Multi-Engine Training - Ground School

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fair warning this video is very different from anything you may have seen on my channel it's a recording of over an hour of ground school before we ever get into the airplane if that's not what you're here for no hard feelings but you should probably move on now for those who stay with me I promise you'll get a lot of insights into some of the key concepts and topics important for pilots flying multi-engine aircraft as I'm sitting down with doc Rosenthal a highly experienced pilot instructor an FAA designated pilot examiner and an airshow pilot who performs regularly at events across the United States some of the things we discuss here may be controversial there's not just one set of rules for multi engine flying which everyone follows Doug and I hope this video will trigger thought and discussion and we welcome your comments here on YouTube or an online pilot forums in what we hope will be an open and professional conversation which we can all learn from [Music] well let's get to it yeah so I've printed off some of the ACS here the commercial pilot ACS and because you're adding a multi-engine rating to a an existing commercial rating we don't have to do all the tasks and so there's a table in the back of the ACS that outlines the tasks that have to be completed and a lot of the tasks that we have to do quite frankly are the same tasks that you would do to get your commercial and the reality is that a baron is just a bonanza with two engines and so steep turns and stalls and slow flight and all of those things are going to be accentual ii the same so the training that we need to do in those will be just brush ups and we really don't need to spend a lot of time on the ground talking about how to do a steep turn I mean you're obviously experienced pilot so we're gonna focus here today on the things that are really the heart and soul the meat if you will of the multi-engine rating the things that are really different from eggs and single yep and and I guess one of the things points that I want to get across to you is that when you go to get a multi-engine rating sadly the training you get is designed to pass the test and the test is outlined in the ACS but I would argue that most schools where you go to get a multi-engine rating when you completed that rating if you wanted to rent their multi-engine airplane to take your family on one of Martin's famous trips to go to Chicago and shoot an ILS to minimums at O'Hare they wouldn't allow you to do that and I think part of that is because the training in some areas is terribly inadequate and so we're going to dig a little deeper into what I believe and I'm going to share with you some of my philosophies about flying multi-engine airplane and why it's different and how important it is and and so that's what we're here to accomplish okay so let's just kind of go over the list of the things that have to be added on areas of operation are outlined there's there's a 11 of them here and one is what has it was historically and the pts was the oral portion and in the pts the task in the in the oral portion were F G and H and the ACS it's only F and G and so if we look here at the table of contents one F is performance and limitations and one G is operation of systems in the pts that preceded the ACS H was multi engine aerodynamics which I would argue is the most important part of this course and I believe that when they wrote this quite frankly it was an oversight maybe not I don't know but the expectation the answer that I received was that that's to be covered in area 10 which is in the flight portion but it's much much more important and more in-depth than anything that we can do in the airplane and then I believe a part of the ground discussion and both in training and in the in the testing phase of a multi engine flying would be human factors because flying a multi-engine airplane brings a whole nother level of decision-making and the stress that's this that comes with an emergency situation and the multi engine is much different than it is in a single-engine airplane and how pilots react to stress is going to determine what kind of a day it is at the end of the day when we have a real emergency so we're gonna spend some time talking about the human factors in the flying portion an area of to area 2 is pre-flight procedures it says a C and S which are pre-flight assessment well preflighting a twin-engine airplane is exactly the same as preflighting a single-edged and airplane except it has two engines to look after see is engine starting starting a twin-engine airplane is exactly the same as starting at a 520 on it or a 550 on a baron is exactly the same as starting a 520 or a 550 in a bonanza and F is the before takeoff check and with the exception of one item the feather check the run-up is exactly the same and a baron as it is in a bonanza except we do a feather check and we'll get into that later ok but one iteration of training and you'll have a good understanding of that there are four items in the takeoff and landing section normal takeoff and climb normal approach and landing short field takeoff and climb and short field approach and landing takeoff and landing in a twin when both engines are running again it's a bonanza with two engines it flies almost identically maybe a little bit heavier but not noticeably different and short field takeoff and landing there's a lot of controversy about short field takeoffs in - and light twin-engine airplanes but the reality is that's for Alaska and the fundamental difference between a short field takeoff and a normal takeoff might be that you hold the brakes until full power is established before releasing the brakes and then prudence would indicate executing your short field takeoff exactly the same as your normal takeoff it short short field takeoffs and light twins they're not bush planes they're not intended to be bush planes and that's not where we're gonna go and short field landings a light twin will land in far shorter places than it will ever get out of and so I mean it's an exercise and accuracy landing really because it's essentially the same landing so the takeoff and landing phase really there's not much to about there the next section is slow flight installs if both engines are running Baron stall characteristics are exactly the same as Bonanza stall characteristics power on power off accelerated and spin awareness the one thing we're not going to do in a light twin is spin it it's bears mentioning that the center of gravity is dispersed laterally because of the weight of the engines out on the wing so you know the reason why the baton has weights on the end is so it will spin better and so the engines being out that on the wings and that pushes the fuel farther outboard and so a light twin spins like a baton and it wants to keep spinning so we're not going to anywhere near spins likely so we'll talk about spins in the VMC portion so slow flight and stalls are really just a rehash of what you've done previously in your Bonanza emergency procedures are different and the ACS says that we have to do an emergency descent but it's the same as a single-engine airplane you know two choices fast or slow power off and so we'll refresh that but there's no difference systems and equipment malfunction that the Baron has a few systems that the Bonanza doesn't have one is a heater a janitrol heater and the other is feathering propellers so we'll talk about those a little bit but when we really get into the meat of the multi engine and the stuff that I believe is slowly but surely migrating out of our training programs and is VMC engine failure during takeoff VMC engine failure after takeoff and to a lesser degree approach and landing with an engine inoperative and then multi engineer the multi engine area is flying with one engine and an operative of EMC demonstration a feather and restart and basic just maneuvering with one engine inoperative and that's where we're going to cover the the multi engine aerodynamics portion that used to be in the ground portion we're gonna do that on the ground before we ever get in the airplane because there's really no way to teach that in the airplane economy it's something we got a girl so that's kind of the overview do you have any questions about what we're here to do no not so far all right well let's we'll just start at the top again skipping over all of the items that are