giving my teammate emeralds in bedwars

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what's up everybody and welcome back to bed wars i'm here solo queuing some doubles and we're gonna see how things go i'm starting off on air show uh as i do in a lot of videos because it generally gets the video started on a good footing you know air shows the undisputed best map and if you disagree i hate to break it to you but uh you're wrong i know you might be like but the best map is completely an opinion and my opinion is actually the only correct opinion so again i'm so sorry but either way i don't know what this guy was doing in front of me he was just kind of shifting looking at me that's you know that's all right he can keep doing that i am stunning after all and uh let's go ahead and break this bed and can i pick up any final kills i got one which is good i left the other guy pretty close to half health so if my teammate wants to run in which they don't it looks like instead of running in to kill them they're gonna break a piece of clay with their fist um you know it's each their own that's how some people like to play bedwars and let's see if i can pick up this last kill and i can they unfortunately missed their swings they did have a stone sword which would have done quite a bit of damage it seems that green which is the team i just took out is the only team out of the game meaning i should have free reign of middle so let me uh head there grab up some emeralds uh and then afterwards i think i'm heading over to red base now honestly i was thinking of buying abby with these eight m's because it would kind of guarantee the win um i mean not guaranteed but the chance of me winning would go significantly up with abi but i don't want to just get free abi i want to take a risk and that risk i'm throwing eight emeralds out to my teammate he can buy whatever he wants uh i'm hoping well first off he's at the the wrong shop which isn't gonna work um but i'm curious am are we going to see diamond armor appear on his legs not yet i'm not 100 sure what he bought uh we will have to see later on in the game i realized now that now that i'm rushing into red i don't have any tools and it looks like they're going to be putting down wood as their bed defense so having an axe would be real nice um either way i got the kill on that person i'm just gonna take their diamonds and go spend them i don't see why not this way i can also not give them any diamonds because just running in if i died it would be a nice gift like a nice parting gift like hey nice to meet you oh you killed me here have a gift but now it seems as though red has a team griefer on their team uh oh my goodness i was smacked holy dude did i i block trapped him let's go and let's go let's go right past this guy uh so i thought for a second that red was okay well i don't know what that was then i thought that they were breaking their bed defense to replace it with a better block like maybe breaking down wool to put wood down or something like that but they were just getting team griefed i think and we still don't have obsidian this is important to note because i i don't know what my teammate bought he's not wearing diamond armor either so there's a chance my teammate just isn't going to use the emeralds let me quick check the team chest there's no there's no resources in there my teammate my teammates still no idea where the emeralds went somehow nons are able to just make emeralds disappear look don't ask me how okay so i want to kill red i don't want to take a 1v2 though and i don't have to there's only one guy here dead um let's see what's this guy up to i don't want to die i have 4ms oh wait he dropped i hit him and he's dead good good hello teammate wait are you here to collect more emeralds where are the eight emeralds that i gave you teammate please are you going to give them back i'll take your eight m's dude what okay please don't take the diamonds please don't take the diamonds no oh no cause the thing is now that my teammate took the uh the diamonds who knows where they're gonna go i think we're gonna have some missing diamonds on our hands too okay i'll buy that and heel pool so now we have prot 2 and heel which is very good my teammate decided to buy maniac minor very good purchase um okay teammate here six more emeralds just for you so best of luck looks like he's just going to toss him right in his ender chest is he just stockpiling emeralds because he has 14 at this point that i gave him 14 whole emeralds now if he buys diamond armor i wouldn't even be upset because at this rate i think we're not gonna have a purchase with those emeralds that i'm giving him just anything if i see him drink just a random jump boost potion at our base that's fine uh if i see him by diamond armor great if i seem to throw a bunch of bridge eggs into the air at least i know where the emeralds went but at this moment in time i don't think that we're gonna have any emerald usage this game and if i collect any more m's i'm just giving them to my teammate that's it i know i should be spending the oh he has a bow he keeps hitting me why is he so good with the bow oh my god go i'm still alive i'm still alive i'm focusing so hard here i don't have shears so them putting down wool is actually a good idea oh he's he that's a sniper hole right