He Ruined Ludwig's Gameshow | Reddit Recap

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well I guess first things first if you guys haven't already do me a favor and please join the subreddit we are sitting currently at almost 187,000 subreddit members guys stop saying no you can't just say no every time man what do I got to do don't you say no thanks P sign play the Reddit recap song it's time for the redit recap ready recap so come and join subit or I will find you I will find you I will it will be a problem for you anyway if you guys are not a part of our subreddit we have a thriving Community there are and I'm not even making this number up 18 people on it right now we almost fill a fifth grade class room that's not bad man that is a good amount of people I'm a humble man I don't need more than that look I'm not asmin I'm not trying to say a wild statements about student protesters to get a couple thousand people on there I got a humble 18 talking about how my nieces and nephews call me a grandfather that's enough I'm cool with that how many are on it now refresh wa still double digits almost triple almost triple almost almost we will get there we will get there do I have to make a PSN to join the star rdit yes you do by the way you do have to link your your Reddit account to your Playstation network account yet and we don't accept any countries except for America and France I'm sorry it's not my rules why take a cheap shot at asmin like that if that comment to you is a cheap shot I find you perhaps a bit softer than I think even asmin would be I think he would handle that much better I think I think you're good [ __ ] Puff the chest out that was it that was nothing unpaid intern criticism okay now why would you take a cheap shot of me like this our last unpaid intern was [ __ ] god like what are you going to say man didn't like the marketing I've been enjoying unpaid interns so far and for the beginning of episode 3 everything had a good vibe however at 3308 in the VOD wub asks Stan if he knows the dinosaur he's holding maybe a T-Rex you know what this called St replies that it is an anosa surus that's an anosa surus a dinosaur oh wow which immediately ruined the episode for me it is an anosa surus is that the same damn word an kilosa surus an kilosa surus and I cannot believe that Stan who's been The Shining beacon in the series so far would make such an error I'm an appalled horrified in demand an apology ah an an kilosa surus uh you are right and to punish him we are going to remove his desk altogether look I've always said it's not about the biggest mistake you make it's how you respond to that mistake we're going to remove his desk alt together I think it's fair I think anything outside of that would be unreasonable give him a vasectomy it's sexual in nature but we'll consider it o going to take some time to be with the family and reflect on my actions classic PR apology from Stans huh not to mention a water challenge in drought ridden California have they no shame anosa surus is an armored dinosaur from North America in the late CR aous period it's extinct and was a direct result of the asteroid this sounds like a damn pokeddex I'm not going to read it I know it's [ __ ] it's poking fun it's having a good time but I do think by far it was our best unpaid intern yet it was great The Vibes were killer the pause button was awesome I think all the The Challengers were great I I do think there was some concern I heard this there was some concern about the live challenge which I I totally understand because there was no way for squeaks or Austin to win cuz it was 2v2 however it was also necessary because we had talked to wubby if you don't know wubby got the flu the same week of unpaid inter now he was healthy by the episode but he was still like super weak our our task was originally everybody gets up goes around the room for like a couple minutes 60c style picks a bunch of items and then makes a tower of them and wobby was like Hey I just can't do that that it's like too much physical activity for how he was feeling so we decided to reframe the live job which I think it was still fun but something we will not have to run into in the future hopefully lwig verse 6' 3 in all right and this is a ruler and that line is 6'3 and I'm done here okay in Ludwig's offense the tape is angled a little he'd be shorter than 511 okay guys guys I look everybody saw it guys I was squatting okay I thought it was a funny gag if I were to stand at full mast erect I would be at 6'3 maybe 6'4 with my shoes on I was I was literally like on my knees in this I was dead ass on my knees in front of stance pin this post to all who come so they shall know the truth guys it was a [ __ ] meme bro it was like a meme it was a it was a joke okay you could if you literally watch back the video you see me like straight up like like get up off my knee you know what excuses are you making up pipsqueak can't hear you from down there it's not down there dude you [ __ ] watch it man sorry you [ __ ] watch it man and so what if I was short there's nothing wrong with that I'm not but there's nothing wrong if I was you're big enough for me Papa now I actually want you guys to think I'm short that way was invasive there's no way skull Emoji skull emoji loved watching lewick in Connor's new video I didn't even know this was a thing during the RV trip you're going to see me in the background here I had a phone call A business call that I had to take it happened a few times and so I took the business call and then I was just in the background the whole time and then the camera guy I guess while I'm just kind of [ __ ] walking around filed my my beeh and it looks like I shoved two damn balloons down my pants I'm not even like there's like a cartoon line like I I actually feel like if you were an art teacher and a student drew a butt like this you'd be like sir that is a cartoonish ass that's not how butts look in real life it literally has a cartoon line man that's [ __ ] crazy man I was watching this whole