essentially the same as the as the Bonanza that really starts us with an engine failure during takeoff before VMC and that begs the question what is VMC so I printed off some of the airplane flying handbook and on page 12 - - it provides a definition of VMC and it's long but if you were to go find the origin of this definition you would find it in part 23 where this airport car 3 where this airplane was certified and this is a definition of how to determine where to put the red radial on the airspeed indicator ok VMC according to part 23 is decided is defined as the minimum control speed with the critical engine inoperative it's marked with a red radial line on most airspeed indicators the minimum speed at which directional control can be maned under a very specific set of circumstances outlined in 14 CFR part 23 airworthiness standards that's how the airplane was certified that's how they determine this okay whoever you know what these specific circumstances are and we're going to talk about that just a little bit here under the small airplane certification regulations currently in effect the flight test pilot must be able to stop the turn that results when the critical engine is suddenly made and operative within 20 degrees original heading using a maximum rudder deflection and a maximum of 5 degrees of Bank and that would be into the dead or into the good engine and thereafter maintain straight and level straight flight with not more than a 5 degree Bank there is no requirement in this determination that the airplane be capable of climbing that's key we're going to talk a lot about that deal at this airspeed VMC only addresses the directional control further discussion of EMC is determined by as determined during aircraft certification and demonstrated in pilot training flows in a minimum control airspeed demonstration okay and that's the demonstration that's described under the VMC portion in the ACS that you'll have to perform on the checkride so let's talk a little bit about what happens and the way the ACS describes that this should happen so first we need to talk about the critical engine both propellers on a barren turn the same direction so that means that the left engine the descending blade is close to the fuselage and the right engine the descending blade is far away from the fuselage all right okay so you remember P factor okay so explain to me what P factor is well if I if I fly at with an angle of attack where the the the prop if I think of it as a disc is not completely perpendicular to my direction of flight then the one blade down or up is a different angle of attack - then the other one that's exactly correct okay so the left engine descending blade is taking a bigger bite so if we think about the prop arc and we increase angle of attack which way does the thrust line move so if we're gonna fly we need toys boys like toys right and so if the airplane if the crankshaft is parallel with the relative wind okay Rd is the ascending blade and the descending blade are gonna what create the same amount of so where would the center of thrust of let's say this is the critical engine where would the center of thrust of this prop come out of right the spinner that's right okay now as we slow down and increase angle of attack what happens to the descending blade it has a higher angle of attack and produces more and what happens to the the descending blade has a higher angle of attack on and what happens to the ascending blade lower angle of attack so it's pulling less and so what happens to the thrust of line of this propeller it moves to the to the inside to the right correct okay and that's actually kind of a good thing right because there's less you know it's it's moving closer to the center versus yep conversely if we lose this engine and now the right engine is doing the work and this one's dragging what happens to the angle of attack of the descending blade over here its increase also and these angle of attack of the ascending blade is decrease and what happens to the thrust line it's moving to the outside that's correct what we don't want it okay so what's gonna happen to this airplane if if if we're flying along and I reach over and I pull the mixture on the left engine okay what's gonna happen to the airplane that's gonna yaw to the love okay it's going to yaw this direction right is it gonna turn that direction I don't know eventually yeah eventually but not immediately it's not going to turn right it's gonna pass through the air sideways right okay in our training we're gonna attach it yaw stirring you ever fly glider I didn't know and it had a yaw string right yeah really incredible piece of equipment just a piece of yarn and we're gonna tape a piece of yarn on the windscreen so we can see which way the air is flowing so which way is the Austrian gonna be gonna go when I pull the mixture on the left engine let's see y'all to the left so the y'all string will be to the left that's right so it's going to come this direction right okay so now the airplanes passing through the air in a side slip right and what's going to happen to our drag as a result of that he'll increase quite a bit correct so if we are flying with the wings level in the ball in the center and this engine is wind milling and this one is pulling where's the Austrian going to be to the left okay how are we going to fix that right rudder that's right so now we put in some right rudder and the airplane moves this direction okay so when we put in that right rudder and the airplane is moving this direction it's going to take a lot of rudder okay yeah but if we put some Bank in here we and and when we put in that right rudder what's going to happen to the Austrian if we if we keep the wings level when we put in right rudder well if I put in enough right righto the yawl string will be sent it again that's right and then the airplane is gonna do what if the Austrian is straight by him and this engines pulling and this one's not what's gonna happen to the airplane if we tie two rope on this airplane and pulled it on you know yeah it's gonna turn okay it will it will turn and to counteract that we have to raise the dead engine so we're going to raise the dead to negate that turning okay the Austrian will be in the center the airplane won't turning and that will allow us to ease off on the rudder okay so what will that when we back on when we deflect this rudder what are we creating kind of lift that moves the tail subtle lures on a little horizontal component of lift to offset the thrust that's on this side and the drag that's on this side okay now if we Bank this airplane now our lift vectors going this way okay and there's a horizontal component to that which will allow us to ease off on the rudder yes okay all right and have the airplane goes straight and the Austrian will be straight back and the definition says not more than five degrees okay in reality it's probably closer to three or four it depends on a lot of things it's very dynamic but just the certification standard says not more than five degrees okay so what you'll hear me say in the airplane is raise the dead okay so if this engine fails okay we're gonna put in rudder we're gonna raise the dead okay bank to the right it's known that towards the good engine towards the good engine okay and so now we've got wings level this engine stops the airplane yaws we put in rudder to counteract it bring it back and raise the dead and the Austrian will fall in line and now the airplane will track at the in the lowest drag configuration straight through the air that's what we're trying to accomplish because in reality when we lose 50% of our horsepower we lose about 70 percent of our performance because of the additional drag of this engine and the cell and this rudder out here everything's going against us right okay so the VMC demo that we're going to do in training what will happen is we will simulate wind milling propeller we will simulate full power on the operating engine and we will start slowing down and pull in the nose up very slowly and as we slow down what's the airplane going to want to do y'all - why will it want to on put me why well first because there's only thrust on one side but then the more we slow down the more the P factor adds to that effect so the thrust line moves farther away from the center of the airplane if this engines inoperative if that one that's not a factor okay what other reason do we kind of are we gonna play gonna try to y'all