LPS-adoption center part 1

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okay guys go ahead and play before I make dinner let me got dinner lunch I love this sky you go do the splits my turn I want some guys come on okay kids you know you like it too I don't care oh that hurt stop it you two break it up break it up it's already broken up still both of you okay started it but you kicked her back stop it both of you you go in there for five minutes since you're five you go in here for seven minutes since you're seven there gosh Bradley whoa I told you you're not supposed to play on the Xbox unless it's Sunday cuz Sunday to fit Sunday and this is not Sunday sorry put it off right away you shouldn't have done it in the first place [Music] no fun day on Sunday finish making lunch [Music] put the legs are now put the face on I'll put hair on sad pony or straight pudding say pony okay let's play okay big surprise stand up okay hey guys can i play no there's not enough Legos because there's not another head okay hey Bradley would it okay with you no I'm sleeping does it look like I'm playing let me play even if there was another head at play with us you could play with Lego gosh I put this microphone in her hair to be Christine yeah oh oh she's not sitting up straight oh my gosh just amazing yeah lunch is ready oh I gotta let you out it's not been seven minutes you still have 30 yeah it's on 30 more minutes after lunch 92 more minutes sorry oh I want to sit next to you oh you okay okay that's it is that everybody one two three four we have six kids I mean we have six kids yeah Bradley Oh God I'm sorry ma'am I'm sorry that is five minute that is five minutes in the kennel for you let me go get your fin fun is ready here you go here you go here you go Rose goodness gracious sorry guys Oh think you wouldn't know what the only other fruit skip you this melon I don't like melons do you want the dirty orange or do you want the melon melon okay then don't complain here you go why is it in a bowl I had no other plates why do I have to get it cuz you're the lucky one how is that milky just eat it this is the worst son ever yeah guys I'm not made out of gold money just doesn't just grow on trees it should I agrees Bradley it should but it doesn't so eat up I said and then you clean and then you have to go in the room and clean your mess is up oh gosh and then it's downtime what is downtime you know what downtime is just explain it again downtime is where you sit in your room you either sleep or read or just rest keep with the TV in there no that is only on Sundays now Pete we're done okay they go clean up your mess while I clean up the place [Music] clean up can you bet clean up any faster oh I dad you need to go back in a kill for two more minutes oh good thing I'll have anything to clean up we dug cuz you were in the kennel if you don't have anything clean up go do I have to take em apart yes but I can't get that hit off well I'll try I did we'll try harder hi try harder there's a lot of other people wanted to use the head but they can't because it won't come on time is your head on the back this girl has eyes on the back of her head yeah oh come on go go go go go faster this took her head two minutes to get that head off all right go go to your beds either take a nap or read I'll bring the books in I only have two books but I'll find some more and probably Oh usually only two of you want to read so I want to wait I know you do usually only a boy or girl I want to weed all right here we go yeah hey everybody else get to bed well I wanted to read well honey I don't have any other books please I don't have the inner books you can I share no you can't share because it's only one person oh wow no mom no buts it's only given that one boy and one girl each day please go go to either go to sleep or just lay there okay okay we need meat stop stop singing Bradley no no well there's no other way to get you out of the suite you have five words in the cage when you wake up cuz you're fine you don't have to explain it every time that make that ten so Tim now oh my gosh just lay down you have two hours if anyone has done reading a book pass it on to somebody else if they wanted kids get up and get ready for dough you guys are still reading yep here's the book okay Wow carrots Luke that was very good all right everybody can you like trying to wake them up cuz I gotta go put this books up okay get up everybody uh why shouldn't listen to you full but hey rose that was not very nice you have seven minutes and the kennel want to get up you might as well just go ahead wait everybody else get up Bradley ten minutes in the kennel why ten cuz you talk to back I'm gonna make it 20 if you don't go in there okay I mean not 20 I'm gonna make it 15 if you don't go in there I need help is it dirt cool no it's punishment it's like it's timeout okay go play for a few play while I make dinner fine with me sure play with me sure no leg goes out why it's too late for Legos after dinner you're gonna be going to bed soon it's good you have like after dinner you might have like 30 minutes but in not 30 minutes you are going to be taking showers and settling down you're not gonna be playing so there's never play with the stuffy or read please why that's not fair do it now I'll play with the tractor there's a lot of other things to play with besides Legos and plus somebody else by your own employment something you just told us no oh yeah maybe tomorrow and tomorrow you're gonna take a break too because somebody else might want them fine and say oh it's actually there okay with the trash is the stuff a widemouth factor yeah there ah don't push him stop fighting you two we're not fighting yeah oh don't push me stop just stop hey both of you stop it goodness gracious you to come out now Bradley you still have five more minutes okay Hey hi woes can I help with the can I help with that arguing stop dwelling on toys I mean Oh I'm your sister with twins ow why do you always start stuff do you have to go in the kennel well still I really don't care because I'd get away from you - that's Valley Road who cares don't push me stop all three of you separate mm-hmm you go sit in the chair I don't care sit wherever I'll say that one more time sit wherever I want seven more minutes in the kennel Bradley you can come out separate Kevin Bradley no you're gonna go sit in that chair and she's gonna go sit the chair over here because obviously YouTube can't play by ourselves you could have a stuffy and you can have a stuffy I'll play by yourselves from once because obviously you two can't play go play along get along while you're playing then I'll be ready in five minutes what about me play with the girls do something giggles yes pad play no girls Bratz me yeah boy dinner's ready you have three more minutes after you get out of after dinner okay say again and you're gonna have seven more oh my gosh have a seat why aren't you gonna sit next to me cuz I don't want to sit next to you go get dinner you know but we all just eat up Bradley oh my gosh you guys I think the bones - yeah oh my goodness they'll clean up and I'll clean off the dinner table because there's a lot of oh I'm so stuffed I can barely walk you know everybody hears friends Yeah right you still have three more minutes and I can add to that you spend most of your days in the kettle that you do anywhere else good okay now come on now clean up come on now come on now clean up Zoe follow me four minutes go clean up tractor goes in first don't just don't just throw it it don't just throw it in there goodness I don't know whose this is bad I'm just gonna put it in there well here's the stuffy over here you guys go on into the room while I go talk to this I don't like how you have been acting today either I don't like how you've been acting either it had to talk to you too and out like how any any of you three have been acting lately you've been after the worst of course cuz you think you're the most populous thing ever and you think you're gonna get adopted first which you don't know that somebody else might get a dog I'm just sick and tired of you tomorrow you're gonna kill all day and I'll give you food in the kennel it if that doesn't teach you a lesson I don't know what we'll go to bed and you too I don't want any more fighting from you two got it go kids there's no other way to teach them anything goodness your room is a mess somebody's been in here I don't know who stopped screaming its gracious your problem is I was closing the door oh goodness what a bad everybody today was a bad day for you guys you guys weren't really nice to each other and I don't want to see that again tomorrow better be better I don't want any fighting and everybody can play with everybody don't tell them they can't now have a good night's rest and I'll and you will have a nice breakfast in the morning
Channel: Izzie 03
Views: 164,706
Rating: 4.4910426 out of 5
Id: 3_wb9TM9LT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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