I Got EVERY Item In ONE Run

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today is going to be a little bit different we're starting with chaos today tainted lost no mantle I cannot get hit for the entire run relax what is in this treasure room that is a curse room and devil room item all right so chaos shovels all the item pulls you never know what you're gonna get it does not abide by the normal rules I could find a sacred orb in the treasure room plus we have tainted Lobster just generally gets better items thanks for the golden key and it's a bit of a an up and down item people don't really know if they should be taking this item early on or not so we're doing this a bit of experiment to see you know is it generally a good item well you have a generally better run than if you maybe would not have taken it and the Duke of flies fight but the Sith cloak is going to be more than enough of GPS up to make this completely abysmal for Duke and for the boss of watches I've immediately forgot that I had chaos I uh wow mom's key is great we'll go to the downpour I mean so far looks like chaos is kind of sick another treasure room which will be chaos it is Bible which is fine bookworm but whoa that's really good except not that good because the ultra secret rooms that I could find with this item won't have Ultra secret room items they're just gonna have random items but Hey listen a chance for more items and a chance for more items right I can't complain about that they have a bigger here but there's no real need to blow them up we have 100 deal chance what I might do is actually oh don't die what I'll do is don't die and then maybe play him later for more charges on my red key we'll try and force this Ultra secret room I have to map out in my head how the map looks like I'm gonna be real I'm finding kind of tough and we want to check our shops as much as possible because chaos shops are the best I'll probably check out this one and just hope uh maybe I get a bomb and I can blow up a donation machine and afford whatever's in there because finding a 15 cent Sacred Heart or a poly or something I mean like dude unknown amounts of euphoria from a and an interaction like that openness and then we'll clear the rim and get two charges just be a little bit smarter with your uh attractors you know [Laughter] what do you know I'm a natural conjoined progress I'll take it now I have had Redkey in the past and had awful rooms that just explode in my face instant damage I die it's not too entertaining to do use the red key more than I have to as tainted lost I feel like I might just die but I might do it we'll really see but more than not I'll probably just find the Open Secret Room stop gambling a little bit since I am uh you know pretty squishy goodbye Rainmaker hello Quince two three can join now I figure actually go to the devil deal because it doesn't matter which one I'm going to like I I feel like I might as well just take this battery's good for red key and you know like again there's no point in going to the angel room it would just be chaos anyway I might as well just see as many items as I can what am I expecting from chaos I mean not too much to be honest with you I don't even know what I'm expecting at all to to be real uh I guess I'm not expecting any kitten but I I feel like if I'm playing tainted lost the likelihood of me finding an insane item is gonna be it's happening right oh there's the start I love conjoined right now that would be so good we're already two three we got piercing from the technology pickup which is nice and that is a ankh which would be good for sure hey if I die maybe I get a respawn and in here we got fortune cookie which is whatever well that's good I'm gonna look for Ultra secret room again you know where I could be yeah okay I thought so I saw it connected so I had a feeling that this would be my ultra low chest is great sinus infection is one of the best items in the game I'm just gonna straight up say it I'm not even gonna hold back this item is so broken it's homing and damage over time scaling so absurdly good and then we'll go in here and get Mom's purse which is good because now I can pick up Perfection we'll go where it would have been a little fun not gonna lie but whatever and then this is simply just booger tears being completely dumb and you as a car battery sure uh and uh giving me free damage [Music] to buy Super sloth oh my Lord holy mama so don't judgments also pay out with random things so as long as I get it never mind as long as I get a coin bigger I could get Whatever item I want that would be so cool wouldn't it man yeah it would be and Gish I mean I gotta admit who out there guessed Gish of all the items that I could have walked in on what did any of you guess Gish if you did I mean you might just be like a literal Prophet good job oh yeah uh where the heck is my secret room actually that's a dumb question it's right here that's like a lot of bombs and this might be dumb actually it's very dumb I can't get magic mushroom it's chaos never mind maybe the pill is good oh cool all right that was worth it we got two bombs for a luck up I'll take the lemon party and go mines because I ain't afraid and it's a pretty strong run so far but nothing too crazy I'm curious to see where this goes oh boy left or right I'm gonna choose left uh well the other one was D4 so I was like whatever plan C is kind of useless though that would have both been actives Ultra oh look at me hey at least I'm good at finding these fairly consistent in my opinion boom Oh it's blind that's right Daddy's long legs I can't believe I found that Ultra secret room look at that dumb placement what the heck is that oh my God there's a brain worm I don't care about the respawn anymore oh that's some fat homing I love that thank you shop I don't I'm rich I don't care but bombs okay range up yay I got a knife behind my back all right hornful fight should be easy especially with the Homing just don't explode Boomerang what who called this one no one knows what I'm gonna get when I have chaos okay uh