what happens to the rudder as we slow down becomes less effective right okay so we're gonna need more rudder at some point this rudder is going to be at the stop and then the airplane will start to y'all we can't give it any more rudder we can't give it any more rudder we've got our five degrees a bank in okay and the airplane starts to yaw when that happens that means that the power from this engine pulling this direction has overcome the horizontal component of lift of the deflected rudder and the horizontal component of lift of the banked airplane uh-huh alright so when that happens we overcome that and the airplane is going to start to yaw and it'll be a very benign y'all okay and not really anything to get terribly concerned about we would it would it would seem and this is especially true your fault we're gonna fly a bear but if you were flying an Aztec or a Seminole or a Seneca or a Dutchess all airplanes which have half as much power as our baron 180 horse instead of 300 okay and they have a bigger vertical stabilizer and a smaller rudder okay so they have very benign VMC characteristics but we're flying a baron and back in the 60s the army used t40 tuesdays multi-engine trailers trainers which is a b55 bearing and they crashed several of them in VMC accidents and it caused a big investigation all of you know and I think some learning occurred from that but what let's go back to our yaw string if we deflect this rudder and the vertical stabilizer and we drew a line from the trailing edge of the verdict of the deflected rudder to the leading edge to the leading edge of the vertical stabilizer what would we call that line cord line court line okay that's right remember okay so would that not apply here as well and would absolutely so we've got this deflected rudder and a vertical stabilizer and the line that goes from the trailing edge to the leading edge that's the cord line of this wing because in reality it's a wing mounted vertically right generates most of the time the rudders in the center and it's just providing stability a stabilizing force but when we call upon it when we deflect a rudder it generates lift one way or the other okay so there is lift there and to create lift we need what angle of attack right okay how would we determine the angle of attack of this vertical stabiliser the same as with any wing ring we it is the clear line to the relative wind how would we determine the relative wind in this twin-engine airplane we can look at the string the Oster else paint okay so if we draw a line from the trailing edge to the leading edge to infinity and we draw another line from the lead-in that's defined by the Austrian where those two lines intersect what do we find at the intersection of those two lines and it's a wind to the chord line what would we call that that angle the angle of attack that would be the angle of attack of the vertical stabilizer so if we have an airplane that's got a big long vertical stabilizer and a relatively small rudder is that going to have a greater or lesser angle of attack for a given amount of yah a small rudder would have less and a big vertical stabilizer thank the Aztek great big tail on the Aztek and it has 250 horsepower and our baron has either you know to 60 to 85 300 depending on what model were flying so big big difference in the angle of deflection or the angle of attack that's available to us so if we allow this airplane to start yawning the austrians going to move out this way right and we've got full rudder as the yaw string moves what's going to happen to the angle as the airplane starts to yaw and we don't stop it it's gonna get bigger and ultimately at some point in a high-performance airplane like a Baron or a twin Comanche twin Comanche has a very small tail not a lot of power but are very small tail Aerostar all examples of airplanes that have fairly critical VMC's because in the Aztec or in the Seneca this all that happens is we overcome the horizontal component of lift in the airplane Yas but it doesn't have enough power to exceed this critical angle of attack and so the VMC demo is prescribed in the ACS is a very benign maneuver the VMC maneuver that will kill you in a barren or in an era star or a twin Comanche starts is a very benign maneuver and when you exceed that critical angle of attack the horizontal component of lift on the vertical stabilizer goes from a bunch to zero almost instantly when this stalls what's going to happen to the airplane that's gonna y'all much Biostar violence right and that's going to do this wing this way over here is hiding behind this wind milling propeller so six seven feet of it are blanked out not getting very good air the airplane yaws violently we're very close to stall speed anyway what's gonna happen to this wind it's gonna drop it's gonna stall and this one's going to accelerate and it's gonna create more lift and if you're an aerobatic pilot which I don't think you are that is textbook snap rule and so the airplane is going to stall and snap and at this point it's going to go in and a snap roll in aerobatic language is a horizontal spin but when the airplane goes over you're going to be in a spin and you're gonna have two engines and if you're in a 310 Sasson you're gonna have two fuel tanks out here and once those airplanes find themselves in a spin they're not going to stop so the VMC demo that we're gonna do in the airplane in training is we're gonna teach you what the VMC recovery is but to follow on you know it's it's a very benign maneuver it's a very benign and it's designed to be that way because if it becomes violent the potential for non recovery is high all right but it has nothing in common with the VMC maneuver that will actually kill you if you get slow in a twin-engine airplane with high power okay the recovery what so if we're in this situation and we lose directional high angle of attack slow speed and we start yawning what do you suppose the recovery would be well I could lower the nose that would help and I could reduce power on the good engine that was a few things we do simultaneously and instantly lower the nose pull the power back the airplane will start to accelerate and will accelerate to blue line which we'll talk about a little bit bring the power back in and then five degrees of bank and resume normal flight okay but that you know this spin snap spin scenario is not what we're going to demonstrate in the airplane because there's no safe way to demonstrate it and it has the in the Baron since we're so dangerously close to VM see a real VM see in the in the airplane itself the way we simulate this is by blocking the amount of rudder that's available to you and the airplane will start to yaw early you'll reduce power lower than those accelerate to blue line parable so the training maneuver that we're gonna do in the airplane will lead you to believe that this is no big deal mm-hmm it's a very big deal and it's especially a big deal Baron twin Comanche arrow star high performance small tail light twist now that makes sense that's what we're trying to accomplish that makes sense is the words we want to hear the aha moment all right the VMC is predicated on the B model Baron which has 260 horsepower okay and that coal male Baron has 300 horse engines which are limited to 260 by a manifold pressure limitation but if in a real engine out situation you were to go to full power you have more than three or in a turbine airplane or in a turbo supercharged airplane you have more than rated power available and if you exceed the rated power of the engine then the VMC comes up yes okay let's also talk about if if we have the five degrees of bank into the dead engine that is reducing the amount of rudder required to make the airplane go straight correct mm okay so if we level the wings to zero degrees all right what are we gonna have to do the rudder to keep the airplane going straight use more honor so we put in the rudder okay so what's what's that going to do to VMC not the published number but the actual speed at which you will lose directional control when we lowered the wings because we know that when VMC is going to occur when the rudder hits the stop right and so if we level the wings we got to pull some of the stops so and so that raises VMC okay so the point of all of this discussion is the training that we're going to do is going to send a message that VMC is not a big deal and nothing to be afraid of all right the reality is VMC is a very big deal and