The Angels and the Jinn - Bilal Philips

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I love my god and I'm glad it Easy's with Mohammed he's got father messenger from his time to the enemy behind the money you in the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful say I seek refuge with Allah the Lord of mankind the king of mankind the god of mankind from the evil of the Whisperer who withdraws who whispers in the breasts of mankind of jinn and mankind hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen was salat wa salam our absolute dream mala ali was happy - 10 episode nakida yo me Dean all praises due to Allah and me allows peace and blessings be on the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasalam and on all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day as brother Sameer has introduced the topic this evening in keeping with the series of topics that we have taken so far basically following the pillars of Eman pillars of faith we'll be covering the world of the Angels and the jinn as this is a topic which is often neglected when Islam is being presented its system of beliefs are being presented it tends to be glossed over and as such people tend to rely on folklore myths and misunderstandings - as their source of knowledge in this area first the world of the angels and it is a part of Islamic faith as we said to believe in the angels and what this means fundamentally is belief in their existence and whatever Allah has revealed in the Koran the scripture and the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him has clarified to us about them with regards to their names their attributes and their roles this is the basic belief that Muslims are obliged to accept and for those who would question because as we going to look at the world of the Angels and we see that they have such an intricate role within our own world why did Allah need to have angels do the things that they have been assigned to do we may as well ask why did Allah have the force of gravity governing certain bodies in this life or other forces or laws of thermodynamics or by you know biochemical principles why did allah have these things because surely allah could have others there could be other principles or other laws governing different aspects of nature similarly if allah had wished he could have had other creatures or other principles governing the things that we now know as those governed by angels however allah chose to have the force of gravity and he chose to have angels and that's the bottom line he knows what is best and what he has created is the best that could be created he informed us about the world of the angels though we would not be able to discover this world through our own scientific means etc he informed us about this world for a particular reason and when we look at the the relationship between the world of the angels in the human world we can see what is the wisdom behind us knowing about the war all of the Angels first and foremost we should understand that the angels are created from light this is not stated in the Quran this is stated in the Sun man so he host them Aisha the daughter of abu bakr and the third wife of the Prophet Muhammad salario seldom said the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah had said the angels were created from light the jinn from fire and Adam from what has already been described to us so the angels and the jinn represent two separate beings from the spiritual world from the Islamic perspective there are three different species of intelligent beings the mankind the angels and the jinn all of these having essentially a spiritual base that is human beings though they may be visible and they function in the visible world their souls inhabit the world of invisible invisable and rational beings now the angels though invisible to us normally we did mention in the previous session with regards to Prophet Muhammad may God's peace and mercy be upon him and the prophets that the revelation which was brought by angel Gabriel some time was brought when angel Gabriel was in the form of a man on occasion that man was visible to the Companions themselves and on other occasions he wasn't however there are amongst a large creatures those who are able to see the angels even when they are invisible Abu Huraira reported in a narration collected by abu dawud and also found in sahih bukhari and muslim that if you hear a rooster crow ask allah for his grace for it has seen an angel now the general form of the Angels is not as is portrayed in the greco-roman legends where the Angels that Cupid is a little baby with wings on his back flying around with a bow and arrow or you know as a man walking around with a pair of wings on his back you know pair of bird-like wings on his back when the angel appeared in the form of a man he was a man not with any wings but Allah has described the angels as having wings but the wings we should not think of in terms of human terms or in terms of the wings of birds etc because Allah has described in the Quran in chapter 14 verse 1 al hamdulillah falta de Samar what will old jaelyn mala okati Rousillon Huli a jihad in math now a philosopher Ruben Diaz IDO feel healthy Maya shah in omaha other coalition oh dear all praise is due to allah the creator of the heavens and the earth who made the angels messengers with wings two three and four and he increases in the creation as he wills abdul ibanez road companion of the prophets on why assalam reported that a las messenger had seen angel gabriel in his natural state in which he had 600 wings each of which filled the horizon and they were like multicolored drops of pearls and coral falling falling from the wings so the angels in the natural state are quite huge so much so that in another narration related by Jabba rivne Abdullah with regards to the angels that carry the throne of Allah Rafa Homs assalam said allow me to speak about one of the throne bearers the distance between his earlobe and shoulder is what a bird would fly in 700 years so we're talking about a huge aspect of Allah's creation now the Angels though they appeared when they appeared in human form they appeared as males because I one of the appearances the Companions described that he looked like one of the Companions whose name was daheia and can be that he looked similar to him and at other times he appeared like an unknown bedouin though he's been described they have been described as in male forms they are not considered to be either male or female nor is there any evidence in Islamic text to indicate that they represent surah saff at verse 150 Allah saying I'm hala I'm Hakuna Matata anartha for whom Shahi doon this was rebuking the pagan Arabs of for claiming that the angels were feminine or female now with regards to the names of the angels there are only eight names which have been authentically recorded in Islamic texts there are many in folklore there only eight gibreel the angel of revelation mikail or Michael the angel responsible for rain is Raphael the angel who will blow the horn signaling the end of the world Malik the name of the guardian of the hell munkar and nakir two angels will question people in the grave and ha root and Marut two angels were sent to the people of Babylon to test their faith these are the authentic names of angels all of the other names that we hear of Israel and etc these names are either based on Israeli traditions you know traditions taken out of the Bible biblical sources or they're based on weak narrations or fabricated narrations or they're simply a common folklore names which have been chosen now with regards to the abilities of the angels we have been informed that they are able to read human intent they're able to understand what is going on in the human mind Prophet Muhammad SAW salaam was quoted by abu huraira as saying and this is in sahih al-bukhari the angels say to Allah that man intends to do evil although he is more vigilant than them he replies watch him if he commits evil recorded in kind but if he abandons it record for him one good deed for surely he gave it up for my sake so they have the ability to read human mind and virtually all of the movement and activities which take place in the world are under their