This Was A TERRIBLE Mistake

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I'm gonna say it oh this is a mega Satan run that's cool I'm gonna say it the worst achievement in The Binding of Isaac it's not tainted lost on locks it's not tainted Jacob unlocks it's the dedication achievement because this thing requires you to play Isaac for 30 days in a row on The Daily run oh my God no mods I'm dead that's okay actually I quite enjoy playing the dailies because it's a nice change of pace sometimes you really just want to play vanilla Isaac don't you oh there's a nickel that dropped there I didn't even see that noise uh there's a boss room below us I think I didn't even know we're playing Samson I didn't notice uh we'll go to Angel rooms I'll spend some time Min maxing I would like to hit Boss Rush and hush as much as possible because they do give you extra points and while I don't care about you know ranking too highly on The Daily that much uh I will say that ranking highly is it does make me feel pretty cool Ah that's a lot so that's nice uh yeah I I like to generally rank pretty high it doesn't matter to me too much but when it does happen it feels great single fight should be easy wonderful nice you dropped us so hard dude Dingle you're an absolute a home slice thank you I'm gonna go grab the lost soul and I'm gonna try min max it as much as possible try not to destroy my brother how you doing dude protect him I sure will it's a rock to my left believe it or not I don't have bombs what do you got for me homie oh wow you you really are a homie holy moly okay I am going to prioritize making sure that lost soul gets hit less even more than I do now obviously I do want to not take red heart damage here but I want to see how much lasso can do for us keep our distance land a single Beaker mycosis shot that would be very good for us thank you I guess we're gonna go for high luck here High luck plus micromycosis would be sick we have a burning basement which burning basement enemies are terrifying I'm just gonna say it they're they're scary and I'm probably gonna lose lost soul right there yeah I had a feeling that one was just a tough room I'm gonna say I don't care that was a tough Room Treasure Mr Boom actually quite good in this situation I'll go in the curse room count to self-damage I'll get a damage up wow dead cat I was hoping for soul hearts for the rest of the floor but honestly dead Cat's super worth perfect thank you okay everything's working out for me now while I do have dead cat I don't think that's enough for me to justify oh I'm dead cat I'll go are the devil rooms like nah let's be real age rooms are better I have a lost soul well not yet but on the next floor I will I think I'm just gonna go straight up to Angels Hello darling I could wow if I didn't buy that Soul heart very real chance I don't spawn the Double Deal weaker my closest has a hard carry thanks to the Belt I could look for super secret room actually it seemed pretty guaranteed for me to get it it's either there or here and I got it nice confessional sure nah I was hoping for a soul fight no big deal actually I could probably farm this maybe not the greatest decision or good use of my time but I maybe I don't know [Music] foreign in here we got scooter but kind of a mid run so far yikes okay that's okay we'll keep going obviously I don't want Spider about that much but I think it contributes to Spider Baby transformation so I should pick it up okay uh we got a long room up there what the heck I oh it's a double trouble room what I've never it's been so long I will see if we get the deal and if I don't I might use the sacrifice room and also try out the curse room all the runs seems a little rough I actually have so many plans for this it looks like it's giving me a lot of rigging potential so I don't think this run is dead at all in fact I think it is very much alive I just have to destroy Duke of flies and see if we get a deal we did not that is a soul heart right here keep that in mind let's go to the curse room I'm thinking this might not be a boss first type of run this might be like a stay behind and think about your options type of running on me like really think about it before you make a decision okay well check out the other cursor in fact I have reusable bombs I should probably do this and then I'll try farming the sacrifice room with my dead cat and that could lead me to a angel room aha look at that I'm gonna turn coffee without even going devil rooms yikes I got hit but it really doesn't actually matter now is guppy's head better yeah it really is it's so much better while I really like the reusable bombs Mr Boom gives me I need to have better room clear to make sure lost soul can start living I can't take advantage of all these Hearts but I appreciate it two three four five six and seven I got an item cool this will help us out in the future as well I think from now on lost soul we'll have a much better time not dying uh I don't know if I have enough money to really justify this shop that I really want to is there a secret room I did Money perfect okay we do have the opportunity to get money is it worth it BOGO is highly underrated and I just got a cent so you know what sure now my only issue and there's not a solar in here now yeah there is I'm gonna do that my only issue is I'm scared for the deal on the next floor but we just got uh Soul heart ready for us so we did manage to make use of the sacrifice room Hearts we're gonna do this this is not a Boss Rush type of build I don't think let's take our time do a bit of thinking a little bit of rigging This Heart does not want to get picked up come here uh and let's try the min max lost soul I think is the best thing that we can do here okay cool we are clearing rooms way easier now empty heart is actually cool gives us a basically a rebound for the dead cat that we took up a lot earlier I accidentally blew up this tinted Rock without checking the wall was this my secret room no okay it wouldn't matter I haven't checked everything and I'm a little nervous to check everything because I might lose lost soul but now that I have damage I feel like I'm playing well enough that I can effectively protect lustle so I'll I'll explore around not to mention if we get