video with cutie and then she saw this and she like made me pause and then she tweeted out about it and then I screenshotted her tweet and I threw it on my Instagram story right I screenshotted her tweet which was basically this free frame and I put on my Instagram story I'm not making this up it's the most viewed Instagram story I've ever had I don't know how to feel about that I don't think I fully reconcile that fact that's real the most viewed ever I think people are sharing it so anyway for my content that doesn't involve my ass check check out my Instagram I don't usually post my ass but when I do you will see it I guess sometimes against your will I love big butts and I cannot lie lwig knows all the tricks to pop his booty don't get me wrong he's definitely smuggling two hams but it's also from the way standing dude I didn't know I was being filmed we were filmed literally every hour we were awake and I left the group to do a business call I didn't know I didn't know images that make me temporarily straight images that make me temporarily gay it's giving Patrick Star wait what Patrick Star but rule 34 oh yeah he is cake the [ __ ] up is that real I didn't know he had it like that damn bro holy [ __ ] no he he's different he gaps me thank you the $10 nicotine fiend hey L this might be Shameless but been a fan of year since the L loock I'm trying to study in losing steam can I get a word of encouragement yeah you can do anything everything is achievable your diet your goals for your future your career your schoolwork it's all possible the hours in the day that you waste are hours in the day that you will use to thrive and I'm talking all aspects man we don't have to have sacrifices today is the start over button every everything in the past is erased doesn't matter what problems we had it's what Solutions we have so if you're here if you're with us it's God mode May 30 days all in and we're not going to [ __ ] sacrifice anything 8 hours of sleep meal tracking every single meal working out as much as we need crushing our work slamming our tests maybe even hooking up with a significant other if that's in the cards all of it's possible baby except for ranking up in valerant that is a lottery at the end of the day Riot is an evil organization who will not give it to you that is the one thing sorry that's just that's a luck thing you're bad bro yep so that's a timeout yep that's a timeout bet you feel big now mxy okay that's a timeout for uh 1 minute I bet you feel silly right now type one and everyone who types one gets a billion dollars uh and it ends in 53 seconds lud's most recent Mogul mail is getting a lot of negative feedback and quite frankly I agree this is such a whirlwind Whiplash post from the unpaid intern criticism cuz it's actually just genuine the first one's like this show I got some criticism it was [ __ ] great except for the dinosaur young Sheldon got that lwig haircut there are 10 million million million million million million million particles in the universe that we can observe your mama took the ugly ones and put them into one nerd sorry I didn't I don't this guy is probably 15 boys today we will be discussing String Theory uh literally every suburbian white guy in their 20s has his haircut that's not true it's really cool it's really cool and rare now that he's done an IRL brover Pro isn't it time for lwi to take on his true Nemesis Maya hega Maya is dog [ __ ] at literally every video game ever so it all have to be physical X and I don't even say that like as like a rose it's just like a hard set fact rude it's just true Eliana she's she's God awful she's not a gamer although when she played S one time she goes it's so easy you just click their heads and I thought that was funny dude I need to stop not clicking their heads I'm just going to start clicking on their heads now I'm just going to start only clicking their heads back to pistols back to Pace into B and in your face three digs in three shots and he Wass every single one lwigs Red Bull jacket on eBay Red Bull jean jacket men denim 800 do you think they'd be mad if I resold do you think they'd find out if I resold it's not mine this is a 2XL mine's a large if you don't know Red Bull athlete merch is exclusive to Red Bull athletes like they don't sell it they just give it to the athletes you know and I'm an athlete so that's why I get one you're a player not an athlete I I like to I like to use both terms interchangeably cuz I feel like you know you got to be an athlete to play the game 510 2XL more than an athlete if it is his he's gotten big for us okay lwig interview with Dr K May 22nd wait what oh I got to put this in my calendar does it have a time how do I know when I'm I look I put it in my calendar man I forgot guys we need to talk we got to have a chat we got to have a sit down are you guys sitting make sure you're sitting we're going to talk right make sure you're sitting you're not in trouble you're not in trouble you're not in trouble well no you're not in trouble unless no you guys should be fine but we do have to talk about some serious stuff today specifically we got to talk about a post on my subreddit feel like we end up in this situation a lot guys new subreddit rule stop comparing me to British people the most recent post in our subreddit 2.7 th000 up votes now look a lot of people hate the lwig looks like posts I will say this [ __ ] looks a whole lot like me okay I guess but I refuse I refuse to be compared to a British man I'm not having that you know insulting that is to me a French man I did not see picture two wait hold up let's see picture three it's not dude wait hold up let me try I'll try for the fans [Music] why is he yeah why is he doing thumbnail faces at the club what's going on dude why why is this guy got the best thumbnail faces he's doing that Natty just whipping out thumbnail faces no problem what's going on here you guys doing a video how many drinks can I drink at the bar dude why is this guy the most emotive guy in the world and why does he kind of look