CHILDREN OF SULEIMAN AND MUAD'DIB - Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord (Aserai) Campaign Gameplay #11

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Reddit Comments

This is my favorite Bannerlord series so far.

I really hope he forms his own faction. It would be cool if Sulieman creates something like a merchant city-state.

Also, take as much time as you need. We don't want to rush you.

Btw it seems Sulieman is a bit of an Aserai nationalist. I know he should care about his people, but as a trader that travels far and wide, he should be accepting of other cultures and be open to recruiting soldiers from other lands.

Those are my thoughts, thanks!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/doggo_doge218 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 đź—«︎ replies

“He who controls spice controls the universe”

Muad’dib is definitely the Name that Paul Atreides gives himself in Frank Herbert’s dune (it means Kangaroo-Mouse or desert mouse, don’t know if you knew that and that’s why you made him a giant, if so great joke if not I can still laugh about it) Although a capable warrior himself, the Muad’dib was a cunning master manipulator, Paul rises to leadership through military strategy and political maneuvering, and using the people’s faith to organize the hardened desert people of Arrakis to overthrow the old Empire. Wish his backstory could have been a little different here, instead of a bodyguard I’d have liked to see him as a party leader. But that’s just me knowing that dune connection. Great series. Looking forward to more.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SnackBarbarian 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 đź—«︎ replies

I should've considered this before but I thought it might be fun to have some discussions posts for my ongoing Bannerlord series. As many of you know, I spend a decent amount of time reading and responding to comments.

In this part, Suleiman continues to fight as a mercenary for the Aserai. He has fraternal twins and we meet our new, massive bodyguard that is, yes, a Dune reference.

Now there's a few caveats for my goals in the future and I think it'd be good to be clear about them. I'll be unable to own any land and continue the mercenary life -- the game will not let you serve another kingdom if you own a fief.

I can only afford a single castle and if I keep it, I'll have to form a kingdom. I don't know what happens if I stay as an independent clan owning a fief. I can't enact any kingdom policies but if that's true then maybe others can't declare war on me?

I could always use the 'Dragon Banner' quest to join the Aserai or some other faction, leave, keep the fief and then use the quest to end the war. Of course, I may be the target of many other factions and I don't know how many will come after me.

There's a lot of options and I'm honestly down for any of them as long as it's entertaining for you folks too.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Surrealbeliefs 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 đź—«︎ replies
ali my friend i went alone for my morning ride when i saw a scene unlike any other i've witnessed before a mountain of a man standing on his own wielding a two-handed blade was confronted by a gang of brigands he struck down every single one of them without hesitation i found doubt his name is karius the son of the famous general that fell the cowardic emperor at naretzy's folly it was said that he retired from the battlefield but the tales of our ventures have stirred his heart and his pledge his filthy to my banner we are one step closer to realizing our dream salam my brother my friends it has finally happened we had children not a child not one singular child but twins fraternal twins one boy and one girl here is my son you can't see him yet you can see his blade for some reason evidently he has his own father's blade and here's my daughter she's just been born but she's devious daring and generous too saladin well we'll find out about his traits later on but i cannot wait to find out what they're going to be like all right now we've got to go make some money i've got my new bodyguard he's a very powerful man and i fear for all who might try to fight him that is one large man i mean he makes solomon look quite small he makes anyone look quite small when i think about it but now let's go back in and fight someone only because we've got to but not only that i'm going to do some jobs too but i want to capture a few more people in order to end more wars we're no longer fighting the western empire but again we're fighting the empress and we've got to beat her i've got to find a way to beat her now i could buy a very poor town oh hold on now i need to find out where that's at borin i hope you make it if you do not i'll come for you don't worry i'll be right over there wow you had a lot of kids good for you opilia oh okay you're not what i needed here we go that's what i needed a little village and how far is it oh it's very far away i wouldn't make it there in time i don't think he'll win but if he did win that would be amazing he's gaining quite a few skill points it's all part of being a traitor no he was captured i gained 5 000 dinars for him losing oh shoot he got away though we'll have to find him and i want vengeance we will lose a few of our caravans over time that is bound to happen there is a war going on not only am i trading horses but trading blows too well stop by amatotus and there's faden over 100 men now my army is much mightier i'm going to track him down in time we might even try for a castle what now he's here really he's here okay let's go pick him up lauren come join me you'll have a new caravan later i've got plenty of food for right now and i've got some weapons i'm going to sell once i find a location that can pay me my full sum take two horses for now that'll work i like my weapons i'm not going to change them out bone to pick my javelins they're worth a lot of money no i'm keeping my boat too and i've got my new weapon haram and here's my mystical blade all right i've got some money but i want some battling done now i'm pretty angry about what you've done so i'm gonna take care of that as quickly as i'm able to it's currently dark i would rather fight