Loud Family Tries Being Homeschooled?! | "No Place Like Homeschool" | The Loud House

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She shoots, she scores! Is that necessary? What? It's a waste of a shower if you haven't worked up a sweat. Or gotten dirty. Ah. Excuse me, can you keep it down, please? You know I require at least eight hours of beauty sleep. - Um... What's up with Lola? - AH! Why isn't she getting ready for school? It's pageant season, so she's homeschooling to have more time for rehearsal. [scoffs] Homeschool. AKA sleep in, do a little bit of schoolwork, then goof off for the rest of the day. Yeah, lucky. She gets to live it up on easy street for a whole week. Uh, actually, this year it's six weeks. Six weeks?! Lola needs time during the day to prepare for her pageants. I have basketball practice, football practice, lacrosse tryouts, and a hockey game, all before Thursday. And I have two graveside services back to back tomorrow, at cemeteries on opposite sides of town. I'm dumpster diving with Flip, every day after school this week. And I'm speaking about sodium sulfate at the science club after school tomorrow. All, while Lola gets to sleep in as late as she wants. And not have to wait in line for the bathroom. And she can eat whatever she wants out of the fridge. Hey! We should get to be home-schooled too. Guys, Mom and Dad would never let us actually do it. But what if they did? ...and Lynn has her lacrosse, Lori has her golf, Luna has her band, Luan has her clowning business... We know. We drive you kids to all those things. So what do you say? Can we be home-schooled, too? Well, Lola has done well with homeschooling the last few years. Maybe that's just what this family needs. [cheering] There's just one thing. I will be home, but I'll be busy working on my book. So you kids will have to be responsible, for getting all your work done or it's back to regular school. - Totally. - Of course. Guess who has 18 thumbs and is also doing homeschool? Us guys. What?! Why do you guys need homeschool? You're not the only one who deserves a flexible schedule. We happen to lead very busy lives. Yup, and now we get to goof off all day with you. It's not goofing off. You know we still have schoolwork, right? You mean our workbooks? We have all week to get them done. A walk in the cemetery. Yeah, if you can manage it, I'm sure we can. Okay, but be careful. The work sneaks up on you. This is the life. Right, dudes? I'll say. Just think, on a normal day, I'd be reading kindergarten math books, and now I get to read this college math book. I think you're missing the point, Lisa. You goof off your way, I'll goof off mine. Ace Savvy, deep in the Amazon jungle, searches for the hidden lair of the evil villain, Blackjack. - Will he find the- - Look out! It's the Mantis Queen! [growling] Whoa, aaaaaah! Oh no. [giggling] 1006. Hey guys, it's two o'clock. Shouldn't you hit the books? It's two already? I guess we should do some work. Thanks for reminding us, Lola. Okay, here we go. Workbook page one: Please read all contents carefully. Boom, one page down. [phone chiming] I don't want to interrupt our flow, but Chaz just sent me a totes amazing cat video. - Want to see? - Yeah. - Me too! Me too! - Is it a black cat? [meowing] Now, where were we? Oh, right! [clearing throat] Workbook page one: Please read all contents carefully. [chiming] Ooh, ice cream truck! [cheering] [chiming] Hey, Louds! I see you're enjoying my new CD of classic ice cream truck jingles. Ooh, this one really swings. Man, now I really want ice cream. Let's go! We've earned it. We already read the first page twice. Hey Lola, ice cream break? I can't. I have ribbon dancing rehearsal. [screeching] She really needs to work on her work-life balance. How fun has this week been? Homeschool! Homeschool! Homeschool! [laughing] It has been great, but we should probably do those workbook thingies tomorrow. True. We did promise Mom we'd get all of our work done. Hmm, then again, tomorrow is Friday. So it's practically the weekend already. Might as well wait til Monday to get a fresh start. Good call, brah! Why are you guys still yammering? Go to bed already. We have a test at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. Test? What test? That's how home school works. You take a test every Friday to make sure you've been learning instead of SLACKING OFF all week! [grunting] What? Why didn't anyone tell us that? Hello? It's on page two of your workbooks. [gasping] All the way on page two? Well, of course we didn't see it. But if we don't pass, that means... Yup, back to.. [in slow motion] regular school. [gasping]
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 1,248,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, casagrandes Spanish, nickelodeon loud house, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, homeschool, back to school, home school, pageant, beauty pageant, lincoln loud, loud house school, school, lola loud, ytao_lh
Id: 59Agb7e2gLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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