there he's gonna snipe me right out of that hole i'm just waiting for a little bit more health if this guy leaves i'm totally okay with that is that the guy with the bow i'm gonna drop down and see if i can get this bed i can nice all right let's see can i kill this alex again if i didn't die in one hit i probably would have killed that alex again okay we found diamond armor everybody he spent some emeralds let's go what's he throwing out to me eight no you take him i don't want him he oh he's telling me to okay fine i'm fine i'm fine spending them as long as he oh he punched at the shopkeeper as if like he i didn't know where the shop that's funny he's like here here are the m's here's the shopkeeper make sure you use this guy don't try to craft diamond armor with those emeralds because that wouldn't work that's funny i'm fine spending the emeralds as long as my teammate tells me what to buy anyway um he dropped the tnt down and uh what was that guy's name i'm a male stripper oh i just ran off the edge sorry i was too busy distract now i am worried that pink's gonna have abi pretty soon and the reason i'm worried is that uh they were running through mid and i haven't collected m's in a while i probably should have collected m's and threw them to my teammate again i could have left him in very good hands and i was jumping down here to kill that yellow player but if you just wanted to jump off the edge on his own giving me the final kill um what is going on the power of christ compels you or something like that i don't know let there be rain are we going to turn this water into wine and other biblical things i i'm running out of biblical things to talk about since i do not know very much uh we see diamond armor on this guy so let me just put a couple blocks down and see if i can pick up a kill i can't oh they both have diamond armor okay i'm less worried about obsidian now now that i know they both have diamond armor by the way i should point out there are four people in this game with diamond armor these two guys as well as me and my teammates so this is probably the most diamond armor ever bought in a public game holy moly that was not the play dude and it was because he killed me but i was not expecting him to come skydiving okay don't know what this is this isn't much of a sky base you'd have to go way further up for it to be a sky base whatever i'm cool with it what has this game even been i have no idea um all right i'll fight this guy yet again holy moly there prod is insane dude okay i'm gonna buy jump and invis twice and i think i'll go break their bed now i'm gonna go ahead and buy a golden pick as well uh just because i think that their outlet outer layers clay and i might as well break it as quickly as i can dude this pink bed defense is crazy and one of them is good at skydiving although not with a parachute he skydives without a parachute have it be known um and goodbye please don't hit me he did not hit me let's go ahead and run right through here by run i mean swim it exceedingly slowly let me just drop down here there goes their bed and let me please get me out of this water goodness please okay i have a feeling that i know where this team is what okay all right that's fine he can just jump off the edge and die that works for me where did the other guy go oh my teammate got him james 69 420. let's go i didn't even realize i would have made fun of his name earlier if if i had known what he was named either way that that's a dub that's a dub kind of all right i say kind of a win because anyone that participated in that last game kind of is a loser like just everyone who participated and had to experience that lost there was no winner either way clean slate new game saying hi to my teammate i probably should have waited for a tnt but you know who who cares about playing smart let's just rush over to gray here instead of playing smart we'll play just completely blind we'll turn off our brain and just run click and swing it seems it seems gray is bridging very high up into the sky here one of them has fallen and they cannot get up oh i'm getting hit from behind get away from me can we get this bed we can let's go and i picked up one final and i wish i combo that guy and god a second because that would have been cool you guys would have all thought i was so cool if i picked that one up on the bright side my teammate has also died to this great player meaning possibly i can get this final kill and i sure love final kills let's get on over here it looks as though this guy has not bought anything with the resources great i now have 10 gold i see my teammate is making a mad rush towards mid here now this is a little scary since everybody in the game has taken out their first rush so if we get unlucky we might be getting rushed by every team there this is my strat this is the gamerboy the exclusive strategy on this map where you just try to make it so you don't create enemies it looks like yellow is going to go after red over there meaning i think now is a good time for me to rush towards white i'm just trying to go after like i'm trying to leave teams that are gonna fight to themselves because what would end up happening if i intervened in between red and yellow there is they would both end up coming for me that's just kind of how how it works we have white team here they're