them during the daytime it's a little bit easier for me to see i'm not always going to fight on camelback but for now i think it'll be a fun change of pace faden it is time you know what you have done yield or fight they all close their eyes they don't want to see what's coming next let's have a battle now it is a beautiful day a day for a victory that is coming for us now let's have a look i've got over 50 horsemen group four move over to the right flank horsemen get over here infantry move up and according to art of war i need to move group five into group one there we go a line of soldiers i've got over 30 archers let's kill some enemies today i'm going to assume they have horse archers coming to assassinate me oh hold on i'm gonna get away from that shield i don't need that shield there we go if i use it with only one hand it would be way too slow it's my new glaive that irelia made for me so i have to get used to it but that was over 100 damage i'm going to deal a lot of damage today come here oh that's a lot of throwing weapons too i got him as well another one dead okay now move up again there's more that i want to take down my archers will move up they're going to move into a loose formation i want them to advance they will pull back as they need to horsemen move up there oh that's perfect i love fighting in locations like the one we're in it's so much easier for me to see and now we're heading over here to take care of another enemy let's take care of him a cataphract i believe i've got my glaive and i love my glaive a lot oh i missed oh nice block come on and i killed him too 100 cut damage got some extra damage from my perks the horsemen have moved up the horse archers are moving in the infantry they're moving towards us too come to me oh right over his head okay let's come over here now and see what we can do we've got some archers to worry about i killed him we're swinging back around again gotta watch out they've got a lot he blocked with a shield well don't charge in now i think i have one of my boys over in that horse archer group everyone charge in it's time it is time my camel's holding up fairly well over 200 damage let's go over here and kill or at least distract a few archers oh again the camel's very high up so i do have to adjust it'll take time but i'm getting there i'm still getting my kills oh right on through what if i just took my time and i kind of like strolled on through and i said hello greetings yeah that works out too i don't have to rush i could just take my time and do some swinging kind of like cutting the grass they aren't as grass to me yeah that worked out nicely outside of being hit by some ranged attack i'm beginning to learn how to fight on my camel and my new glaive is so much better look at my skills go up they're going up much faster i'm getting steady hits and we have won a battle i have only one wounded soldier in time they may challenge me today is not that day you have been captured for you are weak you are weak and your people they are corrupt that is okay though in time my people will be safe from your kind those who would prey on the weak those who would take coins from those who have worked hard there's a lot over there over 600 i wouldn't be able to beat that many they're chasing me now a multitude could potentially chase me and corner me somewhere so i should probably be careful let's move again i've got some horses to sell and i'm not going to give that um i also have some prisoners too now i've been told you can of course offer up prisoners in order to really enact a trade but you can't try to buy a thief while you're a mercenary so that wouldn't help me unless i had my own kingdom already then may be sure i could do that the kuzait were fighting them too that is a large chunk of land that is now hostile to us to get back home it's going to be quite the challenge more mercenaries have come to join us it's only 67. i'll probably head back later but for now i'm ready to move on to maybe one of our friendly locales let's try over here past the news to come i could leave as a mercenary declare war on a faction but i feel like that would cause a few issues oh there we go 185 for looters that's a very easy and good training battle i want to do some quests as well to get other nobles to like me even more come on looters it's time for another battle i think let's go all of us here no i don't need to command them i don't believe i do today i'll let them take command i'm very curious to see how they perform see if i want to use a sword i've got to like aim at the ground that's really the big difference no but i want that chill but shield is only whenever i've got my one-handed blade out but here comes everyone look at them all oh they're awesome to even just witness and behold the glory of our army huh i wonder how my horsemen are going to operate if they just charge him we're going to lose a lot okay now there's a lot of stones that they're going to throw at me and i'm trying to avoid being hit by too many of them i know it's going i got two there very nice just got another two i believe yeah they're just charging in bit of a wild card huh as long as i aim lower they seem to aim a little bit lower get away from me but i've got two children now my wife had twins i still can't believe that i've never had twins before i don't believe maybe i have before once but i can't remember but to have my first children not a child but twins oh and here i am having to celebrate by fighting a battle i am not a fan of that i feel much more proficient with my blades now i had like one little sketchy period where i didn't really feel that comfortable but now of course i've got a new glaive and this glaive will be a symbol of my family i will pass it down from generation to generation it will only be brought up when we've got to execute our will not here to just murder the masses but if i've got to fight then i shall fight okay let's try the sword now i need to become better with my sword on top of a camel oh you were in my way don't kill him i went over his head again all right let's try this out there we go and so we have won again we have done it i need a good name for my camel i don't know what i'll call it yet we lost one who died one of my man luke regulars now that is truly a shame oh wait