Loving the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) - Dr. Bilal Philips

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hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen was salatu was-salam ala rasulillah kareem while he was hobby womanist and a bassoon the teehee li o me Dean all praise is due to Allah and may Allah's peace and blessings be on the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and on all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day loving the prophet sallallaahu assalam is a title taken from a well known hadith authentic hadith narrated in the most authentic books of hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was quoted as saying liya Meenu ah Hadouken none of you has truly believed had hakuna a hobby a delay until I become more beloved to him or her meanwhile ad he whoa a lady when a siege wine more beloved than his parents or her parents their children or any among human beings one has not truly believed until Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu sila some narrations the Prophet Allah and the Prophet but this one this talk this evening is focusing on the love of the Prophet so a lot of a seldom so faith is not complete actually the the text of the hadith says no one believes meaning if you don't have this you are not a believer but the scholars have explained it to mean not a complete believer until the messenger of allah salla wa sallam becomes more beloved to us than our parents our children and all of humankind in some narrations Alma Reville kitab mentions that the prophet saw salem is more beloved to him then all of this except for himself and the promise asalaam told him you have not reached he pondered for a bit of time and then he said yes you're even more beloved to me than myself and he said now you have arrived so this concept of loving the prophet sallallaahu Salam is a very basic aspect of faith but for most of us it is difficult to grasp practically speaking because your love of your parents nobody has to tell you why you should love your parents how you should love you basically it is clear you love your parents they raised you you love your children you raised them you brought them into existence so your love of your parents and your children is a natural love now we don't have that relationship with prophet muhammad sallallahu wasallam either as our Father or as our child so then the question that remains to be asked is how how is it how could we develop a love which was so strong it would be greater than our love of our parents and our children how to achieve that that is the ultimate the perfection of faith and it has to be achievable otherwise the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah would have not have made it a condition of faith because Allah clearly states in the Quran lie you canif allow enough son l was aha Allah does not burden anyone beyond his or her capacity allows fair well I of Limerick bucha a Haida your Lord is not unfair to anyone so this is something attainable by each and every one of us it's not just for certain special people a special category or group of people and the knowledge of how to achieve it must be common knowledge if it's achievable by everybody then it must be common knowledge you have some people who say no no it's not achievable by everybody only certain special people can achieve it because the knowledge of it is special knowledge hidden knowledge passed along a special chain of narrators it was hidden knowledge shared by rasool allah sallallahu wasallam with abu bakr when they were in the cave during the Hegira to medina when abu bakr was there with prophet muhammad sallallahu wasallam he taught him some special information and it is with that special information that you can attain this so obviously who knows who has that special information anybody here received that special information no so it means we're all lost but this is not Islam this is not Islam this is a tale a fable which was made up to bond people to put people in spiritual bondage to others because when you accept that this person has this special knowledge you can only reach Allah by way of this person you are now in spiritual bondage you're a spiritual slave to that person your iman has been undermined has been stolen you have been tricked it's a lie that is why aisha rajala and her narrated the prophet mohammed salah the son had said regarding those people who claim that there is special knowledge she said Prophet Muhammad SAW Salim said clearly Tariq to Kamala Mahad Jatin bado I've left you on a clear white plane Leila ha Kenna haria whose night is like it's day it's so clear nighttime you see what you would see in the day lyusya one huh and anyone who deviates from it Allah Halleck is destroyed that's the reality the truth of Islam the elements of Iman the love of Allah and His Messenger all of it has been taught to us it is taught in the various teachings conveyed to us by the companions of the prophet sallahu wa sallam he explained they explained he explained to them whatever they didn't understand they asked him questions they got the clarity and they passed it on and that has been collected and preserved so there are no hidden areas of Islam so the love of Prophet Muhammad so live in Salem is not the property of a special group so how do we get it how do we attain it there are three main ways first we have to know the status of prophet muhammad sallallahu salim we have to understand that status