LPS: Being an Only Child Like... πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§ (ft. My cousin!)

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[Music] hey there cupcakes how you doing it's monica here you may recognize me from a little video called high school versus college but i'm not here to talk about school today instead i'm going to be telling you about some of the common experiences that only children like me experience oh side note puppy liver863 is also an only child herself we actually ran a poll on our youtube community page and we were surprised to find that more than 85 percent of you have at least one sibling whereas the remaining 15 of you are only children like me if you're an only child you're probably gonna relate to this video hardcore but if you're not and have at least one sibling well you'll get to learn a little bit more about what it's actually like being an only child and disclaimer a lot of the experiences will be exaggerated for comedic purposes yes there are a lot of pros to being an only child but pros wouldn't come without drawbacks as well anyways i've been rambling on for long enough let's just jump right into this so first things first obviously when you're an only child you don't have to share anything because you don't have siblings but because you don't have siblings you also can't share anything so you don't have any siblings nope wait for real like you don't have to share the latest video games and tech devices with four annoying siblings plus you get one full bathroom and bedroom all to yourself uh i guess oh gosh you're so lucky i would give anything to trade places with you yep that's the lone child's life lots of things and no one to share them with dad want to play mario kart with me your dad's at work and i'm doing the bills ask your friends friends [Music] can't babysitting little siblings all night working the night shift at starducks new phone who this really phoebe oh man that was my entire friend list well player one it is i guess for the 600th time in a row now if you're an only child you probably grew up around a lot of adults and especially in my case you may end up turning into an adult yourself hey roxy hey monica ready to go to the drive-in showing of wreck-it ralph sure am oh on the way back i promised my mom to pick up some groceries and fill up the gas tank in her car uh okay oh wait what did you bring your wallet uh yeah it's in my purse okay what about hand sanitizer yep emergency money uh phone is that even a question what about your keys what what if you get locked out i'll just call my mom or dad or sister to open the door for me well what if your phone battery dies then i can use my portable charger or your phone if all else fails what if they're not home for all you know they could be out shopping they're all dining inside watching the last airbender live action why do you think i agreed to come to the drive-in just get your keys okay okay fine monica and while you're in there don't forget to grab a jacket it's the middle of summer kids these days when did i turn into my mom now people often assume that because we don't have siblings we don't have fights right well think again because when you're an only child your parents become your siblings exhibit a where's my chips i just left them right here dad have you seen my oh hi honey chips oh sorry did you want some what uh honey where did you put my hmm yogurt cup that i saved for myself huh not so nice when it happens to you does it oh come on are you really still mad about the chips i was saving them for a special occasion it's a free kitchen and you know i get snacky you said you were working towards a healthier lifestyle healthy lifestyles can have cheat days too hey hey hey what is going on here i can hear you two shouting all the way upstairs mom dad ate all the chips i saved without asking me well okay jason well she took the yogurt cup you bought for me all right isabel i was trying to make a point about you stealing my food so you can steal my food but i'm suddenly not allowed to watch my shows on pet flicks you always hog the tv use your ipad i have poor eyesight if anything you need to start adding physical activity to your lifestyle instead of watching youtube all day why because you can oh no don't even try to use that i ordered pizza what pizza yes thanks mom you're the best darling yep no one loves mom more than when she orders pizza and yes this is a real life scenario that actually happened between me and my dad i can't ever leave a single bag of chips alone in this house without him devouring it and okay we're just gonna move on to the next point now at least once in conversations with friends they will often talk about you know what's going on with their siblings and complain about them but that's hard for only children because we can't relate to those experiences oh my dog i know right like my little sister was practically hogging the family ipad all day but she started throwing a tantrum when i tried to switch from peppa picked mr beast on youtube and of course my mom called me to do the dishes and just be nice come on if my little sister is supposed to be so innocent then where did my bruises scratches and bite marks come from what bite marks yep with baby teeth that can almost break my skin i could have sworn she was part raised by alligators ugh that sucks well i can say first hand that being the youngest isn't all fun and games either all my older siblings already moved out and are having the time of their lives while the only older brother still living with me won't even offer a ride to school and just because he thinks i'll make a mess in his fancy car yeah right dude i can smell the stench of mcdonald's french fries on the seats from a mile away oh yikes yeah i can totally relate oh you've got an annoying brother or sister too did they also clot your skin uh not exactly i actually started this war on food with my dad since he stole my bag of potato chips so i ate his whole cup of yogurt to get back at him that's it oh that's um pretty annoying i guess no just forget it it's never gonna work fights with parents aren't