LPS Zoom Call 3: Final Breakout (FUNNY SKIT)

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sup dude hey arnold what this is so stupid why do we have to do our final on zoom it's not like mr dempsey's gonna know for cheating or not isn't that the best part i have all the answers from the study guide on post it's all around my computer demps won't suspect a thing you were able to finish the study guide maybe my answers aren't so accurate okay how do i get this thing working again who's that hey foxy lady that's not perry wait is that perry's mom that's me just setting things up for him where's perry uh did he die he was such a moon why do you guys always assume someone's dead if they're not here it's okay everyone he's just taking a nappy after his big roblox game last night i tried to wake him up because i don't want him late to the final but he wouldn't bite so here i am i mean perry's only been here like two times this whole semester i know but by my calculations he'll just have to get three questions right on the final to get a 61 which is passing this semester good luck with that wait are you telling me this entire semester was pass or fail you mean i tried in this class for nothing so wait are you gonna do perry's final for him [Music] ah maybe mom of the year right there how's mr dempsey going to react if he's watching us take the test but you're there instead of perry uh didn't think that all the way through good morning club it's been a hard fifth semester for you all but it's time for your finals again no way old man i'm ditching this class what we heard from perry's mom that this semester was pass or fail which means we only need a 61 to pass well thomas i hate to burst your bubble but wait did you just say perry's mom where's perry good morning mr dempsey it's me your good old pal perry something seems off about you how are you snoring and talking at the same time uh it's my secret talent i believe him yeah me too anyway i hate to burst your bubble tallness but you are all still required to take the final while it is true that 61 counts as a passing grade this semester the highest grade anyone has in this class is a 29. oh and since gina is now taking physics she will no longer set the curve for the rest of you and you will all be required to actually try on the test mr dempsey please this has to be illegal in some jurisdictions i have an ex-wife a toddler i'm still quarantined in our backyard stories won't boost a great jeremy you spent 19 years retaking this class for a reason how are we supposed to take our final on zoom thank you for asking gerald if you check your emails i have sent each of you a copy of the test the questions are different on each of them so you won't be able to cheat you will write down your answers on a piece of paper and send a picture to my email so i can grade it if you do not finish your test on time you will not only fail the day but this entire class again [Applause] no more groaning i want you out of this class as much as you do really but i can't pass you until you understand the foundations of chemistry please try your best for everyone's sake and oh before i forget i'm splitting you up into breakout rooms hey can i get a room with thomas at least nope okay everyone good luck on your test but wait i can't take it with these stupid kids anymore have you ever considered passing them just so you won't have to deal with them honey why would i do that i'm not going to send my pupils out into the world without understanding the principles of penta methyl cyclopentadienyl complexes that sounds like something you made up it's not made up in fact it's very real to me and they all better understand that deca methylcobaltacine is used as a strong reducing agent in organometallic chemistry how could i forget gina what are you doing here okay mr dempsey i'm ready for my test he's gone you can come out now gosh i didn't know your teacher was so strict yeah and i've had to deal with him for three years almost two decades for me jeremy how old are you 33 and recently divorced who wants to know can you please stop hitting on perry's mom it's grossing me out shut up lizzy you can't possibly understand the inner workings of a budding adult romance that came out wrong i'll be quiet now i hope thomas is doing okay with the other guys he was so worried about this test at least gerald finished his study guide so maybe they're doing okay no school no school no school yeah mr dempsey made the right choice randomly grouping us together so boys what are you all drinking i've got an entire bottle of coke i got a capri sun uh just water over here dude what are you doing we were supposed to be partying here sorry guys lindsey wants me to cut down on sugary soft drinks oh my god that's so lame she's not even here i know but i promised her think about the bro code thomas what's the number one rule brothers before girlfriends who act like your mothers and is your girlfriend in this room right now thomas no so forget about it for an hour and let's party you got soda in the fridge uh we have sierra mist good enough wait what other restrictions does lizzie have you on well i mean it's nothing bad she just wants to know i'm brushing my teeth and going to bed dude that's boyfriend abuse this is child abuse is this test even in english welcome to our world no wonder perry's always sleeping all day it's primed to get away from the torture your teacher is causing you does anyone know what a cation is does it have anything to do with cats lizzie i wouldn't know half of these are math problems i didn't sign up for this i thought it would be easy to get a few answers right on this are there no multiple choice questions nope he stopped using those in 2006. what are we going to do gina you can't keep joining the zoom every time i have a class i have to check if the students are working on their tests oh come on mr dempsey i can do that for you look [Music] gina what are you doing here i'm checking on you guys to make sure you're working on the test can you please give me the answer to number four nope bye everyone wait see easy as pie they're struggling like always i know they are but the point is for me to check on them to make sure they're paying attention fair enough but you have an hour to check on them i'm actually here to ask you a very important question what is it gina what does your girlfriend