These 15 Minute Air Fryer Recipes Will Change Your Life

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now as many of you already know I started off a few years ago as a bit of an air fryer skeptic and I since have turned into well an air fryer evangelist and you might be wondering why I like this one Appliance so much in the kitchen full of options to cook your food well today I'm here to answer that exact question by showing you four unique recipes that utilize the air fryer and will help you transform your workflow in the kitchen so you can produce 15-Minute Meals with ease efficiency and speed all week long first off sorry for the Overexposed background but we are officially snowed huge blizzard just came through the east coast and I live on Long Island which got hit pretty bad we'll take a little tour later I'll show you some updates on the property but I first want to talk about rice now of course there are multiple ways to get a solid fluffy white rice product and those different techniques well they take different amounts of time my favorite way right here is use using a rice cooker measure out your rice I'm using one cup wash off the excess starch into the rice cooker with a little more than one cup of water and then set it and forget it and a rice cooker is going to take around 25 minutes for one cup of rice over here if you don't have an extra Gadget to cook your rice another great technique starts off the same way wash one cup of rice and then dump it into a saucepan with a little bit over a cup of water bring that up to a gentle boil put a lid on it reduce the heat to very low and cook it for about 15 minutes so that whole process is going to be around 20 minutes not quite under 15 minutes now if you actually only have 15 minutes I've showed you this before but a pressure cooker is going to be your best bet start off the process the exact same way then into the pressure cooker with a little over a cup of water set your pressure cooker for about three to four minutes then you'll release the Steam and you've got great fluffy rice so you have options depending on the amount of time and the equipment you have but mastering a good fluffy white rice is essential for these 15 minute meals and I'm going to be using it for the first meal so this first airfryer dish is extremely customizable you could use any meat you want any veggies you want it's really about the sauce and the technique I'm using some tofu because we've got meat dishes coming later and some brussels sprouts that's what I had in my fridge just snowstorm screwed up some delivery schedules for me this week so this is very realistic I'm using what I have and before we prep our ingredients think every single recipe today is going to start with preheating your airfryer and if you don't have a preheat button just crank it up to Max set it for five minutes so you're gonna want either firm or extra firm Tofu for this dish I'm gonna drain off all that excess water then slice it into a few thick pieces and then use a paper towel to soak up any extra moisture so it gets nice and crispy in the airfryer now once it's a bit more dry I'll chop it into some cubes and then season it with salt and pepper rolling them around on the board until they are fully coated now for the Brussels sprouts I'm just going to chop that little end piece off which then will give me the ability to remove move any of the wilted or rotten layers when you're dealing with a cabbage family you just got to remove layers until it looks pretty like this and once they're looking nice and fresh if I've got some larger brussels sprouts I'll chop those in half but the smaller ones I'll keep whole so they actually cook at a similar time to the tofu chunk so I should have just salt and peppered everything together kind of dumb I'll add just a tiny bit more salt for those Brussels and then hit it with some oil ideally not olive oil because this is an Asian dish but that's all I have toss you should hear a Sizzle because we preheated it and just spread these out even you never want to overcrowd your air fryer you won't get that crisp I'm gonna turn it down to 390 and I'll check it at eight minutes all right we are air frying in the meantime we've got you know eight ten minutes I'm gonna make a quick sauce really the star of the show again it's the sauce that can be anything you want in the airfryer getting crispy chicken beef broccoli cauliflower I've made this with everything so this sauce is very similar to the sauce from about three videos ago but just different flavors similar Chinese technique but the main player are oranges and right now it is winter and the oranges are popping off okay so my pan is on a medium low heat we're getting a little sloppy with it right into the pan no need to dirty up another Bowl actually I'll take this bowl to throw in a compost so I've got the juice of two oranges here that's a lot of juice rice vinegar for that Tang orange is the sweet rice vinegar is the Tang then two tablespoons of soy that's your salty and Umami one tablespoon Sesame that's your aromatic now we'll hit it with some more aromatic take a micro plane and some ginger and just microplane in a little bit of Ginger you don't need much oops I just forgot a little bit of zest of the orange too it really makes it pop right in there a little bit of chili if you want it spicy chili flakes just gonna taste