it's something to be incredibly afraid of and just because you're above the red radial on the airspeed indicator there are lots of things abrupt control movements over boosting overpowering over torquing and a turbine that can cause this power to go up failure to have bank in or god forbid some Bank the other way you've got rather deflected this way and Bank so you've got a horizontal component VMC can reach a V y se blue line and so there the point we want to drive home absolutely is we do not want to fool around with VMC there's no reason to be down in that regime all right so I understand it correctly we trained it in in a more benign safe away that's the only way that he can train it because if we if we would have demonstrate the real danger of it it would probably result in training algorithms there would be lots of training accidents like the army had the t42 the p55 baron which were flying today and the VMC would occur and without if you don't recover from that insipid spin and the first quarter to half a turn the airplanes going to go over and it's going to be an M and not rip not reliably recoverable from spits and you know most of us are not most pilots are not really proficient in spins and we certainly aren't proficient in spinning twin-engine airplanes they're not designed to spin we just can't go there can you demonstrate the danger accurately in a flight simulator that resembles the background in a really good expensive flight simulator I don't I don't know that the tabletop mat models are going to accurately model that behavior I can't answer the point is we don't want to go anywhere near BMC all right yes okay so when we go flying we will raise the nose slowly we'll have five degrees of Bank in I'll be blocking the rudder with my foot so only about half to two-thirds of the rudder is available at some speed far above EMC you'll be unable to maintain directional control the airplane will start to y'all into the data is you know what are you going to do at that point I will lower the nullus and reduce power and then accelerate then bring the power back in and again five degrees bank all gray and ruther all right that's what we're gonna do in the airport okay all right that's VMC one of the tasks that we that is different is flying the airplane with one engine and operative okay and the singles typically we don't go up and shut off an engine and fly around with one engine and operative because we only have one well in it you know the whole purpose of a twin is to provide that option in the event of an engine failure you can fly to an airport of your choosing hopefully dependent on the performance your airplane and the gross weight and so forth and you know descend to and land from a normal landing so one of the tasks is flying the airplane with one engine inoperative so that takes this to performance charts and multi-engine airplanes have much more complex performance charts and they talk about single engine performance and and you can drill into the performance charts for a temperature in a gross way you can see what the airplane is supposed to do in terms of climber descent rate at various altitudes in the performance charts and so in a single-engine airplane and you're in your bonanza you have a speed called best rate of climb right and you have another speed called best angle of climb right right okay and so as you best rate of climb is for a given gross weight is a fairly constant number it doesn't move much best angle of climb yes so that's the altitude gained over the shortest distance that is a function of excess horsepower and so as we climb higher we have less horsepower so the best angle of climb comes closer to the best rate of climb numbers and where those two meet that would be as high as you can get or the absolute ceiling of the airplane uh-huh okay in it in a multi-engine airplane we have what's called blue line or vys II which is best rate of climb single-engine v-y single-engine okay okay and so that is predicated on that's the speed we want to fly in moat almost all situations after that speed or greater after we've lost an engine and in some cases in some twins at some altitudes and some configurations best rate of climb will be a negative number the airplane will not maintain altitude we're fortunate in the B model Baron especially the coal mill Baron which because of its greater displacement can maintain maximum Altidore maximum horse performance to a higher altitude it has excellent single engine performance and so a definition of single engine service ceiling is the highest altitude that the airplane can maintain 50 foot per minute of climb uh-huh 50 feet per minute at V why I see around 100 knots dependent on the airplane is a very very flat climb yes but you're gaining and not descending conversely a hundred feet per minute if you're 5,000 feet above the ground and you're descending at a hundred feet per minute that means you can fly for almost an hour so even light twins that don't have excess performance to maintain altitude on one engine they have what we call drift down and as soon as you lose an engine you press the nearest direct and find an airport and you start a drift down to that Airport and and fly much farther than you could collide it in a single without it further than you could glide as a single so that's part of the philosophy there about flying now right immediately after takeoff if your airplane has negative single-engine performance you have a problem right right and then what are you gonna have to be forced to do the same as I would in the single with an engine failure start to you know you can go farther it may provide you the option to pick a better place but if you're 200 feet off the ground a sanika at gross way on a hot day in Denver when the engine quits at 500 feet you're gonna start looking for a place to land and more than likely it's going to be you know same as a single ahead of the wings into the wind yes and fly the airplane at vyc because we don't want to go below vyc because as we go below voic what happens to our angle of attack it's bigger and what happens to the drag I think it's also bigger that's right because we have to deflect the rudder and so our rate of descent increases that's why it's called best rate of climb so if we go faster we descend faster and if we go slower we descend flat faster okay so there's one speed we're gonna fly when we're single-engine and that's V Y SSE the blue lion or faster all the time maintain blue line or faster all the time hmm roughly how many knots are between the blue line and BMC so how much of a margin is there I think my airplane is 75 and a hundred okay so plenty off plenty in between those that's right that's good but as you go below as you pull that nose up and you go below blue line start feeding in redder itself I mean if you start chasing your tail and it's it's nurse going down the drain in a hurry and you have to have the discipline even if you're close to the ground to push the nose down and accelerate one of the tasks we're gonna have to do is feather and restart so in the this is the really the heart the meat of the whole multi-agent training and to feather an engine there are a lot there are lots of different methods there people teach at different ways but I'm pretty hard over about teaching a method called the drill and it is first of all when the engine when an engine fails in a multi-engine airplane I don't care how experienced you are or how much you've done this if it's totally unexpected there is going to be a moment of shock panic terror whatever you want to call your body is going to take a big push of adrenaline okay yes and adrenaline will change your vision from 180 degrees to two inches at 2,000 yards all right it will light up your heart rate it will slow down your brain it it will destroy your fine motor skills and one of the things we have to do is train to get through that phase and go from being a a monkey on drugs the drug is adrenaline to a functioning pilot that's actually flying the airplane because when we're flying this airplane that went from a hundred percent performance to thirty percent performance how finesse fully we fly the airplane is going to have a lot to do with how well it performs and what the likelihood of a successful outcome increased somewhere of course and so we need strategies that get us through that and they need to be regularly reinforced recurrent training and that's one of the things that you really have to commit