when we say when ash hadu ana muhammadan rasulullah we bear witness that muhammad sallallahu wasallam was the messenger of allah is the messenger of allah when we say that in it is contained the definition of his status he was a messenger of allah a messenger of allah what he spoke what he conveyed was from allah as allah said in the quran were my antico Anil hawa in huwa illa huahin you ha he did not speak from his desires indeed what he spoke what he conveyed was revelation which came to him so his status was a medium through which Allah communicated to humankind that is his status a Messenger of Allah however with regards to his status Allah also said or had him say kun enema and a bashar room is local indeed I am a human being like you you ha alaya and nama inna hukum illa hoon whyatt but it was revealed to me what distinguishes me from the rest of you human beings is that it was revealed to me that your God is one true unique God and all that is implied by it but he was a man like us there are people who claim he wasn't a man like us you have a whole body of people millions who believe in India and Pakistan that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu wasallam did not die and if you say that he died they declare you to be a disbeliever you are a kafir yeah maybe you find it very difficult to believe you don't have that group present here they may be but there's small numbers so it's not there's no impact everybody basically accepts here that the problem died and of course the Serie clarifies the humanity of prophet muhammad sallallahu wasallam in the statement of Abu Bakr the best of the Ummah after Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah Abu Bakr who said to the people those of you who were worshipping mohammed salah salem know that Muhammad is dead but know those of you who are worshiping the God of Muhammad the Lord of Muhammad know that he is everliving so here was Abu Bakr clearly stating that muhammad sallahu wa sallam was dead so this is the true status of Prophet SAS Allah that he was in fact a human being but he received revelation which distinguished him from other human beings now the result of that is that his Sunnah his Sunnah is divided into two aspects one aspect of his Sunnah which would be called a Sunnah @ob area the natural Sunnah of a man and a Sunnah Atari area and the legal sunnah of the prophet of allah so there's two aspects to his Sunnah those things which he did as a man a human being his own personal choices which we are not required to follow and those things which he did he said he approved as a Messenger of Allah based on Revelation which we are required to follow these are the two aspects because when we are talking about loving rasul allah sallallahu wasallam we have to know where to draw the line now we know um abdul IBN omar son of omar anoke APPA second caliph used to imitate the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in everything that he did the way he cut his hair the way he dressed the way he walked he put a ring on his right finger he put it on the right finger you take the ring off you take the ring off he did whatever Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah did that he could do as a man he imitated him in everything and prophet muhammad sallahu wa sallam did not tell him not to do that so if somebody chooses to do that it is legitimate you could however that is not the deal this is the point this is a personal thing it's not the deal why because Abu Bakr didn't he didn't do it so don't tell me about Parker didn't know the Dean and left out a part of the Dean of the life in Rome I did no not possible or might have no laptop didn't do it or if a man if not fun didn't do it Ali bin Abi tonic didn't do these are the righteous caliphs about whom the prophets are salam had said follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the righteous caliphs after me and none of them did it so what do we know from that it's not required it's not a part of the deal per se if you choose to do it look personally fine but it is not a part of the deal it doesn't make you a better Muslim than anyone else to do that so the rest which was based on revelation that is what we need to know in order to love the Prophet Muhammad's illallah wa sallam we have to love what he were what constitutes him his sunnah his legal sunnah this is what information has been brought to us concerning which is a part of our faith to know which is why Prophet Muhammad Rasul Ahmed said seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim palpable enemy Farida ala kulli Muslim obligatory to know the sunnah of rasulullah sallallahu wasallam because to know the sunnah is to know him to know what he said what he did what he approved based on revelation is to know him as the mess danger of Allah also in order for us to develop the love of Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam we need to know his serie his biography his life all of the aspects of his life that we can we should know him know him as a person the more you know about him the more you can develop that love for him the less you know the more difficult it is naturally so it is important for us on one hand to know the religion via his Sunnah as it comes to us through his Sunnah which we strive to do as much as we can we make sure that what we're doing is based on his Sunnah very important and we need to know about him as a person how he lived his life in order for us to admire him to know the