command or under their control or under their influence and this is deduced from the verb from the verse in which Allah said phalaenopis Sumati Umrah and other verses were a laws command throughout the creation because everything is by its command you know is assigned to the angels they are also assigned to every human being from the time that they are formed in the womb to the time of birth Prophet Muhammad SAW salaam was quoted by Anna Sydney Malika saying Allah the exalted and glorious has appointed an angel as the caretaker of the womb that says my lord it is like an oily drop my lord it is now like a leech my lord it has become like a clump of chewed flesh then if Allah wishes to complete its creation the angel will ask my lord will it be male or female furthermore we have another narration from abdul IBN masud that when the the fetus reaches the beginning of the fifth month the angel breathes the soul into him at that same time four things are recorded his livelihood his lifespan his deeds whether he'll be wretched or happy besides that each person has to has an angel assigned to him or who may very not necessarily the same angel all the time but an angel is with him throughout his life encouraging him to good and guarding him from evil this is part of that consciousness that we spoke of earlier in terms of the human being having a consciousness of good and evil and will look at the evil side when we come to the world of the jinn Prophet Muhammad assalam said everyone of you has been assigned a companion from the among the jinn and one from the angels so these these angels were with us encourage us to good put good suggestions in our minds you know and counteract the evil suggestions which would come from the evil source of the jinn there are also two angels who are assigned to recording deeds these are the ones most people know about we can find in soil in feet are verses 10 and 11 were in Aleichem Lahav allene kiraman katibin that verily there is assigned to you protectors or garters Guardians who are noble and who record your deeds outside of this we have angels in throughout our life span what takes place in our life these angels who are with us recording are constantly with us the the angels which are assigned as a support to us which are giving us good thoughts at some times this this angel may leave us and this is what is referred to in Proverbs a solemn said that angel do not enter a house in which there is a dog or pictures or statues of living beings because the angels that are recording angels will not leave you at any time so we shouldn't think some people might ignorant ly feel that they can avoid their record being taking place you know being things deeds being recorded if they keep a dog with them all the time you know at any case with regards to a person dying an angel is also assigned to take the soul at the time of death and when the person dies that soul is passed over to angels in the next life and the angels who receive that soul take the soul on a particular journey which we will look at when we come to the series of lecture the lecture on the Judgment Day but it's enough to know that the angel takes our soul in the next life takes it through a journey then two other angels we'll come back to it well fits in the grave in that state of the grave and question it concerning its Lord the Prophet who was sent to it and it's religion that basically summarizes the information basic information that has been revealed to us concerning the Angels and the significance of knowledge of the world of the Angels is basically for human beings to know that all of their deeds are being recorded their thoughts are being monitored this would help them to reflect before acting because it is it is through acting hastily that we fall into sin Prophet Muhammad SAW Solomon said that and even a law when a agile eminent Shaitaan that deliberate careful action is from Allah and haste is from Satan so by reflecting on the relationship that the Angels have with us this would help us to be conscious of the fact that our deeds are constantly being recorded and as such we would think twice think more than twice before doing some actions that we may consider now regarding the other world which is the world of the jinn and this world we said that the jinn were created from fire and as we said previously though the jinn are created from fire we should not think of the jinn as being little wisps of fire that are puffing around you know the place no they were created from fire and of course people because we know that among the jinn there are some that are good and some that are evil you know if there is the Hellfire then how are the jinn going to be punished how are they going to if they are already fire this is why we have to realize that though they were created originally from fire as we human beings were originally created from clay and we said we do not think our ourselves as being clumps of clay walking around we don't think of the jinn in terms of the origin and from which they were created though they were originally created from fire they're no longer fire and as we can be harmed by the earth but the earth from which we are created you can take a piece of clay you know harden it make a brick out of it and kill somebody with it although people were made from clay similarly the fire can still be a source of punishment and is a source of punishment for the Djinn who are evil even though they were originally created from fire now the Djinn were created on the earth before human beings Allah mentioned this well Jan Holika na who in a blue mean Aris a moon and I created the jinn before that from a fiery wind in reference to the creation of man and the jinn and from the narrations from Proverbs assalam we know that they had populated the earth and corruption had begun amongst them and this is why when Allah informed the angels that he would create man and put him on the earth man who had a free will as the jinn had the angels question would you put someone the earth who would spread corruption and murder etc etc this was based on what they had observed of the jinn whereas Allah told them that he knew what they didn't know the Jim are divided into three basic types with regards to their modes of existence Prophet Muhammad SAW Solomon said there are three types of jinn one type which flies around in the air all the time which can move within and within our world and outside of our world another type which exists as snakes and dogs and an earthbound type which resides in one place or wanders about when it attaches itself to people objects with regards to faith as we mentioned the jinn come in two categories as human beings are the believers or disbelievers the moon our fee upon the hypocrites considered to be a class of disbelievers so people are either believers or disbelievers believers may be disobedient committing acts which are displeasing to God but the faith is still there they're still in the class of believers one who goes out of that faith disbelieving in God rejecting God's message revelation rejecting the prophets rejecting other deeds which God has prescribed for his creatures such are classified as disbelievers and the punishment for them is hell whether they are among the jinn or among mankind with regards to control of the gym because this is an area which people tend to get off into it with the mythology and a lot of folklore etc where people tell stories about having these jinns doing this and that for them you know and it's quite common and in any part of the world you go you'll hear all these types of stories the fact is that no human being can gain control over the jinn this was something specially given to Prophet Sulayman he made a dois which is mentioned in the Quran and surah Saad verse 35 rubbish early were happily Mulliken lion mahalia demon body o my lord forgive me and bestow on me a kingdom not allowed to anyone after me control dominion over the jinn this was given as a miracle to Prophet Sulayman and to none after him so much so that prophet muhammad saw salaam informed his companions one occasion saying verily any frite is a more powerful among the jinn spat on me last night trying to break my prayer however Allah let me overpower him and I wanted