that's far too many prisoners hold on we don't even need that many i'm going to just keep my room available i'm not going to pick them up afar oh wonderful just upgrade a few more units now all of them really let's see what do you have over here equite no thank you i'll pay 600 very well i'll take all that loot i want over 1 million to nars now if i buy a castle i'm not gonna make a lot of money oh hello is he following me he's following me interesting okay let's go no no no no come back come back you can't be running for me you can be i suppose okay very well we'll fight him too i'm going home but you're coming with me oros you don't know who i am very well let's go it's time to fight another battle 147 out of let's see how do you have 172 interesting let's fight now we're not giving up yet let's have a look at the map i'm gonna ride ahead real quick archers come up here it's time group five into group one i wanna do some trading but you're stopping me let's see they are getting closer very well so move over here archers just way over here please lose formation infantry i want all of you over there horsemen move way over there and group four interesting just go over there they're not moving now and i want to find a better location for us to fight from we've got to be aware of what terrain that we're using in our battles if i choose the wrong location too many of my soldiers could die so i can see where they're at now let's lead them around normally i would just pop us up over there so that you would see like straight what action would come next but i'm not gonna do that here i want you to see what i'm going to do in order to beat my enemies without losing too many like here's a great location of course we're not going to be able to get them over here i don't believe we could we could try oh my god i would love to fight a battle from here oh that would be amazing wouldn't it all right get over here horseman i want all of you let's see about there is fine sure horse archers you can wait over here if a tree you can go a bit lower there we go now i wonder what can i do what can one trader one humble trader do one man who is trying to really provide for his family now what could i do for my family i could provide a safe home but what about a safe kingdom that to me sounds much better i could do no better than that nice shield oh they hit me for quite a bit of damage i killed him let's go oh ho you're very lucky that you were able to move through there all right let's circle back around i'm wondering if i would be able to lure a few of them back after killing their horsemen if i get rid of their horsemen that's a bit of mobility gone they've got some decent numbers they have a lot of shields oh 79 damage yeah their shields are gonna make it difficult for me i think they are following us good good okay let's get ready now i'm heading back look at the kills from my archers are you kidding me okay here's what i'm gonna do you guys do what you want group four just go out and infantry charge ahead let's go all of you i can't believe it they actually came over here the fools i bet they felt like they could win they could just come over here and easily beat us that we're just some savages who live out in the sand we're proving them wrong they know nothing of our people of our ways of life and our culture and so they'll be punished for it the empire has fallen for a reason their way of life has been proven to be weak to be really valuable all right so they're nearly done we've only got a few more to kill but don't worry we'll have peace and time we'll have a home in time and we'll expand slowly for those who would like to join us they can i will pay them well they will live well okay i mean they came towards the best location they could i got eight kills total jubal got two one for altair let's see five for our new companion orbin got two xena two oh my god he killed five what a monster of warfare you are at my mercy now let's have a look i can have one more who can i take elite counter frank i'll take that one now let's take all of their loot and try to make it back home i fought some incredible battles and i would like to go rest 10 000 gold plundered my god that's a lot i had to buy new equipment for my bodyguard don't worry mua deeb has found a great home he will serve me well let's get back over here please okay i've got a lot of prisoners and i think i could keep them for now i could try to keep them sure i think i will do that sure but there are a few that i want to donate not all of them sure let's go over here oh no sorry that's the garrison my bad i meant to go to the dungeon habit all right so i'll just kind of transfer all of you but i'll take youtube back for now 22 influence at 26. so not a lot but hey it did change how much you get i've got two lords in my party you know what it's a party let them stay let's see i didn't get any great loot from them so let's get some money a lot of money in fact wow sell it all 19 000. we grow in wealth and power have the sheep the hog too and i get 20 000 dinars now while we are here we have one job to complete let's go talk to belia belia my friend greetings it is good to see you again it has been a while i wish to form a new caravan okay lauren you're going back out i have a need for coin here's what we're going to do i wonder where my children are staying at by the way i'm really curious as to where they're going to be children of a star there's ali car look at my daughter's name aaliyah ali carr that's my brother you know it's a good friend of mine there's arwa my my wife who likes me a lot which is good that is a good start there's my bodyguard he's very powerful but my children let's see yeah for some reason they go over there i have no idea why but that's my child who will one day probably join us too i'm sure of it now oh no another attack is coming soon i could probably take that castle i think i could yeah i believe i could i need to rest up and get probably a few more soldiers i have only 149. so here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna go pick up more recruits and mercenaries too of course we're gonna get a few mercenaries i could take it for myself i could just do that become a vassal ticket for myself but no that's all right armed traders i'll take those