The Blind Heart - Dr. Bilal Philips

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a topic called the blind heart and there's hardly anything we need to say in introduction I don't need to introduce a Bilal to you everyone knows who he is so the Fotolia here is that gonna love it chef the brothers are taping so they need just half a minute before you start they're ready now ok hamdulillah or salat WA Salam o Rasul Allah I'll praise due to Allah and may Allah's peace and blessings be on the last Messenger of Allah the blind heart this title is taken from a verse in surah al-hajj verse 46 where Allah says there for in the harlot Armel of Saul were like in Tamil pool ubu Latifah sued or indeed it is not the site which becomes blind but the hearts in the chest that become blind I show a sham pity the author of AD wall by on one of the books of tafseer that's here of the Quran by the Quran he said that because the blindness of the eyes along with the sight of the heart is not harmful all I use this metaphor and that is in contrast with the opposite for one whose eyes are blind can reflect and benefit from the sight of the heart indeed it is not the sight which becomes blind but the hearts in the chest which become blind Allah talks here about a particular kind of blindness if somebody were to ask you you know what's the worst thing that could happen to you a lot of people would say to lose my sight to become blind physically blind this is amongst the worst things that could happen imagine you can't see anything you have to function in the world without being able to see however the Prophet some live assalam he quoted allah subhana wa ta'ala as saying it up today - Abdi B Habib at a possible I want to whom in her I want to whom in whom al Jenna a word to whom in whom al Jenna indeed if I test my creature by taking his sight and he is patient I'll replace them with paradise if I test my creature my slave Abdi by taking his sight this is the worst thing we said could happen to us lose your sight if he is patient Allah promises to replace the loss of his sight with paradise to be patient means that his heart has to still be able to reflect its the heart still sees what is right he's lost the sight of his eyes but his heart is still in the right place it's still seeing what is right what is right is that we are patient with the trials of life whatever Allah puts on us is for a good purpose no matter how bad it may seem no matter how painful it may be if Allah has put it on us it is for our benefit if our hearts can reflect on that can understand it then we see if our hearts can't our hearts can't accept it then our hearts become blind and this life becomes wretched elsewhere in the Quran in surah verse 72 Allah says there woman kanafeh ha de armor for fill our hero teamö well dholusa Villa whoever was blind in this life will be more blind and astray in the next whoever was blind in this life will be more blind than astray in the next what does that mean whoever was blind in this life in what sense blind physically or blind in the heart huh blind in the heart blindness of the heart if they have blindness of the heart then they will be blind in the next life as Allah said in surah taha verses 124 to 126 whoever turns away from remembering me will have a wretched life and I will resurrect him blind on the Day of Resurrection and he will say rob-beee lima hasar taniyama walketh kun to basarat' my lord why have you raised me up blind when I used to have sight and Allah will say to him Kanika at Attica ayat una Fennessy Taha vaca Daniken yo mattoon sir my science came to you but you disregarded them so in the same way on this day you are disregarded the hearts that are blind and of course when Allah speaks about the blind heart is not talking about the physical heart when the profits are Salim said in allaha lions aru allows o alikum walaikum where I can younger o Allah Pulu become WOM aleikum indeed Allah doesn't look at your forms and your wealth instead he looks at your hearts and your deeds indeed Allah doesn't look at your forms your face your shape and your wealth instead he looks at your hearts and your deeds and on another occasion he said in the Phil JC d Madhava in the salah hat salut Hanja sudoku loo where the facet that facade LJ sudoku loo allah wa al qalam indeed there is a clump of flesh in the body if it becomes good the whole body becomes good and if it goes bad the whole body becomes bad indeed it is the heart so Allah spent Allah and the Prophet SAW Solomon is Sunnah he stressed the importance of taking care of our hearts we tend to be more concerned with taking care of our bodies how we look the kind of clothes we wear our form our outer form is what is most important to us but reality is that what should be most important is our hearts and of course when Allah and His Messenger when they refer to the heart they're not talking about the physical heart in the body because that heart can be replaced in 1967 dr. Christian Barnard he replace the first human heart with another heart that man lived for 18 days and in 2001 doctors gray and down Ling they replaced another man's heart a man by the name of Robert tools replaced his heart with a mechanical heart and he lived for five months so when their hearts were changed did they change no so when a loss amount Allah and the Prophet SAW seldom speak about the heart they're speaking about the essence of the human being the essence the internal being you not the physical external but you your essence your soul and your soul