to tie him to one of the columns in the Masjid so you all could see him in the morning then I remembered my brother's feel a man's prayer o my Lord forgive me and bestow on me a kingdom not allowed to anyone after me so Prophet Mohammad's assalam was able to keep the jinn off him to restrain it but not to trol it so anyone who tells you that they have this genie that is under their control etc you know right away that this is not true what can happen instead is that a contract can be made the relationship with the evil world of the jinn is through contract and there are no good jinns coming into our world and doing favors for us because they are banned from our world as we are not allowed to to interfere in their world they're not allowed to interfere in our world so it is only the evil among them that cross the barrier and interfere in our world so we don't have even though somebody will tell you yes I have this good jinn he prepares food for me every day and cleans my house you know if that is the case the jinn evil among them may try to gain control over a human being by appearing to them to be in their favor and to be doing things for them initially until they get their guard down and then eventually they work them over into the area of shirk because the main goal and effort on the part of the jinn is to draw human beings into disobedience of Allah and ultimately into shift now the area in which the jinn play the biggest havoc in human life and human the human world is in the area of fortune-telling this is one of the biggest areas because human beings have a natural desire to want to know the future everybody wants to assure for himself or herself a good life so knowing what is in the future would then give one an opportunity to ensure for oneself good so there have been people from the most ancient of times till today who sell information about good they're the common the general heading of fortune tellers now some of them are stressed guesswork in fact probably most of them are just guesswork games tricks etc but there is a body among them that have given solid and reliable information pieces of information which have made people believe in them as having these powers and those among them that have this type of information we can understand how they can get this type of information by understanding the world of the jinn and its relationship to us we have a verse in the Quran in which our number verses in which Allah speaks about the fact that the jinn the class of them were in the atmosphere and who move can move in our world outside of a world who grow up to the lowest heavens and there they steal a listening they listen in on what is discussed amongst the Angels when Allah commands angels the in commands go down through the heavens to the lowest heaven and as they discuss it amongst themselves some among the jinn managed to reach up to the level of the lower heavens not entering it but up to that level and here some of that information however they are driven away from that by meteors comets etc and this is recorded in the Quran in surah al jinn described and Prophet Muhammad SAW salaam had mentioned that the jinn passed the information back down until it reaches the lips of the magician or fortune-teller sometimes a meteor may overtake them before they could pass it on but if they pass it on before being struck they add to it 100 lies so the the reality is that the information that these people convey will be a mixture of lies and a few truths what happens with people in general is that when they hear the predictions of a fortune-teller all of the information goes into their subconscious and the false information which is not confirmed by having taken place is forgotten whereas the one thing which they tell them which is true which takes place the person remembers that this is reinforced by the information which was initially given and then the person will swear by that person this is a fortune teller of the first class this is a true fortune teller so you have somebody like Jeane Dixon Digest at the end of last year who was you know a favorite fortune teller amongst the presidents of the United States and others every year she would give her predictions for the year it would be in the national newspapers etc and people depended on her her books you know they would study them etc but the fact as I said for her as well as for people like Nostradamus and others you'll find that when you look at the totality of what they say the vast majority of what they mentioned is false and there are only a few pieces of information which is actually true but human beings with that tendency to want to latch on to anything which would indicate knowledge of the future grab on to that small piece of information and they end up depending on these people and in doing so they end up falling into an area of partial disbelief or complete disbelief the jinn can also help fortune tellers with immediate information like somebody is coming to them and they may get information about that person before the person reaches there so you may go to see a fortune-teller and he will tell you or she will tell you you know what your name is what the name of your parents are how old you are what country you came from etcetera etcetera that type of information is quite easy and quite accurate for them to get also they can give information about things which are over distances because we know the jinn are able to travel over the earth over huge distances in short spaces of time we know in the Koran and Suriname all with regards to the Queen of Sheba when she was coming prophet Sulayman asked one of the jinn to go and get her throne and he said that he would get it for him before he even got up from his place where he was sitting because of the sacrilege and the heresy that is involved in dealing with the jinn those involved in fortune-telling etc Islam has taken a very strong stance against it Prophet Muhammad SAW salaam was reported by his wife hafsa to have said the salah of whoever approaches a fortune-teller and asked him anything will not be accepted for forty days and nights this is a question out of curiosity it is not necessarily believing in what they're saying thus Allah will not be accepted for forty days and nights this includes all of the different forms of fortune-telling that are available in our society today one of the major ways is through the astrological science in almost every newspaper in the world today you will find a page which gives the zodiacal signs the zodiac signs of the zodiac your astrological predictions for the day if your cancer or Taurus or whatever no this is a good day to do this or a bad day shouldn't do this delay it until tomorrow or whatever all of that if one turns to that page what if you're opening the newspaper and you just happen to see it and you keep reading no problem you don't read the page you just pass over it no problem but now if you're flipping open that newspaper looking for it and you're saying people say don't read this you said I don't believe it and now it's just for fun this is no for fun here this is something very serious as long as you're opening it and looking to see what you know what your sign is and you're looking to see what it has to say then you fall under this statement of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam your salah is not accepted for forty days and nights now this doesn't mean you've got a vacation for forty days and nights prayer see some people say okay you know okay no point if it's not accepted by Allah for 40 days and nights no point to be praying no because when a person prays two things takes place one they remove from themselves the obligation of prayer and two depending on the level of concentration in their prayer they earn a reward right that's problems assalam said some people pray and only a tenth of the prayer is rewarded others only a fifth etc etc so though this is the case if you read your your page your astrological page today you still have to continue to pray for the next 40 days but the value the reward for the prayer has been lost now whoever goes looking for that page believing and what it says or goes to a fortune-teller palm reader or whatever getting their tea leaves read believing