LPS: Detention || Film

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[Music] all righty good afternoon class welcome to after-school detention clearly none of you wanted to be here and neither do I so we're going to go around the classroom and introduce ourselves and mention why we are in detention and then we'll get on to today's lesson okay I'll start my name is Wendy I'm here with my BFF Irene because we talked too much during class and it's actually pretty funny the story about how we got caught so we were texting each other cuz she was at the front of the class and I was at the back of the class okay Wendy we don't need the full story so you and Irina here for talking clearly and what about you in the second row my name is Stacy and I'm in detention because I like I got into a fight so yeah don't try me losers haha yes she's not threatening at all don't listen to her by the way my name's Morgan I got in trouble for texting in class okay Morgan and Stacey noted and right at the back there you two excuse me Dalmatian in the back no sleeping in my class oh yeah miss but like this isn't a class it's detention so maybe he's just really tired Morgan you will refer to me as mr. ace now could somebody please wake up that student in the back Bob wake up you're going to get us in even more trouble Oh what where am I mom oh my dog mommy's boy mommy's boy me down I have such a funny story about a mommy's boy in the football team so you know ROG he's like a total mommy's boy I saw him the other day and it was like so crazy quiet in the front please now you're at the back please introduce yourself and hop off the table we don't want paw prints on school property and please also tell us why you're here in detention I'm going to assume sleeping right right uh my name is Bob and I'm in detention because I cheated off someone's test in English and my name is an ally I let somebody copy off my test and I'm really regretting it now mm-hmm okay now that we have that out of the way you're clearly a rowdy bunch so I've brought in some help to try and control the classroom because I have some work to get done as well so if you could all give a warm welcome to Samuel all right listen up you little freaks I run a tight ship and I don't have any patience for hoopty hollering or googly goop in my classroom so have you ever so much as sneeze and the teacher doesn't approve your legs are gonna end up broken is that clear um not to be like a chatty charlie but that's totally child abuse and we could take you to light court for that and my dad's actually a lawyer and it's pretty funny I know a good story about this like whole child abuse thing Wendy please stop we don't want to hear any more stories and Samuel I I think we can tone it down a little it's not that big of a deal fine I'll tone it down your legs are no longer going to be broken they're gonna be dislocated okay so just pay attention to the teacher and we'll be fine yeah he's kind of like freaking me out I ain't gonna lie right well for your own safety students I would recommend putting your heads down pencils up we're going to be doing some maths today I have some simple equations written on the board behind me but you're also going to be filling out multiple questions that I have assigned to you so please just answer them at your own pace of course the quicker you write them down the quicker you can leave so get started if you need help just ask I'll be here at my laptop um excuse me miss we only have one piece of paper each back here and everyone else has to what's that about when off a five-star school sweetheart we had cutbacks you'll just be working on one piece paper don't worry just flip it over and continue now they excuse me I have some emails through you yeah so that means get to work okay samurai Samuel geez who spat in your cereal today huh yeah you're totally freaking everyone out just chill I hate detention hmm yeah well you know what I hate even more the fact that you have my phone maybe you know you could give it back oh my dog you get lost Morgan just let me enjoy one thing okay geez do you want to get in another fight she can go cry like a little baby or what the tale you said you wouldn't mention that Stacey shut up do my large ears deceive me did I just hear that you lost a fight to Stacey and it's so lame oh yeah whatever just go back to gossiping about girly stuff um excuse me Hugh what we talked about a lot more than it quote-unquote girly stuff what the tail are you like dumb or something it's detention just an excuse for the rowdy kids to insult each other night yeah pretty much that's why I stick at the back of the classroom it avoids the confrontation and the teacher can't really see me back here they usually get tired about half an hour in and let us off early so if you don't finish your work no one will care that's kind of sad actually well I kind of want to get it done so I'm just gonna start working yeah yeah and um hey listen Ally I'm sorry for um cheating off your chest I shouldn't have asked and it was done with me to do now I've dragged you into this so yeah I'm sorry you were you were way too nice to me yeah well we're kind of both at fault you're always super nice to me so I thought I'd return the favor and kind of got us both in trouble so let's just forget about it yeah yeah um you're super smart anyway so you'll be out of here in no time I better get started so yeah Morgan I reconsider criticizing what we talked about while you're over here fighting over our mobile phone with a polar bear yo is that some kind of dig at polar bears do you want to go as well sparkles um they're not sparkles at their birthmarks how insensitive can you be hey that reminds me I have a really interesting story about being insensitive so a few years ago my dad was telling me that all my dogs shut up nobody wants to hear about your stories um I wasn't even talking to you Oh miss ace things are getting a bit rowdy do you want me to go over there and break it up Samuel I work with the attention a lot and there's one thing I've learned it's you can't stop them so just leave them me unless it gets physical we can't do much no excuse me I am doing some important emails oh right okay um I'll keep a close eye on it then yes yes you do that boom high heels half-price off this weekend only don't mind if I do you two have no a class you're so filthy yeah well at least we have personalities you two are just carbon copies of every high school girl cliche um excuse you big feet oh my dog oh my dog was that your phone it must be Bradley he finally texts you back oh my god okay let me look oh my dog my dog oh my god it is Bradley he asked me to the prom oh my god no way you two are going to be the cutest couple there ah what did I tell you one big cliche yeah thank dog we're not like that yeah you and me you're actually