a secret room maybe I feel like it has to be like literally here okay yeah I couldn't see any other place on the map it could be that's insane that's incredible thank you I found a I'm sorry a chaos card ancient recall holy card oh I get to use one judgment coined by your nice okay I was so scared without having one okay that's cool backstabbers cool uh this is just hilarious I just solved economics baby I'll even buy you for brickworm because I mean I just have money oh my Lord I found another shop what okay cool um another book room I mean I'll take Duality I guess there's all my money back immediately dude mom's key SSS here dude it's so dumb how good it is uh Redkey can go in the dumpster fire he gave me linger being I'm mad and I like to remind you that I spent like 80 cents on the single floor and I'm already back up to 45 mom's key has been the clear carry we still have a shop I mean we have shops still we didn't find the actual shop hello actuals oh you know I realized I assumed to myself that I couldn't go in the Boss Challenge room for some reason I must be crazy because I forgot I'm tainted lost but I just found the mom tattoo trinket so it was actually perfect because now I get two items what's my extra reward well that's actually insanely good thanks okay now things are starting to ramp up which I'm excited for especially with the prospect of that flip which I'm realizing I should probably take before I open any more pedestals because I could uh maybe flip something right oink stupid secret room has anything no okay we only have 100 deal chance on this floor we cleared it out really well in my opinion uh it looks like we might have Gideon which sucks we're gonna go to the angels from now on just in my experience Andrew rooms have more chance for there to be items it's not even English what am I saying anymore there's a higher chance for there to actually be items in the deal for the angel uh then in my experience the devil rooms I tend to get a lot of red chests in my devil rooms I don't know maybe me skill issue there goes tough to win there we go glowing hourglass well I'd love to use that but I feel like I gotta commit to the flip flip and dip matchbook treasure room there's an arcade I can't play you never mind I was having a conversation with a stream chat for a bit and they were talking about what the gehenna song talks about they I mean like it's obviously in Latin and you're not supposed to know what it says but you know how like the the song goes like [Music] right here so so like I always thought that I I forgot I don't know what what was I thinking I used to think it said something and then for like the longest time and then lynnae told me that it sounds like crawl space wanna say okay that's fair is fair and then stream chat one dude dropped an absolute Banger on me and it's my new headcan ever since I'm pretty sure the dudes just says dog spins okay here listen listen dog spins that's what I'm saying I'm telling you they're saying dog spins okay mom's bottle of pills oh my God there's actually a curved tour never mind I was sick uh we obviously I'm not taking the left pedestal Bobby bomb flip it anti-grab I don't even know how this works I kind of do yeah there's like little cool thingies plus it's a fire rate up which I needed mystery sack an hour of glass uh I'll just take mystery side we don't need hourglass wait hold on I have an idea I'm chaos right I think I might have just big brained it oh well that that's kind of disappointing I thought they would reroll okay well I will however be taking this pointy rib with me thank you I can't believe that doesn't work I swear I used to flip a dip hello that's what I'm talking about more ways to spend my money because like God knows I need it malatar hey slow shot's cool uh charge baby sure and then we gotta go because I might be able to hit hush as well okay nice no items in those chests whatever come in here uh sure whatever flip it I need to fire it up there you go now I can shoot gigafest one last thing is there a restock machine I hope not pentagram cool flip it sucks I got magic skin that's not what was in there okay I think we're good enough to beat mom pretty fast for damage is okay there you go Angels coming here I don't even know that's guppy I can't even take it I'm sad by the way let's go hurry up soul of Isaac oh my God 20 seconds I'm spamming my keys so fast come on nice deal I got a deal oh no hurry up hurry up yes please I don't know okay bye okay okay we're good oh barely that's a mega there's an Angelic prism hello I will absolutely gladly take both of these because that's conjoined and that's angelic and here we have really good items as well let me see if I need to flip anything else first and I'm a there's a mystery gift Barbie wants to do that but it feels useless oh I can't afford it can I wait yes I can isn't it free if you buy it and give you flip it's free right oh my I guess I'll take that apple and then flip that and then take the r key with me Apple flip multi-dimensional sure keep the soul of Isaac take the r key I can't believe it wow what a day it was starting to look like it was uh not too good to have chaos I mean I think in terms of scaling chaos definitely took a lot longer than something like glitch crown or sacred orb to get me so you know where I want to go uh but this one literally gave me an R key in the shop so that's hilarious I'm I'm happy with this oh my God don't stop me please RNG attack I know it's not really RNG you can technically see the Shadows I call an RNG Tech I'm gonna be real I'm gonna I'm gonna say it as it is that is an RNG attack I hate daddy long legs okay we'll beat Isaac and then I guess a good use for my soul of Isaac would be the chest itself songs I don't get hit by this laser beam all right nice all right yeah I'll press Q on the chest no thank you delirium you scared the crap out of me uh these are all okay actually these are pretty good I'll even take you and I'll take you these two I'll roll though oh I have so much range in his rainbow too it looks really pretty um