to do if you're going to fly multi-engine airplane is fly it professionally and commit to recurrent training and a lot of people go to recurrent training and they say well you know I went out there and there just really wasn't any big deal well if you do your recurrent training and it's a big deal that means you should have gone to return a training sooner okay because we're gonna train here until an engine failure it you know under simulated circumstances is no big deal alright it's going to be up to you to continue to maintain that level and then when it happens unexpectedly in for real you will still go through that phase where you take the big shot of adrenaline you're gonna have some panic some terror whatever but you have to have strategies and tools to get through that phase get your vision from here back out to here regain your fine motor skills and fly the airplane finesse fully and accurately to a successful landing on an airport and that's hard to train for because by definition and training you do expect it to happen and outside of training you don't vaguely here's the deal everybody says will rise to the occasion okay pilots do not rise to the occasion they sink to the highest level of their recent training and the longer ago that training was the lower that level is going to be because flying is a perishable skill it's a good way to put it so let's talk about the drill so engines can fail and numerous different phases of flight and they can fail on the runway before we've left the ground right what would be your response if the engine failed on the runway I would move cut the power and come to a stop on the runway that's correct if you have any sense that anything is going wrong on the runway stay on the ground stay on the ground all right it gets dicey er once we've left the ground okay if you flew a jet a jet has what's called takeoff decision speed what's called v1 huh so you accelerate to a speed and at that speed you move your hands from the throttles to the yoke because even if an engine fails you're gonna continue the take-off and you might roll for another two or three thousand feet on the ground before you achieve enough speed to actually fly to rotate which is called VR and then you're going to rotate it VR accelerate to v2 and fly away well we don't have that luxury and light twins because in many cases we don't have enough excess performance to fly away from an engine failure and so if we're on the ground we always abort okay okay and depending on the airplane you're flying but I think I can say almost categorically in white twins if you have an engine failure and the gear is down we should pull the power back and land okay and if we have an engine failure and the gear is in transit then we're going to do what's called the drill and we are gonna beat this into your brain at the same place in your brain where mary had a little lamb' exist it needs to be a conditioned response it needs to be deeply ingrained in your brain so that you can recall it without drawing a breath and you need to recite it to lift slowly and deliberately the slower and more deliberate that you do it the faster and more accurately it will be completed and the drill goes like this here write this down if we write we remember better pitch for blue line mixtures props throttles flaps gear identify verify feather mixture engine failure checklist so the first thing you're going to do when this engine some people will say expletive that's okay that is relaxing that's a little you're going to push the nose forward basically nose on the horizon initially because if you hold the climb attitude you have your speeds gonna go away it's going to decay rapidly alright then you're going to you're going to pitch for blue line push the nose down and the next thing we're going to do is we're going to push the mixtures forward now if it's right after takeoff they should be forward okay yeah then we're gonna come to the props now in a conventional light to it they're in order in a Barren they're not an old bear and like we're gonna fly you got to come over to the propellers and you're gonna push the props full forward uh-huh slowly and deliberately and then you're gonna push both throttles full forward mixtures props throttles okay and we're gonna come down and again on a bear and they're backwards flaps up they should be up and we're gonna verify that gear up it should be in transit because if the gears down what were we gonna do then just straight ahead correct all right gears up identify we're gonna slap the dead leg to do that we need to look at the ball and push you know so if the ball if the airplane is Yan Yan we're gonna push to bring the ball back towards the center that's gonna be on the good engine side so we're gonna slap the dead leg that's the leg that's not pushing on the rudder that's correct and the reason why we slapped a dead leg is because then we're gonna that's called identify mm-hm and then we're gonna verify by pulling back the same throttle okay and if it gets quiet what are we gonna do push it up again because we pulled it all on one back okay yeah all right but verify by pulling the throttle back okay then we're gonna grab the same prop controller we're gonna pull it all the way back to the stop and that will begin the feather process uh-huh all right and then we're gonna pull the mixture now we're gonna take a minute and fly the airplane what are we gonna do with the bank five degrees - what's the good engine and what are we gonna do with the ball so it split the ball split the ball half a ball and we're gonna ease off on the rudder until we split the ball half a ball okay and when we get everything stable and we're away from the ground then we're gonna get out the engine failure checklist what what does that mean split the ball is it so if you like like yes like that yeah okay and that's a rough estimate all right depends on how much Bank and how much airplane that that's it's gonna be real close to that we and we use the ball because most planes don't have a yawl spring right if we had a yaw string would you see Austria and what we want is we want the ball to be pointed directly at the earth right and when we play five degrees a bank into the airplane if the balls in the center it's pointed out it's not pointed at the earth so right the reality is we want the ball however much Bank we have yes that many degrees a bank out of Center mm-hmm because the ball should be pointed at the earth at all times in coordinated flight yes and that's how we determine that we're in coordinated flight us because the ball is pointed at the earth but since we've raised the dead we can't have it in the center to be pointed at the earth because we're not flying yeah let's not make sense okay so that's the drill so we're going to do the drill over and over and oh again and you'll be driving down the road in your car and you'll go boom engine failure pitch for blue line mixtures props throttles flaps up gear up identify verify feather mixture engine failure checklist only have time and when you can do that slowly and deliberately 100 percent of the time when I go boom engine failure I expect you to recite that without drawing a breath slowly and deliberately then we get in the airplane and you'll do exactly the same thing now once you start that process okay you're in this panic oh my god I lost an engine what do I do oh yeah the drill okay when you do that you take a little shot of endorphin all right that makes you feel good and your vision goes from here to here and every step of the way that you get that right your vision is going farther and farther and farther out now some will argue that if I'm right after takeoff I don't need to fool around with the gear and the flaps you know I just skipped that well I will guarantee you if you don't make that part of your ritual every time I can get you in a situation where you'll miss the gear and the flaps when they're in fact down have you ever taken off in the airplane um in three or four or five miles away from the airport and say why is this airplane not going I have on the gillis tongue exactly so ritual makes sense out of chaos the reason why the blue-haired ladies get excited when the minister changes the order of services they want to know exactly what's going to happen they live in what they perceive to be a chaotic world and an engine failure and a light twin unexpected is chaos there is the cone of confusion helmet fire whatever word you choose to