sacrifices that he made to know the struggles that he was faced with to know how he dealt with his family his children his companions those who did ill to him how he responded to them so we can admire him if we see him doing things that nobody does nobody would be willing to do today even you yourself you know within yourself I could never do that and you see him doing it naturally you're gonna say Marhaba you want your your your feeling towards him is going to be much stronger isn't it if you know the Sunnah through his serie and you know his serie as it has been authenticated an important point because it's not just any serie because there are many books that are written about him many books but some of these books contain false information incorrect information misinformation so we should know what is correct and what is not so we can truly admire him because if we are getting misinformation we may feel and understand the wrong understanding or the wrong feeling towards him on what he did the third principle is that we must obey Him if we are to develop a love for him then we must obey Him Allah told us in the Quran in kuntum to hit boon Allah whatever Allah if you desire to love Allah then follow Muhammad Solaris Allah and Allah will love you now he didn't say this about loving the Prophet SAW Allah wiser if we said if you desire to love the messenger follow him and the messenger will love you why he didn't say that why did he say if you desire to love Allah follow him and Allah will love you somebody well that does not say the question I asked what you said it's true but what we said is Allah said in the Quran if you desire to love Allah or if you think you love Allah follow mohammed salah salem and the law will love you and i said that in order for us to develop the love of allah of the Prophet SAW Salaam we must obey Him we must follow him but Allah didn't say that we cry for he did not make it a condition that the Prophet SAW said love love us that's what we were seeking that he will love us if we follow him why not Tauheed yeah that's right you're seeking the love of Allah you're not seeking the love of Prophet Muhammad SAW money we sell them because he doesn't know us he never heard of us who are we relative to him so there's no condition about him loving us the condition is about Allah loving us because Allah knows all of us that's real so if we want a law to love us that is the ultimate goal Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah loved his mother and father right nobody doubts that but could his love benefit them he loved a boot on it right but was his love able to save Abu Talib from the Hellfire No so the goal is not the love of Prophet marks our salaam to us it's the goal of allah loving us so the whole issue of the love of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam its goal because you have to ask the question ok why did then the problem so Allah make this condition of loving him for our faith to be complete why did he make that a condition the condition is for us to love him so that Allah would love us because if we do anything because of which Allah loves us then it means that thing which we have done is what huh it is following the Prophet is another name for it worship it is a bada anything which we do which Allah loves us for is a bada so loving prophet mohammed salah salem is a bada so the means that in loving him as we said it requires knowing his status knowing who he is who he was in reality not the false stories that have been made up those people who say that preference assalam is not dead that what is the basis for that they say because province assalam was created from the light of allah and they called his light and Noor al mohammed ii the light and they wrote books among them the shadowless prophet because he was light there was not a human being he was a laws light a part of Allah's light means you're a part of Allah and if your light and light shines on light decision light have a shadow no light makes a shadow it does not have a shadow so they wrote a whole book called the shadowless prophet of islam so that concept is a misunderstanding and where do you end up with that concept you end up worshiping mohammad salallahu alayhi wasalam is that ebody yes it is Avada but it is shook in a bada that is where you end up once you don't know the proper status of mohammed salah solemn you don't know who he was no his humanity and his prophethood and be able to distinguish between the two and be clear on it then you end up worshipping mohammad salallahu alaihe salam which is shirk so for us to achieve that love we said to know his status to know his serie to understand what he went through to feel close to who he was through information concerning his life when you read about the life of those who sacrificed here and there you you've loved it comes in your heart for them you admire them so this is one of the ways by which we build the love of rasulallah saw - mmm and the third way we said is to obey Him to obey Him this is how we develop a love for a Sulha law so loves Allah to obey Him in whatever he has told us so if he told us grow your beards and trim your mustaches you can't love him without growing your beard and trim your mustache if you claim to love him we say your claim is problematic who can't say you don't have any love for him but your love is deficient and that external expression is simple that is the simpler part the true love which comes from the heart is far more