it I was expecting to have to adjust that but I actually think it's perfect final ingredient essential for a nice glazy thick sauce we're gonna go one tablespoon of cornstarch we're just gonna bring that up to temperature incorporate that cornstarch ideally you make a slurry or you run into these issues if I change to a whisk I should be all right idiot Mike this is getting a bit thick so I'm just gonna water it down a little bit [Applause] good there you go let's see what we got here eight minutes of air frying not bad tofu's starting to get crispy brussels sprouts definitely crispy to me we can get that a little crispier same temp just three more minutes right here we go super crispy brussels sprouts and those tofu pieces sesame [Music] now what's really nice about this dish is how easy it is to just grow whatever you want in the airfryer make a sauce coat boom you're good love the Simplicity but also the lightness of this dish that looks like heavy Chinese food but when you think about it there's no added sugar most of the sauce is just orange juice I found that the air fryer is the best possible way to cook tofu because tofu is a sponge and it can soak up so much oil if you're doing a normal fry but you don't need that much oil to get it super crispy in the airfry this one always is a hit in my house especially my wife who seems to Crave Chinese food when she's pregnant one more quick note before we move on once again I'm taking one element from each recipe each of the first three and bringing them together in some type of Megatron vinyl air fryer dish for this dish I'll be snatching some rice before we get started on the next recipe in celebration of the biggest snowstorm in I don't know four years oh no broken Mash I'm gonna christen this fireplace I've used the stove in there many times but this kitchen fireplace yet to light it up time for a little field trip to the Great Outdoors so for those of you following along remember the tree that was right over there in that section Big Walnut Tree well now some of it is here but most of it is here so I had someone come over who had a portable Mill and he milled the entire tree and we transferred everything over to this part of the property and now everything is drying now these pieces are all about two to three inches thick and generally when you're drying wood outside the rule of thumb is one inch per year so I won't actually use these pieces for at least two years so stay tuned for more updates there now let's go check in on the chickens to see how they are holding up in this snowstorm we're not the only ones snowed in now they're officially done molting which is when they lose their old feathers and they grow back this nice beautiful coat which is a good thing because they are nice and warm with those new feathers it's crazy what a few months will do when I started the series which wasn't that long ago it was like a jungle out here and now we're living in a tundra so that's that but before we get into more airfryer recipes I wanted to tell you about the sponsor of today's video which is kosori and I've been using kosori for many years now but in today's video I am debuting their new technology their dual Blaze 6.8 quart airfryer now one of the reasons I love kostory as a brand is because they're always innovating in the air fryer space and the dual blades is the only air fryer with dual heating elements on both the bottom and the top of the cooking area which means shakeless technology my friends you just set the temperature you set the time you click play and you can now guarantee that your food is going to cook evenly which has been a game changer so if you're interested click the link below you can save fifteen percent off uh kostory dual Blaze air fryer and I'll get back inside so we can try out some more recipes so for dish number two we are making steak in the air fryer but not just any old steak I mean any old steak sort of turned into something really special with a few other ingredients for these 15-Minute Meals always start off preheating your air fryer so I'm gonna be using some chuck steak today which is sometimes referred to as the poor man's rib eye but I love this steak it's got some great marbling so it's not going to dry out in the air fryer and it gets pretty damn tender once it's nice and dry I'm gonna cut it into some rather large chunky cubes you want it big enough so they won't dry out in the air fryer but you still want that surface area so all the sides get crispy now on top of the steak you can mix in whatever veggies you want I've got some fuchsia Takis and some oyster mushrooms that have been sitting in my fridge just a few days too long and to match those steak cubes I'll keep these nice and chunky and I'll add the mushies and the steak to a bowl then hit it with a generous amount of salt and pepper and some oil then mix it all up until it's evenly coated and ready for some air frying so just like last dish we've got our prepped veggies and protein preheated air fryer should hear Sizzle now nice even layer you want room in between to the air fryer see what the steak setting okay 400 degrees Fahrenheit at eight minutes that's the preset let's just go with that and we'll go from there all right so we are making a steak sandwich if you didn't already know now I've got two beautiful pieces of sourdough here the question is what is that spread