LPS I broke my phone📞💸📱

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i'm gonna grab one of these and mine and i'm feeling like some coffee today some nice coffee for me um what drink would sis want and i guess i could just use this this tea from last night oh wait that she'll she'll take it whatever sis come downstairs okay coming why'd you bring your phone well that's because i want my phone who doesn't bring your phone thousands of people yeah whatever is this t from last night what no okay yep this is definitely from last night uh i'm just gonna take that over there let me check my phone why are you gonna check your phone because i need it to do something um hold on oh i gotta go to the bathroom yeah okay whatever oh my gosh i almost just broke her phone uh anyways i like parkour i could just do some parkour on those chairs i mean i'm just gonna risk it i really don't care let me just uh that was not supposed to go as planned it was supposed to be on the edge and not supposed to jump over it it's not broken is it i just won that thing but um yeah it's definitely broken after i filmed it um it's tighter phone i turned around mom's gonna get so mad at me i'll blame it on system and i'll act like i'm never doing anything okay i'm back um where's my phone no idea yeah whatever no it's not in there nobody checking their form where did you put it i didn't touch it yeah whatever oh here it is um why is it broken i don't know mom's about to go home i can't have a broken phone i don't care if you broke it we need a new one okay let's just check our money go get my wallet we share our money so it's my wallet too yeah yeah whatever okay um where's my wallet oh here's my computer how much is a new phone um hold on an iphone iphone 8. i guess plus whatever a thousand dollars uh okay okay uh okay so i forgot my wallet anyways um iphone 8 plus or something like that is a thousand dollars iphone 8 plus what that's so just outdated i don't want that oh my gosh okay i'll just go grab my computer and then you can you know i'm not gonna go grab my computer you can go get it while i go get my wallet yeah yeah whatever okay um where's my wallet again let's just see how crackers screen is oh gosh that's really cracked uh i can't believe i did that why is it i why do i need to keep cracking it more and more i got your wallet and the computer you mean laptop okay well i don't know how you found my wallet but thanks i guess how much money do we have i mean i don't know i wasn't counting it yeah whatever i was just talking to myself creep um iphone 11 iphone 11 you know what fine iphone 12. that's even that's not even out yes it is oh thousand you know that's two thousand i think yeah it says 2000 what's the nearest apple store i mean like store this is uncomfortable let's go uh to the dining table or like yeah the living room i think yeah okay let me close this let's go stop pushing me sorry you pushed me once i pushed you very lightly because you were in the way oops okay let's see iphone 12 i think is out uh but only in stores okay then uh iphone 12 oh it's definitely not 2 000 like i thought it's a thousand and 200 i think nope i am i can't see it is one thousand two no it's two thousand okay uh how much money do we have well when i was counting in the kitchen we have like a thousand ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine that's in a minute oh okay um well that means well this is probably 19999 plus tax oh yeah true so um we're gonna need like one dollar i think yeah i think so we should go and what should we do to get money i think we have an older lemonade stand in the garage oh okay let's get it set up and i'll make the lemonade okay oops dropped the wallet be careful with that money okay how do we make lemonade i have no idea i'm gonna go get through the stand though okay i just finished i made uh it's only two but that's good enough because we only need like one customer because we're gonna make these one dollars it doesn't really matter i think sis finished the lemonade stand gotta go home i mean outside what am i saying oh wow since i didn't expect you to do this but uh yeah i put my lemonade you only made two well we only need one dollar so i could just made it one yeah you're right okay let's sit one chair literally well there was no other chair yeah whatever uh we're gonna ruin the stand well it's not our fault it's small or my fault yeah whatever um hi hi um would you like some lemonade yes i would how much is it it is um three dollars three dollars i only have two oh then it's okay uh we can make it two for you oh thank you here's the money thank you i can't have my lemonade if you can here you go thank you ma'am this looks delicious you just let her go off she was young oh my gosh whatever we're gonna put our money in here we have a wallet not like i can't we're gonna put our money in here because then they know where to put it so how much is it though how much are we gonna make the rest three dollars so just gave her a discount yes i really did