in what the person is saying pompoms assalam said as reported by abu huraira and Al Hassan his grandson whoever approaches a fortune-teller and believes what he says has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi assalam this is an act of disbelief this is how serious Islam regards it now there is another aspect of the world of the Djinn which has significance to us beyond the world of magic because this has also become a popular area in Western society today people like Daniels and David Copperfield and others who are dazzling people with feats of magic and we know this is also forbidden area those that are seriously involved in it are involved in using the jinn the jinn helped them and Islam is strictly against them in fact the instruction that the companions followed when they went into the lands as Islam spread out of Arabia was to execute magicians and the use of magicians is something forbidden even in the Old Testament you can find still in what may be what they call the Torah in Deuteronomy 18 verse 9 to 12 we find what is attributed to God is saying when you come into a land which the Lord your God gives you you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations there shall not be found among any among you those who burns his son or daughter as an offering anyone who practices divination that is fortune-telling a soothsayer is another term for fortune-teller an augur another term for a fortune-teller a sorcerer or charmer these are magicians or medium one who acts as a tool for the the jinn to communicate with this world or a wizard that's the form of magician or necromancer other forms of magicians for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord and because of these abominable practices the Lord your God is driving them out before you so it is something forbidden in the religion revealed to the prophets and reveal to mankind though it has become very popular today but the area which is probably the most critical to to note besides this area of fortune-telling is that of demonic possession we're in the jinns because some among them are able to take different forms are able to appear as apparitions and visions to people every year people will see the visions of of Mary or the Christ child or whatever you know in different parts of the world and this plague place becomes an area of pilgrimage or statue like in Ireland some years back you know statue of Mary started to rock back and forth you know and they thought maybe there was some seismic activity there and they brought geologists to check it out no seismic activity but the statue is rocking and they couldn't find any explanation but to analyze it as being a miracle you know these people are worshipping Mary anyway as the mother of God and this became a place of pilgrimage a small little village in Ireland they made a big you know International Airport there for 747s to come in you know good business at any rate it became an area of fitna or trial for those people because of course this confirms they believed in Mary being the mother of God you also find you know other instances I know in Israel I think last year now there was one picture of Jesus where the eyes were supposed to have closed or tears came from the eyes it's happening all around the world you know where all of this tends to confirm in people's minds that Jesus was God Mary was the mother of God but we understand that the jinn are able to possess objects they are able to enter into objects and to cause movement in them or to cause sounds from them this is already recorded in surah taha for example and another chapters laQuan with regards to Musa Prabhat prophet Moses when he left his people and when to receive the commandments from God and in his absence an individual amongst them who was referred to as a Samedi he asked the people to gather their gold jewelry and he took up some dust which he claimed to have been the dust remaining from the footprint of an angel sprinkled it along with it you know mixed it up and from it he created the shape of a calf and as allah says in the quran with regards to him rajala who magellan geser than la who who are he took out for them a calf in a bodily form which mood because the people were not going to take this as a god if it was just a statue for what happened is that after creating the statue the statue said Moo ice cows do and of course this is what this is what shocked them and made them accept it this was in fact God so they bow down they took it as a god besides Allah now we know it wasn't the statue which was moving it was the Jin that had entered that statue and gave that sound similarly we have events like that of halogens head you know according to the legends the Sufi legends that when a lodge this was the individual who claimed that he was Allah I spoke about him earlier and when he was asked to recant to give up this statement he insisted standing up and opening his garment saying there's nothing inside of this garment except Allah so the Muslim judges had nothing else to do but to order his execution so they took him and they cut off his head and according to Sufi legends if it's true when they cut off his head as his head hit the ground and rolled it continued to say annal hawk annele hawk and a hawk right according to the legends right it may be true Allah knows the point is that for them this is confirmation that whatever he said when he claimed that he was al Haq he was Allah this was true but the fact of the matter is that it could very well have been the jinn saying this out of his mouth and convincing the ignorant among them that in fact this man was speaking the truth by understanding that the jinn can possess objects and even human beings we can understand also many of the things which are taking place in the world today we spoke about flying saucers before that this what is true amongst it may be from the world of the jinn the jinn taking different forms little green men or whatever you know or things which appear to fly at amazing speeds whatever as well as the things of what they call haunted houses ghosts etc all of these experiences that people experience around the world which they have no explanation for that easily we can understand the role of the jinn in this matter even in the cases of apparent reincarnation like they have a case which took place and they have them every so often you find cases similar to this there was a girl in India back in the 70s her name was Shanti Devi and she was seven years old and she described a place where she had lived previously in a previous life in a town called mutrah in the province far away from where she lived and the people the house etc when people went there they found in fact there was somebody who lived there and the house did look like that and all this type of information now for these people this became a confirmation for them of reincarnation being a fact the same thing happens amongst the Jews in Lebanon from time to time you'll find some young Jewish kid who claims to to describe a previous life and the details may be very accurate when you go back and check the places where there what it describes or whatever or she describes will be very true and for them it confirms for them reincarnation because the belief in reincarnation of course is false belief it's a false belief it's based on the concept that the human soul is divine that the human soul is a part of God which has come into this world which continues to go through different cycles until eventually it rejoins with God this is false human beings are not God in any way shape or form what happens how this takes place is that as problems asalaam explain the jinn as we talked about dreams before the jinn are able to come into our dreams they're able to give us bad dreams etc and to implant ideas and thoughts which we might think are our own so they may put this information about this previous child or person in that mind of the child and the child thinks it's relating what is from its mind you know as its own and people assume that it is his own memories but in fact it is not similarly when people do these regressions therapy where people go into a hypnotic state and they go back to previous lives you know they used to be in the Roman Empire they