that was not a lot let's see there's a couple of villages oh my goodness what a horrible location for my villages i don't like that at all aryan gave up of course he did he's not as a rhyme no solomon has very firm views about the empire keep in mind their disunity has brought chaos to the lands they do not benefit us oh boring come on don't lose that battle he wants to be a traitor but he's got to learn how to elude his enemies and over here i'm at 174 i want a few more i need a much bigger party especially for what i'm going to be fighting which could be our first siege battle alone mind you alone alright who's over here usaid is close by i really want to work on my pronunciation i would love to just not be completely accurate but accurate adjacent i want to kind of get close and any help you can provide and i do understand depending on the region and things like that i mean just like any type of nation or whatever you're gonna get variations for nations a plurality [Music] oh they're tracking that army they have over 700 you should go take care of them oh you're going to go get that castle when you should go out to that army that's what i'm talking about they should be going after that army not after a castle i can do that scolder huh i'll take them it's a lot of money but i'll get some mercenaries sure that puts me at 203 wow that's pretty high up i wonder if i can make it to the castle before they can i don't know if i can but we can go find out i would love to get that castle from someone huh i could quit being a mercenary and get it i wonder if i get it i can keep it without people declaring war on me i know you can create your own kingdom after what clan tier 4. i just don't know how they're gonna act if i don't make a kingdom like let's say i just keep it for fun because i want to keep a castle but i don't want a kingdom while i only have a castle i feel like that's a really bad idea i wouldn't having really a lot of money i would be able to defend it but i wouldn't have a lot of money it would probably be much more of a chore all right let's see what we can do over here it'll take some time they have a pretty decent garrison and militia as well i hope after fighting this battle i'll be able to continue my siege but it's not very likely they're going to have a lot of horse archers now i could try to counter them they have 269 soldiers total let's see what we can do over here maybe we'll be able to handle them i don't know all right yeah they've got 52 horse archers that's a lot archers i need all of you over here get ready for that right over there okay infantry you'll be over here group five naturally you know where you're going same place as usual okay horseman stay back there i'll have you charge in later horse archers you too now we just need to wait for a brief moment i'm going to use my glaive and i'll see what i can do got a few shields not too many shields only a few shields all right follow me all of you come follow me let's go let's go in and see if we can take out some of these horse archers i got one oh he blocked me i'm so much higher than they are that's gonna be a little bit different for my swings huh 55 damage and he's dead too you thought you could just come on by and kill my people huh nope not today we're gonna ride right through them and keep on getting some kills i've got some horse archers too not a lot i don't need a lot though they're overcompensating it's another dead one oh i nearly got him didn't quite get him though also dead all right their infantry is pretty close by so let's move over here now horsemen archers all of you get over here too long just gotta kill okay so they did hit my archers unfortunately infantry let's charge in archery so pull back a little bit only a little bit though all of you move let's go it's fighting time i think oh i've got so many horsemen to kill a nice overhead strike i've only lost a few so far i got him too yup another dead soldier i went right over his head again i've got to remember where they're at they're much lower than i am i'm on my war camel i just want to be sure that they're all attacking like they should be all right let's get over here and try to distract maybe a few of them i missed that guy went right through him oh nice weapon i had to avoid him he was looking at me i got one darken dark on and so we're gonna circle back again oh no i didn't hit anyone in that swing that was a friend it's really a sloppy battle but i've never fought one against the koozai with my current composition all right cool i'm like right in the middle of a whole bunch of them nice that actually benefits me we want them to be stationary if they're stationary i can get to them a lot like that yeah a lot like that come on get out of my way i actually love using my camel to fight horsemen oh it's certainly different and i'm probably going to whiff a few shots i'm sure just right over their heads but it seems to be working out mostly all right let's get back over here they've got a lot of very elite soldiers i think oh yeah see like right now i'm definitely going over their heads i have to aim even lower oh they're dead armed traitor i got him too i don't know how many kills i'm gonna have at the end of all of it here but we're gonna have to pull back it's been a very costly fight we haven't really had a lot of those have we not really no we got a lot of my infantry i think we were way too busy having to handle all of their horsemen that's where the huge real disadvantage comes in from they have so many horse archers they have so much of everything that i've got to focus on everything possible horsemen infantry their archers aren't really that bad and they're all very much grouped up right now so let's see i'm gonna try to wade in again don't try to reach me they nearly got my camel if anything though we just took out two lords and that is very impressive not to mention a lot of my soldiers were recruits to having to be trained up so we won that battle oh okay let's see he got six kills orban got three kills xena one i got 20 kills 20. oh really i got three that's pretty good let's get out of there now oh yeah too long you're my prisoner now and you are too conor john next i don't want to really lose too many of my prisoners so we'll take as many as i'm able to 32 dark