use when it actually happens and if you can throw in a piston coming through a cowling or a little fire out there just for good measure it's really you know chaos and you need a ritual and so this needs to be as deep in your brain as mary had a little lamb' and you can do it over and over and over again accurately slowly and deliberately the slower and more deliberately that you do it the faster and more accurately it will be completed because if you make a mistake here and you actually do feather the wrong engine it's game over you just became a glider and the engines not gonna come out of feather oh why is that because if there's no oil pressure to bring it out of feather if you have unfeathered accumulators bringing it forward might but that takes time so even on the good engine I cannot take it all you find other heathered it's done it's gonna tell you you will not get it run it again it'll kill the engine now first of all when you're feather it'll probably kill it and when you push it forward if you have unfeathered accumulators it will start to rotate but it probably won't catch hmm and if it did you know it's gonna be 30 40 seconds before it's on line and making power again so now the reason why we do all these things mixtures now if it's after takeoff somewhat argue the mixtures are already forward and the props are already forward just and the throttles are already forward we should just do identify feather okay so if we do mixtures props throttles flaps up gear up that buys us how many seconds did it take me to go through that part of the drill five seconds okay during that time every one of those successful acts that I did is doing this okay it is on us the greasing the likelihood that I'm going to perform and a higher standard yes okay mixtures props throttles flaps up Europe I now I've done one thing on one side of my body okay now I'm going to pull the throttle back now I've done two things on the same side of my body because five out of four pilots are Lex Disick and that when we get tangled up and especially when you're under stress a good time to tangle that and so doing multiple things on the same side of your body will increase the likelihood that you're going to pull back on the right because if you pull back on the wrong throttle you can push it forward again and I would argue if you do that start over you did not you something's not right okay yes just we'll wait a minute you know boom pitch mixtures props throttles flaps up gear up identify verify feather mixture stabilize the airplane get away from the ground execute the engine failure checklist on paper question about the identified step you said earlier if you pull the throttle and it gets quiet it was the wrong one does it really get quiet oh yeah yeah you go from having a 300 horse engine growling mean when you pull the throttle back on your Bonanza does it get quieter rpm stays the same that makes most of the noise yeah no I know we'll do it in the airplane yeah okay you will when you pull the wrong one back you're gonna know it okay all right that's the drill so the next step is we're going to sit in a chair and we're gonna do the drill over it because there's no point in getting in the airplane where you got all this extraneous noise and all until you have this firmly memorized in your brain and you can reliably and accurately execute it repeatedly okay because the first time it happens you're gonna be you're gonna take a little shock and the first time it happens for real you're gonna take a big shock question on the on the mixtures if we just took off from a higher elevation Airport somewhat lean we would leave it there full or no you would leave them there okay you know if you got altitude compensating fuel pumps you you know they're gonna be rich anyway but mmm yes if the mixtures would be back you would leave them that okay if you have a turbocharged airplane they're always full forward yes all right you have any more questions do you have any questions about the drill no all the steps make a lot of sense and all the tasks for me is to memorize this and and actually do it right well the reason why it needs to be again I just can't reiterate enough it needs to be as deeply ingrained in your brain that's very had a little lamb' slowly and deliberately with a rhythm and you execute it and and and the procedure will be you're gonna work with that you're going to sit then we're gonna sit in the chair we're gonna do it in the chair and then we're gonna get in the airplane on the ground before we start the engines we're gonna do it in the airplane repeatedly until you can reliably do it in the airplane there was no noise and no distractions and then we'll go to them so some would argue well let's go back to there are numerous phases of flight okay the drill obviously is most critical immediately after takeoff because we have a limited amount of time right if we're at 6,000 feet going across country and the right engine starts misbehaving maybe the oil pressure is coming down maybe the oil temperatures go on on you're sitting there debating and you know it's not happy something maybe is shaking and and you might want to diagnose you know it's running rough you might want to switch fuel tanks I teach that do all the diagnosis that you want okay switch tanks if you have that option fire planes it to airport to take airplane so there's no tanks to switch I guess you could cross feed but typically that's not gonna do much you can try different mixture settings you could try just switching the Matt Turner one mag off and see if that smoothes it out but when you actually make the decision to feather shut the engine down I'm gonna recommend that I'm going to teach that we go back to the drill okay because the drill accomplishes a lot of things okay it provides the serenity and calmness of the ritual and even giving check rides I can show 5,000 our or 20,000 our airline pilots and when it and on a check ride when we briefed that we're gonna shut an engine down when we actually comes to when it actually comes time to do it they get very agitated because it's a high stress okay and so a ritual is going to work us through that process better the second thing is okay we're gonna do it in steps and for the same reason we discussed after takeoff you know doing the steps slows the process down and makes with the rhythm increases the likelihood of accurate performance and it verifies that it's all gonna be on one side it adds power we're going to need more power once we shut that engine down we're gonna need more power on the other engine I've seen people to just say the right engine is not running we're just going to feather it and then they forget to add power on the operating engine and then the airplane starts to get slow what happens when the airplane starts to get slow I get closer to BMC drag goes to I calls up everything gets wherever comes in more drag and we start that so we're going to need if we're gonna shut an engine down we're gonna need more power so why not do the drill as a method to get us from okay I've made the decision to shut down the right engine let's do it the same way we trained most recently in or either a primary or recurrent training and that way we all always end up in the same configuration exactly right exactly right okay how about if you're say you're doing an instrument approach and you configured for landing which you still do all these steps so which you couldn't would you continue the landing well I would go through those steps if I'm in the marker inbound and the gears down I'm not going to put it up home because coming down a 3-degree glide slope there are very few light winds that will not maintain a 3-degree glide slope with one engine feather and even less than cruise power I would you know and if the flaps were at approach which is typically how I fly an ILS approach in the bearing and I'm sure you do in your Bonanza right flaps approach at the marker I I tend to use the flaps later because I'm gonna fly the approach clean yes okay and a baron we're gonna fly the approach with at the final approach fix we're gonna put the flaps approach because if we don't the airplane will go too fast and if so if the gears down a flap sword approach or if I'm if I lost the engine 20 miles away and I'm coming in my single-engine approach is going to be exactly the same as a two engine approach in every way possible that means gear down at the marker flaps approach at the marker the only difference about