gonna be and the answer is anything you want or a better answer is what goes well with steak could do some avocado on there that would be a beautiful steak avocado toast but for me I was feeling something a little different so I'm gonna whip up a quick hummus chickpeas save some aquafaba a whole lot of tahini we'll start with half a lemon almost forgot the garlic one garlic clove pepper as simple as that [Music] looking a little rock so I'm gonna add in some of this aquafaba for chickpea liquid creamy perfect and perfect timing the steak is done so two minutes left I just want to see what's going on we're starting to get some nice crispy bits those mushrooms are definitely getting crispy I would say three more minutes so that would be a total of like nine to ten minutes in the meantime let me show you something pretty cool on the other shot of the kitchen this little experiment so this is in preparation for Springtime where I'll be starting a lot of plants inside this is a three-tier grow light system for all my seedlings but I thought in the meantime I would do some micro greens these are all just different salad mixes and they're only about five or six days old so they're not quite ready but it definitely Snips some for this sandwich all right let's see what we got oh yeah see that cup pretty caramelized which I'm happy about mushrooms look great so what I'm gonna do is take a plate empty that on there now I'm just making a sandwich for myself so I'm just gonna do one piece of toast and see all that Dake oil and Juice you want that on there rub it in actually I'm gonna get under there too no juice is Left Behind there we go oh wow that's flavor Town pop that back I'll just go 380 we're about three minutes in the meantime we'll slice up some steak so as you can see here I sacrificed that medium rare for the caramelization on the crust it can be difficult in an air fryer to get that perfect medium rare with that caramelization because you're doing a convection cook but either pull it a minute or two earlier or cut your pieces a little bit bigger but it's still going to taste delicious I'm gonna do that steak with some of those mushrooms I don't have feta in studio but I do have some firm goat cheese that I'm just gonna hop over finally extra micro what's smaller than micro and a little bit more lemon Fireside steak sandwich that is a beauty for any vegetarians out there those air fried mushrooms they could hold up on their own no problem that's a great sandwich super crispy bread but light on the inside creamy hummus tons of flavor in that steak and mushroom combo and then just a little light micro green on top to me very well crafted just fantastic the ingredient I'll be saving for my final dish from this recipe are some of these leftover steak and mushroom chunks this next one is exciting because I don't cook fish too often on Pro home Cooks but I have a beautiful piece of halibut right here and it's getting air fried because we are making fish tacos in 15 minutes it can be done you know the game by now preheat that air fryer now this recipe will work with any piece of fish but the cooking times will need to be adjusted for the size of the fish so just keep that in mind I'm going to take this piece a halibut and like everything else that goes in the airfryer you want to make sure it's nice and dry I'll give it a Sprinkle of salt and I've got a little Mexican spice mix here that's just gonna add a ton of flavor to this taco and I'll sprinkle that on all sides until it is well seasoned and fully coated with spice okay so fish season like I mentioned before had some delivery issues for this dish I make a poblano salsa which I absolutely love couldn't find poblanos what I do have here are some massive jalapenos and these what are these it's yellow frying peppers I think I actually forgot the name of those but this is what I could find and this is gonna have to do for this recipe so what I'll do is I'll take the preheated air fryer basket got some avocado spray spray that you could just add some oil put the fish down pop one of those peppers in there jalapeno and then I've got an onion here order probably just need three chunks of that and then just give all that a spray and then into preheated air fryer we're gonna do four hundred eight minutes in the meantime I'm going to prepare the salsa while that's cooking and it's really simple the base are those roasted Peppers again a nice roasted poblano pepper that's my favorite flavor this is kind of an experiment at this point but I'll take one garlic clove a few sprigs of cilantro stems and all pop that in the crustiest lime of all time that's been sitting in the fridge for like two weeks you know it's fine on the inside for lime juice salt we'll blend but that's just to get things started and then I'll just clean up a little bit while that air fries oh yeah I'm also going to slice up some avocado to go on the top of this Taco all right let's check out the fish I see 30 seconds oh yeah I think that fish is just about done you can see some nice Char on those Peppers Char on the onions bring it over so take the ice five second rule take the onion pop that in remove this fish oh it's crumbling wow that just fell right off a perfect tender piece give that a try oh my God incredible right Peppers no I really don't have time to remove the skin if you do have time let these steam in a