ons wow that is a lot and why don't we just upgrade everyone that we're able to i'm gonna have to you know there we go i could use a few more archers they're footmen yeah let's go get some more archers and horsemen too all right scolder warriors two hired blades they'll turn into what eventually okay just hired blades gotcha so nothing too extreme i don't want your looters but i do want all of your loot i've got only 90 men left oh boy way too many are wounded let's go back over to the local town and get what we can i've got to get more people to fight for me all right what's over here tin yeah tin bini zelal would be great to have let's go over to the dungeon donate prisoners i'll give you all of these units over here yeah take them all the hired blades too [Music] got four lords under my control and that put me up to 63 influence i'm going to earn a lot of money because of that all right let's go travel around to get more soldiers i earned over 5 000 because many of my men are now dead oh he's got over 200 is he coming to fight me he's here to defend there's another large army i'll have to go around them whoa and another one my god how many do they have solomon you've got to be careful now let's have a look 104 for my pole arm skill lancer oh very nice i don't want to couch right now but i can i could do that let's go pick up more recruits because i need to train more oh my god how many villages look at what these monsters have done to my people we're not gonna have a lot of money coming in locally for these towns no we are not okay let's see here i'm gonna go trade off all that loot i want to get my money back up okay i'll keep these two weapons i can smell them down later that's what i want to the rest of it that's what i want to do and for your armor we didn't really get anything great no we did not what about over here cracked no we don't want that it's all cracked and old 64 000 in ours just give me all that you can now we're at 715 000 dinars and i've got to go recruit more men i've got a decent amount of money coming in my workshops are picking up i own a lot of them you know okay my leadership skill went up to 25 so now i can get a new skill a new perk what's over here medium xp bonus per day yeah take that take that right now oh look at that tribal horsemen they'll turn into vanguards level 31 units they're very good incredibly good a tier 6 unit so give me all of that yeah and what do you need a family feud no thank you you want your daughter found okay so there's a lot of issues happening locally i do want to do more quests i think we'll probably help out in one more war then we'll leave for a short period of time or however long i want to there's taize i can't remember what does thais own all right i can recruit a few more i'll take no i don't want your units forget about that let's just get a few more and rest up got many who are wounded so now we need to pause it about a few things here i can't become a mercenary again if i own any land at all so i can't be like a mercenary lord who owns his own castle though that would have been very very cool that means i've got to either join a faction or create my own faction i am worried about other factions coming to attack us i would rather have a town under my control but that probably means we would need to conquer a town and have one given to us then i would need to probably use my main quest line to get that castle now if i do that we can end a war and become independent i don't know how other factions would feel about me i have no idea in fact what i could even do i could join another faction briefly take a town under their rule then after that leave and become independent that way we're not taken from our own people but their people so i've got a few ideas on what we can do i would need probably maybe close to 5 million dinars in order to buy a decent town so that would take me a little while i have nearly 1 million maybe even more i mean we are earning a lot i would like to engage in some trade let's go get some horses and go to blandia and of course we can go find whoever we want to i don't want to go near that army though that would be a bad idea man my poor villages a castle would not make me a lot of money then i would still be an independent kingdom so probably becoming some manner of vassal for a brief period of time would be the right way to go we've got a few choices to really think about we can have a great discussion about it and we could try to make the best choice possible there's only so much i can do i mean i can leave right now buy a castle then for my own kingdom but i don't know how long it would take me to get any other location under my command especially like a town you know okay so we're no longer fighting the empire very well oh hold on 110 that's great training let's go back over here and fight them i've got to do that i know i know we did not have a lot of looters in our lands now the other option for me i would need to find a very poor town it couldn't be an average town like sonal is considered to be an average town in prosperity i believe iakis is our most poorly performing town in all of the azurai i don't know how much they would charge me but i just know it wouldn't be cheap all right do what you want to you too horseman get over here i'm also going in but i love my new glaive it's really good i did put a little spear tip at the end of it too all right let's go we've always got more to fight and more to trade as well we'll go look at my workshops in just a moment not yet though we shot them there's like a few dead back there so my archers i suppose it was did i look at them and they died i don't blame them okay that's one dead enemy another dead enemy 300 200 damage ah there's my horse archers i just didn't see where they went off to come on now don't crowd yourselves by a rock here i'm gonna move them back they're getting a little bit too crazy for my liking oh he blocked my attack you dog you all right we're back over here over 400 damage now that is a great i don't sell for a lot another idea i've had is to collect more items in order to craft more weapons i'll look at really what earns a lot which right now i believe is two handed weapons and javelins i could save them up and make as much money as i can by my town but that would