difficult than just to stop shave that's all growing your bed involves stop shaving not something you need to do but not do okay just stop simple and you can achieve that but when you do it after having shaving yourself for so many years and so many people tell you how nice you look how young you look and all these different things you feel nice with it then to grow your beard you start to think I don't look so nice anymore I'm now looking older and all these other things that come along with it when you're able to rise above that rise above that and know that I am trying my best to follow rasool allah sallallahu sala so since he said grow your beards I know I need to do it that it will change me it will cause a change within me which for sure will make me a better person if I do it sincerely because people say well no you know a man is nothing your beard the longer your beard the greater Iman know people say I know I know people who have big beards and they're evil people and I know people were clean shaven and they're very good people so this is common argument people say it's not about the beer but if it wasn't if the beard had no significance why do we think rasoolallah saws solemn said grow your beard and trim your mustache do we think that prophet Moses Alam involved himself in trivialities which had no meaning which have no value are not important because that's what we say and we say no I don't need to grow my beard so then what about what the prophet saww sallam said he meant to say he was asking you to do something you don't need to do you have to think about that one he was asking us to do something which we really don't need to do that is a serious thought a wrong thought this miss guidance is from Shaitan whatever the Prophet SAW Allah Allah seldom told us to do we need to do it as much as we can as much as we can whatever we can do of it we need to do it this is part of building our love for a Sulha law solo violin solo just like your father you say you love your father but everything he tells you to do you don't want to do what does he think my son loves me but he doesn't want to do it ask him to do what kind of love is that you have to say there's something wrong with that concept your love is expressed in your obedience and that's why it is a part of the declaration of our face and that's why when people ask well what my lab should we follow - Afra is here to go to pakistan there hanafis we go to Sudan there are Maliki's we go to Saudi Arabia their humble ease what was what math hub should we really follow the MATLAB would we should really follow we said was what obeying the prophets Allah Allah follow him follow him and Allah will love us follow him is a bada to follow him is a bada to follow the mother hub attributed to Abu Hanifah or imam malik or a safari or a midden humble to follow them is not a bada look at this - to be a chef a is not a bada but to follow rasoolallah saliva Salam is a bada these are the distinctions between the two fundamental distinction and that's why he will always hear me say in lectures Abu Hanifah wasn't a hanafi imam shafi'i wasn't a chef ray but imam shafi'i strove to follow rasulullah sallallahu wasallam he was among the leaders of the scholars of the past who guided people to follow rasulullah sallallahu wasallam his way his mother hub was the mother hub of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that's why he said in a sahal hadith from who Amin hobby he himself said that everyone even said exactly the same thing if the hadith turns out to be authentic then that is my math hub because my intention was to follow the authentic hadith from Rasulullah sallallahu taala but as a human being he recognized that perhaps he may be following a hadith which would life.they weak hadith the information that came to him came through in authentic sources which he didn't grasp because as a human being his knowledge is not perfect so he will make mistakes and that's why he said to his followers to those who studied under him if the hadith is authentic then that is my true mother that's what I was trying to follow the authentic hadith so if you find one of my rulings based on my understanding of a hadith which turns out to be not authentic like doing Knut in every fuzzier prayer right because the hadith is not authentic am a mushaf i thought it was or he understood that the oh there was weakness in it it was the only heavies available so he did the ruling according to it so he did what he could with the knowledge that he had but he was a human being so the practice of Knut in every fudger which is now a part of the mother hub the shaft Weymouth hub and that is among the rulings which actually is attributable to Imam Shafi is a mistake is an error of the Imam Shafi and he was a human being and he had no problem with it and we should have no problem in recognizing once the scholars of Hadees have shown us that the hadees in fact is not authentic that in fact the promised wasallam did not do good newton every factory did it on some occasions but it was not something he did all the time every day didn't do that then we leave it because we're not following rulings we're trying to follow rasool allah sallallahu wasallam that's the point so if we are to develop the love for him by obeying him then we have to have correct knowledge of his sunnah of his serie to be able to follow him as he deserves to be followed now the big question we said after all that after looking at all the house the big