Ludwig takes an autism test

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stance did this thing I don't know if I'm going to do it I don't know if Chad can you tell me if I've done this before stance at the suggestion of his wife for Autism Awareness Month took an Autism test because often times autism can go unnoticed because it isn't tested or you know the parents don't have awareness of autism uh or they don't go to the doctor or whatever and so he's like you should try taking the Autism test I don't know if I've done this before he asked me if i' done it and I know I've done the ADHD test many times many times but I don't know if I've done the Autism test xqc told you to do it I feel like through stanza mouth I understood it in such like a nice way it was like Hey man like here's the value in taking the Autism test and here's like you know the value you can provide like you know with the platform may be taking it could be like a funny thing to some degree right but ultimately adds some value I feel like if xqc told me to take it it was probably hurtful I just can't imagine in a nice way him being like you should take an Autism tests and it being like genuine like it must have been after I said something not so favored by him oh yeah it was uh it was the marel actually that's that's fine it was the marble I forgot about that wait did I do it for the marble oh I probably did it for the marble oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you actually are so right okay what is this five what does that mean I don't know I scored a five the aq10 says if you score a six or higher it's indicative of autism or significant number of autism traits so I'm not close I'm not close I don't think there's a need to take the test take the RADS R yeah that's the one Stans took and he told me to took this is a 100 question oh 80 questions should I do this this is 80 0 questions all right we'll do the 80 question Autism test for Autism Awareness Month if you guys uh want to test yourselves alongside it is the RADS R test I feel like the knowledge can be powerful for some cuz some people never find out that they have autism or maybe some characteristics of autism uh they never go to a doctor they never get diagnosed and they might just find out later in their life I this happened to A League of Legends Pro I think it's reckles reckles Reckless maybe recently found out that I think they had some um I don't know if they got like diagnosed Autistic or whatever which is like cool you can be armed with more info knowledge about you yourself your life anyway I've never done this one this is an 80 question one I'll give it a shot I don't want to know I mean like ultimately it doesn't matter right it does not need to then replace or insert itself into your identity I think knowledge of you can help though you know it it's to me no different than if you found out you had like ADHD it does not necessarily mean you need to change anything about your behaviors but being armed with more knowledge usually doesn't hurt you I'm a sympathetic person I'm a sympathetic person true now and when I was young true only now no I don't think I was as sympathetic when I was younger I F I find that to be a trait that I've gotten more attached to as I get older I don't know if anyone disagrees on that I feel like as a teenager I was more apathetic I often use words and phrases from movies television and conversations if you replace movies and television with Northern lion playing batro talking about the suck machine that sucks you clean true I'm often surprised when others tell me I have been rude hm I would say true now no maybe I think it was only true when I was younger I don't think it's I think it's true when I was younger that I might have been taken aback but now I think I'm quite aware and if someone says I was rude I'd be like I would cop up I wouldn't be like what when I said you were a rotten [ __ ] that was rude uh sometimes I talk too loudly or softly and I'm not aware of it sometimes I talk a little too loud I often don't know how to act in social social situations never true never true not once I can put myself in other people's shoes he I I hate the solidity of this question it's either yes or no I find that to be an active skill that you need to work at as opposed to a binary you can just straight up do it every time but I would say true only now if I had to pick one I have a hard time figuring out what some phrases mean like you are the apple of my eye you are the apple of my eye no I know what that means but I think it might have been more true when I was younger but that's just cuz my mom was [ __ ] foreign she was that foreign so like I didn't even know how to say certain words and she didn't use any phrase raes so it didn't come up in the household I have no idea what that means you are the apple of my eye it just means like I only have eyes for you I love you you're my sweet little thing you're my sweet little boo thing I don't know the etymology of it but I don't think that's what they're asking I think they're asking what it means to say that to someone uh I would say uh true now I only like to talk to people who share my specialties No No in fact I prefer talking to people not like if I had the choice of talking to a streamer or YouTuber or not a streamer YouTu youber I think I'd rather talk to a non streamer YouTuber I think it'd be interesting more interesting I focus on details rather than the overall Idea new I'm a big picture guy hate the details I always notice how food feels in my mouth that is more important to me than how it tastes how food feels in my mouth I do like food mouth feels H I feel like the answer here is I think I liked it I think it was more important when I was younger when I was younger I hated Tomatoes it's not cuz of how Tomatoes tasted it is because the explosion of juice and then I also hated how dry chicken was this is kind of a shot at my mother wonderful cook you can't find someone who makes Ratatouille better but damn when she cooked up a chicken bone dry tipe beat I miss my best friends or family when we are apart for a long time uh