still be a longer term goal that means i would have my first town without actually having to fight for it and it's certainly something i want to consider doing but it still does mean that i've got to serve someone else for a long long time you are terrifying on the battlefield he's killed 11 in one battle the man knows how to fight he is a monstrosity of war and i respect him for it also i won't be able to lead nearly as many men once we leave look at that we've got noble retinues so i would need to drop 50 men all right a few recruits over here i want more tribesmen oh my bad there we go that's right infantry what about over here mercenary swordsman a hired blade and we are done with that battle too of course fighting those lords has earned me so much coin and i want so much more all right we've not done a trading run and i've not done a quest or two in a while these battles have been very busy but look at that we made a two-ended blade at 93 000 dinars that isn't too shabby huh not too shabby at all oh 10 sheep yeah take them all we've got some hogs too oil no it's very cheap here i want to get more horses horses sound good to me let's see ma lul we'll head over here people tend to like me a lot i'm earning a decent amount i would have to drop my party signs if i wanted to earn even more wow all of you are just so bothered right now i kiss i can go to iakis sure it's not too far from where i'm at i might get some of my companions to do more work around here too sure 19 desert horses wow i'm not going to steal them that would be i don't steal let's go back out so we're going to iakis and while i'm here what do you have oh very cheap azerite horses desert horses too your mules are very cheap you know what i'll just buy all of your horses yeah let me have all of that then over here you want your daughter found very well i can help you out okay i'll have i'll tell you orbin you're going for now corbin you need a break from fighting you're very old here's some royal guard those are very good and some gulams too oh they'll find him and he'll probably crap his pants not to be so crude about it but he'll probably grab his pants all right i don't want to have to ride over there so let's go talk to another person a family feud well that causes a few issues i don't want to be part of that i would have to resolve it on my own i do want more charm i have to get more charm okay so we got a few jobs to do we're going to iokis i've got more horses to pick up let's see the kuzaids and northern empire no longer fighting let's go over to this other village 181 people my party it's a large party okay desert horses mules and i'll even pay you a bit more so we've got a few more villages to stop by right now like hunab then we'll go to iokis the sultan's army has over 1 000. wow i pity the full he's got to find them okay so we're over here you're being extorted i didn't get enough x-men for that one lord but that's really all right i can't do everything on time i'll try my best every time but you know what that is don't worry my friend that will help you too i'll let my bodyguard go take care of that okay wait how many do you need you need so many that's fine actually i don't need all of them right now do i no i do not oh boy that's my bodyguard he's going to take care of them all of them now i can move a little bit faster we've got iaikis over here prindor was killed by looters how could you be killed by looters my god a noble of batanya only tier three bernard is the leader now look at that so many children four years old so many years we're gonna have a lot of new fighters out there that's your father your father died wow wait did he not have a wife huh okay his children are all grown up that's really tragic that poor man no i don't need to recruit more i need to not forget about that hold on let's go check out my quests real quick so i need to go talk to who lucky taya interesting a gang leader i don't like that i don't work for gang leaders but sure a deal is a deal sure take them all he likes me a lot more i've gained some coin and we are all better for it okay i've been to who knob let's now go to hatif only car won a tournament and got two in writing skill i'll leave my friend he did it oh it's so cool he's like you know what i'm here whoa look at that money income from parties 596 wow that's just so much money to have i love it good good good i'll buy all of that the mules too i'm buying all of these horses there's a hideout let's go by let's see what we'll go by what and i'll go to the land of landings in order to sell my horses see i'm gonna mix it all up we'll do quests we'll do battles we'll take things it's gonna have a lot of variety as much as we're able to get and writes he's very angry about that i'll take care of it later don't worry about it now we're fighting the freaking battalions and as i said before i'll do some more jobs for him he'll be happy about that the war really took a lot more out of me than i thought it would it was very costly over 8 000 gained see if i had a much smaller party i would gain a lot more money okay they have no horses at all i don't have nearly as many as i usually do there's tanalum we'll go by balik and then we'll probably go to qrs and go over to the blandians for a little while i do want some more hardwood maybe and he still i'm able to get is a positive thing as well all right so we've made it over to a new village let's see what they have over here oh it's very costly no thank you not for me pals 131 looters i'll take them too what's over here can i level up anyone i want to quickly look through i don't really see anything no well it would show me up here there's really nothing to look at 193 in smithing let's go find another group of looters it's just what i do to ensure that my men are being very well trained look it's equal oh it's a beautiful battle too wow okay infantry follow your sergeants i love fighting on open deserts all right let's go i've been using my glaive so much i like my sword don't get me wrong but that's usually my secondary weapon that i'll be using maybe when i'm on foot right but not always let's go in oh they hit me right in the leg it's always my leg that's where they usually get me two looters dead oh you're so lucky he's dead too horsemen what are you doing they're