four more cents we can get another shot that's worth it so I think it's definitely worth holy moly this is why you explore and here we got viblay which is fine but what I'm interested in is this Champion spell do a Spades yeah just use it and we'll go I'll also go in the curse room now that I have extra Soul Hearts it's definitely worth not to mention we'll get a bit of damage up just by walking in and out of it because of uh just Samsung's mechanics cursed I feel about that on this run usually I take it if I feel like the it can complement the run but I don't think it complements this run whatsoever walk in here couple dudes no big deal Duffy Duffy looking for one more guppy no plan C no thanks it's just the stain should be an easy enough fight I don't see ourselves uh losing lost soul here perfect nice we got an angel we got blue cap and we got book of rebs it's fine it's okay Chris is your deal chance technically but that's not enough to justify I don't think we'll leave foreign okay all right oh excuse me wait a second dice bag this could be the Savior I think this I think I'm gonna take that give me a D100 and I start rolling I have Angel rooms locked in I yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I I could see this we're getting really good hold on there's a D100 immediately do I do it like right now right now what else would I do it right oh well uh this is gonna get really funky I think this is gonna be a weirdo run and you know what I'm super down uh this didn't seem to give us too much it looks like our damage went way high that's about it it's about as strong as my other one every time you know what let's do that this is it every time I see a D4 I'll just roll myself whatever what is this a rules card a dark Market lies under your feet unfortunately lost soul is done for but he did give us an angel room item which is useful so for that I appreciate you my only complaint about this run isn't even the low tier rate it's the 0.6 speed what the hell is up with that Eternal D6 maybe get an item in this chest ah that would have been sick I got a D6 in this room which is uh probably not gonna be useful for me D100 well I said I was gonna do it right this one's weird I turned into Hallowed Ground apparently my angel room item did oh okay and then here we got Taurus uh I don't think it matters which one I take here I'm just gonna take this at least I know it's a passive and uh D100 will continue to roll we got Immaculate Heart too actually that's good birth right what too bad it sucks on Samsung it's not just me right what is this card it's the best part is I like I feel like Samson might just have the worst Birthright in the game I can't just be me there seems to be a dice room if it's a D100 room I'm not gonna do it because that would roll my eye dice bag away and then I'd stop d100ing I'd basically commit to only one D100 left it's a d it's a re-roll everything I can't do that it's not happening I'd much rather re-roll myself over and over and over and over again instead of just one time like right now I got oh I also kept Birthright which is sick and balls actually this is just a good run I might keep this one this one seems like a keep is that just me I mean 2020 Chrono light seems kind of sick nah I mean it's not in the spirit the spirit is just roll so I'll probably just roll what's the D12 gonna give me a TNT oh boy a key block what is that move I've never seen that since when do you spawn those dudes that's interesting anyway goodbye sister viz we got another Angel it's monstrous I I I want to roll it I want to roll it I I want to do it I shouldn't do this whatever holy water okay tough but that's okay we got another Angel room item yeah you know what I just think it's not in the spirit to just uh just stop rolling when I get something decent you know unless I get something literally Godly I'm not gonna stop rolling we also got Vanishing twin which won't help us for the time being but it could on the womb let's go oh you know what I just saw I got a member card I didn't even see that I should have checked the shop that's okay though cool I love ground oh look what just showed up look what just showed up boom what do I get this time high tier rate for once in my life pyromaniac Nancy bombs huh I also Gotta Have It this seems like I would need a D6 for this build this just looks like I'm supposed to break sure I'll d8 myself and destroy my damage even more this has got to be one of the zanious runs I've seen this one's not even bad it's base damage yeah but the two rates decent oh there we go again toothpicks Guppies collar where's all the good items I wonder where they went we got a theme actually hold on that's that's uh kind of a break also we kept Book of Virtues plus Guppies head which is just like you win the game damn I got a D6 in here but now I had so many different whips look at that I got like how many different wisps do I have that looks like maybe seven eight different ones we're going to the negative I guess cool the four moment oh my God lokai moment uh yeah I'm gonna start I'm gonna I'm gonna stop I I don't know I've never had worse d8s in my life what is that I just 99 of gamblers stop right before they win right so like logically I just need to keep going how did I manage to get the 14 Angel what what is that and why is it Dead Sea Scrolls and also I got my stats back let's go all right I'm gonna need you to drop the fattest D100 in my face right now also that's nice take that you're gonna have to hurry here but it is plausible that I make hush uh oh or I could just like uh change my build again how do I keep managing to get pill baggy every time that's what I'm wondering oh D100 oh wow that's juicy chaos I like chaos I like Dead Eye chaos that is uh that's actually quite handy I kind of want to find a bomb and blow up that beggar I might be able to land another deal here so I mean I don't think like the stupidest damage ever also I have no more lives uh Dead Eye chaos fruitcake huh this is like the build that kills me 100 right but I have to try I gotta give props to like guppy's head though for just giving me so many orbitals it lives is done we didn't get a deal that was to be expected so I was lucky to even uh to even try let's go fight hush this could