question which remains which I did address before is why why is loving the prophet sallahu Selim so important that one's faith is not complete without it why somebody I give the answer already in the previous discussion I gave the answer so why why has the Prophet SAW salaam based on rocky on revelation made why did he make loving him more than anything else a necessary principle for the completion of faith huh because loving him is a bada would you agree those who agree with that Pechanga that's what he said put your hand up if you agree so many little hands the dog people don't want to put it all the way up why what are you afraid of do you agree or not but Chanda yeah that's true that's what it is because loving him as we said knowing his status that's necessary for a bad admiring him through his serie knowing a serie that is part of a bada and obeying him is obeying Allah that's what Allah said for my um my you tomorrow soon for hadith Allah whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah so we are loving the in order to love Allah that is the connection for for our a bada to become complete we need to love him and loving him we said meant following him and that's why Allah SWA to Allah said in the Quran LOD Cannella comfy Rasul Allah he was swattin hasana there isn't a Messenger of Allah for you the best of examples for those who believe in Allah and the last day that we believe in Allah and the last day then he is the best example for us so the goal of it all is to worship Allah in the most complete way and this is the element this is the portion of worship that most of us neglect we haven't focused on this area we all talked about it we all have heard about it we all know it's supposed to be there but it's vague in our minds it's a vague concept it's not crystal clear so I hope these points that I have brought out tonight these points have made crystal clear what loving the messenger means and why we need to love him and how we should love him once we understand that then the idea that if somebody says something bad about the messenger we should now go take an ak-47 and go into his office and just shoot him down we have to question is that how you show your love I mean that's what he says I'm doing it out of love The Messenger of Allah I'm taking your life we have to say was that the way of rasool allah saw biocellular it wasn't his way and that's easy to do maybe this person is not even praying he could be taking drugs you know it could be the farthest away from Islam that you can imagine and this is the factor in the Muslim world today if you tell like Muslim you don't love The Messenger of Allah or you tell them you're not a true Muslim because you're not praying and so on so he'll kill you in a minute but the true understanding of what it means to love Allah Missy to love the messenger Allah unknown it's just an emotional thing now you know and if you don't share in that emotion then that person he will say URL to our customers and he will come and get you this is the state of the Ummah today in ignorance of what constitutes love of the Prophet saliva Salaam people have replaced what should have been with what shouldn't be they have used methods and justified actions with the love of the messenger of allah i love the prophet trace book t-shirts and if you say that massacre in france was not right so how we don't love the Prophet these enemies of the prophets are your enemy of the so we need to put the love of the prophet saww solemn in its proper context and with that we can begin the process of change bringing love of Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam back into our lives and the lives of our children our families knowing that love of the promised monsters Allah is not celebrating his birthday you know people say you don't want to celebrate his birthday he don't love the Prophet Johnson you were hobbies you know you hate the Prophet SAW something yeah Salafi Wahabi they hate the promises that's what this why because they don't want to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet saws but that's not about it at all for them loving him is doing things which were displeasing to him the music the dance the song the all the different things that they're doing and these are things problems are someone forbade so how can they possibly be loving him while doing the very things he forbid let's fake it's a delusion it's a satanic delusion Satan has made what was prohibited attractive to them just as he did to Adam in the garden that tree which he was forbidden which Allah didn't give any name to shape on came and gave me the name Sheraton wouldn't the tree of eternal life to catch the heart so same thing celebrating the Prophet SAW said on his birthday you know you will hear the well the whole world is celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ all the Christians the billions of Christians who celebrated isn't Prophet Rama says son I'm greater than Jesus isn't he the greatest prophet of Allah so if they can do all of that you mean we can't do we can't do better this is the line of reasoning did you shape on making it seem attractive and we end up doing what is displeasing to Allah instead of earning the love of Allah we earned the wrath of Allah his displeasure in doing that and so on and so forth or it is Kashmir you have the Hazrat Bal mosque a mosque shrine dedicated to a here from the beard of the Prophet saws Allah people go there and worship it touch strike that skin glass