were Centurion or whatever you know back to the cave days they were on the undersold and you know people described all these previous lives right and you know it's a big big fad in America today and in the West in general very easily these are these could easily be thoughts which are being fed by the jinn where we have to assume that all of these people were doing it or not faking because of course there are some people who no doubt are involved in quackery and just tricks and people but so many people have been put through these hypnotic States and have recounted these that these types of information information about things that they didn't know you know they didn't studied it and have that kind of background so the only way to really understand it is to understand it through the agency of the jinn and what is related to this of course is the actual possession of human beings now this is something which is well known in Christian tradition people have been exorcised over the the times from the time of Prophet Jesus till now exorcisms have taken place and in other religious systems exorcism also takes place and from an Islamic perspective it is recognized as being valid that people may be possessed in fact in the Prophet SAW salams time a child was given to him who was possessed and he blew in the child's mouth and told the the being that was in the child to get out get out enemy of Allah you know and led to the child was cured and this is a clear evidence of exorcism it exists also in the time of prophet Jesus the records remaining in the Gospels of Jesus exorcising people who are possessed and when we look at the process of exorcism the exorcism may take place basically in three ways one those who are involved in this calling on the Jeanette's after they may call on another jinn to drive out that jinn and of course this is forbidden because it involves also sacrilege or the jinn may leave by choice when idolatry is confirmed in its presence that is the priest waves the cross you know are the Buddhist priest recites their scriptures and the jinn leaves confirming in the mind of that priest or the people around that their scriptures or their practices are true the third and only acceptable way of course and this includes that way includes people who may call on the jinn to leave in the name of muhammad sallahu assalam or the name of saints and people are cured this is because shirk has taken place in their presence but the only acceptable way is according to the Islamic way which is the recitation of coure the Quran or different prayers seeking refuge in Allah which have been taught to us by prophet muhammad sallahu wa salem now if we look at knowledge about the world of the jinn Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam explain to us so much information Allah has revealed so much in the Quran about it even a chapter of the Quran is referred to as the chapter of the jinn if it wasn't important all of this effort would not have been made it is important for us to understand that world because of its influence over our world the evil from that world comes into our world and draws people into disbelief and to shirk into idolatry and we are informed about that world to be prepared to be aware when we hear you know information when we have personal experiences etc that these experiences or the information will not drive us into seeking in legitimate means of protecting ourselves the alleged legitimate means is through using fortune tellers or magicians or those involved in other forms of exorcism which are pagan in origin you find Muslims I've heard of Muslims in the Philippines going to Catholic priests to the exercise and another parts going to Buddhists etc - for exorcisms and you know this is a form of shirk and it destroys the human belief so Allah spam - Allah has informed us about the world of the angels and the world of the jinn in order for us to be conscious of that world and its relationship to us in order for us to improve the quality of our deeds realize the source of good that is around us realize that our deeds are being recorded and be more deliberate in our actions know about the evil from that spiritual world the world of the jinn that can affect our lives and can delude us through apparitions visions etc etc and draw us into these different forms of shirk that is basically what I would like to share with you this evening with regards to the world of the angel and the jinn hopefully if there are any other areas that with regards to it that you'd like to get clarification you can present it in the form of questions and we'll include those along with the questions from yesterday's session Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahu hamdulillah hamdulillah or salat wa salam our soul Allah okay we have quite a stack of questions I'll try to go to them as quickly as possible try to keep the answer short so that we can get through them can the jinn physically cause us harm if so can we physically protect ourselves it is possible the jinn make causes physical harm we protect ourselves by living Islamic lives by doing what God has commanded us by using the various prayers which the Prophet had taught us Allah Allah to protect ourselves and these things may go away and if they don't one if one is patient with whatever harm that may come to one physical harm that may come to one by way of the jinn then Allah rewards that person we have the case of a woman who used to clean the Masjid of the Prophet SAW solemn and she used to become she used to be overcome from time to time by the the jinn and she asked the problems assalam to pray to Allah to remove it from her and he said I can pray to Allah and remove it from you or you can be patient with it and your reward will be paradise so she chose to be patient with it and she but she asked for moms assalam that whenever she's overcome that she wouldn't you know she used to tear out her clothes and exposure herself so he asked that that not take place so he prayed to protect her from that can I have a good friend who is a fortune-teller with the gin or something else it might very well have been when me and my mother get together with friends and drink Turkish coffee coffee we turn the cups upside down and one of our one of us reads the cups for fun but we don't believe it is this wrong yes it is wrong does magic have something to do with the gin yes the effects of magic are through the agency of the gin do women's become angels when they die no can can we keep a dog in the house for the purpose of protection if a dog enters the house do we need to wash it for the acceptance of prayers well the dog which is kept just for a friend you know as is common in some societies where the dog becomes man's best friend people make clothing for the dogs even shoes people die and they leave all their inheritance to dogs and they have children and they don't even leave anything for them I mean this kind of approach to the dogs is prohibited in Islam a dog may be kept for protection purposes a guard dog or a dog which is used for herding sheep or a hunting dog these are the basic types of dogs which may be kept but the dog is kept in its place I mean you don't take the dog to bed with you you know he sleeps in the bed along with you kissing you in the morning when you get up and this is this whole type of approach to the dog is not acceptable Islamically as long as he is kept in his place he has a kennel a little spot where he stays then it's not necessary to clean the home or clean him I mean the dog of course should be cleaned regularly anyway but it's not a requirement for prayers to be accepted in the home and one thing to note about dogs is that sometimes you know unfortunately because you know Islam teaches us that if a dog licks or drinks from the vessel which of eternal which you are drinking from that we should pour out the content let the dog finish eating it and clean that vessel you know seven times one of the times we clean it with clean earth now this is the mode for cleaning vessels which have been which the saliva of the dog has come in contact with this is specifically for vessels for eating this is how we clean it because there is some harm that the dog possesses which is conveyed to us through this