resides according to the Quran and the Sunnah in the place of the heart and that's why it's referred to as the heart but not the physical thing because that may be confusing to you so Allah SWA Allah tells us to be concerned about our souls ourselves but we have to take care of these cells and this is most important because otherwise this life becomes wasted and the life becomes wretched because Allah had said in the previous verses what I mentioned woman out of the un-- decree for in Allah whom Aisha tan Danka whoever turns away from remembering me will have a wretched life one who doesn't look after his or her heart their life will be wretched they will never find happiness real happiness and this is what is happening in the society around us when we look in the media the media shows a certain individuals singers actors and others who seem to have everything their lives are full with wealth and pleasure and fun and everything but you hear about them killing themselves taking drugs their lives are a mess in spite of all of those things the wealth the beauty how handsome how beautiful they look in spite of all of that they still end up killing themselves abusing themselves harming themselves with drugs and these kinds of things why because their hearts were blind blinded Hatem olive wanna go Looby him Allah sealed their hearts because they turned away they turned away from a lost Matala and they indulged in the forbidden things an evil and sin and corruption then their hearts become darkened blind ultimately so instead for the believer for the Muslim he or she should be concerned about their heart prophet muhammad sallahu wa sallam taught us a dua dua about the heart which we all should learn it was narrated by omer even omar the prophet saw solemn said allahumma inni ah who do become in Alban life sha women do are in lima omen of sin la Sushma woman L min lion far I although become in Ha Allah in our bar o Allah I seek refuge in you from a heart without the fear of God a prayer unanswered and unsatisfied soul and knowledge of no benefit I seek refuge in you from these four oh Allah I seek refuge in you from a heart without fear a heart which has no fear of Allah that is the blind heart it has no fear of Allah it is not conscious of Allah it is not guided by Allah in any way shape or form as a result woman dua and I use my one's heart that is blind when he or she makes du'a is a lot going to here it is Allah going to answer that door no because the heart is blind it's only going through the ritual the person whose heart is not conscious of Allah when he or she raises their hands in prayer it is just a ritual so it will not be answered I'm enough sin LaRouche ba and from the soul that is unsatisfied what happens when the heart is blind the soul can never be satisfied it seeks satisfaction from the things around like through drugs through women through wealth through power through all kinds of things of the material things of this world it will seek happiness through it satisfaction contentment but will it reach it will it achieve it no that blind heart will never be satisfied that's why the Prophet SAW Solomon said that if the child of Adam were given a valley of gold it would want another Valley never satisfied but real wealth is the wealth which is in the heart as a prophet alsalam said lay salvina min Katsura to Muhammad wealth true wealth is not from a lot of property Khafre tool Arad what eikenella Hina Hin enough however true wealth is the wealth of the soul wealth of the heart the heart which is alive which reflects which sees and understands that is the heart which is truly content it finds contentment in this life satisfaction guaranteed furthermore or main element lion fire the heart which is blind cannot benefit from knowledge so allah the prophet assalam told us to seek refuge from knowledge of no benefit which is the consequence of the blind heart where when truth comes the person cannot benefit from the truth it is in opposition to the truth so when one seeks refuge from the heart without fear of allah when they seek refuge from all of this and that's why the Prophet SAW said I'm close to dois saying I will do bika min how Allah Allah and I seek refuge in you from all four of these so if we are to understand what the blind heart is and how to cure it we need to know what are the signs of the blind heart based on what we have covered so far we can look at the signs of the blind heart let's see if we can get up the signs of the blind heart here the first sign of the blind heart is negligence of Allah it is a heart which is full of doubt not sure about a law and about anything it's the type of heart who easily is set on ease by the question who created Allah ah we're supposed to believe in Allah but then who created Allah that is the heart which is doubtful but is not really conscious you can't ask the question who created Allah because Allah had no beginning you can't create what has no beginning you can only create something which has a beginning so to ask who created Allah is a nonsensical question it's a question which is ridiculous Allah is the creator of everything or some people will say out of negligence of Allah I didn't ask a lot to create me so why should I have to pray and I'll do all these other things I didn't ask him to create me have you heard that question before you heard people say that I didn't ask a lot to create me some people say that this is again signs of a blind heart you don't want to die you're happy that you're living but you're not thankful