true true now sometimes I offend offend others by saying what I am thinking even if I don't mean to sometimes I offend others I don't know if I'm do I offend you guys am I offensive I wish they had like a problem but I guess that's just a wishy-washy true or false sometimes I offend others I might occasionally offend I might occasionally offend I only like to think and talk about a few things that interest me I'd rather go out to eat in a restaurant by myself than with someone I know God it depends for the most part I would like to go with someone but I do like the occasional solo restaurant date they're kind of fun but I think I would I I wouldn't rather I cannot imagine what it would be like to be someone else I cannot imagine what it would be like to be someone else I think that's true I don't think I could fully imagine I think that's I I think saying yes you'd be pretty hard pressed to find someone who could I feel like it'd be tough I couldn't imagine the strains of being a woman I've been told that I'm clumsy or uncoordinated true others consider me odd or different I don't think so I'm straight up I'm built different I feel like I can't be odd or different I don't play Falon what is what is this emote Jesus Christ that is graphic Jesus man holy [ __ ] it's just [ __ ] Falco bebing Falcon uh OT or different I don't know if I'm considered OT or different I don't think I am you know what I was otter different when I was a kid I understand when friends need to be comforted I think so I'm very sensitive to the way the clothes feel when I when I touch them how they feel is important to me more than how they look ooh basically only if it's itchy I got this peo it's itchy as [ __ ] that [ __ ] bothers me I like to copy the way certain people speak or act it helps me appear more normal okay well I don't think I do it to appear more normal but I do think I do it inadvertently like I've done it occasionally with people's laughs people have said this about me it can be very intimidating for me to talk to more than one person at the same time I hate that y I have to act normal to please other people and make them like me no meeting new people is usually easy for me true I get highly confused when someone interrupts me when I'm talking about something I'm very interested in I get highly confused I don't get confused I understand why people do that I get sad it is difficult for me to understand how other people are feeling when we are talking I don't think so I like to have a conversation with several people for instance around a dinner table oh yeah I'm a middle seek guy it's a bit bold but you know if we're sitting at a let's assume it's a 10 seat table we got two heads of the tables four on each side I would I would cop a middle spot n nuzzle me in there you know I don't want an end you're talking to two people Max I get like a five person radius there you messed up the apple of my eye question did I true only now no I didn't true only now I didn't understand what uh phrases meant when I was young cuz I had a French mother I take things too literally so I often miss what people are trying to say I I occasionally do that I occasionally do that I think more when I was younger it is very diff difficult for me to understand you did it wrong are you guys [ __ ] with me when I was younger I couldn't understand oh it is very difficult for me to understand when someone is embarrassed or jealous embarrassed or jealous possibly no some ordinary textures that do not bother others feel very offensive when they touch my skin no I get extremely upset by the way I like to do I get extremely upset when the way I like to do things is suddenly changed I'd say yeah I think it's annoying extremely is just the operative word here that I don't like though I've never wanted or needed what people have uh I have never wanted or needed to have what other people call an intimate relationship I think when I was young that was true it is very difficult for me to start and stop a conversation I need to keep going until I am finished what does that mean when I'm finished very difficult for me to start and stop a conversation I need to go tell I'm finished like if it got cut off what do that mean no it's all right I speak with a normal Rhythm what's normal I think my rhythm is good I think I have a Sauced up Rhythm no or you're going to you're going to chastise my rhythm what's your Rhythm it's practiced AKA not normal oh so my rm's too Sauced up it's a bell curve I don't think the faith of this question is are you uh too good at speaking that it's not normal and it's gone to the other side of too eloquent I think it's more so asking hey you ra heart time speaking somewhat fluidly it's not like damn are you so [ __ ] rised up when you're speaking it literally is that no it's not is it no it's not got that aism what are we doing here folks autistic people overies okay all right fine never true fine never true fine the same sound color or Texture can suddenly change from very sensitive to very dull I don't know what that means the phrase I've Got You Under My Skin makes me uncomfortable sometimes the sound of a word or a high-pitch noise can be painful to my ears oh like moist or uh little cummies or piggies no I am an understanding type person I'm an understanding type person I don't think I'm the most understanding type person but I think I think more so now I do not connect with characters in movies o not true I cannot tell when someone is flirting with me that is kind of true I can see in my mind in exact detail things I am interested in not true even a little bit I can't see good [ __ ] in my head I keep lists of things that interest me even when they have no practical use for example Sports statistics train schedules calendar dates historical facts and dates okay this is just like if you answer yes you uto [ __ ] win when when I feel overwhelmed by my senses I have to isolate them uh myself to shut them down uh yeah I think it's fair I used to when I was young pre or wish you know that uh Power Up in aaran of time DS fire where link goes and then a big blast goes around him when I got overwhelmed