Astrology - Dr. Bilal Philips

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[Music] [Music] your servant will be diverted from you Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh allows peace and blessings be on each and every one of you I'd like to welcome you dear viewers to another in our series the best of tower heat in the series we're looking at the best evidence is used by the scholars to establish the correct understanding of tawheed from an Islamic perspective so after looking at issues regarding charms and omens and we also looked at issues regarding fortune-telling we're now going on to another area related to fortune-telling connected to it this area is astrology and we touched on Australia in our previous presentation on fortune-telling because it is a branch of fortune-telling but it has taken on a life of its own and is probably the most prominent form of fortune-telling found globally you can hardly find a newspaper which does not have a column for astrology that it's become now a global standard so it is important to at least have a look at some of the arguments that Muslim astrologists have used in order to justify and to defend the use of astrology as a whole we've looked in general and the evidences with regards to fortune-telling and why and how it was prohibited in Islam stark law but now for astrology in particular where we have clear cases of Muslims who actually are engaged with astrology defending it as being a part and parcel of what is acceptable islamically you know it does need at least a little more deeper look at what their arguments are so we can be clear on it now one of the arguments that they use is that the translation of the chapter al-buruj in which Allah swears by the constellations was sama in Attenborough's this term baruj came to be used by astrologers to refer to the zodiacal science that became the common terminology well as I mentioned before you know some areas where people have deviated they have tried to put Islamic terminology on top of it to cover it with Islamic words quranic or hadith ik expressions etc to give it an air of authority an air of acceptability so the common term used in Arabic when astrology was absorbed by some elements within the Muslim world and was promoted the term baruj became the common term for the zodiacal science so in translation you will find in use of Ali's translation which is the most popular English translation from back in the 30s till very recently this term is actually translated as zodiacal science in that English translation so I remember giving a lecture in New York you know about Tauheed in which i clarified that astrology had no place in Islam and to my surprise some people in the audience I started to question me on it you know it turned out these people were themselves you know Muslim astrologists so they were arguing in defense and then they threw this out you know here it is it's right there in the Quran you know Allah is swearing by the zodiacal science meaning that they're real they are because whenever I lost swears by anything in the Quran you know whatever it may be what teenie was a tune you know by the fig and the olive whenever los swears by any elements of his creation he is giving that element special status whenever Allah swears by some parts of his creation he swears in order to give them special emphasis he elevates them amongst the various aspects of his creation so if in fact baruj meant the astrological signs then it was clear sanction for astrology which was what their argument was that Allah is swearing in the Quran the chapters called the chapter of zodiacal signs so how then can one come and say that this is that's so extreme this is how it was being express ended to me but then I had to stop them and clarify to them that in fact al-buruj does not mean zodiacal science it came to me that this term came to be used in that reference it's just like the term gay for example in the past the term gay just meant happy you know if you say so-and-so was a gay it was a happy person but then that word came to mean homosexual so you know the original meaning of the word was not that at all but now it has come to take on that meaning but when we're going to look at its usage especially usage in ancient times when the word never had that meaning then that is the the original mean is what we have to use to understand what is actually going on so reality is that what the term gurus meant was the constellations the star configurations as they are when you see them in the sky and they're changing the way they were 1400 years ago the way they will be 1000 years hence constellation is expanding stars are moving their relationships will shift so it's not in reference to the animal figures which the ancient Greeks and Romans put on those configurations they say that this configuration meant Leo the Lion and then they put a figure an animal figure of a lion where you know his tails where one major star is and his head is where another major star and now the major stars at one of his feet but then in between and no other major stars to say okay it's not like you know one of those children's puzzles where they put dots and then when you fill in the dots you do the lines and it makes an actual figure you can see a figure afterwards it's not like that at all it was just random stars you could put a thousand other images there and say that's what those stars are actually conveying so that argument is really a false argument it doesn't hold water at all though for the english-speaking