yeah whatever put that over there [Applause] okay now we wait don't push me off next time enough to make sure everyone doesn't get stolen yeah okay whatever hello hello can i have some lemonade please thank you how much is it gonna be because i only have three dollars on me right now oh it actually is three dollars oh great great great where do i put my money put your money in this little uh jar okay okay let me just grab it that's three dollars right there and this is the lemonade right yes it is okay have a great day lovelies she was kind yeah okay yeah i really don't care if she was kind we should have got five dollars i'm not sure well i mean two plus three equals five i don't know why i'm saying i'm not sure well maybe they gave us more than what we expected yeah i literally counted the little girl's money yeah but you didn't count the old ladies she's not old she's like in her 40s more like 30s yeah whatever uh one two three four five yep that's right we have a uh 2003 no four dollars yes we do uh let's put it in okay let's start to put it in why is it so hard to pick up money i have no idea yeah because you're not picking it up whatever why'd you put it on the ground because where else was i supposed to put it on the table okay whatever why did you put that there i didn't whatever uh you clean that up and i'll be in the car waiting are you kidding me uh no customers right now well no one ever comes out this time close the door oh okay i can't close that door hi welcome hi oh phones are these the apple phones uh yes did you make something fun no i didn't actually sorry um i only film okay wonderful i didn't mean like wonderful that you fell i'm just saying that wonderful that nothing else fell yeah uh so where's the iphone eleven i mean twelve twelve i hear androids by the way we are not looking for android oh okay whatever here are ipads if you're looking for an ipad either flip phones um there's console games right there and here are some controllers in that uh and then over here are macbooks and iphones and then iphone 12 should be this one right here wait do you want a mini or just normal uh is this what do you want i'll take a mini okay minnie this one's a mini one yeah this one's a mini one for sure okay how much are they they are one not they're 1999 plus tax so pretty much two thousand dollars oh okay great okay uh yeah i think i'm gonna take the mini and i'll uh um these are just display anyways uh just still don't just please don't touch these uh their display they have cracks on them just no please don't yeah sorry uh let's see the color oh that's a blue one but that's the yeah i'll take this one because this is blue and i like that but didn't you want a mini i did but i like bloom i think we have a blue mini one hold on nope that one's red okay never mind we don't have a blue mini one that's fine uh so i'll take this one okay uh by the way next time you make something fall uh you're gonna have to pay for that oh uh okay don't ever do that again sorry uh yeah we'll pay for this okay yeah i know okay please take that to the over here and scan it okay wonderful i think my sister just went over to the car to get some more money yeah i think so so i guess we have to wait for her to come back because yeah she probably forgot some of the money uh son we're in here's all the money wonderful i'm gonna go outside i was gonna say she could grab her phone but she already left this is all the money yes it is it's uh there's i think a couple dollars there's like four dollars extra oh okay would you like to take that back yeah sure i'll take it uh okay wonderful i'll count this and then you can have your phone or your sister can have your phone i can't believe i just did that okay anyways let me count this okay yep this is definitely the money okay great so you can go ahead and grab the phone and then be on the way be on your way okay there you go come back if you want a case or something for it we're probably gonna go to a different store for your case but yeah thank you yeah you just dropped me the computers you said their display run why just run children well teenagers i hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did then go ahead and give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe also i'm probably gonna be posting every single day until like sunday next week so yeah i'll try to post every day next week if i can or if i'm not tired or if i have any ideas uh comment on any other like video that you actually can comment on and tell me like some ideas for videos because i am running low on ideas but yeah this was like um apple store and not really apple store uh i named it like we named me and my helper named it um pineapple electronics or something like that i don't remember it um but yeah so anyways bye
Channel: LPS Sky Rockets
Views: 35,793
Rating: 4.6965942 out of 5
Keywords: LPS, Miniature, Mini phone, Littlest pet shops
Id: lmy9tR0fg-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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