means why we use clean earth any biochemists can tell you that the vast majority of antibiotics are taken from earth sources from the earth you know people who work for the big chemical labs in Europe when they go home to different parts of the world they are asked to gather portions of Earth from their different parts and brought back because this is where antibiotics come from penicillin is coming from dust that's in the air so we know that earth clean earth has these properties now this is specifically for eating and drinking vessels it doesn't mean that if a dog licks you now you have to wash your hand seven times one of the times with dirt no if he licks your clothing same thing no actually if a dog looks who doesn't break your state of ablution if he touches your clothing it doesn't break your state of evolution these are not among the things which break the state of evolution is a misconception amongst many Muslims and what it does is it turns Muslims into having this sort of phobia about dogs you know if a person comes with a dog Muslims are running in all the directions I nobody wants to be anywhere near this dog you know for a lot of non-muslims they only think is very straight you know Muslims out this phobia about dogs because the people have gone to extremes with regards to them as I said it is only in regarding vessels from which we eat and drink can we do palm reading no palm reading is a form of fortune-telling in India we go to some sheiks who will tell us where last things are if you've lost some items we go there and they will tell us where they are you know these are righteous looking shapes with big beards and turbans and everything and they tell us where last things are or if you need somebody to like you they will tell you you know what to do and it'll get this person to like you or people can't get their daughter married they go to the Sheikh and he prepares some potions for them or whatever and it gets their daughter married this is all shook this is all involving the jinn etc knowledge of the unseen of where things are which was legitimate this was in the case of Prophet Jesus is one of his miracles that he could tell people where items were what we're in their homes etc beyond that people are dealing with the jinn what is the difference between the soul that inhabits a female and one that inhabits a male no difference the soul is the soul female male this is an external difference if a gen possesses me and can force me to do certain actions against my will am I then responsible no but this doesn't mean people can run around and say agenda made me do this this is that this before Allah right before God if a person you know is possessed and they did certain acts then there are excused and that's very important part in terms of Islamic law where you know you have a state which is referred to as temporary insanity in Western law right and the Muslim legal system yes insanity which is in our because we referred to as being Junoon in a person who's insane is called Majnoon which means they've been ginned right I said what it literally means I mean meaning that they could be under the influence of the jinn or it could be something biological also but any case a person who is known insane if they commit a crime murder or any other type of crime they are not punished according to Islamic law they may be put in an institution or whatever but not punished and this is the same basically in Western law however Western law has this other category of what they call temporary insanity you know where a person could be sane but for that moment he went insane he killed somebody raped somebody did whatever and you know after that he regains his sanity and this is a plea which people use to get out of crimes and Islamic law this is not accepted a person was insane as a person was insane before they act and after the act you know and insane doesn't mean in a person who may have extreme behavior I mean person was insane is a person who it's known when you speak to this person you speak to them you know what's your name they say the sky is blue you know their response has nothing to do with the questions that you're asking them now this is a person who's insane not a person who just gets very angry at certain times but people say you know person refer to these people as being mad but this is not acceptable according to Islamic law is it true that the say that Satan was a pious jinn before the creation of man well Satan was a bliss that is was among the Angels it is assumed that for him to have reached that elevated stage state was due to his obedience or due to certain knowledge which he had and through his disobedience he lost that status and became cursed eternally why do jinns enter pictures also does this extend to mirrors are our reflections in the mirror jinn inhabited well if you ever look in the mirror and see it doing things that you're not doing then you can believe it what we said before about the jinn you know entering pictures of things like this this is to create in the minds of people you know that these pictures have special truths to them or special holy nature or holy qualities it's actually like as a spoke about the picture which where the eyes closed or tears came from it etc if there are good jinns would they have in their world meetings lectures etc like we practicing Muslims do yes why not and also you know of course the Quran refers to gatherings of the jinns you know reading the Quran etc so we know that they do actually in relation to people being possessed how can we tell if one is well there are you know signs which have to do with changes in people's character it may involve changes in in their voice patterns so at certain times they may take on very you know filthy type habits I mean it's generally speaking it's somebody who goes right out of character they seem to have taken on another personality altogether in the West you have a category of what they call multiple personalities which are one of the examples of gin possession what do jeans look like and what would they look like in the hereafter well Allah knows the jinn we don't have any definition of them what they look like in their normal state that is when they don't take on you know human form or some other forms in our world I know that people have in the folklore that they have eyes that cats they have feet like goats and tails and all kinds of stuff but this is not authentic information why can't we see the gin but they can see us well this is how Allah has created them you know until we develop the microscope then all the microbes could see us and we couldn't see that me too you know so I mean the fact that some of our last creation you know have certain abilities which are beyond our abilities doesn't mean you know that they are more powerful than us because we have been given a status over the rest of creation and beliefs being instructed to bow was in recognition along with the Angels to that status some places I go I see things moving about and hear things how am I supposed to react to this seek refuge in Allah that is your basic reaction don't fear it because ultimately nothing can happen to us except what God has written to happen to us and the Koran it mentions the speed of angels as they travel and one day which is equivalent to fifty thousand years of ours please explain well in really there's no real explanation you know because when you go into the issue of what is it referring to in terms of one day you know is it one day one 24-hour day because a day is 24 hours on our planet a day on Saturn may be so many years you know when in a day in a year what is this year are these light years how far light travels in a year or what you know we just have a general statement from allotment Allah letting us know that the that the commands which come by way of the Angels are over huge spaces of time etc and even so they fulfill the commandments of God as they are given if we watch a show of a person practicing magic are we committing a sin well you know if the show is something where people are clearly indicating that these are just tricks I mean they're not claiming for themselves magic they're not taking on the aura of the magician but just something to entertain people that