LPS: Murder Among Us (Short Film)

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hello everyone and welcome to wet works laboratories you've all received tasks in the mail for you to complete now that we're at the laboratories so before we get started are there any questions because i know you're all new here so i'm expecting a few raised paws yeah i have a quick question i'm not really sure how to do my tasks oh i wouldn't worry too much about that this is definitely a learning experience so off you all go have a great time and be careful for imposters that may kill you alrighty first task wait imposters what what hey i don't know about you but this red guy is acting a bit suss i'd keep my eye on him if i were you oh my dog i was thinking the same thing totally sus he read i'd watch my back if i were you you're on my radar i don't even know what's going on how did i get here huh oh i guess this cable needs fixing sweet astro blasting video game oh one task down geez the tale are you doing oh nothing just checking if you're doing your tasks purple of course i'm doing my tasks i just finished throwing through some paper and i was going to move on to the next one which is more than you can say sneaking up on me like that a very imposter like thing to do yellow oh i can guarantee i'm not the imposter one of my tasks is to get a scan in the med bay meaning it'll prove my innocence yeah well good for you okay now get out of my way so i can do my tasks fine i have tasks to do as well gotcha and fixed hey i'm pretty good at these tasks i guess this is going to be easier than i thought oh that's uh not good i can't believe this so tell me again red what un-dog's name were you doing while this murder was taking place oh uh i was fixing this wire behind me yeah it was one of my tasks and then i turned around and saw the instructor's body there and how are you standing literally five feet away from a brutal murder and you don't even realize it well i um oh i'm uh i'm starting to think it's ready you guys he's given me uh bad vibes you know i kind of have to agree on that one by the way where did this lizard come from oh that's just my pet don't worry about him he just follows me around sometimes pets please focus our instructor has been brutally murdered and there's an impostor among us we have to get to the bottom of this well if we're going to talk about who is in the room blue was also in here with me oh is that so blue wow red you're really going to throw me under the bus like that all right i was in here and i didn't see anything i was in the corner over there putting the ropes in the bucket which is my task you can even tell they're all neatly put in there i did my tasks okay i didn't murder her i swear you're getting pretty defensive there blue possibly an admission of guilt yeah because it wasn't me i'm too dumb to murder people i don't even know how i got here you have to be kidding me i didn't do it i swear i don't know blue things aren't exactly looking in your favor so how about we put it to a vote all those in favor of voting blew out raise your paw heck yeah better you than me yeah i'm not buying it blue sorry i don't want my pet to die so you gotta go you're all going to regret this it's not me yeah okay blue i'm voting for you as well so get out absolute idiots all of you i don't know how we got to blaming red to now kicking me out but whatever okay now that that's taken care of we can get back to our tasks unfortunately the instructor is dead but what are you gonna do i'm gonna go scan myself on the medical bay to prove that i'm innocent so red would you care to join me to witness it oh yeah sure why do you still want to prove your innocence if we just voted the imposter out huh just to be safe can't be too careful on this kind of job come on red oh see ya so green what tasks do you have to do oh i have to go repair the car in the corner and then go scan some cards in the laboratory okay i need to do some stacking in the corner so i guess we can watch each other's backs tell me if you see anything suspicious that other short hair is giving me bad vibes oh okay come on little guy okay i'm watching how do i tell you if you're scanning i'm doing it now it should be turning green to say that i'm innocent which i 100 am thank you very much oh cool anyway i'm gonna do my other tasks in here so um yeah i'll uh talk to you later i guess good at least he knows i'm innocent now can't say the same for him though done come on little guy we're going to the laboratory now okay oh hey red gotta get this card scanned huh oh hey green oh my diggity darn it this darn card won't scan please just scared already this is the worst task okay hey you you don't have to do this okay i'm just trying to scan this card it's taking me so long please please just let me scan the card huh what the tail was that oh my dog all right red purple you're both in this room so clearly one of you is the imposter what whoa wha what happened oh don't act surprised red you've been next to the dead body twice now very very suspicious i heard a gunshot and was wondering what that was oh really and you didn't think to investigate did you purple sounds like something an imposter would do hey i just got in here okay i didn't have the time to kill someone and like you said rhett's been next to the body twice now which puts him in prime position for being the killer so what's your excuse read huh listen this is gonna sound bad and you probably won't believe me and i don't blame you but at least let me say what i gotta say i'm dumb so dumb i bought a scuba diving mask that i can't even see out of properly so dumb i don't even know how to start this task so i was staring at it for a good five minutes so dumb that the body's been found next to me twice and i really don't have an excuse except i'm dumb and that's all i have and i'm pretty sure it was purple what you can't be serious you've done this twice now act all innocent and then pass the blame off to someone else first she did it to blue and now you're doing it to me it's obvious that it's him just vote him off already and then we can finish our tasks and get out of here i don't know he does genuinely seem new at this it could be you trying to manipulate me you can believe what you want but i'm telling you right now it's all an act as soon as you vote me out he's going to kill you and win but hey this decision is not up to me i know who i'm voting for so it's up to you are you gonna let me complete my tasks like i'm meant to do are you gonna let some dumb criminal win who tricked us all well oh hello welcome to the abyss i guess well now that that's taken care of i guess we can go about our tasks like we had planned so stressful stressful huh you have no idea what figures but how'd you get that first kill oh i used some secret doors hidden passages that only us imposters know about now any last words honestly just make it quick with pleasure [Music] you
Channel: Lps Honey
Views: 395,669
Rating: 4.8384423 out of 5
Keywords: lps, littlest pet shop, lps video, new lps video, lps honey, lps skit, lps film, lps short film, Among Us
Id: LSZEwy6zbE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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