a single-engine ILS and a two engine iOS is we have zero tolerance for below the glide slope yes you know okay so maybe you say one dot hide and one dot low on a single-engine approach we want to be on the glide slope to 1 dot high because if you get below you can't wait on cam that just just you don't want to be low so just nothing below the glide slope single-engine okay and I typically fly blue line plus 10 you know is the speed that I would fly a single-engine approach so we've got some margins so if you get distracted you lose their speed you know you've got 10 knots to lose before you get on the wrong side of the drag bucket okay does that make sense yes you so we want to talk about is an old wives tale in flight twin-engine airplanes that you cannot turn into the dead engine okay okay the there's a lot of wives tales in aviation and this is one of them that turning into the dead engine the airplanes going to fallen out of the sky that the performance is going to decrease and that's just not true if we again raise the dead five degrees and bring the Austrian back okay now we have a stable airplane that's flying straight through the air alright if we turn either direction the airplane doesn't know the load factor increase so you know if we if we're raising the dead five degrees if we want the turn rate that would come from a 10 degree term we'd have to bank to 15 and conversely if we want to turn rate that's going to turn 10 degrees to the left we're only gonna have to drip Bank five five yep so if I want to turn the amount of turn that I would expect let's suppose at $129 and rate turn the other way I'm only gonna have to Bank ten mm-hmm so if I Bank 15 degrees 20 degrees right and 20 degrees left the 20 degree left turn is going to turn a lot faster which is going to degrade the performance of the airplane a lot more because my turn rate is faster but for a given amount of turn rate the drag is the same and the way we can demonstrate this is we'll go out and set zero thrust on the airplane and slow it down to some given speed on one engine and we'll do a right turn and a left turn at the same speed and if we've got an amount of power that will hold altitude that term we're gonna lose some altitude okay the amount of altitude that we lose in both turns will be the same another way we can do it is we can turn right and turn left and maintain and watch the airspeed and hold altitude and watch the airspeed in the airspeed that the airplane will maintain will be the same so there are many reasons most of them are psychological to not turn towards the dead engine because you have a tendency to let the airplane bank more than you should which will increase the turn rate which will reduce the performance but aerodynamically there is no difference between a right turn and a left turn at the same rate of turn where there is the wires less Bank - it's too bad and requires using the narrow cordon a tank the you know the the turn quarry so you know and if you're really in a series you've just taken off in a heavy airplane and you lose an engine and you have to get yourself back to a landing you're not going to want to turn more than half standard rate anyway because you're gonna have marginal performance and the more you turn the more performance you're giving up right and if the airplane won't climb and you don't think you're going to be able to get back around and land on the airport then a better solution is to go straight ahead and get yourself out of town or somewhere where you can find a field about the airplane in the field okay so the airplane does not know whether it's turning left or right in a single-engine situation as long as the rate of turn is the same yep I got that okay flying twin-engine airplanes provides us with more options okay and because we have more options we need to think through how we're going to utilize those options before we take off and so every takeoff in any airplane but especially in its twin we need to have a plan what are we going to do and we need to verbalize that plan in the before takeoff briefing yes so if you were to ride in the cockpit of a 737 before they took the runway the pilot fly would brief the takeoff and he would talk about we're departing runway 3-0 right from Minneapolis at gross weight will be the copilot's takeoff we have a problem prior to v1 will abort the takeoff after b1 will fly I'll fly the airplane the co-pilot will deal with the emergencies they're very structured briefing that outlines everything that's going to happen should they have an emergency in that first phase of flight if that emergency really occurs that is going to astronomically increase the likelihood of a positive outcome all right in a light twin airplane single pilot we call it single pilot resource management and I would argue in a single-engine airplane as well we should brief the takeoff and so having the twin-engine airplane provides us with more options having a low power to an engine airplane makes the decision-making process not always black and white like it is in a transport category jet but it's gray and so if we have made those decisions prior to takeoff the likelihood that we execute them correctly first of all we'll make a better decision when we're sitting at the end of the runway that we will in the cone of confusion we'll make a better decision and if we briefed it there's a greater likelihood we'll keep that plan of action broiler accurately so we're going to train and we're going to do what's called before takeoff briefing and an example of a before takeoff briefing that I would use is we're going to be departing on runway 3-0 at Mason City we're a gross weight this airplane will fly today a gross weight because and so if we have a problem prior to gear rotation we'll close the throttle on the operating engine and land straight ahead after gear retraction we'll lower the nose pitch for blue line and it will be mixtures props throttles flaps up gear up identify verify feather mixture climb to a safe altitude execute the single engine checklist climb out until we maintain a safe altitude eight hundred feet turn crosswind carefully come back around and land at this airport uh-huh now I have made those decisions taken off from telluride the briefing might be different because I know the airplanes not going to fly there okay but I also know there's a valley that goes down okay so the first part of the briefing is going to be exactly the same we're taking off on runway two-seven to Telluride and it's hot and it's and the airplane will not perform will not climb on one engine if I have a problem prior to gear retraction I'm gonna pull the power back on and land on the remaining runway after gear retraction it will be mixtures props throttles flaps up gear up identify verify feather mixture and I'm gonna push the nose down and accelerate if I can maintain ground clearance flying down the valley I'm gonna do that if I can't I'm gonna pull the power back and find a soft place to land add blue line until the runway until I have the field made then I'm gonna close the throttle off the stall in another field if we made those decisions if we've gone through that mental exercise prior to releasing the brakes the chances that we execute that you know accurately are much much greater because if we make that decision in the cone of confusion the helmet fire that occurs than amid engine failure right after takeoff the chances are we're going to make a poor decision so we'll practice takeoff briefings will every take off a lot of briefing and and that having said it and what I do is I reach for all the levers to provide muscle memory so I've just done recurrent training immediately prior to takeoff and the likelihood that I'll be able to reap we call that muscle muscle memory in that emergency situation is much greater intelligence no the systems on the Baron are almost exactly the same as the systems on your Bonanza with a couple exceptions one is the airplane has a combustion heater which means there's a little furnace in the nose that burns gasoline kind of a scary thought yes that the reality is our engine is a furnace that burns gasoline so there's a small engine that doesn't make any power it just makes heat and it runs in the nose of the airplane it provides cavity has exactly the same hazards that a traditional cabin heater does that if there's a crack in the exhaust system that transmits the heat to the cabin we can have carbon monoxide it's protected with