we could say that this is a permissible but preferable that we avoid it in any case because it is even though it may not be clear out and out magic it is bordering on that field that forbidden field I can gin replicate or reproduce yes there is evidence from both the Quran and Sunnah that they do have generations after them Quran refers to you know Surya there are descendants from among the jinn and men is it true that the Quran kills the jinn or keeps them away when read out loud I don't know about killing the jinn but they do repel it does repel the jinn why is it regarded so seriously in Islam to go to the fortune teller or believe what he says as I stated this involves attributing to others knowledge of the unseen which only is known to God I mean even problems assalam you know stated Allah had him state in the Quran that if he knew the unseen the hidden things then he would have gathered around him all of the good and no evil would have befallen him so when a person in this world is now claiming that he has his knowledge of the unseen he's claiming himself ready to be greater than even in the prophets what is the difference between jinn Iblees and Shaitaan well the jinn represents that other creation created from fiery origin it believes is the name of that main individual amongst the jinn who was cursed by Allah and Shaitaan is a name Satan is a name which may be applicable to both jinns and men because Allah refers to Sharon in in C well jinn they're Devils amongst both humankind and the jinn they are present the evil among the jinn or evil among mankind do the Angels do what we do but if it means going to the bathroom I don't think they do but you know do what we do they do whatever Allah commands them as Allah says naquan we have a luna my Orin they do whatever they are commanded to do they don't have a free will the only beings that have free will are the jinn the world of the jinn and human beings how does the person stopped by jinn communicating with them by reciting the Quran by protecting themselves by removing things which would attract evil in from their homes from around themselves by using the different duas which the problems are solemn the supplications which she gave us when we go to our homes when we leave our homes when we go in the bathroom when we put on our clothes etc etc my mother hasn't yet accepted Islam I'm a revert should she pass away and my elder sister insists on a chapel funeral what is the Islamic perspective on me attending the funeral well to attend the rites the funeral rites is not permissible for Muslim to attend the religious rites of any other system is not our religious group is not acceptable for one to go to the grave as a reminder of death etc it's acceptable but where one attends and takes part in the funeral rites this is not permissible can one have a jinn protector as some claim to know who do jinns tend to enter and how well the house Allah knows I know people say it comes into your foot or through your eye or your toe or whatever this is most of this delusion actually there's a book which will be available through the Islamic information center called The Exorcist tradition in Islam which I have just written it should be available maybe within the next month or so and this is a major research which I did for my PhD on the issues of possession exorcism etc and it identifies you know a lot of the misconceptions people have concerning exorcism and hopefully in sha Allah you can get this book and get greater clarification of it but the jinn generally speaking do tend to enter those people who are deviating or ignorant deviating from true religion etc they do of course sometimes affect people who are true believers they can affect them as part of the tests of this life the doobly still exists the alive yes is it true that this Kingdom is located at the in Bermuda you know the Bermuda Triangle no we can't say this is fiction is it true to say that humans were created as a sign for the angels no that is assigned to know that Allah knows everything and to worship Allah is the duty is duty given to them when they were created no we can't say this is a UFO kind of jinn operation possibly we spoke about is it true that people who don't reside in their own country immigrants can get money from the bank and take interest and it isn't Haram or a sin no this is not true the taking of interest is Haram a major Haram major sin and can only be justified where one is in a situation where life and death is a play is that question a person is in dire need of a major operation to save their lives and the Muslim community refuses to donate and to help them have this necessary operation so they take out a bank loan to save themselves this is a circumstance where Allah knows this is permissible for protection of one's life and health but other than that it is not permissible for one to take interest or pay interest and except where it comes under the area as we said before in the case of insurance where it is necessary for driving a car you must have insurance or to have certain buildings which are necessary in the Muslim community you may be required to have these insurances so you take out the minimum possible policy the general principle when dealing with these type of issues is that you only do as much as is absolutely necessary to fulfill that greater good that you're trying to achieve you know and this is based on the principle that if a person is starving to death you know plane crash on the desert whatever and the only thing that's available you know is to save your life is you know one of the members on the plane had a bottle of alcohol and that's the only thing that's there to save your life what you do is you take enough you just take you know capful what is enough to keep your keep yourself alive you feel yourself about to die you take a little bit to keep yourself alive I mean you don't just you know take a little bit nice oh that tastes real nice you know you pour yourself a full glass and then you're at it you're only allowed to take what is absolutely necessary to save your life how do you know if a hadith is right or wrong this is the science the science of analysis of hadith called Gulen hadith which teaches you based on the the narrators and the status of the narrators in terms of their ability to memorize etc you know they are classified in different classifications and the errors in which they came to know who met who if they lived in the same generation or not whatever and the text itself whether the text contradicts you know other known texts and you know there's a whole system of you know whole science there which the scholars have developed for analysis of hadith to determine which are authentic and which are not and this and this science is so rigorous if it were applied to information which is given to us today in the newspaper etc or written in books we would have to reject virtually all of these books and newspaper accounts because it deals actually with character of people's character if a person is narrating a piece of information and they are known to be a bad character then that information is rejected her purse is narrating a hadith from the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam you know he is in that chain of narrators and it is known that this person didn't pray regularly you know they didn't fast or whatever they're known to be of bad character then their hadith will be rejected simply based on their character if we use that principle with regards to what we read in the newspapers today are the books you know written by different authors etc we wouldn't accept anything we wouldn't hardly accept anything this is this is how stringent the scholars I developed the science in order to ensure that the information came to us is in fact authentic information our Muslim women allowed to go and seek Islamic knowledge they allowed to go and seek it's not Islamic knowledge as well as academic knowledge we know that almost a quarter of the religion Islamic law was conveyed to us by ayesha the third wife of the Prophet Holmes and Salim she was the the fourth most prolific narrator of hadith many studied under her and there were many of those who taught leading scholars Imam Malik and others their teachers