like me he does kind of look like me but he looks like me mixed with that um like that cute Star Wars character that opens its mouth all the time I don't know how else to describe it a porus is that what I'm thinking of porus yeah yeah he looks like this dude I literally blocked him perfectly he looks like this dude mixed with me you see it see the vision this guy's facial expressions my aesthetic my face you plus Oliver tree I actually thought about getting a lower fade not with a British bull cut is this stylish in UK any British folk watching does this slide is this a w British haircut are there any British Birds watching some London ladies don't call them Birds that's the van okay to the British ladies women do you see this and you go Mama Mia or I guess a British version of that I don't know what the Brits say instead of M Mia wowers Estonian here that'll count for this experiment I a prop chop right there is that what you'd say he is a proper chap right there did you take a picture of this guy just cuz he looks at like me like I'm imagining is this just a random ass stranger wearing the Nike with the silver chain and the crossover body bag and you were like hey lad come over here I need a picture of you you know most of these lookalike posts are usually cringe however you actually found as doppelganger his face is identical I will say he does look a lot like me my boyfriend doesn't like that I watch lwig what so last night I was at my boyfriend's house and we started talking about what we've been into recently on YouTube he showed me his YouTube recommended page which was mainly see creature documentaries that's beast and I showed him mine which was mainly some dope ass content hell yeah hell yeah brother he noticed a couple lwig videos on my homepage and asked me what I like about his content so much since I'm still watching him years later I told him I just really like his personality and enjoy his commentary well it's I offer a lot of insight in the same way that you would watch a sea creature documentary I offer social commentary that elevates and also inspires anyway similar to how I was with Pewdiepie when I was younger he then starts going off on me about how he doesn't understand why I put so much time and energy into paying attention to a guy on a screen acting extremely jealous over the relationship I have with blood dude that's actually the incorrect use of Jealousy what you mean there is Envy jealous you fear someone taking it away from you envy is what you are are wanting from someone else just little English major for context I've been a fan of his content since he was in the subathon and I met my boyfriend around two years ago I watch lwigs vods when they are about things I'm interested in and that's pretty much it no other time spent into lwi get my boyfriend claims I think about that man more than I think about him that okay that's it's it's nuts it's not it's silly that's silly that is silly that's you know what you know what that reminds me of though that's you're definitely like this is a college relationship or something right I had a girlfriend in college who I think would have felt similarly I think that's like a young thing for sure thoughts do you think it's wrong for me to enjoy watching a male YouTuber if I'm in a relationship no but you know it is interesting to see this on the other foot because I think this happens much more in the reverse I feel like that is the more common shame mechanism that that is implemented I would say incorrectly is when a guy watches a girl streamer or YouTuber and then they get shamed for for watching the girl streamer YouTuber Maybe by their so or honestly maybe by like even their friends you know I think it's much less common the other way where girl watches guy and gets shamed but I guess it makes sense it's more uh likely for an so to do it I assume girls don't shame other girls for watching a guy YouTuber maybe they do I don't know nah no offense but this seems like a young relationship problem people are weird about what makes them jealous especially in early relationships you've done nothing wrong and it's good to realize that but depending on the maturity level of your partner you can either decide not to mention leig around him or try to talk to him sorry I just started imagining her like watching me like secretly like in the bathroom and then he's knocks he's like what are you doing in there nothing like you have to go under the sheets you have to sneak in your lewig content or try to talk to him about it or end things but that's a bit extreme I feel I also think that is a bit extreme Perhaps it is a red flag but you know where there's smoke there's not always fire nothing wrong with continuing to watch him massively agreed on this one I would not only say nothing wrong with continuing to watch him I would say throw him on your second third maybe even fourth monitor adds on the whole time nothing wrong with that I think some people are finding this to be a huge reg flag which it is but also is kind of a young person relationship flag like you're saying he can still grow yeah I think they can also just grow I don't think it's like the end of the world I don't think it's valid I don't find it to be a fair reason to be mad at someone I mean what if the Sho was on the other foot Are there women sea creatures in these documentaries is it a female whale that he's looking at why is he looking at the whale so much here curious curious what's this guy thinking about whales so much if you just watch a dude on YouTube and that makes him feel insecure and upset I would worry about how it react to other relationships in your life later on yeah look I think ultimately you Reddit commenters are going to extrapolate this story into maybe the worst interpretation of your boyfriend which could be accurate could not be we don't know but I think ultimately the only thing I wouldn't do is Buckle like I wouldn't buckle and claim that I that yes you were right boyfriend I did something wrong watching this doesn't mean you don't