as cool as fights with siblings and my life is absolutely boring and drama free without siblings well actually there was this one cousin who hid my jolly ranchers and would always steal the blue ones but she's on the other side of the country and we don't live together so that doesn't count [Music] so how about that psychology test last week huh and with the interactions our friends have with only children like me stereotypes like these can occur wait so you're an only child uh yep pretty much you're probably spoiled with loads of nice things then right what who told you that it's common knowledge parents always spoil their only children with brand new expensive things you know that's just a stereotype right whatever so did you get the link i sent you oh yep is that the new iphone 11 pro wait don't tell me your parents just gave this to you on a random day because you're their special princess merry christmas sweetheart oh thanks mom no way oh you should have really oh it was no trouble honey we're just so proud of you in everything you've been doing in your life i make youtube videos of plastic toys for a living [Music] anything for daddy's special princess it was 50 off black friday oh sure whatever you say princess monica what you're so rude well you're a meanie you're such a twerp you get whatever you want and just make a mess of things everywhere i go well you're so bossy you're always telling me what to do like everything revolves around you should i stop them you don't have any siblings fighting is all part of the healing process what ah i love that bit of dialogue from legend of korra so well written also you're an only child you better leave this fight to the experienced professionals man so much trouble i hate you you're so dead uh are you sure should i call an ambulance yeah this is awkward i've actually been in the middle of a couple of sibling arguments myself then again one of the upsides of being an only child is that you get to have the back seat all to yourself during road trips with family which can also be a downside if you think about it all right according to my trusty gps we'll be there in eight hours if we don't make any pit stops speaking of which uh monica honey could you grab the fruit from the cooler in the trunk oh fine okay cooler cooler oh why does that have to be so tight everything okay back there oh yeah don't mind me just getting my head stuck between the backseat and the hard place see i told you should be fine well i sacrificed my flour in the process but i've got the apples thank you sweetie oh and while you're back there could you take my jacket back sure thing your majesty now where's my flower hey monica it's a little chilly now could you bring my jacket again monica monica sweetie monica are you even listening right now huh sorry what where did all this come from uh the trunk duh just a few essentials to make the eight hour ride more bearable uh am i in trouble oh that's fine sweetie but i'm still waiting on that jacket oh you got doritos could you pass me some don't touch my chips dad never mind then okay i guess from that clip we can confirm that i have a strange addiction with chips no regrets though dad knows no boundaries a personal space okay okay okay sorry gotta been the moment another struggle that us only children have to deal with is keeping ourselves busy when we're home alone okay so it's saturday i finished all my homework and i completed my weekly to-do list now what [Music] ooh avatar the last airbender's on petflicks i can't wait to relieve all this team avatar's adventures for a fifth time uh the agony kai was more exciting the first time there huh what do you think too abstract oh yeah i thought so too what a waste of energy oh my gosh i'm so bored let's try disney plus they have it oh cinderella 2 is my childhood now i know why all those direct to disney sequels were locked away in the vault this is a complete disgrace to the original movie oh i'm so bored good then you'll have plenty of time to help me unload the laundry oh and you can also scrub the dishes take out the trash and pick up the groceries no no no no no that's not what i uh fine at least i won't be bored out of my mind oh before you grab the laundry would you go to the backyard and clean up after rex oh man yeah rookie mistake never say out loud in front of your parents that you're bored as you saw in the previous clip one of the ways we keep ourselves busy is by spending time on the internet which can make us more resourceful in many different areas maybe a little too resourceful now this can apply to topics like random fun facts and then josh walked straight up to trent and was like what the power is out ah the wi-fi is busted now i can't look up a cause of this oh no need i already know who did it did you know that squirrels are responsible for most power outages in the u.s yeah right okay fine it was me i was late to class and i wanted to take a shortcut what see it even sounds crazy when i say it out loud basic arithmetics is check it out there's a buy one get one half off sale sweet cute clothes for a handsome [Music] discount and it says that everything here is 20 off okay is this supposed to be a sale or a steal waiting to happen okay so this skirt is 35 and ooh this dress is 29.99 oh jeez where's my calculator when i need it okay let me just find my phone 40 what twenty percent of 35 is seven so 35 minus seven is 28 that's the price of the skirt and 20 of 29.99 is six so 29.99 minus six is 23.99 but then you also need to incorporate the half off discount and half off of 23.99 is about 12 which is the final price of the dress you can add 28 to 12 and get your total price of 40. therefore saving you 25 with those discounts my parents made me read extra math books when i was a kid or even another language hey do you know what kind of material this skirt is i tried reading the tag on how to wash it but it's all in japanese here let me see rai inside auto ironoyote wait what sorry my pronunciation is a little rusty but it translates to machine wash cold inside out and with light colors how uh internet by the way the pollen count is so high today so