to Allah that he brought you into this world this is a doubtful heart negligent of Allah such a person of course Salah either he or she is not praying they only pray when mom and dad says pray mom and dad are standing around then they will pray but if mom and dad don't see them and they're off with their friends etc no Sola Sola is only something that they do when somebody's around to order them to do it that is negligence of Allah if a person if you feel that then know that you have a degree of blindness of the it ii jumped around here somewhere are you doing it okay admonition or advice has no effect admonition or advice has no effect meaning people advise you to what's right do this you shouldn't really do this has no effect in fact you dislike the truth when people come to you the truth you can't you don't like to hear it it's difficult to accept you can't submit to it advice has no effect whether somebody told you don't do it or they told you do it it's all the same you're gonna do it anyway the third sign is no guilt or pain when sin is committed know that that was a part of admonition go to the next one no guilt or pain when sin is committed instead pleasure and peace of mind when the person does a sin does what is Haram what is forbidden they don't feel any guilt they don't feel any pain there's no no feeling sense of wrongness there and instead what happens they feel pleasure doing that sin they only feel pleasure and peace of mind they feel good that was nice that is the sign among the signs of the blind heart the fourth and last one which I'm mentioning to you is discomfort being in the company of the righteous and comfort in the company of the corrupt meaning when you are invited to be amongst good people you feel uncomfortable oh they're talking about stuff they're talking about Islam I don't really feel like being around them no I prefer to be with the other guys we're talking about what talking about cars and women drugs having a good time hip-hop whatever Bob huh that's one of the signs of the blind heart so we have to ask ourselves to the degree that we have these four signs major signs and there are other signs I'm only mentioning four of the major signs the more of those signs we have the more blind our hearts are the less we have the more our hearts are alive so what is the cure how do we cure these illnesses these diseases that are blinding our hearts well there are four basic cures that we can look at the first cure is sincere remembrance of God to remember Allah sincerely either by the car the Corolla to say subhanAllah alhamdulillah will and I am Allah Allah Akbar to say these words of remembrance which the Prophet SAW solemn told us say them understanding what they mean saying them at the appropriate times when we finish eating alhamdulillah when we see something amazing Allah Akbar when we see something which catches our attention subhanAllah so we use these phrases and we say them with meaning we make them a part of our daily life this is one of the ways of curing the blind heart also dua that we turn to allah and sincere repentance turn to allah call on him be conscious of him make dua which has meaning not just rattle off arabic phrases and words but actually think about what you're saying say it in your own language say it because you communicate we're talking about do I not salah with dois make du'a after the prayers make dua to Allah SWA Allah sincerely from your heart asking Allah to help you we say it hiddenness rata mustaqim or Allah show us the straight path we need to ask for it regularly this will help to cure us of the negligence of Allah and also the Quran this is a part of remembrance of Allah to read the Quran regularly to read it and reflect on its meanings even just a little bit every day in the morning with our families read the Quran this will help us to remember Allah it will help us to reflect on Allah it is all a part of the cruel law the second cure second cure is righteous deeds do the good things that we know we should be doing do the right thing and the different circumstances we catch ourselves in try to do the right thing and do it when people advise us right when people advise us to do good things try to do them in fact we should go and seek out good deeds good things good actions good words and to do and to say them as much as we can because being good is what is required of us being good is what is required of us being bad though it may make you popular in some circles being bad you're the hero you're the baddest guy on the block right so you're the hero but really you've lost your way because success in this life will depend on how good you are failure will depend on how bad you are the third the third cure for the blind heart is repentance and remorse that you feel bad about what you did maybe the first time you did that bad thing you're still feeling no guilt but you stop yourself and say hey you know this is not a good thing I really shouldn't be doing it though you don't necessarily feel it in your heart but if at least you try to stop yourself tell yourself that it's not good if you do it more and more times eventually then your heart will come alive and realize and accept and reflect and know that what you're doing is not right so you repent to Allah you say a stop film law I seek your forgiveness Allah and you say it reflecting and thinking about what you're doing prophet muhammad saw salaam had said that we should seek forgiveness from allah and that he himself used to do it more than a hundred times every day