Luann Becomes Her Dad's Cooking Apprentice?! | "Feast or Family" 5 Minute Episode | The Loud House

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[Music] Lanna banana it's you oh hey Dad is that a Mony Cristo sandwich on Brios I messed it up it's supposed to be on bread no no Brios is bread it's French hey what's the occasion wait this isn't a trick sandwich is it no we picked electives in school and I got locked out of my top two choices Advanced punning and to he he or not to he he the philosophical joke in you and now I'm stuck taking intro to cooking and I can't imagine a more boring class mhm mhm and I can't imagine a more delicious sandwich Lan you have some real talent really I don't know much about food comedy is more my bread and butter get it good one honey actually cooking is a lot like comedy a balance of creativity and performance just give me a chance to show you how much fun cooking can be it's always been my dream to share my passion with one one of you kids I'm in woohoo the best part of being a chef is bringing others Joy with your food and I've got the perfect dish getting hry quiet down in there you got this kiddo okay what you have in front of you is Dad's famous Linguini and clams it's prepared all dente in a bur Blanc sauce and finished with just a hint of parsley bone [Music] Appetit you were right Dad seeing those empty plates and happy faces is making me feel so warm oh honey that oh that might be because the oven's still on no no I mean it that felt almost as good as getting a big laugh on stage I'm kind of bummed my elective is over I've had so much fun cooking with you you Dad oh well I'm glad to hear that cuz the fun doesn't have to end Lynn and luan's table yeah that's right honey I want you to carry on the loud Legacy and take over the restaurant someday what me well I have been having a lot of fun and there's so much more to be had H let's do it it's happening this might be the happiest moment of my life fluffier [Music] roier I've really been getting into hey honey dad what are you doing here I brought lunch but I already have lunch oh you can't be eating basic PB and JS if you're going to take over the restaurant you need to work on refining your pallet okay I got Limburger cheese a main course of beef foron and don't worry I brought dessert it's oldie but a goodie it's SP Alaska well almost oh Mr coconuts keep this between us but I don't want to cook anymore dad's kind of taken all the fun out of it and I don't know how to tell him that he's just so happy you know Mr coconuts lock down the house call the cops file a missing person's report Mr coconuts is officially Mia oh honey relax Mr coconuts is fine yeah I put him into storage huh wait why would you do that Lan when I decided to dedicate my life to food I didn't touch a cowbell for months comedy can wait you need to focus on cooking if you're going to take over the restaurant dad of course first you're going to have to attend The Culinary Institute of Michigan but someone with your talent should Breeze right through Dad after that it's on to an apprenticeship maybe you can go somewhere fun like Paris oh or Kansas City but after that you can take over I'm not taking over the [Music] restaurant come in I guess I made apology apple turnovers H they're underbaked ouch I deserve that but I had a long talk with my new Sue chef and realized something I kind of took the fun out of cooking by laying on the pressure a little too thick you think it wasn't fair of me to force my dreams on to you sweetie it's just none of you guys have ever taken an interest in my passion I got carried away let's just forget about the restaurant for now you were excited dad I get it apology apple turnovers accepted meet the newest member of the loud cooking family oh he came highly recommended and I can really Dice and slice shall we get back to having fun I think we make a great pear you better believe it
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 188,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, nickelodeon loud house, casagrandes podcast, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, Feast or Family, Feast or Family loud house, Feast or Family episode, the loud house full episodes, thanksgiving, ytao_lh
Id: _Olw2tFqLzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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