mad all of them they shouldn't be doing that all right so now i know to be careful with my horsemen they did charge through but a few of my horsemen well they were hit pretty hard of course i'm charging in two so maybe i'm a bit mad oh my god the hunting that is going on okay let's move because i'm taking a lot of damage he nearly got me the master archers are having a field day [Music] god oh wow that was barely any damage but i still got him no i missed him i should probably move now look at all the missiles what a group we know how to fight on the deserts i tell you no i don't need that i mean i could thrust it i suppose yeah that actually works out too hey that was perfect [Music] for damage delivered someone's going to get them no one's leaving today well none of you are leaving today let me rectify and clarify none of you are leaving today don't hit my leg again i like that leg it's my second favorite leg okay oh i gotta kill my bodyguards on here but now i'm rather attached to him already i've had many people fight for me but to have someone perform like that that is nearly terrifying okay so not much of a thrusting weapon anyway i love my blade okay he's gonna get one kill now it's got a lot of kills let's see i got ten ottawa four kills i really had two kills sagittarius was wounded fairly early on i'll take this looters and i think i'm just gonna upgrade all troops gain more influence well good i'm over my limit am i yeah i do have condo john yeah i've got too many let's go turn in some of these people did i get influence for those lords i believe i did that must have been it right anyway time for us to go we didn't lose too many we can now move over to q oz it took a lot of damage but it happens you know it does happen i wonder how our current war is going let's see the koozai have 20 000 in strength they're a little bit more tired of the war than we are we've killed more of them you're welcome by the way for that 1-1 battalions are not so bad the northern empire is pretty much done for let's see western empire fairly weak oh 22 000 they're much stronger sergio is never doing well blandians they're doing all right itania and northern empire made peace [Music] so those two are no longer fighting i've gained 4258 look over here now i'm gonna rant some of my prisoners off for more money use more money and we've got some trading to do we always do no matter where we go there's always some more trading to do all right we'll get rid of all of that and i'll slowly begin to gather more crafting goods over time i'll do trading runs on my own i'll buy them i'll find the best deals just so that we can store it all up and get ready to just make a lot of dinars i'm earning a decent amount per day but not at a rate that would really help me out you know that would really change things up 1400 oh my god that's what i'm talking about that's why i also do not need my own land just yet i'll probably hire some mercenaries whenever it's time to have my own land it won't be cheap but i'll have to do it because earned a lot more money thanks to my many many parties brought up the brotherhood huh okay let's go check on what they want they don't usually pay a lot for my horses got my what else do you have over here nothing really that great all right let's see 1800 is not a lot no but i do need food do you have like cheap food here let's see if they have cheap food here i don't know if they do oh no they certainly do not have cheap food here i was hoping for that but no we did not get what we wanted can't have everything we want roland is under attack the battalions are very dangerous please make it my friend please get out of there now he's probably going to be captured there's no way he'll make it through okay let's see what do you have iron ore it's not too cheap here do you want my horses 3 700 yeah you do give you a few step four horses too 13 000 gained so now we're just like doing a very easy and brief trading run ah they got him i'm glad he's okay though and i got five thousand back i'm just glad he's okay i can replace a few dinars but to replace him no there's only one roland people who operate my caravans have very dangerous jobs it's a lot of recruits but i'm not going to get them right now let's go look at the trading room again let's see 3600 i'll sell two of them it's a few chargers and that's rusty so i don't want it take those two nine thousand okay what do you have hardwood it's very expensive hardwood let's go by value let's see 27 for flax i know that's a lot just by default yeah we're only here to make a little bit of money i've got 800 000 dinars now who are we fighting the western empire oh no no we're fighting the sturgians oh swanna was killed you're kidding me i know of her how in the hell are you losing battles like that svana oh no she's dead golden you don't have a wife you won't be getting more kids you need to go have children man there's like a few families who still do not have wives and that's really unfortunate they need to get married safana was killed that's awful okay let's go look over here 4 000 yeah that's what i want you can't have my war camel go away can have a few of my desert horses and my mules too my god i take those i really forgot to check on those all right six thousand eight hundred now svan is a big deal she's a lovely lady she was in our previous campaign when i played as rory they were very close and now in this reality and this storyline she's passed on c raiders killed her the people of rurik killed her this game to 500. look at that income from parties 9200 damn okay let's go look at proven what is over in providend there's just not a lot out here that iron ore is way too much silver too i need more iron ore i'll just smelt down some more weapons instead then i think that might be my only choice really i don't think i'll have another choice i only have 40 000 here all right how much will you pay me for my horses 1 800 okay you can have two of them you can have a few desert horses too okay i'm near 850 000 dinars let's go up to ox hall i've got to watch out for large landing armies my trading skill went up oh no oh what bad timing okay i've got to figure out how to get out of here because we're fighting pretty much everyone crap oh this should be interesting let's try to get out