Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam - Siraj Wahhaj

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yes ma'am discussion earlier about the nation of islam and i'd like to know your opinion about calling members of the nation my brother or sister oh boy what a question she said they had a conversation earlier about the members of the nation of islam how many heard about the nation of islam he said what is your opinion about calling them my brother good question let me give you the technical answer first the believers are brothers now black people who are not muslims are not my brothers they're my people black people white people male and female who are muslims are my brothers a muslim is a brother to a muslim if a person is not a muslim are they our brother what you act like you're not sure no there's no doubt within they're not brothers allah has given us a new definition this definition is based on [Music] a muslim muslim a muslim as a brother this is what the prophet said a muslim as a brother to a muslim allah says only the only the believers are brothers so the real question is are they muslim ask the question and brothers and sisters by the way i'm an expert on the nation of islam ask me why i was a minister in the nation of islam and there was a very famous minister of the nation of islam many of you may know him jeffrey12x did any of you hear from jeffrey minister jeffrey 12 that was me like my brother there in the nation he was in there from 1970 minister imam from uh you would administer minister in a nation from 70 to 75 and i came in 1969 and let me tell you something can i share this personal a personal story with you but we got to keep it here be careful with that camera i'll let you film it but be careful there was about three or four years ago in new york city one of the big ministers of the nation of islam over one of the temples i invited him to my house him and one of his lieutenants and we spoke and spoke and spoke at three o'clock in the morning i gave them both shahada this was a minister in the nation of islam in brooklyn over a temple took shahada him and his lieutenant and the brother was he said oh man a man i'm telling the truth and uh i said well calm down man you gotta calm down man you gotta be wise now he went back his first sermon was tauheed the oneness of allah the people were so upset they called minnesota and i don't want to say his name because i don't want to get anybody in trouble he says something wrong with the minister i think suraj did something to him and the lieutenant left and became muslim this minister the minister farrakhan brought him back to chicago and he stayed there for a long time to reindoctrinate him he came back called me on the phone imam saraj i want to speak to you i was at the masjid he came to visit us what happened is that he was reorientated into the doctrine of the nation of islam and he was kind of like debating with me and we were talking he bought two of his um people from his temple and it came time for salah to isha i'll never forget this called the event and i said brother we have to stop and make salah he said i know and he got in the ranks he just finished telling me that god came in the person of master farad muhammad telling me elijah muhammad is the messenger of allah i went to him said minister please come before i made this a lot i invited i said minister please come and the two brothers please come i said minister i want to ask you a question do you consider me your brother he said yes imam i do i said now you asked me the same question he said don't you consider me your brother and i said no but let me tell you why the same thing that i'm telling you it hurted me [Music] to have to do that but i cannot have people standing in the rings who when they pray they pray to a man and not to allah i couldn't do it and even though my heart felt like i wanted to embrace him hope to bring him i couldn't violate our principle by breaking the ranks and let such a person let such a person pray with us to answer your question honestly truthfully let's be straight up straight up no we cannot and let me tell you why let me tell you why by the way brothers and sisters is my opinion and allah knows best and i was speaking to brother earlier that most of the members of the nation of islam in my opinion will become muslim let me tell you why i believe that anytime an organization is headed by the charisma of a leader usually when that leader dies the movement dies in 1975 when elijah muhammad died the nation of islam effectively was dead minister farah khan himself and most of the people in the nation of islam including muhammad ali in many many left the teachings in the doctrines of elijah muhammad and became muslim many of them including myself alhamdulillah and and so with his death then the movement had died three years later farah khan decided to raise up the nation of islam again a couple of things minister farah khan calls himself muslim i can't take that away from him if he calls himself muslim but we have to be honest with each other some of the muslims around the country became disappointed in me because minister farah khan invited me to speak at the million man march and i refused to go he said publicly that he wouldn't even go unless i went with him why didn't i go because if i go and went to the million-man march you could say ma'am saraj you have an opportunity to speak to millions of people perhaps but what would happen is that i would often off then authenticate him and his movement because he would say see man was there so i couldn't do that in the same way he invited me to speak in the u.n recently same reason i didn't go now listen to this and then we try to make us to understand why it's important inshallah you know one day i was with minnesota we had breakfast together and we're close he comes to new york he calls me i go to chicago i go to his house i see him every time i see him allah knows i invite him to islam because i think by the way that if this man became a muslim i think islam will grow rapidly in this country he's skillful to such a degree a couple years ago a world series baseball game in atlanta georgia the same night that the braves played world series farrakhan spoke in atlanta georgia and outdrew the land