LPS Clining Up Room ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ’ช

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oh there's nothing to do i've done already everything you could do [Music] well i could paint some more oh i've already been painting for hours oh something on my tail ugh fair uh um why is your room so messy huh what do you mean mom why is your room always so messy you know clean this up right now you cannot have a messy room like this um what look at this room uh what's wrong with it look how messy it is and look i can't even walk in a straight path uh clean this up right now i don't want to okay i'll take your phone away wait no no no no no i'm gonna go grab your phone and you're not getting it back until you clean this room up oh and also i'm going to the store the grocery store to get food so i'll be back in probably like an hour or two so by that hour or two you better have cleaned this up and i have an hour too [Music] but what if that's not enough time all right whatever we'll just start off with my uh i'm gonna have to make piles all right i'll guess i'll just start off with my uh um what's the most in this room hmm there's a lot of toys but also a lot of clothes i guess whatever is blue i'll pick up this is blue it's my clothes all right oh my gosh um this is blue i guess i'm just picking up all my blue clothes that's blue that's blue what's that what i've been looking for is all over i can't believe i just found it now that's oh my god it's so annoying [Music] i never got a bag to put my clothes oh never mind i had this i forgot mom got me this there's all my blue clothes now there's a lot of pink things oh i guess i'll start with the pink clothes that's pink oh i love these glasses i can't believe i've never found them oh i like them i'm gonna slide them down a little bit yeah i really like them i'll start wearing them more often [Applause] okay i'll just start putting this in there oh no my pink i'll grab that bow later there's a lot of pink toys instead of clothes oh my gosh okay i have this dress and this bow oh i think that's all okay oh i found some blue i mean i don't know why it's under there wait also this is pink ugh are these from like when we went up to the mountains probably grab all these things okay i'm already tired i have one yellow thing in this room oh never mind i have two yellow or um clothes okay i think that's all my clothes never mind more of this my glasses then oh okay and that's the last thing oh never mind never mind again ah this basket's already getting big never mind this hat i got at the fair oh wasn't i supposed to give this to my brother no no i'll just yeah i'll just throw it out in the hallway all right i'll get that to him later that's all the clothes i think oh i've been looking for this oh no i can't get distracted all right now for my toys um are you kidding me more clothes all right i think that's the last one other than the one right there i'll just grab it all right and that was the last piece of clothes i think now maybe some of my toys now yeah whatever move my painting stuff gotta close this oh wait i put my paintbrush in it okay now i close it and i put this in there on top of it now i open up my toy um closet no sorry i meant i think a toy chest yeah i think that's what mom told me to call it or it was okay pink first i guess that's pink that's pink ish i guess this is more of a red that's pink pink more of a yellow i want to put in these two things are pink oh my i think that's not even supposed to go in there that would have taken up everything blank i've gotten so many toys before i started putting that's not even mine i don't know why it's in here neither this is mine no sorry um bird why is there a banana in my room i probably left it in here this is also not mine that's my brother's i know this tiger is mine this is for sure this is also mine um oh this is mine and i think that's happening that's fine oh uh all right uh oops what did i drop i dropped this and then is that old soup that's from like a month ago or two i haven't ate soup in so long ugh now i gotta make sure i took all my toys okay that i'll care about the food later um okay well this is mine i know that um this is i think so put those all in and now time to close it uh that took forever to figure out how to close now these will be thrown into the to the hallway because these are not these are my brothers now is that my nail polish nope i mean i'll take it now i'm gonna put these back and i gotta bring my nail polish there oh nice are you kidding me there uh is this some honey i mean honey is good and sour patch kids why do i have so much food is that the banana what time is it mom left at one it's two are you kidding me wait two what two what two what two two two thirty i have like ten minutes left like maybe like two thirty but still okay gotta uh where did i put this where do i put this right i don't know where do i put this i don't put that in the food pile um my skateboard isn't even supposed to be in this room but i mean it's still in my room whoa this is kind of fun i'm going to do a trick this is going to be amazing are you kidding me am i painting again i put that there and that's fun um i mean i do have 30 minutes so i'll just be doing this for like 10 minutes whatever yeah i'm tired i guess i'll stop what time is it um it's it's uh it's it's three o'clock mom's gonna be here any minute okay where did i put this where did i put this i'll put it with a candle kidding okay okay put that umbrella right there oh my gosh stay please i need you to stay okay oh my horse okay my horse horse is horse boom okay oh no i hear mom oh hey that's disgusting i wonder if these sour patches are still good no no no no gotta take them out of my room um sweetie oh um hey mom so when did you finish um 30 minutes ago oh why were you laying on the ground um i was skating on my skateboard um all right well let's make sure you didn't put all your toys in a closet oh you didn't okay all your clothes is in there nothing's under your bed um this is kind of in a bad position what um uh i like it there though okay i can move it if you want i could put this there and then my skateboard like that that's a lot better okay well you can have your phone back i never even took your computer or ipad but okay um food is downstairs it'll be done it might be like 10 minutes so bye my painting fell again because it wasn't falling or fell when my mom was here but now i'm still tired i can finally go on my phone i'm not even i don't even want to be on my phone i just wanna no i don't what am i doing back to my phone you
Channel: LPS Sky Rockets
Views: 9,593
Rating: 4.7056279 out of 5
Keywords: The littlest pet shop, LPS, Miniature
Id: YxNrW2LXq6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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