The Pill Incident

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you know honestly a skinny odd mushroom start is pretty it's pretty decent you can kind of get carried by the side and I think oh today we are playing a cane the main man good pills everywhere what is this it's a luck up good stuff what is this it's a health up good stuff I'm going here Libra you know what I'm sure it's not bad it's okay I mean we're gonna take a damage down small tears up for it it'll pay out in the future I think we can open this because we do have paper clip beautiful more bombas we're so rich actually and compost I wait Placebo would be kind of good right I have all good pills the one time I will ever use Placebo what is this can I mimic this excess maybe I don't want to mimic that let me uh just leave so this I mean this could be good uh hematomis is constantly mimicked uh sounds like it has potential we don't want to get hit uh for some reason rotten Hearts just don't have a half a heart if you get hit with a rotten heart you're just taking a full heart of damage it's not good there we go uh speed up is the last thing I need is cane but whatever it's also a tears and damage up thank you Libra if we go over here we can pop this and then look at that it's like I just forced the game to give me an HP up which again is even more stuff because I gotta speed up from it all right Libra's going hard right now this is good let's take this Kegel downpour I'm excited for this run oh uh I think I have the bombs for this right how do I do this it's like this yeah no no I messed this up no I didn't it takes three bombs to do this I guess I think that was worth maybe a little I did it wrong but whatever oh yeah it was worth it I need a shop horrible slot pills pills you know what pills I'll take the pills let's do that that sounds awesome this will be a pill run the legendary pill run there you go you can do it with one bomb I just I messed it up counterfeit that sounds beautiful I'll come back for the pills in a second secret room I know you want to give it to me perfect stuff oh my God the amount of money the game has given me is crazy good this is the only time in my life I will ever take pill baggy we're gonna run the placebo and I might as well try and Placebo in the best pill possible Right also take this um is beautiful come in here that's fun and also speed up which translates into more damage and it's better than paper so yeah it was worth now I'm thinking about it maybe I do kind of want to go Devils I have a lot of HP and I think it could be fun especially since I've been going Angels more recently I think I'll I'll delve into a little bit of devious activity when I finish this boss as long as I don't get hit but the third time all right I'm feeling a little devious actually yeah especially with that HP up let me just see is it worth it a theme absolutely this is a broken item we are going to win with this uh let's just go I think a curse of the blind kind of hurts my soul I'm not gonna lie hurts me deep down it's all right uh we will go to that Chris room but later when when to have the not Soul heart in my inventory or I could just do this for the first time I've remembered that I can do it for free what don't dead cat Okay thank God guppy's tail and we did take devil rooms so we do have a fairly High chance to become guppy it is gonna suck if I spawn it here though because I don't know what my devil room has for me I am blind check it nice more money beautiful stuff still looking for the god pill I I'm looking for a tears up I could just Placebo that over and over and over again oh boy uh you know what the tinted rock is above the blind so take this one I can't I didn't even I couldn't tell it looked like dog bone I think I straight up don't know what that other item was I'll look back at it and post [Music] this also comes in a question of where the heck is my normal secret room maybe it's above the treasure room I I but I just have so much money I could just buy these oh did my stats go down oh they do that's weird it's weird seeing all my stats slowly drip down the boss is costumia with the flags that we have it's gonna be super easy as long as I don't get too frisky with it goodbye poop Lord hello raindrop which turns into a damage up now I'm never disappointed by tropicamide thanks Libra the other colostomia fight is here we do have a decently High transfer double which is exciting uh but we did get it all right sucks to suck I got HP no big deal I'm happy about that give me magic mushroom one day we can't do this for tinted Rock and some mushroom kills though oh it's worth it wait I can't tell if my stats went down or not wait didn't we learn this recently that you shouldn't take small rock with Libra because it's just a effective stat down [Music] oh well there we go that took a while HP up again uh sure uh bombs again come in here Bobby bomb I'll risk it Halo way better thank you way way way way better dude look at her tears it's nothing crazy in terms of just like tears but man it's just good tears it's just really good you don't have a lot of good tier runs these days typically you get like a brimstone whoa or something shade interesting may as well uh fanny pack and a luck up hill Oh I kind of want to Duke the luck up though that sounds that sounds way better let's do this and then uh let's run into this blood bank with Fanny Pack I think there you go if I can hear Oh Mr belly hello beautiful dude Libra is kind of satisfying of an item I'm not gonna lie every single time I get a stat up I just know I'm getting a stat up it doesn't have to be damage or tears anymore I just know it'll be satisfying anything in these three chests I got a curse of the tower you know what sure today's a goofy run today I'm chilling I'm having fun every six rooms I'm gonna get a lot uh a luck up so who even needs Perfection I am my own Perfection I force it myself where the heck is the super secret room what is this raindrop oh that's it again another all stats up I guess and a pill uh whoa wait a second that was an all stats up in uphill wait that was sick oh I should have Placebo that wait I gotta find another one could you imagine that's another perks pill that's not dude if I find another range up oh my God okay hello greed [Music] in the meantime we will just continue to spam our luck up absolutely worth it in all sense of the world like seven Mark is absurd ghost bombs no thanks oh backstory yeah [ __ ] up again oh oh my God I think it also depends though you know like what if uh this is a like a 12 room charge you know like it's uh probably not can you wake up thank you it's probably not that crazy still oh another one speed up okay that's another that's another uh look oh my God speed [Music] this is where I'm gonna charge my thing I think wait a second okay never mind this is where I'm gonna charge my thing I think so like okay why did these guys pay out so fast today what's going on so I did I did it's a six room charge my all my stats went up I I don't think there's a downside to this wait a second I think I can genuinely just Spam this thing what hold on let me just use the luck up at that point so the goal I