of here if if we can i need some of my parties to come back so we're gonna head over here for now there's a party already looking for me i'm going to promote all of my soldiers just all of them there we go i've got 11 days worth of food i'm gonna try to get through here if i can i can't believe how many factions we're already fighting that's awful [Music] all right one of our lords has been captured i'm pretty upset about people not marrying though i'm supposing that the only people who are having kids were those who began married but they should certainly be married or they should get married have you seen people get married yet it's like only that family when they can be married having kids and everything would be okay but she's dead now and he's got three other kids poor golden out of anyone who could have passed on all right so we're like having to skate on by it's currently 1089 we're not that old yet are we no no we're not that old got four influence left and we're almost back home but almost doesn't mean we're back home to look over here at our character sheet real quick and my trade skill is very high plus 15. that better work because i would love to have that plus 15. all right no upgradeable skills let's go over here now raw brick of the brotherhood or brotherhood factions now i really do wish i could actually hold a thief while i'm an independent mercenary clan because having my own castle to go back to again would be the coolest thing and i hope one day we get to see a mod or they just add that in i don't believe they'll add it in but it would be cool if they did all right so we're not done selling horses and i still have a trade deal to enact right now you know so let's go over here i doubt they'll pay a lot we'll still check oh 3 500. it's actually not bad i'll sell those two what about for my mules not a lot i'll keep those for now look at that 6600 let's go by legeta we can go by legetta that wouldn't be a bad choice yeah i was in the middle of enemy territory while trying to trade how dangerous huh and i'm nearly at 900 000 so the goal right now is do what i'm doing i could become a vassal if i want to maybe they'll even get me land and that would be fine but the biggest goal will always be to just keep on earning more money that's all that i'm worried about right now it's just earning more and more money i'm gonna sell these i don't need these at all so we'll get rid of all those and earn more of that money you know take all of that eight thousand two hundred all right the weapons i'll keep i've gotta smelt down more i gained a level hey how about that okay what do i want now my writing skill needs to go up in my view but i also need a few other skills like over here what would i get more experience after every battle okay double renowned from tournaments 20 more damage while building a one-handed weapon without a shield i kind of like the idea of that that feels really daring and i do want even more charm so i'm also going to work on that too yeah stewart is also a really good skill too over time you can get some really nice stuff i don't know which perks work but you get some really nice stuff did i already come over here i did i did just to make sure though sometimes i'm a little bit loopy and i forget things wait hold on i saw some better i don't want to spend too much but i've got to spend some money right oh they're imperial though which means i don't want them i'll go home and buy gear i don't want to buy gear in foreign lands i don't believe all right let's go i'll buy it for you know sagittarius or someone but that's it let's go over here how many are they fighting pardon me oh a lot yeah that is a lot i would love to join in with everyone but breaking in costs way too many troops oh i can just join in holy crap that would be really cool but there's no way i can beat that many that was only 300. i wish i could trust me if i could do that oh boy but no i'm not doing that i'm here for a challenge not to just die in battle just for the hell of it i'll buy all of your food thank you they're like oh my god we just had a great day this guy just walked in he said his name was suleiman and he bought all the grain here that we were wanting to sell we didn't even have to leave the village that's right i did that all right 3700 is a lot i'll sell those two my mules oh that's a lot too 9700 so i will be buying more mules too they can make me a decent amount we'll go to amatotus i haven't been doing as many trade deals lately but i'm glad we're doing the ones that we're doing right now i've got nearly 900 000 dinars oh nope never mind i have it okay roland is back i paid 1 000 for him good he's safe and okay what's over here a rival gang not interested out to find out where he's at in a few days i'll check for him and try to get to him all right 3200 what about my mules not a lot that puts me at 900 and 3 000. okay next we'll begin to head back home i'm going to go buy zionica then just go back home we have won many victories today both on the battlefield and in the markets too i have a powerful new bodyguard a legend in his own right and i have two beautiful wonderful children in time we will need a home whether or not i become a vassal is a matter for much debate but one day we will have our own lands i'm not sure when but i will continue to strive i am by far one of the wealthiest men in all of calradium i have nearly 1 million dinars and pretty soon we shall reach only one goal but i have much more to make i thank all of you for watching salam my brothers
Channel: SurrealBeliefs
Views: 48,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Episode 1, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Guide, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Part 1, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Playthrough, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord gameplay, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord walkthrough, bannerlord 2, ck3, crusader kings 3, mount and blades, mount and blades 2, surrealbeliefs, surrealbeliefs bannerlord, total war, total war three kingdom, warhammer
Id: od271ypqv7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 45sec (3525 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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