not throwing any fireballs which is a good start i was expecting to get fireballed off why did i say why did i say anything like i'm just gonna burn to death for a second i imagined a world of no fireballs i was blinded by by my dreams i did not face reality and fireballs came flying unfortunately my teammate bridged out to there meaning i feel like he's gonna go after red and that's really bad news because again i'm trying to make peace with some enemies here and if my teammate goes after red it'll end up with red coming after us really bad news i've already angered white so i feel like white's going to come after us too so my teammate rushing red is actually not a good thing normally i like when my teammates rush you know it makes me feel like they're actually doing something but uh this is not the case earlier this game my teammate did collect all the emeralds from it i don't know if he got all of them let's see if we have abi it looks as though we do which is really cool let me just quick drop these i don't want to give them to this guy and let's see if i can kill him i can so i think at this rate we still don't have anyone knowing that we have aubie i will need to buy another trap which i actually can do as well as pratt2 so i still don't think anyone here knows that we have obsidian i am probably gonna lose this fight they have high ground and two people uh i got them relatively low seven and four meaning hopefully my teammate can handle them actually you know what here's what i'm gonna consider oh wait yellow's actually gonna take out their bed i shouldn't have killed him i shouldn't have killed him that was a mistake okay cool so i think the guy that built up fireball jumped landed and died okay and i think unfortunately this is the guy with a diamond sword it is um we'll see if i can land more hits he has such good prod i was able to get the kill huge against the diamond sword guy and then there is still a player on white team somewhere around here which i didn't realize but it's pretty much just a 2v2 against yellow now and it seems that white and yellow actually traded kills meaning now it is just a 2v2 against yellow and i bought some potions with the emeralds that i took from red team when i killed him so i have potions now i will fight this guy actually because i want to oh he lagged himself back that actually helped him out and there's another yellow player here is he going to leave me alone he is meaning i'm just gonna let him pass and i'll drink potions and going on yellow team here because i should be able to take the 1v1 if it was a one oh my leg back let's not do that anymore but it seems their bed defense is only wool i now have minor fatigue so let's go ahead and throw that down and break this bed he's just leaving he's out of here so let's see if i can pick up a kill here dude pop spawn prod is so good i'm so mad i was hitting that guy for so long that guy in leather just waiting for spawnpot to wear off and it just didn't either way we were able to pick up the bed there so that really that's what's mostly important because now we can't just find yellow team and finish up the game all right and let's see what's going on i'll throw these diamonds off since i'm probably gonna die here oh he has a bow okay my teammates did buy diamond armor they still only have a wood sword but i'm guessing they're running back to go buy a diamond sword um i bought a speed potion meaning i don't think that this guy can run away from me i mean he can but i think my speed potion might be able to help counter that and let's see did i hit him off i did not super unfortunate he's gonna gap but again my speed potion is too good dude he's chucking fireballs he's on zero let me just do this real quick i'm just gonna keep chasing i'm guessing he's gonna keep trying to stall until he can get to his teammate those were good block placements i couldn't get around that and yeah he's probably just gonna keep stalling until uh his teammate gets over to him let's see he's gapping again and he's gonna keep running i'm hitting him i'm hitting him i'm hitting him he's dead thank goodness yeah i'm guessing that pro was him meaning we are in some trouble uh yep there we go we are in some trouble i i didn't know where this guy was he must have invised over to gray my teammate is just stuck on five hp my teammate really needs to eat up a gap does he not have a gap he was too busy collecting uh emeralds and buying diamond armor to uh get gaps he wasn't he wasn't busy collecting gold he was busy collecting emeralds um i think i can actually yeah let's go ahead and afford that i'll buy heal pool just in case he's at our base and unfortunately my teammate ended up dying so the diamond armor prop 4 wasn't enough that's okay um i do have prod for iron now so i'm feeling super tanky i'm going to head mid and the first thing i'm going to buy is a tracker if i get enough emeralds for it because i just want to figure out where uh oh wait he's right there let me drink enves i'm expecting some fireballs we don't have a bed so this is the last uh fight that we can actually do and again if it's just a crit fest which i'm down for i have prot 4 so he's not gonna be winning this crit fest let's see if i can pro on him i can that is uh that's game that's a pretty good game i wish my teammate utilized that prop