bowl and remove that skin for a better product but what I am doing is just removing most of those seeds oh that jalapeno smells spicy and that pepper I think this is actually going to be a pretty nice combo cut now we grind up I forgot one last thing that can be done right now take your tortillas again all of that nice juice in there rub it around oils and we'll just get that toasting in the airfryer 380 three minutes I'm gonna give this a taste take a look beautiful oh yeah even though I remove those seeds it's still spicy now with the poblano pepper you're not getting nearly as much spice that is damn good you get the sweetness from this guy the spicy earthy from this guy hold on so for the final recipe what I'm saving from this dish is a little bit of this salsa you'll see why in a second now to me this is good you could serve that right in the taco but I find that it just needs a little more balance it gets too earthy and the way I smooth it out is a little bit of whole fat yogurt just a few scoops of that and I'm telling you instant transformation [Music] now we've got this creamy beautiful salsa with the fish oh it's gonna be perfect speaking of whoa look what happened we actually got it folded in half that is not the worst thing I can prop this up a little creamy salsa in there now this fish in the airfryer is just perfect the color just flakes apart beautiful halibut twice or two of avocado I've got some sauerkraut here I made a few months ago at this point fish tacos what do you think that's creamy flavorful and light at the same time which is what I love in a fish taco wow now there's so many different directions you could take this dish but the key is understanding the general concept of multitasking getting that piece of fish in the air fryer with additional elements like the roasted peppers for the sauce if you think about the multitasking you can get these meals done in a much quicker amount of time all right the final dish very exciting stuff we've got the rice from dishuan steak and mushrooms dish two roasted pepper salsa without the yogurt so what I'm going to do is mix enchiladas basically make a filling out of these three things stuff it in some tortillas with some cheese throw it in the airfryer and also make a sauce with some leftovers that I have first I'm going to take out the steak and mushroom chunks and I'll give them a rough chop until I have a fine enough mixture that will work well for a filling I'll toss that straight into a bowl followed by the rice and finally all of that roasted green salsa and just give that a mix so this tastes good but I think it's just a little dry see what I got in the fridge not much but what's the sambal no peanut sauce it's not gonna work some tomato oh this is oh I think this is the Chipotle in Adobo from the 15 minute meals with Ethan oh yeah smells smell smoke that's what it needs just a little bit of that I just want the actual Adobo sauce I really need the Chipotles in there there's already jalapenos give it a shot well level up right there that is perfect it's gonna be so much better when it's hot [Music] again it's gonna pop that in there create a barrier got some Monterey cheese Let It Rain I would assume enough fat would come off this cheese to get these things nice and crispy right into the airfryer 380 let's go 388 minutes now while that's air frying I actually have the exact ingredients from my leftovers to make the avocado sauce from maybe three videos ago with that chicken salad this one right here so simple it will work great over these enchiladas half an avocado big scoop of yogurt little bit of cilantro clove of garlic another gross lime taste is fine I swear a little bit of oil sprinkle of salt a little bit of water that's incredible flavor in maybe two and a half minutes all right we got two minutes left let's check what's going on in the airfryer oh boy I mean could that cheese be any more perfect oh yeah exactly what I had imagined the oil has leashed out everything is perfectly crispy that's ready to go I find the most creative items come from using what you have and this is a great example of that helps you break out of your routine which then creates unique dishes hmm I always love a good creamy sauce on enchiladas I think I could have gone still a little heavier with sauce on the filling a little bit dry but really good flavor that's fun my wife is gonna love these leftovers there's some wonderful meals and the perfect use for an air fryer now if you're interested in purchasing a kostory air fryer just check out the link below I really enjoyed using this dual Blaze air fryer they have other models as well that are all great if you want more 15 minute meals click here and for more airfryer meals click right here see in the next video
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 2,273,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air fryer, easy dinners, easy meals, quick meals, quick dinner ideas, quick dinner, best air fryer meals, air fryer ideas, what to make air fryer, air fryer enchiladas, air fryer tacos, air fryer fish tacos, 15 minute meals, 15 minute dinners, 15 minute recipes, pro home cooks, mike g, Mike greenfield, cosori air fryer, air fryer review, should I buy air fryer, air fryer steak, steak in the air fryer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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