I would pray that I could use that move but I it never worked I'd like to talk things over I like to talk things over with my friends true more true now I cannot tell if someone's interested or bored with what I'm saying no not true no clue I'll yap on it can be very hard to read someone's face hand and body movements when they are talking I think that's true the same thing like closer temperatures can feel very different to me at different times I mean like yeah sure but like usually based off sickness I don't think that's what they're asking for like if I have a fever I feel very comfortable with dating or being in social situations with others uh true now I try to be as helpful as I can when other people tell me their personal problems think so I've been told that I have an unusual voice for example flat monotone childish or high pitched no sometimes a thought or get stuck in my mind and I got to talk about it even if no one's interested that's true no one says my voice is weird don't start like adding things to me nobody says I you got a weird [ __ ] voice but sometimes I get interested in something I just tie it into things even it doesn't make sense I've been talking about Greek mythology cuz I read Cersei it doesn't even make sense half the time we were at a taco shop it was Outdoors it was night time they had one of those like Giant Gasoline fire lamps my first thought is you're going to want to know about the [ __ ] who got us this I do certain things with my hands over and over again like flapping oh my God this is so embarrassing I'm playing with my string underneath the table I've never been interested in what most people I know consider interesting no I don't think that's true I'm considered a compassionate type of person am I considered one I don't know if I'm considered one outright that's a High Praise I don't know if I can give myself that I get along with other people by following a set of specific rules that help me look normal no it is very difficult for me to work and function in groups no when I am talking to someone it can be hard to change the subject if the person does so I can get very upset or confused no sometimes people uh sometimes I have to cover my ears to block out painful noises no maybe when I was a kid I can chat and make small talk with people yeah easy sometimes things that should feel painful are not for instance when I hurt myself or burn my hand on a stove o yeah I think i' I can tank it more now when talking to someone I have a hard time telling when it is my turn to talk or listen I don't think so I'm considered a loner by those who know me best I don't think so I usually speak in a normal tone probably not I like things to be exactly the same day after day even small changes in my routine upset me no how to make friends and socialize is a mystery uh mystery to me false false it calms me to spin around or to rock in a chair when I'm feeling stressed no I don't like spinning the phrase he wears his hard in his sleeve does not make sense to me H the phrase doesn't make sense I mean it makes sense to me if I'm in a place where there are small or many smells textures to feel noises or bright lights I feel anxious or frightened I'm trying to think of a place that's like this like the dentist's office oh my God is that why it's called an Autism chair cuz it spins this is Costco yeah no I don't think it's true I can tell when someone says one thing but means someone else means something else I think so I'd like to be by myself as much as I can H not as much as I can no I keep my thoughts stacked In My Memory like they are on filing cards and I pick out the ones I need by looking through the stack and oh my God no never my brain's aren that big the same sound sometimes seems very loud or very soft even though I know it hasn't changed I enjoy spending time eating and talking with my friends and family I can't tolerate things I dislike I don't like to be hugged no I'm a hugger I like hugs did my computer just crash what where'd you go okay I gave it the old unplug it plug it back in it got so much worse okay the monitor's [ __ ] at least I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it doesn't work still and I I am out of ideas I'm sorry it's literally all I have all right we're almost done I'll keep it rolling fix it after stream when I go somewhere I have to follow familiar route or I can get confused and upset I don't get upset but I do get lost if I don't it is very difficult for me to figure out what other people expect of me uh no I like to have close friends true I like uh people tell me that I give too much detail maybe now I'm often told that I ask embarrassing questions true I ask lonus Tech tips about his uh vasectomy I I tend to point out other people's mistakes true but I also think it's just you know usually an effort of honest feedback all right score 71 what does that mean meaning of RADS are scores you are not autistic some autistic traits but likely not autistic the minimum score at which autism is considered okay well I thought I had the freaking Mo it's fine honestly I'm not surprised I'm not surprised anyway folks uh it is Autism Awareness Month and as an ambassador for it now newly crowned uh you know just expect a little more from you guys for me uh it's only right you know it'd be correct to do I'm actually you know what I'm the reason I'm shocked is because I was going through it and I was like oh dude I am doing the exact opposite of what would be considered autism I like social situations yeah I talk a little weird but after that dude come on and then it's I got I got I think six higher than STS the actual mean is 133 really of like everybody who tests it I got 147 brother you got strong evidence the maximum score acquired in Rito's seminal paper dude imagine acing the Autism test just binking every question Natty you're the chosen one at that point 240 it's never happened before
Channel: Ludwin
Views: 500,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, twitch, clips
Id: dQq8MesyvYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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