were women so this was this is history Slavic history that women were scholars and this is one of the things in our times where the lack of female scholarship has led to arise you know of some ignorant females who have claimed for themselves knowledge you know under the banner of feminism where they are now going to make a feminist interpretation of the Quran you know this kind of nonsense you know and this is due to that lack of female scholarship and it is an error on the part of the Muslim Ummah that you know women have not had the access to Islamic scholarship that they did in the early generations could you please explain the dress requirements of Muslim women everything should be covered except for face and hands our covering of the face is also commendable it is not some people would say that it's something from Persian culture etc and not really a part of Islam or Arab culture no it is a part and parcel of the Deen it is something recommended it is in the view of some scholars that it is also compulsory majority of scholars don't hold that but at least the minimum that a woman should cover is everything except for her face and hands and she should be covered in such a way that the covering is not see-through because if it's covering see-through then it's not real covering or should not be form-fitting that it's showing the shape of our body in the parts of our body etc this is not considered proper covering either it should be loose wide and should not be especially when she's out of her home in the presence of others it should not be attractive in and of itself like a dress so it's a form of beauty attracting the attention of others because the dress is to protect her protect her modesty this out of dress that she wears when she goes outside of her home many habits nowadays are not included in the Quran for example smoking how do we assure our ascertain whether they're halal or Haram well from Islamic law we have the principle of chaos that is analogy analysis and giving rulings by way of analogy which allows us to carry rulings from what problems asalaam has addressed to things that he has not so for example smoking and I guess this is the important point because you know I think there's probably a lot of smokers out there in the audience Muslims today are tend to be some of the biggest smokers you know smoking has gone down in the West due to the that them being forced to put on the packets that it's dangerous to health and you know many campaigns against smoking so it has reduced its declined in the West smoking but in Muslim lands it has risen tremendously the fact of the matter is that the argument used by most people it's makrooh disliked this is an Islamic ruling makrooh meaning dislike meaning if you didn't do it you would be rewarded by a law but if you did it there's no sin on you now this ruling of makrooh was made about 500 years ago when tobacco first came to the Muslim world it came to the Ottoman Empire right and people started using it in fact it was the ottomans who developed cigarettes the paper cigarettes rolling it the two ottomans Muslims developed it didn't know that did you because before that people smoked in pipes huh at any rate the scholars in Turkey and elsewhere this you know had to analyze this and give a ruling on it and their ruling was that it was makrooh based on the effects that they could observe they found that the main harm when a person smoked cigarettes is that it produced a bad breath we know the smokers breath they have all kinds of things you can buy sprays etc for people who smoke bad breath so they look back in the Sharia to see in what was revealed law to see is what was the ruling on things which cause bad breath and we know Prophet Muhammad SAW Solomon said that whoever eats raw onion and garlic should not come to our masters then they took the similar rule into smoking which caused the bad breath okay similarly makrooh however since you know the fifteenth century we have had changes in our knowledge concerning smoking the 1979 the Surgeon General of the United States of America announced to America and the world that it was conclusively proven that smoking causes cancer now this has been something which had been debated for some twenty years before that they were analyzing the results and you know you had doctors saying yes smoking is causing cancer we can see the evidence statistical evidence etc and then the doctors were paid by the tobacco companies they were saying no no it's not it's not really it's you know these statistics are questionable and so and so but finally by 1979 the evidence was so overwhelming that the Surgeon General announced that it causes cancer without a shadow of a doubt and they forced all of the cigarette companies to put on every box smoking is dangerous to health right and believe that those cigarette companies didn't put it on the boxes you know out of concern for the general health of the population they are putting it because they were forced and this is big business America is only doing that because of the overall harm to the population so once we know now that smoking causes cancer we have to look for a different ruling cancer we know causes death people die from cancer and there are hundreds of thousands dying every year from cancer caused by smoking and the ruling in Islamic law within this regard is Haram whatever will kill you is haram for you to take knowing that it will kill you to take poison to drink it performs a solemn said whoever kills himself in this life will find himself killing himself in the same way perpetually in the Hellfire suicide is haram/forbidden when a person takes cigarette smoking he is committing suicide slowly but surely because it doesn't make any difference whether I take a glass a small glass of poison and drink sips of it and after one year I drop down dead or I take the full glass and drink it right now and die both ways it is suicide and forbidden so the correct ruling on smoking today is that it is haram forbidden I know some people come back with the argument I got the tea sign I'll just close off the argument here some people come back saying well there are people who smoke and don't die you know yes the the oldest woman in China she smokes a cigar every day and she's been doing it for the last 30 40 years of my life yes this iced tea it doesn't a sit on a silly die but you see Islamic law it governs the general and common sense tells you you must fall you must follow what is the general ruling concerning things for example there are people who have fallen out of airplanes forty and fifty thousand feet and have got up and walk away this happens so now what do you do when you jump out of an airplane you're going to take not take a parachute with you saying all there are people you know they have gotten up from it I'll jump out the airplane without the parachute Allah will protect me no this is nonsense you take your parachute because you don't use the exception to to judge the danger of a given situation similarly those few people who don't die though they smoked all their lives these are exceptions Allah has left them assigns to us that ultimately life and death is in his hands these are the science but we're required to follow the general circumstance not the exception most people who smoke get cancer and die the Marlboro Man remember the Marlboro Man riding on his horse with his jeans and his cap you know rugged without cigarette in his mouth for many years the Marlboro Man was you know the big symbol smoking symbol well his wife is now suing Marlboro for his her husband dying of of cancer Shahla we'll see you in the coming sessions salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh bismillahirrahmanirrahim well awesome salafi who sue 11 M&Y I mean funny happy whatever so be happy whatever else one will slaughter
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 294,106
Rating: 4.7584372 out of 5
Keywords: angels, jinn, muslim, islam, allah, islamic, demons, possession, sharia, bilal, philips, hijab, jihad, quran, koran, muhammad, jewish
Id: Toiqdm5XHMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 30sec (5310 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2007
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