world it's very powerful you know the two of the quran called the chapter of the zodiacal science you know that's just clear sanction but again this has to do with knowledge and ignorance if you don't have knowledge then you can fall into mistake misunderstanding based on ignorance here's the valley who translated the quran was not a muslim scholar he did this translation back in the 20s wasn't a muslim scholar he was good in arabic so he would use the dictionary and the dictionary used was of course the modern Arabic dictionaries that were available to him at the time so it's not surprising that we find him miss translating al-buruj here as he has miss translated many other elements of verses of the Quran and in fact the errors that came from his miss translations and misinterpretations were he included so much information in his footnotes and and endnotes and notes between chapters that the rabbit are the world Muslim League eventually banned his translation they agreed that it contained enough misinformation and you know to find a better and more accurate translation for them to better understand the Quran meanings of the Quran so with that dear viewers we're going to take a break and we will see you after the break where we will continue to look at the arguments of the Muslim astrologers in defense of astrology we will see you after the break Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu welcome back from the break prior to the break we were looking at the arguments of muslim astrologers those who would defend the practice of astrology a practice which was included among the forbidden idolatrous practices of fortune-telling the argument we looked at before was the mistranslation of surah al-buruj one of the smaller chapters towards the end of the quran where it was mistranslated as the zodiacal signs were in fact it doesn't refer to that at all but it refers to the star configurations the constellations etc the other argument which was more we could say academic and older was the use of verse 16 from the sixteenth chapter surah and null and in that verse the statement or the text of a law statement well Allah Martin or Ben as me cumbia to dune and the signs and with the stars they are rightly guided so they said this is the argument here that they're rightly guided as they said in terms of the signs are there revealed through their astrological interpretations and they are a source of guidance to the future this was how they interpreted it the signs what are the signs the star signs these are the zodiacal images which are based on the person's month of birth right and then combine that now along with the stars that they are rightly guided right they got it to what right he guided as they argue it to knowing the course of their future however even Abbas the companion of the Prophet may God's peace and blessing be upon him who the Prophet all through German and Quran or the explainer of the meanings of the Quran though it was quite young Allah blessed him with an insight he stuck with the prophets al Oliver Salim all the time he gained a lot of knowledge from him and so he had insight into the understanding of the Quran and taught it you know after the Prophet may God's peace and blessing be upon him died though he was as I said quite young and even the rest of the Companions they recognized his strength in terms of Quranic interpretation so he in explaining this verse had said that the verse meant Road science the Allah not mentioned the signs we're not talking about the star signs because Allah is talking about guidance in both day and night in the daytime the al-ahmad represented the road signs the landmarks you know which people may take to guide them during the daytime you know how mountains look they may give it some kind of a name whatever you know there would be various earth constructions as we drive along the road you can see you know when you're driving out in the wilderness you can see various signs that you can take as markers that if you come back that way you know you want to guide somebody you say okay drive past this particular sign you know where there's a particular tree particular small mountain or big mountain you know a river whatever you know these are the signs they're the road signs the signs on a path that people would take for knowing which way to go in the daytime and at night the stars provide a means by which those who are traveling in the night where you can't now depend on the road signs with this pitch-black the only thing that can I do now are the Stars and that's what the travelers at night used the Stars for they line up with the North Star or whatever and they keep that at a particular position where they're riding and they know that they can travel in a particular direction so and that's how they would guide others you know you take the North Star as your marker and you travel so many days keeping it on your right-hand side and then travel so many other days keeping it on your left whatever they would give directions by using the Stars so this is what the first referred to that they were guided by the science during the daytime and they were guided by the Stars when they traveled at night or when they were at sea you know at night on the land or on the sea so it is then false argument is then a false argument to try to find support for astrology in Quranic texts in fact the further we go into the hadith concerning this matter we have clear hadith from the Prophet may God's peace and blessing be upon him found in Sunan Abu Dawood