on and on. and it just went on and on. Well, that’s how sometimes Well, that’s how sometimes people don’t forgive, people don’t forgive, it just goes on. it just goes on. It goes on from one It goes on from one generation to the next generation to the next and if you asked the sixth and if you asked the sixth or seventh generations, or seventh generations, "Why are you so angry with "Why are you so angry with this family," they don’t this family," they don’t have the slightest idea. have the slightest idea. "Well, why are you doing "Well, why are you doing this?" this?" They don’t know. They don’t know. Racial prejudice is Racial prejudice is like that. like that. Religious prejudice is that Religious prejudice is that way, religious hatred. way, religious hatred. We don’t know why. We don’t know why. We live in it, we’re We live in it, we’re trained to do that and trained to do that and we don’t know why. we don’t know why. So you’ve done your best. So you’ve done your best. You have asked forgiveness, You have asked forgiveness, you’ve given forgiveness. you’ve given forgiveness. I would leave it to the I would leave it to the Lord now because sometimes Lord now because sometimes the more you go and the the more you go and the more you do towards that, more you do towards that, the worst it is. the worst it is. So I would drop it. So I would drop it. There are many things in There are many things in life we just can’t explain. life we just can’t explain. There are many things There are many things people say. people say. If I saw or read things If I saw or read things about me personally that about me personally that other people read, I other people read, I wouldn’t like me either. wouldn’t like me either. I wouldn’t because they’re I wouldn’t because they’re terrible things, stuff I terrible things, stuff I never thought of doing-- never thought of doing-- some stuff not too bad, some stuff not too bad, (all chuckle) (all chuckle) but so far, I haven’t but so far, I haven’t thought of it. thought of it. But you can’t, you can’t But you can’t, you can’t believe what you read. believe what you read. Did you ever have an article Did you ever have an article written about you? written about you? I have to admit, here in I have to admit, here in Birmingham and Hanceville Birmingham and Hanceville and Cullman, there are and Cullman, there are really good articles. really good articles. But most of the stuff But most of the stuff written about me is so written about me is so far-fetched that I don’t far-fetched that I don’t recognize me. recognize me. My sisters said, My sisters said, "Who’s that?" "Who’s that?" (group chuckles) (group chuckles) It’s like the woman who It’s like the woman who called one day, she said, called one day, she said, "Is it true?" "Is it true?" I said, "What?" I said, "What?" "That Mother died this "That Mother died this morning." morning." I said, "I don’t think so." I said, "I don’t think so." "Are you sure?" "Are you sure?" I said, "Yeah." I said, "Yeah." "Well, how do you know?" "Well, how do you know?" I said, "I’m talking I said, "I’m talking to you." to you." (group chuckles) (group chuckles) Rumors, rumors, rumors-- Rumors, rumors, rumors-- you just wonder how people you just wonder how people make up stuff. make up stuff. So take everything you hear So take everything you hear with a grain of salt--and with a grain of salt--and a third of what you read. a third of what you read. Neighbors are different Neighbors are different because you can’t convince because you can’t convince them sometimes that you them sometimes that you didn’t do what they think didn’t do what they think you did or you didn’t you did or you didn’t mean it. mean it. If you’ve asked forgiveness, If you’ve asked forgiveness, just remember God forgives just remember God forgives quickly and forgets. quickly and forgets. Your neighbor isn’t always Your neighbor isn’t always that way. that way. He doesn’t even believe He doesn’t even believe in forgiveness seven in forgiveness seven times a day, let alone times a day, let alone 70 times seven. 70 times seven. It’s only important to know, It’s only important to know, really, what God does. really, what God does. You can be sure that when You can be sure that when you go to Confession, you go to Confession, it’s gone. it’s gone. That to me is awesome, That to me is awesome, awesome! awesome! If you ask the Lord that If you ask the Lord that very moment what you did, very moment what you did, He would say, "I don’t He would say, "I don’t remember." remember." I mean, that’s how I mean, that’s how awesomely beautiful is awesomely beautiful is the compassion of Jesus the compassion of Jesus and the Father. and the Father. That’s what’s important. That’s what’s important. Sometimes your neighbor Sometimes your neighbor doesn’t understand that. doesn’t understand that. Well then, just pray for Well then, just pray for them, have no anger in them, have no anger in your heart and know your heart and know nothing malicious. nothing malicious. This was so wonderful This was so wonderful about Padre Pio. about Padre Pio. Terrible things were said Terrible things were said about him, terrible things about him, terrible things and some of the Popes and some of the Popes believed it and silenced believed it and silenced him and really he him and really he suffered a lot. suffered a lot. But that was part of his But that was part of his sanctification and he is sanctification and he is now ready to be beatified. now ready to be beatified. I really do want you to I really do want you to have this little card. You just write to me and ask You just write to me and ask for the card on Padre Pio for the card on Padre Pio and I’ll send it to you and I’ll send it to you free. free. (all chuckle) (all chuckle) It’s terrible to have It’s terrible to have this reputation. this reputation. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) This is one reputation that that’s the absolutely that that’s the absolutely factually true. factually true. (group chuckles) (group chuckles) That when I offer anything That when I offer anything free, I have some other free, I have some other thing behind it--your thing behind it--your gift, you’re right. gift, you’re right. But then, I’ve got to But then, I’ve got to keep this place going. keep this place going. Gas companies and electric Gas companies and electric companies and telephone companies and telephone companies are not donors. companies are not donors. Surprisingly Surprisingly (group chuckles) (group chuckles) they are not donors. they are not donors. You pay them--they don’t You pay them--they don’t pay you. pay you. That’s why I need you, just That’s why I need you, just to keep everything going. to keep everything going. Now, the Lord is blessing us Now, the Lord is blessing us in such an awesome way. in such an awesome way. We’re going further and We’re going further and further into jungles where further into jungles where the Word of God has never the Word of God has never been, into desert where the been, into desert where the Word of God has never been. Word of God has never been. And even if no one listens, And even if no one listens, the very sand, the very the very sand, the very ground, the very trees will ground, the very trees will benefit from hearing the benefit from hearing the Word of God sent by you. Word of God sent by you. There is no other. There is no other. So, God bless you and So, God bless you and tomorrow night we’ll be tomorrow night we’ll be together again, hopefully together again, hopefully with something a little with something a little bit more cheery. bit more cheery. In the meantime, God In the meantime, God loves you and so do I. loves you and so do I. ’Bye now. (applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
Views: 26,771
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Keywords: ma9, ma902768, ytsync-en
Id: wnhhjrYYq-M
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Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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