case but they touch the case for Baraka they see no end of things like this and the right things you will find on the internet books calling us to do all kinds of weird things there's one book called shamela Timothy in which it is mentioned there that if you want to dream of the Prophet SAW Salah because of course from solemn said whoever sees me in a dream has seen me because shape on cannot take my form authentic hadith from Rasul Allah so Allah so in this book simulator MIDI as it was translated in with commentaries in or do the commentator the order diversion is translated into English the commentator says in the footnotes because he mom Timothy who is a classical scholar of hadith his book Shamai Allah tell me these are authentic texts reliable but the commentaries changed the intent of eternity they turned the Sunnah of Prophet assalam is natural Sunnah into a bada seeking the love of the Prophet SAW Salaam through artifacts religious artifacts so he said commentator if you want to see Prophet Muhammad SAW solemn in your dream draw a picture of his sandals and in the footnote they have a picture of what his sandals look like you can see what was supposed to be sandals in Topkapi Museum in Turkey those of you that have been to Turkey you go to the Topkapi Museum they have a pair of sandals of the prophets footprint is footprint supposedly in stone these are all false false artifacts so that picture of the sandal what you do is you draw it on paper fold that paper put it under your pillow when going to sleep and you will dream of rasul allah sallallahu send them when we go that far when we go in those directions were lost were lost as an Ummah and the only way to get back to the correct path is to know who rasool allah jalla wa sallam really was to be able to distinguish between what he did as a messenger of allah and what he did as a human being personal individual choices - no at the same time his serie his life the details of his life which are authentic not false serie like what the Shiites have written for example you can find in the and caffee their main book of hadith by Al Collini a supposed hadith in which it says that Prophet Muhammad SAW solemn went to visit his aunt the wife of Abu Talib when Ali ibn ABI Talib was in her womb he was a big baby a fetus a baby in her womb and when he came to visit her he heard ali IBN ABI talib reciting Quran from her womb what do you do with that Ali bin Abi Talib the Quran was revealed to him before Muhammad SAW Salah that's what it say and he was reciting it as I foetus he imagined that Allah Akbar insanity and they believed it it's a miracle why because they say that that light which came from Allah the light which we know as amongst those people who believe that he didn't die as the light they said that light split one became the light and the other one became Ali's light so you believe that yeah you can believe that so we know him know who he is follow him obey Him and the law will love us and we will love him as he deserves to be loved and in a way which is a bada or worship of Allah which Allah accepts and may he accept it from all of us and put us in paradise as a result of it Baraka lafi come Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh is it possible to see the Prophet SAW said I'm in a dream yes but we said there's authentic hadith in Rome so solemn said whoever has seen me in a dream has seen me because Shaitaan cannot take my form but when people said that from the table Ain in the time of the Sahaba after the process anima died when they came to the Sahaba Sahaba and asked them about their visions or their dreams which they had in which they saw proper nouns assalam the Sahaba used to ask them what did he look like and if they described him in other than the way he looked like they said well you didn't see him Shaitaan tricked you so Shaitaan can take a form which is not in the way problems are seldom looked and say I'm the Messenger of Allah that's the point not simply because you have a dream and somebody in the dream says I'm the messenger of allah means he was the messenger of allah in that dream no no and if you have a dream in which you have seen the Messenger of Allah saw Solorio seldom as he was authentically described for example in a smile then you can thank Allah SWA to Allah for showing you the prophets a lot of solemn and take it as an encouragement to try to follow him in the best way that you can that's what the purpose would be for Allah to give you that good dream Ruia husana otherwise if you see what you thought to be rasul allah saw salaam and he tells you anything which goes against the teachings of islam because you have people who will claim well in the dream promise assalam came to me and he told me that i have perfected my faith i no longer need to pray and from that they have narrated to their followers that when you reach that stage the stage which i have reached we don't no longer need to pray because allah said in the quran octave Messala Kri establish the prayer in order to remember me and your hearts when your hearts beat you put that stethoscope on your heart you will hear your heart saying boop boop boop but when you put that sketch telescope on my heart it says Al Akbar Al Akbar Al Akbar so I do need to pray anymore Shaitaan next question from the sisters no go ahead Tabarrok tabarak where people take good from physical structures we go to the Masjid in Medina you'll see people walking in there and wiping the pillars pillar after