have to you or you can't change Behavior but I think he has to know that like hey ultimately this is a definitely over ask from you I can acques if I you know if we really want to make this work and it's that important to you but this is an over ask that I am doing on your behalf cuz you're being a little [ __ ] extra right now I mean I wouldn't phrase it like that but I've never got that before or maybe I have got that but no one tells me I'm shocked how about he comes around full circle hey to the boyfriend of the best babe we got some good things over here man hey you know you like see documentaries check out um that one time I went to alve oh no uh we uh [ __ ] I haven't done anything with sea creatures I caught and gutted a fish in Japan with Connor oh Super Auto pets that is fish in it uh uh maybe you like Mr Beast reactions Mr Beast reactions yo let's go maybe you like Mr Beast reactions and uh daily games what do you think about someone who's average at Daily games doing it every day for 3 months whoa no I didn't lose him no I didn't lose him dude this post comes up every 6 months it makes me laugh every time Bitcoin down a 270 a pop so glad I didn't buy in on that mess good old thick Allen baby let's take a look bitcoin price now $63,000 hey Siri what is 63,000 divided by 2.7 ah a 23,000 x return not bad so a simple $100 in would have left him with what is that 2.3 mil not bad man not bad instead he has to work for me blood wig running low on faces dude sometimes it's easier when you open the PSD file and you already have a face in there then booting up [ __ ] OBS doing this like I'm bz screenshotting it throwing it in removing the background sometimes it's easier and hey when the face works you ride that you ride that face hi l came up with an idea for a future swipe plus pay you know how when you're [ __ ] in the water splashes everywhere and you're like God damn it cuz you have to wipe the toilet seat off your entire ass professional divers use bubbles beneath them in case of a belly flop or something and the bubbles soften the impact so you could have a little air tube or something that blows bubble into the toilet sea water the Poo will no longer have impact on the water therefore no splash dude are you dropping just [ __ ] Mega dunkers like what are you dropping man like I I know about the phenomenon where you drop a poop and it plops and water splashes up but it's never been so bad that I have to quote unquote wipe the toilet water off my entire ass entire like what that's a bomb now I do think the idea of like initiating bubbler is kind of funny you know what it could be valuable is also breaking surface tension for peas for guys when you stand and pee that way you have I wonder if that would work for Splash or if it would still Splash you know what maybe we have to do a little R&D this is you know it's not a bad idea this could be a million-dollar idea it's weird that a show with so much production value and theming has kind of underwhelming thumbnails I thought this was a reaction video at first glance bro I hate thumbnail Andes I hate thumbnail andies so much guys the video is performing bad cuz people don't want to watch the video and that's it I ultimately believe this and I think as a YouTuber when you start to like look at titles thumbnails Etc not to say it might not get more views like a bit more views if it had a different title thumbnail or a better title thumbnail I think you are missing the bigger picture so here's why I think it didn't do well because all the regular viewers saw the live stream VOD the live stream VOD has 730,000 views those are people who regularly watch me so when they saw the thumbnail for unpad intern they're like oh I've already seen this because the edited version is not that much different than the VOD version and because y'all don't click it or or you do click it realize you've already seen it and click out of it it does very poorly and YouTube's like damn nobody wants to watch this and so a video performs really bad so here's my solution I don't think I'm going to stream the next unpaid intern I'm just not going to stream it it will not be a live stream I'm going to record it and then upload that I might Premiere that sure that's fine but I will not stream it I think this is a good move I think this is a a a good move cuz if if if a video starts to do well it has a higher chance to pick up and eventually perform as opposed to a live stream VOD right cuz titles and thumbnails Etc so that's that's what I'm going to do that's the change I'm going to make and my theory is that that video will get more views than the live stream VOD plus the video would have that's kind of lame I think it's literally no different for you as a viewer with the exception of no it's liter like literally no different cuz you don't you're not really involved as a chat like what's the difference and if I premere it you also get a chat what's the difference there's no chat I'm premiering it boom there's a chat the community vote we haven't done a community vote since episode one live task there will still be a live task different vibe it'll be the same Vibe the only difference is that it'll be slightly edited to remove brakes but that's it I I think it'll end up being a lot like uh game shows right things film this in front of a live studio audience literally every game show does this and this is what we have here it's a game show there not live they are filmed live and then uploaded Family Feud Jeopardy Taskmaster game changers film live then uploaded so that's what we're going to do I I think it's a good idea and if it isn't then I go back you know what I mean like it's that simple it we don't it doesn't have to be like a thing it's like oh it didn't work okay that's fine we'll go back but like if I have this Theory I should test it
Channel: Ludwin
Views: 222,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, twitch, clips
Id: GGnI7aXe-jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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