a stop Rula stop for more when we do it we should think about what we are seeking a lot forgiveness for not just to do it as a ritual start for the lost art for a lost art for the law and if you keep doing that you can do it faster and faster in stock photo so you can finish off your hundred in a minute but you didn't know what you said and your heart wasn't in it so there you're still in the blind state for you to come alive you have to think you have to reflect your heart has to be involved in mystic far and seeking forgiveness from Allah and the fourth principle is to seek the company of the righteous you have to change your company if the people around you are not good they're not encouraging you to be good they are themselves blind their hearts are blind then you have to leave them you have to go and find those who will help you to keep your heart alive help you for your heart to reflect because they are conscious they are aware this is the challenge the challenge of overcoming the blind heart as Allah said for in the harlot Amon of sorrow were like in Tamil Telugu Latifah sued or indeed it is not the sight which becomes blind but the hearts in the chest that become blind I ask Allah to help us to clean up our hearts and bring them alive that they would reflect and remove the blindness from them protect us help us to protect our hearts that is basically what I wanted to share with you this evening if you have any questions you'd like to ask we have a few minutes to take a few questions like we have one written question here shake you mentioned that the heart is not a real heart no the heart is a real heart right the heart is a real heart but I said the heart in these verses and in the hadith of the Prophet SAW Salaam it refers to the location and not the physical heart it's still real the heart which means the soul is still real the fact that angel Gabriel took out problems asylums heart and cleaned it on two occasions doesn't mean that the heart which we spoke about here is different or that that heart is referring only to the physical as I said that spiritual heart the heart of us our core when you talk about you know you love somebody with all your heart I mean this is really that physical thing in there no but that is the location so if angel Gabriel took out the heart and cleansed it the physical as well as spiritual this was a miracle a miracle by a lost one to Allah which was done through angel Gabriel do you think anybody can take your heart out now cut it open and clean it clean it of sin but maybe if you have a lot of cholesterol it can clean out some of the things that are clogging it up for you but clean it of sin No or can they pour Eman in it like angel Gabriel did into the heart of perform Salah so what we're talking about as I said in the very beginning was not that physical organ pumping blood but the heart of the individual the core the soul the essence how do you know what's I on or what science tell you that Allah has forgiven you just know that if you are sincere if one is sincere in asking a loss forgiveness then Allah will forgive you no matter how many times that we turn back to Allah if we are sincere he will forgive that is certainty if we're praying to Allah not certain that he's going to forgive us then our prayer seeking forgiveness is going to be defective when we pray to Allah as a prophet assalam said order Allah want to move cannula Binney Java you should call on a law being certain that he answers your prayers so when we turn to Him in repentance we have to certainly believe that he will forgive us because if we don't believe that if we have doubt about the laws forgiveness then we will not turn to him sincerely yeah and something is odd place ally why you have a lizard some solid wood inshallah am I happy this stuff before it the queue um question about a woman who everytime she reminds her husband to go and pray keep saying in sha Allah Allah you know there will come a time when I will pray well that is not a good relationship because obviously it is not built on worshiping Allah and remember that the Prophet SAW selamat said Anna car Nisswa Dean that marriage is half of the religion it is half of the religion so that half is not being fulfilled in that marriage so if that woman has tried and then tried to encourage him and he still refuses to pray then the best thing is to leave him it's the best thing to leave him if he's not changing he's not making any effort just saying inshallah inshallah inshallah things can only get worse anybody like to ask a question think we have a microphone here and come and ask go ahead it's a microphone I don't know if I can hear you anybody I'd like to ask a question just come up to the mic here can line up in front of the mic and ask the question or shout what if you have like a Muslim friend and you tell him to pray with you but he doesn't he said he refuses if you have a Muslim friend and you ask him to pray with you and he refuses well the best thing is to find out why try to find out why is he refusing so if he has some mistaken idea then you try to correct that idea if he does know he should be praying and everything but he just doesn't want to pray then you need to find another friend because remember as Professor Salim said you will be raised on the day of judgment with your friends go ahead how could a heart be blind how can a heart be blind well I think you weren't listening to the lecture can somebody explain for him how the heart can be blind please somebody was awake in the lecture how can your