pillar and wiping on themselves when they're making toe-off they try to kiss the black stone and if they have a baby with them they will rub the baby on the black stone also believing that in rubbing it you taking some Baraka this concept is false it's fake Oh madam no kebab pointed to the black stone during tour off and inform the people addressing the back storm but informing the people I know that you are only a stone you can neither benefit knee nor can you harm me and the only reason why I am kissing you is because I saw Rasul Allah so a lot of assalam do so that is the bottom line so we don't take special Baraka from the artifacts around us in the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW solemn the Sahaba took Baraka from him yes you can find narrations different options with Sahaba did which implied they were seeking Baraka they felt that this something which was been in contact with the Prophet SAW solemn if he was drinking from a vessel threw out the big like vases with the buckles where they were put drinking and they were pass it around and he would drink and the one next to him Sahabi would try to put his lips on the same place that for the slips right that is okay for Rasul Allah SAS Allah but now what happens when they take that and they apply it to people of our time when he was making wudu the water fell into a container people would take that would do that what water and make will do from it now you know after snake nothing and a cobra sea died you go to their website the Naqshbandi website for the followers of snake know them and you will find his wudu water on sale yeah you can go if they will send you you send the money and they will send you you know some vial with his voodoo water and if now that water is the regular water is clear looks just like regular water you could have just taken from the top put it no bodies no choice this is his voodoo water but now if you get a bottle with particles in it particles when he made wudu sometimes he was dirty so when he washed water came and there are particles in it now that will do water is worth like 5 times the pure would the water you've got particles from the Shia or the snake so this is the tabarak which we say is false it's misguided nobody was known to do that to abu bakr and he was the best of the um after rasool allah so allah why didn't the rest of the Sahaba and the tablet in try to do that for him why didn't they do it for Omar ANOVA table or or was man or Ali why not if it was something good then the first generation and those after them would be doing it we don't find it among them the authentic hadith are generally known if we follow sahih bukhari same Muslim and authenticated versions of soon and even imagine Timothy and Asahi Buddhahood we're on the correct path and those narrations basically don't contradict each other they're describing different things that we can do different things which he did things which we can apply in our lives etc if there is dispute etc then you depend on the scholar of your area who you respect you depend on that scholar to identify for you your hammock Allah you do you depend on that scholar to define and indicate for you what is most authentic that's what it is you don't have to worry your head you do haven't studied the science of hadith so to try to determine which one if somebody says no that a deed is not authentic how do you know whether it is or it isn't you ask somebody with some knowledge as Allah said for sallou ala the cream la talla moon if you don't know ask those who know so that's how it's simple in fact it's very simple but people make it complicated you know there are people who are spreading this rumor you know there are so many Hadees you can't figure out which one is which and you can't know what this tool is because this one says that and that wants it no it's not really the case they're authentic hadith are known the weak hadith are known yes there are some Hadees which are disputed but there are a few when you look at all of the authentic hadees which nobody argues about those that are disputable are very few so then depend on the scholars of your area they will clarify for you and if they made a ruling so but what if this scholar will be depended on he told us that this hadith sahih and it wasn't well what if Imam Shafi'i told us that Megan commuting fudger was Sahir and it wasn't what's the difference when Imam Shafi made that ruling based on the knowledge that he had he gets reward for it he gets one reward when that scholar made the ruling based on the knowledge that he had he gets one reward and if you follow him you share in that reward but if you know he's not correct and you follow him then you're in trouble because you are following him in the way that only Rasool Allah saliva Salim deserves to be followed is a clear Charla you
Channel: Bilal Philips
Views: 8,617
Rating: 4.9302325 out of 5
Keywords: Peace Be Upon Him, Prophet, Muhammad, Islam, Dr. Bilal Philips, Malaysia, Hussein Yee, Sunnah, Beard, miswak, How to love, Bilal Philips (Author), Quran, Sheikh, Koran, Nasheed, Ramadan, Khutbah, Aspire Mosque, english sermon, digital minbar, bilal philips, islamic online university, iou, islam way of life, Masjid Aspire, islam online, Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Philips
Id: PE_LgHNnVz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 43sec (4303 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2015
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