for a little better came back here with another round and for some reason it seems like it's a common occurrence that my random teammate tries to me out at the beginning of the game um very disrespectful i wish they'd show a little bit more respect to me please don't side rush we have a side rusher on skyrise this isn't good although white looks like they're side rushing too so i'm okay with it actually on second thought um if white is gonna side rush we will too is side rushing the strat is that what you're supposed to do it's not what you're supposed to do but is it what people have started doing nonetheless i'll place up i'll play the support role if my teammate wants to side rush gray uh i'll follow in with some tnt although i think my teammate's all good go get it i'm down for that that's really cool my teammates said good job to me to be fair i haven't done anything my my teammate did all the work so far they took out gray but thanks for the good job i really i really appreciate it i think he might have been saying good job because i bought sharpened swords as opposed to buying like iron forged and he'll pool or something i don't know nonetheless let's see if i can pick up a kill here i can't and my bet is gone from blue teammate no lagging out that's not allowed dude and he burned to death great to be fair my teammate died with uh 12 gold so if i yeah you know i'll loot his dead body that's totally fine blue is probably the biggest threat here on the enemy teams uh white team wants in and one of them is down and let's see if i can get this kill i can oh he clicked his compass he unfortunately went into the ui and uh and that is no good um since i have a little bit of time i'm actually going to just go ahead and grab these ems i don't have a bed so i actually have to try a little bit here um i'm gonna go buy probably a pearl in a set of pots then i'll head towards blue hopefully they go for yellow next as opposed to me a little update on what's been going on i've just been collecting gear waiting for either yellow or blue to take out the other team um although i think i'm actually going to head to blue now um but i've been waiting for one team to win the the encounter because then i can just go to the other base then it's a bedless game then i hopefully win because i have so much gear but nobody's nobody's losing like could one of these teams lose for god's sake and of course as i head the blue and start drinking potions both blues die meaning i'm probably not going to get anywhere here they have minor fatigue so they're just gonna run out and swing i have two pearls so i can purl out if i need to but i have a feeling this is gonna take a while before anything happens i'm gonna shift up here for a while and hope one of them leaves uh it seems that they're not going to leave they're going to continue to bug me i'll i'll just run out now um if they fireball i'll purl okay yellow bed is now gone because of blue i'm heading over to red but i think from here i'm actually gonna just bridge egg on over so let's go ahead and buy a set of pots and some bridge eggs and i'm going to drink the set of pots i'm guessing they bought more minor fatigue but hopefully it won't matter um and let's bridge egg number one and unless these bridge eggs somehow glitch out and kill me i think i have this bed here because again i don't think there's any blue players here there's a golem though we'll actually have to kill the golem because uh otherwise he'd cause some problems there we go bed gone so now it's a bedless game it's all up to uh final kills here and i have pearls so i'm feeling pretty confident okay so yellow is running away with some emeralds although i'm not too worried about them them getting gear i'm more worried about blue team since they are still a team okay so blue team started critting me out i didn't realize that they were standing that close to me but either way if they want to run mid they can uh they're gonna split up is this guy gonna come to me yes he is okay cool i should out gear this guy enough to win the fight good i was a little low starting that fight which is why it was so close and that guy he saw me he got nervous and he slipped dude it's all right now before i get crit out again track team yellow he is a hundred blocks in that direction i realize i haven't bought prop 2 yet so there's prod 3 and then this is the last player in the game i'm just gonna run out to him again if he has fireballs i have pearls i kind of want to take this fight sooner rather than later i don't want them getting too much prot or whatever i suppose what i'll do here is i'll just fireball jump on up and let's take this fight and yeah with my gear it would have been tough for him to win that fight he would have had to really combo me hard uh gg oh i have caps lock on i guess that was a really good game after all well hopefully you all enjoyed this episode of bed wars if you did make sure you smash like sub check out my other videos check out my lunar cloak use my code when you check out uh thanks for watching we'll see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 157,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80, leaderboard, challenge, doubles, emeralds
Id: JLr9M5cSBco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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