guess is now to get as much charge on my Placebo as possible is this real it's just a real thing I know where my secret room is but I think I Bozo and I'm used too many bombs so we can't get to it that's unfortunate take care of singe my tears are soaps a six six tier eight wait a second I have six tier eight that's past the tear cap he's out of 10 caps five no am I going past the tier cat by doing this hold up uh my shadow is kind of fun these are both fine oh hold on I'm confused like severely confused let me let me see relax and speed up again dude that's insane more stats it is going past the cat look I got like a point Seventeen twos though wait this is an insane break huh I am flabbergasted I'm Thriller wait this this straight up goes past the cap you can just Spam it dude if I get a rock bottom with this hold on so that is insane that is insane whoa oh I forgot I'm King I was freaking out I was like what the heck is this two crane games homie I need to give me this home and it'd be pretty sick thank you and D1 is fine I guess I could dupe the range up no I just duped into it I don't know it's gone d8 what's with all the dice there's three dice items in here d-a-d1 D20 Claire roon uh I don't know if I want that hey what happens if I d8 a Libra oh I just get massive amounts of damage of course that's why I might as well try and get the D1 out of here to see what the last item in the crane game is it says oh my God wait my two rates insane I don't know if I can do that I'll try may as well see what's inside the shop I guess ventricle okay and blanket I don't know maybe wish I didn't use the lookup I mean I I should have used the luck up let's be honest I just missed I I wanted to get to 10 luck before I started doing this but this is insane every six rooms I get a point 30 tiers up and a fat damage up and I guess also technically a range of let me see if I can Force the Spin down die and if I can maybe I can force brimstone all right so I need two things to pan out for me here one I need to spin down to come out of hiding there we go pretty good what dude these spin down into anything crazy that gets dipload wait if I spin down in this room I'd spin down Placebo anyway I don't think I'd want to do this I mean I can definitely force it to show up no okay maybe it's just an unlucky Blood Bank all right let's leave it alone I think yeah all right all right I truly think that this is what's in the cards for me I think I should just go with the placebo break it just seems cooler I've never seen so many pedestals in the same room definitely an arcade moment I thought this was Mom I'm not gonna lie I've been farming these Placebo plays for so often I just I didn't even realize uh lighter counterfeit's going kind of hard so we're gonna keep that I think Gahanna huh you know what I'm not even afraid of you anymore again Hannah I got the god run look at that more damage More Tears give me give me oh now I gotta get a way to get like a like as many charges as possible those jumper cables oh that dropped were sick I think arcades again are stupid good as me pain all I got the exact same I got the layout oh my God oh and I got Jacob's Ladder this is so dumb what a dumb break oh my God my tears up just leads to more stats this is this is over I think what a silly run that is a scared heart uh little Stephen do I have conjoining not even close I might as well just do this hushy yay it's just so dumb no words every single six rooms a bit a fat tears up and a plus one damage up converter I mean there's a battery I'll just do that so hearts are cool let me go clear out those last two rooms just so I get charges on my Placebo and then we'll lie down goodbye mother what a dumb run this is about as cane of a run that you can get let's go Polaroid empty yeah I want to go up today another Arcadium give me those Beggars again I'm down to just uh okay uh get money is what I Yay this is stats again yeah I could have had double Rim but I again this is just like how would I pass up on something like this this is so unique oh guppy maybe we do turn into guppy today I totally forgot about guppy I Twist on it I just realized that we do have Duffy's tail I've been just so focused on the fact that I keep getting stupid amounts of tear I have 15 Tier rate currency give me the stats yummy yummy oh my god do you see my tear rate uh uh this is I guess Bookworm progress that'd be kind of cool cool try again here we go there we go I will take Polaroid right let's go up no hush today but I think it's worth it for the run that we have speed up okay so we found it it is a six room charge so it really would not have mattered basically me finding a speed uphill is me finding in all stats up right now that's that's what this is translating to Magic skin no for the one time no I actually will not yes I could magic skin in the secret room and maybe I'll get something crazy but you know what this is the one time I will not I'm gonna have a unique run and you can't force me to rig I personally am refusing to rig right now I don't want to I this is the rig I'm having fun all right goodbye guys oh my god let's go to the chest have a good time boom boom uh maybe I could have gotten conjoined at that rate oh well these are whatever moving on we do have high luck so chests are likely especially because we have high luck and guppy's tail there's one chest that is cheers up uh I guess this translates maybe because Libra yeah it does there's a 0.9 tears up but it was still a tears up there you go I get more tears up from pressing a space bar than an actual tears up item now how dumb is this rainbow baby okay well I would have I can join but maybe honestly with the amount of chests I'm getting I could still pull it off could you imagine a 17 tier 8 40 damage run with conjoin uh look at the great ball of fire on the left you don't want to be there Han continue um it's also a radio I just realized it's a fat range of but I also do get the actual benefits of Continuum which is sick Gemini is cool I'm going to destroy every fatty in existence I got hit somehow glass Cannon no thank you oh my God here's what I'm gonna do for the last full Okay so uh here's what I'm gonna do for the last room I think I'm gonna get hit a bunch as much as I can rock bless you blood okay well I don't think I can anymore I'll blow myself up a couple times we use our last uh Ranger Placebo then we'll use our last raindrop in general oh my God I'm actually about to hit 22 right oh I'm so close I guess I can just from Matt's kidney stone run look at that look at those stats I think that'll be it that turned out to be the most crazy run of them all I actually got infinite stats from a pill one pill GG I'm tripping right now baby size lazy Batman I don't even know what I'm doing today but I'm doing something you gotta be now yeah I don't really have a funny clip to put at the end of the video but if you stay towards the end you at least know that you're a goat thanks
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 236,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w5Jd3HmxgaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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