be fat I have chaos boom that's not fat what about this that's also not that fat that's a tears up though that's uh yeah sure why not Holy Light oh I realized the other one didn't give me even a tears up because I was maxed out by the way but it's okay I'm sorry that's a lot that you just gave me I could not process that two golden pennies and a uh three gold what is happening and a dark princess crown give me a restock I Dare You gimpy is cool well we fixed our health issue that's nice chaos is going hard oh what do we get oh it happened I got Sacred Heart it only took forever let's go least zadie Batman run I got every quality 4 item in the game except I didn't get them all in the same run it was all like uh it was a it was a one giant goof I was like a Play-Doh cookie this is one of my favorites so far hi Tia Ray high damage uh all my orbitals are getting destroyed by hush but that's okay there's nothing I can do much about it and I got Sacred Heart does this mean that when I get D100 I won't do it again what no I'm gonna keep doing it are you kidding me I have the opportunity to do the funniest thing and just keep using sacred art how am I not gonna do that or sorry D100 you know I don't ask this very often but are you guys actually subscribed did you know that uh only 30 of the viewers that I ever subscribed actually I really don't know just make sure if you if you're not just hit the Subscribe button please I really appreciate it I like literally never asked this from you guys so just do this one favorite for me one I get one in a year okay this is my once per year like ask for sub okay I'm using it right now please just check if you're subbed please God well I'm not gonna lie boys that was a rough fight we didn't exactly have the most damage and it was kind of hard to see because I started glass and also I'm freaking out because I've shot a glass but I'll heal myself oh that's okay because I think there's absolutely potential here for us especially now that I have Sacred Heart at computer rooms and maybe if I'm lucky or just get another God re-roll there's also just an absolute like this could happen I could get a bad reroll and I could get one heart with no extra lives and then I'm done for I could find a magic mushroom you never know pretty fly that's actually just good so I'm gonna clear every single thing that I can just to make sure that I've maximize my odds of finding a D100 oh there it is there it is I'm doing it again I got twisted pair what did the Twisted Perry come from I'm not gonna complain what am I saying all right now it's time for us to get all the the quality four devil items but just not on the same run okay don't forget the dice bag and take the heart and we'll see what the dark room holds for us I just saw that I didn't take the heart why'd you leave me I'm not doing the d8 again I can't it's been so much of it I'm kidding yes tears up sacrificial alt that doesn't seem bad that seems like I could uh I don't know that's it it seems like it's the zany option okay I got contract From Below in Caribbean conception sure I'll take this so it's just a passive in my inventory to reroll and then we'll hope for another uh Wild contract From Below we'll hope for another D100 to show up d10 that does not work on bosses honestly this was super fun I know you guys always ask for uh runs where I don't just get op and I really have to like work to rig Etc so I I think this falls under one of those where like yeah I am overpowered let's be real because otherwise I'd be way easily Dead uh but it wasn't easy to get here you know what I mean also I'm invulnerable to earthquakes is that what's going on here what hello that or I'm just like a god of dodging and I just didn't notice I could die here but it's not too scary since I have dead cat oh hello sure fruitcake yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that's Godly oh there it is the final D100 this is the big one we got backstabber dead cat oh my God I'm doing the room again Matt's goodness though I what do I have whoa what is this broken modem backstabber I can't even see everything because it's probably trailing off of the screen to be fair salvation we know where the super secret room is it's over here let me check that real quick before we continue on because uh blue map just showed out of nowhere on our inventory yeah I guess I might as well play you right actually do I wanna okay never mind I was like what the hell that is the fastest that guy has ever paid out three cents he gave me an item I was gonna say I really can't be bothered but okay a one tooth appears okay cool and I think that'll be it since this is a daily run we can't go any further than Mega Satan right and there's no way I'm getting another D100 until at least when I walk into here so I yeah I think that's it let's see did I get anything no all right this is the build that we're finally gonna stay with how many quality four items did I get on the run because it's weird it's like typically I could count right like oh I could look at my inventory or I could just no but I would have to like go back and I think we got mad skinny stunts too which is sick for this this is actually very powerful a lot more than you would think I think it's mainly salvation doing a lot of the work here I don't use this item too much on the channel but this item is crazy if you can get up close I mean you can see what's going on right I guess we also got wafer that's a quality four item multiple times actually oh yeah bird's eye too I like bird's eye dude looking at bird's eye something about it just screams quality for item like the Sprite specifically looks like a quality foreign I know it's not but it's just satisfying to look at I think that'll be Mega sake done we didn't do Boss Rush and we got hit a ton so I probably didn't really rank that high but I had fun and that's something special considering we're doing the daily run dedication moment soul of a polio moment and we ranked not that bad actually 350 I'm kind of sick nasty at the game GG [Music]
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 231,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gNyGe4oIRW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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