authentically collected in which the prophet sallahu solemn said whoever learns a branch of astrology of this tell you do sciences has learned a branch of magic whoever learns a branch of astrology has learned a branch of magic in another narration abu maryam quoted the prophet saws a lama saying what I fear the most for my nation after my time is the injustice of their leaders the belief in the Stars and the denial of divine destiny belief in the stars that is astrology belief in using the stars to determine the future so astrology is simply a form of fortune-telling it's just another form and we know the ruling for fortune-telling is that if one engages in it even out of curiosity his or her prayers are not accepted for 40 days and nights and if they go on to actually believe in it then as the parcel Salim said whoever approaches an oracle or fortune-teller and believes in what he says he has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad may God's peace and blessings be upon him and this was authentically narrated and collected in the sunan of abu dawud so there is no doubt that astrology being a form of fortune-telling is prohibited so strongly that it causes one who engages in it to do acts of disbelief not to say they are disbelievers but they are in fact committing acts of disbelief and the degree to which they go into it is the degree to which they fall deeper and deeper into disbelief so as a Muslim we should avoid everything that is connected to it we know that the issues of the unseen even the prophet sallahu Salim didn't know the future and Allah had him say in surah of the seventh chapter verse 188 welcome to alamou libelous takfir terminal hair messenia sue in Anna Alana Varun Baba Sheeran likami you me noon if I knew the unseen I would surely have only sought the good but I'm only a Warner and a bearer of glad tidings for the believers if the bombs are Selim had known the unseen then no evil would have touched him he would have been free from any hurt but we know in his life that people did occur bad things did happen he was wounded in battles etcetera so the future is something only known to allah subhanaw taala you know this is part of his characteristics as allah said in surah al-anam verse 59 were in Daruma 44 a lion omaha allahu with him are the keys to the unseen and none knows it except him alone this is his area of knowledge hola Alamo Memphis Sumati will out a laborer in la la say none in the heavens nor the earth knows the unseen except Allah that is surah Mahan verse 65 so it is on the basis of these evidences and others that we understand that Allah alone knows the future with certainty the weatherman may predict the future or an engineer looking at the building will say this building is gonna fall down in the next year and the trial falls down in the next year what does that mean he knew the future no he knew the false and the consequence of such faults in a building he knew that structurally the building would eventually crumble so it's not about the future in that sense but of course even though it's talking about a possibility to come it should really say as a Muslim if you were Muslim kaduk you see we should say it will fall in a year inshallah Allah willing as Allah said in this world calf you know don't say anything that you will do tomorrow without adding if Allah wills so with that dear viewers we conclude this episode of the best of tawheed in which we have looked at the arguments used by those who seek to promote astrology as being Islamic when in fact it is completely honest Lamech even though they are found verses from the Quran names of chapters to try to cover their practice give it legitimacy in fact it is illegitimate astrology is a form of shirk and Muslims should be aware of it and stay as far away from it as possible with that dear viewers I'd like to thank you again for being with us and hope to see you in our coming episodes insha Allah Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh [Music] online university prevents you with the golden opportunity to study the various branches of Islamic studies from the comforts of your home now you get to study at your own time schedule and at a pace that suits you best IOU is the brainchild of dr. bilal philips who envisioned an institution that would offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses online and completely tuition free choose from the widest range of programs that you can ever imagine bachelor's in Islamic studies intensive Arabic program global Quran memorization program bridge to masters in Islamic studies bachelor's certificate and diploma in psychology education is la mcfine ance Business Administration and information technology and the crown masters in Islamic studies our syllabus is based on the bachelors degree program of Medina University home Durman Islamic University al-azhar university and other reputable Islamic 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Channel: Bilal Philips
Views: 12,148
Rating: 4.9406528 out of 5
Keywords: astrology, aqeedah, names & attributes of Allah, tawheed asma wa sifat, uniqueness of Allah according to his names and attributes, islamic lecture, Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Philips, oneness of Allah, Allah, God, Gods, One God, principles of tawheed, tawhid, Arguments of Muslim Astrologists, The Islamic Ruling on Horoscope, horoscopes, stars, jinn, astrologers
Id: m3vgWp9Fgew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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