not ask you for mandatory good night texts ew no that's so lame we just sent each other memes you're so lucky i wish i had a cool girlfriend who understands my chaotic sense of humor like gerald unlike thomas come on guys lizzy's a great girlfriend she just doesn't understand all our bro stuff well if she were cool she'd be hanging out with us your girlfriend doesn't hang out with us is that a challenge hold on a sec i'm gonna invite her on what are we supposed to be doing something will you digitally sign my permissionslip to become your teachers in next semester as well as every other semester until i graduate and then some gina i understand i'm your favorite teacher but please understand i need my space are there no other classes you can take no actually i would say senior english but i actually passed that class a year early plus wouldn't you like some help from the only student who truly matched your passion for the chemical sciences just sign the slip already i have to think long and hard about this decision certainly bring some good points to the table great where can i start okay i just sent her the password to the room so she should be coming in any second now what's up my favorite baked potato who are you uh do you know where gerald is when mr dempsey comes back i am going to kick his butt digitally of course but what he's doing to you kids is unethical bad for your mental health and damaging to your futures just look at what it turned jeremy into hey i'm only partially a mess dang fairies mom you're actually kind of woke yeah i'd say i am woke up at 8 am right on the top this morning i don't think that's what she means how did you mess this up gerald i don't know maybe she can't join into the breakout rooms well obviously you idiot there's no way mr dempsey's going to pass as if there's guys yeah thomas we haven't even started the test how do you think you are popping in on class it's currently taking a final if you think you're going to get away with this then you're dead wrong i'm going to email the principal and tell me what are you doing i was helping can't you see it would be perfect as a teacher's aide i don't have time for this right now how long until class is over we have about four minutes thank you gina four minutes i can't check on the groups that quickly i have to get them back here guys i'm serious what's the standard enthalpy chain for promoted fluoro methane quick what are the three states of matter ah liquid gas he said gasps right now i swear i just need a couple more minutes to fill up these questions i'm gonna kick your butt mr big head will everyone be quiet i'm stressed enough having to do a teaching class over the interwebs managing your poor attendance and getting your grades in on time but you have not made this any easier for me gina i'll sign your permission slip to make you my student aid what but you are not allowed to ask me chemistry questions until next semester ah gerald you failed the day because of a strange interaction i had earlier with a young lady she was asking about you was that's her sister she's my girlfriend she looks like your sister anyway the rest of you all failed the class i know none of you were smart enough to get a single answer right hey man how would you know thomas what are the three states of matter uh solid gas and bubbles i'll see you next semester thomas wait just a minute mr dip did she just call you that who are you i'm perry's mom i thought the reason my son kept failing your class was because of his inbound circadian rhythm when in fact it's because you're too darn strange with these kids and man how is anyone supposed to know the formula for continuous charge distribution oh that's easy it's charge density times the external electric field plus a density shut up einstein what you're doing borders child abuse and i will not have it i understand your concern but if any of these students actually paid attention they would have all been able to pass the test what are you talking about how many of you reached the end of the test document i figured well if you scroll to the very bottom of your test you'll find a very informational study guide catered to your individual weak points i was planning on pointing it out in your breakout rooms before gina distracted me but i was hoping at least one of you would have gotten through the whole document before starting whoa mr demps why'd you do all this for us i realized i may have been a little too strict on you all this past semester and wanted to help you out in a way that wouldn't compromise my love for the sciences the third state of matter is liquid how was i supposed to know that anyway perry double fails the day because his mom tried to do his test for him [Music] what's going on mom what are you doing in my room dude your mom is super cool and super hot ew please make it stop is that my phone it's mine class is now dismissed and since i haven't received a single email from anyone you all definitively failed this class for the fifth semester in a row i wish you all happy holidays and i hope you enjoy the gift of my 73 page packet due when we come back no more quoting i will not have of it gina please escort the students out of the zoo everyone get out oh actually does anyone know if mr dempsey has a personal email i can message him from sure i'll text it to you oh thank goodness happy holidays guys send me a copy of your package so i have something fun to do over break how do you have mr dempsey's personal i don't bye losers come on thomas let's get back to watching lilla's horror story god she actually likes that crap sorry guys gotta tend to the lady check you later what a simp at least he has a girlfriend hey uh perry are your parents divorced by any chance is that a no you
Channel: ccrtelevision
Views: 221,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ccrtelevision, funny, humorous, littlest pet shop, littlest, pet, shop, lps, lpstube, lpstuber, security guard, short, silly, skit, ccr television, ccr television lps, lpshannah, alice lps, lps honey, lpssplashtv, puppylover863, lps emily, sophiegtv, jay jay lps, lps crazy, lpsace, lps tiptoe, crabitha, mr bighead, lps zoom call, lps zoom class, funny zoom class, funny zoom meeting, funny zoom call, zoom class pranks
Id: MgN0g-9uzyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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