of braves 90 000 people came to hear him speak who else do you know what muslim you know who can attract the kinds of crowds as minister franco you don't know of me so even as allah guided um and islam became strong as a result of umar ibn qatar perhaps if minister farakam becomes a muslim then he can do all of that for allah this is my dua by the way so minister farah khan called me and went to breakfast together in new york city and i said minnesota i got to ask you a question now listen to the when the muslims fast when the muslims fast month of ramadan i said minister farah khan please tell me if allah says in quran that we should fast in the month of ramadan why are you fasting in december good question can i tell you what he told me are you ready he said imam saraj he says in the quran and it says those who are sick on a journey can make it up days later my people are on a spiritual journey sure did allah is my witness allah pray as you see me pray make such the pray they don't pray like that in the nation of islam and the nation of islam they turn to the east and they go like this i can tell you a thousand and one things brother can tell you too the differences between the nation of islam and islam do you know in islam only allah makes halal and now brother tell he would he will stop me from lying in the nation of islam it was haram to eat peanuts how many of you eat peanuts and you couldn't eat peanuts nor it's derivatives peanut butter now when i was a young boy i used to love peanut butter and jelly when i left the nation of islam the first thing i did made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so brothers and sisters yes they're my people but they're not brothers and we have to be honest and you don't mean you have to be hostile to them no i'm not i talk to them straight up and i try to be honest with them and alhamdulillah we've given a number of them shahadah even the same minister the same minister in brooklyn recently told me imam we like to be the ministers in new york under in the nation of islam would like to be a part of the majestic short of new york to lead the imams i said minister come and we will meet and we will discuss the criteria to become a member of the majestic shortage but we can't stop giving dawah and we should not be in my opinion we have different styles of that one but don't be hostile toward them invite them in a nice way and you see inshallah maybe many of them will become muslim i don't know maybe minister farakan himself you know he's 60 something years old i think 66 years old he's gonna die one day and what's going to happen to us followers many of them will come by you be prepared to meet them when they come treat them good inshallah when they come and shut up they will be coming i'm sorry we got i'm sorry we got a couple i know yes ma'am actually it's a good question i actually saw the question here you wrote that question okay you really you want to get that question huh actually i i wanted to finish this nation of islam i'll come right back to that anyone else a point on that i think she wanted to make a follow-up on that point anyone yes i thought someone said that i heard his uh two problems we have several problems we have one is that that when they say they say the shahada muhammad rasool allah but when they say they bear witness that there's no god but allah they mean father muhammad this is the difference and number two when they say muhammad rasulullah they mean elijah muhammad is the messenger of allah you see and that's the difference and then the other thing is that but he also bears witness a prophet muhammad the late islam being a muslim uh being the messenger so they sometimes they go back and forth even in the eye of the quran and when they meet those who believe they say we believe but when they are alone with the evil ones they say we are really with you we were only mocking so sometimes we have to be careful to say one thing in front of people and another thing another one so i want them to become muslim inshallah type type you want to follow up on this you're saying how you didn't want him in the ranks there's a lot because what was it oh yeah because you don't know how he's like no i don't know how he thinks that's the point if i didn't know how i think i no no no no let me say this i do know how you think we just finished having a two-hour argument our argument about his theology he went back to the theology of elijah muhammad so that's why i didn't let him pray within with us you don't know everybody in the ranks how they're thinking alone you know so if he's trying to like you and saying what you say that it's nobody's fault he's not usually breaking no no no see you're right if i didn't know what he thought you were right i can't just go out and say um i think you don't believe right so come out no i can't do that but i just finished speaking with him one hour we will argue in his positions that's shirk if you know that someone is belief is shirk you can't let him join the ranks i i just believe take it from me if there was a way sister for me to let him to me to pray i would have done it i would i would i would have searched for a way to do it but i couldn't in good consciousness i think that allah would not have been pleased with me okay if you know someone is worshiping other than allah you know that can't be your brother and they can't pray with the muslims bow down with those who bow down yes ma'am this will be the last anyone who has a question or point this will be the last two inshallah you had a question okay you can do this one two three one two three yes i'll put yes
Channel: Islam On Demand
Views: 597,857
Rating: 4.5534883 out of 5
Keywords: nation of islam, islam, nation, nation of islam uk, nation of islam (religion), of, islamic, faq about islam, american islam, islaam, muslim, islam leader, racism, louis farrakhan, religion, moorish science temple of america, islam and the blackamerican, quran, koran, elijah muhammad, noble drew ali, farakhan, louis farakhan, farrakhan, louis, minister louis farakhan, louis farrakhan (politician), louis farrakhanhomophobia, imam siraj wahhaj, siraj wahhaj (person), wahaj
Id: L0RBrsrxWvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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