heart be blind how can you explain how your heart can be blind you're stretching stretch with your arms down huh who's gonna who's gonna explain to him how the heart can be blind please I want one of you all to explain huh okay go ahead go to the mic explain to him how the heart can be blind like if you don't believe in Allah if you don't fear Allah if you don't fear Allah and like if you don't pray or do any of that sort of stuff and if you any hang around with God like if you hang around with normal some people all right that's how your heart becomes blind if you don't fear Allah then you won't do the right thing you won't be able to see the right thing to do okay question if you want to make an ask a question just line up just go to the mic and ask if anybody else wants to ask just go and line up and take your turns go ahead if you do not if you do not like believe in Allah will you like go to hell will you go to hell fire yeah if you don't believe in Allah yes you will go to hell next question go ahead what about if if you had no time in school to pray if you didn't have time at school to pray okay um if the school doesn't will you pray when you go home if you didn't have a chance to pray at school do you pray when you go home huh if it's also time if you didn't pray lore and it's also time you pray your door first and then your answer however if there's a lot a better friend can you go closer to the mic please how about if there's not a better friend than the friend that doesn't pray like if a friend is I can't hear you still you're talking but go closer to the mic how about if there's and there's a like a friend that's not better than the friend that doesn't pray like there's a friend that doesn't pray but the others are not better than him if your friend doesn't pray but the others are not better than him if all the people around you don't pray is that what you're saying basically well you have to go find someplace else with people pray or you have to convince them to pray you have to talk to them you have to find out why they're not praying you have to encourage them until you get some of them to pray with you ah talk into the mic how about if they don't want to if they don't want to then you have to find some people who want to pray and make them your friends as you're saying earlier in the lecture um you say something about how the son of Adam if even though if he had one value of gold he would want another yeah exactly mean about that huh what do you mean exactly what do you mean by that yeah well it means that you're never satisfied if you had one value of gold you should say that should be enough for you should be enough but no when you have one value of gold you you want another value of gold the meaning the more you have the more you want right or they say the grass is always greener on the other I'd heard that before yeah that's what it means that we're never satisfied the more you have okay right now you want to have motorbike you get a motorbike then you want to have a car you get a car you wanna have an airplane you know after the airplane you wanna have a rocket ship you know whatever you're never satisfied that is how human beings are ok next recently I came across hadith that says that a brother shouldn't hit a Muslim brother in the face because unless apparent Allah has created man in the form in his own in his form I was wondering because my friend said that his is a pronoun going back to the man himself I say that it's actually going back to almost panatela meaning that Allah created human in the form of allah not resembling just in the same form ie can see can hear so on he insisted the pronoun goes back to man and this doesn't concur with the Quran Allah says nothing is like others pantalla I wish you if you can clarify anything ok I'm a chef Nasir Dean Allen Barney one of the leading hadith scholars of this century he held the same position that the pronoun when it says Allah created Adam in his form that his form refers to the form in which he created Adam not in a lost form that this was his opinion and he brought other Hadees to support that and I believe also that is the strongest opinion and when he went to a doctor for anonymous pardon why did it want is evil when when I want speaking to the mic please if you go to the doctor appointment stewardess I would and you come home at I should time already do if you go for a doctor's appointment and you miss the and AH sir and mullah rib that's a very long doctor's appointment you must be having open heart surgery and brain surgery and everything all together to get that one in that's it that's a serious surgery no I don't think that's too likely to happen really you know maybe you might you might miss your uh sir but the point is what you what you do is if you know you're going to the doctor's office is going to take a period of time in which you're going to miss one of your prayers then you make the intention to join your prayers say before you go to the office to the doctor's office it's like the third time so what you do is you praise or and Oscar at that time and then go you understand and if you know you're going to be delayed and miss mowcher rib then you make the intention to pray Maghrib and Isha together you understand um if if you have a blind heart or you can go to hell if you want if you have a blend hurt are you gonna go to hell if you have a what blind heart I can go to hell a blind heart well if you have a blind heart you're on a road to hell as long as you don't wake up and see again