uh excuse me I found a crawl space no okay all the luck was at the very end of the run for some reason I don't know how or why but it happened nice two three Guppies I mean dice bag's so broke oh my God never mind hold on there's a filigree feather okay I have to take filigree because I just picked up stairway and it won't be Angel room items I know but it's even with chaos I mean the amount of items I will be getting for free it's just far more worth it balls well it looks to me that blue baby is done for nice don't get hit by that homing shot that's slowed forever we got book room which is great we'll take this range up because why not and then we'll press spacebar and do it again hello thinking shears not what I was expecting but in the Box okay this guy will give me a key piece no he's actually gonna give me items because I don't have a single key piece yet which is perfect hermit I'm blind on this floor so I don't know but I have so much money than probably oh my God I'm just gonna take whatever bone spur is cool we're also getting balls damage which is cool for all these maybe one blind oh my God this is a parasite that's the item that crashes me okay I got the one item in the game that would guarantee crash me and it's already starting to lag too okay goodbye little that kid I'm gonna be real sad if one of the other ones is like a Sacred Heart these days but uh hopefully I'll be okay don't get me blind again man that was annoying okay cool stairway locked in holy card I get to live thank God oh my god oh if those tears landed and shot technology I think I would have crashed just right then and there it's a literal Disco get me out of this disco EDM I ain't Vivan that's cute roll I literally all of them delete okay uh I think we'll take the shot speed up and then probably go Angels because we have filigree feather just more value this way make my way on becoming Bob Mr Isaac's two okay cool another stairway I'm actually broke this time the one time I broke oh the one time I'm broke oh that's I don't think there's anything I could do what is this Perfection okay yeah I mean damn it there's wait hold on I have a plan there is something I can do there is something I can do I know I sound crazy and I'm coping but I'm gonna blow you guys mind I have the exact game plan in mind we go here and here it actually mirrors so you could just buy it whoa biggest brain player right now actually I feel pretty proud of that one wormwood you don't want to be in this room oh I see that ah I mean I'll probably take Eucharist let's be I mean knife is cool but also I got two Perfections I forgot I even had a treasure room you know what a good old damage up never hurt anyone Leviathan and then uh did I even go in my interview I didn't oh cool I'm not even gonna do anything you're just gonna die I'll take a my shadow okay now we will go with our luck up to the caves because I like the caves more less chance of me dying this is cool uh it looks like I shot a spirit sword somehow oh my God I got Spirit sword oh boy uh I forgot that I had car battery so I used the megathon twice there but the spirit store is actually really good for this we also get I mean if anything it's a lightsaber look it's the biggest lightsaber on Earth look at it go oh my God it's so pretty I got the biggest lightsaber ever give me polyphemus please don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash oh my god when it does those four lasers coming down from like the heavens that's the coolest thing we're gonna go in here we're gonna get the D6 we're gonna scream we're gonna have a great time we're gonna take the holy water and then we're gonna go straight to the boss okay there stop crashing don't crash don't crash don't crash don't crash goodbye monstro nice perfect spun and Dead Eye if I get a rock bottom this is GG I don't even know what to do I think I have to use like AOE I've uh I don't know if you guys have seen this or not probably not but I have crashed about oh my God uh six times now six like I can't I will I count shoot it at all not gonna shoot at all maybe on the mom fight I don't know we'll see just once don't crash oh okay this is damage thank you okay I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna go hurry up I don't care go start Bethlehem sure [Music] I don't even know anymore I I've gotten everything in the game but I can't even beat the game it's the biggest tragedy I've ever seen in my life let me add it here wait hold on this could be My Savior okay this might be where I'm able to uh start playing the game again is that golden soy milk flopia sure okay oh my God Diplo this Diplo that one for real give me that Something's Cooking Something's Cooking Mega Blast I don't even use this item that much so I think it'll be cool to show it off more oh oh my God never mind bye bye Mega Blast bye [Music] I can't believe it I think I'm on ironically going to take Rock Bottom over the death certificate because I want to keep spend on time I could do it again that's 20 20. thanks Mark oh and now I have an actual playable run I'm not taking him electric because I will cross the pixie section instead that's a magic mushroom oh I don't even know what I'm shooting anymore like I mean that's just sacred orb actually just there which I can't even get I'm just gonna go I don't I don't know I don't know anymore I what is that what did I just shoot I didn't beat the room that's what you're telling me Daddy Long Legs somehow uh Universal Power scaling let's arrived that at least this is way better on my FPS look I can move thank God I could play the game more or less [Music] by the way my bad guys I actually died somewhere in gehenna I think or something and I just cut it out but I wanted to be honest with you guys from now on uh I skill issued and I bozoed and I'll be better from now on my bed YouTuber actually admits when he's wrong oh my God all right bye see you tomorrow
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 180,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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