i would probably take some claritin now before heading out okay siri but you didn't even look at your holy dog biscuits she's right now a very very common trope that us only children experience is that we're third wheeling everything parents relationships friend groups you name it now i could give you millions of different third-wheeling scenarios but here is the most common one i have to deal with okay i got flick set up on the tv uh mom dad any requests so yeah today's meeting was tough to say the least oh really something went wrong during calculations and mike's over here yelling at me how i should be doing that job but hello did you talk to the manager about it well i would have but i'm the manager of this branch guys two hours later well i don't even know if i would be considered qualified for those positions i mean i could just uh hello anyone it's your only daughter asking you for movie requests see what you like oh did you say something monica really i was just asking you over and over if you had any requests for petflix shows oh pepflix that's why the tv's on wait what are we doing again forget it i'm turning on legend of korra legend of korra i don't think i've heard of that before what we're in the middle of season three wow season three already i can't imagine where all that time had gone yeah it's a mystery and finally when we have no one else to talk to after our friends and when we get bored talking to our parents more often than not we just end up talking to ourselves maybe more so than the average norm and i know that when i get angry it's just a projection of my own frustration on how unfair things can be but when someone crosses the line and your dad just eats an entire bag of doritos that you were promising for company you just don't know who you can trust anymore when those basic necessities are taken away from you i mean you agree with me on this right right i mean finally someone who understands where i'm coming from and don't even get me started about the incident from thanksgiving listen here dude this is a shared space and i know you're just living here rent-free but as long as you're living in this room and being that this is the fifth time you have hurt me personally we need to enforce some rules so don't go thinking you can just relax your legs whenever you like because you could end up hurting someone by stubbing their feet or by making them trip down a flight of stairs now i know there's no stairs here right now but you see what i mean you got that thank you oh my paws my paws my paws mom do we have any eyes now before you say anything i just want you to know that i think you guys are incredible people and not everyone may get what i do at school i don't know if anyone else appreciates the art of being a youtuber but i mean you guys get it you don't judge me for uh my interests and you know i'm getting emotional you're just you're just great and i love you you guys you guys are amazing and i hope you guys feel the same way oh you don't have to thank us monica our lives wouldn't be what they are today without you monica even though i can't sit up properly we've always got your backs monica who were you talking to uh myself huh from the other voices i heard i could have sworn you were having a conversation with some friends over anyways it's time for dinner honey come on into the kitchen yep of course i was talking to myself i mean it's not like i just sit around all day talking to plastic toys to make up for the conversation i would have had with my non-existent sibling you don't want your life to sound more pathetic than it already is but too wait for that i'm doing it right now oh no no wait stop breaking the fourth wall pull yourself together i'll be right there mom so i hope you guys enjoyed this little skit this was so much fun to make and i'm glad i was able to share with you guys the most common experiences of being an only child oh and a huge shout out to my cousin celestial citrine on instagram for helping me voice isabel in this video and for reading over the script mithy because she herself is an only child and relates a lot to the same experiences as i do my cousin also has an instagram shop where you can purchase crystals and custom-made bracelets so if you're interested and would like to help support her the link to her instagram shop will be in the description below oh but wait before i go it's time to announce this video shout out winner and i missed out on a couple of videos doing shout outs so i'll be picking more than one and our three shout out winners today come from the comments and prompt of my previous video hashtag daras episode 19. okay now without further ado today's three shout out winners are pizza taco courtney harris and lex congratulations to all three of you your youtube usernames will be written on the puppylover863 canvas and if you like a chance to have your youtube username written on the canvas if not already all you have to do is leave a comment below using the hashtag onlychildlife and if you're an only child let me know which experience from this video you related to the most but if you're not an only child let me know which experience from this video you found most fascinating or interesting now if you leave a comment below using the hashtag while answering the prompt you'll be automatically entered into a drawing for a chance to have your youtube username written on the canvas so with that said and done oh you're done great now you can help me set the table and take out the trash come on honey okay side note don't say that ear d-o-n-e in front of your parents if you're an only child with that being said thank you for watching this video i love you guys stay safe and we'll see in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: puppylover863
Views: 81,094
Rating: 4.9439187 out of 5
Keywords: lps, littlest, pet, shop, puppylover863, skit, film, series, monica, only child, siblings, cousin, stereotypes, 10, 10 things, comedy, high school, college, parent trap, vs, celestial, citrine, collab, ft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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