overheat sensors and there's a circuit breaker in the nose that heater overheats it blows that circuit breaker in the nose in the nose wheel compartment or in the nose baggage compartment and the reason why it's there is so we can't reset it in flight yeah okay because if we have a problem with the heater it's better to be cold than to be too hot mm-hmm so we can't do that the other system that's different on the Baron than in the Bonanza is the propeller the Baron has feathering propellers okay so in your Bonanza if you lose oil pressure what happens to the propeller that goes to low pitch high rpm which provides you the power to get a restful sleep hour right okay in the Baron if we lose oil pressure or we lose the propeller governor and there's no oil going to the propeller the propellers go to feather because that's the same complementary with wind drag so if the governor fails the prop is going to feather on its own okay now because oil pressure drives the blades to low pitch and all the other four there's a nitrogen spring and counterweights that they all put pitch in the propeller but the thing we need to remember is its opposite of a single and if we lose oil pressure the propeller goes to feather okay so can just applying logic if loss of oil pressure causes the springs to push it into feather why doesn't it go to feather on the ground and the answer is there are centrifugal pins that in when the engine starts or when when the engine starts these pins are retracted and when you shut the engine down the propeller would be at low pitch because we're below governed rpm shut the engine down the pins return to the locked position and before the blades before the spring pushes the blades to high pitch they hit those pins and keeps it from going to feather on the ground okay so when we actually pull the prop leather to feather we're turning off the oil supply to the propeller when we turn off the oil supply to the propeller the springs and aerodynamic loads counterweights all push the problem to high or high pitch and that reduces drag so conversely when we feather a propeller on the ground or in flight now we've got a good oil pressure and we've got a little slowly work and when we start the engine in flight it'll take a little while for that and you'll see why hmm Reese if you feather the wrong engine it's going to be a bad day so let's talk about our takeoff in crime profile a little bit different in my view there are others that then we would in the Bonanza in the barren most people teach and I'm that we put the gear up when there's no usable runway remaining correct is that your procedure I raise the gear when I feel that if needed I could get it back get it back down runway remaining yeah okay in a twin-engine airplane once the airplane is in the air you know blue line is life insurance oh okay and so we want to get to blue line and airspeed is is a good thing we want to get to to blue line and accelerating as quickly as possible so we rotate positive rate gear up so if you can get to that speed that's quickly as possible as quickly and get some margin above it blue line plus ten climb movement you know 120 knots is a good number in the Baron for initial climb and accelerate to 140 okay so we're gonna add power accelerate read La Vie MC plus ten rotate we're gonna rotate climb positive rate gear up okay and when the gears up now and we're ten or twenty knots of a blue line now we now we're in a good place especially in a barren that will climb and in a barren that will climb on the one engine and so and at five or eight hundred feet we might accelerate for better engine cooling to 140 and we're going to take off and climb away but the key difference is we want to get the gear up not you know we don't want any chance of settling but when we see two indications that means the altimeter is moving up and the V s is moving up the V s eyes got some lag and at that provides you some margin so two indications two positives gear up and that would be decision speed so we're going down the runway we got a hand on the throttle we're prepared to abort if anything goes haywire and we're on the ground or we haven't gone for the gear we rotate we still got a hand on the it's does two things number one to make sure they don't come back and secondly if we need to bring them back were there okay and so when at year rotation can we pull the nose up add gear rotation the Baron accelerates quickly we're going to be by the time we get rotated we're gonna be through blue line we're gonna take our hands and go from the gear hand from the throttles to the gear handle okay that's the point like in the jet when the pilot puts his other hand on the yoke he's committed to fly okay we're committed to fly our takeoff decision speed is gear retraction so when we were attracted the gear now we're gonna fly you don't have to put your second hand on the yoke but when we take our hands off that's wrong now we're gonna fly okay so taking our hands off the thrall are going for the gear that's takeoff that's decision speed we're either gonna land or we're gonna fly okay the profile for a normal landing and the Baron is essentially exactly the same as a Bonanza I typically use gear speed is 153 I use 145 I'm gonna fly 145 till the glide slopes active and intercept the glide slope gear down flaps approached the landing check says the gas is on a good tank and we have quantity the undercarriage is down first we do it then we say it's so we're down flaps approach landing check says gas is on a good tank and we have quantity well undercarriage is down mixtures are rich flaps and props to go so that's my end switches because we have a combustion here typically we shut the heater off while we're still in the air so it cools better you can run the heater after landing on the ground but you don't want to shut the heater off when it's hot so unless it's really cold a good stir a good strategy as you shut the heater off at the outer marker okay if it's cold you leave it on you off on the ground but then you need a Renard on the ground for several minutes to cool so again we're coming up initial are coming up the final approach course you know the glide slopes active we're 140 when the glide slope is 1 dot high gear down flaps approach landing check says gas is on a good tank and we have quantity undercarriage is down three greens one in the mirror makes yours rich flaps and props to go I leave the props and cruise for landing others because if I have to go around my go around procedure is the same as the drill okay with the props forward my hands are on the throttles I'm going to push the props the throttles forward a handful to stabilize the airplane mixtures props throttles okay flying the airplane I hit 120 gonna start climbing flaps up positive rate gear up and away we go so the stall recovery it's the same as the drill hands on the throttles handful of power mixtures props throttles flaps approach gear up climbing flaps up and so that drill serves us not just for the engine failure procedure but the first part of it works for the go around the board and take off missed approach and stall recoveries it's exactly the same procedure but if your hands are on the throttles just a handful of power you're not gonna over boost and then it's mixtures props throttles for training we may go props full at the marker but to be a good neighbor or if you're flying higher performance twins like a Cessna 421 you would certainly not want to push those engines up to high rpm with low power and so you know I think using the rule of primacy if we train people initially to do a go-around using the hand full of power mixtures props throttles it's very safe to use props at cruise or maybe go 220 2400 rpm but there's no reason to go to takeoff perhaps I think we've covered all of this nothing to it right
Channel: Martin Pauly
Views: 183,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying, twins, twin engine, multi engine, AMEL, airplane, aircraft, beechcraft, baron, beech baron, beech, doug rozendaal, rozendaal, pilot, instructor, flight instructor, drill, the drill, vmc, engine out, minimum control speed, VYSE, VMC, briefing, take-off briefing, OEI, training, recurrent training, flight instruction, instruction, multi engine rating, twin rating, airport, hangar
Id: oD3YPdOH5Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 47sec (5027 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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