then you will end up in hell but you can change it if these descriptions that I gave you of the blind heart if it matches you then know you can change it because there is a way to change it um so don't give up our friend wants to know if if you're honest money try I say Haram if you're what to be in a small tribe tribalism tribalism now what do you mean huh it's my Lily what oh this my Lily's Act tribe is there an Ismaili tribe hello is it hard on to be on a tribe any tribe basically apparently the question is about tribalism tribalism is it haram to be a part of a tribe so to speak tribalism well tribalism we're person fields that his tribe is superior to other tribes you know this is something hated in Islam it is haram because we are all from Adam Adam is our parents the brothers awesome said Adam is from dust we're all the same okay I'm just going to ask all the youngsters to please if the question is having a tribe as brother saying know having a tribe is like having a family you know the tribe is only an extended family so everybody belongs to some family or some tribe so there's nothing wrong with being within a tribe but when you start to feel that you are superior to others simply because you are born in this tribe or in this place this is what is Haram well get him out if you make a mistake in solo whoa rest of you please can't hear the question if you make a mistake in solo what do you do if you make a mistake in solo if you make a mistake in salaat depends on the kind of mistake what kind of mistake you pass wind like when you say soprano you sources panel panel on a team uses you say something else if ok no no that that kind of mistake if instead of saying subhanAllah be allowed in for example since venerable Allah it's okay that's alright you catch yourself it's not it's only if you if you if you make a mistake where you forget a raka you know you went from standing all the way down to so Julie left out to rock or something like this then you have to repeat the raka and at the end of which you make two sujood to frustrations for forgetfulness little mistakes are okay is alright um if you're mistaken Quranic recitation it's okay sorry okay I like Osama Kathy chef what kind of Messiah would you give to parents then book a coup for standards on to their children as far as when it's appropriate to get married what advice would I give to parents then we'll coo for standards on to their children as far as when it's appropriate to get married ah okay general advice is that when young people are able to get married they have the means or they can get your support then they should be encouraged to marry my early marriage is something which is encouraging the pseudonym of Los Alamos idiom Asha Asha reminisced atomic mole boffin it is old or young people whoever amongst you is able should marry so this is something encouraged in Islam and delaying marriage is really only asking for trouble so my general advice to parents would be to encourage their use to marry younger to avoid falling into boyfriend/girlfriend relations and other forms of corruption sama chakra Baraka la vie comme um sure I was asking um if a young child like a youth can you have a blind heart and if he does will Allah forgive him more easily than a grown adult who was a blind hurt um a youth can have a blind heart sure but that heart if he is not if he's below puberty then it doesn't affect him once he reaches puberty reaches manhood it becomes a young man now then that blind heart is going to be counted against him right all right bye aha la za Naraku go ahead is it you do all Christians go to hell is it true that all Christians are going to hell no no it is not necessarily so not anymore is it true that all Muslims are going to paradise right it depends on the person if the person is a true Muslim then he will go to paradise if he is a Christian who believes that Jesus was God then of course he'll not go to paradise with that belief unless his situation was that he didn't receive the message and then Allah has another arrangement for those people who didn't receive the message okay this is a question I think we're going to shift over now to the next program which is bridging the gap between parents and youths before doing that it's just a couple of questions from the sisters one were similar to that last question I heard that some of the people were not Muslims and do not have access to find the truth have a chance of to go to heaven is that true yes it's true as the Prophet Solomon said that those people who didn't receive the message would be brought back before the final judgment and a messenger would be sent to them last question when you are praying the Shaitaan says bad things in your head or
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Keywords: allah, quran, islam, islamic, muslim, prophet, messenger, muhammad, mohamed, pbuh, saws, qur'an, sunnah, hadith, hijab, nasheed, jihad, sharia, fiqh, madhhab, sufi, salafi, shia, sunni, haram, halal, lecture, speech, speaker, shaykh, imam, god, ummah, ramadhan, hajj, salah, convert, revert, da'wah, debate, dajjal, niqab, akbar, heaven, hell, religion, religious, preacher, adhan, 'the, deen, show', tafseer, recitation, tawheed, swt, surah, spirituality, worship, pray, prayer, fatwa, soul, purification, salaf, shirk, sins, mosque, masjid, sufism, muslims, song
Id: _aISDbM_ncE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 57sec (3297 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2011
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