pretty cool though yeah we're like super sick let's show these pampered little princesses who's really smart let's finish our work before they do in like walk out of here or bus like you oh that's such a good idea I'm gonna get started straightaway yeah yeah yeah me too me too the look on their faces it's going to be so worth it did I just witness like three arguments resolve themselves Samuel that's high school petty arguments over nothing that get resolved in 20 minutes they'll be arguing again in a few but for now we have some peace and quiet and thankfully most of them are actually doing their work so as you can see patience is the key with students like these yeah weird oh yes please deliver ASAP my guy Tom what are you doing I thought we were going to be the first ones to finish here oh nothing just sending a text really quickly to my mom to tell her to pick me up after detention yeah she didn't know I got it so popular no you do realize you're acting super sketchy right yeah well no offense it's just not really any of your business to snoop on my private conversations I mean I could ask you what are you listening to on your headphones um I'm listening to Daft pop the electronic duo it's not that big of a secret sorry I didn't realize your text messages to your mom were so confidential oh I I didn't but sorry I just fine I told you okay I don't know what you're so worried about I'm not gonna tell anyone else here I don't even know half of these kids okay so you know how you can get like food delivered to your house and stuff um yeah well I may have ordered some delivery food and they're gonna deliver it to the classroom when I'm finished oh my dog Tom that is ridiculous what if he arrives early you're gonna get in so much trouble yeah I'll be fine even if I do get in trouble it'll only be me this time so you don't need to worry I'm fine anyway I really need to get back to work I I have a gymnastic practice after this so whoa I didn't know you did gymnastics are you any good um I'm decent yeah I guess I thought he might have told you but I guess not yeah that's super sick I'd love to see you perform you know if you don't mind while lovest I was pretty forward um maybe just forget I said that no it's fine that it actually be pretty cool I mean if you can make it this afternoon you can come watch just no more getting me in trouble okay cross my heart and hope to die I'm not gonna get you in any more trouble all right everyone how's the work going I want things wrapped up quickly tonight oh my god we totally have to wear like matching dresses to the prom that would be unbelievably adorable yes and we could post them I'm like pasta gram and go viral oh my goodness girls how is the work coming along oh it's getting great miss Ayse we're totally I'm acing it ha ha yeah we're gonna totally be the first ones to leave so watch this space ha ha I don't buy that for a second girls but carry on how about you Morgan Stacey you know you know I don't know about her miss but I am totally acing this thing oh that's good to hear Morgan what about you Stacey ma'am he is totally lying I'm the one who's doing the best on this table don't listen to him Here I am thinking we're on a team and then you start this do you really want to go at it again maybe I do dog what about you two at the back we're doing really well together mr. ace oh my dog I ship it let me got me to like mask the sails or whatever starboard and port side and all that girl what are you talking about those are like parts and places on a ship right oh yeah you're like super smart wow thanks this is are you sure I can't intervene here no one is doing what they should be doing honestly Simon at this point I'm starting to lose hope so do what you need to do but don't make it too violent I'm going to be ending the class sue and I can't put up with this anymore there's no hope of okay then you two in the middle fighting over the damn phone this is the last time I'm telling you to give it back I said listen um sir he's like totally assaulting me can we get him arrested I am NOT such a liar Stacy Here I am thinking we're a team and then we're fighting and then we're a team again and now we're fighting again can you just make up your mind me make up my mind you're the one who's trying to get the phone back um yeah cuz it's my phone remember listen if you two little maggots don't get this sorted out you're both gonna be kicked out of detention and it's not going to be pretty um no offense sir but like bite me I'm not scared of you oh okay you want to play rough I can play rough hey actually I'm kind of taking a back path this is like a little too close for me not gonna lie hey yo and my man turned into the Terminator what the tail young man can you help I'm sorry I gave Samuel - go ahead you'll be leaving now I guess cuz this so not fair I can't let you do that to her we the two of them just like totally laugh does that mean we can go as well uh yeah as long as you attended that's enough for me matching dresses also on 50% sale oh my dog is too good to be true yeah yeah I'm gonna leave I don't want to be dragged down by samurai Samuel come on let's go well I at least hope they're like three questions I answer if I got right is that everyone oh you two out the back there you can just leave there's no point sticking around anymore the whole detention to turn into a shambles huh oh well all right I didn't end up finishing my detention work though so you can grade it if you like if that's what you do in detention I don't really know hey I got a oboe each delivery for Barbie launch double cheeseburger and fries oh heck yeah perfect timing let's go oh okay um so so I'm allowed to leave yes yes I'll just go thanks for being one of the more well-behaved students this time around it was a nice change you're welcome I'll see you when I see you miss ace a good night or afternoon or yeah bye hold on was she allowed to leave yes Samuel that's enough for tonight this detention session was chaos from the beginning I watched multiple pets fight and what did you drag a student out and I also watched two pets of the back seemed like they started a relationship I would say that I have witnessed a lot today and I just wanted to go home at this point nobody really cares about after-school detention it doesn't matter that much oh right oh well I don't guess that's it have a good night yes yes you do Samuel oh right ah screw it I'm buying those shoes and dresses I've had enough stress I deserve it this is the last time I teach detention you
Channel: Lps Honey
Views: 255,115
Rating: 4.8718634 out of 5
Keywords: ะปะฟั, littlest pet shop, lps, lpstube, new lps video, lps video, lps short film, lps film, lps school, lps honey
Id: LfkCNYVvsyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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