LPS Adoption Center 🏠🎯

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all right i think it's time to wake up the kids yup it's time to wake up the kids let me see what time it is it's 8. someone's coming at 8 30 to check out some kids oh no um okay i'll start waking them up and get the food did you get it ready yeah took a while to get um ready since there's new kids all right well all right um let's start with this side page wake up page oh good morning good morning wake up all right am i really gonna have to open their habitats things for them [Music] it's it's fine yeah why didn't you do that because there's someone coming to check you guys out and see if they want to buy someone i'm not leaving unless i'm going with my brothers all right i know you say it every day now time to open theirs but why are you guys you guys really always share don't you hello hello ow what are you doing here [Music] go get ready guys okay i'm just gonna stand here amber let me open i think good morning good morning go get ready okay i'll go take a shower finally so unproductive go take a shower too everyone who's up go take a shower [Music] i hate showers well you're gonna have to take it shower [Music] all right now i can close these because everyone who was in them went to go take a shower because amber reminded me that they have to be productive blossom oh good good morning good morning go take a shower wake up boys oh what did i tell you about rolling down well it's hard when you have to be on the top that's why i told you we should be on the bottom go take your shower everyone's so grumpy in the morning boys where is the food well if you go shower then maybe this will go faster because we do this every single day why does no one remember to go shower wake up i heard don't worry i'll go shower little hamsters and shower what the heck hello huh go shower okay go go the heck i know the most scariest person to wake up wake up wake up oh my gosh you know what hello are you awake oh wait i'm forgetting someone um hello um good morning all right i'll go get the food and everything ready for them to when they're done eating um all right um when's the food gonna come oh are you done showering uh yeah all right you're the first one to go shower because everyone else is not productive okay um so when is it gonna be done uh i just have to grab it okay okay guys when you're done eating go to the play room uh understood okay i think that's a yes for everybody [Music] yum [Music] wait there's a bone there's a bone in front of me hmm i think i'm gonna grab an apple hmm i'm bored when you think those people are there's um people that are adopting gonna come i mean they said like i heard them saying like at 8 30 so and it was about like eight so probably and it took like 10 minutes to get probably 10 minutes or five i'm scared me too oh my gosh okay kids um um everyone be respectful um like always people are coming you guys know the rules do not be rude um i'm oh my gosh um i'm i'm sorry breath they took they just came out of me a surprise okay um uh be respectful they're coming in a second oh my gosh i'm so scared now that i think about it [Music] so these are just um half of the kids the rest of the kids are in the bedroom they um yeah all right all right okay hmm okay all right i found who i think i want to adopt when i found you i think i want to adopt how many people are you adopting um i think we're both adopting one so that's two people we're adopting all right you guys can go ahead and tell me who um that boy over there um who uh the one next to the speaker okay and what about you man i think uh the girl in the magenta bow not really pinkish and the one um just this one right here all right um okay i'll call them over and you guys can go ahead and go to the front where the bets are i'm i just lost the most productive person um amber uh yeah you're getting adopted okay don't worry if you want if you're because you are really good friends with paige um i'll figure something out so you guys can still see each other okay you can go to go ahead and go to the um front um what you're getting adopted okay are you are you gonna come come on let's go to the front okay goodbye bye [Music] who am i hmm play with now oh i got the perfect person okay what's the plan the plan is simple all we got to do is guilt trip them to adopt us all right i'm writing the plan it's pretty simple pretty simple pretty simple now but we also have to get adopted in a group so we have to guilt trip together not separated geez okay okay let's see toys here isn't that like a rule in this day chairs with no leaving toys there is that's the thing um now wait i just heard a car park wait guild trip time is a go now we wait okay why are you guys staring at me no worries okay well um everyone new um a new couple is coming so yeah alright kids it's not a couple but you can go ahead and look at the kids what are you guys looking at me for um well we have no family yep we only have each other oh no yeah and um we haven't had a family in a long long time um why did he why did the um the uh the what happened we just want a family oh dear why are the children on the floor i don't know can we go back to the front now well these children can be pretty cool they look like ham still hamsters well that's their species look children child children i am your mother but i left you guys here because i couldn't take care of you at the time take us back please please i'm gonna have to take you guys out i don't got any money i left it all at home i got the bags though let me go get them i was kidding kids i got the bag the bags full of money let's go let's go let's go [Applause] this is so boring i know right bro uh where is that brother what do you mean what if we got adopted right there no no no we could not have gotten that distracted let's just go to the friends i know i'm not allowed to do this but i'm going to do it anyway hey wait what i was going to say hey guys i saw a brother go to the front batman okay and that's fine where are all the children two children in here and i saw more children in the front i told you well go ask her to go get some children back here why um is everything dipping on right back here um are there any more children uh yeah i'll go grab some see i told you just have to be nice if you'd be nice and everything will go okay oh great come on oh all right um that's every kid oh um okay you guys can from the back can come in the front alright i like those three dogs all right well i like that kitten over there with the bow all right we'll just get all of them all right um i think we found who we want all right who do you guys want um the kitten in the bow okay and um those three um boys she's adopted oh my god all right where is she going to the front all right all right you guys heard her goodbye do i even know you we talked once uh those are gonna have to be my brothers all right you guys can all go ahead and hang out but in here because no one really likes hanging out in the front for some reason [Music] [Applause] hmm so many people got adopted today i know do you guys think we're gonna get adopted i think yeah we probably are we probably are yeah yeah you're right but everything could go downhill well if you maybe probably not um so here are all the kids all right my wife is not here but um it's fine she has a meeting today and i took a day off okay hello are those the only like bird flying animals um yeah i'm pretty sure they're the only ones that can fly all right all right all right i'll just take all of them like every single kid here no no just all those oh okay you can go ahead and go to the front and i'll grab them all right you guys are all getting adopted i told you wait together yep yay let's go can i keep a toy though sure what toy this this one sure you guys can all just keep your favorite toys i don't mind yay hmm i like this one i like this bear a lot we're the last ones we survived mission complete um one more couple is coming all right these are the last three kids please don't take one of us just take us all yeah we're brothers yep okay i'll be right back um we're gonna adopt all of them oh my gosh thank you so much yes thank you so much for adopting everyone no problem he's getting the money keep the change come on kids come on but whoa that's a lot of money most half of it's gone because of that kid but whoa oh my gosh i can't believe that every kid is gone it's fine we're the most popular um adoption center first so we'll just get um more kids i guess and then maybe we'll get even more rich but for now this is my payment i'll be half oh okay yeah that's half goodbye i am quitting i'm kidding i was about to be like what the heck well this is actually my house not that i think about it no what do i do with all this money did someone say quit i need a job no no one quit they were just kidding dang it sorry sis better look next time whoa whoa wait where'd you get that cash make your own job and you'll be rich hey guys and i hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did then give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe so um a lot of these accessories were from lpsqueen.com and some of the lps are from lpsqueen.com so if you want to go check her out link will be in the description for her shop um she sells a lot of really cool things and yeah i think she has a really good shop and yeah so i hope you guys like this video i'm rich
Channel: LPS Sky Rockets
Views: 38,366
Rating: 4.7876544 out of 5
Keywords: The littlest pet shop, LPS, Adoption center, LPSQUEEN.com, Miniature
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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